Don Sphynx: description of the breed, character, 33 photos

The Don Sphynx is a heat-loving and very whimsical animal, distinguished by curiosity and intelligence. Treats its owners with tenderness and affection. Like a real hairless cat, the Donetsk cat will definitely make a lasting impression on the people who come to visit his owners. These cats love to sit in their arms for a long time, purr, and any owner will enjoy petting him while sitting in a comfortable chair.

Don Sphynx

Origin story

The Don Sphynx breed became known in 1990. It was named after the city on this river - Rostov-on-Don, where the first individual was born. The story began in 1986, when Elena Kovaleva found a kitten on the street and gave her the nickname Varvara. After some time, the cat began to quickly lose its fur. This alerted the owner and she turned to the veterinarians, but they were unable to determine the cause of the baldness.

The cat was in excellent health; no diseases were found in her. Somewhat later, she was matched with a cat of the Celtic breed, as a result of which three kittens were born. One cat from the litter was completely hairless. The owner named her Chita. It is Chita who is considered the first representative of the Don sphinxes. She became interested in the experienced felinologist Irina Nemykina, who began breeding and propagating the new breed, and already in 1996 she achieved official registration for it.

Don Sphynx kitten

Tips for keeping your kitten healthy

Veterinarians recommend the following ways to maintain the health of a kitten:

  1. Study the movements and reactions of the kitten to immediately understand if he suddenly gets sick and immediately contact a veterinarian;
  2. Provide your kitten with proper nutrition by choosing a balanced diet appropriate for the animal’s age;
  3. Kittens need to sleep a lot, so provide your pet with a quiet and comfortable place to rest;
  4. Never wake a sleeping kitten;
  5. Take time to play with the kitten, as it needs communication and physical activity;
  6. Always stick to your vaccination schedule.

The first months of a kitten’s life are a time of intensive growth and development. By taking care of your pet's health at this stage, you can lay the foundation for a healthy kitten life in the future.


Breed standard and description

This breed's standards allow for little hair on the skin by the age of two. The amount of fur on an animal’s body depends on the time of year, hormonal levels, and room temperature.

There are strict standards establishing the description of the Don Sphynx breed. The animal's body has an athletic, raised shape with well-developed muscles. The croup should be wider than the shoulders, but the silhouette itself is elongated. The head, neck, and armpits have folds of skin resembling wrinkles. Males are larger than females, the average weight of a male is 7 kg, females - about 5 kg.

Naked sphinx



The skin is pleasantly smooth and feels hot to a person. The Sphynx has a higher body temperature than other cat breeds. For him, this is the norm and in this case there is no need to show the pet to the veterinarian.

The skin contains the pigment melanin, thanks to which the sphinx tans, and from an overabundance of the sun even burns from ultraviolet radiation form. An animal can sweat over the entire surface of its body. The legs are of medium length, the toes are elongated, reminiscent of human ones. The tail is long, straight, tapering to the tip.

The head is wedge-shaped, clearly defined cheekbones with a straight nose and chin. The Sphynx's ears are large and tilted forward, but not too much. The eyes should be slightly slanted and almond-shaped. Eye color can be any. The cat's whiskers are small and slightly curly. An animal may also have no whiskers at all.

Table of Don Sphynx standards.

Don Sphynxes live on average 13-15 years, but there are long-lived individuals who have lived for more than 20 years.

Skin and fur of the Don Sphynx

The lack of hair in these animals is dictated by a gene mutation. As they grow older, their “baldness” only progresses. The Don Sphynx acquires its final appearance at two to three years. There are several types of hairlessness:

  • Hooded or rubber. In this case, the fur is completely absent; in addition, the animal has no mustache, eyebrows, or hairs on its paws. The future color of a kitten can be determined by the color of the pads on its paws. The animal's skin itself is elastic, with a large number of folds throughout the body. During the cold season, sparse, fine wool may form.
  • Flock and velor. Such cats have short fluff that resembles these fabrics when touched. Flock cats have hair evenly distributed throughout the body, while velor cats only have hair on the face, tail, and paws. The Don Sphynx Velor completely loses its fur with age due to the death of hair follicles.
  • The Don Sphynx Brush has longer and denser hair compared to flocked individuals. They may grow new fur and then be lost completely. This depends on many factors - hormones, temperature, living conditions and others.
  • Straight-haired. These cats do not have the gene responsible for hairlessness. The animal has the usual fur for cats. However, it is characterized by the presence of other features of the physique of sphinxes.

