My cat lashes out and bites every chance she gets. What to do?

A cat is the embodiment of comfort, a soft purring bundle of tenderness, always ready to offer its neck and ears for stroking, and curl up on a person’s lap. But when owners take a kitten into their home, they often cannot understand: why does the cat bite? While he is small, bites and scratches do not cause much pain, but his teeth and claws grow quickly, and trying to play with Murka can result in serious injuries. And sometimes a cat bites even when not touched, attacking first. There are many dangerous bacteria on teeth and claws. Cat bites and scratches do not heal well and often become inflamed. An aggressive animal in the house can greatly frighten a child. To avoid unpleasant problems, you need to educate him from the first days of the appearance of a purring pet in the house and know when and why a cat bites.


A cat can bite or scratch if you hurt it - accidentally stepped on its paw, pinched its tail, or hit it to punish for trying to steal food from the table, or other offenses. But why does the cat bite the owner's hand when he tries to help him? Animals cannot always determine the source of pain. If the pet is injured, its stomach hurts, and the owner tries to pet it by touching the sore spot, the cat will decide that the source of the pain is a person and will bite, protecting itself from the pain. An attack is also possible when trying to get a sick animal out of a dark corner where it is hiding. It is useless to punish or educate a cat when it is in pain. You need to be careful and take it after protecting your hands with gloves and your body with thick clothing. If you need to give medicine or give an injection, it is better to first secure the cat, swaddled in a towel.

The influence of early education

The relationship between kittens and humans is shaped by the cat. By her behavior she shows who a person is - an enemy, a source of food, a friend. Therefore, it will not be possible to wean a kitten from biting and scratching as soon as it gets into a new home - it takes time to forget its mother’s science. You can see from the cat how the kittens will grow up:

  • does not allow him to approach the litter, hisses, rushes - semi-feral kittens get used to people over the years, strangers make them wary;
  • Only suitable for food. The offspring are not allowed to leave the den. Growing up, such a cat scratches and bites when it feels coerced or pressured;
  • trusts people, but is wary when babies are touched. Kittens grow up to be domestic. They are patient, but release their claws due to unpleasant manipulation, fright, or violation of personal space;
  • dozens of generations were born at home, their ancestors completely trusted them, even to the point of being able to bathe, give an injection, or brush their teeth without coercion. Kittens are not able to survive without humans, they are affectionate and tame.

A semi-wild cat can give birth to fully domestic offspring, but this is rare. If a cat bites and scratches because the mother has not raised trust in the person, taming the obstinate one will take a lot of time.

Fear, stress

A domestic cat that is affectionate with family members may be afraid of strangers. If she does not show initiative, but sits at a distance, guests should not approach her and try to pet her or pick her up. Explain this to people who come to your house, and you won’t have to spend a lot of time explaining why the cat bites. Be sure to tell the children that a living creature is not a toy, you cannot scare it, try to catch it, pick it up, or stroke it. Some cats are calm towards adults, but having negative experience, they avoid children, and when they can’t hide, they attack.

If you threw a party, strangers came to the house, the cat is stressed and may react aggressively even to the owner’s affection. She is angry and afraid, intensely assesses the situation, looks around in search of danger, and can instantly react to an unexpected touch or urgently ask (with teeth and claws, she cannot speak in words) not to distract her.

Gaming Skills

During play, the cat teaches its offspring how to hunt - how to attack, grab, bite, and drag correctly. If the kitten grabs her or a fellow cat too much, she stops the game. Babies who were taken early do not know how to control the force of clenching their jaws, and do not see the difference between a real attack and a blow with a “soft” paw. It is difficult to wean them from gaming aggression.

Most owners allow the kitten to play with its arms and legs for up to six months. It's cute, fun and funny. At six months, when a young cat bites and scratches almost like an adult, they begin to educate him. By human standards, the pet is already 7 years old; oriental cats will soon be in their first heat, which means they are even more mature.

