Grooming cats - step-by-step instructions for cutting a cat at home

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Not everyone knows what cat grooming , although they are familiar with some pet care procedures. Grooming is an English term denoting cosmetic and hygienic procedures for caring for one’s appearance, including washing, cutting, treating nails and other actions.

In many English cities, grooming is a concept that applies to both people and animals. Not so long ago there was a profession of a groom - a groom, whose duties included caring for horses, and today there is a profession of a groomer. These are specialists who bring shine to pets.

Unfortunately, some owners consider caring for the appearance of their pets a privilege of exhibitions, but when was caring about hygiene and beauty superfluous?

Features of grooming

The coat is trimmed as needed and as the coat grows back. The hair in the ears and head should not be cut. Because you can hurt them.

Cats should not be left without hair. Wool is needed to protect from the sun's rays.

Not all cats like to get their hair cut. They may show their dissatisfaction. In salons, with the permission of the owner, they give an injection of a muscle relaxant. This injection makes cutting easier. But it has many side effects.

The cat may experience low blood pressure or shortness of breath. This injection is not recommended for old and sick cats. You cannot enter it yourself. Only the veterinarian.

Grooming cats at home is easier. Because within their own walls they feel more comfortable and calmer.


  • First of all, grooming makes your pet well-groomed and beautiful.
  • Grooming cats is not only a beauty, but also a necessity. During the cutting process, tangles are removed. They are a place where dirt accumulates. If there are tangles, then you cannot wash.
  • After a haircut, the cat brings in fewer germs from the street.
  • The pet feels better in the heat.
  • It is more convenient to care for sick and old cats.
  • There is less wool in the house.
  • Grooming is necessary if your pet has fleas.


  • Cats need to be groomed when they are shedding.
  • And if there are small children at home, then you should cut their hair as often as possible.
  • The frequency also depends on the breed and gender of the pet. Cats are cut more often than cats.

Types of grooming

  • Hygienic - includes grooming procedures to remove tangles, cutting nails, combing fur, washing eyes, cleaning ears, and so on. Needed to maintain the clean appearance of your pet.
  • Exhibition - a haircut that improves the appearance of a pet. The bad parts are hidden and the good ones stand out. This haircut is done before some kind of exhibition or photo shoot. This procedure is difficult to do on your own. This requires professional skills. It is better to contact a salon that is professional in their field.

Express - shedding in dogs

What it is? The good old procedure of combing dogs, plus washing, plus blow-drying was called Express Shedding by someone else. Who needs it? Well, first of all, I would like to say - for dogs with a double coat type, such as Spitz, Chow Chow, etc. For dogs with medium length, for example, shepherd dogs, Pekingese, Akita Inu, Shiba Inu, it can also be carried out, especially in spring and autumn, when flakes of fluff begin to cover the floors of your shared home. But a HUGE WARNING - look for grooming salons where masters use classic combs and slickers to comb dogs, and in no case a mechanical machine called FURMINATOR. Watch a detailed video about its dangers on our YouTube channel. Let's say one thing - more and more often animals come to us after other masters, whose molting was carried out with a furminator, which caused cicatricial alopecia, as a result of which the hair does not grow in places for a year, exactly after some salons and schools , due to not understanding the problem, began using it for the combing procedure, which contradicts not only the manufacturer’s recommendations, but also basic common sense. Be vigilant and careful.

Grooming at home

Bathing. Pets walking outside should undergo this procedure as soon as they become dirty.

For domestic cats, once a month is enough.

  1. Cat grooming paste is applied before washing pets.
  2. Apply to dry fur of cats and cats in large quantities.
  3. Thoroughly treat all areas of the coat with this paste.
  4. It should not be applied to wet wool.
  5. She removes dirt from the pet. There are a few minutes left.
  6. Then you need to wash it off with warm water.

Cases when it is undesirable

With all the advantages of a haircut, you should consider situations when it is better not to do it:

  • The cat belongs to the short-haired breed.
  • The animal lives or happens to be in cool places.
  • There is often air conditioning in the room.
  • The cat's fur does not need to be shortened.
  • The kitten is still too small (under three months).

Also, experts do not recommend cutting the fur too short without good reason - its minimum length should be at least 3 mm.


To make the combing process go faster, you need to apply a special spray to the pet's fur to help comb it.

  1. In order to comb your pet you must have a special brush.
  2. There is also a special glove for grooming cats, which makes the combing process faster. It is convenient to cut hair with it.
  3. You hold your pet with one hand and comb it with the other. It should be combed in the direction of hair growth.
  4. The glove itself is made of fabric, and the part that combs is made of silicone with bristles. She doesn't just comb, she also massages the pet.
  5. Cats love this procedure. Doesn't hurt when combing.

