Sedatives for cats: review of drugs and their effectiveness

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In appearance, cats often seem calm, sometimes so much so that you want to learn this from them. But in reality, everything may be different: not all cats can easily cope with stress, they just can’t always clearly explain this to their owner. Thanks to veterinary medicine, today we have good sedatives for cats, so let’s look at this topic in more detail.

When you might need a sedative

global $ads_google;
//data-ad-slot=”2475549904″ $ads_google = empty($ads_google) ? false : true; ?> if ($ads_google == false) {?> $ads_google = true; ?> } ?> A sedative should not be used without good reason. If there is a chance to calm the cat in another way, it is better not to resort to drug intervention, even one based on a phytotherapeutic effect. The stress that the cat experiences from the arrival of guests could be neutralized by purchasing a soft house, in the niche of which the animal will feel protected. You can make such a house with your own hands.

In the cases described below, you may actually need the help of sedatives.

Mental disorders

Outwardly, such violations manifest themselves in endless licking of the fur, which can even lead to its thinning. The skin under the fur looks irritated from constant contact with saliva and tongue. In addition, the cat may hunt for a non-existent target, twitch and jump for no reason, and constantly meow unmotivated.

Transporting a pet

During transportation, especially when the cat is not accustomed to this from early childhood, the animal may become stressed. If in a car the problem comes down only to a new way of moving, then public transport can easily cause panic in the cat. You will have to focus on your pet; there are also those who are just happy to go for a ride.

If the standard behavior changes, it will have to be corrected with medication. When planning a move, it is better to give your pet medicine in advance, especially if the instructions for the sedative drug say that it has a cumulative effect. It is better to learn in advance how to properly transport cats in a carrier.


Stress occurs for a number of reasons, including part of mental disorders and the circumstances of the pet’s living conditions. In many cases, it is better to consult a specialist and find the cause of the stressful condition. Probably, if you eliminate it, you won’t need to take medications.


Grooming is highly valued by owners, but animals are not always as happy as visiting exhibitions. If large-scale procedures are planned, you can treat the cat with sedatives.


Castration and sterilization, as a surgical intervention in the body, also cause the cat to experience serious stress, both on the physical and mental level.

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Fear, anxiety, and phobia can result in aggressive behavior. Aggression that is not typical behavior must be corrected.


Against the background of estrus, aggression and hypersexuality may also occur, which can be very difficult to tolerate. Activation of the sexual instinct affects the well-being of pets, sometimes causing them to actually suffer.

In what situations can sedatives be used?

It is important to understand that any unusual situation can cause stress in your pet and you need to be prepared to use special means. Of course, signs of nervous excitement in an animal may go away on their own within a few days. But the priority action will still be to prepare in advance for annoying moments.

There are many situations when it is recommended to give cats sedatives:

  1. Before traveling in a car.

If the cat is not used to transport and is experiencing severe stress, a sedative should be used before the trip to make the pet more comfortable. Of course, sedatives do not need to be used if the pet is accustomed to traveling in a car and behaves calmly.

  1. When moving to a new home, changing owners.

In such situations, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cat's condition. If the animal's behavior has not returned to normal after several days and the use of sedatives, most likely the pet will need additional help from a special doctor who will help correct the cat's behavior and restore calm and tranquility to him.

  1. In the process of treating mental disorders and nervous disorders caused by fears and phobias.

Cats can suffer greatly from stress, because it can cause mental illness in them, which will have to be treated for a long time not only with medications, but with the use of psychotherapy and behavioral correction.

  1. Before visiting exhibitions, grooming salons for cosmetic procedures.

A large crowd of people and animals can cause severe fear and panic in a cat, and haircuts, bathing and other cosmetic procedures will completely deprive the pet of peace. In such cases, it is necessary to use sedatives in order to protect your cat, and also to carry out all the required procedures in a safe and calm environment.

  1. During the period of sexual hunting.

Sedatives can be used during periods of sexual desire in a pet in order to reduce the aggressive and excited state of the animal.

Important! Sedatives should be used in situations that are unpleasant for the pet, but the priority cure for stress for the animal will be attention and care from the owner.

Types of sedatives

Cat sedatives are divided into several types:

  • homeopathic;
  • chemical;
  • hormonal;
  • tranquilizers.

Homeopathic medicine is represented by preparations of plant or animal origin. This is an alternative to medicine that uses low concentrations of potent substances.

From the use of chemicals, the effect occurs quickly and noticeably.

When taking hormonal drugs, a positive effect also occurs during periods of sexual overstimulation.

Tranquilizers are used in rare cases when sound sleep is necessary during long trips, or for diagnostics in a veterinary hospital. These medications will be prescribed by your veterinarian.

Any of a number of sedatives will act on the entire nervous system, relaxing the cat, normalizing blood pressure and breathing, and removing fear.

Homeopathic sedatives

The distinctive properties of homeopathy are the absence of side effects, the naturalness of the components and the high absorption of the medicine due to the high degree of dilution of the drug. The release form is drops and infusions, which simplifies use at home after consultation with a veterinarian.

