What does the expression “Yoshkin cat” mean, its origin

Russian speech is full of words and expressions that, in fact, often do not carry any semantic load, but act as an emotional addition and express the general mood.
“Yoshkin the cat” is exactly such a popular expression, which no one has seen, few can say exactly what it means and a rare interlocutor will support the topic - where the expression “Yoshkin the cat” came from and what it really means. The most common answer to the question: “Who is Yoshkin the cat” is the cat of that same Baba Yaga. And not the one who was both the Damp Earth and the companion of Death in Slavic mythology, namely the fabulous Grandma Yoshka. Just remember the fairy tale “Morozko”, because there too there is a “cat, a warm tummy”, a companion and an insidious furry assistant to a lonely witch.

And in many other fairy tales, Yaga always has a black cat who sits in a mortar, or better yet, on the witch’s shoulder. It is not uncommon for this pet to also be a shapeshifter who can turn into a thing or another small character who will carry out the owner’s instructions in the best possible way.


If we recall Russian folklore, in particular folk tales and Baba Yaga, who appears in most of them, her cat appears before readers in the form of Kota-Bayun. This beast is black in color and huge in size, feeds on human remains, and is capable of hypnotizing a person with its magical voice.

Yaga the cat deserves a special treatment on a level with the universally remembered Devil or Dashing. But if we proceed from this option, then it is correct to call him Ezhkin. People are used to speaking differently.

Place in ecosystems[edit]

As mentioned, all Yoshkin cats are extremely sensitive to the state of their own environment. Namely, to the characteristics of the surrounding biofields, which together constitute the biofield of the habitat.

But, depending on the subspecies, the way it is influenced is different.

If Yoshkin's cats have the vulgaris

it is rather passive in nature, i.e. Yo-cats of this subspecies react only to unfavorable changes in its changes, adjusting their biofields in such a way as to compensate for unfavorable changes, while Yo-cats of the urbanis subspecies
it actively. And the method of regulation they use is very reminiscent of sophisticated extortion or blackmail.

There is no person on Earth who does not know what could happen if a representative of this cat family suddenly crosses the road.

Crossing the trajectory of a person’s movement, Yoshkin the cat interacts his biofield with the human biofield, changing it accordingly. After such an impact, anything can happen to a person, and does happen. Otherwise, no one would have mentioned the name of this extraordinary predator so often, loudly and clearly. Sensing this fact, Yo-cats position themselves along the roads, showing their intention to certainly cross them right before a person’s feet.

A knowledgeable city dweller always has with him the object of the hunt of urban Yo-cats - a solid piece of fresh sausage, by throwing which, you can prevent the Yo-cat from trying to influence the human biofield.

Thus, Yo-cats regulate the biofield of the urban ecosystem to a state favorable to themselves.


If you don’t go into etymology and don’t believe fairy tales, this phrase can mean an ancient Slavic conspiracy. It was pronounced in order to protect one’s home, family and everything that is dear to a person from evil spirits. This was at a time when people did not yet know the origin of most things, and gave mythical explanations for all events. Then they uttered similar slander in speeches in order to call upon the forces of light and good spirits. Since those times, many other rituals and symbols have come to us, which are popular to this day.

cat Baiyun

Exceptional features[edit]

The state of the biofield is being analyzed, these eyes will not let you lie.
Attention! You are being zombified by Yoshkin the cat, right here and now. Mimicry of Yoshkin's cat in action. A little more and it will blend in tone with the rug. As observations by naturalists have shown, Yo-cat has a very strong biofield. To maintain it in the necessary, comfortable state for himself, he uses either the natural biofield of the ecosystem in which he currently lives, or the biofield of people living in various settlements. It is obvious that the combination of the biofields of the Russian ethnic group with the biofields of local ecosystems turns out to be the most favorable for the existence and development of populations of this animal.

Yoshkin the cat determines the tension and state of biofields by special organs located in the vibrissae. This is a kind of biopolar detector combined with a radar. He also uses it to detect and lure by quickly zombifying his main prey: small rodents and birds.

With the help of this innate property, Yoshkin the cat acquired extraordinary survival abilities. Having met an animal that poses a threat to him (for example, a person), he can reflexively convince him that in fact there is no one there. Several such cases of “sudden disappearance” of seemingly ordinary cats have been recorded by scientific observers.

Another feature that Yoshkin the cat has is iridomutation, a change in the color of the iris of the eyes during scanning of the biofield. This phenomenon was also recorded by direct observations.

Yoshkin the cat has the ability to mimicry. In case of danger, it acquires such a camouflage color that it becomes very unnoticeable.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to find out due to what properties this process occurs. At the moment, zoologists are studying two scientific hypotheses.

  1. A change in color color is a property of Yoshkin's cat's metabolism, which causes special enzymes supplied to the coat to change its light reflection in the required range. The command to produce the appropriate enzymes is given by the hypothalamus when a stressful state of the body occurs.
  2. Yoshkin the cat actually does not change his natural color at all, but simply through modulations of his biofield inspires all surrounding biological objects larger than him that there is no Yoshkin cat here, but there is an ordinary natural landscape.

Where does Eshkin the cat live?

The city of Yoshkar-Ola became a unique habitat for Eshka the cat, in the center of which a monument was erected to him in 2011. He depicts an animal lounging on a bench, well-fed and happy with life. The sculpture is located in the park near Mari State University. Therefore, local students have developed a peculiar tradition of scratching the cat’s nose in order to write and pass all exams.

