Tumor in a cat on the stomach: causes and treatment

A tumor in a cat’s abdomen is a neoplasm in the tissues of the body, which is in no way regulated by the animal or its owner. It may consist of cells that multiply on an ongoing basis, and then transfer their destructive properties to new cells. After studying this material, you will find out how long a cat with a tumor will live, what treatment modern veterinary medicine offers and other valuable information. It is imperative to study information one way or another related to this disease.

A tumor on a cat's stomach can be of different types.

It’s worth starting with the fact that all these unpleasant things are produced at the expense of the resources of the cat’s body and, according to the degree of aggressive impact on it, they differ into benign ones and those that pose a direct threat to life. Of course, a veterinarian should know all these types well in order to provide quality care, however, this information will also not hurt the ordinary owner and will be an excellent help in treating a terrible disease. Neoplasms that do not cause harm (benign) grow slowly, putting pressure on and expanding the tissues that surround them. These tumors do not grow and do not recur after removal.

A benign neoplasm does not deplete energy for the life of the body, but probably has a mechanical effect on it . For example, when a tumor begins to compress blood vessels, it can go, for example, to the heart or liver.

Malignant tumors, as a result of overly active division of cellular elements, grow rapidly. They are characterized by uncontrolled development. In other words, the tissue that surrounds the vessels is gradually destroyed. However, these tumors may remain small. They rarely grow to a large size, since the animal is quickly sent to the next world due to exhaustion and intoxication . In addition, malignant tumors are characterized by:

  • Metastasis is a unique skill of cells. They spread throughout the body with blood, lymph and contact give rise to other similar tumors. Also, despite all the persistent treatment, a relapse of the disease is possible.
  • Relapse is the re-formation of metastases, the re-growth of the tumor. Cats can develop both “good” and “bad” tumors.

The peak age for such diseases is 10-12 years. This is only according to official statistics. Swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue occurs quite often in cats. It has not yet been determined which cat breeds are most susceptible to tumors. The chest and area around the nipples are a favorite place for tumors to appear.

Veterinarian diagnosis

Responsible cat owners who discover wen or other growths on the back or other part of the body of their pet quickly go to the veterinarian. Diagnostics is carried out comprehensively and therefore gives the most accurate result.

  • First, the doctor will examine the cat, the size and color of the formations, and determine their density and pain.
  • Then an x-ray or ultrasound may be prescribed.
  • Cytological and histological examination is important. Skin particles are taken from the cat in the area of ​​the tumor. A biopsy in such cases is mandatory.

More conventional tests are also performed - blood and urine. Each type of diagnosis is important, the results of all complement each other and allow you to establish an accurate diagnosis .

Symptoms of a tumor on a cat's stomach

A caring owner has probably already wondered what the symptoms and signs of a tumor are in a cat. These signs are not highly specific and can easily be confused with another disease. The signs can be confused with poisoning or toxicosis (if it is a female) here they are: weakness, loss of appetite, loss of former playfulness, activity, the animal prefers to lie down and rest.

What diseases cause a lump?

The list is quite large:

  • cancerous degeneration of breast tissue is the most terrible diagnosis, often with an unfavorable prognosis;
  • lipoma, or wen, is a benign tumor prone to spreading;
  • neoplasm of the skin: papilloma, fibroma, sarcoma, lymphangioma, etc.;
  • lymphadenitis – inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • hernia (inguinal, umbilical, perineal) – protrusion of internal organs under the skin;
  • mastitis;
  • inflammation of the paraanal glands;
  • a lump may appear after sterilization - this is also a hernia, but postoperative, resulting from a violation of the technique of applying internal sutures;
  • skin diseases: furunculosis, folliculitis, carbuncle formation, abscess, phlegmon, etc.;
  • a lump may appear due to an insect bite (wasp, bee, bumblebee, etc.);
  • pellets - although tangles are unlikely to be confused with a lump, protrusion or tumor.

Important! If the formation under the skin tends to grow rapidly, while the number of nodules increases, they bleed or are painful, then this is not a good sign and a serious reason to undergo a full veterinary examination: biopsy, urine tests, ultrasound, x-ray, etc.

