Have you decided to get a kitten? Check if you are ready for this

July 20, 2018

Before you get a kitten, you need to think through everything and prepare. We hope our help will help you. It is better to get a kitten when he is three months old, not earlier. When you go to pick up your pet, take a special carrier with you - this will be safer and more comfortable for both you and the baby.

Usually, breeders offer to take with you a diaper with the smell of the native “nest”, but just in case, take yours and rub it on the cat and other kittens, so that in the new home the baby will be surrounded by familiar and familiar smells at first.

What is a carrier and how to choose it correctly

Carrying - a basket, box for carrying and transporting the baby.

Carrying requirements:

  • You need to pay attention to the seasonality of carrying; it can be winter, summer, or combined;
  • It should be made of durable materials, it is good if it is collapsible so that it can be washed;
  • The carrier must have an inspection hole, this reduces the animal’s sense of fear. A hard bottom will also be a plus, since the kitten loves to feel solid soil under its feet;
  • The clasps must be strong, some animals like to try to open the carrier, so as not to lose your pet, it is better to take this fact into account;

Select the size according to the breed of the cat; it is better to buy a larger one right away, because when the kitten grows up you won’t have to change it.

Types of carriers

There are several types of cat carriers on the market.


They have strong walls and a bottom that allows the animal to feel comfortable. It must be taken into account that the cat basket must be tightly closed.

  • The advantages of the baskets are that they are made from natural materials and are quite lightweight.
  • The disadvantages of baskets are that they are not airtight and absorb odors. It is not recommended to wash it; it is better to wipe it with a slightly damp cloth, so contamination is not always removed.

Bags for transporting cats made of fabric

  • The advantages of bags are that they are very light, do not take up much space, can be folded, and are inexpensive.
  • The downside is that they can get wet and do not have a frame, which leads to irritation and discomfort for the cat.

Containers for transporting cats

One of the most reliable ways to transport your pets. The advantages of containers are that they are made from durable plastic, which is easy to care for: wash, clean. This container is well suited for transportation in a car, but if you transport your cat on public transport, it will be inconvenient, as it takes up a lot of space and is quite heavy.

Please note that it is better to choose a container with metal doors; plastic ones are not entirely reliable.

What should you ask the breeder?

A good breeder is a real expert, he is ready to talk at length about his pets, advise on what to feed the kitten and how to care for it, what to buy for the first time and how to treat it. Breeders are usually willing to share contact details of the clubs they belong to and give addresses of good pet stores and veterinarians. Based on the level of interest of the breeder, it is easy to understand how much he cares about his business. Naturally, breeders expect questions from potential buyers of their kittens. You should ask:

When should I pick up a kitten?

Breeders have certain rules regarding this point - you can give the kitten to the owner when it reaches at least three months of age. You can reserve a specific animal by making an advance payment for it. In the first months of life with the breeder, the kitten will be vaccinated, it will acquire the necessary skills and will be able to part with its mother more easily.

What vaccinations will be given?

This question follows from the previous answer. A conscientious breeder will tell you that the animal will receive vaccinations against all the most common feline infections. The vaccination is done twice, and after it a certain time must pass, so it will not be possible to adopt a kitten as soon as all the vaccinations have been completed. By the way, breeders have a practice of giving the new owner time to check the animal’s health with a specialist and conduct any research.

What documents are given?

A veterinary passport with information on vaccinations is required. If we are talking about a kitten with a pedigree, then the breeder will give a metric - a document confirming registration in the felinological club. Based on this document, a purebred kitten can receive a pedigree. A good breeder is interested in ensuring that kittens, into which a lot of work has been invested, find a caring owner. You should be prepared to answer the questions yourself - in what conditions the animal will live, how well you know how to handle cats. Also, the breeder will set a condition to castrate the cat if you do not purchase the animal for the purpose of breeding, and this condition must be fulfilled within the agreed time frame.

Tray or toilet for a kitten

Choose a suitable tray for your pet

A toilet (tray) is a mandatory attribute when keeping an animal. It is better to purchase a medium or large size right away.

Types of trays:

A tray with rectangular sides is the simplest type of cat litter. Convenient for small cats. Cons - if the cat likes to bury itself, it will most likely scatter the litter. Pros: inexpensive, lightweight.

