Instructions for using stronghold in cats. Calculate the optimal dose of the drug. Explore the breadth of the antiparasitic effect of Stronghold Spot On for cats. Improve therapy effectiveness by 200%

  • VetConsultPlus
  • Informational portal
  • Veterinary drug
  • Drug name: Stronghold
  • Latin name: Stronghold
  • Drug group: broad-spectrum antiparasitic agent
  • Release form: drops on the withers
  • Active ingredient: Selamectin
  • Doses for cats: weight less than 2.5 kg - pipette 15 mg - Marking (pink), weight from 2.6 to 7.5 kg - pipette 45 mg - Marking (blue), weight 7.5-10 kg - pipette 60 mg - Labeling (gray)
  • Treatment of infestation by fleas, roundworms, hookworms, heartworms, lice, lice, ticks, causative agents of sarcoptic mange and otodectosis

Method of applying the drug Stronghold to cats?

  1. Apply to the skin at the base of the neck in front of the shoulder blades.
  2. Remove the Stronghold Cat Dropper from its protective packaging.
  3. While holding the pipette vertically, press the cap firmly to pierce the applicator seal, then remove the cap
  4. Part the fur at the base of the animal's neck in front of the shoulder blades to expose a small area of ​​skin.
  5. Apply the tip of the Stronghold dropper directly to the skin without massaging.
  6. Squeeze the Stronghold pipette firmly to release the contents in one area.
  7. Avoid contact of the product with your fingers.
  8. Wash your hands thoroughly.

According to the instructions, Stronghold Spot On

is a drug for the treatment of infestation by fleas, roundworms, hookworms, heartworms, lice, lice, ticks, causative agents of sarcoptic mange and otodectosis in cats. Supplied in packs of 3 or 6 disposable pipettes.

What's included

Stronghold is produced in liquid form and is a clear solution. A pale yellow color of the drug is also allowed. The active component is selamectin with a concentration of 6% or 12 percent.

The medicine is packaged in plastic pipettes with a volume of 0.25 ml (with a purple cap) and 0.75 ml (with a blue cap), which are packaged in individual blisters. The manufacturer puts 3 doses of the drug in each pack.

Flea infestation control for cats - Stronghold!

After using Stronghold drops, adult fleas on the pet die, no viable eggs are produced, and the larvae also die. This process disrupts the flea life cycle, stopping fleas from reproducing.

Drops on the withers for cats may also stop the heartworm (heartworm) cycle. If you plan to travel to an area where mosquitoes may be present, apply Stronghold for cats at least one month before mosquitoes appear, then monthly, ending one month after the end of summer mosquitoes

Pros and cons of the drug

Cat owners who purchased and used Sronghold flea drops for cats point to its advantages. The list of positive qualities of the medicine is:

  • high efficiency - a single application of the solution is enough to noticeably reduce the number of parasites, a sustainable result is achieved by re-applying the product after a month;
  • fast action, high-quality destruction of parasites and their larvae;
  • no impact on the performance of internal organs of pets, the active substance selamectin is removed from the pet’s body within three days;
  • the drug Sronghold for fleas does not affect the performance of the nervous system of a person, cat or dog;
  • the drops' formulation does not include allergenic components;
  • there is no smell that can be perceived by the animal as irritating;
  • easy to use drops.

It is important for cat owners that fleas do not appear again during the entire period that Stronghold is in effect.

Sometimes there is a drawback of a veterinary remedy for parasites - its cost. The price of drops in a veterinary pharmacy is slightly higher than that of a number of drugs with a similar effect.

What is Stronghold for cats?

According to the instructions for use, Stronghold drops on the withers for cats is a liquid medicinal product applied topically to the skin of the back of the neck, which is used for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations and other parasites. The drug contains the active ingredient selamectin, an insecticide.

Stronghold for cats is manufactured by Pfizer Ltd and is supplied in individual (metered) pipettes that are applied monthly. The dosage of the drug varies for dogs and cats. It is important to consider the animal's body weight when using drops. Stronghold for cats is sold in packs of 3 and 6 pipettes.