Treatment of tumors in cats on the abdomen

Over the past few years, significant progress has been made in the treatment of tumors, the type of treatment being selected depending on the type of tumor. After an examination by a veterinarian, the stage and type of tumor are first determined, and then a decision is made on chemotherapy. The treatment of the tumor must also be chosen by the doctor; the patient’s task is to follow the doctor’s prescription ; in general, there are several ways to treat tumors. For many neoplasms, chemotherapy is used as one of the most gentle treatment methods.

And thanks to the body’s ability to quickly absorb everything, chemotherapy is one of the fastest-acting methods of treatment. It is also possible that the doctor will prescribe radiation therapy, which is prescribed for such tumors and is not recommended for surgical intervention. Increasingly they are resorting to chemotherapy, as well as laser removal. It should be borne in mind that all kinds of drops and tinctures that promise an effect from the first use are most likely simply not effective, and in some cases are simply dangerous to the health of the animal.

Any treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian, preferably one who has seen your animal more than once and can help with useful advice, as well as promptly come to your home if the cat suddenly becomes ill.

Why does a tumor appear on a cat's stomach?

Where a tumor can form can occur in the most unexpected place. A tumor in cats on the abdomen is the most common occurrence in pets over 10 years of age.

We can safely assume that the age of ten is the most dangerous in terms of all kinds of diseases, since it is then that various sores begin to form, which gently but unobtrusively indicate to the owner that he needs to be especially attentive to his furry pet and devote more time to its health. Remember that a tumor can form anywhere, even in a place where no one expected these tumors, for example, near the eye, in the ear.

Reasons for the problem

One-time hard muscles can be without disease, but simply be a natural reaction of the body to fright or to a touch that is unpleasant for the cat. When the condition persists for 24 hours, and there is a general deterioration in the cat’s condition, you cannot cope with the problem on your own. The main causes of a hard belly are:

In all of these cases, the sooner the animal receives the necessary help, the higher the likelihood that everything will go well and the cat will be able to restore its health. If your cat has never had a hard belly and suddenly this condition arises, you should immediately go to a specialist.

How to prevent stomach tumors in cats

Many owners are sincerely concerned with the question, so how to prevent tumors? It is probably not possible to completely and 100% avoid this disease, especially if there is a genetic predisposition, and therefore everything possible can be done to alleviate this condition and make the cat’s life healthier and have a higher quality of life. To do this, you need to follow these simple and obvious steps:

  • Regular and proper nutrition with specialized food, and not leftovers from the master’s table, which are not always healthy.
  • A mandatory presence in the diet of vegetables and fruits seasoned with vegetable oil will help improve bowel movements.
  • Then, it is recommended to remember that the food must be suitable, for example, according to the age and diseases that the furry friend may develop.
  • Also, during the treatment period, it is very important to reduce the amount of junk food that can negatively affect the health of your four-legged friend. During cancer treatment, you need to follow a light and at the same time satisfying diet.
  • Tumors in cats on the abdomen are a dangerous sign that shows that the owners mistreated their pet and created stressful conditions for it.

Of course, one trip to the veterinary center cannot cure this problem. You need to understand that you have a long and stubborn struggle ahead of you for the life of your pet. A veterinarian at home for tumors in cats on the stomach and other parts of the body is treated in different ways. But we must remember that a tumor cannot be cured in one visit to the veterinary center. Of course, you will need to visit the veterinarian frequently in order for your beloved creature to survive. However, if there are opportunities and time resources for this. But you need to examine the animal. What to do?

First of all, we strongly advise you to call a veterinarian at home. This service is very progressive and convenient for those owners who do not have enough time to visit a doctor on time. It is for such busy owners that there is a wonderful service like a doctor visiting your home. A tumor on the cat’s stomach requires special attention. Of course, you need to ask your veterinarian how long your furry pet will live. In many ways, the answer to this question also depends on the owners, because they are responsible for the pet.

