Features of the drug Dironet Spot-on for cats

In the article you will learn what kind of drug Dironet is for cats, its purpose, rules of use, nature of action, composition, side effects, storage rules. Essentially, Dironet is an antiparasitic drug that is intended for the treatment of adult cats and small kittens. The development of its unique formula was carried out by the Agrovetzashchita enterprise. It effectively copes with helminths (worms) that parasitize the body of domestic animals. Prescribed when infestation by endoparasites of varying severity is detected.

Thanks to the substances included in its composition, it helps not only in the initial stages of parasite infection, but also in extremely advanced cases.

Dironet is a universal medication against worms in cats and dogs. The manufacturer is domestic. A significant advantage of the medicine is its availability - it is sold in any veterinary pharmacy without a prescription. But before you settle on it, you should read the instructions for use and other important nuances.

Instructions for use

The medicine Dironet for cats is available in several dosage forms in the form of suspensions, tablets, drops. Each of them has its own instructions for use.

  1. The suspension must be given to the pet once a day before feeding it in the morning. As a rule, cats use the drug without problems, since the manufacturer gives it the smell and taste of salmon.
  2. The tablets should only be used to treat adult pets. Medicines must be given either forcibly or mixed with wet food. Six ways to give a cat a pill.
  3. Spot-on drops are packaged in special tubes that are quite easy to use. They are used to get rid of ear mites, common mites, fleas and lice. In addition, drops are used to cure diseases such as notoendrosis and sarcoptic mange. To prevent your cat from licking the product, it is dripped onto the skin located in the withers area.


Anthelmintic drug

Suspension for kittens

Dironet for adult cats in the form of a suspension is a viscous substance of yellow-gray color. It is packaged in 10 ml polymer bottles. The liquid may separate into layers, which disappear when vigorously agitated. The kit includes a special dispenser syringe.

For kittens, the manufacturer has provided a separate medicine of this brand - Diorent Junior.

Its advantages:

  • unlike other antiparasitic drugs, it does not suppress the immune system;
  • after the destruction of helminths, promotes rapid regeneration of damaged gastrointestinal tissues;
  • the drug acts only in the intestines, so it is not contraindicated if the animal has liver or kidney diseases.

Dironet Junior Suspension
This drug is indicated for babies over 20 weeks of age for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • toxocariasis;
  • toxascariasis;
  • dipylidia;
  • uncinarium;
  • dirofilariasis;
  • trichocephalosis:
  • hookworms;
  • trichocephalosis.

As an antiparasitic treatment, as well as to get rid of microfilariae, the suspension should be given to the cat once a day in the morning, before feeding, or mixed into food.

As an antiparasitic treatment, as well as to get rid of microfilariae, the suspension should be given to the cat once a day in the morning, before feeding, or mixed into food. Usually the pet willingly consumes it because the medicine smells like fish. If the animal refuses, the suspension should be forcibly administered using a dropper pipette. Beforehand, shake the medicinal liquid well until smooth.

To prevent infection with worms, it is enough to use once a quarter, once a quarter, as well as before scheduled vaccinations (about a week in advance). For microfilariaemia in animals infected with parasites, one therapeutic dose is given monthly.

No special preparation is required before deworming with Diorent, such as diet or body cleansing. If you miss another dose of the drug, you can resume taking it at any time. Only this can reduce its effectiveness, so you should not delay treatment for long.


1. General description 2. Composition and action 3. Purpose 4. Dosage and features of use 5. Limitations 6. Analogues and prices 7. Reviews

Pet owners know how difficult it is to give their animal medicine - a tablet or suspension, while statistics say that every third cat is infected with helminths, and fleas can be found in 70% of animals, even if they never go outside. Broadline spot-on for cats is a combination drug that fights both internal and external parasites at the same time.

Release form

Types of Dironet
Available in several interpretations:

  • Suspension. The liquid is a thick, dirty yellow color, poured into polymer bottles. The kit includes a dosing syringe.
  • Pills. Packed in blisters of 200 capsules. The medicine is labeled The composition is similar to suspensions for adult cats, but the concentration of active ingredients is an order of magnitude higher. This makes it difficult to accurately calculate the dosage, so the tablet version is more often used for dogs.
  • Spot-on solution. Drops for external use. They differ from the previous two types of medicine in their ability to destroy not only helminths, but also lice eaters, fleas and other parasites on domestic animals. The drug is available for adults (1 ml each) and for kittens (0.5 ml each). Sold in special tubes-pipettes (there are 3 of them in a box).


Increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug.

"Dironet spot-on" is prohibited for use by puppies and kittens under 2 months of age, pregnant, lactating animals, patients with infectious diseases and convalescent animals.

If it is necessary to use the drug for Collie, Bobtail and Sheltie puppies, due to the increased sensitivity of dogs of these breeds to ivermectin, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of the attending veterinarian.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of all three varieties is almost identical. Active components:

  • Pyrantel pamoate is a substance that inhibits the vital activity of tapeworms and roundworms in the animal’s body. It begins to act a few hours after ingestion, with the effect remaining for a long period. Due to this, the parasites are completely destroyed.
  • Praziquantel - upon contact with parasitic infestations, it disables their metabolism and paralyzes. The substance works throughout the day until the pests die.
  • Ivermectin is a substance that instantly enters the bloodstream through the cat's epidermis. As a result, pests (fleas, ticks) absorb the modified structure and soon die.

You cannot combine Dironet with other antiparasitic medications. Otherwise, an overdose is possible.

Dosage of medications

An anthelmintic drug is prescribed for use in appropriate dosages, depending on a number of factors: dosage form, concentration of active substances in the composition. Therefore, it is important to carefully read the instructions first.

The minimum allowable dose of the drug for mature cats is 0.2 ml per kilogram of animal weight, for kittens – 0.1 ml.

For tablets

Dironet tablets are rarely given to kittens, only to adult cats
Dironet tablets are rarely given to kittens, only to adult cats

If the choice is in the form of tablets, the dose is determined at the rate of 1 pill per 10 kilos of the total weight of the animal. The medicine is placed on the root of the tongue to make it easier for the animal to swallow, or it is pre-crushed and added to food. Tablet medicine is not recommended for children, since it is difficult to calculate the exact amount

Suspension dosage

The dosage depends on the weight of the cat: 1 ml of product is required per 1 kg. This applies to both adult cats and babies. If the kitten's weight is less than 500 grams, measure out 0.5 ml of the suspension and dissolve it in 0.3 ml of water that has cooled after boiling.

Order of application of the drop

Instructions Before applying the solution to the animal’s body, heat it to room temperature, shake the pipette tube well and cut off the tip with a sharp instrument. Then you need to carefully spread the fur in the area of ​​the shoulder blades (behind the ears or on the neck) and drop liquid onto the exposed area. These are the most optimal treatment areas that the cat will not be able to lick.

It is important to ensure that the epidermis does not have any damage and is dry. After the procedure, make sure that the cat does not come into contact with water for at least 3-4 days.

Recommendations for applying drops:

When fighting fleas, lice, liceTreatment is carried out once a month, until the end of the dangerous season of insect damage.
Against ear mitesApplication by drops is one-time.
Treatment of notohedrosisThe drug is used up to 4 times with intervals of 2 weeks. As a preventative measure, one treatment per month will be sufficient.
DewormingFor therapeutic purposes, the drug is used once, for preventive purposes - quarterly.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms of poisoning in the animal may occur:

  • shaking of limbs;
  • prostration;
  • increased salivation.

Then you need to seek help from a doctor. But if you follow the regimen and dosages prescribed in the instructions, side effects usually do not occur.

Precautionary measures

When working with medicine, you must follow safety precautions and personal hygiene rules. Namely:

  • before and after the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • while processing an animal, a person must not eat, drink, or smoke;
  • It is unacceptable to touch the place of application of the drug with your hands and allow children near the cat for 2 days.

Dironet drops are applied to the animal’s withers

If the medication gets on the eye mucosa, rinse immediately with clean water. If the drug accidentally gets inside the body, do not delay contacting a doctor.

An empty medicine bottle should be disposed of immediately.

Dironet for cats spot-on drops: how to give

Drops are applied to the withers and in areas inaccessible to licking by animals.

Reception scheme


As a preventative measure, the drug is used 1 time per month.

External parasites

As a treatment and prevention against fleas and lice, the drug is applied once at an interval of 1 month.

Ear mite

Additional antibiotics may be required to treat diseases caused by ear mites. To treat the parasite itself, drops are applied 1 r/month with repetitions until the animal is completely cured.

