The 10 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds for Those Who Want to Be Pinned to the Sofa by a Purring Tractor
All cat lovers have dreamed of petting a tiger at least once. Or a lion. Or a snow leopard. Well, or any other big cat that you just can’t pet - after all, each of them is a huge paradise on its paws! Fortunately, we have domestic cats, who are just as wonderful. Only small ones.

However, in nature there are compromise options. Today we want to show you the largest breeds of domestic cats from all over the world, which in size are as close as possible to real tigers and lions, only they (most likely) will also agree to live with you without biting off other people’s limbs for fun.


Average weight: male 5-9 kg, female 4-7 kg

The brightest and largest representative of this cat breed is Merlin, who looks at everyone around him exactly as they deserve it. But in general, this type of cat has a soft character - ragdolls are able to completely relax in a person’s arms, as their name suggests (ragdoll from English - “rag doll”).

Second place – Lion (Panthera leo)

Known for his majesty, strength, beauty and nicknamed the "king of the jungle", the lion is the second largest cat in the world . Lions live in grassy plains, savannas, open forests and bushes. The size and appearance of lions differ between the sexes: males weigh 150-250 kg, females 110-180 kg . Males have a mane that protects the neck and throat in fights with rivals. Lions have tufts of six at the end of their tail. Coat color ranges from light yellow to silvery white and yellowish red to dark brown. Lion cubs are born with dark spots on their bodies that disappear as they mature.

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Historically, lions lived in most of Europe, Asia and Africa, but are now found in only two regions of the world and are divided into two subspecies:

  • Asiatic lions that live in the Gir Forest National Park in India. This population numbers fewer than 500 lions;
  • African lions live in Africa south of the Sahara Desert. There are fewer than 21,000 lions left in Africa.

Lions are active at night when hunting. Their speed reaches 80 km/h, and their jump is up to 11 meters. They hunt for 2-3 hours, resting the rest of the time. Lions have the loudest roar of any big cat, which can be heard up to 8 km away .

The lion is the most social wild cat. Lions live in groups called "prides" of about 15 animals. Each group has a territory that they defend from other predators. Its area is 20-400 sq. km. Lionesses often go out hunting together. Lions live on average 10-14 years in the wild and longer than 20 years in zoos.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Average weight: male 6-9 kg, female 5.5 kg

Despite the name of the breed, these kites live quietly in apartments and do not beg their owners to urgently take them to the Norwegian forest. But it’s still worth giving them the opportunity to walk more often, as they are very energetic and love open spaces. Norwegians are patient, ready to serve as exemplary mousecatchers, and at the same time very friendly. Among the funny features of the breed, it is worth noting that only its representatives descend from the tree head down. So that's how they do it.

Fourth place – Leopard (Panthera pardus)

The fourth largest among wild cats is the leopard. There are 9 subspecies of leopard (African, Indian, Javan, Arabian, Anatolian, Amur, Indochinese, Sri Lankan), which are found in Africa, East and South Asia. These cats live in tropical forests, deserts, savannas, grasslands, mountains, coastal areas, scrub and swampy areas.

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Leopards spend a lot of time in trees and are active mainly at night. Leopards have a muscular, flexible body, they run at a speed of 60 km/h, and jump 6 meters in length and 3 in height. Like pumas, leopards are solitary, territorial, predatory animals. Leopards roar, growl, meow. Their roar is associated with the spraying of wood.

Leopard fur color ranges from pale yellow to tan or gold. There are dark spots on the body, which are called “rosettes” because they are shaped like a rose. Males are larger and heavier than females: 40-90 kg versus 30-60 kg .

Leopards are endangered. The rarest subspecies, the Amur leopard, is found in the Far East, Korea and northeast China, with only 30 individuals in the wild. The average lifespan is 12-17 years in the wild and up to 23 years in zoos.

British Shorthair

Average weight: male 4-8 kg, female 3-7 kg

One of the oldest cat breeds on the planet. According to legend, the British are descendants of the same Cheshire cat. And these beauties quietly live up to 20 years and very rarely (compared to other cats) meow, attracting people’s attention. In general, they calmly tolerate loneliness and know how to entertain themselves in the absence of their two-legged slaves.

