200 photos with funny cats and kittens (best jokes)

The funniest mistakes in "Lady Bug and Super-Cat"

“Lady Bug is the queen of bloopers!” - some fans of the animated series exclaim, and we strongly agree with this. French animators from the Zagtoon studio don’t bother too much with little things, so finding mistakes in “Lady Bug and Cat Noir” is a great pleasure. At least for those who generally like to look for unnoticeable mistakes. We remind the rest that their search is an exciting tribute to a good animated series, and not an attempt to somehow humiliate it.

And, by the way, we won’t play bore and point a finger at the most important amazing mystery of the series - that is, “why the superheroes have not yet been figured out, although this is more than obvious, and they have been “fired” many times.” This is a feature, not a bug! We look at the rest of the funny moments from the first and partly the second season together with Tlum.Ru.

Attack of the Clones

The first and most beautiful thing that catches your eye when you carefully watch the series is that the same faces are constantly repeated in the crowd. On an incredible scale! It is clear that the budget is quite limited, and drawing a separate model for each background character is both tedious and, in general, unnecessary - the clones are completely invisible to ordinary small viewers. But not for us!

Season two, episode "Befana". Just admire these beauties! There are three pairs of clones, just painted slightly differently.

Rise of the bags

We thought about it and decided that artists deliberately always draw bags and briefcases in a new way. Because it’s hardly possible to accidentally change the colors and placement of these accessories with such consistency (and just everywhere!). And the main highlight: Marinette always carries a small handbag with Tikki on her shoulder. It’s okay that from each new angle the shoulder is now right, now left, now the strap is thrown diagonally, now not. But the moment she turns into Ladybug, the handbag always disappears. And then, when the time of heroism passes, it returns again!

Screenshots of adjacent frames from the Kung Food series, but you can include absolutely any other one.

Revival of vases

Vases and other breakable objects in Ladybug and Cat Noir have an amazing self-healing skill. And here we are not talking about the main character’s ability to return everything to the way it was at the end of each episode, no. Even during battle, such miracles happen regularly.

Series "Antibug", first season. The screenshots are shown in chronological order. Yes, this is the same vase.

Mutiny of the Doors

This is, of course, a classic. In a rare cartoon series you will find doors that always open on one side, do not independently change the “open-close” position and do not move their handles back and forth. In “Lady Bug” everything is in perfect order with this aspect. That is, it is quite difficult to find a door that hangs quietly. And finding a mistake is incredibly easy.


Episode “Reflect”, first season, we admire it. Doors open, then disappear, then closed, and so on.

Riot of chairs

Let's move on to something even more fun and, most importantly, unusual. If we regularly see inconsistencies with bag straps and doors in any animation, from Disney features to domestic TV series, then the uprising of chairs looks truly fresh. Well, it's true. At a minimum, they know how to become invisible, often disappearing before our eyes from under the heroes’ pops. Or the students of that Parisian college know how to sit in the air, which is even funnier.

Episode "Robostus", second season. Oh, Lady Bug and her partner are pointing their superpowers in the wrong direction when this is happening literally right under their noses! Sabrina sits in the air, Alex's legs go through the legs of the chair. There is no chair under Rose. All the chairs disappear and poor Chloe sits in the air.

Car conspiracy

Of course, we are aware that self-driving cars already exist and are even being successfully tested. Yes, yes, Elon Musk, this is about you too. But in the setting of the animated series “Lady Bug and Super-Cat”, such cars look quite strange. If only because, according to the idea, this is the Paris of our time, and the first taxis on autopilot are still being planned. In general, we believe that this is still a conspiracy of cars that kill their drivers and ride on their own. Adrian has one just like this.

Episode "Injection", second season, but can be found in many other places.

Extras disease

We’ve already talked about the endless clones in the crowd, but it’s definitely worth remembering the leapfrog in these background characters themselves. They can not only reproduce by fission, but also regularly teleport, abruptly and inexplicably. And also - being exposed to akuma, without the help of superheroes, return to your original form. True, only to immediately get hit on the head with an akuma again. Like this guy from the Reflect episode.

The Red Lady's Mystery

With the general absurdities more or less over, it’s time to rejoice at the more local improbabilities. For example, this red-haired lady, the clone to whom we unanimously gave the palm in “Lady Bug and Super-Cat”. In the same episode, she can be a photographer from the crowd, a victim of an akuma, and a concert goer (Episode "The Collector"). And how many men does she have? Almost everywhere she appears with a new partner, every time, everywhere, it’s just fantastic and Casanova in female form, and not a crowd heroine.

