Summary of a lesson on speech development in junior group 2 “Cats with kittens”

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“Mom, let’s buy a kitten!” — it is with this phrase that many families begin their acquaintance with furry purrs. However, not all parents think it’s a good idea to have a cat for their child. But are mustachioed and striped animals as dangerous for children as they are imagined to be?

  • 2 How to properly raise a cat and a child

    2.1 How to choose a cat for a child

    2.1.1 The best and worst cat breeds for children

  • 2.1.2 Photo gallery: cat breeds for children

Physical training

Cats are famous athletes. If nature wanted to create an ideal hunter, then it would certainly be cats. Well-built, flexible and graceful creatures, capable of real stunt tricks:

  • Everyone knows about a cat's ability to land safely when falling from a height. An animal can twist in the air so as to fall on its paws and not be damaged even from a height of several floors. Curving in flight, the murka turns first its head, then its back and legs, almost at lightning speed, jumping straight to its feet. Moreover, the higher the height, the greater the chances of completing the landing successfully;
  • Cats love heights. Thanks to their phenomenal sense of balance and excellent coordination, they become virtually invulnerable when climbing trees;
  • The musculoskeletal system of the Murka has 250 bones and 517 muscles, and 10% of all bones are in the tail, which allows for excellent balance when running;
  • Cats have fantastic vision. At a distance of sixty meters, the furry huntress is able to discern the slightest movement of the smallest rodent. Despite the fact that they don’t care about details. This explains the attempts of pets to catch a barely noticeable shadow or their own tail;
  • Murki's sense of smell is 14 times greater than that of humans. And in addition to the nose, the “Jacobson’s organ” located on the palate helps the cat smell;
  • A domestic cat can reach speeds of up to 48 km per hour, which exceeds the “human” record by as much as 5 km per hour;
  • Murks are true hunters. Stray cats have caused the extinction of 33 animal species.

Relationships with people

Scientists believe that the domestication of cats occurred more than three thousand years ago. The Egyptians were the first to allow cats into their homes. And the ancients can be understood: the animal not only perfectly guarded food warehouses, but also rose to the rank of a deity. But it is difficult to understand a cat: it is still not clear why an independent, freedom-loving animal needed to live under the same roof with a person. Perhaps the Murkas needed universal adoration? A lot of arguments can be given in favor of this version:

  • Cats have an excellent sense of intonation in the human voice. When addressing your pet harshly, remember that he will definitely feel it. But a sense of self-superiority will not allow the cat to either admit or agree with your opinion.

Murki meow only “for people.” In the company of cats, furry ones use other sounds. For unintelligent people, animals “invented” hundreds of variants of “meow”, naively believing that a person distinguishes the meaning of each of them.

  • The tail serves as a kind of mood indicator. Raised vertically and slightly quivering means the cat is happy to see you. Lifelessly drooping, most likely, indicates the Murka’s reluctance to have anything to do with you. If a pet swings its tail from side to side, then it is probably deciding on something: to enter the room or not to enter, to eat or sleep. Agree, this is a matter of utmost importance.
  • Cats don't always rub against humans out of friendliness. Most often, the musk smells a foreign scent on “its” person and, with the help of its scent, tries to kill someone else’s. The same explains the habit of tailed animals to sleep on clothes and new things.
  • Licking belongs to the same category of gestures. If the cat begins to actively “look after” you, most likely she considers you a representative of her “herd”. And you should smell like her and generally urgently need tenderness.
  • A cat tramples its owner's stomach - there is a reason for pride. The person has pleased the pet in all its whims and can calmly enjoy the neighborhood. If the cat also nudged you with its forehead, rejoice, you’ve hit a real jackpot of furry emotions.
  • Cats act as a sedative. In families where furry animals live, there are fewer quarrels and significantly lower stress levels.
  • Most house murkas bury traces of their vital activity. But if the animal does not try to hide its “deeds,” it tells the person: “I am not afraid of you.” This is in some way a sign of aggression or competition.

Cool quotes about cats and cats (300 quotes)

There are a huge number of smart and beautiful quotes, phrases and statuses about cats and cats. After reading them, you will be amazed at what unusual creatures these meowing animals are, and once again you will find an explanation for why you love them. This section contains a large selection of aphorisms, quotes, statuses and sayings about cats. Well, and about cats, of course. Touching, mischievous, wise, playful and many other words that can be said about cats. Cool quotes about cats and cats - for you.

There is an opinion that cats and training are incompatible concepts. Nothing like that, my cat trained me in a couple of days.

Someone else's soul is darkness, but a cat's soul is even more so.

Cats are a valuable resource. They create comfort.

I want to be a cat! If you get fat, everyone is happy, if you eat, everyone is happy, if you sleep, everyone is happy.

I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is immeasurably higher.

A person is as cultured as he can understand a cat.

Childhood is when your cat is older than you.

