How cats show they love you - 11 “I love you” in cat language

Many owners contact the editors of the Murkotiki website with the question of how you can show a cat that you love it, and do cats feel the love of their owner? There are techniques that can be used for this purpose. They involve the use of a cat's "language". However, every owner must come to terms with the fact that cats understand love differently than humans. For them this is a special disposition, trust, affection towards someone. This is exactly what we will show our pet.

Cats roll around on the floor showing their bellies

Children tend to roll on the floor during a tantrum. But in a cat, such a reaction means that she is very happy to see you. Cats may approach or run up to you and immediately roll over on their back in greeting. Such rolling upside down is also a sign of special trust in you, as well as an invitation to play.

Akimasa Harada

Soft touch

In humans, love is expressed through kisses and tight hugs, but in cats it is different. They have their own signs. If you speak cat language, you can easily show your pet that you love him. First of all, he should not be grabbed, squeezed or subjected to strong hugs. There is no need to come up and hang on top - it is better to sit down to the cat’s level or lower. In cat language, hovering and squeezing mean a threat and an attack by a large predator on the prey. What kind of love can we talk about then?

Instead, you need to caress the animal gently, stroking the places it exposes. Pay special attention to this. For example, dominant cats hate being stroked on the head from above: it is better for them to scratch their neck. And some cats love it. You need to learn your pet's "erogenous zones" and use only them if you want to give him pleasure.

Cats lick you or chew your clothes

Is your cat licking your skin and hair, chewing or slobbering on your clothes? There is no doubt - she is very attached to you. This way the pet not only shows its feelings, but also makes notes that you belong to it.

Cats are always happy to show their love and affection. Give them attention more often, and they will thank you with gentle purrs.

  • “I love” like a dog: how dogs express tender feelings and affection

    Not everyone is capable of loving as devotedly and faithfully as a dog does. But can we always translate the word “love” from a dog’s language into ours?

Based on materials from

Creating an atmosphere of safety

First of all, a loving owner should know that the pet will begin to fully interact with new people only if it feels safe. Therefore, first of all, comfort and the so-called “cotification” of the home - and only secondly, social interaction. Cats are territorial creatures, not pack creatures. Therefore, it is very important for them to first feel at ease. The “catification” of space involves, first of all, equipping a cat base camp. We talk about what this is and how to arrange it as part of the course at the Lapa.Expert School of Happy Cat and Dog Owners.

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How to understand a cat's behavior?

Teeth clinking is found in the language of cats, but they use it mainly when hunting. Newborn kittens do not have a full range of sounds, so they express their needs with the same sounds, even by crying.

If a person communicates with his pet for a very long time, he tries to understand his facial expressions, gestures and behavior. The owner understands or tries to understand every request of the animal. For example, when a cat wants to eat, she not only meows, but can also show the owner where to go - to the kitchen, to the refrigerator.

You can simply ask what the cat wants. And she will take you where she wants, it could be the toilet, the kitchen, or the bathroom - to drink water.

How to explain to a cat that I love him

Owners often wonder: does the cat know that I love him, and how can I demonstrate these emotions to him so that he understands? It's no secret that cats are wayward animals, and their love manifests itself differently than in humans. For example, strong “hugs” for a cat are a restriction of his freedom, and not at all a sign of love. If you want to show your cat your love, then it is enough for him that you feed him from your hands, not forgetting to pet him as often as possible. And if the cat turns over on its back and allows you to stroke its tummy, this indicates the highest degree of trust.

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Cats are not the hardest working animals. But if you want to send him to work, then choose an evening and look through the current vacancies. If the cat is interested in something, he will let you know. But don't count on it too much.

The cat must adapt to living together under the same roof with you, so as not to be a constant source of trouble and irritation for the owner. By far the best way to deal with bad habits is to prevent them and educate the kitten from the moment he crosses the threshold of the house. But even if the habit has already taken root, there is a chance to correct it if you approach it with patience and love, and try to understand the reasons that caused it. For example, the habit of climbing on the table can be eradicated using double-sided tape. Every time you leave the house, remove everything edible from the table and put double-sided tape on the surfaces of the tables. Cats don't like stickiness.

When a family has a cat and a female cat of different breeds, it sometimes happens that the cat goes for a planned mating with another cat. But after the kittens appear, the cat takes custody of them and can behave exactly like a cat (except for feeding). There is nothing scary about this - rather, it is even touching. Basically, I don't understand the question. Why deprive a cat of the opportunity to be a father?

