Closed tray for cats: review of a miracle device

The pet supply market is overflowing with all kinds of accessories for pets that make it easier to live with them. But you should pay special attention to choosing a tray for your cat. If cat litter is not to your pet's liking, it will spell disaster. The animal may flatly refuse to use the new inconvenient device and take a liking to the secluded corners of your home.

You can make a closed toilet with your own hands the old fashioned way and remove the litter after each bowel movement. Or you can buy a modern model - a closed cat litter box, this is the best option for those who are not ready or cannot clean it every hour.

What is good about a closed tray? Are there any disadvantages?

Like every non-standard device, a closed pot has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main thing in the matter of choice is the convenience of your beloved pet. The undoubted advantages of an enclosed litter box for cats:

  1. A closed cat potty prevents unpleasant odors from spreading intensely throughout the house, and also protects the flooring outside the litter box from litter - and sometimes cat scratches.
  2. A closed tray-house for cats will fit perfectly into the design of the apartment, because it can be placed not only in the bathroom or toilet, but also in any place convenient for you.
  3. The closed triangular tray fits well into the corners, which gives additional advantages.
  4. You can use commercial filler or regular sand.
  5. The closed house is made of environmentally friendly, safe materials.

The high price is perhaps the only significant disadvantage. Buying a closed tray is financially more difficult than an open tray, but it will be an excellent investment in the comfort and cleanliness of your apartment. Your pet may not immediately learn to open the door: be patient, help him figure it out so that it doesn’t become a punishment and disappointment. The size of a closed tray starts from half a meter, so calculate and plan the location of the toilet in advance.

Why does the cat shit everywhere?

If the smell of cat urine is unpleasant, then the “aroma” of the marks of an uncastrated cat plunges owners into horror. When cat urine that is not collected in time begins to decompose, the decomposition product, thiols, begins to float in the air. It is this substance that gives the tags such an impossible smell.

There are enough reasons why a cat shits on your territory in the wrong place:

the animal sees you as the head of the pack, and wants to prove that it is competitive;

Kotofey sees himself as a leader, and with his “fragrant” marks makes others feel like they are in second or even tenth place;

an animal disease that affects physiology: a sick pet does not control its urination;

an inconveniently located tray or a new “unsuccessful” filler;

resentment developing into cat's revenge. This may be associated with punishment or a feeling of loneliness, abandonment;

a new home in which the cat is not used to the proper toilet.

In searching for the reason, do not forget that the cat also has its own feelings and character, which may be the key to answering the question of why it defecates anywhere.

We stop the cat from shitting anywhere

To make life in an apartment comfortable, you must find a way to stop an adult cat from crapping . It doesn’t matter whether it’s an Oriental, an exotic or a mongrel yard cat, but as soon as the animal tries to settle in the wrong place, you immediately need to grab it by the scruff of the neck and lift it up. The cat will immediately put its tail between its legs! Do you feel it? Do you feel how the self-esteem of the mustachioed would-be leader is falling? Leave the guilty creature alone, and immediately eliminate the consequences: if this is a liquid crime, then there are many tips on how to remove the smell. If this is something more significant, then, having removed the pile, they immediately wipe the marks with their things - this is how the owner signs his own autograph.

Types of closed toilets

A closed cat litter box is produced in the form of a “tray-house”, an automated dry toilet, a built-in bio-tray. The pot may have no door at all or have a self-closing automatic door. The kit comes with scoops, specialized filters, and in more expensive models, fans and control panels. There are multi-person bathrooms for cats: this is convenient if you have more than one pet in your apartment.

Built-in dry toilet

You can use the tray as part of a design solution (bedside table, shelf, table). Suitable for small apartments, as it is made to individual measurements and built into walls or furniture. The difficulty is that it is not easy to remove from the mounted area, so if it breaks or is heavily soiled, effort will be required to dismantle it.

Bio-tray with carbon filter

The most popular model among pet breeders. It is made from durable, environmentally friendly materials (usually plastic), and is easy to transport and clean.

The walls inside are covered with a water-repellent layer. The carbon filter absorbs unpleasant odors, and the kit includes absorbent wipes (they will help you when traveling if there is no water nearby). There are two types of cleaning: manual or automatic. The automatic model does all the dirty work for you; the excrement is transferred into a specialized bag or into a sewer pipe (if connected). Next, the toilet space is disinfected using hot air. The system is so smart that it performs all manipulations only in the absence of the animal: it is equipped with motion sensors and pauses the action at the slightest rustle. You don't have to worry about the safety of your pet. In manual models, you will have to clean the tray yourself from cat waste products.


An indoor cat toilet is the most affordable model of all. It is unlikely that it will be possible to integrate it into the interior design, but this is not always necessary. The tray is suitable for all breeds of cats (from miniature to large). It is equipped with a retractable tray, which makes cleaning and disinfection easier.

The cost of trays varies in a very wide range: from 1 to 30 thousand rubles. How much money to spend is up to you to decide, but before buying a complex and expensive device, it is recommended to study the instructions so that there are no unpleasant surprises.

Operation and care

If you decide that you need this device, we strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for the dry closet, and also carefully study the instructions for use. If the choice fell on automated models, then you should pay special attention to choosing the place where the toilet for your pet will be located. The device has a sensor that should not be exposed to direct light.