Also, a visit from a veterinarian is great for those owners whose cat is quite weakened, which means that moving to a veterinary center can be fatal for it. In this case, leaving will not be a whim of the owner, but a severe necessity that will probably help save lives. If you want your pet to live as long as possible, do not neglect a visit to the doctor. However, doctors can help even with a tumor. And if you still have to visit a veterinary center for the procedure, then for an examination by a doctor you can use the service of calling a doctor to your home.

Should I delete it?

It is clear that a surgeon’s scalpel does not evoke any pleasant associations. However, the final decision on whether to leave everything as is is made only by the veterinarian. Most often, he opts for surgery and here’s why:

  • in some cases, the wen malignizes and degenerates into liposarcoma, which clearly leads to death;
  • the wen turns out to be not what it seems (that is, the test shows that it is a tumor of a different kind);
  • the wen can compress the blood vessels;
  • tumors interfere with the cat's movements.

Lipoma in the neck area must be removed

What to do if the terrible diagnosis of a tumor in cats is confirmed

Of course, there is no need to panic in the first place. Animals perfectly sense the mood of the owner who is nearby. Remain calm, which will certainly rub off on your pet. You also need to undergo a large number of tests and prepare yourself for a long fight against the disease. Veterinary doctors will do everything possible, and will also show the owner all the possibilities of modern medicine, which is capable of real miracles. It is quite possible that our drugs and skilled doctors will help cure such a terrible disease as a tumor. We are responsible for those we have tamed, and therefore it is not recommended to abandon a pet with a tumor to the mercy of fate. Having suspected something was wrong, it is also important to warn household members that they should be as attentive as possible to the animal and, if possible, not feed it harmful sausage or sausages, even if you want to support your cat and treat him with his favorite treat.


It is a consequence of early weaning from a nursing mother, sometimes - diseases of the genital organs, damage to the nipples or false pregnancy.

The mammary glands become inflamed and swollen, become hard and hot, and the body temperature rises. This is what a Sphynx cat looks like:

If a nursing female is sick, milk may not be released or will come along with pus. The doctor, after the necessary tests, will make sure that there is no cancer and will prescribe treatment.

If the illness is mild, he will prescribe compresses and massages at home; if it is severe, he will prescribe medications, including antibiotics, or even surgery.

How long do cats with tumors live?

Unfortunately, no doctor in the world can give an accurate prognosis; it depends on many factors, as well as on how aggressively the tumor develops. It happens that, despite all the efforts made by the owner, the animal dies after a month. This could be due to a variety of factors. Starting from inappropriate treatment and ending with actively growing metastases. Try to regularly donate blood for analysis and carry out all the tests that the doctor prescribes for your pet. If he is scheduled for another study, this does not mean that they want to scam you out of money. The doctor wants to help the pet and does everything in his power. And without traditional research it is almost impossible to do this, because a visual inspection alone is not enough. We still need to examine the animal and do everything to ensure that the treatment matches the disease. Be attentive to your pets and take them for a preventive examination at YA-VET!

When not to interfere

The veterinarian does not always recommend going under the knife. If the wen does not interfere with your life, you can leave it alone. Thus, the question of surgery is postponed if the neoplasm:

  • does not cause pain or serious discomfort;
  • small in size and does not grow;
  • has no signs of inflammation or pus.

Under no circumstances should you pierce a lipoma, warm it up, or apply lotions. It will not resolve on its own. This can only provoke its growth, and therefore its degeneration into a malignant one.

Lipoma can only be removed by a veterinarian

Cervical wen is always cut out, even if it seems that the neoplasm does not bother the cat in any way. In this case, there is always a risk that the tumor will compress important blood vessels and disrupt the flow of oxygen to the brain. The latter is fraught with brain hypoxia and death.

Why you can’t give up when fighting a tumor on your cat’s stomach

A tumor in a cat’s stomach is one of the most mysterious diseases, which even today has not been fully studied by doctors, and therefore can disappear as suddenly as it appeared, or give multiple metastases, and then take root throughout the body. Remember that by stopping the fight against a tumor in a cat, you are thereby putting an end to the life of your pet; she can die at any moment due to your laziness and unwillingness to fight to the end. Veterinary doctors are doing everything in their power to save another life and a grateful animal jumped into your lap every day.

What to do to eliminate the pathology?