Mr. Cat advises: British cat

These short-haired beauties can be very large, their weight reaches 9-10 kg. In certain circles it is believed that Carroll's Cheshire Cat belonged to this breed (or they are his descendants).

British kitten

They are characterized by phlegmatic, sedate, balanced, sometimes excessive. Because of their qualities, they tend to gain excess body weight. At the same time, the British have a distinct character, and some representatives can even be quite aggressive.

A distinctive feature of all large breeds is a fairly high intelligence. Big cats, as a rule, are very peaceful, do not like conflicts, do not impose themselves, understand everything and become true friends of humans - very devoted and faithful. Keeping such a pet at home is a pleasure.

Housey (chausie, shawzy)

Average weight: male 4-7 kg, female 3-5 kg

This cat breed, with many variations in its name, was created by crossing a jungle cat and a domestic cat. Houseies love to jump, climb trees and hunt everyone and everything. This type of cat is so rare that the world has yet to study them. What is known is that they are friendly, treat other pets well, and love to travel!


Let's look at the largest cat breeds known and bred today.


Today the Savannah is the leader in the ranking of large breeds of domestic cats. It was bred by American breeders who crossed African servals (wild bush cat) and domestic cats (Egyptian Mau, Bengal, Ocicat).

Breeders set themselves the task of obtaining a cat that is adapted to living next to humans, is friendly and at the same time has the characteristics of its wild counterparts: exotic color, large size.

Since 2015, the Savannah has been considered the most expensive cat breed. The price depends on the amount of Serval blood in an individual. The most expensive are considered to be savannas, in which one of the parents is a wild serval, that is, having 50% of its genes.

Characteristic features of the breed are a long body, an elongated neck and limbs, and large cupped ears. The savanna reaches its maximum potential size by three years. These are cats with very high intelligence, and their devotion to their owner is not inferior to that of a dog.

Savannah should not be kept in a city apartment: she needs space, so only owners of country houses with plots should get a cat. This is an active animal that needs a lot of space and movement. Unlike other domestic cats, representatives of this breed are not afraid of water, they love to splash and play, so the presence of a pond or pool will be a pleasant surprise for your four-legged pet.

Chausie (housey)

A relatively new breed, bred by selecting the wild jungle cat and some domestic breeds. The weight of an adult can reach 10-12 kg, sometimes more.

They are friendly by nature, love to play, but prefer to communicate at a distance and it is better not to pick them up. The Hausi is devoted to her owner and loves to spend time with him. These cats are excellent hunters, strong and muscular.

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon occupies a leading position in the top ten largest domestic cats; before the breeding of the Savannah, it was the largest representative. He comes from North America; the ancestors of modern Maine Coons are considered to be Maine cats. There are many legends about the origin; according to one of them, the ancestors of such cats were raccoons.

Representatives of this breed reach a height of 0.4-0.45 meters, and weigh up to 8-9, sometimes 15 kg.

The body length of a Maine Coon, including its tail, can be more than a meter (the record holder is a cat whose length was 123 cm).

Due to their origin, Maine Coons are very hardy and well adapted to unfavorable climates. They have long and thick hair that grows even between their toes, and a large and fluffy tail. Maine farmers valued these cats for their excellent hunting qualities.

Domestic Maine Coons have a fairly friendly and peaceful character and get along well with children and other animals. Despite their size, cats of this breed are very neat, energetic and love to play. Maine Coons are very self-sufficient; they will not get in the way of their owners or ask them to be picked up.

Read more about Maine Coons on the Mister Cat portal.


These beauties with long, thick hair and a fluffy tail are the largest representatives of Russian domestic cats. The weight of an adult can reach 9-10 kg.

Siberians are excellent hunters with highly developed instincts, so they prefer space. The cold does not frighten them; they tolerate the conditions of small apartments much worse, where it is difficult for them to be active.

Cats of this breed are willful, independent, but can become a wonderful friend.

