Grooming cats - step-by-step instructions for cutting a cat at home

Currently, grooming pets, particularly cats, is becoming increasingly common and popular. In a professional environment, cat grooming is called “grooming” and is usually done by a professional groomer. Grooming cats - 85 photos of professional cat grooming in our selection.

Every cat owner must constantly take care of their pet and monitor its appearance. Grooming an animal consists not only of regular bathing, trimming nails or combing, but also of bringing the fur into the appropriate shape.

For any cat, such procedures are often necessary not only to improve their appearance, but it is not uncommon that they are important for the life of the pet.

Depending on the temperament and character of the cat, you may be faced with the fact that it is not possible for owners to groom cats at home, and it is also necessary to use special tools for grooming cats.

Often, many cats react aggressively to such procedures and may even attack the owner. In such cases, professional groomers who have sufficient experience and skills in grooming cats at home or in a salon come to the rescue.

The described procedure is carried out in many veterinary clinics or, as has become popular nowadays, in specialized animal salons, where they also use cosmetics for grooming cats. See cat grooming in the photo gallery:

Features of grooming

The coat is trimmed as needed and as the coat grows back. The hair in the ears and head should not be cut. Because you can hurt them.

Cats should not be left without hair. Wool is needed to protect from the sun's rays.

Not all cats like to get their hair cut. They may show their dissatisfaction. In salons, with the permission of the owner, they give an injection of a muscle relaxant. This injection makes cutting easier. But it has many side effects.

The cat may experience low blood pressure or shortness of breath. This injection is not recommended for old and sick cats. You cannot enter it yourself. Only the veterinarian.

Grooming cats at home is easier. Because within their own walls they feel more comfortable and calmer.


  • First of all, grooming makes your pet well-groomed and beautiful.
  • Grooming cats is not only a beauty, but also a necessity. During the cutting process, tangles are removed. They are a place where dirt accumulates. If there are tangles, then you cannot wash.
  • After a haircut, the cat brings in fewer germs from the street.
  • The pet feels better in the heat.
  • It is more convenient to care for sick and old cats.
  • There is less wool in the house.
  • Grooming is necessary if your pet has fleas.


  • Cats need to be groomed when they are shedding.
  • And if there are small children at home, then you should cut their hair as often as possible.
  • The frequency also depends on the breed and gender of the pet. Cats are cut more often than cats.

Types of grooming

  • Hygienic - includes grooming procedures to remove tangles, cutting nails, combing fur, washing eyes, cleaning ears, and so on. Needed to maintain the clean appearance of your pet.
  • Exhibition - a haircut that improves the appearance of a pet. The bad parts are hidden and the good ones stand out. This haircut is done before some kind of exhibition or photo shoot. This procedure is difficult to do on your own. This requires professional skills. It is better to contact a salon that is professional in their field.

How to prepare your dog for grooming at home? How to cut your favorite dog's hair at home?

If you are planning to do everything yourself, we recommend stocking up on the following tools:

  • Pukhoderka. Used to eliminate lint in different areas; cleanses delicately, and does not just “rip out” shreds from your pet.
  • Scissors with rounded ends. They are necessary so that during the procedure you do not injure the dog’s skin.
  • Coil cutter. Needed to eliminate strong tangles in the back, neck and abdomen of dogs.
  • Curved scissors. Used for cutting in hard-to-reach places.
  • Dog clipper. It must have sharp and strong blades, otherwise the machine will simply break or “tear” the wool.

How to prepare for grooming a dog at home?

  • Collect all the tools in one place so that everything is at hand.
  • Take care of the bedding on which the dog will sit during the procedure.
  • Keep in mind that the dog will constantly spin around and “run away” from you, so it is advisable to set up a “hair salon” in the corner of the room.
  • Show your dog the tools for 5-7 days, run them over the fur, so that on the day of the procedure the animal does not have fear.

The haircut sequence is as follows:

  1. Brush your dog, remove mats and fluff (if possible).
  2. Wash your dog in warm water using special shampoos and conditioners (dogs are usually not as scared of water as cats, so it should be easier).
  3. Wipe the fur with a towel and dry the dog. If he is short-haired or wire-haired, he will dry out on his own in a couple of hours. But if your dog has a luxurious coat that reaches the floor, then you will have to dry each “hair” with a hairdryer.
  4. Start cutting your hair and turn your original and interesting ideas into reality.
  5. Comb your pet again after grooming and remove any remaining hair.

IMPORTANT! If you want to rid your pet of a huge amount of small hairs, put on rubber gloves and stroke his head, back and other areas. The wool will instantly “stick” to the rubber, and you can easily remove it.

We hope that now the preparation and features of grooming cats and dogs do not raise any questions for you. If you need to choose a tool to perform the procedure, then feel free to contact our online store.

Grooming at home

Bathing. Pets walking outside should undergo this procedure as soon as they become dirty.

For domestic cats, once a month is enough.