Episode "Leadinator". Here she first almost got hit by a bus with a child and a companion, got off the same bus (twice!), and then appeared several times accompanied by different men.

Kwami's Special Abilities

Question for discussion. Marinette's purse closes with a clasp on the outside. Tikki is a rather small creature with extremely underdeveloped limbs. How, how does she keep opening the bag from the inside? We have come across an assumption that the clasp is actually made with magnets, but even if so, this magic bug is unlikely to be strong enough for such a thing. The conclusion suggests itself - well, this is a kwami, it’s magical, and it can’t do anything like that.

A shot from a random series, they are still the same everywhere.

Physics, goodbye

There are a lot of moments with mind-blowing bends of space and other violations of physical laws in the series, so just watch Gabriel Ogrest, who from one room descends into Hawk Moth's lair, only to a moment later... rise into it. The episode “The Collector” is simply a storehouse of various errors!

Chloe, open your face

One of the most beloved bloopers among fans is the sparkling moment in the episode “Anti-Bug”, where Chloe’s mask disappears for quite a long period of time. In general, completely, without a trace. Catch another mistake: at the moment the akuma moved into the mayor’s proud daughter, there was no mask on the latter’s face, and when the girl “purified herself”, she appeared as if nothing had happened.

One is good, but two is better

What can happen when Cat Noir snatches his baton from behind his back? Sometimes it’s a miracle, and a superhero’s magical weapon naturally splits into two. That is, it remains on the hip and performs its functions properly in the hands. Such incidents happen regularly, and the screenshot is from the episode “Lady Wi-Fi.”

And walked smoothly through the air

We have already talked about students sitting in the air, but what about the Cat running through the air? It's time to remember the typical laws of animation, where the hero falls into the abyss when he looks down. But what is normal in the comical “Tom and Jerry” looks strange in the seemingly serious “Lady Bug and Super-Cat”. Episode "Leadinator".

Like butter

In the episode “Punch,” we were amazed at the moment where an offended fencer stuck a training sword into the floor. Are you smart? She's stupid. And the floor is not soft. And here it’s either one of two things - either there are holes in the covering for such beautiful gestures, or the sword is actually sharp, and all the students in the fencing class are in great danger.

Magic outside Hogwarts

In conclusion, let's smile at a beautiful moment from the same episode. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to show it without the dynamics of the cartoon, so take our word for it, or rather, the screenshots. Brave Ladybug with the wounded Adrian runs to the wall and... runs through! Bravo! By the way, I wonder if they have already received letters from Hogwarts, packed their suitcases and owls?

With such a rich animated series, any mistakes can be forgiven. Or even not notice them. We wish you the most positive viewing and remind you that the new season will appear in the fall of 2022, but this is not certain - with quarantine you can no longer be sure of anything. To keep abreast of all the news about Lady Bug, subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen. We also launched Telegram - join if this format is more convenient for you.

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Paraphrases about different things

A selection of poems about black representatives of the cat tribe. It will be useful for all cat lovers, as well as for inclusion in scenes and scenarios for Halloween and holidays dedicated to animals.

In an age when fidelity is not in fashion... (Cat)

In an age when fidelity is not in fashion, On a day without love and number On a gilded chest of drawers A black cat slept.

She dreamed of birds of paradise, Candles were losing their wax. I wish I had been born a cat - Bestia, grace, brilliance!

Lyubov Gudkova

There is a black cat living in my house... (Black cat)

A black cat lives in my house. He is a philosopher at heart and a poet. The eyes of amber, slanting flight, will not reveal the secret of my soul.

The secret of life has long been comprehended, He plays with a ball from the times of the Sorcerer, wizard and magician, He is devoted to me with all his soul.

Knows everything about everything in advance And purrs quietly, sniffling Together with him, happiness lives in the house, Black cat, we love you so much.

