Why does a cat need a tail? What is the significance of a cat's tail?

The cat has always been a mysterious animal. Those animals that seem to need no one, because cats are independent and walk on their own. And at the same time, they are very attached to a person if he shows them due attention and care. After all, all living creatures, including cats, need attention, which they will appreciate.

To make it easier for a person to establish communication with a cat, you need to at least basicly know the habits that are inherent in these animals. The more time you spend studying, the better it will be for communicating with your pet and the more affectionate it will behave.

Let us now consider the question: why does a cat need a tail? Probably, few people have thought about what role a cat’s tail plays, whether it helps control the cat’s body, this or that paw, and other things that may be important. With a long tail, the cat is more active and remains a cheerful animal.

In other words, your pet cannot fully exist without a tail. Whatever breed it is, even the most expensive and rare. So why does a cat need a tail? The more you know about this, the better you will understand the importance of the tail, which helps control the body, paw, and control the importance of other parts of the cat. The presence of all parts is necessary, and the presence of a long tail in a cat is no exception.

Actually, a cat's tail can be called a real gentleman. Even the simplest cat, waving its tail, feels like a queen. Perhaps this is the answer: why does a cat need a tail? Just want to increase your own importance? But as life practice shows, the presence of a long tail plays a much more serious role in the cat world. What is a cat’s tail, how does it control the body, improve life, control the movement of the paw and all other parts so that they are in motion.

Answering the question: why does a cat need a tail, it will be much easier for a person to raise the level of communication in a cat’s understanding. First of all, it will be especially convenient for the owner when he wants to spend more time with his animal.

How does a cat use its tail?

Before asking why a cat needs a tail, you should observe your pet's behavior in more detail and determine how often she uses it. You can notice that he is in motion almost always. This is not only an accurate means of communication, but also a device for maintaining balance, allowing it to survive in the most negative environmental conditions, climb high objects, move nimbly, etc. In different weather, fluffies regulate their own body temperature with the help of their tail. Cat owners should remember that the tail is an indicator of the pet's health.


The importance of the tail is difficult to overestimate, because from it you can determine what mood the animal is in, how it feels, whether there is a desire to make contact, etc. It is enough just to look at this part of the body to understand how to behave in a particular situation. situations

You can understand a lot about your mood by looking at your tail; for example, breeders pay attention to the following manifestations:

  1. Comfort. A state of rest and lack of movement, in some cases there is slight waving of the tip.
  2. Joy. A friendly pet raises its tail almost vertically or slightly bends it.
  3. Curiosity. In this state, the cat appears to be listening and its tail twitches slightly.
  4. Irritation. It is very difficult to make a mistake when diagnosing this condition, because the furry limb goes from one side to the other.
  5. Playfulness. If a person is stroking a cat, and at this time the tail tenses and trembles somewhat, then you can play with the animal. In such a playful state, the animal may even scratch, so you should treat it carefully. A playful attitude can also manifest itself as high-amplitude swaying.
  6. Anger. The hair rises all over the body, and on the tail too, it hangs to one side and is very fluffy. The back arches, this process is accompanied by a furious meow. You should be careful, because in this state even the most affectionate fluffy is furious.

Thanks to such manifestations, you can clearly understand the importance of the tail for a cat. There are a number of other functions of this part of the body that definitely need to be considered.


Almost everyone knows about this function, even those who ask why a cat needs a tail. There are situations in which an animal falls from a high height, but remains completely unharmed; one of the reasons for this course of affairs is precisely the ability to balance. When falling or taking a long jump, the body maintains balance, allowing the pet to land directly on its paws. The balance beam allows you to climb tall trees, and then climb thin branches or even go down.

When falling or taking a long jump, the body maintains balance, allowing the pet to land directly on its paws

When hunting, the tail acts as a rudder, making multiple turns and rotating directly while running. It is due to this part of the body that cats are so fast and maneuverable.

Other features

Not only demonstrating mood and maintaining balance explain why a cat needs a tail, because there are a number of other very important functions that must be considered, including:

  1. Touch. No matter how strange it may sound, the tail can perform the same task as a mustache. This limb is literally stuffed with nerve endings; they have a direct connection with the central nervous system and allow the animal to sense the world around it. The tail “probes” the environment, this gives the ability to move in the dark without much effort.
  2. Thermal protection. At high ambient temperatures, the cat uses its tail as a fan, this helps reduce body temperature and protects against overheating. If the environment is cold, then the animal curls up into a ball, the tail covers the eyes and nose to reduce heat transfer. This allows the cat to endure the most negative conditions.
  3. Toy. Fluffies often use this part of the body as a toy, grab it with their teeth and catch it with their paws, this especially often happens at a young age, when they need to develop their reflexes and hone their hunting skills. This does not mean at all that these actions can be carried out on someone else, because cats are very sensitive to their tail and do not like it when they touch it. Pulling or pressing on the tail is strictly prohibited; this not only risks injury, but can also put you on the list of enemies forever.

How to determine a cat's mood by the position of its tail

A cat's mood is expressed through body language, and the tail is the main indicator of any changes.

