Persian cat: detailed overview of the breed, features, color, character, price, photo, care recommendations

Review author: “ZooVita”

Persians are incredibly beautiful creatures with rich fur and a cute flattened muzzle. They are loved by all cat lovers without exception. According to the description of the Persian cat, they are not just very cute animals, they have a wonderful character and are devoted to their owner.

The Persian always chooses one of the family members as his owner and, as a rule, does not change his affection. But there are also exceptions. We will talk about the characteristics of the Persian breed in this article.

Extreme Persian

Tamara |
November 14, 2016 Hello. Unfortunately, just today we buried our beloved Aristocratic cat Persian Extreme, very similar to the one in your photo. On November 3, I turned 12 years old, but cancer took away our dearest and beloved creature, we fought until the last day, died at night, was quietly found at 3 a.m. in the corridor. I went until the last minute and was fed from a syringe for a week and burned out in just 3 weeks. For a whole year there were no particular signs, only in the last two months signs appeared, it turned out that usually everything comes out, but she had everything inside. But she ate and walked until the last week. Even though I was already on injections. All my life I have been hand-fed veal, boiled hake with boiled yolk, veal liver, dry food is the most expensive and only produces hair. hourly feeding, daily washing, combing, but I have never met a more loyal and smarter animal. For drinking, dad made her little saucers with milk and water, so there wasn’t much delay in drinking. Well, when no one was home, I ate it myself. Lately, dad has been at home with her all the time, feeding her, caring for her, brushing her, washing her. And it’s not true that she didn’t meet him when he came and never rummaged through his bags. She even came into the corridor when she felt him approaching. Together with dad they read newspapers, he told her poems, sang songs, and she always listened to him so attentively, he spun her on a computer chair like on a carousel, together they watched football, when it was time to eat, she sat down opposite him and did not take her eyes off until he I went to cook for her. She never did any harm, she wanted someone to pet her, she would come and sit opposite that person and touch her with her paw. Then she lay down and when they started petting her, she purred. When they told us about the diagnosis, there was just a shock in our family and dark days I was on pills, dad and mom tried to hold on, gave injections and gave me pills, but... . Today dad didn’t want to talk on the phone, but came and said such a nightmare. On Saturday, only the veterinarian came to the house to give injections, and tonight our Beloved Ice, our Sunshine, our girl left... She quietly laid down, laid her head on her paw, the way she loved to lie in the corridor, stretched out and was gone... Dad got up at 3 o’clock in the morning and discovered... Today for the first time I saw my dad cry, we both just sobbed bitterly... The worst thing is when you can’t do anything when you have the opportunity, but you didn’t save it, I feel guilty because I’m powerless... But still, I feel like I can’t live with my dad without care, and if we do, we’ll only take one that’s just as smart as there was no other breed or color... I wish everyone who has animals love them and take care of them and may everyone be healthy!!! With uv.

How to cope with loneliness

Nature created cats with bright personalities. Despite the fact that they are attached to their owner and need to communicate with him, they remain self-sufficient. The Persian cat spends most of its time in a relaxed state, lounging on a soft sofa. Due to their phlegmatic disposition and inactivity, Persian cats are called interior cats.

Being alone for several hours will not be a serious stress for them. Having a sufficient amount of food in stock, the pet can easily wait for its beloved owner to get home from work. Upon returning, the owner must make amends: talk tenderly to the pet, accompanying the conversation with strokes.

If a longer absence from the owner is required, careful preparation is required. The animal should be safe and not feel abandoned and forgotten. The preparation points are:

  • leave enough food and water;
  • purchase an additional tray;
  • close windows and vents, turn off taps and burners;
  • instruct a friend or relative to come every day to feed, clean the tray and communicate with the pet.

Photo of a Persian cat and its varieties of colors

All people have completely different attitudes towards cats. The Egyptians in ancient times, for example, loved these animals so much that they literally idolized them. Nowadays, you can often hear from cat owners: “Get out of here!” In the modern world, cats are kept for pleasure, but they are not worshiped. In this article we will talk about one of the most beautiful breeds in the world. Looking at them, the thought involuntarily comes to mind that there is still something unusual about cats.

Which of the purrs has the most beautiful and fluffy fur? How do meowing snub-nosed cats differ from the rest? We will, of course, talk about the Persian cat. They are very playful creatures, but very lazy at the same time. If the Persian is not in the mood for games, he will not even turn his head towards the owner in response to the offer to frolic.

Persian kittens are very active. They like any kind of fun, but adult cats are active mainly at night and in the morning.

Caring for a Persian is not a Herculean task, as it might seem. But you still have to comb the cat’s thick, long hair every day. To avoid the formation of mats, the cat must be washed once every two weeks. To care for them, there are all kinds of special combs and combs. The teeth of such combs can rotate so that the hair does not pull during combing. There are even special combs for Persian cheeks. And there are plenty of products for caring for a luxurious fur coat.

You need to be extremely careful with food, as this breed is very susceptible to allergic reactions and some types of food may simply not be suitable for the cat. The best option is dry food. This is the correct balanced diet for the animal, which contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

But all the efforts in care will pay off doubly in the gratitude of the pet and its docile character.

History of the origin of Persian cats

The very first Persian cats were brought to European countries in the sixteenth century by the traveler Pietro Della Velle. Outwardly, they were more similar to the Turkish Angora or Van.

Persian cats quickly won the hearts of Europeans. It is believed that they were most popular among merchants, who often traveled in search of good goods. These animals had many names in different countries: Asian, Chinese, Indian and so on. They were even called Russian cats. As a rule, cats were named according to the country they came from. Travel traders shamelessly increased prices for pets, presenting them as an exotic mixture of a wild velvet cat and a manul cat.

The mystical status of these animals appeared long before the breed was finally established. If we talk about their current name, researchers believe that they became Persian not because of their country of origin, but because of a sonorous combination of words. This is how people paid tribute to fashion trends.

Britain has become an iconic location for many cat breeds. In the nineteenth century, local breeders divided all cats with long hair into subspecies: Angora and French. The French were strong and powerful animals, with a large round head and eyes that were level with the profile. Breeders from Germany also struggled in attempts to breed a heavy and powerful animal, using German longhaired cats and elegant Angora cats as a basis. Most likely, Persian cats found their final appearance in one of these places.

