Why do women and men dream about an affectionate cat, according to the dream book?

A cat is a difficult animal. At all times, she was considered a magical creature who could penetrate parallel worlds. The beast is mentioned in many stories of sorcerers and magicians. When this animal comes in a dream and shows a good mood, you want to understand why the affectionate cat is dreaming. An aggressive pet also raises many questions. In general, the interpretation of the plot very much depends on the details of the dream.

Why do you dream about many cats - general interpretation

It is often difficult to interpret the symbolism of cats seen in dreams, and besides, such night dreams will never be one-sided. Let's try to describe the general meaning.

  1. Seeing cats and feeling tenderness means positive changes. In case of danger, you can count on the help of loved ones.
  2. If you dream of a large number of animals of both sexes - be vigilant, as enemies will deliver a painful blow to the back at the first opportunity.
  3. They behave aggressively, attack, bite, scratch - problems will appear unexpectedly, and it will not be possible to avoid them. New enemies will appear. The situation will be very tense; the actions of ill-wishers will lead to conflicts and numerous quarrels with loved ones.
  4. Cats, cats and kittens simultaneously dream of numerous troubles of various kinds. Some problems will be minor and can be resolved quickly, while others will require a lot of effort to overcome.
  5. Animals wash themselves together - long-awaited guests will soon appear on the threshold of your home. These could be distant relatives whom you have long dreamed of seeing, or devoted friends.
  6. Fluffy pets play happily - beware of betrayal from loved ones. One of the relatives is up to no good, a conspiracy is possible.
  7. If you dream about cats starting a fight, you have to make a difficult decision. Pondering the current situation, the dreamer will spend a lot of mental energy, will be immersed in emotions, and will suffer.
  8. Animals meow loudly - in your environment there are hypocritical people who, hiding under the guise of friends, have been weaving intrigues for a long time. They are with you solely for selfish reasons.
  9. Furry hunters are engaged in catching mice - to make a very good profit. If the cats are left with nothing, your efforts will not bring results, and you will not be able to achieve financial well-being.
  10. Cats have shitted around you - to numerous troubles that will happen for a long time.
  11. If you dream that animals are chasing you, looking into your eyes, but at the same time not allowing you to pet them, you are in serious danger. If you feel quite comfortable in a “furry” environment, this is a very good sign. A bright streak has arrived, you are full of energy and will be able to give a worthy rebuff to anyone.

White color

A light-colored animal represents a warning. According to Miller's dream book, a white cat symbolizes the need to finally divide your affairs into important and insignificant. It's time to decide what deserves attention and what doesn't.

Sometimes the meaning of a vision is deeper. A white cat can also represent the need to say goodbye to the past. Probably, the dreamer just can’t let him go, although it’s time.

In general, this plot foreshadows the completion of an event that will be difficult to cope with. The main thing in such a situation is to remain calm.

Why do women and men dream about many cats?

The interpretation of a dream is largely influenced by the gender of the dreamer.

To a woman

  • Dreaming of a large number of cats means a pleasant pastime surrounded by men. The dream promises the dreamer a large army of fans and admirers.
  • A young lady saw a dream - a sign of betrayal. Perhaps a rival has appeared who is trying with all her might to take away her loved one, and she is doing a good job of it.
  • Dreaming of cats meowing loudly under the window means scandals in the family. If a cat's screaming prevents you from falling asleep, in reality such a dream promises obsessive suitors, whose attention will only be a burden.
  • Seeing white animals means beware of the machinations of enemies. They set up an insidious trap, once caught in which it is very difficult to get out.
  • Dreaming of beautiful, well-groomed pets means small but numerous troubles that will cause irritation. Often a dream promises envy from others and flows of negative energy.
  • A woman feeding cats in a dream means disagreements with a partner, troubles in a relationship.
  • If you dream about how mustachioed people surrounded you and pointed their claws at you - beware of lying friends. Their goodwill is temporary - they will soon show their true colors.

To a man

  • For representatives of the stronger sex, a dream involving cats promises attention from women.
  • For a bachelor, the dream promises a meeting with a girl. The young passion will have a strong influence on the dreamer in the future.
  • A young man in a relationship dreams of affectionate cats - this means numerous acquaintances with girls, increasing his own magnetism and self-confidence.
  • Dreaming about how representatives of the cat world fight for the attention of the sleeping person means rivalry between several girls in reality. Each will try to achieve your favor.
  • Seeing a lot of red cats in a dream, showing friendliness, means getting the desired profession. The dreamer will be able to demonstrate his abilities to the fullest, receiving in return a very good profit.
  • Black mustaches warn of emerging evil. The life of a sleeping person is filled with intrigue and troubles. People in your immediate environment act secretly and try to do harm.
  • Disperse the cats - get rid of temptations, refuse a dubious offer, protecting yourself from a lot of troubles, learn to distinguish bad from good and pay attention to the main thing.
  • Feeding a lot of mangy animals in a dream means aggravation of relationships in the family. Relatives will begin to set strict conditions and limit the dreamer’s actions.
  • Seeing sick cats that cause disgust means a deterioration in your financial situation and quarrels over the current situation.
  • Petting representatives of the cat world means meeting or having a relationship with a flighty person of the opposite sex.