Analogues of drops

Stronghold has no complete structural analogues. But the veterinary drug market offers a whole line of domestic and foreign products that help in the fight against parasites that live in the body of our pets and on their skin.

Functional analogues of the drug:

  • Leopard;
  • Inspector Total K;
  • Advantage;
  • Frontline Spot On.

All of the above veterinary preparations have a different composition from Stronghold and are not interchangeable. Before you begin treatment for your pet, you should consult your veterinarian.

Table: Stronghold analogues

Name of veterinary drugImplementation formCurrent compositionIndications for useContraindicationsNegative reactionsEstimated cost
  • solution in pipettes of 0.3 ml for kittens;
  • solution in 1 ml pipettes for adult cats.
  • ivermectin;
  • Praziquantel
Treatment and prevention;
  • helminthiasis caused by pinworms, flatworms and tapeworms;
  • entomosis (diseases caused by blood-sucking insects: ticks, fleas);
  • ear scabies;
  • scabies.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the veterinary drug;
  • pregnant and lactating females;
  • kittens younger than 8 weeks;
  • infectious diseases.
  • muscle tremors;
  • vomit;
  • increased salivation and lacrimation;
  • itchy skin;
  • skin irritation.
  • 3 pipettes of solution for kittens - 280 rubles;
  • 1 pipette of solution for adult cats - 70 rubles.
Inspector Total KSolution for external use in pipettes of 0.4 and 0.8 ml.
  • fipronil;
  • moxidectin.
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Pregnant and lactating cats should take with caution;
  • kittens younger than seven weeks of age.
Itching and redness of the skin1 capsule of the drug for cats weighing from 1 to 4 kg - 300 rubles
AdvantageSolution for external use in pipettes with a dosage of 0.4 and 0.8 ml.ImidaclopridPrevention and treatment of fleas, lice and lice
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the veterinary drug;
  • kittens up to 10 weeks of age;
  • with caution - pregnant and lactating cats.
Allergic reactions4 ampoules with a dosage of 0.4 ml - 760 rubles
Frontline Spot On
  • drops for external use in pipettes with a dosage of 0.5 ml;
  • spray.
  • fleas;
  • lice;
  • lice eaters;
  • mites;
  • ear scabies.
  • kittens younger than eight weeks of age;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the veterinary drug.
  • itching;
  • burning and redness of the skin.
  • 1 pipette - 340 rubles;
  • 100 ml of spray - 900 rubles.

Photo gallery: analogues of veterinary medicine

Bars is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating cats Frontline Spot It should not be used on kittens under eight weeks of age Inspector Total K should not be used on kittens under seven weeks of age Adventage should be used with caution when treating pregnant and lactating cats

Video: using anti-flea drops on cats

What is Stronghold used for cats?

Stronghold is used according to the instructions for the treatment and prevention of flea infestation (Ctenocephalides spp.) in cats.
This remedy is very helpful as part of a flea allergy dermatitis treatment regimen. In addition, Stronghold drops can be used to treat cats with ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) and to prevent heartworm infestation (Dirofilaria immitis).

In cats, Stronghold drops on the withers can also be used to treat adult intestinal roundworms (Toxocara cati), as well as adult intestinal nematodes (Ancylostoma tunbaeforme) and lice infestations (Felicola subrostratus).

pharmachologic effect

Stronghold acts against a large number of skin and intestinal parasites. Selamectin has proven clinical effectiveness against nematodes, insecticide and acaricide. In addition, it is highly effective in destroying skin parasites: sarcoptic mites, fleas and other blood-sucking insects. Kills not only the adult forms of parasites, but also eliminates the larval stages and eggs of insects.

Pharmacokinetic properties

Stronghold is characterized by rapid absorption of the active component at the site of application. It cannot be used orally, as it is destroyed by gastric juice. When used externally, it is quickly absorbed. It accumulates for a long time in the organs and tissues of the pet, providing not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect.

Insects and helminths, when parasitizing and eating tissues and blood cells, also consume selamectin, which leads to the death of the parasites. The drug is retained in tissues for a month in a sufficiently high concentration, which prevents re-invasion by the parasite. That is why the larvae hatched from the eggs also die under the influence of the medicine.