The twentieth century is of great importance in the history of the development of the Persian cat breed. They were bred by US breeders who acted radically. Their efforts led to the fact that today Persian cats have their famous flat muzzle and snub nose. The Americans have also achieved lengthening of animal fur. Their example inspired breeders from other countries.

However, some breeders, for example, Russians, wanted to preserve the former appearance of Persian cats. This is how two varieties of this breed appeared:

  • aristocratic (smooth and soft classic profile);
  • extreme (nose turned up to the maximum).

After all the changes that took place, the Persian cat simply gained wild popularity, turning into a cult.

History of the breed

The history of the origin of the Persian breed is unknown for certain. According to one of the many versions, Angora cats are considered the ancestors of the Persians. But looking at Angoras, it’s hard to imagine how such sophisticated creatures could evolve into massive, short, snub-nosed Persians.

Persian cats came to Russia in the 18th century, which is confirmed by paintings from that time that can be seen in museums or on postcards.

Russian postcards show "nosed" cats, but otherwise they are clearly Persian. Nowadays such noses are considered unfashionable.

In those distant times, keeping a white Persian cat in your home was considered luxury and status.

How they cared for the Persian’s fluffy, magnificent fur at that time is unclear, but apparently they had their own methods and secrets.

There is another version about the origin of the breed, which completely refutes its orientalism. According to this version, it is believed that the homeland of the Persians is Russia.

In Russia, cats with status, large and airy as clouds, have always been at a premium.

Since the Persian is a very long-haired breed, it is believed that the harsh climate of Siberia influenced this. And from Russia they were allegedly taken to the east, to France, Italy and the UK.

Persians are rarely seen at exhibitions because their maintenance requires time and attention. But there are, of course, enthusiasts who keep this amazingly beautiful breed of cats.

Reviews of Persian cats

  • Anna.

Our Persian cat Andryusha is the most beautiful decoration of the house. We live in a private house, Andryusha does not like the street, nor does he like catching mice. He either plays with the children or sleeps somewhere in a warm corner, periodically coming to eat. His favorite is my eldest son, if he is at home, Andryusha is always with him, sitting in his arms or on his shoulder. Below is a photo of our Persian cat.

  • Ivan.

I wanted to buy a calm cat, so I took a Persian cat and chose it based on the photo. She is a true educator. He likes to remain silent and does not tolerate it if someone in the house screams. He immediately comes up and bites. She is a wonderful pet: a gentle, dignified and compassionate cat. Of course, she sheds a lot, and combing and washing her sometimes takes a lot of time.

Colors of Persian cats


The shades of this color of cats come in different shades: mahogany, brick, orange and red of varying degrees of saturation. The eyes of such handsome men are usually dark red or copper-colored. This color of cats was the first to be identified in Great Britain as an independent color.

In ancient times there was no division into independent and patterned colors. Therefore, they were considered representatives of the same color. This color of Persian cats is the most popular.

To obtain kittens of this color, it is necessary to cross Persians of rich colors (red, black or tortoiseshell).

Special foods that contain dyes will help increase the contrast of wool shade. Representatives of this color are generally very cunning, but at the same time kind and harmless.


Black Persian cats have been very popular since 1871, and even today black Persians are the best specimens at various exhibitions. Until one year old, a black kitten does not have a very presentable appearance. Even, one might say, ugly. And because of this, rarely does anyone buy a black animal for themselves. But professional breeders prefer this color of Persians because they are typical classic Persian cats.

Usually, by the age of one year, these animals, thanks to care and genetics, become uniformly black and look gorgeous. In the black color, it is the uniform color of the coat that is valuable. As in other colors, the presence of inclusions of a different color in an independent color is usually not welcome.

The ideal black Persian is considered to be one with a rich, even coat color and orange eyes. To produce offspring with a uniform coat color, a pair with coat of uniform colors is needed.

The nature of such cats is very vulnerable, they often experience stress. Playful, affectionate cats with strong immune systems.

Tortoiseshell on white

This color was established thanks to the efforts of the owner of a cattery in Ohio in 1955 and cats of this color were allowed to participate in competitions. This color was registered as calico b. Cats come in all sorts of different coat colors, but white always predominates:

  • black-red-white;
  • blue cream;
  • red cream.

The peculiarity of the tortoiseshell color is that the contrasting colors are always on a white background. The spots are located in the form of patches and have clear contrasting boundaries. All representatives of this color may differ in the ratio and location of white and contrasting colored areas of the coat.


Mostly representatives of this color are females. They are always smart, flexible and beautiful. A cat of this color is always exclusive and unique. The location of the spots cannot be selected and is a purely individual feature of a particular cat. This variety appeared in the last century, and they began to participate in exhibitions only in the nineties. The darkest and blackest turtles are considered the most genetically strong.

These cats have a strong immune system and a calm and friendly character. Plus they are great mothers.


These are cats of two shades, one of them is necessarily white. Officially recognized colors:

  • Bicalor - 50% white.
  • Harlequin - 90 percent or more white and a fully colored tail. Spots on the back.
  • Van - 90 percent or more white with no spots on the back, but with a fully colored tail.

Basically, Persians with more than 50% white color are heterozygous.


In 1887, the blue cat was first registered as a Persian. All representatives of this color have excellent coat. In this color, as in other independent colors, uniformity of color is valued and inclusions of white or other colors are not welcome. Direct sunlight, natural dyes, and damp air have a bad effect on the shade of wool. To produce offspring of this color, you need to cross individuals of light colors and an independent color.

Blue Persians are very sociable and jealous. Love to be the center of attention.


The smoky, pastel colors of Persians are amazingly beautiful. In movement, this color reveals itself even more advantageously. The ends of the guard hairs in these Persians are colored smoky gray, while the undercoat remains white or silvery-white.

The ideal ones are those that show a clear contrast between the undercoat and the gray coat. Persians of this color are extremely rare.


The white Persian is the most beautiful animal. The eyes of such cats are orange, blue, and green. There are even odd-eyed Persians. It used to be that white, blue-eyed Persian kittens were deaf.

