The cutest kittens: ranking of adorable breeds

It is difficult to find a person who will be indifferent to the cutest kittens. Their funny appearance awakens the warmest and most tender feelings in the soul.

These tiny funny creatures are tirelessly looking for new adventures, discovering the secrets of the world around them.

It’s impossible not to fall in love with a little fluffy ball taking its first steps or trying to conquer new heights in the house, be it a table, a closet or even a chandelier.

Little kittens will be happy to amuse their owners if they have all the conditions for this. When you bring a kitten into your home, you should remember some features of keeping these animals:

  • the kitten needs to arrange a place to sleep where he will feel safe;
  • it is necessary to equip a toilet for the baby, for which they use a tray with filler;
  • To prevent the kitten from causing damage to the interior of the house, you should immediately purchase a scratching post;
  • You will definitely need a bag to carry the animal in order to visit the veterinarian in a timely manner;
  • It is better to feed the kitten canned food or food from reputable manufacturers.

The appearance of a new pet will add more worries to home owners. But all of them are incomparable to the positivity that kittens can give to their owners. If you find it difficult to choose a future pet, perhaps a small rating will help you decide.

Breeds of cute kittens: options with big eyes and beautiful faces

Cute cats of various breeds are a real trend. All social networks are full of photographs of them eating, smiling, hugging their owners and playing with children. Millions of publications on this topic are doing their job, and every child already dreams of having the same cute kittens in his family.

List of the cutest breeds

Increasingly, a future pet is chosen not for dexterity, agility, or intelligence, but for its attractive appearance. Cute cats are the most sought after in the market. At the same time, each breeder carefully studies all breeds, selecting exactly the one that seems most attractive to him.

What is “cuteness”? For some, this is exceptional external data, for others it is a soft and flexible character. Everyone chooses indicators individually.

And how can you call any cat or kitten not cute enough? But there is still a certain TOP of the cutest cat breeds in the world.

Cute kittens trend on social networks

British cats

"British" cats are very cute. They attract the gaze of others with their cute, but at the same time majestic appearance. Their fur is short, soft and feels plush to the touch.

These are kind and friendly cats that will become real family members. They become very attached to children and have great patience, which is sometimes required to play with them.

Kids find these kittens very “cute” and do not want to part with them.

For your information! These animals are photogenic, they pose calmly, look at the camera when needed - real plush models.

Cute British kitten is very photogenic

Scottish lop-eared

Looking at the kittens of this breed, it is impossible to pass by, these little kittens are so cute. But they retain this special charm into adulthood. These are small small cats, adults weigh no more than 2 kg. Their ears resemble a folded envelope, most often they are pressed to the head.

The color can be very diverse: they can be plain, tortoiseshell, and even black. The character of Scottish Fold cats is very soft, flexible, they are affectionate and loyal, and get along well with children and other pets.

One look at them evokes tenderness, a smile and a desire to quickly touch and cuddle this soft plush miracle.

The Scottish Fold cat is very flexible and capricious.

Maine Coon

The Maine Coon breed is difficult to classify as the cutest cat breed, but, nevertheless, this particular breed is at the peak of popularity. The main characteristics of the representatives of the breed are their height and weight.

The length of adult individuals reaches 1 m, the weight of males reaches 15 kg, females weigh 2 times less. Despite the fact that outwardly these are quite serious animals, they have a rather sweet, touching character.

They love affection, respond to it, and become strongly attached to their owner and children. Having a Maine Coon at home is fashionable and prestigious, although it is quite expensive.

An adult male Maine Coon reaches 1 m in length

Bengal cat

The Bengal cat stands out from the general background with its bright leopard color. Her eyes are almond-shaped and bright green or golden in color. These are short-haired animals with soft, smooth and highly shiny fur. What child wouldn’t want to have a real small and very tame leopard at home? Indeed, these cats are very cute, beautiful, dexterous and fast.

Note! The Bengal kitten is the most suitable and cute animal for families with children. They are very smart, playful and affectionate, elegant and at the same time “cute”.

Bengal kitten

Persian cat

The Persian cat has been considered one of the cutest for several decades. Her unusual flattened muzzle, close-set round eyes and fluffy fur make her adorable.

Persian purrs have a very soft, easy-going character. They are easy to tame, since representatives of the breed are exceptional homebodies, they try to please their owner in everything.

For their sweet nature and attractive appearance, they are very loved and appreciated.

Persian cat

Russian blue

The Russian Blue cat is a real sophisticated aristocrat. She is elegant, graceful and intelligent. It differs from others in its unusual silver-gray color. Her kittens are very playful, quick, with a cheerful, perky character.

The cutest cat in the world

We never cease to admire cute and funny animals, but in China there is a cat who has become an Internet star. He has a cute little face, a beautiful ponytail, huge eyes - all this will make even the most indifferent people touch. This cat is the cutest cat in the world and he has his own page on the Internet.

The cutie's name is Snoopy, he is a representative of the exotic shorthair breed, red tabby-van color, born on May 11, 2011 in China, Sichuan province.

From the moment his photo appeared on the Internet, the cat became mega popular and a few months later, Snoopy gained a huge number of fans. Ardent fans created various pages on social networks with his photos and videos.

The cat's owners claim that Snoopy did not suffer from star fever and his character has not changed. The lifestyle is no different from the life of a simple pet, everything is according to the schedule: sleep 17 hours a day, play for at least 2 hours, 1 hour for hygiene procedures, 2 hours for food and a couple of hours for meditation.

