Long-haired cats and their characteristics: breeds, origin and maintenance recommendations

When choosing a cat, the length of the coat is important. Some who want to have such a pet consider exclusively hairless breeds, others dream of becoming the owners of a long-haired or semi-long-haired animal. Lovers of cats with long hair are not afraid of the need to constantly care for their furry pet. To make the right choice, you need to study the characteristics of each suitable variety.

The fluffiest animals in the world: the cuteness is off the charts

All people love animals, but furry representatives of the fauna evoke greater affection.
You want to constantly pet and hug these hairy lumps. The furriest animals in the world will melt your heart. A fluffy cow with fur like a plush toy looks very unusual.

The long-haired guinea pig requires careful care of its coat.

An albatross at an early age does not look much like an adult. He's so fluffy!

The Samoyed dog has a double coat.

Pomeranian looks like a fluffy ball. The coarse upper hair is lifted by the thick undercoat.

Chinese silky chickens are not like classic chickens. Their plumage resembles the fur of fur-bearing animals.

The fluffy fur of a Persian cat needs to be combed every day to avoid tangles.

Chinchillas are record holders for fur density: 60–80 hairs sprout from one hair follicle at once.

The giant Angora rabbit is perhaps the fluffiest of all fluffies. In Europe, these animals are quite common and are often kept as pets.

After viewing such photos, a charge of tenderness and joy is guaranteed for the whole day!

Pomeranian Spitz

At first glance, a dwarf Pomeranian spitz looks like a plush toy; it is not always possible to immediately believe that it is a living dog. Spitz have abnormally thick and long hair, which is located almost perpendicular to the body. Especially a lot of hair grows in the neck area, on the back and paws. A particularly cute feature of these dogs is their ring tail, which swings playfully from side to side.

The coat of the dwarf Spitz requires careful care; it needs to be combed 2-3 times a week with a special comb. But the dog does not need frequent washing, which is a definite plus. Particularly original owners cut their pets' hair like lions, tigers, bear cubs, foxes and other animals.

TOP 25: The cutest animals you didn't even know existed

We all have an animal that we think is cute: it might be a puppy, a kitten, or a guinea pig, but you probably don't know how many other cute animals there are in the world. From mammals to birds, there are many fascinating creatures scurrying across the earth and sky around us. Since these fuzzies are quite rare, you definitely won't find them in your backyard. Curious to see some of the cutest animals? Here are 25 cute animals you never knew about.

Photo: Pixabay.com

This tiny and adorable little furball is called a pika or pika. Despite the fact that the animal looks like a rodent, in fact its relatives are hares and rabbits, representatives of the order Lagomorpha. There are 29 species of pikas, and they are all cute in their own way.

Photo: Pixabay.com

Native to East Asia, the tanuki, or raccoon dog, may look like a raccoon, but these animals have more in common with wolves. Tanuki are especially popular in Japan, and it's easy to see why. Their thick, fluffy coat and appearance make them an enviable cuddler.

Photo: flickr.com

Small, nocturnal and with large eyes, the potto is a cute prosimian found in tropical forests around the world. As a rule, they are very slow, but they can nevertheless grab prey at the right moment. And their cute appearance can probably also make someone clutch their heart with emotion.

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Native to Africa, the jumping antelope, like pygmy antelopes, loves rocky terrain and keeps to itself. The Dutch name for these antelopes is “klipspringer,” which means “rock jumper.”

Norwegian forest

What other long-haired breeds are there? These cats are quite diverse. For example, Norwegian forest. One of the most ancient species, obtained from a wide variety of outbred cats living in northern Europe. In general, in these areas there were always quite large cats with long and thick hair. They became the progenitors of the Norwegian forest species. She really looks like a simple mongrel cat, only her face is more reminiscent of a wild jungle cat. Its color is predominantly brindle, gray-brown.

Therefore, anyone who wants to get a purebred cat and surprise their friends with it must understand that this is unlikely to happen with a forest cat. Only a specialist can distinguish it from the usual one. An elongated muzzle with large eyes set close to the nose, large ears - these are the main differences between a forest beauty and an ordinary one. The character of a representative of this species is extremely independent and freedom-loving.

Although at the same time she is quite calm, intelligent and sociable within the limits allowed by her.

Semi-longhair group

The Angora cat is a breed of domestic cat that was created based on cats taken from the Ankara Zoo (Turkey) in the mid-20th century. However, semi-longhaired cats, brought to Europe from the ancient Byzantine city of Angora, have been known in Europe since the 16th century. Angora cats were so popular in Europe that all white or light-colored longhaired and semi-longhaired cats were called Angoras.

The Himalayan cat is a long-haired breed similar to the Persian cat, but has a color point coat and blue eyes.

Burmese cat. One legend says that these cats were kept in the Lao Tsung Temple. The Burmese longhair cat has a medium-sized body, slightly elongated, with good proportions. Wide, rounded head with a characteristic “Roman” nose and thick cheeks.

The British Longhair is a type of British Shorthair cat. Today, the British Longhair has emerged as a full-fledged variation of the British and is becoming more and more popular every day.

Maine Coon. The exact origins of the Maine Coon are unknown. It is one of the first known breeds in North America. There are several assumptions about its origin. According to one version, Maine Coons were brought to the continent by the Vikings.

The American Bobtail is a breed of short-tailed cat, bred by North American felinologists in the second half of the last century.

The Kurilian Bobtail is a naturally occurring breed of cat on the Kuril Islands. The short-tailed cat, or Japanese bobtail, has been known in Japan for a long time. Their images can be found in many medieval engravings.

The Mekong Bobtail or Thai Bobtail is a striking breed with a short and flexible tail. However, the tail is not only short, but also has a kink. It is in this brokenness that the uniqueness of the tails of Mekong bobtails lies: each tail is one and only of its kind.

The Japanese Bobtail is a medium-sized cat with an elongated, muscular body. Graceful, very elegant, with a short tail set high. At the end of the tail there is a pompom. The hind legs are much longer than the front legs.

The Neva Masquerade cat is a long-haired cat with a color-point (Siamese) color and bright blue eyes. The Neva Masquerade cat differs from the Siberian cat only in its color.

The Norwegian forest cat is one of the oldest breeds, formed on the basis of local mongrel cats and is most widespread in the countries of Northern Europe (Norway, Sweden, Finland, etc.). The breed standard was adopted in 1976.

Ragdoll. The breed originated in California, and most likely descended from Angora and Burmese cats. Ragdolls are practically not bred outside the United States. The Ragdoll gives the impression of being a large plush toy with silky fur.

The Siberian cat is the only Russian breed of aboriginal cats, on which only nature worked. And, as with all native breeds, tracing the origins of a particular breed is often impossible.

Somali cat. In the late 50s and early 60s, American and Canadian breeders who were breeding Abyssinian cats began to find one or two dark kittens with longer hair in their offspring.

The Turkish Van or Van cat is a breed of semi-longhaired cat created from a population of randomly bred cats that originated from the area around Lake Van in the Eastern Anatolia region of modern Turkey.

Tiffany is a distant relative of the Burmese cat and Persian chinchillas. This is a surprisingly heavy, strong, stocky cat of the non-European type with a short rounded head, large expressive eyes, a strong short body, strong short limbs with rather elegant paws and long, thin, silky hair with a medium amount of undercoat, forming a frill and panties.

The Highland Fold is a Scottish Fold. Long hair appeared as a result of breeding work on Scottish Folds with the involvement of Persians.

The chinchilla is one of the representatives of the Persians. This is a kind and friendly cat. She has a round and flat muzzle, neat small ears, bright emerald green eyes, and a magnificent, long, silky coat.

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