Yoshkin the cat in Yoshkar-Ola

In the same city, another composition was installed, a very cute and sophisticated Yoshka cat. She became a friend of the cat lying nearby, from which the mouse was running away. Their creation was facilitated by the consonance of a common phrase with the humorous city name “Yoshka”.

Yoshka's cat in the same city

cat Baiyun

INTERESTING: Yoshkin the cat is also called “Cat Bayun”, which is already closer to the Slavic Yaga, helps her not only in witchcraft, but also in transferring the souls of the dead from the world of the living to the world of the dead.

That is why meeting a black cat implies meeting the end of earthly life, hence the dislike and superstitions for black cats. Also, the black cat of the Damp Earth was a cannibal and a sorcerer in his own right; he enchanted wanderers, purred with his songs and ate them.

In the space of the countries of the USSR, the expression “Yoshkin cat!” became very popular as an expression of emotions of indignation and some kind of indignation after the release of the film “Love and Doves” on the wide screen. Although, of course, there was no historical significance or revelation of the secret of this cat itself in the film, the expression simply went among the people.

Nowadays, children are more likely to know about Yoshkin’s cat as a fairy-tale character, and among the population under 45 years old, few people use this turn of phrase. The cat is still popular and in demand among the 55+ generation, but you still can’t hear it that often. But the character himself is still reverently loved, and in 2011 in Yoshkar-Ola a monument was erected to him on the square in front of the shopping center, which the townspeople and guests of the city celebrate for happiness and good luck.

INTERESTING: analogues of Yoshka's cat are: Yadryona Louse, Yokhanykh Babai, Yadryona Matryona, Yapona Mother.

A little humor

This phrase often has a humorous connotation, although it comes from the name of Yaga’s dangerous and cunning accomplice. Ekarny babay, vigorous louse, vigorous matryona, and plaque-fly have similar properties. They all come out of Russian folklore, and are common only among the Russian people.

We can say that other countries are simply not suitable for them due to the wrong mentality of the local residents. But within the Federation, Eshkin the cat and other Slavic characters remain popular with people during moments of emotional outbursts, which happen very often.

Other phraseological units

Walk trump

To be conceited, to boast, to consider oneself superior to others.

The first damn thing is lumpy

The first attempt may well fail; not everything works out right away.

Rolling up my sleeves

Diligently, diligently, with full dedication.

Hang noodles on the ears

Deceive, give false information, distract attention from the most important thing.
All phraseological units

A book from the authors of this article!

Collection: “100 popular phraseological units of the Russian language”

More details

Fairy tale version

A combination that is neutral in meaning and given an emotional component through intonation is a successful example of euphemism. With its help, bewilderment, anger, joy, surprise, bewilderment, and disappointment are expressed. Among the meanings there are even abusive “disgrace” and “disgrace”. Let them be classified as parasitic words, but they also replace obscene language in most cases.

One of the main heroines of Russian fairy tales is Baba Yaga. Her constant companion is Kot-Bayun. Usually he is represented as a large, predatory black beast, capable of hypnotizing a person with a magical voice.

The attitude towards the cat Yaga is special, the same as towards Likh, remembered by almost everyone. According to primary sources, Ezhkin among the people became Eshkin.


Yoshka’s cats proved: it exists. At the moment, science has definitely established: Yoshkin’s cats migrate, and over considerable distances. It has not yet been possible to establish the migration method. The opinions of scientists on this matter are divided. Currently, three hypotheses for the spatial movement of Yoshkin's cats are being considered.

  • Actually pedaling
    is moving on a hard surface with the help of paws. The classic way, let's say.
  • Levitation
    is movement in space through the air without using the laws of aerodynamics. There is confirmed evidence of acc. abilities of Yoshka's cats.
  • Teleportation
    is movement in space, bypassing the three-dimensionality of the space-time continuum. This possibility is confirmed by repeated evidence of the sudden disappearance of Yoshka’s cats, as well as their unexpected appearance in various unexpected places.

What kind of animal?

Cats are one of the most mysterious creatures on the planet. The ancient Slavs could not explain many natural phenomena and often associated their origin with witchcraft. And any witch had to have a cat, which took part in all her tricks and accompanied her until her death.

Eshkin the cat is often mentioned in Russian folk tales. Grandmother Yaga, familiar to everyone since childhood, lives in a hut deep in the forest and her only roommate is a black cat. The animal belongs to Grandma Eshka, hence the name “eshkin”.

The second theory of the appearance of a magical beast is associated with a cat - a bayon. The animal has cunning and is capable of lulling the vigilance of anyone.

In Western literature, the expression “Yoshkin cat” is found when mentioning the well-known Count Dracula. But if we turn to Bram Stoker’s work, we will only find a mention of Dracula’s personal cat; the animal did not have a name or any nickname.

We conclude that Eshkin the cat is a fictional character who appears in many folk works. He is an integral partner of the evil character Baba Yaga. With the help of his magical songs, the cat is able to lull the vigilance of any enemy. But is Eshkin the cat really an evil character?

Magical creatures in Rus' not only played dirty tricks on people, but also helped in the household.

Thus, the established expression “Fucked by a big cat” referred to some invisible helper around the house. Mothers at the cradles of their children sang songs about the kitten-cat-cat who will come and sing songs to the little one.

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