If the kitten's sides are swollen due to a severe internal illness, the doctor will hospitalize the pet and, if necessary, perform surgery. In other cases, you can deal with the problem at home. For constipation, you can give your pet the drug Duphalac and use microenemas. Vaseline oil will help improve digestion; its dosage is 0.1 ml per 100 g of weight. It is recommended to give the product 2-3 times a day.

If the cat's swollen sides are a sign of helminthic infestation, in this situation antihelminthics will help normalize the condition.

Doctors at the Zoovet clinic point out that not every drug is intended for kittens aged 2-3 months. Therefore, the veterinarian should select the medicine, taking into account the baby’s age, the degree of invasion and other individual characteristics.

After giving birth, the cat's abdomen will return to its normal position without special treatment. The problem of overeating is easy to eliminate. Often, increased appetite is associated with a lack of vitamins and other elements in the body. Therefore, it is better to feed your cat with ready-made food, where all the ingredients are balanced and selected for a certain age.


This unpleasant pathology lies in the fact that parts of the internal organs of the peritoneum penetrate into adjacent cavities through natural or abnormal openings. Both adult cats and their babies can suffer from it!

Let's start with umbilical hernia in kittens. Here it is clearly visible on the belly of the baby sphinx:

Through an umbilical ring that is not completely closed (due to genetic disorders or improper cutting of the umbilical cord), a loop of intestine falls into the “hernial sac”:

This hernia in the Sphinx is reducible. But only if it is not pinched! Otherwise, the blood flow in it is disrupted, which will cause tissue death (!), then inflammation in the peritoneum, which will turn into peritonitis, then the cat will die.

Sometimes a kitten’s hernia does not fall out immediately, but will be triggered later, for example, by constipation.

In adults, the tumor is most often located in the groin area, has a size from a small lump to an egg-shaped lump, can be soft or hard, and has a body temperature or higher.

Formed recently, it can go unnoticed for some time, because it does not yet cause anyone any discomfort, but in its neglected state it is a rather large, round swelling, soft or elastic to the touch.

The situation is worse if the hernia is pinched, then the cat will feel constant pain, often meow, cower, arching its back. There will be problems with stool and urination, sometimes vomiting, fever, lethargy, and possible disturbances in gait and coordination. Surgery is inevitable!

Predisposed animals are those with:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • digestive problems: constipation and increased gas formation;
  • cutting the umbilical cord too short;
  • peritoneal injuries: blows, bruises, bites, etc.

Of course, you cannot “treat” yourself with decoctions, compresses, set internal organs, or wait until “it goes away on its own”!

Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis, perhaps with the help of an x-ray or ultrasound. And after the reduction, a bandage will be put on the pet for 3-4 weeks to prevent relapses.

You can do without surgery if the tumor is small, but you will have to eliminate it if it is diaphragmatic or intervertebral. And then the following are prescribed: immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory drugs; a diet that eliminates constipation; ban on active games for 2 weeks.

Diagnostic methods to determine the nature of the compaction

The nature of many formations is determined by the veterinarian during examination. To clarify the diagnosis, the specialist asks questions about visible symptoms, time of appearance and rate of growth of the tumor, and previous diseases. If the veterinarian remains in doubt, additional tests are prescribed:

  • Bacteriological analysis of the contents of the cone. A special needle is used to puncture the bladder, and a sample of the liquid is taken.
  • Tissue biopsy. A small piece is cut off from the growth to check the type of tumor.
  • Blood and urine tests. Allows you to identify the degree of damage to internal organs and systems.
  • Ultrasound. If necessary, assess the size of the tumor and the depth of its penetration into the tissue.
  • Endoscopy. It is used to study a specific internal organ with a malignant tumor.

Insect bite

No, not butterflies. Painful swelling can only be caused by the bite of stinging insects!

Remove the sting with tweezers, rinse with a soda solution (a teaspoon per glass of water) and apply a cold compress to relieve swelling.

To prevent allergies, give ¼ tablet of Tavegil or Suprastin twice a day, and if the condition worsens, go straight to the clinic, and even more so if there are a lot of bites, because then death is not far away.

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