What food to feed a Scottish fold kitten

Update date: 02/14/2021 14:36:52 20045 Share:

Author of the article: Astafieva Ekaterina Alekseevna

*Review of the best according to the editors of simplerule.ru. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Scottish cats are sweet, calm fluffy cats with a good disposition and special dietary needs. When it comes to choosing ready-made food for a Scottish cat, everything is much simpler than when creating an individual menu from natural products. And yet, a number of nuances need and are important to take into account - this will help you choose a perfectly balanced, tasty and healthy food for your pet. We will talk about the specifics of choosing a quality option and the best high-end food.

How to choose the best option

Feed classes

All prepared foods are divided into several categories:

  1. Economy

    – based on by-products, soy, flavor enhancers (they cause addiction), preservatives, etc. Such foods do not contain meat at all. Such products do not provide much nutritional value and can sometimes be harmful. The animal constantly feels hungry and can eat a lot.

  2. Premium

    – cheap varieties of meat (about 40-50%), offal, natural additives. The percentage of digestibility is quite high.

  3. Superpremium

    – the main component is high-quality meat with the addition of vegetables, grains, valuable oils, vitamins and minerals, and ingredients for hair removal. The product is free of flavor enhancers, synthetic preservatives and other “chemicals”. A separate type of food is provided for each age category. Digestibility reaches 90%. Super premium food is rarely advertised on TV.

  4. Holistic

    – the best of the best – 50% or more consist of high-quality meat, do not contain by-products, include a high-quality mineral and vitamin complex, natural oils, herbs, vegetables and fruits, as well as components for improving digestion, hair removal, normalizing the pH level of urine and etc. Almost completely absorbed. They are distinguished by high nutritional value - a small amount is enough for your pet to be satisfied.

Advice. For the Scottish breed, high-quality food from time-tested brands is recommended.


Conventionally, all cat foods can be divided into complete and additional. Complete ones do not require any additives: they completely satisfy the animal’s daily diet. This type of food is optimal for Scottish cats of any age and gender. Experts recommend choosing a brand carefully and, when “approving” a pet, not changing this brand.

Additional food was created in order to make the fluffy's diet even more varied. Such products are not suitable for daily consumption. When choosing the best one, you should pay attention to the composition (vague statements are unacceptable), expiration date and production date. Consider not only the price, but also the daily feed amount and product volume.

Features of the cat's body

To create a complete diet for a cat, one type of food is enough, if it is selected in accordance with its age and needs:

  1. Kitten - ready-made food for it - a hygienic and simple feeding option. A complete and healthy diet can only be obtained by using food from the premium segment. The daily rate must be agreed with a specialist. Remember: little Scots eat more often than adults (7-10 times a day).
  2. An adult cat - a feature of purebred cats - is the need for high-protein food. Preference should be given to this option. The serving size can be calculated taking into account the cat’s activity, its habits, etc.
  3. Aging individual - when the animal reaches 7 years of age, it is important to reconsider the pet’s diet. Aging cats are prone to obesity, their metabolism is slow, and age-related diseases develop. It is better to give preference to high-calorie food of premium class and higher, enriched with a complex of microelements, vitamin C and tocopherol. Feed in small portions.
  4. A sterile individual is the main problem of Scottish sterilized cats and neutered cats - ICD. The latter suffer from urolithiasis much more often. When choosing food, pay attention to specialized lines for sterile animals. Such products contain substances that acidify urine (this is the norm for cats). High levels of calcium, magnesium or phosphorus are contraindicated for sterilized Scots - they provoke the formation of stones.

Features of feeding

Any cat, even the Scots, is a predator, so it is important to understand that the basis of an adult pet’s diet is meat. But babies can generally be fed only with milk, but the development of physical and mental processes depends on the timely introduction of this or that product into the Scottish Fold menu. When feeding, it is important to follow a time frame.

A properly formulated diet and feeding scheme is the key to the health of Scottish fold or straight-eared cats.

