Why does a woman dream of small kittens: dream book about small kittens

According to popular belief, our dreams are carriers of certain information that can warn about certain events in the future. That is why people try to unravel an unusual or memorable dream upon awakening. After all, there are times when dreams turn out to be prophetic. So, some are interested in why a black kitten dreams.

At first glance, such a cute creature as a kitten evokes affection. Perhaps some are just confused by the dark color of the animal. However, if you turn to interpreters, many of them explain such a dream not very well. In particular, the dreamer needs to be prepared for a series of unpleasant events that will happen in his life in the near future.

Next, we will try to consider all possible options for what to expect if you dreamed of a black kitten.

Why do little kittens dream?

Cats have been considered dualistic and mystical creatures in all religious movements. Thousands of myths have made cats into servants of darkness, otherworldly forces, sorcerers, witches, and even Satan himself. Perhaps it is for this reason that cats coming in a dream do not bring anything good.

It is important to understand that dream interpretation is not a science, but rather a tool. The meaning of the dream depends on the emotions you experienced. For some, a cat serves as a warning, but perhaps for you it is a symbol of something good. It is not for nothing that in the interpretation of dreams there are so many conventions and branches that allow one and the same dream to be interpreted in completely different ways.

Interpretation of dreams with kittens for women - Vanga’s dream book

Vanga is a Bulgarian fortuneteller who was deprived of the gift of seeing, but was considered a person with strong psychic and prophetic abilities. One of the most authoritative sources for the interpretation of dreams is Vanga’s dream book. Descriptions and definitions were given by the fortuneteller herself.

Based on Vanga’s dream book, a cat is a symbol of discord, quarrel, dual feelings, vulnerable pride, and jealousy. Small kittens indicate small, insignificant at first glance, unpleasant experiences that can lead to a more tangible and negative result.

For example, if a woman dreamed of kittens, she needs to think about the recent feeling of resentment, injustice, jealousy and try to justify her feelings. Most likely, it will turn out that the frustrated feelings have no basis, and they arose against the backdrop of high expectations.

Interpretation of dreams with kittens for women - Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller is a talented psychologist, psychotherapist and scientist who devoted his life to studying the characteristics of the human psyche. During his many years of practice, Miller became convinced that almost all of his patients feel calmer if they have instructions for the next day. Simply put, a person feels more confident and complete if he has the ability to foresee the future.

Miller's dream book contains more than 10,000 dream interpretations. Despite the popularity of the dream book, in recent years doubts have often arisen about the motivation of Gustav Miller when drawing up interpretations. The author himself positioned the interpretation of dreams as the results of observing patients and personal experiences.

According to Miller's dream book, a woman's dream in which she sees small kittens is a warning. The kitten symbolizes a man surrounded by a woman who is trying to manipulate and is motivated by his own gain. You need to be especially wary if the kitten behaved intrusively, caressed, purred, was fluffy or blue-eyed.

According to Vanga

The Bulgarian soothsayer saw only bad omens in the image described. There is enemy force everywhere, from which there is no escape.

Vanga explained the following storylines:

  1. Walking through the graves in the cemetery - there will be mourning in the family.
  2. If you gave it as a gift, you will hear enough false rumors and accuse your soul mate in vain.
  3. Run after a mammal - you will meet an unreliable character.
  4. Saving an animal from death is a shame; catching a drowning person - to the ridicule of colleagues.
  5. Crossing the road means total bad luck.

Scratching - jealousy, a bitter groundless feeling. But you will understand the truth only after many scenes, quarrels, and trials.

Do you remember the circumstances of the dream?

Each dream book contains recommendations for dream interpretation. The more detailed you remember the circumstances and appearance of the kitten, the more specific interpretation of the dream you will receive.

Note! The more details of the dream you remember, the better. When interpreting a dream, special attention should be paid to the behavior of the kitten you dreamed about.

Holding kittens in your arms

A small kitten sitting in your arms in a dream symbolizes gossip or minor problems that the time has come to solve. If you held and stroked a kitten, he purred and caressed in response, most likely you have accumulated a lot of small tasks that will not take much time to resolve.