Cats with long hair are brushed more often than cats with short hair. When cats are shedding, it is recommended to brush them every day.

Necessary equipment

To carry out a set of procedures use :

  • special combs;
  • shampoo for cats and cats;
  • nail clippers or nail scissors;
  • cotton pads or napkins;
  • ear cleansers;
  • scissors or a wool clipper.

In addition, hydrogen peroxide and cotton wool should be on the workbench just in case. If the cat has long hair, fine-toothed combs, massage brushes, and gloves are used to remove loose hairs.

A haircut

They prefer to get their hair cut at home. Since everything in the salon is foreign and plus the stress of having your hair removed.

Before cutting your hair, it is advisable to cut your nails so that the hair does not get scratched during the cutting process.

You can't cut your hair alone. We need someone to help hold the pet if it resists the haircut process. It's better to call a professional groomer.

Need a tool for grooming cats. The tool used to remove human hair is not suitable for cats. The nozzle should be 2 mm. There is no need to take less than this size, as you can injure the cat.

  • You can cut according to the growth of the coat or against the growth of the coat.
  • Cut the sides first. Then the back and only at the end live.

Tips for grooming at home:

  1. If your cat gets his hair cut at home, then the bathroom is the ideal place. After grooming, the process of collecting wool will go faster.
  2. There is no need to show your fear.
  3. Talk to your cat kindly.
  4. Before shearing, the hair is combed.
  5. The paws and tail cannot be cut. The tail can only be cut by a professional.
  6. The belly is trimmed with special tools.
  7. After finishing the grooming, the cat is washed and dried.
  8. Cats need to be brushed daily.
  9. Nails need to be trimmed once a month.

Mastering the techniques

The simplest type of care , trimming cats' claws, can be done yourself using nail clippers. We do not cut the claws short so as not to injure the blood vessels, leaving 2 mm to the sensitive area. In addition to nail clippers, you can try using nail clippers, regular scissors, or a guillotine trimmer. In addition to the above equipment, prepare a file for filing the edge of the claw (or an emery block), cotton pads and hydrogen peroxide in case of injury. To prevent the latter from happening, fix the position of the animal by pressing it to a soft base and keeping its paws pressed to the body.

Hold the paw to be trimmed with your left hand, press the pad in the center to extend the claws. Since the claws are transparent, the blood channels are also obvious; in the case of dark claws, trim no more than 1-2 mm at a time without damaging the nerve endings. Hold the tool strictly perpendicular to the claw, this will reduce the risk of plate delamination. Trim in one step, when you get the hang of it, you will spend no more than a couple of minutes on the entire correction. Next, treat the edge of the claw with a nail file - this will make both the cat and the furniture more comfortable.

For the first time, you can watch a specialist work, and then you can do it yourself. Trimming for cats is an individual procedure, its frequency is determined by many factors (color, gender, body characteristics, pet’s lifestyle). Nowadays, special anti-scratch pads made of silicone are also common, they are of different colors, they will decorate your pet, and at the same time protect the furniture, you and your family from damage by the clawed animal.

Another type of home grooming is bathing your pet. Before it, check your pet’s skin for various types of damage and, if any, postpone water treatments. Do not use “human” products; consult breeders or veterinarians about this.

Combing fur is also a type of home grooming. To comb out excess hair, it would be a good idea to buy a furminator or a trimmer for animals (a human clipper is not a suitable option). The animal's fur becomes neat, slightly trimmed, and neat in appearance. Grooming may also include caring for the ears, hair between the toes, genitals and anus.

Professional grooming

The owner himself will not be able to cut his pet’s hair beautifully and efficiently. You can injure your pet during the grooming process. Cutting your own hair is long and tedious. A professional will do it quickly and efficiently.

Grooming can consist of only one procedure or a combination of several.

If your pet is in a bad mood, an assistant is needed for a haircut. To hold him in moments of resistance.

Recommendations for different breeds

There are several subtleties based on the characteristics of the breeds.

When machine grooming cats with long, soft hair, you should go through each area several times, slowly, so that the clipper does not slip or get stuck.

Persian cats often react very aggressively to the procedure. To cope with the animal, you will need a skilled assistant.

If grooming is too stressful for your pet, it is better to avoid it.

British cats are short-haired and do not require hygienic grooming. Regular brushing provides them with proper care.

Angoras are cats with a very weak undercoat and require more frequent grooming than other breeds. Their coat is similar in structure to human hair, and its condition improves with regular grooming.

Maine Coons have a coat that grows very slowly. Among their owners, there are those who argue that these cats should not be cut at all, because the guard hairs may not recover after the procedure. Owners who decide to groom should be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time to grow the fur.