White Persian cats are gentle fluffy clouds that require special care and attention. Representatives of this color are sickly and prone to allergies. Their coat should always be kept clean and brushed regularly. To maintain the boiling white color, you should not feed your cat seafood or food with natural dyes.

The quality of the white fluffy's character will pay off all the efforts regarding care. They are very playful, like children, loving, affectionate and amazingly beautiful Persian cats, photos of which can be seen on the Internet.


These are relatives of the smoke-colored Persians. It is difficult to remain indifferent at the sight of such an animal. The jade shade of the coat is simply gorgeous. These cats have green eyes. These are docile, affectionate cats that look breathtakingly beautiful. Only a person who has a lot of time can own a Persian cat. Since this breed requires special attention and care.

Well, in general, this is a very affectionate, gentle, sweet pet. The cat is calm, balanced and devoted. A Persian cat of any color is a reason for pride and joy in the home. Not a single person will remain indifferent to this fluffy one.

Description of the breed

Today, the Persian cat is recognized by all felinological associations in the world. All existing breed standards have much in common. They describe the Persian as a medium-sized animal with a dense, square body. Wide bones, developed muscles, short and powerful neck, tightly built, stocky figure.

The judges evaluate correct proportions and harmonious build more strictly than compliance with the basic parameters. The body of the Persian cat seems much more massive due to the long, thick fur that hides the main outlines of the figure.

Appearance - what does a Persian cat look like?

  • The Persian cat has a large head and a round, dome-shaped skull. The feeling of massiveness is complemented by pronounced cheekbones and chin, full cheeks. Persians are among the cats with pronounced brachycephaly: a breed feature - a short, upturned nose, a wide bridge of the nose, and a pronounced stop. An important proportion must be observed: the length of the bridge of the nose does not exceed the width. Another important detail: the chin is vertical with the nose or slightly protrudes beyond it. A correct bite is highly valued (a slight underbite is possible). Pronounced nasolacrimal lines diverge widely, ending at the corners of the mouth. Bite defects, long bridge of the nose, narrow muzzle are serious violations leading to fines and disqualification.
  • Eyes are medium or large in size, round in shape. Direct delivery is required. The eyes must be set wide (the distance between the inner corners exceeds the size of the eye). The look is calm, as if a little surprised. An intense shade of the iris is welcome. Small eyes, oblong cut - a violation of the standard.
  • The ears are small, straight set, with wide bases and rounded tips, devoid of tassels. The outside of the auricle is densely pubescent, and the inside is covered with long protective hair. Close set of ears is a violation of the standard.
  • The body is quite large and massive. This impression is strengthened by a wide back, well-developed chest, round belly, and large bones. The width of the shoulder girdle corresponds to the width of the croup.
  • The legs are proportional to the body and correspond to its format. They are short, strong, with developed muscles and strong bones. The paws are round and medium in size.
  • The tail is straight, short, very richly furred. The pet holds it down towards the hocks. Tail defects (kinks, hooks) are a serious violation of the standard.

Today there are several subtypes bred at different times: classic, modern and extreme. Types of Persian cats differ in the structure of the head, the location of the nose relative to the line of the eyelids, and some skeletal features.

Classic type

The classic or obsolete type has the length of the bridge of the nose of the usual (classical) type. The nose is located significantly below eye level (6-10 mm). Due to the normal structure of the nasolacrimal ducts, the classic Persian does not experience any breathing problems.

Persian cat of the classic type Photo: @christypawpersians/Instagram

These animals have a natural, natural exterior, due to which they are distinguished by good health and produce numerous offspring. In previous years, the classical type was considered the main one. Today, its popularity has fallen sharply, which has led to a decrease in the population.

European type

Cats of the modern short-nosed (or European) type have a nose raised to the level of the lower eyelid and eyes wide open. The nasolacrimal ducts of cats are deformed to a lesser extent than those of extreme sports, without causing major problems with breathing and eyes.

European type Persian cat Photo: @sofiathepersianchinchilla/Instagram

Today, the modern type is the most popular, since its representatives do not suffer from severe health problems.

Extreme type (American)

An extreme cat has an even more upturned nose (towards the inner corners of the eyes). The stop in such cats is maximally expressed and is located at the level of the upper eyelid. With this location of the nose, the nasolacrimal ducts are significantly shortened and deformed, which can create breathing problems.

Extreme Persian cat Photo: @monsieurmontynancyrose/Instagram

Extreme sportsmen suffer from increased tearfulness. In this regard, the corners of the eyes and nasolacrimal grooves require daily care. Other features of the breed include a steep forehead line and low-set ears, which gives the pet a characteristic “frowning” facial expression.

This type of Persian cat was bred by American breeders, and therefore received the name “American”.

Size and weight

The Persian cat is of medium weight and size. The body weight of an adult pet varies from 3.5 to 7 kg (with height at the withers from 25 to 30 cm). The breed is characterized by sexual dimorphism: cats are much lighter (their weight does not exceed 3.5-4.5 kg), while the weight of a Persian cat reaches 7 kg (a classic Persian can weigh more).

Kittens are born very small: their weight does not exceed 90-100 g. Every month, they rapidly gain weight and by two years reach the weight of adult animals.

Table of weight of Persian cats by month:

newborn90-130 gr100-150 gr
1 month390-460 gr410-530 gr
2 months560-920 gr700-1100 gr
3 months1-1.5 kg1.2-2 kg
4 months1.4-2.3 kg1.7-3 kg
5 months2-2.6 kg2.1-3.6 kg
6 months2.2-3.4 kg2.6-4.4 kg
8 months2.7-4.2 kg3.6-5 kg
10 months3-4.5 kg4-5.9 kg
1 year3.5-5 kg4.6-6.6 kg
2 years3.8-5 kg5.2-7 kg


The main pride of the Persian cat is its luxurious coat. The two-layer, thick coat not only provides reliable protection from the winter cold, but also requires careful care. Thin, guard hair of a soft, silky texture can reach from 10 to 20 cm in length. The longest decorative hair forms elegant fringes on the chest, belly, hips, and tail.

