We trim the cat correctly at home, if it doesn’t work: use a clipper

Negative consequences and contraindications

After trimming and shaving, minor problems may arise. For example, skin damage during games. Other consequences:

  1. When an animal is bothered by growing hairs, it begins to itch or does it out of habit.
  2. The animal licks itself more often, which can lead to slight skin irritation.
  3. Some cats become depressed, they hide, and begin to take revenge on their owners.
  4. The structure of the pile changes. Its quality deteriorates, the hairs become thinner, become tangled, and new tangles form faster. This sometimes becomes a reason for disqualification, as the coat no longer meets the breed standard.
  5. Color may change.
  6. The elasticity and firmness of the skin decreases.
  7. When the whiskers are injured, the cat loses orientation, coordination is impaired, and moves uncertainly.
  8. Cuts provoke the development of inflammation.
  9. Sometimes hair growth stops in the shaved area. Then, after restoration of the cover, areas of baldness remain.
  10. Shaving a cat bald disrupts thermoregulation, which causes the development of dermatological diseases, frequent colds, sunburn, and increases the risk of skin injuries.
  11. An incorrectly done haircut can provoke a cat's desire to bite off its own tail.

Behavior changes less frequently and aggression appears. The cat may suddenly begin to attack, tear up furniture, or walk past the litter box. Usually this is a short-term phenomenon, otherwise the pet needs to be taken to the veterinarian. Some cats are prohibited from being groomed:

  1. With color-point, tipping color . Otherwise, after cutting, the color of the pile will become darker.
  2. Shorthair (especially Scottish Fold, British). The exception is varieties of these breeds with long pile.
  3. Semi-longhaired (Mae Coon, Norwegian Forest, Siberian). Pile saves animals from heat and cold.

Hyperactive cats are not groomed. Otherwise, the procedure is carried out under anesthesia, after sedatives, and it can be difficult to moderate their ardor. Do not shave the inside of the ears or paw pads. It is prohibited to administer anesthesia to animals with chronic diseases. Even healthy people can have heart failure after it.

How to carry out the procedure

The hair on a cat's head is usually not cut.

  • The cat is fixed on its side by its hind and front legs.
  • If the animal is overly aggressive, a collar is put on the animal to prevent it from biting.
  • First they cut the tangles with scissors, and then take the clipper and continue working on the sides and back.
  • The fur on the paws is removed last, if necessary at all.
  • When working in the abdominal area, exercise maximum caution and carefully avoid the nipples and intimate area. It is better to cut the area around with scissors in advance so that all the delicate parts are clearly visible.
  • The hairstyle is not done on the head; in extreme cases, it can be shaped using thinning scissors.
  • The tail is cut at will and as the hairdresser's imagination allows.

It is important to carry out all manipulations as carefully as possible so as not to injure the animal. It is not always possible to completely trim an animal at once - do not be upset: even though the procedure will take place in several stages, but all participants in the “acting” will remain safe and sound.

After grooming, the cat should be washed and dried with a hairdryer. Although, to avoid unnecessary stress, you can simply wipe your pet with a damp cloth or suede cloth to remove cut and stuck hairs.

In the cool season, the trimmed miracle needs to be provided with a comfortable indoor microclimate without drafts and the possibility of hypothermia.

Why cut a cat's hair?

The need for a haircut is determined by the owner. You can do without it, but you need to regularly take care of your body, comb it, preventing the formation of tangles. More often they affect Persian cats, whose hair structure is soft and its length reaches up to 10 cm.

Tangles that are close to the skin are very dangerous. This provokes inflammation of the integument, sometimes insects and parasites lay eggs under them. Therefore, long-haired cats need to be trimmed more often. Indications for hygienic trimming and shaving are:

  1. The neglected state of the cat's hair is matted, covered with tangles, and difficult to comb. This prevents the access of air, which provokes the development of inflammation and skin tightness. The animal begins to gnaw out the tangles and swallows them. Bald spots and covering injuries form on the body.
  2. Heat - to avoid overheating.
  3. When the cover gets dirty quickly, it rolls up in clumps. They cause inconvenience and cause pain when the hair is pulled.
  4. To make caring for a sick or old cat easier.
  5. The pile is stained with indelible materials (paint and varnish, polyurethane foam, adhesive solutions, fuel oil). When dirty lumps of lint enter the stomach during licking, this can cause gastrointestinal problems and poisoning.
  6. In long-haired animals, the hairs in the perineum and under the tail are cut to prevent excrement from sticking.
  7. Prolonged shedding.
  8. Family members have severe allergies.

Indications for medicinal purposes:

  • severe damage by parasites - lice, fleas;
  • preoperative preparation;
  • dermatitis;
  • infectious skin pathologies;
  • high activity of the paraanal and sebaceous glands;
  • the need to treat the skin with medications.

Decorative hairstyles and shaving are done for a photo shoot. To do this, choose fashionable haircuts. More often they are done before exhibitions and competitions.