On this topic: “I know a cat whose name is Merry”

The question, I think, is no longer relevant, since clocks are not changed in Belarus. But if your cat has lost his usual routine, just give him time - and the cat will return to his usual daily routine.

As I understand it, it is more interesting for a cat to eat from its owner’s dishes? You can try removing all your dishes that your cat could theoretically drink or eat from. The main thing is not to follow your pet’s lead and not give him the opportunity to drink from your glass or eat from your bowl, even if he really asks for it. Later, such indulgences can lead to unpleasant consequences. For example, one day you want to limit “dining together,” but the cat simply won’t understand why today he can drink from your glass, and tomorrow he will be scolded for the same act. Be consistent from the start.

There is no need to try to explain it to him: it is enough that you know about it. But some cats are gourmets. If you have a cat with strange tastes (for example, he wants watermelon), then treat him to a piece - perhaps he will like it. Just don’t get carried away, because sweets are harmful for cats. If the cat does not eat watermelon, but still asks, show him your dissatisfaction with this behavior. If this does not help, lock the cat in another room or in the bathroom. There the cat will be able to calm down - then release him.

Only timely castration will save you from cat marks. Here it’s not even a matter of “ownership” - it’s a physiological feature.

On this topic: The cat of the whole heart. Pets of Minsk residents

As the kitten grows up, it tries to take its place in the house. Ideally, this is the owner’s place, but... If you allow the cat everything, then in the end you will not get an affectionate cat, but an uncontrollable animal that, for no reason, but simply on a whim, will bite, scratch, attack its legs, tearing them apart blood. Do you need it? When the cat grows up and begins to show his claws in play, grab him and do not let him play. At first he will try to break out, but your task is to control this process. Release the cat only after he stops resisting. Using this method, you will achieve the status of leader in the eyes of the cat, and this will protect you from troubles in the future.

It often happens that the owners themselves are the cause of their scratched hands. When a kitten comes into the house, everyone loves and pampers it. A kitten's first toy is his hands. Either we tease with a finger, or we attack with our hand - then we are surprised! Feathers, balls, hanging tassels - these are what should evoke associations with the game, but in no case bare hands. Remember, dear owners: it is easier to raise a kitten than to correct the behavior of an adult. Don’t make mistakes in parenting, and in response to your efforts, the cat will respond with a soothing purr.

Trampling on your face (chest and private areas)

You have never truly lived unless you wake up in the morning with the feeling that a cat is literally trampling a path towards you.

In fact, in this way kittens “milk” their mother. Adult cats only do this when they are most relaxed and feel safe.


Have you ever had that creepy feeling that someone is watching you? You look around the room and come across the gaze of your cat, who seems to want to take your soul.

Felines only make eye contact with people they trust. A gaze with a rare and slow blink is even called a “cat kiss.” Blink back to share your love.

Why do cats love to sleep with their owners?

In order for a cat to sleep next to me, I, as the owner, must become familiar with the reasons that prompt her to this action. Cat psychology reveals several reasons that help answer this question:

  • Cats are quite heat-loving animals. They adore warmth, especially the warmth of a living body.
  • The next reason lies in the special smell that comes from hair, especially women's hair.
  • Another reason lies in the feeling of protection; the cat sleeps with the person with whom she feels calm, confident, with whom she feels comfortable and cozy.
  • Animal psychologists say that throughout the life of a cat, a cat perceives its owner as a mother. That is why she will sleep with me as a mother. Until old age, she tramples on her owner with her paws, like a newborn kitten suckling its mother. When a kitten lives in a cat family, it sleeps clinging to its mother's barrel. If a cat has complete trust with a person, then the pet will sleep next to him throughout his life. And I, as an owner, will never have a question about how to get my pet to sleep next to me.
  • There is a popular belief that cats have a strong biofield and they sense where a person has problems. Pets lie mainly on problem areas of the body, thereby healing a person.

Attempts to block your path

If there is a narrow passage in the house, be sure that the cat will fall apart there. And not just like that, but in the strangest gymnastic twisted position.

You think the cat wants you to trip and break your face, but no - cats only show their bellies to those they trust.