  • Tray with sides and mesh. The tray is similar to the previous one, but the advantage is that it is easy to clean.
  • Tray with high sides. It’s convenient because when the kitten paddles, it doesn’t scatter the litter, but when washing this toilet, the litter can remain on the sides.
  • Toilet for a cat . A special toilet is designed specifically for the convenience of the owners. Very convenient and practical. It has high sides on which the seal is located, this allows you to cover the toilet with a bag or paper and fix it.
  • Tray - house. An innovation that will make caring for your pet much easier. The toilet is shaped like a house, with a transparent door. It is collapsible, which is convenient for washing. Many models are equipped with a carbon filter, which removes odor. This toilet model is very convenient, it can be placed even in the smallest apartment, and it will not spoil the view.
  • The toilet is a tray with a cleaning system. The design of the tray is made in such a way that it contains a sensor that reacts to the approach of a cat. After a couple of minutes, a rake comes out and removes the waste into a special container. The container must be cleaned periodically.

Toilet filler

Each owner chooses independently which type of filler is best suited for his pet.

It’s up to you to decide what type of cat it will be, but it’s better to buy one that the kitten is already used to. Many people prefer the old methods: newspaper, sawdust, sand. But such a filler quickly gets wet and does not eliminate the smell. It is better to use specialized fillers, they are:

  • granular , made from small lumps of clay. Absorbs moisture well, but does not eliminate all odors. This kind of filler should not be flushed down the toilet. It needs to be changed every 3-4 days;
  • wood – granular, copes with odor very well, can be washed down the drain. But the downside is that when wet it can stick to the animal’s fur;
  • clumping filler , very popular; when wet, it forms a lump that can be easily removed with a spatula. But it sticks to the paws and doesn't hold odor very well;
  • silica gel filler . A new type of filler, which consists of quartz sand, its very big advantage is that it needs to be changed every 2 weeks. Eco-friendly and absolutely harmless. The downside is the high price.

Food bowl

Choose comfortable bowls

It is better if the bowl is stable; what material it is made of is not so important, the main thing is that it is not harmful to the kitten. There are many types from single to triple bowls. You can also choose colors and materials as you wish. Some owners sometimes even write the kitten’s name on the bowl; this is convenient if you have more than one animal in the house, so you definitely won’t mix up the bowls.

It is also worth considering the anatomical capabilities of your pet when choosing a bowl, since you cannot buy a bowl that is too deep for the British and Persians. Because of their flattened muzzle, it is inconvenient for them to eat from such dishes. For large breeds of cats, it is recommended to use stands for bowls so that the cat does not have back problems in the future.

Contract with the breeder

When a kitten has been selected and reserved or has already reached the age when it can go to a new home, you need to draw up an agreement with the breeder. Here you need to be careful, because the document must take into account all the nuances. If any disputes arise in the future, both you and the breeder will refer to the contract. By signing the agreement, you expressed written consent to all points. If you are not satisfied with some points, then offer yours to the breeder, and if a compromise is not reached, then it is better to refuse to buy a kitten. If the breeder, for his part, has fulfilled all the terms of the contract, then the buyer has no right to make any claims against him.

scratching post

All kittens love to scratch their claws, so it is important that he can do this not on furniture, but on a special stand for scratching his claws - a scratching post. They come in different sizes; when buying a scratching post, you need to take into account the approximate size of the already grown kitten. If this is a cat, for example, of the Maine Coon breed, then it is better to immediately buy a large scratching post so that the cat, even when it grows up, can stretch out and scratch its claws. Most often, the claws are entwined with sisal and twine; when choosing, keep in mind that it must be reliable.

You will be interested in:

  • How to accustom a kitten to a scratching post.
  • We make a scratching post with our own hands at home.

Types of scratching posts:

  • Flat, the simplest type, they consist of a flat wooden base wrapped with twine. This scratching post can be placed on the floor or attached to the wall.
  • In a column. This is a stand on which the scratching post is located, usually in a column or cylinder. The advantages of this stand are that it does not need to be attached anywhere, and it will fit into any interior. Sometimes different toys are tied to it.
  • Scratching post in the shape of a house. It represents various options for arranging a cat house at the top or bottom, then a scratching post. Convenient because the animal can play and relax. The disadvantages of the house are the high price and dimensions, most often it takes up more space than a regular scratching post.