Table: correspondence of cat emotions to tail position

Emotions/feelingsTail behavior/positionGeneral behavior
Serenitylies or hangs calmly, “sleeping”the cat can sit or lie, for example, with its front paws tucked under itself
Anxiety“sticks up” or wobbles from side to sideanxious meowing and activity or, conversely, apathy
Irritabilitysticks out back and up or wobblesthe eyes are almond-shaped, the ears may tilt back, the paw “swings” as if struck
Angersharply wriggles, wobbles, beatsThe cat may meow or growl aggressively with its ears pressed to its head
Playfulnessthe tail sticks out back, the tip curlsclosely monitors what is happening, can take a “ready to attack” pose
Joythe tail is like a pipe, if the owner is happy, it touches the person with the tailsquints eyes, purrs
Tendernessthe tail sticks out back, the tip can “curl” inwardeyes narrowed, purrs, can pull itself up, straightening all its paws or rub its head
Disappointmentdown, tail tip waggingPeers for a long time at the place of interest, tries to get a lost toy, etc.
Happinessthe tail is a pipe, it can tremblepurrs, “sings”, ears stick up
Sorenesshangs or lies down, the tip of the tail may waglethargy, weakness, plaintive meows
Lovethe tail is raised up and quiveringmeowing, eyes wide open
Feartail in an “arc”, the hair on the tail stands on endback arched, ears pressed to the body, eyes wide open

A cat's tail is a tool for communication. In addition to expressing emotions, the tail also helps the cat with orientation when jumping. It, like the rest of the body, can hurt. Most often, tails can be injured (fractures, bruises, etc.) and subject to various ailments characteristic of the skin and coat.

Why does a cat even need a tail?

The tail is an extension of the spine that contains a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels

Its important difference is the absence of a spinal cord. In everyday life, a cat uses its tail as a means of communication. With his movements, she can show her interlocutor what she is feeling at the moment - interest, affection, irritation

In addition to its communicative function, the cat uses its tail as a rudder. Thanks to the tail, the cat aligns its body position when jumping, running and falling, maintaining balance.

With his movements, she can show her interlocutor what she feels at the moment - interest, affection, irritation. In addition to its communicative function, the cat uses its tail as a rudder. Thanks to the tail, the cat aligns its body position when jumping, running and falling, maintaining balance.

Despite this, a cat's tail is not a vital organ. Some breeds of the cat family do not have a tail from birth, as this is genetically determined. These include Manx and Bobtail cats. Cats left without a tail as a result of surgery continue to navigate perfectly in space, climb to heights and communicate with other cats.

The tail has a separate tongue

A cat's tail has 9 basic positions:

  • the tail is tousled and lowered - the cat is scared;
  • raised tail - greeting, joy of meeting;
  • a drooping playful tail means the cat is in a bad mood. It's better to leave him alone;
  • a raised tail with a curved tip - the cat is happy and wants to be friends;
  • a raised slightly vibrating tail - the cat is excited and happy to see you;
  • the tail is pressed to the bottom - a feeling of fear or guilt. Apparently the cat was acting up;
  • the tail is raised and ruffled - strong excitement or a feeling of threat;
  • the tail is curved along the body - the cat is in love.

Check out our infographic to understand exactly the language of a cat's tail.

Love your cats and take care of their tails!
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Symptoms of the disease

Fat tails are much more common in male cats than in male cats. As noted above, animals with short fur are at risk, which complicates the diagnostic process. Let's try to find out what signs clearly demonstrate this disease:

  1. The epithelium at the base of the fur becomes lumpy, it flakes off and becomes covered with a thin crust of pus.
  2. The tail, most often at the junction with the body, is thickly covered with fat, which makes the fur begin to shine. The discharge cannot be washed off with shampoo or soap.
  3. If the disease progresses, the skin at the site of localization will be combed and covered with red pimples. This is how the animal tries to relieve the itching, but only spreads the infection through the skin.
  4. The area of ​​“greasy” fur becomes exposed over time. This is due to the fact that the hairs gradually break off at their base.
  5. A symptom that the anus is inflamed may be uncharacteristic behavior when the cat crawls with its butt on the carpet, trying to release excess contents.
  6. Over time, brown spots may appear on your pet's tail; if left untreated, they will develop into a hard crust, tearing which the cat will injure itself.

Owners who notice that their animal has developed “greasy tail” syndrome should under no circumstances dismiss this problem, attributing it to seasonality or simply the cat’s untidiness. Most often, the true cause lies precisely in a serious illness that has just begun to manifest itself. If you react promptly, it will save a lot of hassle for both the owners and the cat.

Treating a cat's fatty tail is a long and tedious process. You need to start with a trip to the veterinarian, who will determine exactly what caused the disease and how to eliminate it as quickly as possible. Treatment, as a rule, is based on the fact that the pet begins to take baths more often. To do this, you need to buy special shampoos containing lactic acid. This will perfectly exfoliate harmful keratin accumulations and cleanse the skin, which will create the basis for subsequent therapy.

If the veterinarian determines that the greasy tail is caused by a hormonal disorder, then castration of the pet or medication to stop the production of sex hormones will be required. Excessive production of anal secretions is treated with rinsing. The specialist will clearly explain to the owners how this is done. If the disease recurs regularly, the anal glands can be completely removed surgically.