Colonel Meow is the owner of the longest fur according to the Guinness Book of Records Photo: @colonelmeowandfriends/Instagram

Interesting fact! A cross between Himalayan and Persian cats, a cat named Colonel Meow, is the owner of the longest hair in the world. The length of his fur at the time the record was recorded (2013) was 22.87 cm.

Healthy fur is very beautiful, brightly colored, elastic and lively. Dull, faded, electrified cover indicates health problems or insufficient care. Due to the presence of a thick downy undercoat, the top coat does not adhere to the body, which makes the pet look even fluffier and larger.


The Persian cat is distinguished by an extraordinary richness of colors, and about a hundred of them are recognized as the standard.

The most popular type of color among Persians is solid (solid) . There are cats with uniformly colored coats (white, black, blue, red, lilac, cream). The combination of solid color with amber or dark orange eyes is very impressive. A white cat can traditionally have deep blue eyes or have heterochromia.

The tabbed color has three subtypes - striped, spotted and marbled. The standard allows any shades of tabby color.

Smoky is a rare type of color in which the coat is colored zonally (the base is lighter in combination with dark tips). Varieties include black, chocolate, lilac, gray, and blue smoke. The rarest type of tortoise smoke occurs in cats.

Bicolor is a popular type of color, representing a combination of colored and white shades (provided that the white zone occupies at least a third, but not more than half of the body surface). The tricolor cat of the Persian breed (calico color) combines three types of colors:

  • white, black and red;
  • white, blue and cream.

Color point is a very interesting type of color. Dark spots (brown, purple, black and blue are allowed in Persians) in the form of tan marks flaunt on the face, tail and paws. The body is always painted in a lighter tone. This variety was obtained by crossing the classic Persian with a Siamese cat and was called the Himalayan (some felinological associations distinguish color-point Persians as a separate breed).

Chinchilla is a unique type of color, the popularity of which is currently growing steadily. There are two subtypes: gold and silver. Thanks to zone-dyed hair, the impression of a beautiful, iridescent color is created. The undercoat and base of the guard hairs are light in color:

  • silver chinchilla – white;
  • golden chinchilla - apricot.

The very ends of the hair are black. A prerequisite: the nose, pads, lips and eyelids must be well pigmented.

tortoiseshell cat has a combination of several contrasting colors, which are located on the body in the form of the most bizarre spots and patterns.


The eyes of the Persian cat are extraordinary. They are large, round in cut, straight set, wide open to the world. The color of the iris tends to match the shade of the coat:

  • Most colors are characterized by amber and honey eye colors.
  • The color of the chinchilla type corresponds to an emerald shade.
  • All types of color-point colors have a rich blue iris.
  • White color in combination with a light blue tint of the iris is highly valued among professionals
  • There are white cats with heterochromic eyes.

All kittens are born with milky blue eyes due to insufficient amounts of melanin pigment. Kittens develop permanent eye color by about three weeks of age.

Persian cat (photo): animal of artistic bohemia


Origin: Greater Iran

Class: FIFe classification: category I – persian & exotic, PER standard. WCF classification: category 1 – Longhair, PER standard

Colour: white, cream, grey, blue, lilac, red, red, black and point colour, which includes cats with dark markings on their paws, tail and head

Dimensions: height at withers: up to 30 cm weight: males - up to 7 kg, females - up to 5 kg

Life expectancy: classic Persian cats – up to 20, extreme Persian cats – up to 15 years

The Persian cat is a homebody by nature and loves communication, especially with children.

She is extremely affectionate and trusting of her owners, while never being intrusive, preferring not to meow, but simply watch and wait until they are noticed.

Although they are often called "couch cats", these cats love to play and hunt insects that fly indoors.

These cats are the ancestors of exotic cats - to breed the latter, Persians were crossed with the American shorthair breed.

The trend for Persian cats was created by Queen Victoria, who had a dozen of them, all blue.

Impressive and desirable Persian variations

The Persian chinchilla is an extraordinary aristocrat, having an amazing silver or white color of the skin with a haze. The ancestors of the modern chinchilla are considered to be the silver tabby and the smoky cat. The inquisitive and playful Persian chinchilla gets along well with children.

This beauty needs scrupulous care for its coat in order to shine in all its glory at shows, because often it is this subtype of Persian that wins there.

Himalayan Persians are a color-point Persian, the result of crossing a Persian with a Siamese cat. The Himalayan cat is moderately cheerful and playful, and its owners are unlikely to get bored with it. The unusual eye color, in harmony with the coat color, made this cat recognizable and desirable among cat admirers.

Character and psychology

Representatives of this breed are characterized by restraint and a peculiar feline intelligence.

They, like oriental cats, are extremely afraid of causing the disapproval of their owner - after all, animals were created for joy, and not for grief.

Therefore, Persians are affectionate, give all their tenderness to family members and love their home very much.

They are easy to teach the rules of behavior, they are clean, they quickly get used to the tray, they can even be trained a little.

Persians are sociable, but rarely meow, preferring to make eye contact.

If you are interested in knowing why you can’t look a cat in the eyes, we recommend reading the article

Participation in all family activities is a necessity for these cats, although they really like to lie on something soft.

The Persian is an excellent companion cat for children, dogs and even small pets such as a parrot or something similar.

But they keep strangers at a distance and are in no hurry to show them their favor.

Participation in all family activities is a necessity for these cats, although they really like to lie on something soft


As already mentioned, the character is very similar to Persian cats: loyal, sweet and gentle. They choose one person to be their owner and follow him around the house like a little, plush tail. Like true friends, Exotic Shorthairs should be involved in every business you do.

As a rule, these cats inherit the traits of Persians: dignified, quiet, sensitive, calm. But, unlike them, they are more athletic and love to have fun. Their personality makes them an ideal house cat, and owners note that they should only live in apartments.

They are smarter than Persians, apparently due to the influence of American shorthairs. This influence is quite valuable, as it gives the breed a coat that is easier to care for and a character that is more lively than that of sofa Persian cats.

How to choose a kitten

If the kitten is healthy, it will be active, playful, have shiny fur, clean eyes and ears.

