Madder for cats: how to use it correctly

What is madder

Madder (popularly known as crapp) is a perennial herbaceous plant that can be found in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, and the Crimea.

The plant got its name because of the red pigment contained in the root system. Madder was first used in industry for dyeing fabrics (wool, linen, cotton).

The popular name for madder is krapp.

Both the aerial part of madder and the root have healing properties. But in the treatment of urolithiasis in cats, it is the rhizomes that are used, which are quite powerful in this plant.

To treat urolithiasis in cats, preparations based on madder roots are used.

Medicinal properties of the plant

Madder has a complex of medicinal properties that are useful specifically for the functioning of the urinary system:

  • bactericidal - has a detrimental effect on various types of cocci (spherical bacteria);
  • anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic - relieves pain that occurs when small stones and sand move through the ureters;
  • diuretic - activates the process of urination, helping to wash out small stones.

Madder also affects oxalate and phosphate stones, helping to soften and crush them.

Properties of the herb

This plant is characterized by a number of beneficial properties necessary for the effective treatment of cats from ailments associated with the functioning of the urolithiasis system:

  • Antibacterial. Manifests itself against spherical bacteria, cocci.
  • Anti-inflammatory. In the urine, thanks to the madder contained in the preparation, oxalate and phosphate stones are broken down. The use of this herb reduces the pain that appears in the kidneys during urination.
  • Diuretic. With the help of such a plant, the body activates the process of urination and helps remove stones formed by calcium salts in the form of phosphates and oxalates.
  • Antispasmodic. With the use of madder, there is a reduction in spasms when stones pass through the urinary tract.

Chemical composition of madder

The root system of the plant contains the following substances:

  • acids: citric - improves metabolic processes in cells;
  • wine - helps normalize digestion;
  • apple - regulates metabolic processes in the body;
  • ascorbic acid - lowers the level of uric acid in the body, protects cells from damage.
  • iridoids - substances that protect cells from the influence of various negative factors;
  • anthraquinones are substances that have a laxative effect, stimulating not only the intestines, but also the bladder to empty their bowels;
  • triterpenoids are acid-containing compounds with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties;
  • pectins - have the ability to remove toxins;
  • sugar is a source of energy for the animal’s body;
  • proteins - help strengthen defense mechanisms;
  • micro- and macroelements - ensure the normal functioning of the body as a whole.
  • Compound

    Madder itself is a herbaceous plant that grows in warm latitudes: Dagestan, Georgia, Crimea, Azerbaijan. It is a perennial with tree-like roots, which are used as raw materials for the manufacture of tablets and traditional medicine.

    The composition of the roots is more than saturated:

    1. Organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric).
    2. Anthraquinones. They cleanse the intestines due to their delicate laxative effect.
    3. Iridoids. Three effects: diuretic, choleretic and antimicrobial. Helps cleanse the animal's body of waste products.
    4. Sahara. They are sources of energy.
    5. Pectin substances. They rid the body of toxins, cholesterol, and heavy metal salts.
    6. Ascorbic acid. It is rightfully considered the best way to strengthen the immune system.
    7. Micro- and macroelements.

    Important! The drug is produced for humans, but is widely used in veterinary medicine.

    Release forms

    There are several of them:

    1. Pills. Helps remove stones and sand from the body. Sold in blisters of 10 tablets, each weighing 250 mg. The main active ingredient is madder extract.
    2. Drops. Effective for dissolving oxalates, relieving swelling and stabilizing kidney function.
    3. Powder from crushed root. Based on it, decoctions are prepared that remove salts from the body and contribute to the treatment of urolithiasis. The infusion can also reduce pain.
    4. Herbal tea. It is not popular in veterinary medicine; in addition to madder, the composition may include chamomile flowers and birch leaves. Helps soften stones in the urinary system.

    Forms of release of the drug

    The drug can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. Madder is available in different forms:

    • Pills. Packed in blister and cardboard box. Packaging: 10–60 pieces. One tablet contains 250 mg of active substance (madder dry extract). The tablets are round in shape and have a line in the middle. The color can vary from light to dark brown with patches, a pinkish tint is possible. The price for a package of 10 tablets is from 60 rubles.
    • Drops. A more convenient form for use and dosing of the drug. Available in a 50 ml plastic bottle, packed in a cardboard box. The drug costs about 200 rubles.
    • Chopped root. This is the raw material for preparing medicinal infusions and decoctions. The root is packaged in 50 g packets in paper or plastic bags. The drug costs from 50 rubles.
    • Herbal tea. Contains tea bags for brewing in a mug. 20 filter bags are packed in a cardboard box. Its cost is about 120 rubles.

    The drug is produced for humans and is sold in regular pharmacies. But it has also found its application in veterinary medicine. For cats, tablets are most often used or infusions and decoctions are prepared from the crushed root.

    Photo gallery: madder preparations in different release forms

    Madder drops help dissolve calcium oxalates

    Tablets containing madder extract are the most common form of the drug used in the treatment of cats. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from the crushed roots of madder.

    It is convenient to brew herbal tea in a mug, but it is more difficult to dose for cats


    In the treatment of various ailments in our little brothers, in addition to traditional pharmacological drugs, alternative medicine can be used. For example, madder for the treatment of cats, which is often prescribed by veterinarians for urolithiasis, acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary system, and respiratory tract. This healing herbaceous plant is no less effective in treating bones and dermatological diseases in animals.