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If the causes are caused by external irritants, then a complex of vitamins and a special diet are prescribed to strengthen the immune system. All this will help the cat become beautiful again, and its owner - calmer. If you ignore the fact that your pet’s tail becomes fat, then in the future this can lead to complete baldness, which will make the animal completely unsightly.

Fat tail on a cat treatment

And the fan and the blanket

Besides balancing and communication, there are other (less remarkable) uses for a cat's own tail. In the summer heat, for example, you can see how the animal, stretched out in the shade, gently swings it over its own body. Thus, the cat tries to cool itself by moving air currents and creating a semblance of wind (based on the principle of a fan).

If the room is cold, the animal curls up into a ball, trying to minimize heat transfer. In this case, the tail often wraps around the body and covers the muzzle. It turns out that the animal uses the warmth of its own fur like a blanket, covering frozen areas (nose, paws).

It turns out that there is no clear answer to the question “why does a cat need a tail?” This is not just a beautiful, but also an extremely important organ, serving as a means of communication and a balancer, a fan and a blanket, and sometimes even a toy for the young. Knowing exactly how the animal uses it, and understanding what it wants to say with this or that movement, the owner can significantly improve their relationship with the pet.

What is the tail for?

The importance of the tail for cats is very great, and they take great care of their dignity, because it performs several functions:

  • acts as ballast;
  • helps to navigate in space;
  • way of communication;
  • health indicator;
  • means of entertainment.


The cat uses its tail to control its body unconsciously - this is inherent in nature. During the hunt, the cat uses its tail to deftly maneuver between obstacles. The tailed hunter needs to maintain balance while chasing prey and to stay on sharp turns. Rotating its tail in different directions, it copes with this task perfectly.

When falling from a height, the tail also helps the animal take the correct position and land on its paws. This is achieved through intense twitching and rotation of this unusual organ. How do tailless cats cope with this task?

It happens that the loss of a tail occurs as a result of an injury, then the animal will have a very difficult time at first: movements will be awkward and clumsy. But, after a certain period, the cat adapts to the absence of a tail and begins to live a normal life.


In tailless cat breeds, nature compensated for this deficiency by having well-developed and longer hind legs. This gives them stability.

There are cats that love to swim. During this activity, the tail bends in the direction opposite to the movement, acting as a rudder. When a cat moves along a very narrow surface, maintaining balance is also a matter of the tail.

Tail tongue

A cat needs a tail not only as a means of maintaining balance, but also as a way of communicating and expressing its emotions. The owner cannot always understand by meowing what the pet wants and what its mood is. Noah Webster said that cats do not have mental abilities and do not know how to express their emotions through speech, and here the tail comes to the rescue in understanding four-legged animals.

Long-term observations of cats helped to compile a kind of dictionary that deciphers the movements of a cat's tail. Cats don't know how to pretend, so a tail will always show your pet's mood:

  • When a cat has ruffled hair on its tail, it is an indication that it is very excited. This condition can be either from fear or from active play. It is worth calming your pet with stroking.
  • Random twitching or tapping of the tail on the floor indicates that the pet is nervous and very dissatisfied. Even the owner can be an irritant. At such moments, it is better not to touch the cat at all, leaving him alone.
  • Holding the tail at an angle of 45⁰ indicates that the cat is wary and mistrustful.
  • Raising its tail vertically upward, the cat runs to its owner and rubs against his leg. With such actions, the pet shows joy at the sight of its owner. The cat will get great pleasure if he is also petted.
  • When the tail hangs naturally and relaxed, this indicates that the cat is in a calm state. Another sign that your pet is in a great mood is that the tail is wrapped around the animal that is sitting or lying down.
  • If a cat clamps its tail between its two paws, then it is very frightened and does not intend to resist, but is ready to give up.
  • It happens that there are a lot of people in the house and the cat’s tail is raised and quivering. This suggests that the cat is happy, but only with its owners.
  • The fact that a cat is interested and passionate about something will be indicated not only by its twitching tail, but also by its tip.
  • Swinging the tail from side to side is a signal that there is a conflict within the cat. The pet must make a choice in favor of something, but cannot decide what to do correctly.


Health indicator

The animal's tail must be protected, because it is a very sensitive organ, and its injury can lead to malfunctions of the body. It is strictly forbidden to pull the animal’s tail and tip of the tail, or to squeeze them tightly. Along the tail there are nerve endings that regulate seemingly distant organs: the intestines, kidneys, hind legs, bladder. Such actions can lead to damage to the spine, which, in turn, can cause urinary incontinence, difficulty moving, and severe pain.

The fur may fall out evenly along the entire length of the tail or come out in clumps. If you cannot determine the cause on your own, you need to contact a veterinarian. The doctor will conduct a visual examination and, if necessary, prescribe additional tests.

Why does a cat have a tail hanging down?

What makes a cat's tail hang? This may be a problem due to anxiety or unhappiness, or due to physical trauma. Either way, your cat needs help.