His tummy should be soft, there should be no odor from his mouth, and there should be no bald patches or crusts on his body.

There must be fur around the anus.

The breeder is obliged to show you all the documents and certificates, show you the conditions in which the kittens are kept and introduce you to their parents.

If you take a kitten home, there must be a mother cat there, and you must also be shown the conditions of their keeping.

The Persian cat is a wonderful companion for children, dogs and even small pets such as a parrot or something similar. But they keep strangers at a distance and are in no hurry to show them their favor

You should adopt a kitten no earlier than two months, otherwise there is a high risk of developing diseases. He should already be able to eat on his own.

How to determine the age of a kitten is described here:

But, if you intend to start breeding Persian cats, take a kitten even later, when he is four months old.

Then all defects, if any, are visible. In any case, you will need expert advice, so it is better to take kittens from nurseries for breeding.

If you can’t decide what color your Persian cat should be, the photos will help you make the right choice.

We create offspring

Mating Persian cats is a creative and difficult task, because... Persian cats show their temperament, and the first mating is not always successful. If the second time also failed, then the next mating of Persian cats should be with another lover.

In the wild or in conditions of walking, Persian cats themselves find a suitable female, but this way you can lose the breed, and the expected Persian chinchilla kittens will turn out to be mongrels.

Mating Persian cats is a responsible process. Owners need to check the health of their pets and provide them with a cozy place for mating. You can stand nearby, but you should not distract the cats.

The next stage is pregnancy. All mothers of the Persian cat breed treat their own offspring with increased trepidation and tenderness.

Himalayan kittens, Persians, chinchillas - they are all defenseless, so you must create a safe and comfortable environment for them next to their mother for at least three months. Only in this case, little fluffies will gain weight well and enjoy good health.

Features of care


The most difficult procedure - because their long hair (up to 12 cm) constantly gets tangled and is prone to tangles.

Therefore, the pet needs full grooming, and sometimes a haircut.

To make combing easier, you can apply talc to the coat, and use only high-quality combs.

The procedure should be daily, lasting a quarter of an hour. And once a week, more thorough combing is necessary using a furminator.

The long and beautiful coat of Persians requires careful and regular care.

Persians require frequent washing - twice a month, although it does not give them pleasure.

Due to the long hair that cats constantly lick, lumps form in their stomachs.

To remove them, special pastes and tablets are required.

If your kitty suffers from watery eyes, you will need to wipe her face daily.

A Persian cat requires an individual, spacious place where it can stretch out to its full length or curl up in a ball.

Do not place this place in the corridor - the cat must constantly see and feel the presence of its owners.

Persian cats and kittens love to play, so get them a ball and something soft. Three different items will be enough.

You can learn how to make toys for a cat with your own hands from the article

It would also be a good idea to buy or make a scratching post.

Persian cats, due to selective selection, turned out to be the most domestic of all breeds. They are not adapted to street life


Persian cats, due to selective selection, turned out to be the most domestic of all breeds. They are not adapted to street life.

They can be released onto the lawn in the park or brought to the country house. After stomping a little on the grass, they will return to the house or jump into your arms.

Their favorite walk is around the house following family members.

Kittens are more mobile and require active action.

Walking and physical exercise are a good idea for older cats to prevent obesity from progressing.

Don't forget to wear a flea and tick collar on your pet.

Get ready to exercise... One, two, three, four - arms higher, legs wider


Small kittens up to six months should be given a mixture of warm milk and cottage cheese, the consistency of sour cream, a boiled egg (not raw), boiled chicken and a little raw beef.

Porridge with milk is not prohibited, but it makes some kittens weak. Dry food is gradually added from 3 months.

Adult cats are given food 3 times a day. The diet should consist of 40% protein - meat, sea fish, eggs and unsalted cheese.

The remaining share is cereals and carbohydrate root vegetables, fatty meat in small quantities or fish oil.

With special super premium food, no additives are needed; this is the best option.

You cannot feed Persians human food with a high content of seasonings, salt, sugar and fat, or give river fish, raw eggs and tubular bones.

A Persian cat requires an individual, spacious place where it can stretch out to its full length or curl up in a ball.

Care and maintenance

If we talk about who is suitable for a Persian, then the choice will fall on a person who is not deprived of time and money. Not everyone can afford the cost of caring for and maintaining a Persian cat. An animal is equally comfortable in a large house and in a small apartment. Most of the money will go towards grooming tools.

The high need for grooming is explained by the long hair and peculiarities of appearance. A long-haired pet should be brushed daily. Use a natural bristle brush and a wide-tooth comb. During shedding, do not use a slicker brush - it will damage the undercoat.

Shedding is profuse, so it is recommended to use a spray conditioner that stimulates the shedding of excess fur. A shedding cat can be taken for grooming. A new haircut will get rid of excess hair and reduce the likelihood of tangles.

Long hair protects the cat well from the cold. If you decide to cut it, make sure your pet is protected from drafts. Place warm bedding on the window sills and place the cat house in a safe place.

You can wash your pet 1-2 times a month. Use veterinary shampoo for long-haired breeds and avoid getting water in the ears. With less frequent washing, the quality of the coat deteriorates and skin problems arise.

Use cotton swabs to clean ears and eyes. Wet them with water and gently wipe the ear and eyes. Due to increased tearing, eye care should be daily.

Don't forget about your teeth. The Persians' oral cavity is a vulnerable spot. Get your cat used to toys and treats that prevent the development of tartar. Toothpaste for animals will provide additional protection.

Persian cats quickly get used to scratching posts, so they do not need to have their nails trimmed. Take a closer look at which scratching post your pet prefers. Some people like vertical designs, while others like horizontal ones. Place them throughout your home and “spice them up” with catnip. If your pet tries to sharpen its claws on the sofa, take it to a scratching post. Reward good behavior with praise and treats.

When keeping a Persian, do not forget about his comfort. Do not disturb the animal if it is sleeping. You cannot drag him out of the house or forcibly pick him up. This is bad for the cat's psyche. In addition to the master's bed and sofa, the pet should have its own private place where it can rest alone. An open lounger or a closed house is suitable for this.