Rating of the best food for Scottish cats

The best food for Scottish kittens1NOW Natural holistic (with vegetables and fresh meat, grain-free)1 600 ₽
2Wahre Liebe "Junge"4 100 ₽
31st Choice Kitten1 900 ₽
4Hill's Science Plan (with tuna meat)1 000 ₽
The best food for adult Scottish cats1NOW Natural holistic (with vegetables and fresh meat)2 400 ₽
2GO! NATURAL Holistic (four meats, grain-free) 2 700 ₽
3Almo Nature (with turkey meat)1 090 ₽
4Hill's Science Plan Nature's Best (with vegetables, rice and chicken)2 000 ₽
51st Choice Adult Cat Chicken Formula2 550 ₽
6Acana Pacifica for Cats1 900 ₽
7Earthborn Holistic, Primitive Feline Natural Cat Food1 580 ₽

Feeding rules

A 9-week-old pet already takes all its food on its own.
As a rule, 2-month-old babies come into the house, so upbringing and health care falls on the shoulders of the owner. There is no need to constantly give milk, they already eat adult food. The baby’s natural food should not stagnate (always fresh), and dry food for kittens should be freely available. They will not be able to overeat, since fold-eared and straight-eared cats are independent of food. Vitamins for Scottish Fold kittens are given with the permission of a veterinarian.

The best food for Scottish kittens

NOW Natural holistic (with vegetables and fresh meat, grain-free)

Rating: 4.9

Natural, hypoallergenic, holistic food for kittens is unique in its kind - the first grain-free cat food. Suitable as a permanent diet for kittens aged 5 weeks to 1 year, as well as pregnant Scottish cats. A distinctive feature is all-natural turkey and duck meat raised on Canadian farms (no by-products - only fresh boneless meat). This is a source of high-quality, easily digestible protein. The absence of grains guarantees a minimal likelihood of developing allergic reactions in a young animal.

NOW Natural holistic food for Scottish kittens contains a whole complex of amino acids (to maintain the health of all body systems), Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids (to strengthen immunity, improve skin and bone condition), as well as pre- and probiotics (to maintain healthy intestinal microflora).

The ideal balance of proteins and fats ensures the full, rapid development of the baby. The product does not contain grains, gluten, dyes, growth hormones, and the toxins BHA and BHT (toxic fat-soluble preservatives).


  1. Ideal balance of fats and proteins;
  2. Fresh quality poultry meat;
  3. Reliably protects the immune system;
  4. Stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  5. Easy to digest;
  6. No harmful additives;
  7. Does not contain grains.


  1. Not detected.

Wahre Liebe "Junge"

Rating: 4.8

An excellent option for dry food with colostrum to strengthen the immunity of babies of any breed, including Scottish cats. The German brand has distinguished itself from other manufacturers with an original additive - the colostrum included in the composition (cow's mother's milk) allows you to increase the protective functions of the still fragile cat's body.

The need for high-quality protein is more than satisfied by the meat contained in the composition (chicken, turkey) - about 30% and eggs. The source of carbohydrates is rice. A small amount of fiber (beet pulp) ensures normal intestinal motility. Yogurt supplement and wild berries provide the baby with the necessary antioxidants that reliably protect him from various diseases. And the amino acids included in the food support visual acuity and muscle tone of the small pet.

All components of the product are prepared by gentle steaming: this allows them to retain the maximum amount of beneficial properties and, importantly, their natural taste. The food ensures the full development of Scottish babies with strong immunity, increases activity, and gives weight gain. All thanks to the fact that the energy needs of little Scots were strictly taken into account by the manufacturer. Veterinarians recommend Wahre Liebe “Junge” brand dry food for regular feeding.


  1. Increases immunity;
  2. Serves as a complete mineral supplement;
  3. Large percentage of meat;
  4. Perfectly balanced;
  5. Easy to digest;
  6. Suitable for continuous feeding.


  1. Contains a useless component - cellulose (creates a feeling of fullness).

1st Choice Kitten

Rating: 4.7

High-quality super-premium food for Scottish kittens has an optimal ratio of proteins and fats (30 and 17%, respectively). It is able to fully satisfy the increased needs of a young cat’s body aged from 2 to 12 months. The source of protein is chicken and herring flour. An easily digestible mineral complex, brown algae and vitamins ensure the smooth functioning of all parts of the body.