Like most animals, a nervous cat will hold its tail low. You can even squeeze it between your legs. Find out if anything is causing your cat discomfort or uncertainty. Common explanations for nervousness in cats include:

Loneliness or mourning:Cats are not as lonely and independent as they seem. Your cat may be pining for a lost companion or former owner.
Victim of bullying:Households with multiple pets fall into a natural dominant and submissive dynamic. Make sure it doesn't cross the line into bullying.
External threats:Cats have a keen sense of smell and hearing. Your cat may smell a dog outside or become nervous about loud noises in the distance.
Changes in the program:Have you changed your shift patterns, moved home, or adjusted your meal times? Change makes cats anxious.
Impending unpleasant experience:If your cat sees you pick up her carrier, she associates this with a trip to the vet. This will make the cat nervous and worried.

A drooping tail can also be a sign that your cat is feeling defeated. Cats love to feel in control of their affairs, so if your cat feels like she has resigned herself to abuse and suffering, this is not quality of life at all.

However, do not be fooled into thinking that a drooping tail is always a sign of meekness. Just as a high, prominent tail can signify the happiness of aggression, the same can be said for a low position.

Hunting cats hold their tail low and often swing it from side to side before pouncing on their prey. Your cat may be preparing to attack, usually in self-defense.

Of course, all of this assumes that your cat is intentionally keeping her tail low to the ground. You must find out whether this action is voluntary. If your cat is physically unable to lift her tail, this automatically causes more concern.

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A little about the structure of the tail

The cat's tail is the outermost part of the spinal column. On average, the length of the caudal process ranges from 25 to 27 cm. The anatomical structure of the caudal spine includes a large number of nerve endings, vessels and ligaments.

The nerve fibers ending in the tail of cats are responsible for the functioning of the hind limbs, urinary system and rectum. If nerve fibers are damaged as a result of a tail injury, pathological conditions such as urinary incontinence or uncontrolled bowel movements may develop.

The extreme part of the spinal column in domestic cats, its shape and length are of great importance for specialists in breeding new breeds. The appearance of anomalies in the development of the caudal vertebrae becomes an excellent springboard for the development of new breeds.

In cats with a long tail, the number of vertebrae is up to 27, but in cats with medium tails, the number of vertebrae is from 20 to 24. Veterinarians and felinologists divide the tail into conventional parts:

  • root;
  • stem;
  • tip.

The first 4-6 dense vertebrae are its root, which is combined with the pelvic bones. The closer you get to the end of the spine, the narrower and more elongated the vertebrae become. The stem consists of 10-15 vertebrae, fastened with specific cartilages that ensure its mobility.

The body of the tail ends with a thin, rudimentary, sharp vertebra, which becomes fundamental when assessing the exterior of the animal.

The tail of medium length reaches the shoulder blades of the animal, the long tail ends at the withers, but there are animals that exceed the length of the body. Some wild species of cats have shortened straight shoots that barely cover the perineum.

Cats with anomalies in the structure of the last part of the spine are called tailless. Bottom tail is found not only in cats, but also in dogs.

What is a tail?

The cat's tail is the terminal part of the spine. It includes from 19 to 23 vertebrae. The average length of the tail of an adult is from 25 to 28 cm. It contains the nerves responsible for the functioning of the hind legs, urinary tract, colon and anus. Therefore, damage to the tail poses a serious danger to the health of the animal. If the tail is tugged or pulled forcefully, it can cause great damage to the nerve endings, causing temporary or permanent paralysis of the muscles of the hind legs, urinary incontinence and severe pain. In addition, the cat may lose the ability to hold its tail upright.

The tail is an indicator of health

Cats' tails require careful handling. This is a very sensitive part of the body. Any damage provokes failures of the body systems. Under no circumstances should you pull the tail, tug it, or squeeze it. Along the entire length of the tail there are nerve endings, injury to which can lead to organ dysfunction.

Problems with the tail indicate that all is not well in the cat’s body:

  • The cat combs its tail and bites into it furiously. The reason for this behavior may be itching caused by parasites, fungal diseases, or allergies. It is also likely that your pet is chewing its tail due to stress;
  • the tail looks like beads. This indicates that the cat does not have enough calcium. Due to the lack of this mineral, the vertebrae become thinner, and the cartilage tissue grows, which gives the tail the above-mentioned shape;
  • The tail clicks when moving. This indicates problems with interosseous and cartilage tissue;
  • the tail is drooping or bent, swelling; if you touch this part of the animal’s body, the cat becomes painful. Your pet most likely has a fracture;
  • the cat walks with its tail raised, the tip of which twitches, while the animal slightly spreads its hind legs. Your pet may have urolithiasis.

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In all cases of problems with the tail, you should contact your veterinarian.

The hair on the tail indicates the health of the cat:

  • hair loss at the base of the rump may be a sign of a lack of vitamins;
  • the appearance of dandruff on the tail fur is a symptom of allergic reactions or fungus;
  • the tail loses hair along its entire length. If you are unable to determine the cause of this phenomenon on your own, then you should definitely contact a veterinarian;
  • Oily hair on the tail may indicate improper metabolism, the presence of diseases of the excretory system, and hormonal disorders.