One of the unpleasant habits of the Persian is burying waste too vigorously. If the construction of “sand castles” has begun in the toilet, buy a tray with higher sides or a closed type. Placing filler under the mesh will help solve the problem, but the animal must be accustomed to this from childhood.


Characteristic diseases

The health of Persian cats, like that of Neva masquerade cats, is average.

Unfortunately, they are characterized by hereditary diseases, since as a result of strict selection, along with positive qualities, negative qualities are acquired and, worst of all, sometimes negative ones are fixed.

Persian cats suffer from:

- cardiomyopathy, which can cause death even in a young cat;

- kidney disease, in some cases it comes to kidney failure;

- progressive retinal atrophy leading to blindness;

- increased lacrimation;

- difficulty breathing due to a small flat nose;

- dental diseases - gingivitis, periodontitis, formation of tartar and plaque.

Due to the long hair that cats constantly lick, lumps form in their stomachs. To remove them, special pastes and tablets are required.


An annual four-time vaccination is required if the cat is not exported abroad, and, if necessary, a lichen vaccination.

Before vaccination, the cat should be given an anthelmintic. Kittens aged 4 to 9 months are not vaccinated because they are changing teeth.

How to choose a name for your Persian pet

Agree, it’s hard to call the fluffy pet of noble Persian blood Vaska or Murka. However, do not rush to give him any of the “royal” nicknames. It is wisest to first observe the animal, paying attention to its color, behavior and other points that may give you a good idea in the process of choosing a name. Perhaps, while dreaming of purchasing a cat, you unexpectedly earned a very large sum of money. So why not immortalize this significant event by naming your pet, for example, Baksik, Funtik or Mani?

The name of your Persian cat can also indicate your profession or hobby: for example, if you are a programmer, then an excellent name for a furry pet companion could be Linux, Flash Drive, Simka or Pixel and so on, depending on your imagination. So sometimes a pet’s name tells a lot more not about the animal itself, but about its owner: his lifestyle, taste, welfare, education and even age.

As for the nicknames associated with the character, appearance and other features of the cat, as well as euphonious “royal” names, among them we can distinguish, for example, Raf, Barkhan, Nils, Marcus, Simba, Casper, Lucky, Sherlock or even Peach for boys and Snezha, Joly, Tesla, Vax, Ollie, Leda, Fairy, Skoda or Athena for girls. If, despite all the options, the problem with choosing a nickname remains, you should turn to your pet’s pedigree.


Before mating, animals are given anthelmintic prophylaxis and are examined by a doctor.

The owner must plan time in such a way as to have free days for mating and postpartum care.

Persian cats and kittens love to play, so get them a ball and something soft. Three different items will be enough

Since the color of Persian cats is an important component when planning future offspring, the male is selected according to pedigree and color matching.

Important! Hand feeding is contraindicated for Persian cats, especially if they beg for food. To prevent this from happening, give them food before you sit down to dinner.

And finally, older cats will have to wear warm pajamas at night, because they get cold, even if the house is warm.

5.9 General summary Characteristics 5.3 Editor's summary Aggression 2 Adaptability 8 Activity 2 Weight 6 Training 6 Friendliness 8 Playfulness 6 Intelligence 6 Noise 4 6.5 User summary: Aggression 2 Adaptability 8 Activity 3 Weight 9 Training 9 Friendliness 10 Playfulness 7 Intelligence 10 Noise 1 Add your review | Read reviews and comments

  • Anna Lyakhovich

What to feed?

It is very important to control the amount of food that gets into your pet’s mouth and not hand feed Persian cats. Create a cat diet or choose special dry food.

Many people want to feed their cat food from the table, seasoned with spices - this should not be done, because... salty and peppery foods may harm the Persian's digestive tract.

A varied natural diet includes not only protein foods (dairy, lean meat, fish and boiled eggs), but also carbohydrate foods (porridge, bread and vegetables). If your dog doesn’t want to eat just porridge, use a trick and mix it with protein ingredients. Such nutrition, in combination with additional vitamins, will provide your pet with a beautiful appearance and adequate weight.

First appearance

From the very moment of their appearance, extreme sportsmen were considered a high-class noble breed. They were presented as gifts to noble families along with other valuable goods. The first mention of the animal is found in the travel notes of Valle, a merchant who brought cats to Italy from Iran. It was from these eight pets that the whole family appeared.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the astronomer de Pieresque brought several more long-haired pets from Ankara to France; he called them Angoras. Over time, it was this scientist who became the first breeder of extreme sports. But the animals were almost nothing like modern representatives of the breed; specialists had been working on them for hundreds of years. The symbiosis of an angora and an Iranian cat was recognized as the best pet.

And in Ireland there is a legend that the Persians appeared as a result of crossing steppe animals living in Asia and Africa. And several felinologists insist that wild manuals were their ancestors. Reliable information is that the first cats came to Europe from the East. The breed was taken seriously only in England.

It was officially registered in 1887, after which the animal underwent some changes:

  • the rectangular body became more rounded;
  • the head became massive;
  • the shape of the eyes has lengthened slightly;
  • the distance between the ears has increased;
  • a naive childish expression appeared on the muzzle.

Nurseries with extreme sports appeared in the USA, France, Italy and the Russian Federation in the 19th century.

Tips for choosing a kitten

Never choose a pet based on a photo on the Internet. There are a lot of scammers on the free message board. Behind the attractive picture there may be a sick animal or a mixed breed resulting from crossing a Persian and a barn cat.

Belonging to the breed is guaranteed only by kennels and private breeders who are members of kennel clubs. When selling kittens, they provide the buyer with a sales contract, birth certificate, pedigree and veterinary passport. All these documents are a guarantee of a safe transaction.

The choice of a pet is made according to 2 criteria: appearance and behavior. A healthy kitten has well-groomed fur without bald spots, clean eyes and ears. He must be active and not aggressive.

Persian kittens are available for sale after 2 months. If you are purchasing a pet for breeding or participation in exhibitions, then it is better to hold off on the purchase. Compliance with the standard will be noticeable only after 3-4 months. More accurate information can be obtained in consultation with an experienced breeder. He will explain how to choose a future winner and not fall for the tricks of scammers.