Concentrated antioxidant supplement supports the immune system of young Scottish cats. The composition also includes tomatoes, egg whites and natural acidulants (lysine and methionine), the task of which is to control the pH level of urine (reliable prevention of urolithiasis).

1st Choice Kitten food contains active carbohydrates obtained from brown rice, easily digestible by the young body, as well as pea fiber (from the husks of pea pods), which helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The salmon oil contained in the composition is a source of valuable Omega-3 acid - docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). It has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby's brain.

The products of the Canadian brand are rated by owners of furry pets as ideally balanced, which is confirmed by veterinarians. Does not contain preservatives, flavoring additives or dyes. An ideal choice for growing Scottish cats, as well as for pregnant cats.


  1. Optimal for a regular diet;
  2. Economically used;
  3. Balanced vitamin and mineral complex;
  4. Hypoallergenic;
  5. Reasonable price.


  1. Not detected.

Hill's Science Plan (with tuna meat)

Rating: 4.6

An ideally balanced super-premium food suitable for baby Scottish cats from 3 weeks of age. Also recommended for pregnant and lactating individuals as it meets their increased nutritional needs. The famous American brand offers high-quality dry food with the addition of valuable Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids - for healthy skin and coat, flaxseed (provides amino acids necessary for a young body) and animal fats.

Chicken provides the protein requirement. The food also contains vegetables, grains and tuna (minimum 6%). The granules have a delicate taste and a fairly fragile texture - kids can easily chew them with their teeth without feeling discomfort.

The food contains a balanced mineral complex that provides young Scottish cats with strong bones and teeth. High-quality proteins support the growth of muscle tissue. Omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) stimulates brain development and supports visual health. The delicate and, at the same time, effective composition of the product is a guarantee of the full disclosure of the physical potential of the cat’s body. The food is suitable for everyday diet.


  1. Balanced composition;
  2. Increased energy value;
  3. Reduced consumption;
  4. Suitable for daily feeding;
  5. Promotes healthy (acidic) urine pH.


  1. Contains corn (this carbohydrate is less digestible than legumes).

Natural food

Lean meat is one of the main items in the diet of small cats.
Complete nutrition for Scottish Straight kittens at home, in addition to feeding them with ready-made food, must include natural ingredients:

  • Boiled meat (chicken breast).
  • Frozen beef (raw, every other day).
  • Boiled fish (once every 7 days). You can rarely give peeled shrimp or squid.
  • Raw or boiled egg yolk (no more than 2 meals per week).
  • Cottage cheese. A must-have product for normal development. If kittens do not eat it well, you can replace it with lactic acid dishes: low-fat sour cream, fermented baked milk.
  • Milk. Included in the diet only up to 5 months of age.
  • Cereals: oatmeal, rice or buckwheat.
  • Vegetable: carrots and boiled cauliflower.

The best food for adult Scottish cats

NOW Natural holistic (with vegetables and fresh meat)

Rating: 4.9

High-quality food for adult Scottish cats (product class - holistic). Contains an optimal ratio of fats and proteins (18 and 30%, respectively). The predominant part of the protein is presented in the form of poultry fillets (turkey, duck) and salmon. Its distinctive feature is naturalness and freshness.

Experts note that the quality of the ingredients included in NOW Natural holistic reaches the Human Grade level: this means that all components are suitable for human consumption. This says a lot about the product itself.

The food does not contain grains that can cause an allergic reaction in cats. But it includes valuable oils - coconut and canola (a source of vitamin E), a vitamin-mineral complex - for healthy teeth, bones and coat, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids - for strong immunity and a healthy heart, blood vessels, and skin. Natural acidifiers control the pH level of urine - an excellent prevention of problems with the genitourinary system.

Lactobacilli in the food guarantee normal intestinal microflora. The product includes a rich complex of antioxidants that supports your beloved pet’s immunity at a high level. The food does not contain flavor enhancers, dyes, soy, growth hormones, etc. Suitable for daily diet. NOW Natural holistic is the key to the healthy development of your pet furry cat.


  1. Does not contain grains;
  2. No dyes, growth hormones, etc.;
  3. Rich mineral composition;
  4. Suitable for daily feeding;
  5. Supports the immune system;
  6. All ingredients are Human Grade.


