Maine Coon: origin, breed characteristics, content

For many years, Maine Coons were considered the largest representatives of the cat breeds. Despite the fact that new large pets have appeared in felinology, this breed still remains very popular all over the world and in our country.

The sizes can be medium, but more often large. Today they are one of the largest cats intended for keeping at home. Despite their impressive size and stern appearance, Maine Coons are very friendly to people, strongly attached to their owner, while maintaining feline dignity and independence.

Description of the Maine Coon breed

Popularity 4th place among 86 cat breeds


12-15 years


25-41 cm

Country of origin:


Average price:

20-40 thousand rubles


4-12 kg
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What to do if your Bengal begins to gain weight poorly

Bengal cats can gain or lose weight for a variety of reasons.

Attention! If a cat is visually large and massive, this does not always mean that it is obese. Bengal pets are physically active and mobile, so their impressive size may be due to their developed muscle mass.

Exhaustion and obesity in a Bengal cat should be determined, as in dogs, not by body size, but by weight.

Most often, obesity in Bengals has two causes:

There are more factors that cause exhaustion in a cat, and some of them require veterinarian intervention and urgent treatment. A Bengal pet may lose weight for the following reasons:

Bengal cats are large, harmoniously built, muscular animals. If they eat properly and maintain physical activity, they do not tend to gain weight. The owner must monitor changes in the pet's size and body weight.

If there are significant deviations from the norm to a greater or lesser extent, the Bengal should be immediately shown to a veterinarian in order to prevent serious illnesses.


Key facts

The Maine Coon is one of the most unusual and fascinating cat breeds in the modern world. They can be called a lazy breed, although they are not averse to engaging in some active play with other family members.

The description of the Maine Coon breed says that it originated in the USA back in the 19th century. These representatives of pets occupy first place in size among other cat breeds.

This breed is easy to care for, despite its rather long and fluffy coat. It is not necessary to take them for grooming; regular combing at home is also suitable.

The characteristics of the Maine Coon are as follows: they are one of the most affectionate, kind and affectionate. Coons are good with children and other pets, make contact easily and are not afraid of guests. It is worth noting the high intelligence of cats, thanks to which they are easy to train.

Due to their thick and fluffy coat, which repels water, Maine Coons are able to withstand frost. This is also facilitated by the presence of pads that have spring functions and help you move easily through snowdrifts. But at the same time, they can easily withstand very high temperatures, so there is no need to cut the coon for the summer.

Having become interested in something, these felines take a rather amusing and funny pose: they stand on their hind legs and look with surprise on their faces at the object that attracts their attention.

The health and life expectancy of the Maine Coon are high; giant cats can live 14-15 years.

Appearance description

The Maine Coon looks like a very large cat. But only some representatives of the breed reach great weight. For the most part, this impression is created due to the pet’s long and voluminous fur. The maximum weight of a female individual rarely reaches seven kg, and that of a male - nine. Although this breed is still considered large.

Maine Coon cats can reach a height of 0.4 meters, and a length (taking into account the length of their rather large tail) - 1.2 meters.

Maine Coons develop very slowly. This is the only breed in which maximum weight and body length are formed only at four years of age. From this period they are considered to have reached sexual maturity.

Distinctive features are not only large dimensions, but also cute tufts on the ears, powerful clawed paws with fur growing between the toes, and a luxurious fluffy tail.

Let's look at the standards of this breed:

  • the head is quite large, longer than wide, the cheekbones are located relatively high;
  • the muzzle is blunt, proportionally located on the head; in profile, such cats do not have an elongated narrow muzzle;
  • the ears are quite large, gradually narrowing towards the top, covered with hair, ending in small tassels, located high, with a distance between them approximately equal to the width of the lower part of one ear;
  • oval-shaped eyes, the iris can be any color, including blue (in cats that are white or have white spots);
  • the Maine Coon's body is distinguished by proportionality, pronounced muscles, strong bones, a wide chest, limbs proportional to size;
  • the limbs are straight, the paws are wide, with hair between the toes (there are five toes on the front legs, and four on the hind legs);
  • the tail is long (up to 35-37 cm), wide, covered with long hair, straight, wide at the base, tapering towards the tip;
  • thick, dense wool, silky to the touch, lengthens on the stomach, forming “pants”, the hair is shorter on the shoulders and chest, and a “collar” on the neck.

If the Maine Coon's coat is short or does not lengthen on the belly and hind legs, this is considered a fault in the breed.

Maine Coon colors are numerous and varied. These can be either solid colors of any color or mixed colors - bicolors, tabbies, torties.