Operating principle

Suspension with tablets and drops operate according to different principles:

  • the active substances of the suspension and tablets, after entering the gastrointestinal tract, begin to be quickly absorbed, after about 4 hours their concentration reaches its maximum value; nerve impulses begin to be transmitted with malfunctions, the permeability of intestinal cell membranes increases, as a result of which the parasites die;
  • After applying drops to the skin in the withers area, the active components of the drug penetrate into the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Reliable protection against ectoparasites is created (in addition, some substances penetrate into the blood, which helps destroy worms in the body).

The structure of a cat's skin

Adverse reactions

If your cat is allergic to the components of the drops, side effects may occur. Serious signs of an allergic reaction can be treated with desensitizing treatment. Deviations can also be caused by a significant excess of the dosage when using “Dana” drops against fleas for cats. Then you should wash off the product with shampoo. If an excessive amount is used, remove the excess with a swab. Among the most common violations are:

A side effect of the drug may be drooling in your pet.

  • skin irritation;
  • copious flow of saliva;
  • refusal to eat;
  • vomit;
  • trembling in the muscles.


The active substances of the antiparasitic medicine are three main ingredients:

  1. Pyrantel causes paralysis and subsequent death of the worms; due to long-term elimination from the cat’s body, it protects the animal’s gastrointestinal tract for a long time;
  2. Ivermectin helps block neural impulses of helminths, which leads to their rapid death (also effectively destroys fleas, ticks, lice);
  3. Praziquantel increases the permeability of cell membranes and disrupts the functioning of the nervous system of pests.

At the doctor

Description of the drug

Dironet Spot he is a combined remedy for cat and dog helminthiasis (intestinal parasites) and arachnoenthomosis (arthropod parasites). The product is convenient because it is applied externally. Release form: drops on the withers in the form of a light yellow liquid. The medicine is active against sexually mature parasites and their larvae. Penetrating through the pores of the skin, the active components are carried by the bloodstream to all organs and tissues of the animal, leading to complete paralysis and death of the worms. The active ingredients of the drug praziquantel (85 mg) and ivermectin (5 mg) destroy nerve and muscle cells of parasites and stop the transport of glucose.

© shutterstock

Dironet Spot is recommended for cats infected with the following types of parasitic organisms:

  • Ectoparasites (lice, lice, fleas).
  • Tapeworms or cestodes (cucumber tapeworms, broad tapeworms).
  • Roundworms or nematodes (roundworms, toxocaras, hookworms).
  • Sarcoptoid and demodectic mites.
  • Parasites that cause odecosis (ear scabies).

Dironet Spot is produced by Russia. The company also makes a dewormer for dogs and puppies.

Can it be used in pregnant cats and kittens?

Dironet in the form of a solution is contraindicated for oral use in cats in an “interesting position”, as well as in kittens under 2 months. The tablet form is not given to pregnant or lactating furry pets, or babies under 3 weeks of age. External treatment with drops can be done on babies only 2-3 weeks after their birth.

The safest type is suspension. It can be used even when the cat is carrying or feeding offspring. But the ban remains for kittens younger than 2 weeks.

Side effects

The drug is completely safe for the cat’s body and, when used correctly, has no side effects. The only thing is that they can be caused by an overdose, as evidenced by the following signs:

  • the animal begins to feel sick and vomit;
  • muscle tremors occur;
  • coordination of movements and orientation in space are impaired;
  • excessive weakness occurs.

Suspension for kittens in a syringe


It is no coincidence that Dironet tablets and suspension are popular with many cat owners:

  1. The components of the medicine affect various internal parasites.
  2. The effectiveness of this drug is higher than that of some other anti-helminth drugs. This is proven by reviews of furry pet owners on Dironet.
  3. The medicine, regardless of its form, is convenient to give. The small tablet has a demarcation strip, and therefore, if necessary, it can be easily broken into halves and quarters. The suspension is sold in a dispenser syringe, and measuring the required amount of the drug is very simple. In addition, the suspension can be given directly from a syringe. If you know the exact weight of the cat and follow the manufacturer's recommendations, this completely eliminates the possibility of an overdose.

The drug Dironet Junior also has a number of advantages. It was developed specifically for babies, and therefore you can really give the suspension to kittens without fear for their health:

  1. Dironet Junior does not reduce the baby’s immunity.
  2. The components of the suspension not only destroy parasites, but also promote the restoration of intestinal tissue.
  3. The drug acts purposefully - against helminths in the intestines. Kidney or liver diseases are not a contraindication for taking the suspension.


Analogues of Dironet for cats are In-Up, the medicinal complex Prazicide, Advocate and Stronghold. They are similar to the drug in question in terms of the mechanism of pharmacological action and partly the active components they contain.


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