  1. Not detected.

GO! NATURAL Holistic (four meats, grain-free)

Rating: 4.8

Another grain-free holistic product (produced in Canada, one of the leading countries in the pet products industry) is the highest quality food. A distinctive feature of the product is exclusively natural meat from animals raised on local Canadian farms. All components used in the production of food belong to the Human Grade category (quality for humans) - they can be used for human food.

The protein-rich food will appeal to Scottish cats: it will provide a complete diet, give energy, strength, and help maintain optimal physical shape. The presence of pre- and probiotics in the composition guarantees optimal intestinal microflora and normal functioning of the digestive tract as a whole. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids keep the coat and skin healthy. Taurine supports the functioning of the eye muscles. The food does not contain artificial preservatives, gluten, growth hormones, etc.


  1. Sufficient level of protein;
  2. Normalizes intestinal microflora;
  3. Contains an optimal mineral complex;
  4. All ingredients are Human Grade;
  5. Does not contain grains, growth hormones, gluten, food additives;
  6. Supports normal functioning of the immune system;
  7. Suitable for daily feeding.
  8. Disadvantage: Contains potato flour.


  1. contains potato flour.

Almo Nature (with turkey meat)

Rating: 4.7

The Italian manufacturer presents a decent quality product on the market that is ideal for a Scot. Super premium food balanced to meet the needs of an adult cat. This line of food is the optimal choice for allergy sufferers and picky eaters.

The basis of the product (about 53%) is hypoallergenic turkey meat - a source of valuable amino acids important for the nervous system, brain and heart of the Scottish cat. The meat is supplemented with a small amount of vegetable protein and a quickly digestible mixture of grains (barley, rice, oats) to provide the animal with a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates. The meat components in the food meet the highest Human Grade standard: they can be consumed by humans. All ingredients have high nutritional value.

The antioxidant complex of the food supports the functioning of the immune system, the mineral complex ensures the normal functioning of the entire body as a whole, the health of the pet’s coat, skin and bones. The food does not contain synthetic dyes, flavor enhancers, meat or fish meal, preservatives, etc.


  1. High protein levels;
  2. Natural turkey meat included;
  3. All ingredients are Human Grade;
  4. Supports normal functioning of the immune system;
  5. Suitable for cats with allergies;
  6. Ideally balanced composition;
  7. Does not contain artificial colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc.;
  8. Reasonable price.


  1. Not detected.

Hill's Science Plan Nature's Best (with vegetables, rice and chicken)

Rating: 4.6

The Hill's Science Plan line of cat food is designed for daily feeding of pets - suitable for Scottish cats who do not have chronic diseases. The product is perfectly balanced, contains exclusively high-quality ingredients that maintain the optimal condition of all vital systems of the cat's body. The granules have a pleasant smell and an easily digestible formula.

The food contains a vitamin and mineral complex for healthy bones, teeth and the urinary system. Antioxidants support a high level of the immune system, taurine is indispensable for the normal functioning of the retina and stable heart function.

Fatty Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids - for a shiny, beautiful coat and healthy skin. The food ingredients are preserved using natural products - citric acid and dried rosemary. The nutrition developed in the Hill's Science Plan line is recommended by veterinary specialists as biologically optimal for adult Scottish cats aged 1 to 6 years.


  1. Rich mineral complex;
  2. Balanced protein-fat composition;
  3. Supports normal functioning of the immune system;
  4. Suitable for daily feeding.
  5. Contains valuable fatty Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids.


  1. Contains dye (iron oxide);
  2. Contains corn and wheat (allergen);
  3. Some users note the high fat content of the food.

1st Choice Adult Cat Chicken Formula

Rating: 4.5

Canadian super-premium food is perfect for active Scottish cats aged 1 to 10 years. The product is optimally balanced: the ratio of protein and fat is 28 and 18%, respectively. This allows the cat to quickly get enough and at the same time maintain ideal physical shape. Prebiotics in the food ensure stable functioning of the animal’s immune system. Taurine maintains healthy eye retina and heart muscle.

The cat gets enough fiber for normal intestinal motility and hair removal thanks to tomatoes, beets and flaxseeds in the product. Exotic pineapple supports the functioning of the delicate pancreas. The owners of Scots note the good appetite of their pets - they eat food with great eagerness, while gorging themselves on a small amount of it.