Mechanism of action

Selamectin freely passes through the membranes of parasite cells, reaching muscle and nervous tissue. There it binds to receptors and increases the permeability of cell membranes to chlorine ions. This reduces the sensitivity of cells to nerve impulses to zero, resulting in complete paralysis. Penetrating into the central nervous system of the parasite, selamectin blocks brain activity, which again leads to death.

Moreover, the drug does not damage the nervous system of mammals, since in canines and cats these receptors are located only in the central nervous system, which is separated from the bloodstream by an impenetrable blood-brain barrier. The BBB is present in all vertebrates and protects the brain from the immune system, toxins and parasites.

In terms of the level of effect on the internal organs and tissues of the animal, Stronghold is classified as a third hazard class (according to GOST 12.1.007-76), that is, a moderately harmful drug. The 50% lethal dose for rodents when administered orally is 1.6 mg/g. In recommended quantities, it does not cause superficial skin irritation and does not have a toxic effect when absorbed into the blood. Negative side effects do not occur even with a tenfold increase in the therapeutic dose.

Tips for using Stronghold drops for cats

  • Drops should be used monthly
  • Stronghold can be used in animals older than 6 weeks
  • Cats must also have a body weight greater than 2.5 kg
  • If you suspect any side effects from Stronghold Drops, call your veterinarian
  • The required dose of Stronghold should be determined by your veterinarian.
  • The dose of Stronghold is based on weight, so weigh your pet regularly
  • The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C and out of the reach of children.

Dosage by pet's weight

Stronghold is available in different packages, respectively, and their dosage is different, since the drug is suitable not only for cats, but also for dogs. In other words, depending on the weight category, each pet has its own dosage. Each dose has its own color for the convenience of the owner:

  • from 2.5 15/20 mg, pink color;
  • from 7.5 45/50 mg, color blue;
  • from 8 or more combination of pipettes, has no color.

You should not rely on experience with other similar medications. Before applying the medicine, make sure your cat is of a certain weight category.

Dosage table

Side effects

According to the veterinary instructions for use, stronghold for cats is generally very safe and should be used as recommended by a veterinarian.

  • The drops should only be used topically, never in the mouth or ears.
  • The drug should not be used in kittens less than 6 weeks of age
  • Stronghold may cause mild and temporary hair loss at the site of application
  • The drug may cause hair to accumulate in the area
  • May leave a white residue (powder) at the application site
  • Keep your pet away from fire for 30 minutes after application or until coat is dry
  • Do not bathe your pet for 2 hours after applying Stronghold
  • If your pet manages to lick the medication, he may salivate excessively.
  • Stronghold may cause temporary and reversible neurological signs
  • If you suspect any side effects, contact your veterinarian for advice


Stronghold deserves the attention of cat owners for the following reasons:

  1. Easy to apply. The solution does not leave greasy stains, does not spread over the skin (even in hairless breeds) and is quickly absorbed.
  2. Cats tolerate the drug well. Stronghold is suitable for kittens from 6 weeks. Drops can be used in pregnant and lactating cats after veterinarian approval.
  3. Long-term therapeutic effect. The most pronounced effect is observed 12 hours after treatment. It lasts for about 30 days.
  4. There is no need to cancel hygiene procedures. The cat can be washed within a few hours after using the drug.

Stronghold has a minimum of contraindications and rarely causes negative reactions.

Dosage and use in cats

  • Stronghold drops should be applied to cats once a month.
  • The drug is applied topically to the skin of the back of the neck
  • The flea remedy is supplied in a single dose, in the form of plastic pipettes.
  • Packaging comes in different sizes for precise dosing of selamectin
  • The dose of Stronghold is based on weight, so weigh your pet regularly
  • The drug can be used in pregnant and lactating animals
  • There is no interaction between Stronghold and most common veterinary drugs
  • Stronghold is used to treat a wide range of parasites in cats
  • Continued use of Stronghold will also prevent parasites

Purpose of the product and action

In addition to the most common indication - getting rid of fleas, for cats - Stronghold is recommended in other cases:

  • as a prophylactic against dirofilariasis;
  • to get rid of round or tapeworms;
  • for the treatment of otodectosis (ear mites);
  • to get rid of microscopic sarcoptes subcutaneous mites;

Veterinary clinic specialists prescribe Stronghold to destroy lice and lice.

