Why does a woman dream of small kittens: dream book about small kittens


Considered to be the tiniest cat in the world. The baby belongs to the Munchkin breed. This type of cat has short legs, so they are short in stature. Fizz Gel grows up to 15.24 cm in height, and her legs are 3 times shorter than the legs of her relatives.

Despite her tiny size, the cat leads a full-fledged lifestyle: she jumps on the windowsill and steals treats from the table.

The cat is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest female of the cat family.


This breed appeared only in the 80s of the last century. The name of the most beautiful cat comes from two words of English origin: toy - toy, tiger - tiger. This is how we got a toy tiger with beautiful eyes and wonderful stripes located all over the body.

The Belgian cat was taken as the basis for developing this breed. The result was a designer breed with the appearance of a predator and a gentle character. There are about 40 nurseries in the world that specialize in breeding such beautiful toy tigers.

Tinker Toy

The first record holder for the smallest size was a cat of the Himalayan-Persian breed. The fluffy dwarf was named Tinker Toy.

The amazing mustachioed tabby was born in 1990 in the United States of America. For a long time, the kitten was the same as the other babies from the lambing. But then it became clear that he was not growing at all. Of all the kittens of this litter, only Tinker Toy remained small.

An adult purebred cat weighed 680 grams, height – 7 cm, body length – 19 cm.

Tinker Toy was an active and cheerful animal and lived for 6 years.


Abyssinian kittens are not known for their perseverance. They will be happy to explore every corner of their home. Little creatures become attached to all family members and quickly find a common language with other pets. Abyssinian kittens are extremely intelligent. They can be taught to fetch small objects, which will please the animals themselves and please the owners.

The smallest kitten Mister Pibbles

Kitten Mister Pibbles was born in the USA in the city of Beijing (it turns out that there is a city with that name not only in China). This was not the mother's first litter of babies. For a while, Mr. Pibbles was no different from his brothers and sisters. But when the kittens began to grow, it became clear that he was far behind them.

The first owner did not like the baby: the cat played a lot of pranks. The farmer gave the baby to the veterinarian. After a thorough examination at the veterinary clinic, the doctors concluded: Mr. Pibbles is absolutely healthy, and the reason for his short stature is a genetic failure.

An adult cat weighed 1 kg and 300 g. The length of the body is 15 cm. The animal easily fit into a glass glass, and in the photo where the mustache is captured in the company of a guinea pig, it is clear that the rodent is slightly larger than a cat.

In 2004, the little cat became famous all over the world. The baby was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

What color were the kittens you dreamed about?

Almost all dream books provide a versatile interpretation of dreams with kittens, depending on the color and behavior of the animal. The color of the coat is always a symbol, but must be assessed in conjunction with the circumstances of the dream. When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to pay special attention to the appearance of the kitten if the color looked unnaturally bright or variegated.

This is interesting! Judging by superstitions, a black cat is considered a bad sign, a harbinger of failure and trouble. In the interpretation of dreams, a black cat symbolizes cunning.

I dreamed about red kittens

Red kittens symbolize the sun, warmth and strong energy. If the ginger kitten behaved affectionately, be attentive to your surroundings, because you have a strong enemy. If the kitten avoided or watched you in a dream, it symbolizes a quick acquaintance with an interesting person or even your other half. An aggressive ginger kitten is a symbol of your inner anxiety, which can develop into real problems for both you and your loved ones.

Khiid steps on his heels

In San Diego there lives a kitten who, thanks to his tiny size, may win the title of "Smallest Cat" from Mr. Pibbles. He has an ordinary breed, but his height at 3 months is a record 8 cm. The fluffy miracle weighs only 1 kg.

When the baby reaches adulthood, he may also be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Maine Coon

The cats are huge in size and have an interesting coloration, which is why they are called raccoons. Fluffy giants reach seventeen kilograms in weight. They are excellent hunters. Their huge size does not prevent them from loving their owner limitlessly and being affectionate towards him. They are curious, love active games, and compete with other animals. They are jealous of the owner's extraneous hobbies. They want to be the center for him.

The smallest wild cat

Rusty is considered the smallest cat among the wild representatives of the cat family. This breed is also called Spotted. The animal weighs 2 kg, the length of an adult reaches 50-70 cm.

The beauty has a wild and capricious character. The cat is aggressive, but graceful. The body is athletic, the ears are pointed, the tail and paws are much shorter than those of domestic animals.

Now this species is on the verge of extinction, due to the fact that people have begun to intensively develop the rusty cat’s habitat and turn the land into farmland.

Options for cute cats with big eyes

Names for cats: Russian versions of beautiful nicknames

When you think of expressive cat eyes, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous cat from Shrek. But in life there are kittens whose eyes are no less attractive and charming. The cutest kittens with incredibly expressive eyes are representatives of the Coby breed. Their eyes are real bottomless lakes, large, blue and clear. You want to look at them without stopping. The famous cartoon cat immediately recedes into the background, his drawn look is instantly forgotten, one has only to look into those eyes.

Incredible eyes of a Coby kitten

There are other cats with an unusually piercing and mysterious look. These are animals with heterochromia - cats with eyes of different colors. Today this is not a sign of a specific breed, it is a mutation.

Most often, this feature is inherent in white Angora cats, “British” cats, Devon Rex cats, Maine Coons and “Scottish cats”. The more expressive the color, the higher the cat is valued.

For your information! Breeders are trying to develop a breed for which heterochromia will be a permanent feature, without causing any side effects. A photograph of a snow-white cat with large dark eyes has gained immense popularity on the Internet. This is truly an amazing contrast of color, and even such expressiveness of cat eyes.