  1. Balanced protein-fat composition;
  2. Contains a mineral and vitamin complex;
  3. Maintains normal levels of immunity;
  4. Reasonable price;
  5. It is used economically.
  6. Disadvantage: Contains cellulose and salt.


  1. contains cellulose and salt.

Acana Pacifica for Cats

Rating: 4.4

Another Canadian brand in our ranking and certainly one of the best in its class. It produces exclusively dry food and approaches the task very responsibly. The Pacifica series was developed for true meat eaters - it contains an increased amount of animal protein (about 35%).

The main ingredients of the food include a variety of fish (salmon, herring, sea bass, hake, etc.), which makes up about 75% (!) of the product, and fish meal. The manufacturer confidently declares the exceptional purity of the protein in the feed, and also insists on careful veterinary control of raw materials. The food is grain-free holistic.

Alfalfa and peas are sources of carbohydrates, vegetable protein and fiber necessary for intestinal motility and preventing the formation of hairballs in it. The carbohydrate-protein composition is ideally balanced with a vitamin-mineral complex, including in added vegetables and fruits (carrots, apples, etc.).

The amount of fat is contained to a sufficient extent - about 19%. Cranberry was used as a natural acidifier, the purpose of which is to control the pH level of urine (effective prevention of urolithiasis). Seaweed, herbs and berries are an excellent source of antioxidants and help keep your pet healthy and energetic.

Saturated with easily digestible protein, natural, high-quality food is ideal for healthy adult Scottish cats, as well as for animals with special needs: allergy sufferers, those with sensitive digestion, pregnant and lactating women, for hair removal, etc.


  1. Increased content of animal protein;
  2. More than 75% of the composition is natural whole fish;
  3. Grain-free product;
  4. Hypoallergenic;
  5. Easily digestible;
  6. Does not contain harmful additives – dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers, etc.;
  7. Contains unprocessed Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
  8. Maintains the desired urine pH;
  9. Maintains normal immunity;
  10. Suitable for allergy sufferers, sterile and lactating cats.


  1. High price;
  2. There are cases of the development of urolithiasis in castrates (although the food is recommended for this category).

Earthborn Holistic, Primitive Feline Natural Cat Food

Rating: 4.3

Not very common among cat owners, but well known to breeders. The presented series was developed by the American brand for adult cats of any age (even kittens) leading an active lifestyle. The product has a high protein content - about 44% and an optimal amount of fat - 20%. At the same time, the food boasts the absence of gluten and grains - it is a dietary and, at the same time, a complete high-calorie diet for Scottish cats. It is based on turkey, chicken and white fish flour.

The complete mineral complex in the product will make your pet more energetic, healthy, and give it a sleek appearance. Lysine and methionine in the feed are natural acidifiers whose task is to control the pH level of urine (prevention of urolithiasis). The presence of taurine will provide support to the eye and heart muscles. Fiber from cranberries and blueberries will support intestinal motility, and probiotics will create normal microflora.


  1. Does not contain grains;
  2. No synthetic additives;
  3. Supports the immune system;
  4. Satisfies the increased need for protein;
  5. Regulates the pH level of urine;
  6. Supports heart function and visual function.

Nutrition for illness and castration

Scottish Folds are susceptible to characteristic diseases, such as excess weight and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. And a lack of calcium can lead to ear cartilage problems.

Neutered cats may develop cystitis, urolithiasis, obesity, and dental diseases. Inflammation of the bladder and sand in the ducts lead to stagnation of urine in the animal’s body and slow poisoning. The risk of obesity increases. Therefore, after castration and in case of illness, it is necessary to carefully select the pet’s diet.

You will have to give up fish products due to their high content of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. In this case, these microelements can harm the genitourinary system. For the same reason, castrated cats need more water, in a ratio of 3 parts water to 1 part food.

To prevent obesity in this case, a grain-free diet and dietary granules are ideal.

To avoid dental disease, large pieces of dry food are better suited. They strengthen gums and teeth.

In addition, cats are susceptible to allergies and skin diseases. This also leads to a careful selection of a balanced diet.

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