A cat and training are not such incompatible concepts. In just a couple of days, a cat can train anyone.

When all people are like cats at two o'clock in the afternoon, the world will reach perfection.

My cat knows what to do.

Cats don't ask, they just take whatever they need.

You can only love a cat on its terms.

Why does everyone love cats so much? Because it’s hard to imagine a cute fluffy rhinoceros or a goat with a bow.

Only cats know how to get food without labor, a home without a castle, and love without worry.

A cat chooses its owner, and nothing else.

No matter how much you feed a cat, there will always be room in its stomach for a parrot.

From a cat's point of view, the most comfortable place in the house is the place where the owner is currently sitting.

Anyone who cannot understand his cat cannot understand anything at all.

Kote took up the entire bed, and I’m lying on the edge like a fool, I’m afraid to wake him up - he sleeps so sweetly.

The cat will try to stay on your lap even when you get up from your chair. Until the last minute, she hopes that your conscience will awaken and you will sit back down.

From an aesthetic point of view, there are only two ideal things in the world: watches and cats.

I decorated the Christmas tree... The cats were filled with happiness...

Cats see no reason to obey another creature, even a two-legged one.

If a cat likes you, she will allow you to become her friend, but never her owner!

The cat is missing. Missing left hind leg, one ear and half a tail. Castrated. Nickname Lucky.

A dog, if you call it, will come running; the cat will take note.

Women and cats do not come when they are called, and they come when they are not called.

My best friend is a cat, he will never say why you are drunk? Why are you so fat? And if you eat at night, he will eat with you and will be silent.

Cats by their very existence refute the assertion that everything in the world was created for humans.

The more cats you have, the longer you live. If you have a hundred cats, you will live ten times longer than if you have a dozen. The day will come when this discovery will be made, and people will get themselves a thousand cats and live forever.

The cat had his nose poked into the carpet so often that he converted to Islam.

A person is as cultured as he can understand a cat.

People have dogs, and cats have people. Apparently, they consider them useful pets.

Yesterday my daughter and I bought a cat... who knows what breed... who knows what color... and they named it HER!!!

Anyone who has a cat need not be afraid of loneliness.

Cats are good, but they don't care about you until you feed them. It's not like dogs are man's friends. Cats are like quiet cohabitants.

In the accounting department of one of the companies, everyone’s favorite was a black kitten named Nal...

If you have a cat, you don't come back to the house, but to the home.

Everyone respects the cat because the cat loves cleanliness.

Cats spend two-thirds of their lives sleeping, and the rest of their time filming for YouTube.

The only people who don't like cats are those who haven't met their cat yet.

If a person were crossed with a cat, it would improve the person, but would make the cat worse.

They say that cats relieve depression... And it’s true, if you kick an asshole it will immediately feel better...))))

People have dogs, and cats have people. Apparently, they consider them useful pets.

God created the Cat so that man would have a tiger to pet.

The cactus is the only house plant that can resist your cat.

God created the Cat so that man would have a tiger to pet.

The cat is a beautiful devil.

I am happy, my beloved is nestled on my feet... Cat.

When a cat and I play, the question is who is playing with whom – I’m with her or she’s playing with me.

To soften the hardest heart, fluffy and cute kittens always came forward.

If you want to increase your self-esteem, take a closer look at your cat. So where does this “noble” creature get the worldview of a tiger?

The relationship between a cat and a person is much closer than it can be between two cats.

It’s very difficult with cats in general; they don’t get used to their owners so much as they get used to the house...

Have you ever wondered what name your cat gave you?

As soon as you relax, the cat appears. With a soft paw and a gentle purr, she will conduct a meditation session with you.

The whole cat party “in itself” is up to the first saucer of milk.

The cat is the most faithful friend! He won't tell anyone how you eat at night! He will eat with you!

Sometimes you scold a cat, look at it, and you get the unpleasant feeling that it understood everything to the last word. And I remembered...

Cats by their very existence refute the assertion that everything in the world was created for humans.

Cats are happy creatures. They don't care about anything at all!

If a man could be crossed with a cat, it would improve the man but make the cat worse.

The cat is a tiny lion who loves mice, hates dogs and protects humans.

Cats don't know what insomnia is. They can fall asleep anywhere and anytime.

You can only love a cat on its terms.

Having a cat nearby makes everything special... even loneliness.

Only cat lovers know what a warm, luxurious, fur heating pad is.

If a cat likes you, she will allow you to become her friend, but never her owner!

All cats are cunning, although they are often useful.

If you're tired of being the boss of your home, get a cat.

The only thing that cannot be understood is why a cat ever decided to become a pet.

A dog, if you call it, will come running; the cat will take note.

Women and cats do not come when they are called, and they come when they are not called.

The cat, hunted and pressed against the wall, turns into a tiger.

Cats know what they're doing. You will never meet a cat who would do something that he does not want. Anyone but them.