It's a completely different matter if you held a kitten in your arms who hissed, scratched or bit. Such a dream indicates gossip that is spreading behind your back. Don't worry, very soon you will find out what people are talking about; it will be an unpleasant surprise for you.

Whether the offenders will be punished depends on the further development of the dream. If the kitten escapes from your hands and runs away, the gossipers themselves will suffer from the gossip that is spread about you. If you were able to calm the kitten, he began to purr and caress, gossip will take on a new life - people will believe in it.

A woman dreams

A black cat that appears in a woman’s dream warns her that someone is spreading gossip behind her back, which could cause a serious blow to her reputation. You should behave with more restraint and caution, and not trust secrets to strangers.

If a young girl dreams of an animal, then this is an unkind sign. Among her friends there lurks a rival, even a homewrecker, who dreams of taking away her chosen one. But if the kitten is fluffy, small and outwardly attractive, then the girl need not be afraid - she will be able to recognize the hypocrite in time and get rid of her bad influence. Seeing such a dream for pregnant women means feeling anxious about the unborn baby.

A lot of little kittens

What does the dream in which you saw a lot of little kittens mean? Oddly enough, it all depends on the degree to which the term “many” is defined. If there were hundreds of animals around you that were constantly moving, flashing and creating confusion - this is a symbol of confused thoughts. A lot of small kittens are dreamed of by women who are busy with routine work, but strive for more. Psychotherapists advise organizing your time to avoid such chaos.

Many small kittens that chased you or attacked you symbolize minor difficulties or unresolved problems that we keep putting off. It is better to listen to such a dream and begin to solve minor problems gradually. Kittens serve as a symbol warning that an avalanche of small problems awaits you, which will literally eat up all your time.

The kittens were sick

If you dreamed of sick kittens, the dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, a sick kitten may indicate problems in the professional sphere that you do not notice or ignore. In this case, if you pick up a sick kitten, the problems will only get worse. If you drive the kitten away, the problems will be resolved smoothly.

The second interpretation of the dream says that sick kittens are a warning that one of your loved ones or family members is experiencing difficulties that are not recognized. Perhaps one of your close people is sick and is hiding it so as not to worry the family again and not provoke self-pity.

Which cat was petted in a dream?

Remember what the cat was like that you stroked in your dream. Even the smallest details are important. When interpreting a dream, everything is important - the size of the animal, its appearance and general condition. You can understand the meaning of a dream only if each of these nuances is taken into account.


According to Miss Hasse's dream book, the size of an animal in a dream is of great importance. They signify the significance of the symbol. If the cat was big, it means that the omen will have great weight for the dreamer, who will have to make an important choice in the near future.


Denise Lynn's dream book interprets this dream as follows: a huge cat in a dream can turn into a disaster in real life. All omens should be taken especially keenly. Please also note that they will come true as soon as possible.


If you stroke a small cat in a dream, expect many negative situations. They will not create serious problems for you, but they will cause great anxiety.


According to Vanga's dream book, a dream in which a fluffy cat appears should be taken as a warning. A number of troubles await you soon. Don't worry - you have enough strength to cope with them.


Have you petted a cat with short hair? This is a reason to rejoice. The black streak will end very soon.


Interpretation according to Meneghetti’s dream book: such a dream is a reflection of your inner state. You are tired, exhausted and starting to burn out. Find time for proper rest. Otherwise, you will not be able to cope with the stress that you are experiencing during this period.


According to Simeon Prozorov, a dream in which a sick cat was stroked should be taken as a call to action. Your opponent is almost defeated. You were able to unsettle him, which earned you a good head start. Take action! By making the final push now, you can emerge victorious from the situation.


Petted a wounded cat in a dream? This means that in real life you have found a way to eliminate your opponents. Do not stop at what has already been achieved, and know that you have chosen the right path.


According to the interpretation of the Schiller-Shkolnik dream book, if you stroked a dead animal in a dream, it means that in real life you will find yourself in a situation that will cause a big conflict with people close to you. Most likely, these will be blood relatives or friends whom you equate to family.