External standards

Extreme cats are a type of Persian. There are three standards in total; they differ only in the location of the nose. The most common European type today, but exotic ones have a higher price.

Main subspecies of the breed:

  • Old English;
  • European;
  • extreme.

In cats of the first type, the nose is straight, located slightly below the eyes. The second differs in that the nasal wings are located in line with the lower eyelids. The extreme sportsman’s nose is raised much higher, almost touching the inner corners of his eyes. Animals hardly communicate by voice; they express their requests by looking long and intently into the owner’s eyes.

Otherwise, the cats are similar: they have a large, powerful body, a round head with a wide muzzle, and small rounded ears. They also have large expressive eyes, a short thick neck, strong massive paws, and a short fluffy tail. The coat is very long, reaches 20 cm, and shines and shimmers in the light. There is a dense short undercoat, usually lighter than the main hairs. The body weight of males is about 7 kg, females weigh 4-5 kg.

Coat color can be different; there are more than a hundred varieties. It is difficult to classify extreme sports people on this basis, so they are divided by eye color:

  • yellow;
  • green;
  • blue.

Yellow-eyed pets have two types of coats: simple and complex. In the first option, the shade of the undercoat and the main coat is the same, usually black, red, white or tortoiseshell. The complex color consists of several colors: the fluff is lighter, the fur is darker. Popular pets are tabby or smoky gray.

Cats with green eyes are unevenly colored, often resembling a chinchilla or rabbit. Pets with fur of a darkened silver shade are considered valuable. Blue-eyes are covered with bright spots, and the color of the main coat is often light. Although silver and tabbed animals can be found. Blue, tortoiseshell, pure white and red Persians are highly prized by breeders.

Appearance and color of the Persian breed

A real Persian has a strong body, large expressive eyes and wonderful thick fur.

The length of such pleasant fur can be from ten to twenty centimeters. Such a distinctive feature is considered to be of extraordinary beauty, and accordingly requires careful care.

The body of the domestic animal is of average values, distinguished by its muscularity and dense physique. Huge eyes located on a massive head beckon with their attractiveness (see photo). The nose is slightly upturned and the ears are small.

The very first Persians in the world had only two colors - white and blue.

Modern types of furry cats have more varied shades of fur, such as:

  • cream;
  • silver;
  • red;
  • multi-colored;
  • smoky;
  • black.

Extreme character

Extreme cats are better adapted to life next to humans than other breeds. In the wild, in the wild, they quickly die. This is a sociable pet; it easily communicates even with capricious children and gloomy family members. The cat loves its owner all its life; from the first days of living in the house, it chooses a friend, protects him, heals him, and empathizes with his problems.

Persians are very sociable, they constantly require attention and love. If you move to a new place, you need to keep your pet near you. Otherwise, he will become sad and may get sick. The animal literally freezes without its owner. It refuses to eat and drink, and practically does not move alone. But with the arrival of a beloved family member, he comes to life and behaves very actively.

Extreme sports people show more concern for their offspring than representatives of other breeds. A cat during pregnancy and childbirth requires attention from the owner. She considers him a member of her family, so she often asks him to feed, scratch or pet him. She also expects him to actively participate in raising the cubs and feeding them.

But at the same time, the extreme female is torn between maternal feelings and responsibility to the owner. She strives to give as much care as possible to both humans and kittens. Therefore, a pregnant cat or one that has already given birth should be surrounded with affection, stroked and talked to more often.

Persians have different personalities, but they are never aggressive or angry. In childhood, cats are restless, active, and often keep their owner awake with their games. If you continue to maintain this state, then the adult extreme sportsman will also be active.

The breed is suitable for those who like to hug and touch cats; it calmly tolerates frequent touching and squeezing. Persians often lie on a sore spot, trying to take away the pain. Because of this, their immunity is weakened.

Character traits inherent in the breed

According to the stories of owners of Persian pets, keeping a cat at home is a lot of fun. This is a playful representative of the cat family who loves his owner immensely. In addition, the breed has the following character traits:

  • Persians have soft character traits and a very pleasant voice, which the cat practically never uses;
  • the Persian constantly demands love and attention from his owners, repaying the same in return;
  • the breed is gentle and pampered, although undemanding compared to other representatives of cats;
  • the cat remains devoted to its owner until the end of its life, not forgetting to show its status.

Although animals will always shower their owner with extra attention, they constantly sit or nap on a person's lap, and sometimes even smear themselves on their owner's shoulders, purring gently in his ear. The Persian cat does not tolerate loneliness, and therefore can constantly get underfoot.

Compared to other pet breeds, Persians are the most domestic . These fluffy beauties will not survive outside a house or apartment. Living in a large family, the animal always chooses a leader, to whom it remains devoted for life, giving its love and affection.

Animal care

Extreme people are quite curious and naive, they taste all small objects, climb into closets and laundry baskets. Suitable living conditions must be created for them. All medicines and medications are placed in closed places, and in the kitchen the pet is protected from hot surfaces and sharp instruments. It’s also better not to leave dirty dishes in sight; the kitten will definitely try to lick them.

Before turning on, check household appliances. A small animal can simply fall asleep in a washing machine, open multi-cooker or oven. It is recommended to put strong nets on the windows; balconies should be closed. Extreme sports enthusiasts love to sit on the windowsill and watch the movements on the street.

It is imperative to take care of the long hair of Persians. This is an entire art that requires the use of special means and tools. The cat is brushed several times a day. First, they go over the hairs with a brush with sparse teeth, then carefully comb the thicker ones, and at the last stage use a fine comb. After this, spray the fur coat with conditioner or strengthening spray. It is recommended to use antistatic agents.

The extreme sports enthusiast is bathed several times a week with a special shampoo. Kittens are afraid of water at first, but gradually get used to it. After the bath, blot the coat with a large terry towel and comb until completely dry. Periodically, you need to cut your cat's hair without touching its tail. But scissors should not touch a color-point pet, otherwise its pigmentation will be disrupted.

It is important to choose the right diet for extreme sports enthusiasts. Natural feeds are mixed with industrial ones; almost half of the daily intake should be proteins. Persians happily eat lean veal and pork, chicken and turkey, dairy products and legumes. The source of carbohydrates will be wheat and rye bread, cereals and porridges, oatmeal and root vegetables.

