What to feed British cats: the right diet for kittens, adults and elderly pets

British is an artificially bred breed. Not all foods that are fed to barn cats are suitable for her. The health and longevity of the pet depends on how responsibly the owner approaches the preparation of the diet. And for kittens, proper nutrition is doubly important. Therefore, when it comes to feeding, recommendations from veterinarians and experienced breeders of British cats will not hurt.

Choosing a place and utensils for feeding

A British cat should have a separate place for eating. Important terms:

  • safety;
  • comfort;
  • privacy;
  • availability.

You should not feed your Briton in a hallway where people often walk, or in a room with a TV constantly on. Extraneous noise will distract the cat.

For your information. If there is already a pet in the apartment, it is better to feed the kitten separately at first. Otherwise, the older pet may take the food away from him.

British cats are best fed from deep stainless steel or ceramic bowls. The dish should be wide enough so that the mustache does not rest against the sides. After each feeding, the bowls are washed, and the area where the cat ate is wiped with a damp cloth. You can put oilcloth or a rubber mat there - this will greatly simplify cleaning.

Cat needs

First of all, food for British cats should contain a lot of protein. Despite the fact that these are domestic animals, they still remain predators, disposed to animal food. The average Briton needs 125-250g of food per day. In some cases (pregnancy, high physical activity), this amount can be increased to 300 g. When you choose a kitten for yourself, you need to understand right away that food for British cats must be prepared specially. All seasonings, salt and other additives that are abundant in our regular food are harmful to them.

Natural diet

Many owners prefer to feed their British cat natural food at home. It is believed that this is the most physiological type of nutrition. Cats are carnivores by nature, so their diet must include meat and other products that are available to animals in the wild.

What foods should be given?

The basis of the diet (60-70%) of British shorthair and longhair cats is made up of lean meats - beef, chicken, turkey. Lamb, pork, geese and duck meat are too fatty, so they should not be fed to pets.

About 2 times a week the menu includes offal:

  • boiled liver;
  • heart;
  • kidneys;
  • lungs;
  • language;
  • chicken stomachs.

They provide the body with amino acids and add variety to the daily menu.

Another important component of the diet (25-30%) is vegetables, fruits and herbs. These are sources of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

It is useful to feed British cats:

  • carrots;
  • cucumbers;
  • asparagus;
  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • apples;
  • apricots;
  • sprouted oats;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • dill

Vegetables and herbs are given in the form of salads or mixed into meat. Fruits can act as treats.

Once every 3-4 days, British cats are fed boiled sea fish. It must be cleaned of bones and scales.

At home, British cats are also fed fermented milk products: low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, curdled milk, natural yogurt. Once a week they pamper you with grated cheese.

Important. Only kittens can be given milk. It is usually not absorbed by adult cats.

To provide your pet with additional energy, the menu includes rice and buckwheat porridge. They account for 5-10% of the total food volume.

British cats are fed chicken or quail eggs 2-3 times a week. These products do not need to be boiled if the owner is sure that they are not contaminated with pathogenic bacteria.

It is preferable to use only the yolk. It is given separately or mixed with fermented milk products.

For your information. If you feed your British cat correctly, she will have a shiny coat, clear skin and clear eyes.

Rules and regulations for preparing natural food

If you feed a British cat natural food, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. British cats are fed only fresh food. You can freeze a few portions for an emergency, but you can’t use this method all the time.
  2. Meat can be given raw, but first it must be scalded with boiling water or frozen for 2-3 days. This is necessary to destroy parasites.
  3. The British are fed thick food at room temperature. If the food was in the refrigerator, it must be reheated.
  4. Vegetables, meat and fish are not mixed with fermented milk products.
  5. Meat is given along with vegetables and herbs.

The daily feeding rate for British breed cats is about 5% of their weight, or 40-60 g of food per 1 kg of weight. The serving size is adjusted according to the age, activity level and individual characteristics of the animal.

Important. British cats are prone to obesity - they should not be overfed.

Benefits of Royal Canin cat food for British cats

What characteristics of the British should the ideal food take into account?