There are many homeopathic remedies aimed at normalizing nervous conditions in cats:

  • Fitex drops - the product includes extracts of valerian, motherwort, hops and Baikal skullcap. Used to normalize the functioning of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. The drug improves blood pressure and has a mild sedative and antispasmodic effect. The product effectively suppresses the feeling of fear.
  • Tincture Cat Bayun - the drug contains oregano, sweet clover, valerian and an extensive phytocomplex. The product has sedative and antispasmodic properties. The drug helps correct behavior and reduce the risk of nervous conditions.
  • “Rescue remedy” (Rescue remedy) or Bach's Drops - contains various herbs: ornithischium umbelliferum, clematis vine-leaved, plum splayed, impatiens vulgaris and sunflower coinifolia. The product relieves fears, anxiety, and nervous tension. Helps normalize mental state.
  • “Stop-Stress” drops and tablets for cats are a popular remedy for Russian. The drug, in addition to components of plant origin (valerian, catnip, motherwort), includes phenibut (aminophenylbutyric acid).

  • Nux vomica-homaccord - contains vomit nut (Chilibuha vulgaris) - tropical deciduous tree. The drug is prepared from the seeds of the plant ground into powder. The product not only has a calming effect, but also helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hormel - contains the following components: viburnum, aquilegia, pulsatilla, cyclamen, oregano, nitric acid and sepia. The drug normalizes the sexual cycle and has a sedative effect in case of nervous disorders. In addition, it has analgesic properties and is used for mastopathy during estrus in cats.
  • Phosphorus-homaccord - contains phosphorus, silver nitrate and crow's eye extract. The product stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system during the period of sexual estrus. Has an immunostimulating effect, improves the elimination of toxins. The drug is used for kidney disease and the appearance of tumors. In addition, the medicine is prescribed for disorders of mineral metabolism.
  • Ignacy - the drug is prepared from Chinese beans - a climbing plant of the Periwinkle family. Ground seeds of the plant are used for tincture. The product has sedative and antispasmodic effects. May act as an antidepressant. Improves metabolic processes in the brain, normalizes the functioning of endocrine organs.

Advice! On sale you can find calming collars for cats soaked in natural oils of valerian, catnip and lavender. Such accessories will help to make behavioral adjustments with a lasting effect. The work period is 3-4 weeks.

When is it better not to give sedatives?

Each drug may have its own contraindications, which can be found in the instructions. But there are also general conditions that prohibit the use of sedatives and suggest another way to calm the cat.

Do not use sedatives


  • during
    pregnancy ;
  • while feeding offspring;
  • up to 12 months of life;
  • with increased sensitivity to the composition of the product;
  • if you are allergic to the components of the medication;
  • with hypotension;
  • for diabetes mellitus, if the composition contains sucrose;
  • for problems with the urinary system.

If you neglect such recommendations, serious problems are possible, including various physical ailments and the animal’s complete loss of interest in life.

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Hormonal sedatives

Hormonal sedatives are very effective in combating stress during the period of sexual arousal of the animal. But they are not recommended to be used too often, because... These drugs have side effects.

Attention! Hormonal sedatives have many contraindications and side effects.

Improper use of these drugs can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the animal’s endocrine and reproductive systems. Therefore, such medications can only be used as prescribed by a veterinarian and for a short period of time.

The most common hormonal drugs include:

  • Countersex is a drug used to interrupt sexual desire and protect against pregnancy. Inhibits the functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems. When taken for a long time or in excessive dosages, it causes cancer and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • Pillkan - reduces the sexual activity of cats and interrupts the estrus of cats. Helps reduce aggression and nervous agitation.
  • Ex-5 and Ex-7.5 - in addition to interrupting and delaying sexual heat, the drug is used to correct behavior. Reduces nervous excitability and aggression. The drugs differ only in dosage.
  • Covinan - the product helps in interrupting the pet’s sexual activity, preventing pregnancy and estrus.
  • Sex Barrier - used to delay or interrupt the period of estrus and reduce the level of sexual arousal. Reduces aggression and stress during sexual hunting.
  • Gestrenol - helps suppress sexual desire, protects against unwanted pregnancy and estrus.

Reference! To reduce stress and nervous excitability during the period of sexual heat, the priority action will be to sterilize the animal.

What sedatives should cats not use?

Cats should not be given sedatives intended for human use. There is a completely different composition and dosage that is not suitable for our smaller brothers.

The myth about valerian should also have been dispelled long ago: it is not a cat sedative, but a real drug that causes increased stimulation of the nervous system. Even death is likely. The presence of valerian in some sedatives is minimal and does not cause any harm.

Catnip also does not bring the cat's nerves into working condition; it is a weaker analogue of valerian.

Chemical sedatives

To calm raging kittens, in addition to homeopathic medicines, medications of chemical origin are also used:

  • VetSpokoin and Stop-stress contain medicinal herbs and sedative components.
  • Amitriptyline helps cope with your pet's anxiety and territory marking.
  • Buspirone is an excellent remedy for phobias.
  • Clomipramine is prescribed for a stressful situation and phobia that has arisen in a kitten.
  • Diazepam is a good remedy for epilepsy and anxiety.
  • Xylazine drops have a quick calming effect. They should be used when immediate calm is needed.
  • Medetomidine is used by a veterinarian for simple procedures in a clinical setting.
  • Vetranquil is used to relieve stress in kittens due to upcoming travel.

These drugs should only be used when prescribed by a veterinarian, since violation of the dosage of sedatives can lead to the death of the animal.

Calming medications for animals can only relieve the cause of the kitten's stress; they will not help cope with the cause of the cat's stress.

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