Norwegian forest

These beautiful semi-long-haired beauties are large in size (up to 9-10 kg) and have a strong build. They are excellent hunters and fishermen, and are also the only cats who can descend from a height head down. Maybe that's why they love to explore the highest places in the apartment.

Norwegian cats have good manners, they are gentle and peaceful in nature, it is extremely difficult to provoke them into conflict or hooliganism. They get along well even with restless children and naughty dogs.

Representatives of this breed are very intelligent and quick-witted, love to play and are active until adulthood. In terms of their affection for people, they are very reminiscent of dogs; unlike other cats, Norwegians sincerely love a person, and not a house.

Due to the fact that such cats have very strongly developed instincts, including the instinct of self-preservation, they prefer to stay away from guests and strangers, but they show tenderness towards members of their family.

They do not like to be cuddled or placed on laps; they much prefer to sit next to a person, sing songs to him, and they love to be stroked and scratched. If a person tries to cuddle or kiss a “Norwegian”, he will quickly and clearly make it clear that he cannot stand such “tenderness”.


Representatives of this breed fully justify their name, which can be translated into Russian as “rag doll.” These are phlegmatic people who allow you to do whatever you want with them: squeeze, kiss, comb, carry in your arms. Although this fluffy miracle cannot be carried around much: a Ragdoll cat can reach a weight of 10 kilograms or more.

These blue-eyed, soft-furred creatures are descendants of Persian, Angora and Burmese cats. Very friendly, calm and non-conflict purrs. They don’t like to hunt: it’s beneath their dignity, and they’re just too lazy. Perfect for apartment living.

Kurilian Bobtail

A distinctive feature of this breed is not only its large size (up to 7 kg), but also its short curled tail, reminiscent of a pompom. The description of the standard states that the tail should be from 3 to 8 cm in length and have several bends.

The homeland of these cats is the islands of the Kuril ridge, so they are not afraid of water, easily tolerate low temperatures, and know how and love to fish.

By nature, Kuril Bobtails are in many ways reminiscent of dogs: they are strongly attached to their owner (they choose only one, maximum two family members in this capacity), smart, inquisitive, and active. Such cats and dogs love games, for example, chasing a ball or a stick, many of them enjoy walking in a harness.

Pixie bob

These rather large cats can reach a weight of 8 kg, obtained artificially by Canadian breeders. The purpose of breeding was to obtain a breed suitable for domestic living and with the external characteristics of the American red lynx.

To do this, short-tailed forest cats living in North America were crossed with various breeds of domestic cats. The result was large pixie-bobs, which are also called short-tailed elves (after the first representative of the breed - Pixie, which means “fairy” or “elf”).

Despite the fact that outwardly cats of this breed look quite formidable, they are the sweetest creatures, they are extremely tactful, love tenderness, but do not require excessive attention.

Turkish van

This is one of the oldest breeds of domesticated cats. Vans are of natural origin, unlike many large cats; artificial selection has nothing to do with them. Their homeland is part of Turkey, the vicinity of Lake Van. The name of the breed comes from this toponym.

Adults reach a height of 0.4 m, a length from 0.9 to 1.2 m. Weight can be up to 9-10 kg.

The traditional color of the Van cat is considered to be a rich apricot color of the coat, and on the tail there are several rings of a more saturated shade.

A characteristic feature is the complete absence of hydrophobia, which is inherent in most domestic breeds. They love to play with streams of water, listen to their murmur, and can get completely into the water.

They have no undercoat, and the coat repels water and dries quickly. Thanks to this feature, they are excellent fishermen. They are very energetic, love to run and jump, involving people in their games. Their character is quite friendly, but they can demonstrate remarkable temper when they don’t like something.

If an animal is accustomed to a harness from childhood, then you can take it for walks: Vans love this very much, as they are very curious and active.

The energy of Vans should be taken into account by those who are planning to have a pet of this breed: they need to be played and exercised with them often, constantly updating their set of toys.