Despite the fact that the natural species had only two shades of wool - black and red, as a result of numerous selections and mutations, the color range became much wider. Nowadays there are Mien Coons of cream, graphite, gray, blue, red, and white colors.

At shows, lavender, Himalayan and chocolate colors are a deviation from the standard and cause for disqualification.

History of the origin of the Maine Coon

The breed was developed in America two centuries ago. There is a very interesting and entertaining legend associated with the name of the breed. With the first part of the phrase, everything is extremely simple: Maine is the name of the state where the breed was bred (Maine). Thanks to the long and fluffy tail, a legend arose that the ancestors of cats were crossed with a raccoon. Hence the second part of the word - kun (short for English racoon - raccoon).

How did Maine Coon cats appear in America? Historians believe that representatives of the short-haired breed were first brought to America. And a little later, along with representatives from the New World, long-haired quadrupeds were also brought. After this, the crossing of the two species began, as a result of which the modern breed appeared.

In 1861, a Maine Coon cat named Captain Jenks of the Marine Cavalry made a huge impression on audiences at an exhibition in Boston and New York. It was then that the first wave of popularity of this breed passed. Unfortunately, in the twentieth century this place was occupied by the Siamese and Persians, but not for long. After the end of World War II, they regained their position, and it was then that the first Maine Coon Association was opened - the Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association (MCBFA).


The first vaccination is given at the age of two months. This is a complex against:

  1. Viral infections.
  2. Tracheitis.
  3. Chlamydia.
  4. Pailenkopenia.

To prevent the body from being overloaded with vaccines, a special vaccination schedule is prescribed. The first - up to a year.

It is necessary to vaccinate a kitten before three months and after eight months, since from 4 to 7 months, during the period of teeth change, the animal’s immunity will be weakened, and it does not need to be undermined by vaccines. Vaccinations are given only to healthy animals, before which an anthelmintic is given. 10 days before vaccination, the cat is treated against fleas and ticks. The second vaccination occurs along with the rabies vaccination. A doctor must administer the vaccine.

What does a Maine Coon look like?

Maine Coons were originally brought to the very harsh climate of Maine, which influenced their appearance. To survive in such conditions, they developed dense, thick and long hair to protect them from frost, and special pads on their paws for moving through snowdrifts. The large size is due to the need for hunting. Now even in the photo the Maine Coon looks cute, and it’s hard to say that he was once a tough hunter.


The head has an elongated shape and massive dimensions. This was required for the ancestors to “dive” into holes to catch rodents.

The color of the eyes always depends on the color of the coat: it can be blue, greenish and even yellowish. The shape of the eyes is round, slightly slanted.

The ears have a dense cartilage structure, abundant hair, and “lynx tassels.” Thanks to these differences, cats could easily hunt rodents and small game. For this, American farmers loved them very much. Also, to protect themselves from the cold, cats use an interesting method unique to them. They close the ears very tightly to prevent cold air and wind from entering there.

Body type

The neck is elongated, of medium length, large and very muscular (especially in males). There is a so-called “collar”, which is very highly valued by breeders. The fuller the collar, the more expensive the kitten can cost.

What does a Maine Coon look like in proportions? The long body with good hair is somewhat reminiscent of a rectangle. The muscles are well developed and there is also a strong skeleton. The limbs are large and massive, with abundant hair.

The tail is long and fluffy. Equal in size to the length of the body. Some representatives may have stripes characteristic of a raccoon. In the past, Maine Coon tails served as heaters in extreme situations. Because of its length, cats could easily wrap it around their entire body and keep warm.

Coat and color

The wool is long, on average 10-13 cm, and has water-repellent properties. On the tummy, vellus hair takes up more space, and on the back there are only coarse hairs. The hair grows from the head to the panties and serves to warm the body from cold weather.

The color of Maine Coons is quite varied. It differs in several categories:

1. Drawing

2. Coat color

3. Presence or absence of stains.

Maine Coon coat colors are black, white and red. Sometimes the colors may "mix" a little. The pattern is tiger, marbled and spotted. The spots are not always present and can be located on different parts of the body. Most often they are located on the paws, muzzle, neck and ears. Maine Coon color varieties offer a wide range of variations, and the breed has not suffered from excessive interference by breeders.

Maine Coon character

In general, the Maine Coon breed can be compared to a dog. These cats are very loyal to their owner, kind and very often follow him like a tail. They also have warm feelings towards other family members, so this breed can be called one of the friendliest and sociable.

Many people mistakenly believe that the Maine Coon’s character is angry and stern, looking at its face, but they do not even suspect that behind such an appearance lies simply an angelic disposition.

