Cat hostel - how to make friends with purring pets

Having decided to get a second cat, few people think about how their pet will react to the addition of another family member. Usually, old-timers are not happy about their new neighbor and attack him, trying to drive him into a corner. If you do not intervene in time in the relationship between animals, they will constantly conflict and the matter may end in separation from one of them. Let's find out how to make cats friends with each other.

Cat and kitten

When a little furry appears in the house, an adult cat, of course, is not ready for such a turn of events, so aggression on her part cannot be avoided. Judge for yourself: her cat's heart already belongs to you and she does not intend to share your attention with anyone. Therefore, the appearance of a new “family member” in the house is perceived as a betrayal. The cat will demonstrate its resentment by its behavior: it will hiss at the kitten, perhaps throw itself and in every possible way drive the “uninvited guest” away. What to do in such a situation?

Step one

You should not force the company of a kitten on your pet. If you see obvious irritation on her part, there is no need to put additional pressure on the animal: for her, a new tenant is already stressful. It is best to take the kitten to another room, if the apartment allows, so that the cat cannot get to it.

Naturally, each pet must have its own bowl and place to rest. After a while, switch places between the kitten and the cat so that the animals get used to each other’s smell. Then let the kitten wander around the apartment to adapt to the new environment. Let your cat watch him through the doorway.

Step two

To make the smell of one pet more familiar to another, wipe a kitten with a towel, and then an adult cat. Let her feel that the kitten is part of the family, which will take some getting used to. Unless, of course, the cat wants to stay in your house.

Step three

This is a closer acquaintance. Place the kitten and the cat in the same room (maybe the kitchen). Place two bowls of food. First, pour food for the cat so that the new tenant understands who is boss, and then for the baby. First, place a partition between the cat and the kitten to prevent them from stealing food from each other's plate. Gradually bring the bowls closer together as the furry “family” stops fighting.

Step four

Try to appease a cat that feels unwanted - give it a toy, pamper it with a treat. Give her extra attention so that she feels your love and care. Over time, you will be able to share love in equal “proportions” with two pets. Even if a strong friendship between a kitten and a cat did not work out, do not be upset: animals can have different characters. All you need to do is just teach your cat and kitten to get along and not fight.

What is the reason for the strained relationship?

Zoologists say that cats are not afraid of dogs, but avoid unnecessary contact. Dogs crave companionship. Cats, on the contrary, walk on their own, they require personal space, and they do not like it when someone violates it.

A dog may approach a cat out of curiosity, but the first meeting is unlikely to end in friendship. Murka will either run away or try to scratch the poor dog. If the cat runs, it will provoke the dog to play chase; if it starts to hiss and scratch, it will cause a defensive reaction, which will lead to fear or aggression.

After the first unsuccessful attempt at acquaintance, a cat and a dog may never become friends. Therefore, it is important to conduct the first meeting of pets correctly and avoid mistakes.

Cat and cat

If you already have an adult pet, this does not mean that you cannot also get a cat. Of course, helping adult animals adapt to the same apartment is much more difficult, but it is quite possible. We will tell you how to make friends between a cat and a cat.

Step one

Often the first meeting may be unsuccessful: two adult pets will simply hiss at each other, trying to sort things out. As in the case of the kitten, you have to place the warring animals in different territories. If there is only one room in the house, then you will have to stock up on cages.

Step two

After a while, you still have to introduce the cat and the cat a little closer. To do this, have a spray bottle ready, because you will most likely have to separate fighting cats. Let your pets out into one room and watch them.

As a rule, uncastrated animals can show interest in each other. But even if both one and the other are deprived of the opportunity to have kittens, the newly-minted “neighbors” still have a chance to make friends. If the cats suddenly get into a fight, separate them again with water.

Step three

When the animals calm down, you can try placing them in the same area again. Most likely, this time they will not show aggression. Meanwhile, be vigilant and try not to leave them alone, without your attention. Sometimes the cat and cat behave calmly in the presence of the owner, but in his absence they can resume sorting out the “relationship”.

This may be a normal hiss, but the animals may also start fighting again. What to do in this case? Just pour water on them from a spray bottle. You can also shout at cats - pets subtly sense the mood and intonation of the owner of the house.

Step four

When the difficult stages of “grinding in” are left behind, the cat and cat may well become friends under the roof of your house. The most important thing in your case is to be patient and let the animals know that you both care about them. And, of course, we should not forget that each furry pet should have its own accessories: bowls, rugs, toys and a toilet. Don't let these two fight for your love - just love them equally as much.

