“Anti-sex” for cats: a review of drugs to curb sexual desire

Many owners of uncastrated cats and unsterilized cats suffer from sexual heat. There are many veterinary medications that relieve sexual desire in cats. They are available in tablet, drop and injection formats. Note that the use of antisex drugs for cats can have a detrimental effect on general health, so castration or sterilization is a more preferable measure. If the owner of an errant cat decides to use temporary remedies, especially those containing hormones, he needs to consult a veterinarian. Below we will tell you which zoopharmaceutical drugs help calm a “walking” pet.

“Anti-sex” for cats: a review of drugs to curb sexual desire

What is Covinan used for?

This medicine is most often used for prevention if the owners plan to someday get offspring from her. They protect the animal from unwanted pregnancy. Many people have heard about this effect of the drug and use it on their own, not knowing about the specifics of the action. After all, veterinarians use Covinan in the following cases:

  • to prevent manifestations of sexual instinct in cats;
  • to prevent the development of false pregnancy and pseudo-lactation;
  • in complex treatment;
  • in the case where bearing offspring is dangerous to the health and life of the animal.

As a contraceptive, “Covinan” for cats is advisable to use to provide rest for purebred producers in nurseries. Animals that are prohibited from undergoing surgical sterilization for medical reasons cannot do without such a remedy.

What medications are there?

How do flea drops work for cats
? Note that during the period of estrus, the cat’s behavior sometimes changes beyond recognition. Due to hormonal storms, the animal becomes aggressive and overly excitable. If the owner decides not to breed the cat, then the question arises about choosing suitable antisex drugs. Similar medications for cats can be of two types:

Hormonal drugs


  • reduce the active phase of estrus;
  • completely interrupt the heat;
  • delay the onset of active;
  • extrusion phases.

In addition to influencing the behavior of an animal during estrus, hormonal drops are sometimes used as a remedy against unwanted pregnancy.


They do not affect the estrus itself in any way, but can only correct the behavior of the cat, making the animal calmer and more adequate. Sedatives have an effect on the nervous system, leading to inhibition of the animal's reactions. Typically, such preparations are prepared on a herbal basis.

Please note that it is necessary to use products (especially hormonal ones) strictly according to the instructions and only during periods of crisis during estrus, when the cat’s behavior becomes truly unbearable. If an animal goes through extrusion (estrus) easily and without negative consequences, then you shouldn’t stuff it with medications unless there is special need: the drugs have a lot of contraindications.

Deception in the instructions

If the packaging or instructions say: “There are no side effects,” then you can safely throw away the drug. There are always unpleasant side effects from taking hormonal drugs. Even human steroids have a lot of negative consequences, so doctors prescribe them only in extreme cases.

As for veterinary drugs, they are much cheaper and more dangerous than human drugs. Typically, steroids use megestrol, an extremely dangerous hormone that is banned in many countries around the world. Moreover, some companies producing hormonal pills do not have certification and registration in Russia.

Estrus period in cats

Distemper in kittens

If a cat appears in your house, be prepared for the fact that she will soon grow up and begin to “walk.” Periods of such partying are quite difficult for the animal itself and for the owners, since the cat loses its adequacy during this period. The animal can meow loudly, calling for the cat, rub against all objects in the apartment, even mark under the door or in shoes. We will look in detail at what tablets, drops and injections will help restore peace and harmony to your home and calm a runaway cat.

Every owner of an unsterilized cat sooner or later encounters manifestations of her sexual instinct: as a rule, unpleasant manifestations. Next, let's look at what signs indicate that a cat is in heat.

The cat becomes too excitable, often nervous, and shows increased love and activity. If on ordinary days the animal is independent and does not like to be held, then during periods of estrus she literally does not leave her owners, caresses, rubs, and requires stroking. The animal falls on its paws, putting its tail back - a standard calling pose for cats.

An animal can meow for hours, trying to attract at least some cat with its vocal abilities. Sometimes such concerts can literally drive cat owners (as well as their neighbors) crazy.

A cat can also mark its territory: this sign of estrus becomes a real problem, especially in confined spaces in apartments. If the balcony door is open, the cat may risk walking along the balcony parapet, smelling the smell of street cats. Sometimes such walks lead to disaster in the form of an animal falling down.

You can see for yourself that the problem needs to be solved, and then we will tell you exactly how.


Instructions for use of Covinan for cats

The most commonly used are:

The tablets are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces. Apply it as follows:

  • for cats weighing up to five kg - 1 tablet per day;
  • with a weight of 5-10 kg - 2 pieces per day;

Duration of treatment is up to four days.

  • for cats up to 5 kg—2 pieces per day;
  • for weights up to 15 kg—3 pieces per day.

Duration of treatment is up to 5 days.