There are several million admiring Snoopy fans around the world. The cartoon cat Garfield is very similar to Snoopy and there is an opinion that they may soon create a cartoon with a cute cat in the title role.

There are similarities between the cats due to the same breed - they are both exotic.

The Exotic Shorthair breed was artificially bred in the 60s after crossing Persians and American Shorthair cats.

The idea of ​​​​breeding a new breed was based on obtaining new colors of American shorthair cats, but what happened exceeded all expectations. The appearance of newborn kittens prompted the idea of ​​​​breeding a new breed. Exotics have a phlegmatic character, they lack aggressiveness, unlike Persians, they love active games, are well brought up and are very smart.

Pedigree kittens from elite nurseries are not cheap, but if you really want to have an unusual, cute kitten in your home, you can spend money.

It’s a pity that the latest videos featuring the cute cat Snoopy are a bit boring, and while he’s bathing, he practically sleeps. Plush Snoopy was the cutest cat when he was just a kitten, but now he has grown up and become a simple exotic cat.


The cutest cat breeds

Cats are one of the most popular types of pets. Fluffy pets are affectionate, sociable, and bring many pleasant moments to their owners. At the same time, the beauty and cuteness of the cat breed is incredible. When choosing a cat, you need to take into account not only its external characteristics, even the most spectacular ones, but also many other nuances - character, size, whimsicality.

Therefore, no matter how much you would like to immediately acquire a cute creature, you should evaluate all the factors and weigh the decision well.

If the decision to purchase a cat is made, you need to choose the breed of the future pet. Cute cats come in many varieties. Before you settle on appearance, evaluate the characteristics of the breed; some are ideal for a family with children, while others will bring comfort and meaning into the life of a lonely person. Experts advise purchasing the following breeds for a home with children:

  • Maine Coon;
  • Abyssinian;
  • ragdoll;
  • Siamese cat;
  • British Shorthair;
  • sphinx.

They all have a friendly disposition, are patient, and get along well with kids. non-aggressive, playful, well socialized. It is very important to consider such a factor as coat type. Short-haired cats not only cause less problems in cleaning, but are also more hygienic from the point of view of having a small child in the house.

If the house is mostly empty during the day, it is better to go for a breed that is not only cute in appearance, but also self-sufficient in character. You can safely consider:

  • Bombay people;
  • exotic shorthairs;
  • Scottish Fold;
  • Russian Blues;
  • American Shorthair.

These cats can easily tolerate loneliness and do not suffer from depressive moods.

Elderly people will love cats with the personalities of companions, which not only please the eye, but also brighten up lonely everyday life. In this case, good fit:

  • Siberians;
  • Persians;
  • chartreuse;
  • Russian blue;
  • Siamese;
  • Burmese cats;
  • Norwegian forest.

If one of your family members is allergic to cats, it is better to consider Javanese, Sphynx, Cornish Rex.

There are various ratings, top lists of the most beautiful and pretty cats on the planet. There are a lot of breeds in the world that look like real angels.

  • Abyssinian. Considered one of the oldest in the world, it is classified as exotic, descended from an African variety. Caring for her is very simple, the main thing is care, attention and affection.
  • Siamese. One of the most original breeds on earth, its representatives are active, love attention and games. These cats should not be owned if you do not like communication. They really need affection, incredibly affectionate cats.
  • Persian. Everything here is as simple as possible - very beautiful, spectacular, super-fluffy cats. Caring for such a handsome man is quite difficult.
  • Maine Coon. The largest variety of domestic cats, quite clean, neat, and obedient. You don’t have to worry about the condition of the furniture and other things in the house; animals don’t damage them.
  • Russian blue. A very old breed, its history dates back to the times of Peter the Great. Beautiful, sociable, sweet cat.
  • Bengal homemade. It is distinguished by its luxurious spotted color and affectionate disposition.
  • Mau Egyptian. Very sociable cats, they love to be with people, and do not tolerate loneliness well. Incredible beauty and cuteness.
  • Himalayan. The embodiment of tenderness and showiness is a beautiful fluffy breed.
  • Munchkins. Short-legged representatives of felines stand out among all the unusual structure of their limbs.
  • Scottish Fold. Incredibly cute cats, distinguished by the original shape of their ears. Calm, non-capricious cats.
  • Siberian. The variety of colors is amazing and allows you to choose a fluffy beauty to suit your taste.
  • Toyger. The color resembles a tiger. Very beautiful American animals.
  • Turkish Angoras. Moderately fluffy, elegant pets. The distinctive features of the breed are curiosity and well-developed intelligence.
  • Manx. A tailless variety, very pretty and charming, with an intelligent look.
  • Ragdoll. It has a peaceful disposition, patience, and is gentle towards its owners. Gets along great with children. Externally it is a real miracle.
  • Asher. It is a large breed, its fur does not cause an allergic reaction, it is a rather expensive cat.
  • Ocicats. Energetic, active, playful creatures, incredibly curious and cute, with a beautiful coat pattern.
  • Norwegian forest. Big cats with incredibly cute faces. They love solitude and are independent in nature.
  • Tonkinese. They have different colors, a very elegant breed that stands out among others. Very affectionate to its owners.
  • Burmese. A graceful creature, oriental plasticity attracts the eye. An unusually beautiful, elegant breed.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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