Olya Wolf

Here is a black cat sitting by the road... (Black cat)

Here is a black cat sitting by the road, looking thoughtfully to the side. And I lingered a little on the threshold, I looked at the black cat and stood there. Minutes pass - the picture is still the same. I'm trying to somehow scare the cat away. She is not afraid at all and even, it seems to me, smiled a little. It’s not difficult for me to understand what a cat thinks. After all, if I walk a little forward, She will immediately rush in front of me with all the strength that is possible. Now only crumbs of luck remain. Let someone consider the signs to be nonsense. Who knows? Or maybe I, too, am a bad omen for a cat?

Evgenia Urusova

This cat has green eyes (Black cat)

This cat has green eyes, and he himself is black, as if he was stained with soot. Only the tip of the tail turns white. Handsome cat! Everyone will tell you this.

He comes into the room and jumps on the sofa. The eyes are squinted in a lazy half-asleep. He will settle down as if he is a sultan, And people are only servants in this house.

Antonina Kukhtina Brushtunova

It's a pity, seriously, not for fun... (Black cat)

It’s a pity, seriously, not for fun. They don’t like a black cat, Because everyone is usually afraid of what is unusual.

The reason is in superstitions: The black cat is the mask of Magic and sorcery! They blamed her for the crimes.

We believe everything, just like in the old days! This cat is God's creature. So what if the color is black? Or is there no more terrible beast?

Why should she be the only one who bears the heavy cross? People, have pity on the cat: Pet him at least a little!

Karetnikova Natalia

Why do we spit to the side... (Black cat)

“They say you won’t be lucky if a black cat crosses the road...” words from the song.

Why do we spit in the direction when we see where the cat is? So what if he's black from paws to tail?

This is how nature made it: It cannot be changed. Not all cats are white and walk alike...

And from diversity, from distant dark years, a cruel fantasy is born...

And by inventing a story, we spoil our own life, We broadcast the axiom: “They say, evil spirits... Beware!”

I know many “evil spirits” with wonderful souls. Humanity cannot boast of such a thing.

Let the black cats boldly greet the day - the dawn... We, too, will become free from all bad omens.

Laura Tassi

From the darkness under the desk... (Under the desk)

From the darkness under the desk, Where small objects disappear, Where a broom with its worn wing has not won a victory over the garbage, Where a spider has built its hammock, Having established a connection between different corners, Suddenly, coming to life, the darkness crawls out, Shining with two pleading eyes. He carefully maintains his disguise: paws, tail and even nose are not visible. Some kind of ghost in the house, not a cat!.. This way you can end up in neurosis.

Natalia Aprelskaya

We black cats are beautiful! (In defense of black cats)

We black cats are beautiful! Although they are almost always unhappy... I’m ready to sing a song for you In defense of all black cats!

Well, who said “you won’t be lucky” if a black cat crosses your path. Isn't this nonsense? But we won't end up in trouble!

Anyone who doesn’t meet us immediately changes his path... Hurry into the arms of his son, daughter. As if we were a barrel of gunpowder!

Why, tell me, kids, are these bumps falling on us? We are so mur-meow good Love us from the bottom of our hearts!

Or at least feed him, Or better yet, take him into your home, You won’t regret it, I’m sure, And that’s not just a rumor, it’s been verified by me!

We’ll decorate the apartment with ourselves. It’s not for nothing that we look like Bagheera And we’ll give cats of all kinds a head start in affection!

They are not very whimsical when it comes to food, they are sedate, but not lazy either, and if the mice prevailed, then we will achieve our goal!

You wrote songs about us, But life has not become more interesting. Why do you believe and accept? We are the best in the world!

Yenka Yenka

Like an ebony figurine... (Cat)

Like an ebony figurine, the Black Savage is the cat queen. Independence shines through in her habits, Allows you to caress her smooth fur.

The eyes of a huge, unearthly mystery, captivate and enslave. The look is sly and slightly arrogant, People are happy about their chosen captivity.

A cat is an incredibly cute creature, singing songs, lazy. He closes his eyes in pleasure in the sun, drinks milk, sitting at the window.

Godunova Katerina

I am a black cat named Bagheera... (Black cat)

I am a black cat named Bagheera, I don’t live in the jungle, but in an ordinary apartment. But at night, with the arrival of spring, I have some damn nice, vivid dreams: That someone wrote a novel about me, I amazed everyone with my beauty, That Mowgli the cat is my favorite groom, And we share fairy tales and true stories between us. Having woken up, I go to the hostess’s bed. And Mowgli is nowhere to be seen...

Lyudmila Another

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