The gene for lack of hair is recessive or in other words weak. When crossing an animal with fur and a hairless one, individuals with normal hair will be born. There may only be a few Sphynx kittens.

Skin and fur of the Don Sphynx.

Differences between Don Sphynx brush and velor

Brush Sphynx cats have short, almost invisible hair on the skin, a few millimeters long. Because of this, the cat may not have a very bright appearance, and in some colors create the impression of untidiness. That is why such kittens are cheaper than representatives of other varieties of Don Sphynxes. However, this is a distinctive feature that makes it a unique animal.

First mating

The first mating for Canadian Sphynxes should be organized only after your pet is at least one and a half years old. At the same time, the cat will be completely ready for mating only after two, or even better, three heats. As for cats, the ideal age for the first mating is one and a half to two years, since only at this age the animal’s body has already formed. It should be noted that care should be taken to ensure that by this age both male and female cats have already received all the necessary vaccinations. Please note that under no circumstances should animals be vaccinated two weeks before mating.


The colors of hairless cats are varied. But due to the lack of wool, they do not look very bright. The colors themselves can be divided into several groups - solid, points, and patikolours. Solid or solid colors include:

  • White. This color is found in all breeds. Don Sphynxes with this coloring may have cream shades than pure white.
  • Black. In color painting it is called seal point. Black individuals have varying degrees of skin pigmentation. It can be from dark black to gray. When determining color, you need to examine the paw pads, nose and ear rims. Eyes can be any color.
  • Blue. This color is a lightened version of black. May appear as baby blue or light grey.
  • Red. This color cannot exist without tabby coloring. Newborn red kittens are often confused with cream kittens.
  • Cream. Lightened version of red.

Tortoiseshell colors are unique to cats and there are several types of tortoiseshells:

  • black tortoise is a combination of black and red colors;
  • The blue turtle is a combination of cream and blue.

White sphinx.

Black Sphinx.

Blue Don Sphynx.

Red Sphinx.

Cream Sphynx.

Tortoiseshell color.
An important condition for determining the color of a turtle is the ability to distinguish it from a tabby-torby. The tortoiseshell color is a combination of black, red or cream. There are also other types of colors of Don Sphynxes:

  • Chocolate. This variant is black in color, in the eastern group it is called “Havana”. This type of color is rare and atypical for Donetsk residents.
  • Particolors. There are some variations of this color, calico and bicolor. This type is a tortoiseshell color with a combination of white. More than half should be white. Bicolors are a mixture of the main coat color and white. The proportion can be 9 to 1.
  • Color points. These colors are found in all cat breeds and the Don Sphynx is no exception. It is a mixture of three or more colors in varying proportions.
  • Tabby. Can be classic, spotted black, brindle.

The Don breed does not have different patterns on its body. It is extremely difficult to see them on naked animals.

Material on the topic: popular colors of the Scottish cat breed.

Signs that it's about to start

A few days before giving birth, the cat begins to secrete colostrum from the swollen mammary glands. She often licks her genitals and may lose her appetite and refuse to eat. Body temperature decreases, as indicated by cold ears and nose.

Not only physical signs indicate an approaching birth. Behavior changes significantly. The cat sometimes tries to hide in a secluded place and begins to set up a maternity nest. If she has already met and accepted the house offered, she often climbs in and out of it. At times he follows the owner, caresses him, meows restlessly and calls for him.

The closer the time of birth approaches, the more intermittent her breathing becomes, she may lie with her hind legs stretched out limply. Well, of course, the surest sign is water and contractions.

Care and maintenance

Caring for the Don Sphynx requires special conditions. This is due to the peculiarities of the animal’s heat exchange, which consist of the absence of fur and increased body temperature. If a kitten ends up in a home where there are other animals, it is recommended to isolate it for several weeks for safety reasons. These animals are sensitive to changes in environmental temperature. It is worth taking this into account, especially during the off-season, when the apartment has already become cool, but the heating has not yet been turned on. Many owners buy clothes for this or turn on the split system in heating mode.