Turkish van

Average weight: male 6-9 kg, females 4.5-6 kg

These adorable creatures differ from other cats in that they get along well with other pets, even dogs (and they also love children, provided that they do not torture them too much). Vans are very active and inquisitive - all the shelves in your house will be conquered, and all the toys will be played with. They especially love to catch objects on the fly, performing amazing pirouettes in the air. As you can imagine, these Turkish guys would rather sit on your shoulders than lie on your lap. So play with them more!

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are a large variety of cats, wonderful pets with tufted ears, long and soft hair and a variety of colors. They weigh from eight to fifteen kilograms and are approximately forty centimeters tall.

The record holder is the Maine Coon Stewie, who became the longest cat in the world. Its total length was one hundred twenty-three centimeters. In Russia, you can buy a Maine Coon kitten from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Siberian cat

Average weight: male 5-7 kg, female 4-5 kg

This breed is considered the national Russian cat. In character, they are, surprisingly, similar to dogs. Yes Yes! They become attached to only one owner, follow him, get bored, protect him from rodents and greet him at the door with a loving look. Although they may not get along with another dog (already a real one) - competition for the owner’s attention, after all.

Their focus on people is generally on a cosmic level - if a Siberian sees that his person is busy, then he simply will not bother with him. This behavior of KOTA is nothing but admirable. And this breed of these big cats is recognized as hypoallergenic - but they are ideal, after all!


Despite the height at the withers, reaching 92 cm, and the weight of 65 kg, zoologists classify the cheetah as a subfamily of small cats. This is due to the peculiarities of the skeleton - the mammal has long thin limbs, a compact skull and an extremely flexible spine. This structure allows the animal to reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. In hunting, it is also assisted by a long tail, which serves as a balancer and helps to quickly change the direction of movement.

In appearance, the sprinter of the fauna world resembles an elegant dog of the Russian greyhound breed. Like dogs, giant cats do not retract their claws, cannot climb trees, do not ambush hunt, and do not tend to eat carrion. The sounds they make resemble abrupt yelps. Unlike most of their relatives, cheetahs quickly get used to humans. In Iran, India and Kievan Rus, tamed animals often helped people hunt.

Carthusian cat (or chartreuse)

Average weight: males 6-7 kg, females 4-5 kg

These short-haired Frenchies are the most jealous cats in the world - they cannot stand rival pets in any way. If there is Chartreuse in the family, then there is ONLY Chartreuse in the family! They have the same attitude towards their favorite place in the house - try to take it! By nature, Chartreuse is endowed with a very weak voice (although they purr from the heart - you can hear it in the next room). But in contrast to their vocal abilities, these cats, as you already understand, are gifted with a steely character that will have to be reckoned with.


Its muscular, elongated body, strong legs and excellent eyesight make the leopard an ideal killer. Chasing prey, the powerful flexible cat accelerates to 58 km/h and makes jumps 7 m long. With a body weight of up to 66 kg, it is capable of killing prey 3 times its weight. The hunter always lifts the desired trophy up a tree for the subsequent meal.

The size of the predator directly depends on the geographical features of the area. Thus, four-legged inhabitants of open spaces grow up to 75 cm, inhabitants of forests - up to 67 cm. Decorated with a spotted pattern, short, thick fur lies tightly to the body. The belly and inner side of the legs are light yellow, the rest of the body is golden brown. Individuals with a black color are called panthers.


Average weight: 7-15 kg (!!)

These spotted beauties (a mixture of a serval and a domestic cat) are not only enormous in size for domestic cats, but also cost from 1.5 thousand to 50 thousand dollars. Few people know, but one of the reasons why breeders decided to breed this breed is the desire to reduce the number of suffering leopards and cheetahs, which for some reason all sorts of rich people keep in their homes. But the Savannah will not suffer - their character (like Siberian cats) contains uncompromising loyalty to their people.

