Advantage for cats - indications and recommendations for the use of flea medication

Composition Advantage

"Advantage" contains:

  1. Imidacloprid is the main component that has a therapeutic effect.

Imiacloprid disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses in insects, causing the death of parasites. The substance kills both adult insects (insecticidal action) and parasite larvae (larvicidal action of the drug).

  1. Benzyl alcohol. Added to the drug as a preservative. Prevents contamination of the drug during the shelf life.
  2. Propylene carbonate. Acts as a solvent.
  3. Butylated hydroxytoluene. An auxiliary substance that inhibits the oxidation of the drug.

Purpose of the drug

Advantage for cats is used to get rid of and prevent the appearance of insects that parasitize animals. These parasites include:

  • fleas,
  • lice,
  • lice eaters.

The drops prevent the appearance of insects in adult cats and kittens, beginning to act actively even before the first parasite bites and maintaining their effectiveness for a month. The product does not harm the animal and prevents the reproduction of insects, affecting not only them, but also their clutches.

It is recommended to use this medicine if the following signs of infection are detected in a cat:

  • severe itching
  • restless behavior
  • excessive hair loss,
  • general malaise,
  • deterioration or lack of appetite.

It is recommended to regularly treat cats with this drug that have free access to the street and come into contact with other pets. It is highly undesirable to use Advantage without prior consultation with a veterinarian.

Release form

"Advantage" is available in the form of a solution for external use. The solution should be transparent, from yellow to light brown.

The drug is packaged in plastic pipettes of different volumes: 0.4 and 0.8 ml. The package may contain 1 or 4 pipettes.

"Advantage" is easy to find in large chain stores and small veterinary pharmacies.

Average price for a package of 4 pipettes:

  • 0.4 ml. – 800 rub.;
  • 0.8 ml. – 980 rub.

Buy Advantage for cats

Average cost of 1 pipette:

  • 0.4 ml. – 200 rub.;
  • 0.8 ml. – 220 rub.

Medicines similar in mechanism of action - table

NameRelease formActive ingredientIndicationsContraindicationsAdverse reactionsCan it be used to treat pregnant females?Price
LeopardDropsfipronilInfestation with fleas, ticks, lice and lice.Weakened animals.AllergyNo.From 200 rub.
CelandineSolution for external use
  • permethrin;
  • fipronil.
Prevention and elimination of fleas, lice eaters, scabies mites and other blood-sucking parasites.
  • immunodeficiency;
  • weakened animals.
  • digestive disorders;
  • allergic reactions.
No.From 130 rub.
AdvocateSolution for external use.
  • moxidectin;
  • imidacloprid.
Elimination and prevention of fleas, helminths and other parasites.
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • postoperative period.
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • lack of activity.
No.From 300 rub.

Drugs with similar effects - photo gallery

Bars drops can provoke allergic reactions

The drug Advocate also helps with helminthic infestations

The drug Celandine may contribute to digestive disorders

Indications for use

"Advantage" is used to treat cats against external parasites: lice, fleas, lice. The product has a high safety class and can be used independently, without consulting a veterinarian.

The drug begins to act after 5 minutes: fleas bite your cat less. Within 12 hours the insects die. The medicine accumulates in the fur and skin and acts for another 4 weeks, protecting the pet from parasites from the external environment.

Repeated treatments against parasites can be carried out no more than once every 28 days.

The drug can be used to prevent infection. Application schedule: once every 4 weeks.

"Advantage" is a low-toxic drug, so it can be used by kittens from 10 weeks of age . The instructions indicate that the drug does not have a toxic effect on the formation of the fetus in pregnant cats. However, before use in pregnant females, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

It is not recommended to combine the drug with other remedies for external parasites.

Reviews from veterinarians

Advantage is an innovative drug. The manufacturer of the drug is the German company Bayer, which has long won the trust of experienced veterinarians, cat and dog breeders, as well as pet lovers.

Advantage is an effective product containing insecticidal components. The drug is low-toxic and safe for humans and cats. A single application of drops makes it possible to protect your pet from blood-sucking pests that are carriers of dangerous infectious diseases (hepatitis, plague).

The drug has a number of advantages. The use of drops for pregnant and lactating females is allowed; moreover, thanks to the umbrella effect of the medicine, treating the mother cat prevents the infection of the offspring with parasites.