In general, all hairless cats do not need walking and feel great all their lives in an apartment, without contact with the outside world. You also need to know that the skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The cat should not spend a lot of time in the sun, as it may get burned. Many owners note the increased appetite of these animals, which is dictated by their fast metabolism, which also depends on heat exchange. The animal is forced to spend a lot of calories to maintain its optimal body temperature.

The Don Sphynx must receive food at least 3 times a day, but adhere to certain diet rules. Like any other cat, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the eyes, ears, and teeth. Due to increased secretion of the glands, the cat needs to be bathed at least once every 10 days, preferably every week.

The process of mating cats

In most cases, mating of Canadian Sphynxes lasts no more than half a minute. She is accompanied by rather loud cries of a cat and a strong purring of a cat. Just at this moment, an egg is released from the cat's ovaries. However, fertilization does not occur immediately, taking about a day. In some cases, one mating is not enough for pregnancy to occur, and therefore both partners must spend a few more days with each other.

The most favorable time for mating of the Canadian Sphynx is the third to fifth day of estrus. This is explained by the fact that this is precisely the period when females ovulate.

If you look closely at the behavior of the Canadian Sphynx, it will be very easy to understand when mating has completed. Indeed, immediately after the end of mating, the female begins to roll on the floor, turning over on her back, and she can do this for a fairly long period of time. As for the cat, after finishing mating he strives for privacy and begins to wash himself and lick his fur.


The majority of the diet should consist of proteins and carbohydrates - this is the main requirement for proper nutrition of the Don Sphynx. In addition to them, there must be vitamins, proteins, minerals, macro-microelements. Nutrition can be provided with ready-made food or natural food. Natural nutrition should consist of meat. This is the best source of protein. It is better to choose chicken, veal, and rabbit meat. Fatty varieties should be excluded. By-products can be used - kidneys, liver, chicken hearts. Scars can be given no more than once a week. Cereals, raw or boiled vegetables are used as additional nutrition for meat.

What to feed a Sphynx cat?

Sphinxes are real gluttons. They love to eat and gobble up even the simplest food with appetite, be it porridge or soup. However, it is too early to rejoice. Due to its accelerated metabolism and sensitive digestive system, the Sphynx requires a varied, balanced diet.

Sphynx cats are happy to try new dishes

Twice a week you should offer your animal canned meat. The Sphinx's menu must include raw fish, meat, boiled liver, dairy products and dry food. Fresh drinking water should always be freely available.

IMPORTANT: Overheated or supercooled food is unacceptable. Sphynxes are allowed to be fed food at room temperature.

Raising a pet

Don Sphynxes have a very vulnerable and gentle soul. This animal can be easily offended. Pets have a soft and affectionate character. These animals are not characterized by jealousy or aggression. It is worth raising them taking into account these characteristics, without aggression and unnecessary pressure.

Character traits

These cats like to sit on their owner's lap for long periods of time. If a person is busy, the cat will make every effort to attract his attention. The character of the Don Sphynx can be described as moderately lazy. They equally enjoy running around the apartment and lying on a warm radiator or under a blanket. They suffer from curiosity only at a young age. This is manifested in the most common cat pranks that kittens of all breeds commit. As they grow older, their activity decreases, and the rhythm of life becomes measured and calm.

Another character trait is peacefulness. They extremely rarely become the instigators of conflicts in relation to other animals, and especially to people. This is especially true for small pets (rodents, birds), which are highly likely to survive being in the same room in the company of a sphinx.

Material on the topic: all about the character and habits of Maine Coons.

Specifics of training

Don Sphynxes have a fairly developed level of intelligence, so they are easy to train, and even more so to raise. Accustoming to the tray occurs after the first acquaintance with it. With a little effort, patience and time, your cat can be taught simple commands, such as fetching slippers and even giving a voice.

Characteristics of sphinxes

By nature, the creatures from the Don are kind, friendly and sociable. Many owners describe the breed as “kissing.” A cat with smooth, soft skin constantly wants to be petted and rewarded for good behavior. And the pet itself always reaches out to the owner to rub against him, expressing his adoration and devotion. Usually, a feline family member chooses only one “leader” from among all members of the household, whom he will love more and obey more often.