Maine Coons love to take funny poses and make unusual sounds, but they meow quite rarely. The temperament of males and females has quite strong differences:

  1. Males are less affectionate than females. During the heat period, Maine Coons can be a little aggressive and mark their territory, which becomes an unpleasant problem for their owners. The solution is castration.
  2. Cats are more affectionate, they love to be close to their owner. Often choose a place at the feet. During estrus they do not show aggression or other unpleasant character traits.

Both females and males have a neutral attitude towards guests in the house, but they will not be particularly happy if someone else begins to pay a lot of attention to them. Coons are very caring parents, so after the birth of their offspring, they do not leave their kittens for a minute, constantly looking after them.

Although this breed is very attached to family members, they also love independence. Maine Coons choose high places for themselves so they can watch everyone comfortably. Cats are not particularly playful, but no one can be immune from torn wallpaper, broken pots and chewed wires, so it is better to accustom them to scratching posts from childhood and monitor their behavior.

Coons will treat children calmly. But do not forget that it will be unpleasant for the animal if its tail or whiskers are pulled. Therefore, children need to be told in advance that the new family member should be treated carefully and affectionately. If you have a newborn baby, and the cat has been living with you for a long time, then there is no need to worry. Maine Coons are good with small children and will not show aggression or jealousy. And when the child grows up, the pet will not mind accepting him into his company.

These giant cats are not aggressors. They can easily get along with other cats and even dogs, because the hunting instinct in them has almost died out, and in the past they only hunted rodents and snakes.

Who to choose: comparative characteristics

When comparing representatives of these breeds, we can conclude that Maine Coons are playful, friendly, and affectionate. Despite their overall size, they are graceful and slender, intellectually developed and easy to train. Proud cats, with a sense of their own dignity, will not beg for food from their owners and will not touch someone else's bowl. Although Maine Coons love to play, there will be no problems with broken things or scratched furniture in the house. Because of their inherent aristocracy, they are neat and balanced.

Bengal cats are comparatively even more active representatives than Maine Coons. Representatives of Bengals need special attention throughout the day, so it is recommended to be prepared for this before purchasing such a cat. Bengal representatives meow a lot, so when choosing such a pet it is recommended to take this factor into account. Cats do not like to be held, they should always have their own space. To choose the right furry animal for the whole family, it is better to first carefully study the character, behavior and health of cats of each breed.

Raising a Maine Coon

So, these cats are very flexible and can be trained without any problems. Of course, they don’t have to be trained, but they should be accustomed to a litter box, a scratching post, and proper behavior in the apartment. Maine Coons have an excellent memory, allowing them to easily remember and learn anything new.

To prevent your pet from getting bored, buy him some toys and install climbing frames. Firstly, the animal will be in motion, which is incredibly beneficial for its health, and secondly, it will prevent damage to property. If you wish, you can teach your Maine Coon some simple commands; affection, praise and treats will help you with this.

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On the one hand, Maine Coons are freedom-loving and independent and do not lend themselves to drill or “dog” training, on the other hand, they are very smart and trainable animals.
At an early age, the kitten is taught to use a litter tray and scratching post.

In further training, the method of prohibitions and rewards is used. Spanking, beating, or any physical punishment against these cats is excluded. Maine Coons are humane, they must know their owner as a source of affection. You can use a spray bottle of warm water to teach prohibitions.

When a cat scratches something that is not allowed or climbs onto a forbidden object, it is lightly sprayed with water, creating discomfort. You can use odors that are unpleasant for your pet, for example, citrus, by treating them, for example, with curtains that are torn or torn by a cat. You can train your Maine Coon using your favorite food, encouraging him to perform various actions, or through play.

Maine Coon Health

Possible diseases

This breed has very good immunity and does not have many diseases compared to others. However, these large cats also suffer from some ailments.

1. Maine Coons have very sensitive digestion, which can often cause stomach upsets. But you can protect yourself and your pet from this if you choose high-quality food. If you feed your pet food from the table, then you should limit its consumption of fatty, spicy and salty foods, or it is better to exclude such food altogether.

2. Kidney disease or urolithiasis. Happens quite often.

3. Diseases of the joints. Most often, individuals living in apartments and leading an inactive lifestyle are affected. Therefore, you should buy your pet some toys with which he can spend part of his day. This will reduce the risk of joint problems.

4. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Refers to genetic diseases. It is very difficult to identify the disease, because it does not manifest itself externally, so you need to take your pet to a veterinarian-cardiologist for preventive examinations.