Don't punish or scare

Cats slowly get used to their owner. To avoid breaking trust, do not punish or frighten the animal. Cats can jump on the table, tear wallpaper and upholstered furniture with their claws - many owners punish troublemakers for such actions. You can’t hit a cat, they can be vindictive, and if the opportunity arises, they will take revenge. A scared cat is a bad companion. If you behave inappropriately, you can call out to the cat in a stern voice; animals understand intonation well. You can slam a newspaper next to the cat - this will be enough for it to understand that you are unhappy with its behavior. Another effective way to wean yourself from walking on the kitchen table is a small spray shower.

What a cat should not be allowed to do in the owner's bedroom

No matter how the owner pampers his pet, he should know that the bed is a place for a person and his stay in it is no more than a sign of the owner’s generosity, therefore:

  • Under no circumstances should you allow your pet to play in bed. If, with the onset of darkness, he jumps on you and begins to provoke you into playing, then you need to stop this immediately. The animal must know that the bed is a place to sleep.
  • You should not allow your pet to wake you up in the middle of the night or early in the morning.
  • The cat should know that the house is the main owner, you shouldn’t spoil him with or without reason. Under no circumstances should you get up at night at your pet’s first impulse and go feed him.

A cat is an animal that always acts on its own, but if it feels sincere affection for its owner, then it can be persuaded to sleep in the same bed. Moreover, this will bring pleasure not only to humans, but also to animals.

Wild and dangerous beast

Why are cats, even those raised in favorable conditions, friendly but not loving? This contrast is especially noticeable when comparing a cat with a dog. What's wrong with the mustachioed striped ones?

Good to know! The dog was domesticated 10 thousand years ago, and cats became pets only 5 thousand years ago. And even after taming, they had no contact with people for a long time, but simply lived nearby and ate what they could get.

The dogs were “trained,” bred, and adapted. They simply got cats, hoping that they would perform faithful “service.” As a result, humanity received a completely “decent” version of an independent, self-sufficient and unobtrusive pet - a domestic cat.

A cat should be treated like a “wild” animal, allowing for strong instincts and an innate desire for independence.

This is interesting! Cats become relatively slowly attached to their owners and value their territory and way of life more.

Nevertheless, the cat makes a lot of efforts to coexist normally with the owner. Adapting to the owner's lifestyle, the cat remains a jealous and territorial animal. If you have multiple animals in your home, your cat may become resentful of the lack of attention.


In cats, licking means caring. If you start licking your cat (yes, some people do!), she will most likely interpret this sign of affection as kindness. But keep in mind that dominant cats, on the contrary, do not like this, because... among cats, it is accepted that licking is caring for a weaker member of the family by a stronger one. One owner even invented a special device to imitate licking without the help of his own tongue, because you don’t really want to eat bacteria and fur.

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Irishman Jason O'Mara has created a plastic tongue that can be used to lick a cat.

How to show your cat your love?

You can pet your cat more often, give her attention, bathe and dry her, brush her fur at night, and comb out any clumps or undercoat. When an owner strokes a cat, for her it is a sign of good attitude towards herself, a sign of respect. If your cat has done something wrong, never allow yourself to lay a hand on the animal. This is your friend, and, moreover, completely dependent on your mood.

You explain where the cat is wrong and try to avoid these situations next time. You can also make it clear that you love a cat by walking with it on the street, you can use a leash, telling it about the world around you as a person, and consulting with it. By the way, if you ask a cat for advice, then perhaps she will come to you in a dream at night and describe everything to you.

Don't force her

As you build a relationship with your cat, remember the independent nature of these felines. Don't force an animal to do something it doesn't like. After all, cats are “wild” creatures, keep this in mind. An exception to this rule: violation of hygiene standards. In this case, it is necessary to show tolerance and perseverance; cats are clean animals and understand what is required of them. If the tray is not cleaned for a long time, you will not force the cat to go there. She will find a cleaner place.


Sometimes the cat catches my eye during his licking ritual. An expression appears on his face, as if saying: “Oh, do you want it too?” Then he begins to lick my arm or leg with his sandpaper-rough tongue, trying to literally destroy the entire top layer of my skin.

This is not an attack, but a show of affection. Grooming and licking from a person helps cats spread their scent and mark you as an important member of the family group.

Respect for personal space

There are cats that cannot tolerate affection in any form. This does not mean that they do not love their owner. They just have that kind of character. Then you need to understand that the connection between the cat and you is not only affection, but also words, glances, spending time together playing and sleeping, feeding, a feeling of affection from being with each other, not necessarily in the form of hugs and caresses. Respect your cat's personal space and independence. Believe me, he will appreciate this attitude very highly.

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