How to train a Don Sphynx to use a litter box

Hairless Don pets are unlikely to be jealous of a person’s other pets. Although, if a Donetsk resident feels that he received less affection and attention than others, he will definitely be offended. The cat will not take revenge or commit meanness, but will only cast an expressive glance at the owner, full of reproach.

In childhood and adolescence, Don Sphynxes are very active and playful. Young hairless meteors rush around the entire perimeter of the apartment - from floor to ceiling. Over time, many individuals become calmer and wiser. Although at any age they will be happy to communicate with people. Cats have a hard time being separated from their beloved “leader,” so experienced owners advise getting another animal.

Don cats are reasonable and understanding, so they are calm about hygienic procedures and are reserved even when examined and vaccinated by a veterinarian. They are also patient when playing with children and show a gentle character. These animals defend themselves much less often than others with the help of teeth and claws. Therefore, they are safe for families with children.

They say that such cats have healing energy and properties. Although this has not been scientifically proven, this assumption is difficult to ignore. Practice shows that hairless Rostov cats are more likely than other cats to engage in “doctoring.” They intuitively find the diseased area, lay their whole warm, warming body on it and send healing impulses inside.


Now this breed is especially popular. That is why there are more and more nurseries and breeders who deal with them. There are no problems with breeding this breed. Puberty occurs in sphinxes at the age of 1-1.5 years, in females earlier - at about 6 months. But breeding can only begin after the third heat. This minimizes the risk of health problems for the cat during pregnancy and childbirth.

White Don Sphynx.


Before breeding, the animal must receive all required vaccinations. The animal must not be lethargic, sick, have defects or deviations from breed standards.


Pregnancy becomes noticeable in the third week. Lasts on average 64 days, and the litter consists of 4-6 kittens. During this period, the cat needs special care and increased nutrition. You need to feed more often and more. The feeding frequency is 3-5 times a day, and the usual portion should be increased by at least 20%-30%. The same recommendations apply to nursing cats.

Castration and sterilization

Sphynx cats are highly sexually active compared to other cat breeds. If the owner does not intend to breed, it is worth undergoing surgery. Otherwise, the cat will begin to mark its territory, and even mental disorders may begin. This is observed in males and females.

Don Sphynx kittens.

Basic rule of knitting

First of all, every owner or breeder should understand that under no circumstances should one get carried away with various drugs that are used to stop or suppress estrus in cats. This is explained by the fact that these drugs have a hormonal structure. Therefore, increased use of these medications can lead, at a minimum, to hormonal disruption in the cat’s body, and at maximum, provoke the development of serious diseases. It is for this reason that every owner should decide on the choice of a suitable pair for mating his pet, and, therefore, he will have to prepare in advance for this process in all its details.

Sphynx mom and baby

Diseases of the Don Sphynxes

The Don Sphynx is a young breed, far from the healthiest. These cats have a number of hereditary diseases that are caused by breeding characteristics. Donetsk residents have eczema and microphthalmos. These shortcomings were passed down from our ancestors. Another external defect that is often found in them is entropion of the eyelid. Some of these problems can be treated with surgery. They also experience other characteristic diseases of the Don Sphynxes.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

This disease is characterized by thickening of the walls of the heart, resulting in a disruption of all blood circulation. The animal experiences difficulties during the period of activity, it develops breathing problems, and becomes easily fatigued.

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Myasthenic syndrome

Clinical symptoms are muscle weakness. This is especially acute after stress. Signs of the disease appear at three months and begin to gradually progress. There are cases when the disease remains static, without showing any dynamics. But most often it leads to death.

Skin diseases

Kittens are predisposed to inflammatory skin diseases. They have ulcers, corneal pathologies, conjunctivitis, and eczema. Any changes in the skin should cause suspicion and a visit to the veterinarian.

Gray Sphinx.

Required vaccinations

The cat must receive mandatory vaccinations, which include:

  • rabies;
  • adenoviral infection;
  • hepatitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • leptospirosis;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • leukemia

The kitten receives its first vaccinations from the breeder, later they need to be updated every year, according to the schedule drawn up by the veterinarian.

Hairless cat - Canadian Sphynx: care

The main feature of keeping sphinxes is the need for regular bathing . Bath procedures are carried out at least twice a month.

Adult cats are bathed in a bathtub, kittens - in a basin or sink. Soapy bathing water should not be cool - sphinxes need warmth.