Additional information about the veterinary drug Stronghold for domestic cats

According to the instructions, Stronghold is a colorless or yellow liquid medication that is applied topically to the skin of the back of the neck of cats once a month. This product contains the active ingredient selamectin, which is an insecticide. Stronghold comes in single-use plastic pipettes and is manufactured by Pfizer Ltd. The pipettes are supplied in a foil blister pack and each box contains 3 pipettes. Cat Strength is also available in boxes of 6 droppers. The pipettes come in different sizes so that the drug can be dosed appropriately to cats of different weights.

Stronghold kills adult fleas and stops the production of viable eggs. It also kills the larval stages of fleas, thus stopping reproduction and disrupting the life cycle of fleas. It is recommended to use Stronghold monthly for both treatment and prevention of fleas, especially throughout the season, starting treatment a month before fleas become active. Drops on the withers are also used to treat and/or prevent a number of other parasites such as mites, roundworms and lice. The dosage of Stronghold required to treat these parasites is as follows:

  • Roundworms (nematodes): treated with one dose of Stronghold
  • Hookworm: Treatable with a single dose
  • Lice: Treatment with One Dose of Stronghold
  • Sarcoptic mange: treatment with a single dose of Stronghold for 2 consecutive months
  • Ear mites: If the drops are given once, cats may need an additional dose after 30 days.
  • Heartworm: Year-round monthly treatment with Stronghold, at least starting one month before and ending one month after mosquito exposure

Although one dose of Stronghold is sufficient to treat most of these parasites, it is recommended that Stronghold be used year-round for both prevention and treatment.

According to the instructions for use, Stronghold drops can be used in animals older than 6 weeks, including pregnant and lactating animals.

Collies do not respond well to other drugs in the same class as selamectin, but Stronghold has been shown to be safe for this dog breed even at 5 times the recommended dose. Sometimes mild and temporary hair loss may occur at the site of application of the drops. If the animal licks the drug, increased salivation may occur. Transient neurological signs may occur. You should not apply Stronghold to a wet animal, and you should avoid getting your pet wet for 2 hours after application. This product is flammable, so you should keep your pet away from fire for 30 minutes after application or until the hair is dry. Strength may leave a white powder on the coat after application, but this should happen within 24 hours.

Indications for use

The instructions say that the use of Stronghold is advisable in the following cases:

  • diseases caused by fleas and lice;
  • ear scabies;
  • sarcoptic mange (subcutaneous mite);
  • hookworm (infection with helminths of the genus nematodes);
  • toxocariasis (infestation by Toxocara - nematodes).

Drops can be used to destroy ecto- (external) and endoparasites (internal) and prevent infection by them.

Stronghold is used to prevent dirofilariasis (infestation by heartworms of the nematode genus) in cats.

Important! There is no safe treatment regimen for dirofilariasis yet, so the only method to avoid the disease and protect your pet is prevention. Stronghold has a detrimental effect on microfilariae (heartworm larvae) and does not allow them to develop into adults.

Operating principle

Stronghold has a wide spectrum of action. Selamectin has a detrimental effect on internal and external parasites: fleas, lice, ticks and roundworms (nematodes). It destroys adult individuals (except heartworms), larvae, and eggs.

The active substance binds to the receptors of nerve and muscle cells of ecto-/endoparasites. Under its influence, the permeability of membranes increases, which begin to let chlorine ions into the cell. Because of this, neuromuscular transmission is disrupted. The insect, tick or helminth is paralyzed and subsequently dies.

Drops against worms, ticks and fleas penetrate well into the bloodstream after application. Selamectin in a therapeutic dosage remains in tissues and organs for a long time. Therefore, the solution destroys parasites and protects the cat from re-infection for 4 weeks.

Interesting! The likelihood of cats or dogs being poisoned by Stronghold is low. This is due to the fact that in animals, receptors sensitive to selamectin are located in the central nervous system, and the main substance does not penetrate the BBB (barrier between the bloodstream and the central nervous system).