Diseases that affect large domestic cats

The health of domestic cats, including large cats, depends on genetics, as well as how they are cared for and what they are fed. If the set of hereditary diseases depends on the breed, then the consequences of improper nutrition and maintenance are the same for all cats. They lead to pathologies such as:

  • urolithiasis, although it is believed that all cats are predisposed to it. A healthy diet allows you to minimize the manifestations of the disease and the frequency of its exacerbations;
  • food allergies, the cause of which in most cases is again considered to be improper feeding of the pet;
  • skin problems: they can be the result of an unbalanced diet, poor care of the animal, as well as the presence of parasites in the fur;
  • dysfunction of the digestive organs. In rare cases, they are caused by congenital diseases; more often they are caused by the consumption of stale, low-quality food, as well as foods prohibited for animals (for example, sweets, spicy and salty foods). In addition, the health of the digestive tract and the body as a whole is undermined by intestinal worms and protozoa. They reduce immunity and poison the internal organs of the animal with their waste products.

Diseases depending on breed

Each variety of domestic cat has a predisposition to certain diseases.

Table. Breed diseases of big cats

Breed namePhotoPossible health problems
AsherahThe breed has no genetically determined pathologies, which is explained by the good health of its ancestor, the Serval. Possible inflammation of the urinary system
Maine CoonJoint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia), skin pathologies (abscesses, phlegmon, ostiofolliculitis, eczema), disorders of the urinary system (nephritis, nephrosis, pyelitis, urethritis, cystitis)
RagdollHip dysplasia, feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
ChausieDigestive disorders, obesity
SiberianFood allergies, inflammatory eye pathologies (conjunctivitis and others), obesity

Kurilian Bobtail

Average weight: male 5-7 kg, female 3-5 kg

They are excellent fishermen, although they do not like water. Representatives of this breed are very fond of active games, including chasing a toy and then returning it to its owner (don’t you think that the bigger the cat, the more doglike traits it has?). And look at the characteristic bobtail ponytail - it is surprisingly short (3-8 cm).

What is needed to keep big cats?

If you decide to get a kitten of one of the large breeds, be prepared for the fact that problems may arise, and try to avoid at least some of them. The main task at this stage is to choose a healthy and non-aggressive animal with a strong psyche and good heredity. Of course, this is a lottery, and even the most responsible breeder cannot guarantee the prospects of each baby.

Don't make a mistake in choosing a friend

However, the future owner must use every opportunity to minimize risks:

  1. Do not spontaneously purchase a “cute” baby from random people or through an advertisement on the Internet - first find out as much as possible about the characteristics and problems of the breed.
  2. Try to trace the parental lines of the kitten offered to you, first of all, based on health - the Internet provides a lot of such information on purebred animals.
  3. Find out in what conditions the baby's parents and littermates are kept and in what physical shape they are.
  4. If you purchase an animal remotely, together with a specialist, look at not only its photo, but also a video, ask for an online broadcast of how the kitten moves - this can tell a knowledgeable person a lot.
  5. Ask the breeder to show the parent pair tested for the main genetic diseases characteristic of this breed.
  6. Buy a pet from a reputable nursery and offer the breeder to sign a contract - this is the modern norm for purchasing a high-breed animal.

How to care

Good heredity and proper rearing are essential components of your animal’s health, and this applies primarily to large breeds. Unfortunately, many parent lines of large domestic cats are burdened with a predisposition to genetic diseases, the most common of which are the following:

  • dysplasia of the hip and elbow joints;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • unsatisfactory functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the excretory system and a tendency to urolithiasis.

Preventive examinations by a doctor should become regular for your pet.

As soon as your baby adapts after the move - gets used to the new place and new owners, be sure to take him for a preventive examination to the veterinarian and get at least basic tests. This will help you decide what to pay special attention to in raising and raising your pet, and how to support its health if necessary.

Most of the problems that large cats have are caused by humans in one way or another - thoughtless breeding, illiterate rearing and upbringing. A lot depends on you so that your pet lives long and happily, bringing only joy to those around him.

Good exercise is vital for large cats

A big cat needs a lot of space; cramped conditions and physical inactivity are strictly contraindicated for it. If there is not enough space and conditions in the house, accustom your pet to a harness and go for a walk. Large cats are usually happy to walk on a leash, like dogs, and are ready to take long walks with their owner - make them regular, this will also benefit you.