An already formed negative skill can only be corrected:

  • Don't tease with your hands. Prohibit family and guests. This is difficult, especially when there are children in the house. But without a complete ban, it will not be possible to wean a cat from biting and scratching as soon as he is dissatisfied with something;
  • if the pet starts playing, interrupt the game and leave, ignore it for a while;
  • provide different toys - balls, mice, teasers. They should be more interesting than playing with your hands.

When choosing a kitten in a nursery, you need to tease him. A good breeder's kittens look bewildered, they may sniff, but there will not be even a hint of perceiving the hand as prey.

Protecting personal space

Each animal, like a person, has a unique character. Some cats are affectionate and friendly, always ready to communicate with the owner and members of his family, and favorably accept affection. Others are unsociable or moody, and trying to interact with them when they don't want to provoke aggression. Think about it: you are tired, full, asleep, and someone comes up and wakes you up to pet you. Respect your pet's personal space. If he is not in the mood for games or communication, leave him alone, do not try to pick him up. By punishing you can get him to stop biting, but you won’t be able to build a trusting relationship with your pet. He will avoid you and try to hide. If you treat his desires and mood swings with understanding, after some time he will sit on his knees, rub against his legs and purr, demanding attention and affection.

Why does the kitten constantly bite

If a kitten constantly bites and scratches, the owners will sooner or later think about why this is happening. Cats are originally predatory animals that retain the instincts of wild animals. They appear especially often in kittens and street cats, while domesticated adults behave more civilized.

There are other explanations for why a domestic kitten bites.

Teething or growth spurt

Teething, both in children and kittens, occurs at an early age and causes a lot of discomfort to the baby. During this period, itching and inflammation of the gums are observed, which is why kittens can gnaw on everything that gets in their way, including the hands and feet of the owner. This helps them reduce itching and slightly soothe the pain in the gums.

The solution is to buy special toys that the cat will chew instead of hands, shoes and pieces of furniture.

Training and instinct

Kittens at an early age do not fully understand that at home they are safe, provided by people. The hunter's instinct signals them to practice their hunting and defensive skills during play.

The owner also becomes the target of an attack, since age, a small amount of experience and education allow kittens to see a “danger” or “prey” in a person during play.

Desire to play

In kittens at an early age, all activity comes down to games. There may not be enough space or toys in the apartment, and the kids direct all their energy to playing with the owner - a living creature who acts as a play partner.

In any case, at an early age, pets bite not out of malice, but out of boredom or overwhelming energy. It is necessary to choose the right weaning methods and diversify their leisure time.

To attract attention

There are times in a person’s life when he doesn’t have enough time for a small pet - there are serious matters, problems, fatigue. And kittens are active almost around the clock, and they cannot understand the reasons why a person ignores them.

They will attract attention by any means, including through biting and attempts to scratch. Here it is necessary to take into account that this is not aggression, but, on the contrary, a lack of love and attention.

Carefully! The cat gave birth to kittens

Cats have a highly developed maternal instinct. And they are ready to fight an enemy much larger and stronger if they believe that their offspring are in danger. They do not warn of an attack, but begin to attack unexpectedly, trying to cause maximum harm in the first seconds. The face, eyes, ears, hair, stomach, arms, legs may be affected.

Some pets trust their owners and do not feel worried when they touch newborns or pick them up. But be careful: a purring mother may lose her composure if the kitten meows loudly.

Do not allow guests to touch the kittens until they leave the nest and begin walking around the house or apartment on their own. If your pet is wary of guests, do not let them into the room where she feeds her babies.

My cat lashes out and bites every chance she gets. What to do?

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This question becomes relevant, thank God, relatively rarely. Cats are normally friendly and affectionate creatures. But let's be honest - there are also natural imps who will catch you, attack on the sly, and even bite. It is quite obvious that there is no talk of calm “hugs”. You wouldn't get any extra scratches here! Let's figure out under what circumstances cats acquire “increased biting.”