How to choose a comb for your pet

You can use a furmitator to comb your cat well.

Many types of combs are now available in pet stores, they come in different sizes, materials and with different features. When choosing, you need to take into account such features as:

  • type of comb bristles;
  • the material from which it is made;
  • convenience and durability;
  • safety, environmental friendliness;
  • cleaning

It is better when you have several combs in your arsenal, for simple combing, for combing out wool.

Brushes are:

  • Furminators, a comb to reduce the shedding of an animal. They also have properties such as: reducing the amount of hair loss, removing undercoat, and preventing the formation of tangles.
  • Palm combs. Very comfortable, small combs for everyday use. The most common material used is rubber.
  • Massage brushes. Flat with hard bristles, for combing out undercoat. Suitable for long-haired and short-haired cats. After using it, it is better to use a regular brush, then your pet will have a beautiful and well-groomed coat.

What kind of cat should I have in my apartment?

Better for a small room

select the most passive animals, the most popular of which according to the rating are: British cat, Peterbald, Scottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Burmese cat, exotic shorthair cat. But these breeds will actually do more than just sleep and eat all day.

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Cat toys

Buy toys for your cat

A large variety of all kinds of toys are presented, they are:

  • Teasing. Most often on a string or on a shelf and a string, this is a good and simple toy that even the laziest cat will want to play with.
  • Balls. A popular toy, it comes in various variations: transparent, with a toy or bell inside, soft, of different sizes and colors. All cats will love this toy.
  • Interactive toys. Such as mazes with something inside, the purpose of such toys is educational.

Sprays for kittens

If you want to keep your furniture from scratches or train your cat to go to the litter box, special sprays will help you with this. They are designed to attract the cat's attention and vice versa.

Sprays to attract attention are used so that the kitten is not afraid to approach new things, a toilet, a scratching post, a bowl or a house. This simple and reliable method will help you quickly accustom your kitten to these things.

Repellent sprays are used to spray furniture; sometimes, when cats begin to mark their territory, such a spray is also used to wean him from this.

Toothpaste and brush for kittens

Kittens' teeth can suffer from the same diseases as people's teeth; often owners simply do not pay attention to this, which causes the animal to suffer greatly. In order for this to happen, a cat, like a person, needs to take care of its teeth. For care, you need to use specialized products that are sold at a pet store or veterinarian.

Most often this is toothpaste and a brush. It gently cleanses your pet's teeth while protecting them. A toothbrush is often placed on the owner’s finger for convenient cleaning. This procedure should be carried out twice a week. When cleaning for the first time, it is important not to scare the animal, but to try to carry out the cleaning with care. Of course, you also need to periodically show your teeth to the doctor.

Kitten from the street: main problems

The way to adopt a kitten from the street seems to be the easiest. But the owner will have to face a number of difficulties. Such an animal is usually diagnosed with at least one disease, and more often a whole bunch, they require mandatory treatment from a veterinarian. The costs of which sometimes exceed the cost of a purebred kitten.

If a small child lives in the house, it is dangerous to bring a kitten from the street, because it may have worms, lichen and other diseases that can be transmitted to people. Also, you should not expect such a pet to be calm and affectionate, because it is not socialized and has not lived with people before. In this regard, kittens that were born in an ordinary apartment and were not weaned from the cat early win. An animal taken from the street needs to be tamed for a long time.

What should you feed your cat?

The correct diet for a cat is meat

The main meat in a cat's diet should be lean beef, lamb, horse meat, and rabbit. Of course, the diet may include not only meat, but also offal. Meat and offal should be given raw.

  • Fish is a necessary product in a cat's diet. Just like meat, it can be given raw three times a week. Small fish are best given whole, raw.
  • Dairy products. It is recommended that your cat eat fermented milk products with a fat content of up to 9%. Cottage cheese, yogurt, and kefir are good for digestion.
  • Vegetables in a kitten's diet. They can also be present in the diet if your cat likes it. It is also good to give greens.
  • Eggs in a kitten's diet. They can be given raw along with dairy products. There is no need to separate the yolk or white.
  • Bones in a cat's diet. It is good to feed small fish or chicken necks whole raw.