Cats have an unmistakable understanding of what it means to be completely focused and how to prevent you from achieving it.

You can't fool a cat with idle chatter like you can fool a dog, no sir!

A cat person must be groomed, loved and cherished. That's all. What could be simpler?

The main thing in training a cat is to pretend that you gave it exactly the command that it carried out.

I've never met a cat who cared what mice said about him.

Someone else's soul is darkness, but a cat's soul is even more so.

If the cat fails to catch the mouse, it pretends to chase a leaf.

A smart cat does not neglect a stupid mouse.

It seemed that both of them - the motionless woman and the cat - looked at the world with the same eyes.

Only cat lovers know what a warm, luxurious, fur heating pad is.

When a cat wants to catch a mouse, it pretends to be a mouse.

I love all animals. However, I prefer cats, because they have character.

If you're tired of being the boss of your home, get a cat.

The cat dreamed of wings: she wanted to try bats.

I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is immeasurably higher.

Women and cats do not come when they are called, and they come when they are not called.

When there is no cat, the mice dance.

Calling cats is as futile as calling a hurricane.

Cats have an unmistakable understanding of what it means to be completely focused and how to prevent you from achieving it.

If the cat fails to catch the mouse, it pretends to chase a leaf.

A cat and training are not such incompatible concepts. In just a couple of days, a cat can train anyone.

The main thing in training a cat is to pretend that you gave it exactly the command that it carried out.

A cat and training are not such incompatible concepts. In just a couple of days, a cat can train anyone.

The cat, hunted and pressed against the wall, turns into a tiger.

If the cat fails to catch the mouse, it pretends to chase a leaf.

Cats are the crown of creation, the apogee of dexterity and an extravaganza of charm. There is no creature more graceful, graceful and perfect.

No world without cats can be considered truly cultivated.

A cat and training are not such incompatible concepts. In just a couple of days, a cat can train anyone.

The cat is a furry alarm clock.

I've never met a cat who cared what mice said about him.

The cat, hunted and pressed against the wall, turns into a tiger.

Even the smallest of cats is perfection.

Without cats the world would be completely lonely.

I've never met a cat who cared what mice said about him.

The cat is a tiny lion who loves mice, hates dogs and protects humans.

The cat is a furry alarm clock.

Cats are the gangsters of the animal kingdom.

The thing is that cats are not your dogs.

Cats are happy creatures. They don't care about anything at all!

Even the smallest of cats is perfection.

I believe that cats are spirits descended to earth. In my opinion, they are able to walk on a cloud without falling through.

A cat knows how to purr itself for forgiveness for anything.

Only cat lovers know what a warm, luxurious, fur heating pad is.

If a person were crossed with a cat, it would improve the person, but would make the cat worse.

God created ferocious lions, bloodthirsty by nature, and then a cat appeared - a lioness, but in miniature.

Cats don't know what insomnia is. They can fall asleep anywhere and anytime.

God created the Cat so that man would have a tiger to pet.

In a cat I see a woman with an ever-changing, sensitive soul.

Only cat lovers know what a warm, luxurious, fur heating pad is.

To soften the hardest heart, fluffy and cute kittens always came forward.

Complete submission is when, as soon as you wake up, you don’t go to the toilet or even wash, but cook food for the cat.

If you're tired of being the boss of your home, get a cat.

A dog, if you call it, will come running; the cat will take note.

... Happiness is ... a lot of things, a lot. But definitely - “and cats.”

Cats have an unmistakable understanding of what it means to be completely focused and how to prevent you from achieving it.

Cats know what they're doing. You will never meet a cat who would do something that he does not want. Anyone but them.

Cats have an unmistakable understanding of what it means to be completely focused and how to prevent you from achieving it.

Can you really understand what's on a cat's mind? It’s easier to guess from the wrinkles on the shell what a walnut is thinking about.

A cat person must be groomed, loved and cherished. That's all. What could be simpler?

A cat's purpose is to sit and be admired.

The only thing that cannot be understood is why a cat ever decided to become a pet.

Someone else's soul is darkness, but a cat's soul is even more so.

Only cat lovers know what a warm, luxurious, fur heating pad is.

The main thing in training a cat is to pretend that you gave it exactly the command that it carried out.

It seemed that both of them - the motionless woman and the cat - looked at the world with the same eyes.

In a cat I see a woman with an ever-changing, sensitive soul.

If the cat fails to catch the mouse, it pretends to chase a leaf.

I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is immeasurably higher.

The only thing that cannot be understood is why a cat ever decided to become a pet.

The cat will try to stay on your lap even when you get up from your chair. Until the last minute, she hopes that your conscience will awaken and you will sit back down.

The cat will try to stay on your lap even when you get up from your chair. Until the last minute, she hopes that your conscience will awaken and you will sit back down.

A true gentleman is a man who, when he steps on a cat in the dark, calls it a cat.

