How to properly prepare a cat for castration without side effects

The sexual behavior of cats often becomes a problem for their owners. The nature of pets requires that they look for partners for mating, guard and mark their territory, and show aggression towards potential rivals.

Sterilization or castration can solve the problem of sexual behavior once and for all. Despite the fact that the operation itself is quite simple to perform, cat owners should prepare for the procedure in advance and learn how to prepare a cat for castration.

Briefly about castration

Castration involves complete or partial removal of the gland and reproductive organ (testes in both sexes and uterus in cats). Such an operation solves two problems at once: the animal’s behavior is corrected and the possibility of having offspring is suppressed.

Direct indications for castration are:

  • oncology of organs and tissues of the reproductive system;
  • genital injuries;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • genetic pathologies.

Most people confuse or do not share the concepts of sterilization and castration of animals, mistakenly believing that only cats are castrated, and only cats are sterilized, although both operations are applicable to pets, regardless of their gender.

Sterilization, in turn, involves ligation of the fallopian tubes in cats or the seminal canal in cats. Sexual function in pets is not suppressed. Thus, the animal retains the urge to mate, continues unwanted sexual behavior, but is unable to produce offspring.

The procedure should be chosen based on the characteristics of the animal and the recommendations of the veterinarian. The owner should remember that preparation for the operation, carried out properly, reduces the risks of negative consequences of surgical intervention.

Benefits of the procedure

Castration is the only way to save a cat from suffering if he is not going to be bred and does not have the opportunity to mate regularly.

Castration is the only way to save a cat from suffering

The prejudice against surgery, which is often found among owners, is not justified.

The advantages of castration of cats are:

  • preventing the development of a number of cancers;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes in the cat’s reproductive system due to lack of mating;
  • protecting the animal from death during the hunt in a fight with another male or due to loss of vigilance;
  • eliminating the problem of cat marks appearing in the house;
  • reduction of aggression in cats.

Castration in cats, like sterilization in cats, can be called a procedure that prolongs the life of pets.

Proper preparation for surgery

Any surgical operation requires thorough preparation. Castration of a cat: what you need to know before the operation:

  • for sterilization and castration of animals there is an optimal age and there is an age of risk;
  • both techniques involve placing the animal under general anesthesia;
  • any problems with the pet’s health can affect the course of the operation and the postoperative period;
  • Compliance with the veterinarian's requirements for preoperative preparation is vital.

During the preliminary consultation, the veterinarian explains in detail to the owners the rules for preparing the animal for surgery, the possible risks of complications and consequences.

Optimal age

The optimal age for castration of a cat is considered to be the period of its full maturity. In most breeds, this age occurs at 7-9 months of age. It should be clarified that especially large breeds mature a little slower (by 8-10 months), and small animals need to gain sufficient body weight.

A cat that is fully formed and its organs are functioning at full capacity reaches sexual maturity by one year. From this moment on, his testicles and pituitary gland begin to actively produce hormones that provoke sexual behavior in the pet.

But an adult cat under 7 years of age is not at risk from sterilization or castration surgery if precautions are followed. After the veterinarian’s command “prepare”, we prepare the animal in accordance with all established rules.

Contraindications and disadvantages

Castration is a surgical procedure and has a number of contraindications. If they are present, the operation is dangerous for the life of the animal.

Be sure to read:

Castration of a cryptorchid cat: what is it, reasons, how to identify it, surgical technique, is it possible to remove one testicle

Manipulations are not carried out in the following cases:

  • age up to 7 months and more than 8 years;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • severe exhaustion;
  • inflammation of the respiratory tract (temporary contraindication until the pet recovers);
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • renal or liver failure;
  • asthma;
  • anemia.

The cat's intolerance to anesthesia cannot be ruled out. The risk of this phenomenon can only be assessed by a veterinarian.

The disadvantages of castration include:

  • risk of obesity;
  • the need for prevention of urolithiasis;
  • load on the body due to anesthesia.

The advantages of the operation outweigh the disadvantages, and it must be performed if the cat is not planned to be used for breeding.

Care before surgery

There is a set of established rules and recommendations for the care of animals undergoing surgery:

  • absence of direct contraindications for castration of a cat;
  • normal appetite;
  • normal body temperature;
  • no problems with stool;
  • a deworming procedure and general treatment against parasites were carried out;
  • good tests and vaccinations done on time.

If owners have any doubts about the health of their pet in the preoperative period, they should immediately inform the veterinarian. Adult cats over 5 years old are recommended to undergo general blood and urine tests first.

What tests are needed?

Sometimes your pet needs to donate blood for testing.
In some situations, preparing an animal for castration with vaccinations and deworming is not enough. During the examination, the veterinarian may prescribe additional examinations for the cat if there is a suspicion of the development of diseases. The following tests are often used:

  • Biochemical blood test. Prescribed for pets who suffer from pathologies of internal organs.
  • General blood analysis. Helps determine the general condition of the cat and detect worms.
  • Urine examination. Allows you to identify inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system and check kidney function.

Treatment for worms

Preventive treatment of pets against parasites, both external and internal, should be carried out every 3 months (at least 2 times a year). At the same time, the fight against external blood-sucking parasites, such as fleas, ticks, etc. may be needed more often when the animal spends a lot of time outside or communicates with other representatives of the animal world.

10 days before the day scheduled for surgery, it is recommended to treat the cat for helminths (if more than 1 month has passed since the last treatment). Veterinarians recommend using drugs such as Kanikquantel, Milbemax, etc.