This breed has a heavy build, so special stress falls on the joints. It is the joints that are the “weak point” of many British people, especially the “aged”. It becomes difficult for them not only to jump, but also to move. You can, of course, separately give your pet supplements containing Omega 3 - these polyunsaturated fatty acids are the building material of bones, joint tissue, hair, and claws. Therefore, Omega 3 helps protect joints under high loads, and in addition, improves the condition of the coat. But why try to “push” vitamins into your cat if there is food that already contains a sufficient amount of useful substances?

Another substance that helps keep an adult cat in good physical shape is L-carnitine, which helps nourish muscle tissue. This means that the pet will be quite mobile and at the same time its physique will meet the requirements of the breed standard.

Another organ that often serves as a source of concern for the owner of the “British” is the heart. Don't be surprised - heart disease is not uncommon for British cats. Special food additives - taurine and fatty acids - help maintain the heart. At the same time, food should not be excessively high in calories and contain a large amount of fat - after all, excess weight creates additional stress on the heart.

The Briton's strong and large jaws also need exercise. When feeding cereals, the jaw muscles weaken, and plaque will have to be regularly cleaned by contacting a special cat dentist. At the same time, large, hard pieces of food that need to be chewed solve the problem in an easier and more convenient way for the British. By gnawing food, the cat simultaneously loads the jaws and cleanses plaque from the teeth. And the food enters the stomach quite crushed.

The taste of Royal Canina British is usually liked by animals, but not so much that, like cheap brands, it gives the impression of a “drug”.

On a natural diet, in addition to the serious difficulties of creating a truly balanced diet, the question constantly arises: how to determine the quality and composition of products. For example, the average calorie content of lean chicken is known. But how many calories does this piece contain? What vitamins and microelements are missing if you use frozen rather than fresh vegetables? There is one more problem with “natural” food - what is not eaten can be stored for a maximum of several hours in the refrigerator. Then you will have to throw it away, unless, of course, you are ready to finish eating your royal Briton...

Thus, the benefits of Royal Canin dry food for British cats are obvious:

  • has a pre-known balanced composition adapted to the needs of the breed;
  • convenient to use and economical (you don’t have to throw away uneaten food and constantly cook fresh);
  • eating dry food is the most physiological for cats in terms of diet - eat often in small portions;
  • contains additives that have a positive effect on the joints and heart of British breed cats;
  • Helps maintain optimal weight and good condition.

Wet food for British shorthairs from the Royal Kpanin brand is one of the favorite treats of many four-legged pets. And here the owner can only be scared off by a fairly high price. Still, you will need 3-4 pouches (bags) per day. The best option is when the diet combines dry and wet food from the same line. For example, in the morning the owner pours a portion of “drying” into the pet’s bowl, which will be eaten during the day (the main thing is not to forget to leave a sufficient amount of fresh water). And in the evening, for dinner, your favorite Briton will receive delicious pieces of meat in jelly.

Even without looking at the advertising, we can say with confidence: Royal Canin for the British has positive reviews from veterinarians, and many breeders recommend it for their graduates.

Ready-made feed

Many owners prefer to give their Britons dry food and wet canned food - it’s convenient and simple. But the products must be of high quality - not lower than premium.

It is better to avoid buying cheap food from the nearest supermarket. Economy class food contains practically no natural meat. But they contain ballast substances, dyes, flavors and other harmful components.

You should carefully study the composition of the feed. Meat should come first. Good products contain vitamins, minerals and amino acids that support the health and strengthen the immune system of the British cat. A minimum of carbohydrates is encouraged - they lead to weight gain.

Selection of industrial feed

Owners of British cats consider the following brands to be the best food:

  • Earthborn Holistic;
  • Go! Natural Holistic;
  • Bosch Sanabelle Grande;
  • Acana;
  • Orijen;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Eagle Pac Cat Holistic;
  • 1st Choice.

This is a super premium class and holistic food. They are quite expensive, but their composition fully satisfies the needs of the cat's body.

If your budget is limited, you can purchase premium food for the British:

  • Purina Pro Plan;
  • Brit Premium;
  • RoyalCanin;
  • Hill's.