Women and cats have no owners, they come only for a while.

You can take a cat from the street, but it is impossible to take the street out of a cat.

In a house where there is a cat, no other decorations are needed.

You can take a cat from the street, but it is impossible to take the street out of a cat.

From a cat's point of view, the most comfortable place in the house is the place where the owner is currently sitting.

An enchanting flame sparkled in her beautiful eyes the color of emerald grass, from the soft movements of her pointed ears one could guess that virtue was combined in her with intelligence, and from her curled tail - that her wonderful grace was inseparable from feminine tenderness.

From a cat's point of view, the most comfortable place in the house is the place where the owner is currently sitting.

My thoughts are filled with purring cats.

In the midst of our days, both flat and bourgeois, my desired one is a cat.

My thoughts are filled with purring cats.

No matter how dumb a cat is, people are still dumber.

I believe that cats are spirits descended to earth. In my opinion, they are able to walk on a cloud without falling through.

No matter how dumb a cat is, people are still dumber.

I will not die. My cat is waiting for me at home.

A cat and training are not such incompatible concepts. In just a couple of days, a cat can train anyone.

Many people are not used to thinking of their cute kitten as a serial killer, but cats are cats.

Cats are the greatest treasure in the world.

Time spent with a cat is never wasted.

There is good in the world because there are cats.

Just because cats can't cry doesn't mean they have nothing to express their sadness.

The cat always falls on its paws, and the sandwich is butter side down. What happens if you attach a sandwich to a cat’s back, butter side up, and drop it?

A purring cat and a burning fireplace make winter pleasant.

The best cure for the blues is to get a kitten.

I met a black cat on the way - spit three times and kick once!

Complete submission is when, as soon as you wake up, you don’t go to the toilet or even wash yourself, but feed the cat.

Dogs consider themselves people. Cats are gods.

Women and cats are the same: you just think you own them.

The cat always falls on its paws, and the sandwich is butter side down. What happens if you attach a sandwich to a cat’s back, butter side up, and drop it?

If a black cat crosses your path, it means she is in a hurry to get somewhere.

Evening tea time is a time when every cat reigns in his own home and when loneliness reigns in that house where there is no cat.

Cats are smarter than dogs: you can't get eight cats to pull a sled through the snow.

Cat names are invented by people for their own benefit: it makes them feel like the animal belongs to them.

The advantages of a cat cannot be outweighed. It’s not for nothing that the immortal phrase: “Oh, if I had earlier... Cat, I might not have gotten married at all!” - lives and will live for centuries and generations...

When a cat and I play, there is still a question of who is playing with whom—me with her or she with me.

In a house where there is a cat, no other decorations are needed.

One cat brings with it another - that’s how catteries are born.

When a cat turns on a person, he has no choice but to come to terms with it.

People who hate cats will be mice in their next life.

Women don't like timid men. Cats don't like cautious rats.

Cats mathematically calculate where to sit in order to cause maximum inconvenience to humans.

You should buy clothes that match the color of your cat’s fur...

If the cat fails to catch the mouse, it pretends to chase a leaf.

A real cat, even from the farthest corner of the apartment, hears the refrigerator opening in the kitchen.

I always dreamed of being a cat. When I want, affectionately domestic, and when I want to be wild.

The cat is a tiny lion who loves mice, hates dogs and protects humans.

Catness is a way of life.

The cat is the most faithful friend! He won't tell anyone how you eat at night! He will eat with you!

The cat will try to stay on your lap even when you get up from your chair. Until the last minute, she hopes that your conscience will awaken and you will sit back down.

The domestic cat is a device for processing fish into wool.

A cat is a friend who has never tried to be friends with you. He impatiently breaks away from your arms and sleeps at your feet every night. He needs almost nothing from you, but if you are not around, he misses you. The cat is one complete contradiction, but that is why you love him.

The cat doesn't mind you sleeping in its bed. At the very edge.

My niece and her cat went to the veterinary clinic. The animal's name is Lexus. Doctors call for appointments by nickname. The line has come, the doctor comes out and says: “Who has a Lexus here?” Some guy stands up in surprise: “Well, I have it.” And what?" “Let’s go for castration!” - says the doctor. But the niece saved the uncle - she managed to get in with her Lexus.

I easily gain trust. I'm a cat.

Anyone who cannot understand his cat cannot understand anything at all.

Cats have fragile health and are susceptible to many diseases, but no one has ever heard of a cat suffering from insomnia.

There are two refuges from life's troubles: music and cats.

A person is as cultured as he can understand a cat.

According to the cat, 2 a.m. is the ideal time to run as fast as he can from one room to another.

And the widest bed is cramped for two, if one of these two is a cat!

The nicest thing about a cat is its love of comfort.

Among the ingenious solutions: what if you water the puddles that remain behind the cat with valerian? Let him clean up after himself!