Maine Coons may develop diseases that are common in other breeds. Any deviation from norms of behavior may indicate the initial stage of the disease. In general, the health of the Maine Coon can be considered exemplary.

Reproductive health

The female coon's estrus begins between 6 and 9 months, but the animal is not bred during the first estrus. It is necessary to wait until the age of 1 year, and for the first time find a more experienced male. Two inexperienced animals are usually not bred.

Mating is prescribed on the 3-5th day of estrus, but preparation should begin much earlier. The first thing to do is to find a cat through clubs or in private advertisements - the future father of the kittens. Both animals are wormed 2-4 weeks before mating, and 1-2 days before mating, their claws are trimmed so that the partners do not injure each other.

The female is brought to the male’s territory and left for several days - this allows the animals to get used to each other and perform several acts.

Sizes and weight of adult Bengals

The Bengal pet is quite large. The height of an adult is 39–41 cm at the withers, the length of the body with tail reaches 90 cm.

Weight varies between females and males. An adult female weighs 3.5–5.5 kg. The male is heavier, his weight can reach 6–8 kg. These dimensions and weight parameters are average. It is not considered a deviation from the norm if the animal’s parameters are slightly higher or lower than specified.

The size of Bengal cats is significantly influenced by the genetic history of the breed. To develop the Bengal breed in the 1980s, a wild leopard cat living in Asian forests was crossed with 5 domestic breeds (Abyssinian, Egyptian, Bombay, British Shorthair and Ocicat).

The listed breeds vary significantly in size: some weigh 4–5 kg, others 6–8 kg.

Important! Size is determined by the extent to which a representative of the Bengal breed is genetically removed from a large leopard cat. The more diluted the genetic link with the wild Asian ancestor, the smaller the body of the domestic cat.

If the Bengal cat is small, then its size is most likely influenced by a close genetic relationship with Abyssinian cats, weighing no more than 6 kg. And if the pet is large, weighing about 8 kg, then its close relative is probably the British Shorthair.

How old do Bengal cats grow?

The age when a Bengal ceases to be a kitten and becomes an adult is 1 year. However, the one-year-old pet is still small and continues to grow actively. A Bengal cat is considered mature after reaching 2 years of age, when growth stops, although some individuals continue to grow larger up to 3 years of age.

There is no need to worry if the cat’s growth has not stopped by the age of 2, and the body size slightly exceeds the standard. Bengals are hybrids, so in some individuals adolescence is prolonged, while in others it ends on time.

Features of feeding and diet

Your pet's diet should include all the following:

  • proteins are essential components for ensuring the good functioning of all organs, for growth and well-being;
  • carbohydrates are a source of energy;
  • fats are a source of energy and a component for the formation of immunity;
  • vitamins and minerals.

The most important thing in purchased food is the presence of a meat ingredient in the composition in the first place. It should not contain many preservatives (it is better if they are absent altogether), so it is advisable to buy food from professional brands.

As for homemade food, the majority should be meat products: chicken, turkey, beef. You can also include cereals, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and eggs in your diet. In pet stores you can buy a special grass - sprouted grain crops.

When choosing a diet, you should take into account the size of cats, because they are very different from other breeds. If this is your first time, consult your veterinarian or breeder for advice.

Care and maintenance

Maine Coons can be brushed at home as needed; this should not be a problem. Particular attention should be paid to the areas on the back and sides - the fur is thicker there and tangles can form. You should also arrange bathing procedures once every three to four weeks. Maine Coons are not afraid of water, so there should not be any problems. Make sure to choose the right shampoo so that it does not harm the animal.

The inside of the cats ears should be pinkish. Pet stores sell special wipes for ear and eye hygiene. But you can clean them using a soft cloth or napkin.

To protect yourself from damaged wallpaper and scratches, and also to help your cat with claw points, you need to give your pet a manicure and pedicure once a week.

For Maine Coons, you should purchase a tray that has a larger area than standard ones. It is also recommended to buy closed trays, as some representatives of this breed like to scatter the filler, burying “their business.”

The general rules for caring for and maintaining a Maine Coon are no different from the rules for caring for any long-haired cat. Trimming the claws, cleaning the ears, eyes, teeth and regular brushing is all that is needed for a giant cat.

Comparison of cat characters: British and Scottish breeds

Comparing the British and Scottish breeds with the Maykun breed, the British are more suitable in size, but of course they will not have such elegance and grace. The British are stockier and have wider bones. Kittens of the Scottish and British breeds are similar to each other. But the Scots have a more elongated flexible body. The character of these breeds can be very contradictory.