The instructions say that Stronghold is a low-toxic drug (hazard class 3). If the dosage is observed, it does not cause negative reactions. However, it is dangerous for bees, fish and other water inhabitants.


What is Stronghold?

Stronghold is a liquid containing selamectin that is used to prevent and treat fleas, lice, roundworms and ticks in cats.

How are drops used for cats?

Stronghold is applied to the skin on the back of the neck, just in front of the shoulder blades, where your pet can't reach to lick it off.

How often should I use Stronghold?

It depends on what you are treating. Sometimes one application is enough, but it is recommended to apply it every month to prevent infestations from different classes of parasites.

Can Stronghold have side effects in cats?

Sometimes slight hair loss may be seen at the application site, but this is temporary.

My cat is pregnant and I just saw a flea on her. Is it safe to use Stronghold?

Yes, Stronghold is safe for use in pregnant and lactating animals and can reduce flea burden in kittens until they are 7 weeks old.

My pet just chewed through a dropper containing Stronghold, what should I do?

You may see excessive salivation or salivation, nervous agitation. If this doesn't help or you see any other signs, call your veterinarian for advice or take your cat to the veterinarian immediately.

My cat received two Stronghold droppers by mistake today, will this cause any problems?

This is very unlikely. Stronghold has been tested in doses up to 10 times normal and no side effects were observed.

Where can I buy Stronghold for cats?

You can buy Stronghold at a veterinary pharmacy or clinic after consultation with a veterinarian or pharmacist.

I just noticed fleas on my cat, can I use the Stronghold dropper half for dogs?

No, you will need to get a product specifically for cats to calculate the correct dose. To treat lice, roundworm and intestinal hookworm bites, use Stronghold for cats only once.

When is it prohibited to use?

It is strictly prohibited to use the following animals:

  • with allergies to similar drugs;
  • less than 2 months old;
  • who have just suffered from any illness;
  • in the process of recovery;
  • after bath procedures.

It is important to remember that dripping into the ear canals is prohibited; it must be administered by injection.

Itchy cat

How to apply Stronghold Spot On to cats?

  • Apply to the skin at the base of the neck in front of the shoulder blades
  • Remove the Stronghold Cat Dropper from its protective packaging.
  • While holding the pipette vertically, press the cap firmly to pierce the applicator seal, then remove the cap
  • Part the fur at the base of the animal's neck in front of the shoulder blades to expose a small area of ​​skin
  • Apply the tip of the Stronghold pipette directly to the skin without massaging
  • Squeeze the stronghold pipette firmly to release the contents in one place
  • Avoid contact of the product with your fingers
  • Wash your hands thoroughly

How should it be stored?

There are no instructions in the middle of the drug itself, so all important information can be found on the packaging. How to store this medicine:

  • storage in a dark, non-humid place;
  • without removing from the box;
  • a very important point is to store away from food;
  • temperature regime - from 3 to 30 degrees;
  • out of the reach of children.

Shelf life is about 3 years.


Learn about essential antimicrobials in animals

  • Trichopolum instructions for veterinary medicine
  • Instructions for the use of the antibiotic Baytril in animals
  • Instructions for use of metronide
  • Instructions for ceftriaxone preparations for animals
  • Use of Metrogyl in veterinary medicine
  • Instructions for doxycycline in animals
  • Metronidazole (Metronidazole) for animals (instructions for use in veterinary medicine, doses, indications and contraindications)
  • Atovaquone (ATOVAQUONE)
  • Azithromycin, instructions for animal therapy


Adverse effects and special instructions

When Stronghold is used in prescribed doses, side effects in cats are rare and most often occur several days after treatment. As a rule, they develop against the background of hypersensitivity to the drug.

Sometimes animals may experience incoordination, lethargy, or hair loss at the site of application of the drug.

It is not recommended to carry out antiparasitic treatment on wet surfaces of cats. After application, limit the animal’s contact with other pets and children for 24 hours.

If the solution gets on the skin or mucous membranes, wash it off immediately with plenty of water. After the procedure, hands must be washed with soap.

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