It's annoying when you meow at a cat and it doesn't meow back. So rude of her.

Only cats know how to get food without labor, a home without a castle, and love without worry.

And after the general cleaning, it turned out that the cat didn’t have constipation for three days...

It is easy to gather a herd of sheep, but it is difficult to gather a herd of cats.

If a man could be crossed with a cat, it would improve the man but make the cat worse.

The cat grew up plump and round, so he moved exclusively by rolling, and over long distances by kicking.

Even the smallest cat is a work of art.

A dog jumps on your lap because it loves you; cat - because it’s warmer for her.

Yes, master, I did all this. Only he didn’t steal it, but took it quietly. Didn't make a mess, but slightly marked it. I didn't break it, I took it apart. And he didn’t yell, but sang!..

My cat doesn't cheat on me with anyone. He only purrs with me.

Cats are smarter than dogs: you can't get eight cats to pull a sled through the snow.

My bitch Persian cat settled on my bitch Persian carpet, bitch Persian Gulf!

Sometimes my cat looks at me, as if saying: “Here I am, a cat. What have you achieved?

The cat does not caress us, she caresses about us.

You come in from the cold, and a mustachioed striped hot water bottle is running around the house...

My cat hears the most apologies from me when I accidentally step on his paw.

Even the smallest of cats is perfection.

I wonder if the cat understands why we are so big and he is so small? I think he thinks the reason is that we don't feed him well.

And in general, the best man in life is a cat. Affectionate, gentle, soft, loving, moderately arrogant and self-satisfied...

A person is much more false than a cat: she arches her back in gratitude for being stroked, and a person in order to be stroked.

I wonder what cats think about when, while washing themselves, they suddenly freeze and stare into space for several seconds?

Yesterday I gave the cat his comeuppance: I looked into his eyes while he was eating, banged on the door while he was sitting on the tray, and slept with his legs folded on it.

It is easy to gather a herd of sheep, but it is difficult to gather a herd of cats.

So a generation of cats has grown up who didn’t have to lie on a warm monitor...

A cat’s tongue is not only a tongue, but also a spoon, a mug, a toothbrush, a fur brush, soap, a washcloth and toilet paper...

When a cat and I play, there is still a question of who is playing with whom—me with her or she with me.

My friends have pets. One has a cat, the other has a dog. But they call them the same - “that bastard.”

A cat will never make friends with someone who is not capable of loving her. Cats are never wrong about people.

I've never met a cat who cared what mice said about him.

Every cat thinks that fish tastes much better ON THE CARPET in the hallway than in a bowl in the kitchen!

If cats are scratching your soul, don’t hang your nose, the time will come and they will purr loudly with happiness!!!

As soon as you relax, the cat appears. With a soft paw and a gentle purr, she will conduct a meditation session with you.

If you look into a cat’s eyes for a long time, it will tear your conscience to pieces and force you to feed yourself... For the fifth time in the last hour.

Even the black cat avoided me, apparently deciding that I had had enough.

People have dogs, and cats have people. Apparently, they consider them useful pets.

When training a cat, the main thing is to pretend that you gave exactly the command that it carried out.

A gentleman is someone who always calls a cat a cat, even if he trips over it and falls.

Dogs win your affection, and you win the cat's affection.

People were created so that cats would have someone to live with.

Cats are famous masters of being comfortable.

A dog, if you call it, will come running; the cat will take note.

If you still think that your wife loves you more than your cat, try pissing in her boot too.

One of the main differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat only has nine lives.

If you're fat and awkward, strike graceful poses. Even cats know this golden rule.

How can we explain to the cat that the apartment is already ours and there is no need to mark it?

The cat became the image of her soul, and the lover had to first accept her soul if he wanted to own her body.

Sometimes you scold a cat, look at it, and you get the unpleasant feeling that it understood everything to the last word. And I remembered...

My brother and his wife bought a British Blue cat. I suggested a nickname - Elton John. Offended...

Can you really understand what's on a cat's mind? It’s easier to guess from the wrinkles on the shell what a walnut is thinking about.

The only people who don't like cats are those who haven't met their cat yet.

After the neighbor’s embarrassed question: “Haven’t your kittens been born yet?” — I realized that it’s really TIME to put the cat on a diet.

The world would be a better place if every person first practiced loving cats, and only then moved on to people.

Cats by their very existence refute the assertion that everything in the world was created for humans.

The offending kitten was put in a corner, where he offended again.

Childhood is when the cat is older than you.

You can only love a cat on its terms.

I'm watching an advertisement. Boris is an actor, philosopher, athlete, reformer... Do you have a kitecat yourself?

Are you jealous of your cat's carefree life? Then try, for starters, licking a fur hat all day long...

In a house where there is a cat, no other decorations are needed.

Did you feed the cat before going to bed early?

I want a guy with a character like my cat.