The British are more suitable for families without children. Since British cats are essentially introverts, they love isolation and loneliness. And they prefer to live their own lives. Such a cat will not become a friend for your child and he will be bored with her.

Scots are more willing to communicate with people and even get bored when their owners are not at home.

But neither the Scot nor the Briton likes to be picked up for a long time and tormented by children with their caresses. Therefore, a very intrusive child can receive an aggressive rebuff, even to the point of releasing their claws. What cannot be said about the Mey Coon breed, they are friendly, affectionate and very gentle.

And they will never harm your child, and also get along easily with other pets, thanks to their peaceful and calm disposition.

Tips for choosing a kitten

First of all, you should find out as much information as possible about nurseries and breed standards. This is especially important for those who are going to buy a show-class kitten and participate in exhibitions with it. All information can be found on TICA, WCF, CFA felinological systems.

Of course, it is important to decide on the gender and class of the animal you are purchasing, and also decide which branch you will choose. There are two of them: American and European. The first is distinguished by thick hair, wide and obliquely set eyes and larger sizes than the second. Europeans are relatively miniature, their fur is not so thick and long, but at the same time the “lynx tassels” are more pronounced.

After 12-15 weeks, you can purchase a kitten and take it to your home. If you purchase an animal from a good nursery, they will definitely tell you about each kitten and litter. The animal will be vaccinated according to age, branded, and all pets from the litter will be toilet trained and scratching posts.

If you see that the kitten is inactive, lies down all the time, and looks lethargic, then this is a clear sign of an unhealthy animal.

Ask the breeder to introduce you to one of his parents. By the behavior of the mother or father, you can easily determine the temperament of the future pet. Also, an experienced breeder will definitely give you food and filler for the first time, which the kitten has been accustomed to since birth. It is possible that your favorite toy will go with you, which will help the animal adapt more easily to new conditions. It is recommended to purchase Maine Coon kittens from nurseries so that you do not later discover any defects in your pet or raise a completely different breed instead of a Maine cat.


Since Maine Coons are a show-class breed, their breeders are very attentive to where the kittens go, how they plan to keep them and in what capacity - for breeding, for exhibitions, for themselves.
You can find a cattery through a cat club, on the Internet, or at exhibitions.

You can wait for the kittens to arrive by booking them in advance. Catteries usually have their own Internet - a resource where information about all cats, cats, matings, exhibitions, and connections with foreign breeders is indicated. Professional breeders are interested in acquiring new animals every two to three years.

If the same animals constantly mate with each other, and there is no influx of new blood, it means that the owner makes money from breeding and selling, and he is not interested in improving the quality of the breed. A professional breeder will definitely invite the future buyer to the nursery, show all the animals, and help with choosing a kitten. If the weight of the male cat has been declared, you can ask for a control weighing - this is a normal procedure.

Before purchasing a kitten, you must find out whether the nursery is registered in the felinological system; this is a guarantee of purebred animals.

There are nurseries in apartments and outside the city. Even if it is located far from the city, it is better to visit it. When purchasing, an agreement will be concluded between the buyer and the seller on how the animal is planned to be used, how it can and cannot be crossed, and how the matings will take place. Nurseries provide all documents for kittens.

How much does a Maine Coon cost?

The average price of a Maine Coon fluctuates around 20,000-50,000 rubles, but this is not always the limit. It all depends on the class of the kitten and its gender. Animals of breeding class and show class (for breeding and exhibitions, respectively) will cost more. But the pet class will cost less (these are pets).

It is worth noting that males are more expensive than females. If an individual has a rare coat color, the price will rise. The price may even depend on the level of the nursery. The cost is due to expensive maintenance. Therefore, there is no need to skimp and purchase an animal at the poultry market or respond to incomprehensible advertisements. Healthy and vaccinated Maine Coon kittens will definitely please you with their beauty, kindness and affection!

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Cost of a kitten

A kitten of this breed is quite an expensive pleasure. Prices vary greatly depending on the purpose for which the pet is purchased: for exhibitions, breeding, or, as they say, “for the sofa.”

Kittens that meet the breed standard are usually purchased in order to be bred and shown at various competitions. The cost of such individuals starts from 100 thousand rubles, and this is far from the limit. The price is determined by the breeders themselves, and may vary depending on the region.

Kittens that have any deviations from the standards are cheaper, but also not cheap - about 60 thousand rubles. Such a cat will not be accepted for an exhibition and is not suitable for breeding, but this does not mean that he cannot become a wonderful friend, companion and favorite of the whole family.

Photo gallery of Maine Coons:

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