The drug does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, but accumulates in the sebaceous glands, causing the death of adults, eggs and larvae of parasitic insects, thus providing protection for the pet for 30 days.

The result of the treatment is observed after 12 hours. Repeating the procedure is rarely required. Re-application, if necessary, is allowed only after 30 days.

How to calculate the dose of the drug

The dose of the medicine is selected individually, depending on the weight of the pet.

  • kittens from 10 weeks and cats weighing up to 4 kg receive 1 pipette of 0.4 ml ;
  • cats weighing 4-8 kg1 pipette 0.8 ml .

Important! For animals that weigh more than 8 kg, personal calculations are applied.

The manufacturer's official website contains detailed guidelines for dose selection:

  • adult cats 8-12 kg – 1 pipette 0.8 ml + 1 pipette 0.4 ml;
  • cats weighing 12-16 kg - 2 pipettes of 0.8 ml.

Instructions for use of the drug and dosage

Advantage flea drops are prescribed to animals that have free access to the street to get rid of ectoparasites. If kept completely indoors, cats can also become infected with fleas or ticks, so in this case, Advantage for cats is recommended for use as a preventive measure. The instructions for use of the insectoacaricide indicate how much of the drug is necessary for the prevention or treatment of one animal . Before using Advantage, it is recommended to consult with a specialist and do a preventive diagnostic examination of your pet to identify dangerous infectious diseases for which flea and tick treatment is strictly prohibited.

Step-by-step application instructions

It happens that the owner is no less worried about the manipulation than the animal. In such conditions, it is easy to apply the drug incorrectly or mix up the dose. Step-by-step instructions will help minimize the possibility of error.

  1. The animal must be weighed immediately before the procedure.
  2. The next step is to calculate the dose (see point above).
  3. Before using, you need to put on gloves. The drug may cause an allergy if it comes into contact with human skin.

    Important! Do not start the procedure if the cat is irritated or frightened. The restless animal spins around and does not allow the drug to be applied correctly. If applied incorrectly, the medication may not work or may end up in an area where your cat can lick it off.

  4. Remove the cap from the pipette and hold the pipette vertically. Use the back of the cap to pierce the tip of the pipette. After this you can start applying.
  5. Before applying, make sure that the cat’s skin is not damaged: there are no scratches or scratches. If you apply the solution to damaged skin, the drug will enter the bloodstream and cause symptoms of poisoning.
  6. The drug is applied to the area where the cat cannot lick the drug: between the shoulder blades or at the base of the neck.

  7. Before starting the procedure, spread the fur and apply the solution only to the cat's skin.

    Helpful advice! If the pet resists, hold the cat behind its back with your left hand.

  8. After completing the procedure, move the fur. Do not massage or pet your cat until the product is completely dry.
  9. It is advisable not to wash the animal for 48 hours after application.
  10. It is not recommended to play with the cat or pick it up until the drug has completely dried. Residues of the drug in contact with human skin may cause an allergic reaction or irritation.

Important! The child can put the remaining drug into his mouth with his hands. If you have children, explain that they cannot play with the cat today.

What should you know before using Advantage for cats on your pet?

First of all, it is important to remember that this product only provides protection for your furry friend for 30 days. After this period, fleas can again populate his body, provided that the cat walks outside or comes into contact with another infected pet at home. Since the best fight against fleas is to prevent their occurrence, you should not randomly buy kilograms of Advantage and use a new pack every month. It is better to offer help to the owner of a pet that is also infested with fleas, or stop letting the cat walk outside alone.

Contact with an infected pet promotes the reappearance of fleas

The second thing to remember: the product must be stored according to the rules, implying that you place the drug in a place that:

  • darkened;
  • dry;
  • inaccessible to children;
  • supports temperature conditions from 0 to 25 °C.

Please note: the required remedy cannot be given orally not only to your children, but also to cats, dogs, and other animals. If it enters directly into the digestive system, the animal will be poisoned, and you will have to spend a long time restoring its health.

Any insecticide is poisonous and is not suitable for oral use

The shelf life of the drug, provided that it is stored in a closed package, is 4 years. If you have not fully used the packaging, throw away the remaining product, as it will become unusable after a while. It’s difficult to say exactly what time it will be, and I don’t want to risk the pet’s health and check it.

Before you start using the product, you must carefully read the instructions for use, just to make sure that you are doing everything correctly.