In principle, there are no special rules for the use of devices. Once you have completely assembled the structure, the dry closet can be used. If the model is automated, then it will do everything else on its own. Toilets also do not require special care. The main thing is to change the granules and napkin (if you have one) on time. If the system is powered by a battery, do not forget to charge it promptly. If it happens that the dry closet is clogged, you can contact the service department. However, you can clean everything yourself.

Criteria for selecting a closed tray

The design of the toilet must be strong and heavy, otherwise the entire contents along with the tray may tip over when the pet moves awkwardly. Pay attention to the height of the sides - the filler should not spill out when closing the top of the tray. The overall height inside the tray should be suitable for the pet's height. Cats do not like cramped spaces, but for small kittens, high sides can be a serious obstacle. So make your choice according to the size of your cat. A large indoor toilet is suitable for large purebred cats, while for medium-sized pets it is reasonable to choose a smaller device. Consider a toilet with filtration or vents. The animal may avoid enclosed spaces with the pungent odors of previous feces, so they must be well absorbed or ventilated - this depends on the design of the tray.

Make sure the quality of the material itself and the safety of the tray: there should be no sharp corners, notches, or open holes in the bottom (otherwise the filler will fall out). If the toilet uses a door, check that it opens easily and that there are no access problems.

Why does a cat shit everywhere?

Let's omit the case when careless owners did not train the cat to use the litter box. It’s another matter if the animal suddenly began to gradually ignore the legal placement of the toilet. Let's look at the probable reasons for this behavior:

the pet has outgrown the litter tray, find out information about choosing a suitable toilet;

the animal does not like the situation in the owner’s toilet. Here it may turn out that the new washing machine irritates the animal during operation, or the owner purchased a pungent-smelling air freshener;

pet's vindictiveness: lack of attention, new people in the house, incorrect attitude of the owners towards the cat;

any stress associated with a change of home, a long absence of owners, the appearance of a new animal in the house;

If there is no obvious reason, then you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian to check your cat's health.

Only by understanding the reasons can you choose the right solution to the problem.

We stop the cat from shitting anywhere

In fact, with a competent, patient approach, it will not be difficult to wean an adult cat from shitting anywhere.

The basic rule: the pussy should feel completely safe with the owner. Allow your pet to sleep as close to your bed as possible.

To stop a cat from shitting on the sofa, bed, or bed, they try this method: take a soft cloth, wipe the cat’s neck with it, and then move this cloth where the cat does a bad thing. This method works thanks to the animal’s pheromones, which “will not allow” the animal to commit a “toilet crime” in areas that smell of the purr itself.

Another good way: where the “fragrant” pile is left, the owner puts out bowls of delicious food. The animal does not go to the toilet where it feeds!

Did not help? This means we give the pet a new test: the cat is locked for 3-4 days in a separate small room with a tray that is completely suitable for the animal. Fresh food and water are brought into the room regularly. After a few days, a reflex to the correct place of the toilet is developed.

Remedies for weaning cats from shitting

All means can be divided into specialized, industrial and folk.

Chemical industrial products include preparations of the Antigadin format. Choose a convenient form of the product and treat unauthorized toilet areas.

If the new filler is to blame for the appearance of unpleasant piles and puddles, then you should just return the old one. Don't forget to change the filler regularly, this is very important!

stop your cat from crapping by purchasing a litter box in the shape of a house - this method has proven to be effective for many cats.

Sterilization is also an effective method: after the operation, the pussy loses the desire to take revenge and turn the owner’s house into a toilet.

Folk remedies for weaning cats off shit

The most common mistake when trying to stop a cat from pooping in the wrong place is to wash the area with bleach. She is more likely to lure the pet to do her dirty deed again.

But the idea of ​​aromatizing dirty areas has a basis: citrus peels laid out on the dirty area, lubricating the area with fir oil, garlic and even iodine really repel the cat.

Of course, such remedies will not help with a flower pot: stick toothpicks all over the soil, their sharp peaks will not make cats want to go to the toilet. Also, inventive people glue double-sided tape, which is very unpleasant for the animal to walk on.

Recommendations for use

Your pet sees a closed cat litter box for the first time, and you are faced with the problem of training. There are several tips to simplify and speed up the process:

  1. If you purchased a toilet with a lid or door, it is better to dismantle them at the initial stage. The feeling of free space will not cause fear and rejection. The cat will be interested in the new product and will study it.
  2. Transfer the cat's scent to a new pot. It is possible to use a small amount of labeled litter from an old toilet. Or try covering the previous tray with the lid from the newly purchased one.
  3. After about one to two weeks, you can mount the door back. Make sure your pet understands how to get in and out.
  4. If you are away from home for a long time, leave the entrance to the toilet open. At first, you can open the lid at night.
  5. Buy an attractive spray at the pet store - this will speed up the training process.
  6. Do not suddenly change the location of the toilet in the house and the type of filler.
  7. Change the carbon filter in the dry closet once every four months.
  8. Place an anti-slip mat under the tray. It will fix the position and help keep the floor around the potty clean.

If your pet accepts the improved litter box favorably, consider yourself lucky. Now you will appreciate the ease of cleaning, the level of cleanliness in the apartment and create comfort for your beloved pet. Perhaps at first buying a closed litter box may seem like a waste of money, but in fact it is a great thing for any cat owner.

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