Many cats of a dark color - the conditions that a woman will set for you will be impossible to fulfill; animals with light fur predict endless complaints and discontent.

Caressing a cat in a dream, the meaning of the dream

Caressing a cat in a dream, which itself came up to you and purrs, asking to be held in your arms - almost every dream book will say that evil and depression, troubles and even enemies are gradually leaving your life. All this makes your life much simpler, easier. Although you shouldn’t relax, because often such a dream also indicates a hidden energy vampire, which the sleeper, so to speak, has warmed on his chest. Therefore, simply take a close look at your surroundings and, having identified such an energy vampire, move him away from you.

Also, many dream books warn young and inexperienced dreamers, both boys and girls, not to be too gullible. Enemies can take advantage of such gullibility without a twinge of conscience. For a man, such a vision may indicate a loss to his rivals in perseverance, for a woman - the appearance of a mistress in a relationship with her husband or boyfriend.

If you are petting someone else’s cat, such a dream promises the arrival of unexpected and sometimes unpleasant guests. But you should be careful, because some dishonest guests can bring a lot of troubles and troubles to your home.

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Kick you out of the house

One interpretation connects such a plot with a speedy recovery. We can talk about both the dreamer himself and his closest relative, who is currently experiencing serious health problems.

To kick cats out of your own home is, in reality, to make an effort to solve a difficult problem. And if in a dream you managed to get rid of the unpleasant company of animals, then in life you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Drive away a lot of wild cats - the dream book promises getting rid of your rivals. If you were wielding a broom at the same time, in reality you will expose your lying friends. The animals had black fur - now you don’t need to tell everyone about your successes, achievements and current affairs. Ill-wishers will try to use the information received against you.

Expert opinion

Marina Gonchar

Healer, clairvoyant

A woman dreams of driving cats out of her house - to solve problems in her personal sphere. Rivals will be neutralized, relations with your partner will improve. For a man, such a dream promises unexpected news - it turns out that there is a selfish girl nearby who is laying claim to the dreamer’s money.

Who does she remind you of?

The dream in which the cat appeared has quite interesting symbolism. And most often it indicates a certain person who can be associated with the character. However, first you will have to take into account some nuances, and first of all the color of the animal.

  • Black - avoid difficulties.
  • White - unravel a difficult situation.
  • Red - a break with a lover.
  • Tiger - the end of threats and troubles.
  • Spotted - temporary calm.
  • Wild is a scandal.
  • Young is a betrayal.

Interpretation depending on details

You dream about a lot of cats - try to remember the details of the dream. The storyline will help form the correct interpretation.

The dreamer's actions

Your actions in a dream will indicate upcoming events in real life.

  1. Trying to catch cats means that the one who sees the dream is unable to make a final choice. A person feels sympathy for several representatives of the opposite sex and cannot part with the rest in favor of one.
  2. Kill several adults - win an unconditional victory over your enemies. But if kittens turn out to be defeated in a dream, you will miss your chance to emerge victorious in a fight with ill-wishers.
  3. Talking to animals and hearing human speech in response - you should not believe rumors. Gossipers are trying to denigrate the personality of people dear to you - do not let them destroy your relationships with loved ones.
  4. Holding furry pets in your arms, stroking them - the dream indicates your distrust of others. Try to reduce your level of doubt.
  5. Playing with cats is a sign of betrayal on the part of the sleeping person. If the current relationship is strong and trusting, then the dream indicates the emergence of a temptation in your life, which will be very difficult to resist.
  6. Causing pain to animals, beating them - being in debt to friends or relatives, acting dishonestly and secretly from them, hiding important information. It is worth reconsidering your behavior, otherwise there is a risk of being left alone.
  7. Fighting off cats means there is a high probability of losing a close friend or loved one. The dream also indicates the possibility of identifying a traitor, a vain person, communication with whom until this time looked very nice.
  8. Saving mustachioed representatives of the cat world is an opportunity to show leadership qualities. These inclinations will help the dreamer achieve his goals, earn the respect of others, and make a profit.

Why do you dream about two cats?

In our night dreams we saw two cats - dream books say that the sleeper is trying in vain to find inner harmony. Man has long been tormented by global issues, he is afraid of the future and it seems that there is no way out. However, you should not worry, since in general events will develop favorably.

Two cats are fighting - be careful. You may be drawn into a dangerous adventure, deceived, betrayed. At first glance, the scammers’ offer will look quite attractive, but do not give in to persuasion, carefully check the information and only then make a choice.

In a fight, one of the cats was left without a tail - you risk becoming dependent on another person and completely losing your independence in resolving financial issues. Seeing one of the participants in the fight bleeding is a sign of receiving bad news from a relative. You will have to come to the aid of a loved one, put him on his feet after the machinations of ill-wishers.

I dreamed of many cats of different colors

I dreamed of many cats of different colors - the dream indicates the presence of enemies. Soon they will decide to take active action against you; they will act together and secretly. Beware and try to be well prepared. Problems cannot be avoided, but identifying ill-wishers in time and revealing their plans is always useful.