Reviews of cat grooming in salons vary.

  • Some people stopped grooming cats after several unsuccessful attempts.
  • After all, this is a lot of stress for a pet.
  • Especially when a stranger in an unfamiliar room touches you.
  • You can inject them with a muscle relaxant. But it is prohibited for sick and old cats. Yes, and it has many downsides.

Many people groom their cats at home themselves. They buy a special tool and use it to cut hair.

If a cat goes to exhibitions and photo shoots, then he can’t go anywhere without a professional haircut. The owners find experienced groomers who can find an approach to the pet. It's hard to find experienced professional makeup artists.


Grooming appeared in ancient times; initially, almost the only animals that were so carefully looked after were horses.
In medieval England, grooms were precisely those grooms who combed the hair of horses. With the advent of decorative long-haired dog breeds, groomers have more work to do. Poodles played a special role in the development of modern grooming, since this breed of dog requires careful and constant care for its coat. At the same time, the poodle needs to not only be bathed regularly, but also trimmed in a certain way. The breed experienced a surge in popularity in the mid-20th century. As a result, around this time, many grooming salons began to appear in the United States. Nowadays, grooming is considered the norm not only for dogs, but for almost all pets.

Photos of the best cat grooming

Oral care

Failure to brush your teeth can lead to dangerous oral diseases. Therefore, it is important to take care of your pet's teeth. To do this, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Carry out the procedure regularly - several times a week.
  2. Use special toothbrushes that can be purchased at a pet store.
  3. Buy only specialized toothpastes intended for animals. Cats do not like products with the taste or smell of mint, so human pastes are not suitable for them.

If tartar is present, cleaning is carried out in a veterinary clinic under anesthesia.

Mater Groom - salon for dogs and cats (South-Western Administrative District)

Address: m. New Cheryomushki, st. Profsoyuznaya, 58 bldg. 4 Website: Phone: Cost: from 1200 rub. per complex

A chain of full-service pet salons. With us you can always give your dog or cat a beautiful haircut, perform ultrasonic teeth cleaning and select clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics and food for your pet. Always reasonable prices for all products and excellent, proven quality.

The credo of the salons: “honest, high-quality style.” This is the basic rule that guides them. Always honest in everything, be it grooming an animal or relationships with employees within the team. They believe that without honesty there will be no quality, and therefore no style.

Every client is highly valued and therefore interesting promotions are constantly being held. Information about them is published in groups on social networks and on the website. Join the club and receive bonuses and privileges.

Only professional cosmetics are used in the procedures. To improve the structure of the coat, high-quality nourishing masks and scrubs are offered.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is also performed without anesthesia and pain. The procedure is absolutely painless and very beneficial for dental health.

The team of masters consists of only specialists with impeccable experience.

Claw treatment

To trim cats' claws, you need to purchase special nail clippers. It is not recommended to use ordinary nail scissors, as they can damage the nail plate and cause it to break.

Claws should be trimmed only from above, to a length of no more than 1.5 mm.

If your pet is often outdoors, its paws should be regularly inspected for wounds, abrasions or splinters.

Also watch the video of salon cat grooming:

Some of our works:

Grooming a cat "Dragon" Grooming a Siberian cat

Grooming a Persian cat

cat haircut "Dragon"

Persian haircut Cat grooming

See all photos of cat grooming in the photo gallery >>>



(trimming, washing, drying, nail trimming, ear cleaning, groin shaving, between paw pads)


(groomer Sofia only)

Wire-haired breeds (haircut/trimming)Price, rubApproximate cutting time
West Highland White Terrier3 5003 - 4 hours
Border Terrier3 0003 hours
Welsh Terrier3 5003.5 - 4 hours
Dandie Dinmont Terrier3 5003 - 4 hours
Griffin2 5002.5 - 3 hours
Wirehaired Jack Russell Terrier3 0002 - 3 hours
Irish Terrier4 0003.5 - 4 hours
Cairn Terrier3 5004 hours
Norwich Terrier3 5004 hours
Norfolk Terrier3 5004 hours
Scottish Terrier3 5004 – 4.5 hours
Wire-haired dachshund dwarf2 5002.5 - 3 hours
Standard Wirehaired Dachshund3 0002.5 - 3 hours
Sealyham Terrier4 0004 - 4.5 hours
Fox terrier4 0004 – 4.5 hours
Airedale8 0003.5 - 4 hours
Schnauzers (haircut\trimming)PriceApproximate cutting time
Miniature Schnauzer3 5003 - 4.5 hours
Miniature Schnauzer4 5003.5 - 4.5 hours
Giant Schnauzer8 0003.5 - 5 hours

Find out all prices by phone!

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