Groomers have differing opinions about semi-longhaired cats. Their pile has a two-layer structure with an air gap. If it is disrupted, thermoregulation is disrupted. However, some veterinarians believe that these cats need to be shaved periodically to keep the coat renewed.

Is it possible to cut a cat's hair with a clipper?

Any pet loves when its owner spares no time to carry out various care procedures. This becomes especially true for cats with long and thick hair. If you do not pay attention to this problem in time, then the animal’s fur can become matted and it becomes very difficult to untangle it. Each owner of a furry friend is looking for his own way to help correct the situation. For example, some suggest using clippers to keep cats' fur in good order.

If your cat has a calm character and is not afraid of the upcoming haircut, then you can use a beauty machine, not forgetting some tips.

How often can you cut your hair?

The frequency of cosmetic procedures depends on the age of the animal, its health, and the rate of hair regrowth. It is recommended to trim your cat 2-3 times annually. Unscheduled ones are done as needed - before exhibitions, competitions. However, an exception is sometimes made for longhaired dogs. Especially with poor hygiene. Then they trim and shave as needed or every three months.

Some cats have a hard time withstanding heat (for example, Persians). Therefore, it is recommended to cut them in spring and summer. Such rocks quickly become overgrown, so they are trimmed 2-3 times annually. Less often – cats with medium pile. For them, it is enough to trim the animal once every 12 months. In addition, a well-groomed pet is easier to treat for parasites and skin diseases.


Reviews of cat grooming in salons vary.

  • Some people stopped grooming cats after several unsuccessful attempts.
  • After all, this is a lot of stress for a pet.
  • Especially when a stranger in an unfamiliar room touches you.
  • You can inject them with a muscle relaxant. But it is prohibited for sick and old cats. Yes, and it has many downsides.

Many people groom their cats at home themselves. They buy a special tool and use it to cut hair.

If a cat goes to exhibitions and photo shoots, then he can’t go anywhere without a professional haircut. The owners find experienced groomers who can find an approach to the pet. It's hard to find experienced professional makeup artists.

Haircutting tools

To perform the hairstyle, you need to have special tools on hand. Scissors take sharp, medium, with rounded tips. For shaving you will need a machine - manual or powered. The second option is more preferable. It is advisable to choose a silent one so that the animal does not get scared. When shaving with manual models, the hairstyle turns out uneven.

A machine is a more effective tool than scissors. It eliminates injuries, helps to make a uniform haircut, and select an attachment based on the length of the hair. For example, 2 cm trimmers are used to shave the ears, muzzle, and area under the tail. Only powerful clippers with wide blades are suitable for animals with thick hair.

To do this, take nozzles No. 2-5. It is not recommended to use clippers with small blades - they can injure the skin. Their length should be from 0.5 mm. The recommended power of the machine when processing Angora and Persian cats is 45 W, short-haired is 20 W.

Additionally you will need:

  • a massage comb and a second one with soft, sparse teeth;
  • a piece of fabric;
  • "Chlorhexedine" or hydrogen peroxide to treat possible skin damage;
  • any flat surface (for example, a table);
  • treats, toys;
  • nail clipper

Since the cat must lie still during the procedure, a special collar is put on it or the desired part of the body is fixed.

How to trim cat hair

Grooming is very popular today. Salons are popping up, often specializing in the feline family. They are serviced by mobile technicians at home. Let's consider options for performing this procedure and find out how to trim a cat yourself, using a different set of tools, techniques and techniques.

Depending on the breed of cat, the thickness and amount of fur varies greatly. In accordance with this factor, choose the most suitable cutting tool:

  • scissors, preferably with curved tips, for safety;
  • hair clipper - preferably for animals, but you can also use a regular clipper for people.

General haircut rules

Two people cut their pet's hair. The second person holds and calms. When your pet has an aggressive nature, it is recommended to perform a salon procedure, as there is a possibility that anesthesia will be required. It is also necessary for heavily overgrown dogs whose fur is covered with tangles.

When the cat is not being prepared for surgery, 2-5 mm of hair is left when shaving to maintain normal thermoregulation. When cutting hair, precautions must be taken. When using a machine, it is recommended to take a powered one. When trimming a pet, the owner must be calm, otherwise his nervousness will be transferred to the animal.

It is recommended to shave first according to the growth of the pile, then against it. Do not allow the machine to overheat. Scissors must be sharp. But for long-haired breeds they will be ineffective. You should not cut your animal's hair very short to maintain thermoregulation.

What to do if the cat is aggressive

When it is possible to prepare for stressful manipulations, it is better to do so. If you know that your pet will be aggressive, take care of his comfort and your peace of mind in advance.

You can put a protective collar on your cat to protect him from being bitten.

According to the doctor's indications, you can give herbal sedatives in advance to make the process easier.

If the condition of the fur is deplorable, there are tangles, and the cat is wild - only in such cases is anesthesia used. This is done on the basis that anesthesia will cause less harm than the existence of tangles with accumulated dirt and parasites. This procedure is carried out only in the clinic under the supervision of a veterinarian!