  1. Cat grooming paste is applied before washing pets.
  2. Apply to dry fur of cats and cats in large quantities.
  3. Thoroughly treat all areas of the coat with this paste.
  4. It should not be applied to wet wool.
  5. She removes dirt from the pet. There are a few minutes left.
  6. Then you need to wash it off with warm water.

Eye and ear care

This must be done once a week. The pet's eyes and ears should be wiped with a special lotion for animals. It should be purchased from a veterinary pharmacy. Lotions should not be used on humans. Ideally, a healthy “tail” should not have any crusts near the eyes or ears. Only a small amount of clear color bleeding may be observed. And if the discharge has a color or smell, you need to consult a doctor. This may indicate the presence of infection or the development of pathology.


To make the combing process go faster, you need to apply a special spray to the pet's fur to help comb it.

  1. In order to comb your pet you must have a special brush.
  2. There is also a special glove for grooming cats, which makes the combing process faster. It is convenient to cut hair with it.
  3. You hold your pet with one hand and comb it with the other. It should be combed in the direction of hair growth.
  4. The glove itself is made of fabric, and the part that combs is made of silicone with bristles. She doesn't just comb, she also massages the pet.
  5. Cats love this procedure. Doesn't hurt when combing.

Cats with long hair are brushed more often than cats with short hair. When cats are shedding, it is recommended to brush them every day.

Brushing cats and dogs

The need is determined by the type of coat, because combing is a kind of cosmetic procedure. And the appearance of combed fur is much more pleasant, besides, this way the skin is massaged and dead hair is removed.

We select combs according to coat types

Rubber mittens (of course, they are more comfortable for dogs) are suitable for massage during washing, as well as for light brushing before it. But for the most part this is massage, not combing.

Brushes with natural bristles are suitable for young pets with very soft fur. They are used to teach puppies and kittens to be brushed.

The comb is used for daily grooming of your pet's coat. It is best to choose a comb with long and short teeth. It will help to comb both the guard hair and the undercoat, and we will also see if anyone alive has settled on our pet (fleas, lice and other parasites).

Slicker brushes are an ideal tool for removing undercoat. Their thin teeth are curved, and most often there are metal, rubber or plastic balls at the ends. We recommend choosing a slicker with balls, otherwise, without proper experience, it is very easy to injure your pet’s skin!

A haircut

They prefer to get their hair cut at home. Since everything in the salon is foreign and plus the stress of having your hair removed.

Before cutting your hair, it is advisable to cut your nails so that the hair does not get scratched during the cutting process.

You can't cut your hair alone. We need someone to help hold the pet if it resists the haircut process. It's better to call a professional groomer.

Need a tool for grooming cats. The tool used to remove human hair is not suitable for cats. The nozzle should be 2 mm. There is no need to take less than this size, as you can injure the cat.

  • You can cut according to the growth of the coat or against the growth of the coat.
  • Cut the sides first. Then the back and only at the end live.

Tips for grooming at home:

  1. If your cat gets his hair cut at home, then the bathroom is the ideal place. After grooming, the process of collecting wool will go faster.
  2. There is no need to show your fear.
  3. Talk to your cat kindly.
  4. Before shearing, the hair is combed.
  5. The paws and tail cannot be cut. The tail can only be cut by a professional.
  6. The belly is trimmed with special tools.
  7. After finishing the grooming, the cat is washed and dried.
  8. Cats need to be brushed daily.
  9. Nails need to be trimmed once a month.

How to care for long-haired cats

Such cats have an “airy” appearance. There is a lot of air between the long hairs, making the coat look voluminous. But pets “pay” for this beauty with such a nuisance as tangles.

Due to the fact that there is a lot of space between the hairs, they are easily mixed and tangled. Therefore, the main care for cats of long-haired breeds is aimed at untangling and preventing tangles.

Your pet needs to be brushed daily for 15-20 minutes. If you neglect this procedure, the cat will not only become covered in tangles, but will also eat too much fur. The fact is that when animals lick themselves, they swallow hairs. Six accumulates in the stomach, which causes lack of appetite and vomiting.

To brush a long-haired cat, you need the following tools:

  • sparse comb;
  • fine comb;
  • brush-mitten;
  • scissors.

First, use a mitten to stroke the fur against the direction of growth to collect dead hairs. Then you should go with a sparse comb in the direction of hair growth. It is important to pay special attention to the area behind the ears and panties. If a tangle is found, it should be disassembled. If unsuccessful, the lump must be cut off. Then you need to go through it again with a fine-toothed comb to smooth the coat and make it more shiny.

To make the tangles easier to untangle, you can use special products. You can also use a spray to remove static electricity about every 5-10 combings. With it, the fur will become smoother and more beautiful and will be less tangled.

Important: due to the long fur, many skin diseases are diagnosed in an advanced state. During grooming, carefully examine the skin for abrasions, peeling, spots, and parasites. If you notice something is wrong, take your pet to the vet.

During the molting period, it is better to comb the animal twice a day. This will remove dead hairs and help new ones grow faster.