I had a fluffy mongrel cat. And then I began to notice that her tail, closer to the base, began to look unkempt. The coat is oily, dull, and matted. For some time I chalked it up to lack of care and tried bathing the cat. But the problem did not go away. I contacted the veterinarian. He said it's not common in cats, but it can happen. There are sebaceous glands near the base of the tail, and sometimes they begin to actively produce their secretion. Against this background, an infection, for example a fungus, can easily join. The vet prescribed us an antiseborrheic shampoo (for dandruff). And indeed, after three uses, the problem went away. But we continued to use shampoo for a long time, only now we bathed the cat rarely (about once every 3 months, whereas the doctor prescribed once a week for medicinal purposes).

Even though a cat can live without a tail and cope with any situation, animals with this part of the body have clear advantages. A cat can always count on its tail in almost any situation. This part of the body acts as a steering wheel, can warm the animal, and helps express emotions. In addition, the tail completes the unique appearance of the cat.


Although cats without tails live no worse than their tailed counterparts, the latter predominate over the former. Nature generously endowed her mustachioed children with this useful tool, and does not think of taking it away. Happy owners of tails can count on him to help them:

  1. In maintaining balance. Although the tail is not the main thing for this, it is easier for a cat to steer and maintain balance when walking along a tree branch or fence.
  2. Warm up and cool down. On frosty days, animals curl up into a ball and cover their nose with the tip of their tail, and on hot days they stretch out to their full length.
  3. In expressing feelings. The tail is a pipe - the pet is happy, tucked - scared, very fluffed and twitching nervously - ready to attack, and this is only a small fraction of gestures.


Why does my cat have oily fur and brown spots?

Oily hair on a cat's tail may be a symptom of malfunctioning sebaceous glands.

Its cause, in turn, can be infection, hormone release, and much more.

The most harmless reason is the play of hormones

If you are the happy owner of an unneutered cat, and you notice he has oily fur and strange spots in the tail area, then there may be no reason to worry.

During puberty, an animal's body may produce more fat than usual as hormones activate the sebaceous glands. This excess remains on the fur, giving it an unkempt appearance.

During puberty, a cat's body produces large amounts of fat.

Young cats

Usually, unpleasant symptoms disappear immediately after the animal’s hormonal levels improve, that is, upon completion of puberty.

Upon completion of puberty, unpleasant symptoms immediately disappear.

What to do?

The only thing is that you can comb your cat’s tail more often to give it the most well-groomed appearance.

But it is also important not to overdo it, otherwise, due to active combing, there may be a risk of partial baldness of the tail.

If the problem does not disappear within a year or longer, then perhaps the cat should be neutered. Usually, in the first month after castration of the pet, the activity of the sebaceous glands returns to normal, and the coat ceases to be greasy.

The cat should be neutered if the problem does not go away within a year.

Inflammation of the paraanal glands

In the tail area of ​​cats there is a pair of glands responsible for secreting a special secretion. They perform different functions, depending on the situation. For example, if an animal intends to scare away an enemy, the glands will secrete a substance with a pungent odor. When the cat is ready to get closer, they, on the contrary, secrete a secret that attracts individuals of the opposite sex.

One of the most common signs of such a malfunction can be such phenomena as greasy hair on the cat’s tail and brown spots, sometimes accompanied by peeling.

When the paraanal glands become inflamed, the cat may experience peeling.

Animal behavior

Another obvious symptom of malfunctioning paraanal glands is the behavior of the animal. The cat, experiencing discomfort in the anus, begins to rub its butt against any surface, be it the floor or the back of the sofa.

And also he can:

  • lick the tail area frequently;
  • experience pain when visiting the toilet.

A cat may experience pain when visiting the toilet if there is a problem with the paraanal glands.

To rid your pet of problems associated with inflammation or blockage of the glands, you need to contact a veterinarian who will carry out the necessary procedures to clean them. But the specialist will also prescribe strengthening vitamins and other medications to relieve inflammation and improve the animal’s immunity.

Oily seborrhea in a pet

This is a fairly common disease, especially among uncastrated and unsterilized animals, which is manifested by the appearance of dandruff. Yes, yes, our pets can also develop this unpleasant disease!

Oily seborrhea in a cat.

Symptoms of dandruff

Symptoms of dandruff in a cat:

  • oily and unkempt fur (most often on the tail and near the tail);
  • small brown or yellow spots;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • itching

If your cat has oily hair on his tail and brown spots, and you suspect that it is seborrhea, then it is recommended to immediately show the animal to a veterinarian. The specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

To make a diagnosis, you should take your cat to a veterinarian.

When there is no tail

Any cat can lose its tail. For example, it is amputated due to serious injury or cancer. There are also genetic mutations that cause cats to be born with a short tail or no tail. People considered these characteristics attractive and fixed them in a number of breeds.

Owners of such animals are convinced that their pets lead full lives. Although a cat who previously had a tail may need some time to adapt, she will eventually get used to doing without it.

Scientists have confirmed that tailless cats can flip over in flight and land on their paws. They can also walk along a narrow branch or fence due to the ability to step with their front and hind paws in a trail. Bob-tailed cats remain excellent hunters. Perhaps only the signaling repertoire of such animals is very limited.