If a cat likes you, she will allow you to become her friend, but never her owner!

The first law of a cat: if you accidentally wake up, eat! The second law of a cat: sleep lightly!

For a good cat, November is March.

Some people say that cats are vile, evil, cruel creatures. This is true, and they have many other good qualities.

A person, in the eyes of a cat, is a mobile sofa.

Women and cats always do as they please; men and dogs can only relax and come to terms with this state of affairs.

People who hate cats will be mice in their next life.

If a black cat crossed your path, followed by a black mouse, and followed by a black granddaughter, then the grandfather was not pulling a turnip, but a high-voltage cable.

A cat knows how to purr itself for forgiveness for anything.

From a cat's point of view, the most comfortable place in the house is the place where the owner is currently sitting.

Cats don't get used to people. They get used to their refrigerators.

There are no ordinary cats.

I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is immeasurably higher.

My cat lives by the principle: “I’m tired of eating and sleeping.” And throughout the day he puts commas in different places.

From a cat's point of view, the most comfortable place in the house is the place where the owner is currently sitting.

Only cat lovers know what a warm, luxurious, fur heating pad is.

We have long known that when cats piss on bushes and corners, they are marking their territory. But recently, scientists have found out why cats piss on car wheels - they are the bastards who send text messages to each other.

Cats graciously allow us to love them, for which we should be very grateful.

I understood one piece of life wisdom. You should buy clothes that match the color of your cat’s fur...

Puss in Boots is a fairy tale. And the cat in slippers is reality. Cruel, stinking reality.

The cat is absolutely sincere: human beings can hide their feelings for one reason or another, but never a cat.

I’ll give the cat to good hands, and if the hands are very good, then take me too!

If there is any secret about cats, there is only one: why did they decide to become pets?

Nothing sounds as terrible to a cat as the word of a small child: “Ki-i-i-sya-ya-ya!”

Anyone who has a cat need not be afraid of loneliness...

I drank valerian the night before the exam - all night I dreamed of kissing a girl with a mustache.

Next time, before taking valerian, I will throw the cat out of the room.

I brought home a hamster in a cage. That's how my cat got a TV.

At the opening of a new mine, according to tradition, the cat was thrown in first. It was she who, getting out, scratched the first three tons of coal.

Interesting facts about cats


  • In the Middle Ages, Europe was struck by a plague epidemic. One of the reasons for the spread of the disease was the mass extermination of the cat tribe and, as a consequence, an increase in the population of rats - carriers of the plague.
  • In Britain, cats guard food warehouses, for which they receive payment in the form of food, and also after a few years they go into “retirement”. One furry guard annually saves about ten tons of grain.
  • Cats allow themselves to sleep for 70% of their lives.
  • Among furries, there are right-handers and left-handers. The former are more common among girls, and the latter among boys.
  • A cat can give birth to about a hundred kittens over the course of its life.
  • The Egyptians idolized cats so much that if a pet died, they shaved off their eyebrows as a sign of mourning.
  • Men who have a cat in their house are considered luckier in their personal lives.
  • Excessive love for cats is quite common and has even received a name - ailurophilia.
  • Cats are inferior to dogs in terms of intelligence, but are capable of performing more complex tasks. The only condition for this is the cat’s personal interest in the matter.
  • Most owners (95%) admit that they talk to their pets, every fifth cat is blow-dried after bathing, and every third owner is sure that their pet reads their thoughts.
  • A black cat does not always portend trouble. In Britain and Australia, such an animal is associated with great luck.
  • If the cat is unsure whether it will fit through the hole, it will use its whiskers to explore the area.
  • When bringing dead mice into the house, the cat does not try to feed the owner. He tries to teach him to hunt and eat properly.
  • Most purrs are not that afraid of water. They can easily go into the water and fish. Home bathing frightens pets only because they are forced into a basin.
  • Cats hide when they are sick. A weakened body becomes easy prey for enemies, so the animal, feeling unwell, tries to take cover

Top cat breeds for children

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the breeds that are best suited for children.


Cats with an easy-going character and absolutely devoid of aggression will become the best companions for little naughty girls.


Abyssinians are active, curious and incredibly playful cats . They are ideal for the role of favorite friends for children. These animals are real fidgets; they cannot stay in one place for a long time. Sometimes it seems that they have batteries hidden inside them with an endless charge.

Abyssinian cats happily explore the apartment up and down with the baby, run races and come up with the next prank. Cats are famous for their limitless patience : they prefer not to respond to children’s attacks, but to sit out the attack of increased activity in a secluded corner.


Ragdoll - "rag doll". This is how the name of the breed is translated from English. This cat is the ideal companion for a child. Absolute patience and a complete lack of aggression makes her an ideal furry nanny. Kids can do whatever they want with her, except outright bullying, of course. In your hands, cats become limp and spread out like butter dough.