Many vitamins and minerals are found in raw and boiled vegetables, asparagus, herbs, olives, and fruits. You should not include flour sweets, spices and seasonings in your diet. If you teach a kitten to catch mice from the age of three months, he will grow up to be a good hunter.

Contents of the Persian

These pets are not the easiest to care for. The priority areas are fur and eyes.

The fur of Persian cats can mat and form tangles and tangles. To carefully care for her, you need to have shampoos and conditioners special for this breed, sprays that make combing easier, talcum powder, as well as several combs with large and fine teeth.

Persian fur needs to be groomed every day, or every other day at most. Thus, it will not take a lot of time, nerves and effort from either the owner or the pet. If you are not going to participate in championships or exhibitions with your cat, then especially in the hot season, you can cut it, this will make care much easier.

Let's especially focus on the eyes. “Tears” that form in the corners of the eyes can make it difficult for the animal to breathe; as they occur, they must be removed with a cotton swab.

If you notice that your cat is snoring, don't be alarmed, this is normal. Since Persian cats have a deviated nasal septum, they can make sounds similar to snoring while sleeping.

Cat diseases

Extreme people have good health, but are susceptible to hereditary diseases.

The most common:

  • renal failure;
  • blindness;
  • tearfulness of the eyes;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • formation of tartar.

Young kittens can develop polycystic kidney disease. Blindness can be noticed at 4 weeks of life. If it manifests itself, then by 8 months the pet will be completely blind; only surgery can help. Due to its flat muzzle, the animal's eyes water heavily. It is necessary to regularly blot them with napkins and treat them with chamomile decoction or a special lotion.

An extreme sports enthusiast may also have a weak heart; he often suffers from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Persians are susceptible to the formation of plaque and tartar, and gingivitis. Kittens are examined by a veterinarian several times a month from birth. He can prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes, mandatory vaccines and means to treat the body against external and internal parasites.

Extreme Persian cats are very affectionate and attentive, but they show pride towards someone they don't like. They will behave well only with the owner, they show coldness towards others, sometimes even ignore them.

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Cost of kittens

The cost of kittens depends on the assigned class, the presence of titles and awards from the parents, color, gender and age:

  • The cost of a pet-class kitten is from 7 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • The cost of a breed-class kitten is from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.
  • The price of a show class kitten starts from 25-50 thousand rubles.

Having looked after the baby, they get to know his parents better and check the availability of a package of completed documents. The kitten is examined, paying attention to the condition of the skin, eyes, and ears. They check whether the baby is active, strives to communicate, and accepts the invitation to play. It is recommended to purchase breed and show class kittens not on your own, but with the help of a professional expert.

Two month old kittens are offered for sale. At this age, they acquire sufficient independence to leave their mother's nest. If a kitten is bought for exhibitions, then it is not recommended to take it from the nursery until it reaches the age of 4 months, when the breed characteristics are formed.

Persian health

White kittens are often born blind. Some animals develop vision problems a month after birth, and complete blindness develops by 4 months of life. Persians are susceptible to hereditary diseases such as gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and polycystic kidney disease. They may develop hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (pathology of the heart muscle) and hip dystrophy (due to the large weight of males).

If the animal refuses to eat, is lethargic and passive, the Persian should be shown to a veterinarian in order to promptly detect the disease and begin to fight it.

The most common pathology of the Persian breed is tearfulness. It is associated with blockage of the lacrimal glands due to the structure of the snout. The snub nose of an exotic animal with a defect in the nasal septum makes breathing difficult, which is why the animal often wheezes and sniffles. The classic Persian cat suffers from this less often.

Features of feeding

When preparing a diet from natural products, follow the standard rules for feeding cats. Industrial products are selected taking into account the age, physical condition, and health of the pet.

Persians will benefit from foods with ingredients to stimulate digestion and intestinal motility:

  • Royal canin produces two types of food for Persian cats: for adult animals 1 – 10 years old and kittens up to one year. Manufacturers changed the shape of the granules taking into account the anatomical structure of the Persian jaws. Components are added to the food to improve the microflora of the stomach and remove lumps: plantain seeds, borage oil.
  • NOW “Weight Control” is intended for cats prone to obesity and older animals. The food contains fresh poultry and fish, prebiotics to improve digestion, and no grains.
  • Go! Sensitivity + shine is created on the basis of duck meat; instead of cereals, peas, lentils, and chickpeas are used. To stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, pea fiber, chicory root, and dried probiotic bacteria are added.
  • Schesir Hairball contains components to strengthen the coat and remove hair balls from the gastrointestinal tract: Omega acids, fish oil, flaxseed, brewer's yeast, plant extracts. A complex of amino acids, vitamins, aloe vera improves skin condition.
  • Fitmin cat For Life Hairball consists of poultry meat and liver. The food contains an increased amount of fiber to stimulate intestinal motility: beet pulp, apple pulp, bran.

Persians get along well with single elderly people, young couples, and large families. The main condition is the availability of free time for daily communication and care.

Interesting facts about the breed

The Persian cat breed differs from other breeds not only in appearance, but in the history of their development there are many interesting facts.

  1. Back in 1901, the first club of blue Persian cat lovers was created in Great Britain, where at first only blue-eyed specimens were recognized, but then yellow-eyed ones were also included in the standard.
  2. In the USA, since 1935, breeders began to breed long-haired Persian colorpoints. The first kitten with the nickname Debutant marked the beginning of the breed of cats with a Siamese pattern, but similar to the Persians.
  3. Persian cats were the favorites of Queen Victoria, who was inseparable from them. Following her, all the court ladies acquired blue Persians.
  4. Snow-white cats with blue eyes are often susceptible to a genetic disease. They are more likely to be deaf from birth.
  5. Chinchilla cats have a defect in the form of a short tongue, so they do not lick themselves.
  6. Persians are different from other cats in that they love grooming and take great pleasure in being brushed.

Of all the variety of amazing cat breeds that exist, many people around the world prefer the cute snub-nosed Persians.

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