The Royal Canin company produces a special food for British kittens that can be fed to babies aged 4 to 12 months - British Shorthair Kitten. It is highly digestible and contains prebiotics that support the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Royal Canin produces British Shorthair Adult food for adult cats. It helps Britons maintain muscle mass. Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen joints and maintain their mobility.

For kittens, pregnant, lactating, spayed, neutered, elderly cats or pets with any diseases, buy food from specialized lines. All well-known manufacturers have such names.

Before choosing food for your British cat, it is better to consult a veterinarian. He will give individual nutritional recommendations.

Healthy Ingredients

The fructo-oligosaccharides and yeast hydrolysate (a source of mannan oligosaccharides) declared in the composition are natural prebiotics that help normalize intestinal function. In addition, yeast contains many B vitamins.

Marigold erecta extract (a source of lutein) is very useful. In addition to lutein (a plant pigment that preserves vision), marigolds are also a source of bioflavonoids - powerful natural antioxidants.

The food also contains a variety of vitamin and mineral supplements. They are added partly due to a lack of minerals and vitamins in the raw materials, partly due to the peculiarities of the technological process for the production of dry food (this is the industry norm, and therefore is not a direct indicator of high or low quality of the diet).

Mixed feeding

Breeders and felinologists do not recommend feeding the British cats both natural food and industrial food. This is fraught with problems with digestion and urination. In addition, it will be difficult for an inexperienced owner to balance the diet and calculate its calorie content.

Sometimes a British cat can still be given different types of food, but this needs to be done at different feedings. For example, offer your pet dry kibble in the morning and meat in the evening. But it is not recommended to practice this method constantly.

Main difference

This super premium food is just perfect for the British. The main difference is its high nutritional value and high digestibility. In the production of this category of food, chicken, lamb, eggs and high-quality cereals are used. The best feed options for the British are offered by Eukanuba (Netherlands), Hills (USA), Pro Pac (USA). Very good and high-quality diets recommended by leading breeders.

Algorithm for switching to a different diet

A British cat cannot be suddenly switched from dry food to natural food, and vice versa. Sudden changes in diet disrupt the functioning of the digestive system.

New food is introduced gradually over 10-14 days. First, 25-30% of the usual food is replaced, and the rest of the food is left the same.

After 2-3 days, the proportion of unfamiliar food is increased by another 10-15%. This is done until the British cat completely switches to the new diet.

During the process, the condition of the animal is closely monitored. If allergies, indigestion or other negative reactions appear, return to the usual menu. In such situations, the cat is taken to the veterinarian so that a specialist can help choose the appropriate diet.

Often British people refuse to eat natural food after ready-made food. In this case, you can give your cat a fasting day. Most likely, when she gets hungry, she will eat whatever her owner offers.

From leading manufacturers

Dry food for British cats is, on the one hand, very convenient. The owner does not need to worry that his pet did not receive enough of any important substances. In addition, purrs always eat the contents of the bags with great appetite. However, there are also pitfalls. There are a lot of fakes on the market for ready-made food, and sellers do not always comply with optimal storage conditions. All this, first of all, affects the quality of food, and this is already reflected in the health of your pet.

Vitamins and mineral supplements

If a British cat is fed natural products, vitamin and mineral complexes must be included in the diet. Many owners use natural supplements:

  • Brewer's yeast;
  • bone meal;
  • fish fat.

The dosage appropriate for a particular pet is determined by the veterinarian.

A couple of times a year, it is beneficial for British cats to drink complex industrial supplements. They are used in courses of 1-3 months. Continuous use is fraught with health problems.

The following brands of vitamins have proven themselves to be effective:

  • 8 in 1;
  • Kitzyme;
  • Gimpet;
  • Omega Neo;
  • Sanal;
  • Veda Biorhythm;
  • Canina.

There are also drugs on sale to eliminate problems with hair, internal organs, etc.

Cons of Royal Canin British Shorthair Adult food

The production of food for British Shorthair cats does not contain fresh or raw (frozen) meat and fish ingredients - only dried animal proteins.

It is unknown what raw materials were used to prepare a number of products (dehydrated poultry meat, animal fats, vegetable protein isolate, hydrolyzed animal proteins and fish oil). Because of this, the feed may have an inconsistent composition, depending on the cost of the original components.