"The Origins of Taillessness"

In fact, most domestic tailless cats have a small stump, explains Dr. Robinson, "and a huge number of them lose their tail due to injury." When a cat loses its tail (most often as a result of an accident), the problem boils down to cutting off the blood supply. As a rule, the blood supply and nerve endings are disrupted at the fracture point - it is at this point that the amputation of the damaged tail occurs.

There is no doubt that the completely tailless cats of the Isle of Man have no reason to worry about the loss of their long appendage. There are two stories told on the Isle of Man that explain why the native cats lost their tails: the first is in the chapter on the Manx cat (in the section on breeds), and the other is that Irish warriors used to decorate their helmets with cat tails. Mother cats, fearing that their kittens would be killed for this reason, bit off their tails immediately after birth!

And one more legend: a cat from the Isle of Man is the result of love affairs between a cat and a rabbit. Of course, all this is very funny, but in fact, taillessness is purely genetic.

What do scientists think?

Dr. Michael Fox, one of the leading scientists in the field of animal behavior, argues that taillessness is a mutation bordering on death, since some kittens born do not survive. A stable mutation persists even when such animals are mated with cats that have tails. Not all cats from the Isle of Man are tailless; there are animals with quite large stumps, and some even have a real tail (read about this in the section on breeds).

How do tailless cats communicate without a tail? Susan Nuffer, chairwoman of the Morris Animal Foundation of California and an amateur breeder of Isle of Man cats (she has 10 of them and one Cymric cat), says this: “My favorite Isle of Man cats think with their heads, not their tails!” According to S. Naffer, we communicate well and express ourselves without a tail. What's worse than her cats?! She explains with conviction that Isle of Man cats don't worry about things they never needed to do. “The tail is just an appendage, they don’t care.”

Tailless breeds

The tail is one of the main decorations and an important tool of a cat. With its help, she maintains balance, with it she expresses emotions, and with it she pleases her owners. But nature does not tolerate constancy, and from time to time tailless cats are born in different parts of the Earth. Somewhere they were killed by ignorant and illiterate peasants, somewhere they simply did not pay attention. In some places they took root, creating entire settlements of aboriginal tailless or short-tailed cats. Sometimes a person gets down to business. And then soon another application for registration of a new breed comes to felinological organizations. For example, those who will be discussed further.

1.Kurilian bobtail.

These cats come from the Kuril Islands, from where they began to be transported in the 80s of the last century. European breeders were absolutely delighted with these miniature lynxes, which they tried to breed artificially for years. Two varieties are recognized: longhaired and shorthaired.

2.Japanese bobtail.

Most likely, they inherited a short tail from the Kurilian Bobtail, but after that they developed independently for a long time. Living on the Japanese Islands, they became known to the general public only after World War II. But then felinologists highly appreciated their amazing appearance: large pointed ears, slightly extended forward, a characteristic stance, shorter front than hind legs and, of course, a short pom-pom tail.

Karelian Bobtail.

Another aboriginal breed, this time choosing Karelia as its homeland. Her closest relatives include Norwegian forest cats, but not Kuril Bobtails, as it might seem at first glance. The bobtail gene is different in these breeds. Currently, breeding work is underway to breed these rare cats. Let's hope it turns out to be successful.

Mekong Bobtail.

It is difficult to call the breed aboriginal, but it is not a hybrid either. These cats are mentioned in ancient legends, which suggests that bob-tailed Mekong bobtails were encountered before. But in observable history they are clearly associated with Siamese and Thai cats, in whose litter such kittens were often found. The breed was collected and multiplied by breeders, primarily Russian. It is they who should be thanked for the cats, similar to the Thai ones, but with a short, broken pom-pom tail.

American Bobtail.

His story is similar to the previous ones, but in this case the first kitten with a stump tail did not create the breed on his own, but ended up with knowledgeable people who were able to preserve his genes, creating a new breed based on them. Now there are two varieties of the American Bobtail - longhair and shorthair. Both are recognized by felinologists and cat lovers.

Features of the structure of a cat's tail

In most cats, the tail makes up approximately 10% of the total number of vertebrae in the spine. A more specific figure is 19–23 vertebrae. The unique maneuverability of the tail is provided by the musculoskeletal structure, which also includes ligaments and tendons. In an adult, the tail is on average:

  • in a cat - 25 cm in length;
  • for a cat - 28 cm.

Best articles: Siamese cats: features of the breed and maintenance

The tail is an extension of the spine

The spine of felines has a “logical” conclusion - the tail. This part of the animal’s body has a certain special status, since the sacral region has fused vertebrae, representing a single bone, and the tail originates from there. Its external characteristics are somewhat reminiscent of a whip.

A cat's tail makes up the caudal section of its spine.

The cat's tail is conventionally divided into three fragments:

  • root;
  • stem;
  • tip.

The vertebrae are wider in diameter at the base and narrow towards the tip. They are shorter in length. The first 5–8 vertebrae resemble an arch. The last vertebrae do not have a spinal canal. The end of the tail is crowned by a vertebra of small length and diameter. It is distinguished by asymmetry or sharpness. It may also be rudimentary (underdeveloped).