Price for 10 pieces—74.00 rubles.

Countersex tablets

Antisex is packed in foil from 3 to 24 pieces.

Used for:

  • to delay estrus - 1 tablet for a week;
  • to stop estrus - 1 tablet until complete cessation;
  • for cats to suppress sexual desire - 1 tablet daily for a week. Then 0.5 tablets for another 14 days.

Price for 8 tablets 25.00-30.00 rubles.

Gestrenol is packaged in foil strips of 5-10 pieces, or in paper packaging covered with polyethylene.


  • to suppress sexual desire - 1-2 tablets for 5 days;
  • for a calming effect - 1 tablet once every 7 days;
  • to prevent accidental pregnancy - 2 tablets within 24 hours after mating. Repeat the procedure after 24 hours.

Cost for 10 tablets—114.00 rubles

Gestrenol tablets

Indian experiment

In 2011, Indian veterinarians made an amazing discovery. While solving the problem of limiting the number of stray animals, they discovered a “miracle” remedy that has a contraceptive effect. It turned out to be calcium chloride, previously actively used in medicine and veterinary medicine for other purposes.

This substance began to be injected into the testes of animals. The ideal dosage was 0.25 calcium chloride at a concentration of 10%. Five minutes after the administration of the substance, the animals showed minor signs of discomfort; in some, the testes swelled. But after a while all the unwanted reactions stopped.

As a result, sperm production in animals decreased, thus reducing the number of stray cats. However, the method requires further study.

About the safety of treatment

Several popular drugs can be found over the counter in veterinary pharmacies (Stop-Stress, Kot-Bayun, Contra-Sex). All of them are relatively safe for home use. But in cases where the cat’s behavior is neglected and brought to the limit, they may not help. A visit to the veterinarian and clinical tests are the best thing that can be done for a mentally ill pet, and sedatives and sleeping pills for cats should be postponed until better times.

Before prescribing any medicine that affects the brain, whether it calms or tones, it is necessary to exclude contraindications:

  • Age restrictions. You need to be especially careful with kittens and aging pets;
  • Special conditions: pregnancy, lactation, estrus. Against the background of changes in hormone levels, active ingredients may have an unexpected effect;
  • Metabolic disorders, kidney and liver failure, cardiovascular problems.

Dosage forms of drugs may vary depending on the active substance and dosage characteristics:

  • calming tablets (veterinary tablets for cats - smaller);
  • calming drops for cats;
  • powders;
  • injectable drugs;
  • special solutions that can be added to the repellent spray.

Some medications, for example, motherwort, are available in both drops and tablets - which is more convenient. Reading the instructions and following the doctor's instructions will help you decide which tablets to give at night and what to calm your cat during the day, which substances are safe for a kitten and which are not suitable for aging pets.

Duration, frequency and manifestations of estrus in cats

The first heat in cats usually comes at 8 - 10 months, and for some even earlier. But the pet is not yet ready for kittens to appear at this time. The burden of bearing kittens is too great for a body that is not fully formed and can result in health problems and premature pregnancy. The animal will be ready for kittens no earlier than 16 - 20 months. In an adult cat, without problems with the reproductive sphere, estrus occurs three times a year and lasts about 10 - 14 days. In some cases, longer, it depends on many factors and characteristics of a particular case.

When a cat asks a cat how to calm her down, it’s not immediately clear. During this period, her behavior can be more than specific. The main symptom is loud, obsessive meowing, which can last continuously with breaks for short-term sleep. In general, at this time, pets are characterized by increased nervousness and even, possibly, aggressiveness, which is manifested by damage to things.

In addition, the desire to meet a cat can manifest itself as follows:

  • the cat marks the territory, leaving small puddles;
  • there is a decrease in appetite;
  • adopting a mating position, rolling on the floor;
  • excessive affection, the animal literally sticks to its owners.

If these signs make it clear that the cat wants a cat, what to do needs to be decided as soon as possible, and it is better to take care of this issue in advance. Otherwise, you will have to “enjoy” heartbreaking cat concerts for more than one day, without a break for the owner’s sleep and rest. And even the fluffiest purr will not benefit from such stress.

There are enough tools that can cope with the problem. The most obvious of them is to give the animal the opportunity to satisfy its desire. But perhaps this is not always the case. After all, not all owners have the opportunity and desire to adopt several kittens every year. In this case, it is worth turning to other means, which we will consider.

Side effects of the drug

For those cat owners who want to find a “magic” remedy to prevent heat, it is important to know that such drugs may not be completely safe. In addition to the fact that you need to follow special rules when performing an injection, you should carry out treatment only after consultation with a specialist

He will warn you how Covinan can be dangerous for cats. Side effects do not occur so often, but they are quite unpleasant for both the animal and its owner:

  • Many cats have an increased appetite and begin to gain weight;
  • some owners note lethargy and lethargy of the animal after treatment;
  • the mammary glands may enlarge and even develop a tumor;
  • sometimes purulent inflammation of the uterus occurs;
  • the activity of the endocrine system may be disrupted;
  • local reactions include hair loss or lightening at the injection site.