It is not recommended to mix dry or canned food and natural products, since the food already presupposes complete proper nutrition for the cat, and dysbacteriosis is possible when mixed.

What will happen next?

When your kitten reaches one year of age, you need to switch it to adult food. Blitz food offers a wide range of flavors:

  • with Blitz For Adult Cats Chicken;
  • with turkey Blitz For Adult Cats Turkey;
  • with lamb Blitz For Adult Cats Lamb.

If you have spayed your cat, Blitz offers a special diet for neutered animals, Blitz Sterilized, which helps control excess body weight, since cats tend to become overweight after sterilization.

What not to feed cats

Cats should not be given chocolate.

It is not recommended to feed cats: chocolate, sweets, foods that contain alcohol and caffeine, nuts, mushrooms, onions and garlic. Such products are not absorbed by the body and even harm it.

Kitten's diet.

The diet depends on the breed and the age of your pet. It is recommended to feed three times a day in small portions. It will be good if you teach your cat to eat at the same time.

The animal’s free access to food is also a positive thing, since the cat chooses when and how much to eat. The downside may be overeating and obesity.

Cost of keeping a kitten per month

Before purchasing, it is advisable to plan your expenses as much as possible.

Primary expenses
ItemCost in rubles
A bowl100-700
Rug or bed600
Carrying bag1000
scratching post500
Monthly expenses
ItemCost in rubles
Feed1000 per 2 kg (usual rate for 30 days)

Periodic expenses involve the purchase of anthelmintics and vitamins (200-500 rubles). Also, trips to the veterinarian for vaccinations and examinations will require costs, which depend on the price list of a particular clinic.

Thus, it is advisable to have 4,000 rubles available initially, and then allocate 2,000-2,500 each month for the maintenance of the animal - this is the minimum expense. The upper limit depends on whether the owner chooses branded products for the animal or buys regular carriers and scratching posts, what vitamins he purchases, and how often he takes the animal to the veterinarian. In any case, with proper care, the pet will respond to its owner with love and give a good mood.

Cutting nails for kittens

Nail cutting is done with special scissors

It is better to resort to this procedure when you know for sure that your cat is scratching and want to get rid of it, if this does not bother you, it is better to leave them because this way the animal feels more comfortable. This is done either in a veterinary clinic or at home, but with special scissors.

Before cutting your nails, you need to know that only the rounded tip of the nail is cut, since there are blood vessels next to it; if you hit a vessel, your animal will be hurt. When cutting, take the cat's paw and carefully separate one nail, cut it to the line of blood vessels.

In order not to cause discomfort to your pet, it is better to periodically accustom him to this, little by little, maybe even one nail at a time.

What gender is the little pet?

The first point, which is predetermining for many people, is the gender of the kitten. Females and males differ from each other from early childhood not only in external sexual characteristics. As a rule, the individual behavioral characteristics of pets largely depend on gender. They say that cats are more inclined to loyal friendship with their owner than naughty cats, which, in turn, are famous for their capricious and changeable disposition. Perhaps this is just a stereotype. How an animal will behave at home largely depends on the upbringing it received from the first months of life.

Before choosing a kitten from the litter, you can independently determine whether it is a boy or a girl. In one-month-old babies, external sexual characteristics are not clearly expressed, so the characteristic feature by which one can navigate is the distance between the anus and the urinary tract. In cats it is insignificant; in small cats it reaches 2 cm.

Cleaning your ears

To clean, you will need a cotton swab and boiled water at room temperature. You need to carefully clean the auricle from excess dirt and wax; you should not try to penetrate deep into the ear. We recommend reading the full information on how to clean your cat's ears.

You don’t need to clean your ear more than once a month and you don’t need to achieve sterility, just remove dirt. If you find that your cat often scratches his ear, you should show him to a doctor.

Place to sleep

A purchased house, a sun lounger, or a furnished “nest” may not be useful. A wayward four-legged animal will choose a comfortable, favorite place for itself - the owner’s bed, an armchair or another location that is unusual in the human eye. However, it is worth trying to offer your kitten a personal corner. This will protect the owner from additional hassle. After all, knowing his place, the fluffy will not leave wool anywhere, and will not wrinkle ironed items. They buy a house in a store or lay down an old jacket, blanket, or rug. The main conditions are:

  • cleanliness, warmth and dryness;
  • softness;
  • naturalness of materials;
  • convenient entrance;
  • possibility of washing, airing and warming up in the sun.