Defensive aggression. The very first and logical thought: my cat has become aggressive. There are many types of aggression in cats; we refer our inquisitive readers to a separate article on the topic (follow the link). Now let's talk about a special aggression called defensive. It usually develops due to a bad or incorrect attitude towards the animal. It is not at all necessary to beat or punish the animal. For example, you might have received an initially timid or fearful pet, which everyone annoyed with hugs, caresses and other demands. That is, initially they did not behave as they should. Here is the result: the pet bristled and became embittered, and generally stopped letting anyone approach him. His aggression is a kind of defensive reaction. Solution: urgently reconsider your attitude and approaches to your tailed friend.

Physical pain and/or long-term illness. Cats usually mask their pain and illness until the last moment. Owners often do not notice any catch, especially when the animal is injured and is in pain. Outwardly nothing is noticeable, but the pet withdraws and withdraws into itself. With the best of intentions, you approach, try to stroke it and inadvertently touch a sensitive spot. The reaction is aggression and bite. Advice: if your previously affectionate and calm pet begins to react sharply to touch, visit the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Overstimulation. Another situation is when you decide to play a very active game with your pet. For example, in a “chase” or “hunt”. As you know, cats are natural predators, but their strength does not last long. A chase, a quick dash into which the mustachioed friend puts all his strength - and, perhaps, everything. But not all cats are able to leave the game in time, especially when their owners provoke them. It’s not for nothing that experts have established the duration of safe gaming sessions at 10-15 minutes. Everything else is overstimulation, when the animal becomes overly excited and generates aggression. Tip: Always end noisy games on time. Or choose quieter games.

Game behavior patterns. And yet cats rarely pounce and bite “just because.” As a rule, owners complain of outbreaks of “biting.” For example, they calmly walk around the room, the cat pounces and bites their ankles. Or they sit at the table, and a lurking beast attacks their legs. What can I say about this? If you now see yourself and your pet, we hasten to console you - you are not alone. Although this is little consolation. This behavior comes from early childhood, when the kitten was allowed everything. Some loving owners even deliberately provoke play aggression, holding out their hands, allowing them to bite. The job is done: the kitten has learned that biting is good. Moreover, it is encouraged. The habit was taken into adulthood. Moreover, the “games” have improved and become more sophisticated. Solution: there was no need to encourage play aggression in childhood. But, since you are faced with a problem, do not punish, and especially do not hit your pet. Make it clear that “biting” is unpleasant for you. Try to redirect your cat's energy to something more useful. At the same time, we warn you: it is extremely difficult to get rid of “childish” habits.

Warning signal. The cat may absolutely not like what you do to it. For example, you hug him tightly and caress him. Or comb it out, as an option. Cats rarely attack without warning; they usually give a warning signal. Each animal has its own signals. But the "warning bite" certainly belongs on this list.

Redirected aggression. This can also happen: for example, an absolutely “domestic” cat sees a street cat or dog outside the window. You can often observe how your pet arches its back, its fur stands up, and a displeased rumbling is heard (not to be confused with purring). The animal understands that it is not able to cope with a street counterpart, but it takes out its anger and irritation on someone from the family.

Another point: cats, in the face of a perceived threat, almost completely disconnect from the outside world. They focus entirely on their enemy and stop seeing and hearing what is happening around them. Nerves are tense to the limit. Now imagine: the owner came up to console and reassure. I intervened and immediately received the full program! Solution: gently, calmly solve the problem with the “external irritant”. If you are talking about an outdoor animal, simply close the curtains or lower the blinds. Five minutes, and the situation will return to normal.

Material used: Dealing With A Cat That Bites Or Lashes Out. Source and photo:

Who is the head in this house?

One of the reasons why cats bite their owners is the desire to show who is more important in the house. This is how they achieve the subjugation of their relatives, and they try to act with people, demonstrating strength and aggression, as is inherent in instinct. A cat may come up and bite for no reason or pay back for an insult. Suppress such actions firmly, but not cruelly. It is convenient to use a spray bottle - a small cold shower cools the fighting mood. Sometimes it’s enough to say in a stern voice: “You can’t!” or snap your fingers, clap your hands. After you have stopped the aggression, do not communicate with the pet for a while, do not pet it. Don't hit him - this way you can get fear, caution, a desire to do dirty tricks on the sly, but not trust and love.