A long-term starvation diet is quite dangerous for older cats. If your cat is over seven years old and you still decide to castrate him, a few hours before the operation you can give him a small amount of concentrated chicken broth, and four hours before the procedure he can be given water with dissolved glucose or a small amount of honey.

All these liquids will be quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, there will be no danger of vomiting, but at the same time there will be a sufficient amount of glucose in the cat’s bloodstream.

Let us warn you once again - if there is the slightest doubt about the initial health of the cat, it is necessary to conduct a full medical examination. There is a possibility that your pet should not be given general anesthesia at all. Before starting starvation, make sure that the animal cannot eat anywhere.

Pay special attention to the trash can - be sure to take it out. Hunger will easily force even the most well-mannered animal to eat from any garbage heap. Of course, the cat needs to be locked up at home, not even allowed out onto the balcony. Firstly, he can catch, for example, a sparrow there. Secondly, your pet may get out of hunger and go to the nearest landfill.

Vaccination for a cat

An animal that is not vaccinated in a timely manner runs the risk of catching an infectious disease while walking, and during a surgical operation the risk increases several times. At least 1 month must pass since the last vaccination, only then can the cat be castrated without fear of infection.

There are cases when, for one reason or another, animals that were not vaccinated on time are allowed to undergo surgery. In this case, the pet is injected with a serum that protects the cat from infections for 2 weeks. This approach increases the cost of the procedure and shifts responsibility for some postoperative complications to the owner.

How much does the procedure cost?

The cost of the operation depends on which veterinary clinic it is performed at. Elite private clinics can price the procedure at 6-7 thousand.

Mid-level private clinics usually charge from 1.5 to 2 thousand for castration of a cat. State veterinary clinics provide services for 1-1.5 thousand.

Additional medications that are sometimes prescribed to cats for health reasons can increase the price. This is discussed in advance with the owner of the animal. Surgery on a very large pet, which requires an increased dose of anesthesia, is more expensive.

Preoperative fasting

Due to the fact that cat castration surgery involves general anesthesia, the owner should deprive the cats of food for the last 12 hours. It should be recalled that for carnivores, which include all cats, fasting for 1-2 days is normal and does not harm their health.

Fasting concerns only food, there is no need to exclude water. The reasons for “forbidden” and why you cannot feed the cat lie in the fact that vomiting may occur during the operation. If the animal's stomach is not empty, it may choke on its own vomit.

Additional recommendations

If this is the first time this will be the furry’s first trip out of the house, then you should prepare and buy the “Stop-Stress” drug.
Cat owners should remember to take a blanket, towel and pet documents to the clinic. If the cat is indoor and does not go outside, he may need to use a sedative medication. It is permissible to resort to the help of a medicine called “Stop-stress”. There is no need to trim or shave the coat or nails. If this is required during castration, the veterinarian himself will carry out the necessary manipulations when the animals are given anesthesia.

Before its administration, the cat's body temperature is measured and the heartbeat is listened to. At the same time, a slight increase in frequency is considered to be the norm, since the animal is nervous about a visit to the veterinary clinic. The cat is then weighed. This manipulation is required to calculate the dosage of anesthesia medication. In almost every medical institution, the owner is allowed to stay next to the cat until it is completely immersed in sleep. The presence of the owner nearby will help the animal to be calmer.

After completing the procedure, the doctor observes the cat’s condition for about half an hour. This precaution is due to the fact that sometimes, after regaining consciousness, the pet may experience excessive agitation, heart rhythm disturbances and difficulty breathing. Qualified assistance from a veterinarian will help avoid complications. Postoperative care for your pet involves constant presence with it. Since coordination of movements deteriorates after anesthesia, the owner will need to ensure that the cat does not climb onto high surfaces, as it may fall and injure itself. The first day after surgery, almost all pets refuse to eat and only drink heavily. At this moment, it is also important for the owner to be nearby so that the cat does not lose consciousness or choke in a bowl of water. Cats recover completely from anesthesia in 2-3 days.

How to avoid side effects?

Adverse reactions that may occur during and after surgery include:

  • stress;
  • impaired coordination and orientation;
  • loss of control over urination, less often during bowel movements;
  • nausea and refusal to eat;

Despite the negative aspects, there are also positive aspects. These include a greater likelihood of resolving the problem with marks, the appearance of which is directly related to the animal’s sexual heat.

A good appetite and moderate thirst are sure signs that the operation went well. A castrated animal begins to actively eat on the second day. To alleviate your pet’s condition, you should not make changes to its usual diet in the first 10 days after castration.

In some cases, dietary nutrition is prescribed by the clinic veterinarian who castrated the animal: how many hours should the cat not be fed before castration, what to feed it after, and other similar questions should be asked to the surgeon.

It is impossible to completely protect your pet from the consequences, however, following the rules of preoperative care and preparation will minimize the risks of complications.

Is it necessary to deworm?

Some owners neglect to deworm their pets. However, this procedure is as important as vaccination. Living in the cat’s body, worms secrete decay products and toxins, which, when interacting with anesthesia medications, can cause unpredictable consequences. The possibility of allergic reactions, which can cause serious complications for the entire body, cannot be ruled out. In addition, during the surgical procedure, the muscle tissue of the gastrointestinal tract relaxes. Parasites that live in the digestive system may try to come out during manipulation. This situation sometimes even leads to death due to blockage of the airways.

It is mandatory to worm your pet before castration. For these purposes, special anthelmintic medications are used. Your veterinarian will help you choose the right medicine. It is recommended to give them 14 days before vaccination.

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