Professional grooming

The owner himself will not be able to cut his pet’s hair beautifully and efficiently. You can injure your pet during the grooming process. Cutting your own hair is long and tedious. A professional will do it quickly and efficiently.

Grooming can consist of only one procedure or a combination of several.

If your pet is in a bad mood, an assistant is needed for a haircut. To hold him in moments of resistance.

Washing short-haired cats

This breed should be washed approximately 1-2 times a year. If the animal is dirty or has parasites in its fur, bathing is mandatory. Cats that walk outside can be washed a little more often, up to 4 times a year. Don't get too carried away with water treatments. If the animal is clean, its coat will be in good condition.


Reviews of cat grooming in salons vary.

  • Some people stopped grooming cats after several unsuccessful attempts.
  • After all, this is a lot of stress for a pet.
  • Especially when a stranger in an unfamiliar room touches you.
  • You can inject them with a muscle relaxant. But it is prohibited for sick and old cats. Yes, and it has many downsides.

Many people groom their cats at home themselves. They buy a special tool and use it to cut hair.

If a cat goes to exhibitions and photo shoots, then he can’t go anywhere without a professional haircut. The owners find experienced groomers who can find an approach to the pet. It's hard to find experienced professional makeup artists.

Is it true that cats can be cut?

For cats that live in the private sector and spend a lot of time outdoors, careful care is essential. After a walk, your pet may return not only with dirty hair, but also with hair matted into lumps. In this case, scissors will come to your aid. And if your pet has long, thick hair, then to avoid such troubles it makes sense to get a beautiful haircut with the onset of the warm season. If your cat is domestic, and you have enough time, effort and patience to take care of your pet’s fur every day and keep it clean and tidy, you can avoid going to the “cat” hairdresser - groomer. Even if there is no need to cut your pet’s hair, it is advisable to use a fuminator or slicker; they comb out the dead undercoat without touching the living one.

Photos of the best cat grooming

How to understand that a cat needs grooming?

As a rule, there are several factors that indicate the need for a groomer's intervention:

  • Presence of tangles;

If a cat has a large number of mats, this leads to skin irritation and diaper rash.

If the problem is neglected, the animal may develop pockets of inflammation and flea “nests.”

Lumps, pellets, and matted fur are very difficult to comb - they bring discomfort to the animal’s life.

Under no circumstances should mats be cut off with scissors, as they can easily hurt your pet’s skin.

You should also not wash a cat with this problem - under the tangles, the skin dries slowly, and soaked skin easily becomes inflamed.

The most correct choice in this case is grooming.

  • Cat health problems;

In cases where a cat has skin problems, grooming is necessary to trim the hair in the right places and make it easier to access the skin and process it more effectively.

Haircut is necessary for dermatitis, fleas, ear mites and increased secretion of the sebaceous glands (hyperplasia).

Grooming is also strongly recommended for cats who are unable to care for themselves due to illness or old age.

Maine Coon cats are especially fluffy

  • Excessive hair loss;

If your pet sheds too much and often, grooming will significantly reduce the scattering of hair in the house and on clothes.

Also, long-haired breeds such as Ragdoll , Chinchilla , Norwegian Forest Cat , Persian , Somali , Neva Masquerade , Siberian , Kurilian Bobtail and Maine Coon .

  • Allergy prevention;

Typically, grooming is ordered by breeders with small children.

The absence of a large amount of cat hair in the house prevents the child from swallowing it and significantly reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions.

As an alternative, you can get a hypoallergenic cat breed .

What should you consider before grooming your cat?

  • Grooming in any case is stressful for the cat, so you should not carry out grooming if there is no need for it in the form of health problems, falling fur or an upcoming exhibition. If there is still a need, breeders should consult a veterinarian or groomer about the possibility of using sedatives, or even anesthesia (sedation). Sedatives simply make the animal more docile, remove nervousness and allow the groomer to do his job. In some cases, their use is necessary, but not all groomers work with anesthesia. In any case, it is best to entrust this procedure to a veterinarian.
  • You should not try to groom yourself. The main reason for this is that most owners do not have the necessary tools - ordinary scissors or a machine for cutting human hair will not work here. In addition, amateur grooming can physically harm the animal.

The most “violent” ones should be calmed down with anesthesia during grooming

  • The best option would be to groom your cat at home, especially if she is nervous and does not like this procedure. The home environment will have a positive effect on the animal's calmness. In addition, it is convenient and less time-consuming (no need to waste time on transportation).
  • Some cats change the structure and color of their coat after grooming. For example, it may become thinner and darker.
  • In some cases, the pet's fur does not grow back to its previous length after grooming, or regrowth takes a very long time. These features are individual and depend on the general health of the animal, its breed and age.
  • It is strongly recommended not to trim the cat's head, ears, whiskers and eyebrows. Also, do not completely cut off the hair from the tail.
  • Since most cats react violently to grooming, their nails should be trimmed first to prevent wounds and scratches for the owner, the groomer and the pet itself.

Grooming for a cat is always stressful

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