Mistakes in handling cats

If a cat shows aggression towards strangers for no reason, rushes at them, tries to bite them, the reason most likely lies in mistakes in upbringing. This problem is often faced by owners who tried to isolate the kitten in the first months of its life. When guests or strangers arrived, the baby was locked in the room and was not allowed to meet strangers. It happens that a pet is isolated from the loud sounds of a vacuum cleaner or washing machine.

But for proper socialization, the kitten needs to thoroughly study the environment within 2-3 weeks and make sure that it does not pose a danger. Otherwise, when any unfamiliar factors appear, the kitten will become frightened, and aggression is a means of defense.

There are several other reasons for this behavior:

  • assertion of your priorities;
  • ingrained fears, anger;
  • revenge for an insult.

Sometimes the desire of the owners to assign the “title of king” to the pet has a negative impact on the formation of the cat’s character. The pet begins to consider itself the main one in the house, with the help of bites and aggressive attacks it proves its dominance. Not every cat will behave this way; most calmly experience their most important position in the house. But if the animal has a tendency to dominate, encouraging it will create many problems.

One of the common reasons is revenge for grievances caused. A cat that has previously been abused may defend itself by biting for old times’ sake. He does not understand that no one is going to harm him, he defends himself according to the established pattern of behavior. Even your own cat can take revenge and is severely punished for any offense.


While playing, kittens attack each other, scratch and bite. They also play with humans. And when a small cat bites your hand, its tiny teeth and claws do little harm. But she is growing. Both teeth and claws grow. After the games, deep painful wounds remain. A person tries to stop such games, but it is very difficult to wean an animal from behavior that was encouraged in childhood. In order not to quarrel with your pet, prohibit the kitten from biting and scratching your hands, use special teaser toys - playing with them is both more interesting and safer.

Often tailed hunters from ambush jump on the legs of their owners, bite them, and scratch them. This is an invitation to play. Tell your pet that you do not approve of such actions, and after 15-20 minutes invite him to hunt for a toy, run after a ball or catch a feather.

How to stop a cat from biting and scratching: trying to understand “body language”

The threat came from where it was not expected, and your mood immediately deteriorated? Don't be discouraged - next time you can prevent an attack by simply monitoring your pet's behavior.

  • First you stroke the animal, and he likes everything: a purr is heard in response.
  • Afterwards the cat's body becomes tense. Often the animal shows dissatisfaction by moving its ears.
  • This behavior is perceived by most owners as a signal for more active actions: trying to calm the cat, they begin to stroke it even harder and more diligently. As soon as the touch of the owner’s hand becomes unbearable, the animal’s pupils dilate, the animal bites its “tormentor”’s fingers, breaks free and quickly runs away.

photo from the site:

Having scratched a person, a cat seeks shelter to protect itself from punishment. What can you do to ensure that this scenario does not happen again, and that your affection does not cause aggression in your pet?

The owner of the animal must remember: bad behavior of the four-legged friend can be easily avoided if you monitor the condition of the cat and do not do anything that he may not like. For example, when playing with a fluffy dog, you should not tease him by offering him your fingers as a familiar rubber mouse or ball. This way you will only provoke the animal and, gaping, you will become its prey.

After petting your pet, do not forget to stop in time. Do not force an animal to come into your arms if it does not want to - the result of such “coercion” will only be bites and a spoiled mood.

Shows of love

Those who have a mustachioed friend for the first time often wonder why cats bite when petting them. A newborn kitten kneads its mother's belly with its clawed paws to stimulate milk production and receives a pleasant feeling of fullness. While playing with his brothers and sisters, he also uses his teeth and claws. Adult relatives express sympathy for each other by gently biting. With this caress the animal pleases its human friend. Gently, for example, by stopping stroking or scratching behind the ear, indicate that this is unpleasant for you, and the kitten will quickly wean itself off this way of communicating with you.