Stroking a beautiful cat in a dream means believing a deceiver in real life. You trusted a person who did not tell you a single word of the truth. Break off all relations with him. Otherwise, you risk getting into serious trouble.


Smurova’s dream interpreter says that a tricolor cat symbolizes a rival who has designs on your man. Stroking such an animal in a dream indicates that this woman is close to you.


A dream in which a cat showed aggression warns the dreamer that soon a certain ill-wisher will appear in his life, who will have a strong influence on his life. This person will do everything possible to slander you and ruin your reputation.


Psychoanalytic dream book V. Samokhvalov believes that if the cat showed friendly behavior when stroking it, then there is nothing to worry about. Such a dream suggests that there are people in your life who will support you in any situation. It is also noteworthy that these people are quite influential. Not only are they willing to help, but they also have the ability to solve most of your problems.


Such a dream, according to the healer Akulina, foreshadows an imminent change of place of work. Don't try to fight the situation. This will only make things worse.


Was the cat very hungry in the dream? This is a warning! Very soon, someone dear to you will become very ill. Try to help him. Oddly enough, in this situation everything will depend only on you.


Not everyone has had the opportunity to pet a very frightened cat in a dream. And this is not surprising. Such a dream foreshadows a quick victory over all enemies. Your offenders have already realized that they are defeated. All you have to do is finish the job.

Beaten up

According to the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina, a dream in which you stroke a beaten cat is the personification of your relationship with relatives. Anger, resentment and other negative emotions poisoned them. Your task is to improve relationships and restore harmony in them.

I'm skinny

Have you petted a skinny cat? Expect bad news.


According to Artemidorus's dream book, a dream in which you stroked a shaggy cat indicates that you are very confused. It is noteworthy that the advice of others led to this. Stop listening to them. This will help fix everything.

I'm bald

A hairless cat is a good sign. According to the Wanderer’s dream book, by stroking her in night visions, expect an improvement in the situation in real life.


If you stroked your cat in a dream, it means that the reason for all your failures lies in your family.


Pay attention to how your neighbors treat you. Most likely, they are spreading rumors about you.

What color were the kittens you dreamed about?

Almost all dream books provide a versatile interpretation of dreams with kittens, depending on the color and behavior of the animal. The color of the coat is always a symbol, but must be assessed in conjunction with the circumstances of the dream. When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to pay special attention to the appearance of the kitten if the color looked unnaturally bright or variegated.

This is interesting! Judging by superstitions, a black cat is considered a bad sign, a harbinger of failure and trouble. In the interpretation of dreams, a black cat symbolizes cunning.

I dreamed about red kittens

Red kittens symbolize the sun, warmth and strong energy. If the ginger kitten behaved affectionately, be attentive to your surroundings, because you have a strong enemy. If the kitten avoided or watched you in a dream, it symbolizes a quick acquaintance with an interesting person or even your other half. An aggressive ginger kitten is a symbol of your inner anxiety, which can develop into real problems for both you and your loved ones.

Other interpretations

There are many situations that happen to an animal in a dream. Each of them has a specific meaning:

  • Seeing the birth of beautiful fluffy black kittens means making a profit in reality. But if a stillborn baby is born, the dream tells you that you should look into yourself and drive out anger and envy from your soul.
  • The pet meows and cannot budge - the dreamer will find himself helpless, unable to cope with the situation without outside intervention.
  • Receiving such a kitten as a gift is an unkind sign; you should be wary of the machinations of envious people and hypocritical friends.
  • An animal with fleas - it is important to pay attention to the position of others; they can give the dreamer valuable advice.
  • Several kittens are fighting in the house - you should be wary of burglars in reality. But if a kitten and a dog get into a fight, a friend will come to the rescue in difficult times.
  • If you dream of a black kitten with a white chest, the troubles will be minor, and the dreamer will easily be able to solve the problems.

What does it mean if you dream about tea: interpretations of dream books

The image of a black kitten has many interpretations, which is why it is important to remember as many details as possible. Having seen a bad dream, you should not be upset in advance - fate gives the dreamer a chance to learn about impending troubles in a timely manner and eliminate them in time.

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