In addition, the manufacturer used techniques designed to mislead the buyer: “split” ingredients-sources of vegetable protein and inaccurate translation of English names.

Finally, this diet contains ingredients that are hazardous to the health of pets (corn gluten, plant fiber, etc.).

Water in the diet

British cats should always have access to clean water. It is renewed 1-2 times a day - aristocratic Englishmen often refuse to drink stale liquid.

Water is especially necessary if the cat is fed dry kibble. They are dehydrated, so the pet drinks 2-3 times more than when eating natural food.

It is not recommended to give tap water to animals. It contains chlorine and other harmful impurities. Therefore, it is pre-filtered and settled. Some owners buy bottled water. Naturally, without gas.

Important. If a British cat drinks little, she may develop urolithiasis. This pathology especially often appears after castration.

For spayed and neutered

Royal Canin Male for the prevention of urolithiasis


  • Good coat condition
  • No side effects
  • Disease Prevention


  • High price

From 313 RUR

Dry food for castrated British cats from 1 year to 6 years. The product prevents the occurrence of urolithiasis and obesity. Veterinarians advise owners to feed their pets with food from this series after operations related to sterilization. Based on nutrition, problems of the gastrointestinal tract are solved: cats with sensitive stomachs stop regurgitating. An excellent option for cats after castration; in most cases, urolithiasis does not develop.

Bozita for the prevention of urolithiasis, with chicken


  • Affordable price
  • Increased fiber content
  • Contains fresh meat
  • Practical packaging
  • The packaging does not allow the smell to dissipate
  • Suitable for older cats
  • Contains a natural immunostimulant


  • Not found

From 358 ₽

The product is suitable for indoor and adult cats from 1 to 6 years of age. The food is selected taking into account the age characteristics of sterilized and elderly cats. Chicken meat in the diet is easily digestible, L-Carnitine normalizes the metabolism of sedentary animals. The dry product boosts the cat's immunity.

What to feed a British kitten

For the first month after birth, a Briton feeds exclusively on mother's milk. It provides babies with all the necessary substances and promotes the formation of strong immunity.

If there is no mother, British kittens should be fed with cat milk substitutes, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies. It is not recommended to give baby food. It is designed for people, not animals.

A one-month-old kitten begins to be fed breast milk in the intervals between meals. The baby is carefully introduced to solid food so that at 2-3 months he is ready to move to a new home.

For your information. The British Fold kitten, which is usually a mix with the Scottish Fold, is fed the same as a straight-eared kitten.

An approximate feeding schedule for a British kitten by age is presented in the table.

AgeNumber of feedings per dayDiet
British kittens: 1 month3-5· small pieces of beef; · porridge with milk; milk for kittens
British kitten: 2 months6-8· small pieces of beef; · low-fat cottage cheese; · porridge with milk; milk for kittens
British kitten: 3 months6from three months, chicken, vegetables and egg yolk are introduced into the diet, and milk for kittens is replaced with goat or cow milk; other products remain unchanged: pieces of beef; · porridge with milk; · low-fat cottage cheese
British kitten: 4-6 months5A British kitten at 4 months is gradually weaned off whole milk and switched to fermented milk products, the diet is enriched with: · offal; · boiled sea fish; · fruits
British kitten: 6-10 months3-4· all types of lean meat; by-products; · porridge; · vegetables, fruits, herbs; · dairy products; · eggs; boiled sea fish

From 10-12 months, British kittens are fed twice a day. Now they eat the same foods as adult cats.

An alternative option is to use ready-made feed. Canned food and dry granules can be given to a small kitten of two months. The “drying” is soaked in water or milk so that the baby can chew it.

Gradually increase the proportion of dry food in the diet and reduce the amount of wet food:

  • British: 3 months – 90% wet/10% dry;
  • British: 4-6 months – 70-80% wet / 20-30% dry;
  • British: 6-10 months – 60-70% wet / 30-40% dry;
  • British: 10-12 months – 50-60% wet / 40-50% dry.

From the age of one year, the pet is given 30% wet food and 70% dry food. It is desirable that the products are from the same manufacturer. This minimizes the risk of digestive problems and allergic reactions.