It is best to treat a cat with this drug not indoors, but outdoors. Provided that you do not have this option, you can carry out the treatment with the windows open, or ventilate the room after applying the product.

If possible, treat outdoors

While you are applying the medicine, it is prohibited:

  • drink;
  • eat food;
  • smoke.

This precautionary rule must be observed so as not to accidentally ingest a certain amount of the product and become poisoned. To prevent you from becoming allergic to the product, apply using rubber gloves.

After processing is completed, wash your hands with soap. Do not allow the cat to roll on its back on the furniture; put a protective collar on it, otherwise the toxic substance will end up either in its mouth, on you, or on your skin. If this does happen, wash the area of ​​contact with the drug with running water and (if it gets into your mouth) drink the enterosorbent.

Do not bathe your pet for the first 24 hours after applying the product; wait until Advantage is absorbed into its skin. At the same time, limit communication between the cat and small children, who cannot be explained that touching the back of the animal’s head is dangerous. Provided that you have treated two pets, isolate them from each other, otherwise they may clean each other's heads and get poisoned.

Video - How to treat an animal for fleas

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is contraindicated in:

  • individual intolerance;
  • kittens up to 10 weeks.

When applied correctly, side effects are rare. Local reactions may occur: redness of the skin at the site of application, itching. Symptoms go away without treatment after 1-4 days.

If you incorrectly calculate the required dose or use Advantage for dogs in cats, symptoms of overdose may occur:

  • Increased salivation. This symptom is easy to identify: the fur on the chin and chest is wet and can roll into “icicles.” The place where the cat sleeps has wet spots on the bedding.
  • Depressed state. The cat is lethargic and less active than usual.
  • Muscle tremors. An overdose causes large convulsions throughout the animal's entire body.
  • Pupil dilation.

If you notice such symptoms, you need to quickly wash the drug off the skin and contact a veterinarian.

Important! If the solution is applied incorrectly, the cat may lick it off. Due to the bitter taste, increased salivation will begin. This is not a symptom of an overdose and does not require treatment. Observe the animal: if the symptom goes away within 5 minutes, there is no need to worry.

Operating principle

Advantage against fleas and other parasites is a chloronicotinyl insecticide. Its main component demonstrates pronounced insecticidal and larvicidal effects. This means that imidacloprid destroys sexually mature individuals and larvae of ectoparasites.

After penetrating the skin, the main component interacts with the cholinergic receptors of pests. As a result, neurotransmission is disrupted, which leads to paralysis and death of arthropods.

Flea drops for cats are applied to a separate area of ​​the skin, but the active component is evenly distributed throughout the body. Imidacloprid practically does not penetrate into the bloodstream.

The active substance accumulates in the upper layers of the epidermis, hair follicles, sebaceous glands and wool. The drops quickly exhibit a healing effect and destroy parasites. The insecticidal and larvicidal effects last for 4 weeks.

Interesting! Advantage is a low-hazard drug (hazard class 4). It has been proven that it does not irritate the skin at the site of application, does not cause allergies, intoxication, does not disrupt embryonic development and does not cause mutations.

Advantage's analogues

"Advantage" has analogue drugs that have the same properties and indications for use. Below, we will compare products similar in action to “Advantage”.

  1. "Foresto" - flea collar. The drug is released. Contains imidacloprid and flumethrin.

Suitable for the treatment and prevention of external parasites: fleas, lice, lice. Due to the combined composition, it also acts on ticks. Provides protection for 8 months. Can be used on cats from 10 weeks of age.

Differences from Advantage:

  • Lower safety class: the drug is considered moderately toxic. More often than "Advantage" it causes side effects: depression, increased salivation, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite.
  • Cannot be used on sick or convalescent animals.
  • It is necessary to control the tightness of the collar. The device should not fit too tightly so as not to rub the animal’s skin. And it should not hang “like a necklace” so that efficiency does not decrease.
  • More suitable for animals that spend a lot of time outside. For example, for “country” cats, or free-range pets.
  • Use for pregnant and lactating females is possible only as prescribed by a veterinarian.
  • Price in stores from 1200 to 1900 rubles.
  1. “Stronghold” – drops on the withers. Releases. The active ingredient is selamectin. Helps get rid of external and internal parasites. Effective against fleas, ear mites, lice and intestinal parasites.