Rules for keeping in one room

The first and main law of such a community is the equal distribution of love and attention to both pets, so that thoughts of jealousy do not arise. In addition, each of them must have their own place for rest and food. Pets must understand that there is only one leader, and that is the owner. There are examples when people allowed one to punish the other, and the hostility between them did not stop. There must be one punishing hand.

In this case, it is important to understand that physical punishment must be avoided: the animal will remember the pain from the punishment and will associate it with its neighbor, directing all the anger and resentment towards him.


First of all, the eldest is fed. Eating areas and bowls should be kept away from each other. If there is not much space in the apartment, you can leave the cat's bowl on the windowsill. From the very first days, pets must understand that stealing from a neighbor’s bowl is followed by punishment.

We recommend reading the article about who is better, a cat or a dog. There you will find a table with scientific facts, as well as a vote.

Two cats or two cats

“If there are two cats in the house, then a fuss will begin” - this funny children's rhyme is quite applicable to this situation. Indeed, if you somehow make friends between a kitten and an adult cat, then two male creatures who find themselves in the same house can go on strike. A similar situation occurs when two cats collide head-on, one of which was the owner and does not intend to give up its territory to anyone else. Meanwhile, we know how to make two cats friends.

Step one

The familiar division of territories. You should not immediately place two pets in the same room - this will lead to inevitable clashes. Of course, it all depends on the breed (for example, Siamese cats are quite aggressive), but the behavior of animals is always unpredictable. To prevent a fight from ending badly, it’s worth trimming your pet’s claws in advance.

Step two

How to make friends with cats? Through quarrels, oddly enough! Many experts believe that in the case of same-sex animals, conflicts are not only natural, but also necessary. This helps cats or cats figure out who is boss. Usually the hierarchy is built based on who is stronger.

It is quite possible that the conflicts will subside as soon as the relationship is clarified. This is especially important for cats, who in nature always conquer territory. So let the animals decide how to behave around another cat. Just be careful not to overdo it in your apartment.

Step three

Of course, animals should have separate bowls and toilets. It is quite possible that over time the pets will play together, communicate and even share food, but this moment is still far away. What is your absolute must do? Under no circumstances should you deprive the “newbie” of attention. But the “old-timer” needs to be given a little more so that he feels needed and happy.

Preparing for the meeting

When the decision to get a second cat is planned, it pays to be well prepared. In order to reduce the reasons for mutual aggression from the very beginning and make them friends in the future, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Cats should have their own water and food bowls.
  2. It is necessary to provide pets with personal trays if you do not want to find unpleasant surprises on the floor.
  3. Houses for cats will be a salvation for residents of one-room apartments. Cats are by nature freedom-loving and independent creatures; it is important for them to have their own territory, a personal corner. A cat that has already become accustomed to the apartment and has been living in it for some time considers the house to be its territory. When another animal appears, the pet perceives it as an intrusion and often reacts aggressively.
  4. To keep your hands and animals healthy, you should trim your cats' claws. The moment of the first meeting is especially dangerous, when you brought the second cat home in your arms, and the first one greets you with displeasure in the corridor. If an older cat reacts aggressively, a new cat may get scared and claw at you. In such a situation, a carrier or a small blanket will help.
  5. Before meeting cats, they must be vaccinated and treated against fleas and worms. If the animal is not treated, it should be kept in isolation quarantine for at least 2 weeks.
  6. At first, it is necessary to allow cats to eat and go to the toilet freely, so you need to identify and separate zones in the house so that they do not meet when eating or defecating.
  7. It is important to feed the animals at the same time, this way you will be able to avoid theft and conflicts.
  8. Veterinarians advise purchasing a spray bottle to control behavior. At the moment of an impending fight, an “invigorating shower” will help separate them without consequences to health.
  9. Even if you are perfectly prepared, you may not be able to prevent conflict. Be sure to keep disinfectants and healing products in your home.
  10. Toys can also become a reason for a showdown. To make it easier to make friends with cats, buy new toys for both pets and stock up on treats to reduce attention on the “enemy”.
  11. Close windows and doors before meeting to avoid unpredictable consequences.

Don't isolate an old cat. He may think that a newcomer is vying for leadership and you are helping him. Then the cat will stop trusting both of you. Give the newcomer a space that the old resident loves less, then the established pet will be less angry.

Video “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together”

In this video you will learn how to make two cats friends.

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In the vast majority of cases, cats and dogs that grow up together remain best friends for life.
This friendship is even stronger and stronger than between pets of the same species. It is precisely because they belong to different families that kittens and puppies (and in the future, adult pets) are more likely to have warm relationships, since in such a union there is no intraspecific competition.

In this case, it does not matter what gender the pets are. Boys and girls will not fight as if they were the same species. When deciding to have two children at once, you need to first look at the compatibility of their characters, level of activity and sociability.

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