Consequences of taking hormones

When using steroid hormones, an inflammatory process first occurs in the testes and prostate.

At the same time, one tablet is sometimes enough to activate the inflammatory process. Later, the glands increase in size and cysts and follicles filled with pus appear in them.

Then the tissues degenerate with the formation of cancerous tumors. The animal's appetite worsens, behavior changes towards increased or decreased excitability. When a follicle ruptures and pus is absorbed into the blood, the temperature rises sharply, thirst increases, convulsions, loss of coordination, vomiting and other signs of acute intoxication are possible.

The only treatment in this case is castration. However, it does not always help, since cancer cells can metastasize to other organs and tissues. In this case, the animal is doomed to a long and painful death. But sometimes the operation is successful and the pet is able to return to health.

The cardinal method of solving the problem is sterilization

This method has both supporters and opponents. Only one thing remains certain - this is today the only guaranteed and long-term way to resolve the issue. This is a single irreversible procedure that is performed by a specialist in a veterinary clinic. In a situation where a cat is yelling and wanting to know what to do, it may be completely unclear to the exhausted owners. And the thought of sterilization will be perceived as salvation. But before making this decision, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

The advantages of this method are:

  1. permanent effect;
  2. a significant reduction in the risk of diseases of the genital organs and mammary glands, including cancer.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • the danger of surgical intervention as such, the possibility of postoperative complications, the specifics of caring for the cat until it recovers;
  • risk of urolithiasis and obesity, decreased activity.

What to replace it with?

Chemical castration of cats can cause a serious blow to the health of your pet. Therefore, some owners solve the problem with special tablets or drops. However, like injections, these drugs also have a lot of contraindications and restrictions, but still there are fewer of them. The main components included in the drugs change hormonal levels and sometimes lead to complications in the form of tumor formation.

The only relatively safe method is sterilization surgery. To prevent the cat from wandering, castration is performed, and the cat's ovaries are completely removed to prevent pregnancy. After surgery, recovery and rehabilitation are required. Special care for a sterilized animal is also necessary. However, after such a procedure there are no such terrible complications, the animal leads its usual lifestyle, but there are no longer hormonal surges and sprees.

Side effects

Let us note that drugs intended to stop a cat’s sexual desire can lead to a variety of undesirable reactions of the body. In addition, a cat may well have contraindications for some components - in this case, the use of a certain type of product is prohibited in principle.

Be sure to visit your veterinarian before using any drug. The examination will show whether the animal has any diseases, contraindications, or other health defects that are incompatible with taking antisex products.

If you want to cause less harm to the animal’s body, use herbal products with a calming effect. Such drugs do not affect the endocrine system and are quite well tolerated by the cat’s body.

As for hormonal drugs, it is very dangerous to give them to a cat for a long time: when using such drugs, it is important to very clearly and accurately follow the dosage recommended by the instructions. Long-term use of hormonal tablets or drops can lead to endocrine system disorders, erosions, and sometimes oncology in a cat.

In addition to the above, the following side effects of a less serious nature are often observed:

  • increased cat appetite;
  • weight gain;
  • strange behavior;
  • swelling of the mammary glands.

Diseases such as diabetes and dysfunction of the adrenal glands are also possible: long-term use of hormonal drugs by a cat usually leads to pathologies of this kind.


Antisex injections are the most dangerous. They are used initially with a break of 3-4 months, then the period between injections is increased to 6 months, a year or more. Veterinarians do not recommend using this product so as not to harm the pet’s health. This may lead to unintended consequences. Injections are more likely to cause illness in an animal than tablets and drops.

When asked whether it is worth using antisex for cats, most breeders answer with a firm no. It is much easier for owners to castrate or sterilize an animal, because this procedure is safer and simpler than the constant use of hormones.


Products in this category may well be used to suppress the sexual instinct in cats. Tablets can be both sedative and hormonal, and their effects are similar to those of drops. Next, we will give a short overview of the tablets.


Antisex tablets for cats include a substance such as megasterol acetate, which blocks the production of certain hormones in the animal’s body, causing suppression of sexual desire.

Note that the tablets are eliminated from the cat’s body quite quickly: after 15 days from the date of administration, there are usually no traces of the drug left. It is prohibited to use this drug for more than 18 months in a row: a minimum break must be taken for at least one heat. During the break, the natural hormonal cycle will be restored, and then you can continue to “treat” the animal with these tablets again.

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