Between the vertebrae there are intervertebral discs, they are very plastic, so the cat's tail is very mobile.

The tail is very strong thanks to the ligaments. High mobility of the tail is ensured by three long tail muscles and a large number of short ones.

The cat's tail is equipped with muscles that ensure its high mobility.

Video: why you shouldn’t pull a cat’s tail

Cat tail length

Cats - owners of long tails - have different lengths of this part of the body. The measurement is taken from the extreme point of the sacrum to the extreme point of the last vertebra. The length ranges from 20–28 cm to 40 cm, which depends not only on the individual characteristics of the animal, but also on its breed. For example, Persian cats have a shorter average tail length than Orientals, while Maine Coons have a slightly longer tail.

Maine Coon is a breed of long-tailed cat

About tailless cats

There are cat breeds that have a very short tail, and there are those that don’t have one at all. There are only two breeds of completely tailless cats: Manx and Cymric. These breeds are not allowed to breed other cats. The reason for the lack of a tail was genetics.

Cymrik - a breed of tailless cats

In addition to tailed and tailless cats, there are cat breeds that have short tails. These include the bobtail breed. The tails of these animals are limited to 5–7 vertebrae, have strong pubescence, resembling a pompom in appearance.

Japanese Bobtails have a very short tail that looks like a pom-pom.

Cat tail thickness

The tail is divided into two types based on the thickness of the vertebral stem: thin and thick. The assessment is based on the massiveness of the animal and depends on the strength of the bones. The average value of this parameter can rarely be found. Often when describing the tail, the shape is indicated instead of the thickness, for example:

  • tail, thick at the base;
  • tail tapered to the tip;
  • thin tail.

Photo gallery: cats of different breeds and their tails

Other anatomical features of tails, genetic anomalies

Some cats have abnormal tail shapes. They can be represented:

  • crease. It represents the elevation of one vertebra above another. It turns out to be a kind of step-up effect. These vertebrae may be the same in length, or they may be different. The edges are necessarily rounded;
  • kink. Step down effect;
  • bending Elevation of one or more vertebrae above an imaginary straight line. Often vertebrae with this anomaly have a wedge shape;
  • knot formation. Several vertebrae fuse into one.

A cat's tail: how it works and why it is needed

One of the interesting features of cats is the tail, which is an extension of the spine. Like the rest of the body, the cat's tail is covered with muscle tissue and skin.

A cat's tail is a part of the body that performs certain functions.

Depending on the breed of cat, the number of caudal vertebrae can reach 27. The maximum length of a cat's tail is 40–50 cm. It also depends on the breed. The tail consists of three parts:

  • tail root - starts from the sacrum and consists of 4–6 fused vertebrae;
  • tail stem - consists of 10–15 vertebrae, which have an elongated shape, and between them there are cartilages connecting the joints of the vertebrae; the voids around the cartilage are filled with jelly-like intervertebral fluid - due to this structure, the cat’s tail is flexible and can take almost any shape;
  • tip of the tail - the closer to the end of the tail the vertebrae are located, the thinner and shorter they are, and the very last vertebra is the thinnest, on one of its sides there is no connecting cartilage and articular surface, so the tip of the tail can grow into an involuntary shape (in the form of a curved spike ).

At shows of cats with medium-length tails, judges probe the entire length of the participants' tails. If the last vertebra is “ugly” in shape, then the cat may lose the right to the title.

Sometimes the last vertebra of the tail can only be felt, since the fur masks minor defects

If nature has not turned the tail of a living organism into a rudiment, then its owner needs it. The tail serves as the cat's rudder. An animal can help itself with its tail when jumping and running; with its help, the cat balances body weight, balances movements and expresses its emotions and mood: a person can only determine the cat’s desires by the position of the tail.

Pay attention to the cat when you just come home after a long absence (for example, after work). If a cat greets you with its tail raised, it means it is glad to see you. And if she also presses against your leg, and the tip of the tail is curved and trembles, then your pet is happy to meet you.

The cat cuddles up to its leg, curving the tip of its tail, which means it is happy

The influence of cat age and breed on tail length

The shape, length, color and other physical characteristics of the tail are features characteristic of each individual cat breed. There are cat breeds with short tails, for example, the length of the bobtail's tail is only a few centimeters (the number of vertebrae varies from 2 to 8). By the way, this is where the name of the breed comes from (bob - a tuft of wool, tailless - tail). Long-haired bobtails have a tail that looks like a fluffy pom-pom.

These cats are popular due to their gentle disposition and some physiological characteristics. They shed little and their coat is non-allergenic. In addition, bobtails get along well with children and understand the owner from the first time. But they retained their main “cat skill” - the hunter’s instinct (bobtails hunt rodents).

In Kuril Bobtails, the color and length of the hair on the tail are the same as on the rest of the body, and the tail looks docked

In addition to bobtails, there are other cat breeds with short tails. Ringtails have a slightly longer tail, curved into a ring. This breed is called "ring-tailed cats." But in Russia, cats with medium-length tails are more popular.