Breeders are trying to breed a breed with different colored eyes, but so far everything is in vain

Dwarf cat breed Toy Bob

Cats of this breed weigh 2500 kg. Small kittens easily fit in the palm of a child. The main difference from other domesticated representatives is that the hind legs are longer than the front ones. The tip of the ponytail looks like a pompom from a child's hat. Large round blue eyes. The fur on the body and chest is white, and on the legs it is brown. The muzzle is small, triangular in shape.

The animals are brave: they are not afraid of fire and water, they catch rodents, they are friends with dogs and other pets. Owners note that cats of this breed are similar in character to dogs: obedient and easy to train. Toy beans are used to treat children with autism and other health conditions.

The breed was bred in Russia by breeders from the city of Yekaterinburg. The average price for a kitten is 5,000 rubles. If the baby has a rich pedigree (the victories of parents and grandparents in international competitions are taken into account), then the cost increases to 15,000.

Examples of the most beautiful faces

Ugly cat: examples of the ugliest breeds

Most often, kittens are called cuties for their cute, cute face. No one is left indifferent by the eyes, pink noses, and facial expressions. Who will argue that absolutely all kittens are real cuties. There are simply no ugly ones among them. They look good in any setting, under any circumstances.

Many researchers believe that it is useful for pregnant women and young children to communicate with kittens. Therefore, if a baby appears in the house, you should also get a small pet. Contact with them is very useful for children. Moreover, they will grow together and become true friends over time. Communication with a cat will bring a lot of positive emotions to the child and will contribute to the development of such qualities as responsibility, kindness, and friendliness. After all, it is unlikely that a baby will be able to harm a kitten with a cute, charming face.

A child and a small kitten will grow and develop together

Singapura cat

The Singapura is another small-sized cat. An adult weighs no more than 2.6 kg. This breed has a fit figure, strong muscles, ears are quite large and slightly rounded. The fur is soft and short.

For a long time, Singapore cats were of no value. In their homeland these were stray animals. But one day European felinologists noticed an unusual breed. In the 70s, several individuals were brought to the United States. Americans liked cats. A little more time passed and Singaporeans became famous throughout the world.

The kitten costs 55,000 rubles.


The Snowshoe's character is a mixture of the temperament of the American Shorthair cat and the "talkativeness" of the Siamese. These are curious and active kittens. Their favorite habitat is the highest part in the apartment, from where they can satisfy their curiosity.

Owners of kittens note that these are such smart animals that they are able to open doors and even the refrigerator on their own. Just like a dog, kittens may bring toys back for you to throw at them again.

These are healthy kittens and only occasionally they may exhibit strabismus, which was passed on to them from their Siamese ancestor.

They do not require special care. It is enough to comb the fur and trim the claws in a timely manner.

Kinkalow cats

The breed was bred artificially. Kinkalow is a mix of Munchkin and American Curl. The species appeared in 1997. There are several dozen individuals of this rare breed in the world.

A distinctive feature of the Kinkalow is short legs (heredity from the Munchkin) and curled ears (the Curl gene was dominant). Cats are affectionate and playful, they move a lot. An adult weighs 2700 kg.


Hairless or hairless cats remain popular. The Minskin breed was developed especially for lovers of bald purrs. The species was created in the USA. Geneticists crossed Munchkins and Canadian Scythians.

Cats are similar to dogs, both in character and appearance. Unlike their relatives, Minskins cannot stand loneliness and constantly need company.

Cats of this breed rarely become fat; they only have fur on the tips of their paws and tail. The smallest cat of this breed weighs 1.8 kg. Some individuals reach 2.8 kg.

American Curl

The American Curl or “reverse curl” has its own distinctive mark, which is visible to the naked eye.

This kitten is perfect for any family. He is cheerful and curious, and every new day is a new adventure for him. Curls require a lot of attention to their person; they love it when their owner participates in his affairs. This will be your best friend. Such a pet will be an excellent nanny for a child.

These are quiet kittens that will pamper their owner with gentle purrs. They are very clean and tidy.

They should be combed once a week, and the ears should be cleaned when they become dirty (do not try to straighten them, as you may break the hard cartilage). The American Curl has beautiful nails that grow very quickly, so trim them by 1-2 millimeters once a week.


There have been a lot of scammers recently, so if you want to get a dwarf cat, it is important to listen to the advice of experts:

  • Buy an animal only from a breeder who can provide documents for the kitten;
  • See the baby's parents with your own eyes. This way you can make sure that the seller is offering a truly purebred pet;
  • Before choosing a cat breed, collect information on this species. Reading books and live reviews will help you assess your financial and physical capabilities, because purebred animals require special care;
  • Sometimes, in the process of searching for an expensive kitten, people come to the conclusion that even the most ordinary cat can bring a lot of pleasant emotions and fill the house with comfort, and the size of the purr does not matter.

Scratching post for a kitten

The first thing you need to care for a Scottish kitten is to purchase a scratching post, preferably a more stable one. It is better if it is combined with different fur houses. It's actually very inconvenient in the sense that it's very difficult to clean.

  • Many people use a very ordinary scratching post, which is very high. Some cats prefer to sharpen their claws at the top of the scratching post, while others, on the contrary, prefer to sharpen their claws at the bottom.
  • It’s worth saying right away that the process of accustoming a kitten to a scratching post will require the owner to purchase more than one scratching post.
  • In fact, animals have completely different needs for how exactly they will sharpen.

Some cats like to scratch off the floor, so they get a flat scratching post that just sits on the floor. Some cats, on the contrary, like to fully extend their body, so a tall one is suitable for them.

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