The daily feeding rate for a British kitten is about 10% of its weight. When feeding dry food, follow the manufacturer's recommendations.


Royal Canin Packaging Sauce British Shorthair


  • Prevents pet obesity
  • Good composition
  • Convenient packaging
  • There are 12 servings in a box


  • Expensive pleasure

From 729 ₽

Hearty kibble of wet food suitable for adult animals from 1 to 6 years of age. Cats like it so much that they can’t stop, even when they’re full. Therefore, you should not exceed the volume of a single serving. Quite an expensive product. But users willingly buy one of the best cat foods for their pets: after use, the cats’ fur shines.

Bozita with chicken 370 g (pieces in jelly)


  • Soft jelly-like pieces
  • Practical packaging from Tetra Pak
  • High meat content
  • The presence of fat is only 5%
  • The presence of vitamins in the composition
  • No GMO
  • Suitable for pets without teeth


  • High price
  • Strong smell
  • Not suitable for cats with pork allergies

From 149 ₽

Jelly-like product with a rich composition. It contains both minerals and natural taurine. There is no need to spend money separately on a vitamin complex. And the most important thing is that the package contains not soy, but meat (almost 100%). The manufacturer took care of the packaging; the cat food will be stored for a long time. Due to the strong, attractive scent for cats, pets of different ages will need to be fed this wet cat food separately.

Brit Care with tuna 80 g (mini fillet)


  • Nutritious product
  • Delicate texture
  • Main ingredient: fish


  • Tuna in large quantities is harmful to the animal
  • Expensive

From 72 RUR

A light, hearty lunch containing protein, the valuable product is tuna. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, and after including food in the diet, the cat becomes cheerful and has a bright coat. It should be taken into account: tuna is useful in small quantities, no more than 1 hour. spoons a day.

Feeding an older cat

With age, British cats become less active, and metabolic processes in their bodies slow down. To prevent them from gaining weight, the caloric content of their diet is reduced.

The British cat is fed small meals 3-4 times a day so as not to overload the digestive system.

To improve intestinal function, some meat is replaced with vegetables. They contain fiber, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.

You need to carefully ensure that your pet consumes enough fluid. Many owners install drinking fountains. It has been noticed that cats drink from them more willingly.

When fed commercial food, an aging pet is switched to products from lines for older cats. If dental problems appear, the cat is given more canned food and pates, which are easier to chew.

If any illness occurs, veterinarians prescribe a special diet for the British.

Plant based protein sources

The food contains 4 types of cereal components (rice, corn, corn flour and corn gluten) and a certain “vegetable protein isolate” - a dubious ingredient from unknown raw materials.

All of these products are sources of vegetable protein and carbohydrates, which means that the content of the latter in the food is very high (rice, corn and vegetable protein isolate are among the top five ingredients).

Corn gluten is a protein from corn, or corn gluten. This ingredient often causes allergies in cats and is undesirable in their diet. Essentially, corn, corn meal and corn gluten are all the same thing. The manufacturer used the “split” technique - adding several different protein and/or carbohydrate ingredients (most often plant-based) from the same source to the feed.

In fact, their content in food may exceed that of animal protein sources. So, if you combine corn, cornmeal and gluten, there may be more of them than animal protein (ingredient #1). This is just a guess, but the likelihood of this makes us think about the quality of this food.

Note that grains are not included in the natural diet of carnivores and are not recommended for them in large quantities, much less as the basis of food.

Prohibited Products

Most foods that people eat are not suitable for cats. The British should not be fed any salty, sweet, fried, fatty, smoked, or spicy foods. The cat's body is not adapted to digest such food, and the liver cannot cope with large amounts of toxic substances.

Also, the food of British cats should not include the following foods:

  • River fish;
  • tubular bones;
  • sausages;
  • semi-finished products, canned food and fast food;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces;
  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • eggplants, potatoes, legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • citrus fruits, grapes, raisins;
  • rhubarb, sorrel, onion, garlic;
  • foods and drinks that contain alcohol, caffeine and other stimulants.

A British cat should not be fed food from the human table, even if it plaintively begs for a tidbit. Such handouts will result in serious health problems.

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