Ragdolls have one physiological feature - they do not know how to group, so children need to be explained that throwing a pet from a height is prohibited.

British Shorthair

The British cat is a popular breed among families with children. This English aristocrat is phlegmatic to the point of impossibility, has excellent self-control, reacts restrainedly to children's pranks and rarely lets out her claws . The “British” become more attached to children than to adults; they watch their movements with genuine interest, take part in games and share their dreams.

British Shorthair


The Turkish Angora is a long-haired breed that is often confused with the Persian. This is a lively, sociable and intelligent cat, with a calm and gentle disposition, and is highly adaptable to the environment. The breed is suitable for families with children and will become a cheerful companion for older people. The Angora is a self-confident and self-sufficient cat, but at the same time it needs human attention and does not like loneliness.

Turkish Angora


There are many rumors about the origin of the Persians. Felinologists suggest that Asian steppe and Asian desert cats participated in its breeding. Compared to other breeds, Persians show the greatest degree of domestication . They have long forgotten how to catch mice and live outside a human home. Persian cats are very affectionate and trusting, and their loyalty is compared to the loyalty of a dog.

Persians resemble a toy thanks to the funny expression of their muzzle. Their fur is soft and fluffy, like that of a teddy bear. Cats easily get along with children, do not scratch or bite, and love to play with them .


Burma is a charming, fluffy, blue-eyed beauty with a soft, pliable character. She is affectionate and playful, loves to sit on laps, but will not get underfoot if the owner is busy.

Burma is ideal for families with children due to its calm and balanced character . Fluffy fur is easy to care for; it does not fly around the apartment in clumps if you comb it out with a brush once a week.


There is an opinion that there are cats in the world that do not cause allergies, but this is not true . The Fel D1 protein (Laden allergen), contained in the physiological secretions of cats: saliva, sweat, urine, sebum, is responsible for the development of an allergic reaction.

Some felines produce less protein . These include animals without a plush undercoat, hairless breeds and cats with curly hair. The latter are less likely to lose hair.

Hairless cats also secrete Fel D1, but the physiological secretions are more easily removed from the skin.

Hypoallergenic cats include cats with snow-white fur . They emit fewer allergens compared to dark ones. In addition, females are less allergenic.


The Bengal cat is strong, athletic, muscular and flexible , has large oval eyes and fleshy paws, short, silky fur of marbled or leopard color, gray, red and white.

Cats are suitable for families with children due to their relative hypoallergenicity - their fur hardly sheds. They are active, intelligent and quick-witted, love to bask in attention, are friendly towards children and know how to establish relationships with all household members.

Reference. Bengals love to bathe in water, and their favorite pastime is watching water flow from the tap.

Neva Masquerade

The Neva Masquerade is a breed that was bred artificially, but the cats were not crossed with other breeds. A distinctive feature is bright blue eyes, light fur and a bushy tail . Due to its light coat and minimal levels of Fel D1 in saliva, urine and sweat, the breed is considered hypoallergenic. Cats get along well with children and can become affectionate nannies for them.

They love to communicate and be the center of attention, and always support the child’s initiative to play a fun game. The Neva Masquerade is not afraid of water, can swim, climb trees and catch mice. Therefore, the best toy for them will be a wind-up mouse.

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex was named so for its similarity in color to the Rex rabbit. These are delightful cats with a playful and affectionate disposition, unusually dexterous, active, and strong . Despite their graceful physique, they have powerful muscles.

Distinctive features of the breed are a wide head, curly hair and curly mustache. Cats are extremely intelligent, have canine-like habits, learn tricks quickly and can be great company for children in fun games.


The Elf is a breed with a unique appearance, but in many ways similar to other hairless felines . Breeder Karen Nelson suffered from an allergy to cats, but with the advent of the elf, she noticed that the unpleasant symptoms disappeared.

Elves are crossed with Canadian Sphynxes, but crossing two elves is considered more valuable in order to maintain the breed standard. Elves have a soft and affectionate disposition. They are friendly towards children, love to be cuddled, cuddled and kissed .


There are silent cats, for example, the Scottish Fold. Instead of meowing, they quietly make funny sounds when they want to communicate with their owner. But there are others, vocal and sociable, who like to chat and argue with people.

The most famous talkers are the Maine Coon, Oriental and Siamese cats . In addition, these breeds are suitable for families with small children.

Maine Coon

Maine Coons are known for their impressive size and desire for dominance. However, these animals treat children with special reverence. Maine Coons carefully guard children, and love to play outdoor games with older children .

The stern look of the Maine Coon reveals that he is a self-confident cat. A distinctive feature of the breed is its long and bushy tail , which cats wrap around their bodies to keep warm in cold weather.

These graceful beauties become strongly attached to their owners, but at the same time remain neutral . They do not need constant attention, but love to lie close and participate in household chores.