Haircut instructions

First, the table is treated with an antiseptic and the instruments are disinfected. Then the claws are trimmed. The cat is secured so that it lies still. When he tries to escape, they put a plastic collar on him. First, use a clipper (nozzles No. 3-5) to cut the hairs on the sides, then treat the back and stomach. They act very carefully near the nipples, in the perineum.

For the armpits, change the nozzle to No. 2. Shave the paws starting from the top, going down as far as necessary. The hair on the tail is cut so that 1/3 of the hair remains, at least a tassel. To avoid damage to the skin, it is slightly stretched.

The tangles are cut off with scissors before the hairstyle. If missed during the preparatory examination, then as soon as it is found. The coat can be cut with or against hair growth. When the procedure is completed, the cat is wiped with a damp cloth or doused with warm water and washed with shampoo. Then dry with a towel or hairdryer.

Options for common haircuts

The French Lion hairstyle is very popular . This hairstyle suits any cat, but cats with thick, long hair look especially impressive. It is ideal for the summer heat. The cat is cut like a lion, leaving only the mane, a tuft on the tail, and hair on the paws below the knees. Other types are also popular.

Fashionable haircut options

Dragon has become one of the most popular fashionable haircuts . The coat is trimmed with narrow or wide triangles, forming a mohawk. Paws and head are not cut. Dragon models are different. It’s difficult to do a fashionable haircut on your own; it’s better to take your cat to a specialist or invite a groomer to your home.

Partial haircut options

These include haircuts that are close to the natural cover or with partial shaving. For example, Continental, Harlequin, Modern . Such haircuts emphasize the extravagance of the cat.

How to cut a cat's hair: types of haircuts

Type of haircutDescription
Exhibition (Harlequin, Continental, Modern)

Haircut Continental

Emphasizes the extravagance of the animal.
The Dragon

On the back and tail, scraps of fur are left in the form of small triangles that form a mohawk (the shape can be different). The head and limbs are not cut.
French lion

Used both for hygiene purposes and as a model. Great for summer. They cut off everything on the body, leaving the head intact, a small tassel at the tip of the tail, and the part below the knees on the paws.
Puss in Boots

They expose the entire body, bypassing the head, tail and paws.

Professional grooming

When it is not possible to trim or shave a cat on your own, or when it is being prepared for exhibitions, competitions, or photo shoots, it is recommended to contact specialized salons or professional groomers. They have experience and special tools, which eliminates damage to the vibrissae and skin trauma.

In salons, a haircut takes from 40 minutes to an hour - it depends on the complexity. To prevent the cat from being nervous about a trip or an unfamiliar place, you can call a specialist home. Anesthesia is rarely used; it disrupts the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The cost of a haircut varies from 700 to 1000 rubles.

Salon prices offer a full range of services - from ear cleaning to final styling. A professional groomer has a larger selection of tools - several types of combs, furminators, shaving machines, and different attachments. The photo shows how difficult it is to do haircuts. Without experience, you can even cripple an animal on your own.

If necessary, the cat is given an injection of a sedative. After the haircut, they will tell you how to properly care for it and when it is necessary to do it again. Only professionals can do a model haircut before a competition; at home, the risk of ruining it greatly increases, and you can injure the animal.

Is it possible to shave a cat's head? This cannot be done unless necessary, since wool saves the animal from the sun, heat, hypothermia, and accidental damage. It is strictly forbidden to shave your head. There are many sensitive vibrissae that cannot be injured. Cats are shaved bald when their fur is stained with substances that are difficult to wash off (cement, mortar, polyurethane foam), before surgery, or when the body is severely damaged by parasites.

How long does a cat's hair grow after shaving? This depends on various factors - the age of the animal, current diseases, nutrition. The fur usually grows back in 6 months. But in case of chronic diseases, deficiency of useful microelements, the cover takes several years to recover.

Grooming cats should be done carefully, carefully, so as not to injure the animal. The pet gets used to its new appearance in a few days. If you have any doubts about your abilities, it is better to contact a professional groomer.

Brushing and bathing the cat after grooming

After the haircut is finished, you need to comb the cat to remove the cut hairs and bathe it with shampoo for cats.

If the animal is too overexcited, it is better to simply wipe it with a damp towel so as not to traumatize the cat’s psyche. If your cat is not afraid of a hairdryer, you can dry the fur using it. But under no circumstances use hot air, this will cause unnecessary stress. Only warm air can be used.

Tips for owners

Before grooming your cat at home, remember these important points:

  • The nipples, genitals and anus should be trimmed very carefully, holding the cat firmly to the table.
  • After a haircut, your pet may change the structure, color and length of its coat.
  • You cannot trim your head, mustache or ear hair. If you want to give a neat look to the mane on your head, use thinning nails. Don't remove all the hair from the tail, mostly leave a tassel or whisk at the end.
  • Stretch the cat's skin to avoid damaging it.
  • You need to comb your cat after grooming with a special fur brush. Afterwards, wash your pet or wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • Observe your pet's behavior for several days after the procedure. If you see any alarming changes, consult your veterinarian.
  • It is necessary to cut your cat's hair no more than three times a year, as the fur grows back slowly.
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