Animal location

The interpretation of the dream is largely influenced by the place in which you saw the cats.

  1. In your own apartment, in your own house - ill-wishers are in your immediate environment. Try not to spread information about yourself, otherwise many problems will arise and plans will be disrupted.
  2. In the attic - the dream indicates an internal conflict. Now is not the best period, the dreamer is engaged in self-flagellation, scolding himself for his weaknesses, looking for strength to withstand the hardships that have befallen him. As they say, cats scratch at the soul.
  3. In someone else's house or apartment - the owners of this living space will cause the sleeper a lot of pain and bring trouble.
  4. In the room - the person living in it will become seriously ill. Sitting on furniture means relatives will be deceived. The groom dreams of cats in his own room - the marriage will not work out in the best way, the relationship will soon collapse.
  5. On the street - the dreamer offended a close friend with his behavior. The conflict will be long-lasting, no truce is expected, which is why the perpetrator of the quarrel will regret his actions.
  6. Seeing fluffy cats in your home means boredom, sadness, and disappointment. The sleeper reproaches himself for arrogance - the plan was to win, but the man overestimated his strength and was left with nothing.

If in a dream you do not know the location of cats, but you clearly hear their meowing, it seems to you that they are calling for help, and you are trying to find furry pets - be vigilant, as you will soon be dealing with an experienced manipulator.

Once you are at the mercy of this person, you will begin to comply with his demands with the confidence that the decisions were made independently. Now you shouldn’t make financial investments or spend large sums on what you think are important things. Even if your friends suddenly ask you for help, refuse. As a result, you will win.

Dreams about cats in large numbers become favorable only when the animals are friendly. However, even here the details are important. In addition, in order to get the correct interpretation, it is important to compare current events with the details of the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

In the dream book, cats are described as not the best image. The specifics of the interpretation depend on the details of the vision. And here are the meanings it can have:

  • A person heard meowing, but did not find the person who made it? Probably, in reality, deception awaits him. Or he has already become its victim, having trusted a dishonest person.
  • Were there a lot of cats in your vision? This is also a negative sign. The number of animals represents the enemies the dreamer has in reality. Perhaps he is in a bad team. Or his friends want to set him up, which is even worse.
  • Did you see a white cat? Such a plot foreshadows a dangerous meeting with an opponent who will turn out to be very insidious and evil. It is better not to enter into confrontation with him, since the soul of such a person is dark, and it is unknown what he is capable of.
  • Did you dream about cats playing with little kittens? Such a cute plot is actually a warning. It indicates a dishonest game being played by someone in the dreamer’s close circle. He is being deceived, but he does not notice.
  • Did you see cats fighting? Such a plot foreshadows mental suffering, serious melancholy, resentment and pain that will have to be experienced due to evil deeds committed by someone.
  • Did you dream about little kittens? Sometimes this dream is a harbinger of big profits. But most often it symbolizes minor problems and illnesses.

But that’s not all that cats portend, according to Miller’s dream book. The dream book attaches special importance to the vision in which they were acquaintances. Maybe this is an image of deceased or runaway pets that the person loved. What does it mean?

Such a plot promises a fight with a serious opponent. He is now very close to the person - perhaps the person even sees him as a friend. But soon the cards will be revealed, and disappointment will not be avoided.

Ginger colour

People often dream of animals of this shade. They also do not bode well. An aggressive, attacking red cat suggests that a person will have to come to terms with his deceitful environment. If the pet behaved affectionately, it means that you will encounter betrayal or betrayal, which will bring a lot of pain and suffering.

Did you see a red cat with a kitten? Miller's dream book believes that such a plot promises complications coming in the professional field. Most likely, a person’s projects will fail, and this will directly affect career growth.

Pregnant ginger cats warn that troubles will soon begin to grow like a snowball. And if a person also stroked animals, then he will soon be pushed to commit a reprehensible or short-sighted act, which he will have to regret for a long time.

What was the pet doing?

The interpretation also depends on the answer to this question. Therefore, we need to remember the details that were present in the dream with the cat. Miller's dream book offers the following interpretation options:

  • Did the animal sit and wash itself? It is recommended to put all your affairs in order in the near future, because soon they will begin to be added and accumulate at incredible speed.
  • Did the cat run away from the person? This means that in reality he missed some opportunity. If he didn’t have any chances, then it’s worth taking this foreshadowing into account for the future and taking a closer look at all the offers.
  • Did you dream of a cat sharpening its claws? Such a plot foreshadows a minor, but very painful quarrel.
  • In a dream, did a cat stare at a person? In reality you need to be more careful. Probably someone wants to make the dreamer a victim of intrigues.
  • In his dream, was the man playing with cats? This promises infidelity and betrayal.
  • In the story, did the dreamer catch the cat? This means that in reality he will find a patron or protector. It is possible that cherished desires will come true after such a vision.
  • Dreaming of dead cats suggests that a person will soon be able to get rid of many problems and exclude bad people from his environment.

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