  • Can be used on animals from 6 weeks of age.
  • Lower safety class: the drug is considered moderately toxic.
  • Average cost depending on dose: from 800 to 1000 rubles. per package.
  1. "Bars Forte" is a Russian drug in the form of drops. The main component is the potent substance fipronil. Used to kill lice eaters, fleas, and ticks.


  • The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating cats.
  • The drug should not be administered to infected or weakened animals.
  • For animals weighing less than 3 kg, the dose should be calculated in drops. When applying it is easy to make a mistake and exceed the number of drops. Overdose may cause side effects.
  • Price "Bars Forte": from 300 rubles. per package.

Drops on the withers against parasites: advantages and disadvantages

Unlike many other parasite remedies, such as shampoos and sprays, drops have a number of advantages. This form of release is convenient to use: the drug does not flow, does not get into the pet’s eyes, and the likelihood that the cat will lick the medicine is low. The drops do not require repeated application; it is enough to treat your pet once and the blood-sucking parasites are completely eliminated.

Drops on the cat's withers are applied quickly and conveniently

Another advantage is the ability to get rid of not only mature individuals, but also larvae. The active component of the drug is evenly distributed throughout the skin, which is exfoliated daily. The larvae of fleas and lice eaters often feed on just such keratinized epithelium, which as a result provokes their death.

Unlike sprays and shampoos, drops do not need to be washed off, which saves not only time, but also saves the nerves of owners and cats who often do not like water treatments. In addition, this form of release does not have a systemic effect on the body, that is, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream, which reduces the risk of negative side effects.

Disadvantages of using drops:

  • may provoke an allergic reaction;
  • in case of accidental contact with mucous membranes, they cause irritation;
  • toxic if ingested into the gastrointestinal tract.

Attention! If there are several pets in the house, then everyone needs to be treated, even though only one cat is infected with fleas. It should also be remembered that parasites are easily transmitted from one animal to another through bedding, which should be washed at high temperatures.

Users' opinions

Advantage drops for fleas Advantage drops for fleas appear in the ranking of the most purchased flea products for cats. Most user opinions confirm their high effectiveness in combating parasites. As confirmation, you can study Reviews of Advantage drops.

After a trip to the country, our 2 cats developed fleas. Before this, preventive treatment had never been carried out. To get rid of parasites, we decided to buy Advantage. 6 hours after application, the number of cat fleas decreased sharply. The next day there were none left at all. We are happy with the result, and now we use the drug as a preventative against fleas every month.

Arkhip Vladislavovich, Uglich

We have been using Advantage drops on the withers as a preventive remedy for several years now. During this time, the product never misfired. After treatment, the cat always felt good. So far this is the best flea drug I have ever tried.

Andrey, Zheleznogorsk

We bought Advantage to rid a three-month-old street kitten of fleas. We chose the minimum dosage. An hour after application, the animal became inactive, slept more, and practically did not eat. The next day, all the unpleasant phenomena disappeared along with the annoying parasites.

Anastasia, Irkutsk region

Use of the drug for pregnant and lactating cats

The use of an anti-flea agent for pregnant cats, as well as during lactation, is not contraindicated. But their use must be agreed upon with a veterinary specialist. Some experts recommend avoiding antiparasitic treatments during cat pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the fact that during the period of gestation of kittens, the body’s immune defenses are weakened and against the background of the use of imidocloprid, the body may react inadequately.

For a nursing cat, not all veterinarians recommend treatment with any anti-flea drugs that penetrate the skin. Despite the low toxicity of the drug, individual sensitivity may increase in cats before or after birth. During this period, the animal is prone to allergic reactions. In addition, the cat may experience allergic reactions, manifested by itching and hyperemia of the skin.

The greatest danger lies in the case if it is decided to treat a pregnant or lactating female with Advantage for the first time. It is important to note that cats whose body weight does not reach 4 kg are prohibited from being treated against fleas, ticks and lice using the drug Advantage.

Note! It is worth noting the fact that if treatment of a lactating cat is necessary, then not only the mother, but also her newborn offspring receives protection.

It is convenient to use Advantage flea drops for pregnant and lactating females, especially if the use of special anti-flea shampoos is not possible.

The use of drops will not cause any particular harm if the treatment is carried out in accordance with the instructions for the drug. But if a cat does not like to bathe, then forced bathing can cause severe stress in the pet, negatively affecting the health of future kittens.

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