Adult Sphynx cats are bathed in a bathtub

Using a soft washcloth, carefully remove dirt from the body, face, tail and paws, paying special attention to the folds, then rinse the animal in clean water.

IMPORTANT: Due to the fact that hairless cats constantly sweat, they themselves and the objects they touch with their sweaty bodies acquire a brownish tint after drying.

If the sphinx is not against bath procedures and enjoys playing in the water, you can offer him children's rubber toys. If the animal is frightened and is trying with all its might to avoid the upcoming procedure, you should talk to it in a gentle, calm voice.

Sphynx cats love to play while bathing.

At the same time, you should not make sudden movements or raise your tone. After bathing, the cat is “blotted” with a dry, warm cotton towel. In addition to bathing, hairless cats need to be dried daily with soft wipes.

Sphynx cats need regular manicures , as brown sweat mixed with dirt quickly covers the top and gets stuck inside the overgrown claws.

TIP: Hold your cat firmly and apply gentle pressure to the pad of the paw to expose the overgrown claws. Using gentle movements, cut off the overgrown part. To avoid cutting off excess, you should not cut close to the base.

The ears of sphinxes, as well as their claws, suffer from a large accumulation of fat and dirt in them. You can clean your cat's ears using cotton swabs or turundas moistened with warm water. Contaminants are removed only from visible parts of the ear, avoiding contact with the ear canal.

Sphynx ears need to be cleaned regularly

How to choose and name a kitten

When buying a small Don kitten, first of all you should come up with a name for it. You can give a nickname based on the lack of fur (Bold, from the English “bald”, or the ironic Fluffy, Fluffy (English “fluffy”), or in honor of your favorite movie character. It is also worth focusing on the character and habits in the first days of living in a new place (Tishka, Zabiyaka, Viking). The name for the Don Sphynx is an important part of his life. Popular nicknames for cats are shown in the table below.

Names for Scottish cats.

Prices for Don Sphynxes

The cost of purchasing a Don Sphynx kitten is 15,000-35,000 rubles. The price depends on the class of the animal. On the Internet you can find advertisements for the sale of individuals at prices up to 5,000. In this case, the kitten does not have a pedigree or may not be a purebred animal or have serious health problems.

When you need help

There are situations in which the cat cannot or does not have time to cope on its own (short interval between births). Therefore, you should be alert if:

  • The release of amniotic fluid and the birth of the baby coincided. You must make sure that the baby does not choke: turn him upside down and shake him lightly. If he sneezed or sighed, everything is fine;
  • the cat did not have time to free the kitten from the bubble. Tear it, carefully wipe the baby with a soft napkin or cloth, use a syringe or pipette to clean the nasal and oral cavities;
  • the cat did not chew the umbilical cord. To avoid blood loss, tie the umbilical cord with a thread and cut it with scissors. Everything must be sterile;
  • if the kitten is too weak and does not breathe normally. Perform very lightly (with gentle finger pressure) cardiac massage and artificial respiration;
  • if the movement of the fetus is difficult or stuck. Lubricate your vagina with Vaseline oil. Make a loop from a soft napkin or cloth and slowly help pull the baby out while pushing;
  • weak contractions. Consult your veterinarian and get a stimulation shot;
  • In any unclear situation, call your doctor.

Pros and cons of the Don Sphynxes

The positive aspects of the Don sphinxes include;

  • always warm and pleasant to the touch;
  • absence of wool, which makes cleaning the apartment easier;
  • tenderness, affection;
  • kindness, dislike of conflicts;
  • developed mind, which makes training possible.

On the negative side, it is worth mentioning the unusual original appearance, which not everyone will like. Due to the increased temperature, the animal sweats; the cat must be bathed frequently. It is also important to monitor the temperature in the apartment - the air should not be too cool so that the Sphynx does not get sick.

Why monitor the development of newborn kittens?

It is very important to monitor how newborn kittens develop and know how best to care for babies at different stages of their growth. This will help get rid of many problems associated with animal health.

During the first three weeks of kittens' lives, mother cats themselves feed and care for them. However, control over the full and timely development of small pets is the responsibility of the owner. To do this, you need to regularly weigh the kittens, and also know when they open their eyes, when their first teeth are cut, when they begin to hear, walk and eat solid food.

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