At home, the animal must have its own corner where it can rest and completely relax - this is very important for any cat. Equip this place with a comfortable bed, and create at least a small area for games nearby - at least put two or three ordinary cardboard boxes of different sizes there - cats love them. Change toys often so that they do not get boring and arouse interest, and be sure to place a good scratching post here.

How to feed

The young of large breeds take longer to grow and develop than ordinary cats. Full development and maturation of the animal occurs only after three years, and in some cases - for example, in savannahs and Maine Coons - even later, by four to five years. Proper organization of nutrition and a well-balanced diet are especially important in childhood and adolescence.

It is also necessary that your pet receives the vitamin and mineral complex it needs for development - the composition and dosage of such supplements in each specific case should be discussed with a veterinarian.

A healthy animal does not require a special diet, but food portions for giants should be approximately one and a half times larger than for a medium-sized cat. Large adult cats should be fed three times a day, and kittens five times a day. If the owner is inclined to eat ready-made food, then you need to choose options only for large breeds and with a high protein content.

Low-quality food and food with a high grain content are definitely not suitable for giant cats. And in the first generations of hybrid breeds - Savannahs and Chausies - fermentation does not allow the digestion of food of this kind at all.

Protein is the basis of a large cat's diet.

Natural food is a good solution, especially for native breed cats. At least seventy percent - up to three hundred grams per day for an adult animal - of this diet should consist of animal proteins:

  • lean beef or veal;
  • poultry (except duck);
  • rabbit or nutria (liver and heart);
  • sea ​​fish - preferably boiled;
  • eggs - preferably quail;
  • low-fat fermented milk products.

In addition to the main protein menu, the animal should receive a small amount of well-cooked cereals (buckwheat and rice), vegetables and, in measured doses, unrefined vegetable oil. To properly build a diet, it is necessary to obtain detailed recommendations from the breeder or veterinarian, depending on the breed and individual characteristics of a particular animal.

Treats from your table will not be good for your cat.

A clear taboo for cats of any breed is food from the master’s table, especially the following products:

  • fresh bakery;
  • any sweets and confectionery;
  • fatty and spicy foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • legume dishes;
  • citrus.

Veterinarians do not recommend mixed nutrition. When switching from freeze-dried food to natural food, you should introduce no more than one product per day and carefully monitor how it is perceived by the animal: whether it is digested well and whether it does not cause allergies. If the product is not suitable, then it is better to exclude it from your pet’s menu. A vitamin supplement in the form of specially grown green grass wouldn’t hurt either—cats willingly feast on it to cleanse their stomach.

All cats are slightly herbivores

Famous giant cats

Breeders and owners of big cats are constantly recording new achievements to show the benefits of breeding and keeping a particular breed.

Before the fairly young Maine Coon Omar from Australia had time to win the hearts of lovers with his 120-centimeter size and 14-kilogram weight, his record was challenged by the even larger Walter de Lanez from the Ukrainian Melitopol.

Its weight exceeds 20 kg. In the near future, the owners are going to submit an application to the Guinness Book of Records to take away the championship “throne” from overseas competitors.

British shorthair cats have long been famous for their faithful service to their state. They are traditionally appointed to the position of chief rat catcher at the Prime Minister's residence, and the treasury allocates separate financial resources for their maintenance. When Larry the cat left his post for a while, the whole country discussed this fact.

British Cat Larry

But even outbred cats rarely give the palm to their purebred brothers. The legendary Tom, who was picked up by an English officer somewhere near Sevastopol during the Crimean War, showed his saviors many caches of food, thanks to which they managed to avoid starvation.

Judging by the memories, he differed from an ordinary domestic cat in his very large size. And in 2022, a mongrel cat appeared in Philadelphia, Mister BJ, who weighed almost 13 kg; in size he could “overtake” the wild savannah and the Maine Coon.

Experienced owners believe that there is never too much of a good cat. It is impossible to refuse such a pleasure in the house as a large, affectionate cat, which rubs against the legs and purrs loudly under the owner’s side. Health problems in such animals are extremely rare, and with proper care they can live to a ripe old age.

Almost all large cats belong to the category of long-livers and easily cross the 15-year mark. This means that they please owners much longer than smaller representatives of the “cat” family.




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