Before taking educational measures, you need to make sure that the pet is healthy. If stress is caused by illness, it will not be possible to stop the cat from biting and scratching until the general condition improves. During treatment, the veterinarian will prescribe a sedative: RelaxPlus, Feliway, StopStress, Fitex. Cannot be used without consultation.

When talking about illness, you can notice other changes - lethargy, loss of appetite, dull hair, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory manifestations. The cat does not allow you to touch the sore spot. Not all illnesses and injuries have pronounced symptoms, so sudden aggression is a reason to consult a doctor.

The cause of inappropriate behavior may be rabies. This is a fatal disease, there is no cure. If you suspect an infection, you must leave the room, close the door, and call the SES. You must not approach an animal with rabies, try to calm it down, or provide assistance.


Here are a few reasons why a cat might grab your hand and bite you:

  1. You use your hand as a toy, so your cat bites it
  2. Your cat wants to play and needs to be redirected to a toy
  3. Your cat is irritated and wants to be left alone
  4. You pet your cat in a way she doesn't like
  5. Your cat is injured

Many of these should be obvious if you know your cat well. Pay attention to their body language, and if a particular situation causes them to bite, stop putting your cat in that position.

Other situations may be more difficult to detect, especially if you are not very good at reading cats. In this article, I'll tell you why your cat is biting your hand and how to get her to stop.

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The cat may be irritated

Some cats can be finicky, wanting attention one moment and then changing their mind the next. The main thing is to look at their body language.

What do they do when they get irritated? What does it look like when they are about to bite you? Do they always bite when you touch the same place, such as their belly, tail or feet?

© shutterstock

Cats don't speak Russian, so we can't blame them for communicating the way they know how. We also can't let them bite us all the time, so we have to work with them, not against them.

Once you know the signs that your cat doesn't want to be touched, respect their boundaries. Don't try to push or force them to continue petting them when it is not necessary. This will only make them, and possibly you, unhappy.

What to do in the moment of aggression

Punishments will not work to stop a cat from biting and scratching. But it must be shown that aggressive behavior is unacceptable. It is important to remain calm, remembering that the goal is to convey dissatisfaction to the cat without scaring it with screams.

What to do when a cat scratches or bites:

  • hiss sharply, leaning towards the bully;
  • sprinkle with water. You can shake your wet fingers towards the impudent face - you don’t have to run for a sprinkler;
  • lift by the scruff of the neck. It will help stop a young or usually calm cat from biting. Open aggression excludes physical contact;
  • distract with a toy, clapping your hand on the wall - an unexpected sound or action;
  • if open aggression cannot be controlled, throw on a blanket or jacket.

You can’t pull your hand out - due to inertia, the cat will cling to the “prey” stronger. There is no point in screaming, hitting, or pouring water on them - frightened animals are not capable of learning. And in order to wean a cat from attacking, he must understand the undesirability of such behavior. Patience, trust, and distraction together give excellent results.

Why is a cat bite always painful?

This is due to the structural features of cat teeth - one, and the bacterial flora of the animal's mouth - two.

The cat's dental system (30 teeth) has one peculiarity: every third molar of the upper and lower jaws, the largest, are fangs. The cat's fangs taper and flatten towards the end, and have the appearance of a Turkish dagger. The wounds inflicted by such a dagger are very deep and narrow, they heal faster than the blood flow can “push” out of the wound specific microorganisms (bacteria) that live in large numbers in the oral cavity of all living things.

Since the depth of a cat’s bite is a misleading concept due to its small size, these microorganisms cause inflammation and often suppuration of the wound.

Without antibiotics, it is difficult to treat such a puncture wound, especially if the bite occurred in a joint or deep underlying muscle and tendon tissue. It is necessary to distinguish whether the cat bit the finger into the soft tissue or touched the ligaments. Such a bite can lead to damage to the flexor-extensor apparatus, and the treatment of such damage can take a long time.

Such bites are dangerous not only for the fingers, they are also dangerous for the face and neck. For the face and décolleté there is also a purely cosmetic effect - poorly healing wounds lead to the formation of scars, which is especially unpleasant for women, especially if the bite was “seasoned” with deep scratches in the same area.

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