Calm, only calm: sedatives with Feliway pheromones

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Stress, anxiety and aggression of a cat cause a lot of trouble for its owners, so sedatives for animals are always in demand. Many of them, however, have a number of contraindications, including not being suitable for small kittens. An interesting alternative to conventional sedatives are products with synthetic pheromones - safe substances that imitate the secretions of cat glands.

  • 2 Indications for use
  • 3 Release forms

    3.1 Feliway diffuser

    3.1.1 Reviews about the diffuser

  • 3.1.2 Video: review of the Feliway diffuser
  • 3.2 Feliway spray

      3.2.1 Reviews of the spray
  • 3.3 Collar with pheromones
      3.3.1 Reviews about the collar
  • 4 Contraindications and side effects
  • 5 Purchase and storage
  • general information

    Almost the entire body of a cat is covered with scent glands that produce pheromones. Biologically active substances help animals navigate in space. They need this smell to feel safe. That's why they mark.

    There are different tags:

    • On the muzzle there are glands that produce pheromone. These are “friendly” odorous substances. This is how the cat leaves a “pleasant” smell for itself, which means that everything is fine.
    • Pheromones in urine are considered territorial. They are also called “aggressive”. A cat leaves marks not only out of instinct, to mark its territory. The cat marks when he is stressed and wants to calm down or is dissatisfied with the condition of the litter box. Also, a move or a new environment for a pet, at a time when it is accustomed to living among familiar smells, can also become a cause of uncleanliness.
    • Cats don't just scratch furniture, they leave "territorial messages" and mark their territory.

    And if an animal rubs its head on the leg of a chair or on the owner’s leg, then this is perceived with affection. And when it starts marking corners, door frames, and scratching wallpaper, it causes anger.

    Reviews from veterinarians

    Feliway for cats has earned a lot of conflicting reviews. Some consider it an effective remedy against stress, others call it a completely useless invention.

    Given such contradictions, many veterinarians prefer not to experiment on their furry patients and prescribe them proven sedatives based on plant extracts.

    Feliway for cats is a safe drug designed to combat stress and eliminate behavioral problems. It has several analogues, but this does not prevent it from being popular among pet owners.

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