Oriental cat

Exotic appearance and wonderful character have made the Oriental cat a favorite of children. Representatives of this breed are hyperactive, so they will tirelessly play their favorite children's games . Animals rarely use their claws, which is why parents need not fear for their babies.

Orientals are affectionate cats that need a lot of attention . They love to talk and make a whole range of sounds that children will love.


Siamese cats are real talkers, distinguished by their recognizable shrill, loud and squeaky voice. Cats love to move a lot, chase the mouse, catch candy wrappers on a string. Siamese cats are very trusting and loving, they become very attached to all family members and do not like to sit alone.

Rumors about the evil and vengeful nature of these animals are highly exaggerated. Much depends on human behavior. In a loving family, cats feel needed and are ready to give their warmth to others. Siamese behave calmly and friendly with children and are ready to support any children's pranks .

Fluffy record holders

The longest cat Stewie

The Guinness Book of Records also contains interesting facts about cats:

  • The longest-living record holder was the cat Creme Puff from Texas. He lived for 38 years. And the oldest cat lives in Australia. She was born in 1977.
  • The most famous mousetrapper was the cat Towser, who lived at the whiskey factory. During his 21 years of service, the furry hunter killed more than 28,000 rodents. A monument was erected in honor of the faithful “servant”.
  • The most well-fed cat is considered to be Himmy, who weighed 21 kilograms and, thanks to a waist measuring 84 centimeters, was included in the Book of Records.
  • The longest cat in the world was, of course, the Maine Coon. Its length was 123.19 cm
  • The most notorious traveler is the cat Hamlet, who escaped from his carrier during a flight. Seven weeks later, the fugitive was found in the cabin. The distance that the cat “flew” was about 600 thousand km.
  • The record for the largest number of cats living in one house was set in Canada. The couple Jack and Donna kept 689 pets at the same time.
  • A cat named Mincho has set one of the strangest records. She climbed up a tree and didn’t get down... for six years. Living at the top, the pussy managed to give birth to kittens three times.
  • A fertility record was set in Africa: a Persian cat gave birth to 14 kittens. In 1970, there was a cat in Britain who also gave birth to 19 kittens, but only 14 of them survived.
  • Today, Mr Peebles is considered the smallest cat, weighing 1.35 kg with a height of just over 15 cm.

Mythical cats

Since ancient times, cats have been considered attributes of magical rituals. They were also credited with supernatural powers.

In Spanish-Jewish mythology, there is a belief that Lilith, Adam's first wife, was reincarnated as a vampire. She took the form of a black cat and drank human blood from sleeping children. Since then, there has been a superstition that cats “suck out” children's souls.

In ancient China, cats were believed to have the ability to exorcise evil spirits. These animals also personified Yin energy, femininity and darkness.

In Egyptian mythology, the sun god Ra is often represented as a red cat who swims along the underground Nile every night, fighting a serpent.

In Christianity, cats are endowed with negative traits. They are considered the embodiment of evil spirits and assistants of Satan. Beliefs say that witches flock to the Sabbath in the form of black cats.

Muslim legend says that it was a cat that saved the Prophet Muhammad from a snake attack. As a sign of gratitude, he stroked the cat, and stripes remained on its back - color. The Prophet is often called the "father of cats." There is also a legend that one day a cat fell asleep on the edge of his clothes. When leaving, he cut off the hem of his robe so as not to wake up the sleeping woman with his departure.

In Rus', cats were known back in the 7th century. Ancient legends mention the Bayun Cat, endowed with the gift of putting the enemy to sleep, thus sending death to him.

Top 20 best cat breeds for families with children

If you are choosing a kitten for a family with children, pay attention to the following qualities of the pet - they should become the fundamental selection criteria:

  • stress resistance;
  • lack of aggression;
  • activity;
  • weakly expressed territoriality;
  • patience.

Let's consider the breeds that, according to the character traits considered, claim the right to become your child's furry friend.


Did you know that the famous Cheshire cat was a representative of the British Shorthair breed? His charming plush fur coat will not leave anyone indifferent - neither children nor adults.

In addition to the well-groomed appearance and meticulous neatness characteristic of the British, this breed is a wonderful companion. A balanced temperament helps the animal control its behavior in games, which is important when communicating with children.

The British are absolutely not aggressive, but are quite self-sufficient. Little cute animals grow into loyal and intelligent animals. By the age of three, they understand more than a hundred words and perfectly sense the mood of their owner. And of course, they have their own opinions on everything.

Keep in mind that the British are long-livers. They will grow up with your children, and later become their true friends. With good care, the British live for about 18 years.


The Scots, especially their fold-eared representatives, evoke affection from the first minutes of meeting them. An artificially bred breed, adapted to modern living conditions in an apartment.

Kittens are easy to train, love outdoor games, and love football , which delights the kids. After noisy games, the Scotsman will be happy to watch his favorite cartoon with the baby - yes, yes, cats of this breed watch TV.

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