Combing out the wool

Brush your cats periodically

A mandatory element of caring for a cat is brushing its fur. By combing the skin, we massage it, stimulating blood flow. Long-haired cats must be combed to prevent the formation of mats.

The features of caring for different breeds of cats are almost the same. For example, for British and Scottish cats, you need to take into account their curiosity and hide all things and medicines that are harmful to it. They are quite painful, you need to comply with all vaccinations and be constantly examined by a doctor.

For long-haired and large cats such as the Maine Coon, they need a special large toilet, their own place to sleep, and constant coat care.

For the Siamese cat, it is worth remembering that she is very sociable and attentive, it is worth spending time with her, this breed has a predisposition to liver diseases and dental problems.

For the Abyssinian cat, you need to take into account her activity and curiosity; she loves to watch everyone from above. She does not require special care and loves to swim. Diseases: renal myloidosis, progressive retinal atrophy, gingivitis.

For a Siberian cat. This is a fairly large breed, its peculiarity is that this cat, like the Maine Coon, can be walked.

Kitten adaptation

The kitten adapts within a few days

It will take you from several days to a week to adapt the kitten to its new home. First, you need to let the kitten in and let him look around, he may get scared and start crying, in which case it is better to stay near him all the time.

It is best to put the kitten in its home or place for sleep on the first night. So that he doesn't get used to sleeping with you.

At first, the kitten may refuse to eat, but gradually you can offer him food and sit next to him. If the kitten was fed food to begin with, it needs to be fed the same food, gradually introducing new food for its nutrition if required.

If he is already accustomed to the tray, you need to use the same filler, then the animal will easily master the new tray. If he is not toilet trained, it is worth watching him and as soon as he starts looking for a place and meowing - these are signs that the kitten wants to go to the toilet, put him in the tray. This procedure needs to be done several times until he adapts and gets used to going to the toilet.

Kitten health

The health of your kitten will depend on how you care for it.

The health of a kitten depends on food and care for the animal. Remember that components of health also include timely examination by a doctor, vaccinations, and deworming.


It is better to carry out immediately after the kitten has adapted. It is most often carried out in two stages: the first dose of medication, and a second dose a week later. Deworming should be carried out in order to protect you and your animal from parasites that it can become infected with either on the street, if it happens there, or even from germs brought on shoes.

This procedure should be carried out for prevention once every 4 months. Or 2 weeks before vaccination.

Flea control

Fight with shampoo. The easiest and most reliable way is to buy a cat by washing it with shampoo, and it will get rid of these parasites.

Collar. It is also used for prevention and control. Put a collar on the cat; the period of wearing it depends on its type and the number of fleas. Cons: Not all cats are comfortable wearing a collar.

Drops or sprays. They are applied between the cat's shoulder blades and are very effective in fighting fleas.

To combat fleas in cats, products such as Frontline and Bars work well.


It is up to the owners to decide whether to vaccinate cats or not, but it is worth remembering that unvaccinated cats do not have immunity against diseases. Kittens can be vaccinated as early as 3 months of age. Vaccination is carried out subsequently every six months, a year, three years, depending on the vaccine. Vaccination can be carried out only after deworming. Only a doctor can determine exactly when and with what to vaccinate your pet, but it is better to vaccinate a cat with vaccines from one manufacturer.

Invitation to visit

When the first contact has been made and you are satisfied with the price set by the breeder, you need to go visit him to see the kittens. The nursery can be an apartment, a house in the city or outside the city. The “correct” breeders are as honest as possible with the potential buyer - they will invite you to come in, show you how the kittens’ parents live, what they eat, and allow you to observe them in order to assess the character of the future pet. Perhaps you found a nursery in another city. It is advisable to set aside time to make the trip for personal acquaintance. Of course, many breeders are willing to negotiate with interested parties and are ready to offer the option of delivering the selected kitten to your city for an additional fee. For the buyer, this is a convenient option, its disadvantage is that you will not be able to see in what environment the kittens grow up and their parents live.

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