The tail of a Siamese cat is thin, twig-shaped, and Siberian cats, which cannot be called short-haired anyway, have even longer hair on their tails.

The origin of the Siberian breed is still in question, but it is believed that such a long-haired Russian cat appeared thanks to the crossing of wild steppe cats with imported Asian breeds (settlers brought domestic animals with them). The fluffiness of the tail was inherited from wild ancestors, because in the wild a fluffy tail is needed to “mask” tracks.

The Siberian cat's wild ancestors have a fluffy tail that helps camouflage tracks.

Some cats also have an unusual tail shape. For example, Australian smoke cats and Asian tabbies have tails that are tapered at the end, almost always drooping, and the tip raised.

Most Russians who keep domestic cats adopt outbred animals. Yard cats can have absolutely any body color and tail shape. These animals appear by crossing outbred and purebred cats.

In purebred cats, the tail can be of any color and shape.

The length of the tail also depends on the age of the animal. Kittens have the same number of vertebrae in their tail as adults. As the kitten grows, the width and length of the caudal vertebrae increase, so the tail becomes longer. But if a kitten of long-tailed parents was born with a very short tail (or an irregularly shaped tail), then new vertebrae will not grow. In such cases, the cause may be birth trauma.

Can a cat live without a tail?

A cat can be without a tail for two reasons: loss of the tail as a result of injury and the peculiarity of the breed. In principle, a cat can do without a tail, even if it originally had one. Anything can happen, for example, injury. Cats that have lost their “rudder” can normally run, jump, climb tall trees, etc. Some are afraid that without a tail, a cat will not be able to land on its paws if it falls, but this is not so, because nature has endowed cats with strong paws, good muscles and flexibility.

Sometimes a cat’s tail is taken away for medical reasons (complex injury, tumor, etc.)

Imagine a situation where a domestic cat has its claws trimmed. Immediately after the procedure, the cat seems to “step” through the air, slide, stumble, etc. This happens in the first 5–10 minutes. After a couple of hours, the clawless pet is ready to climb the curtains and conquer the highest bookshelves. The same with the tail: at first the cat will be unusual and uncomfortable, but over time it will adapt and will be able to cope perfectly well without it.

There are cats whose lack of a tail is a feature of the breed (for example, Manx and Cymric), due to the presence of the M gene. If two such genes (MM) occur, then genetic damage to the spine occurs.

Photo gallery: “tailless” cats - Manx, Welsh and Pixie-Bob

Cymric (Welsh cat) looks like a bear cub, the tail is completely absent These cats look like a “short” lynx Tailless (Mank) cats come from England

However, the absence of a tail does not in any way prevent a cat from living a full life. Nature compensated for it with muscular hind legs and a strong body. Tailless cats, like other breeds, can be excellent hunters.

Health indicator

The condition of the coat can explain a lot about your pet’s health and tell you what illnesses it may have. With a lack of vitamins and nutrients, hair begins to fall out at the very base. In this case, it is necessary to normalize the animal’s diet. A sufficient amount of microelements and vitamins must be supplied to his body.

When the fur falls out along its entire length, the cat may have a fungus, allergies, lichen or lice. If you start to go bald, there may be digestive problems, eczema or dermatitis. Under severe stress, hair can also fall out.

Important! The appearance of the first signs of health problems is an important reason to seek qualified help from a specialist. All types of therapy and processing should only be carried out by a veterinarian.

Interesting facts about tailed animals

Kitties have the ability to bring comfort to the home, but they are also able to heal the inhabitants of the house, calming their nervous system with their purring. They sleep for two thirds of their lives.

Other interesting facts are known:

  • The largest cat in the world is the liger, growing up to 4 m and weighing up to 300 kg, and the smallest is about 0.5 m and 1 kg.
  • The Turkish Van breed has a waterproof coat, which allows it to swim calmly in the water and not get wet.
  • Cats have a unique phenomenon - they can find a home even when they are at a great distance from it.
  • Increased sensitivity to vibrations allows cats to feel tremors 10 minutes before the start of an earthquake.

The liger is not afraid to swim in water because it does not get wet

Care and maintenance

Orientals are cats that do not particularly need any super complex care. All they need:

  • Periodically clean your ears, which work like a real dust collector;
  • Trim claws;
  • Bath once every 6 months;
  • Clean the skin of short-haired dogs with a rubber glove or brush, and of long-haired dogs with a special comb (not a slicker brush).

They are also unpretentious in content. It is necessary to provide a sun lounger in a secluded corner without drafts, as well as a scratching post so that the furniture remains intact. If it is a multi-level playground, it will be even better. If not, you need to provide the cat with a sufficient number of different toys and spend enough time playing with it.

You need to feed balanced food in accordance with the age and weight of the animal, as there is a risk of obesity. Fatty meats and fish should be avoided. The water should be changed regularly.

Oriental cats are oriental animals, and therefore are picky about cleanliness. Therefore, owners should clean trays with enviable regularity, otherwise the animal will look for other “cleaner latrines.” The same applies to bowls - if they are poorly washed or there is old food in them, the animal may even refuse to eat.

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