    Madder is a perennial herbaceous medicinal plant.

    Madder is a melliferous perennial plant with a unique biochemical composition. Used in the form of decoctions, powders, tinctures, and tablets. In veterinary medicine, madder rhizome is used to treat cats, since the active substances contained in the roots of the medicinal plant promote painless, rapid release of urinary stones (oxalates, phosphates) from the kidneys and bladder. The dry extract of the medicinal plant has a pronounced antispasmodic, mild diuretic, nephrolytic effect.

    Madder rhizomes contain copper, iron, hydroxymethylanthraquinones, organic acids (tartaric, malic, citric), proteins, amino acids, sugars, pectins, anthraglycosides, and other biologically active compounds.

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    The active components of the plant have a bactericidal effect and are effective against coccal bacteria. They enhance peristaltic contractions of the muscles of the renal pelvis and ureters, gradually destroy stones (urates) in the kidneys and bladder, promoting their excretion.

    Madder rhizome

    Madder improves the water-salt balance in the body of animals, relieves pain in the kidneys during urination, and promotes the movement of urinary stones.

    When diagnosing diseases of the genitourinary tract in cats, in particular urolithiasis, veterinarians prescribe tablets made from the rhizome of madder to four-fingered patients. You can purchase natural medicine without any problems at any pharmacy in the city.

    Indications for use for cats

    Madder extract is used to treat urinary tract diseases in cats. This is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • increased frequency of urination, with little urine being released (sometimes just a few drops);
    • the appearance of impurities in the urine (blood, pus, sand);
    • cloudy urine (contains impurities that are not visible to the human eye);
    • increased body temperature (above 39 degrees);
    • lack of appetite, lethargy.

    Video: urolithiasis in cats

    Manifestations of urolithiasis in cats

    What leads to the formation of such a dangerous disease in a cat? The main factors include drinking dirty water, frequent hypothermia, poor diet, and the penetration of bacteria into the body . All this negatively affects the functioning of the animal’s bladder and kidneys, and leads to more serious complications. The owner should sound the alarm when the following symptoms appear :

    • the cat’s urine becomes cloudy, an admixture of pus, sand or blood is visible in it, the color of the urine becomes rich yellow;
    • the cat begins to urinate much more often than before;
    • fluid is released during urination in small quantities or completely absent;
    • the animal becomes apathetic and loses its appetite;
    • an increase in temperature is observed.

    Even one of these symptoms should be a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian.

    Instructions for use and dosage of madder for the treatment of cats

    Treatment of urolithiasis is a complex process that requires a set of measures. It must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Therefore, independent use of madder for your pet is highly not recommended.

    The use of madder depends on the specific form of the drug.

    The drug is approved for use in kittens from 1 month of age.


    Madder tablets are most often purchased for the treatment of cats:

    1. The tablet is divided into 4 parts.
    2. 1/4 is crushed, diluted in 25 ml of boiled water.
    3. Draw the resulting solution into a syringe without a needle at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of pet’s weight.
    4. The drug is poured from a syringe into the pet’s mouth 2 times a day before meals.
    5. The course of treatment is 1–2 months. Improvements in the condition are usually noticeable starting from the 3rd day of treatment.

    In case of a complex course of the disease (for example, when there is no urination at all), an intensive course of therapy is carried out. The drug is calculated at 2 ml per 1 kg of weight, and is given to the cat 4 times a day. This dosage and frequency continue for 4 days, after which they switch to the standard regimen.

    Video: how to give liquid medicine to a cat

    How to prepare and use decoction and infusion

    To prepare a decoction, crushed roots of the plant are used:

    1. 1 tbsp. l. roots are poured with a glass of boiling water.
    2. Keep on low heat for 10 minutes.
    3. Take 10 ml from the resulting decoction and dilute it with 100 ml of boiled water.
    4. The cat is given 2 ml 2 times a day before meals.

    The drug is given to the cat from a syringe without a needle.

    You can also prepare an infusion. It is recommended to make it from madder root powder:

    • 1 teaspoon of powder is poured into a glass of cold water and left for 8 hours.
    • Then it is filtered, the resulting liquid is set aside, and the sediment is poured again, but with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes.
    • Strain and mix both resulting liquids in one container.
    • The dosage and regimen are identical to the decoction.

    When is treatment with moraine tincture contraindicated?

    Despite all its unique properties, the grass can cause harm to the animal if used incorrectly.
    The use of moraine tincture is prohibited in case of severe urolithiasis, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis and kidney stones .

    After starting to take the drug, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the animal’s body and observe the manifestations of symptoms of the disease.

    You can draw certain conclusions by paying attention to changes in the color of your urine - if it is golden, bright yellow or slightly reddish, then there is no need to worry.

    As soon as the urine becomes noticeably red, the stone medicine should be stopped immediately. In this case, you cannot do without the help of doctors.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Side effects include allergic reactions. During treatment, urine may turn pink, which is normal. But if the urine turns brown, then the dosage of the drug should be reduced, and if the symptom does not go away even after that, it should be discontinued.

    Contraindications for use are:

    • glomerulonephritis both in the chronic phase and in the acute stage;
    • renal failure;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • lactase deficiency;
    • allergy to the drug;
    • period of pregnancy and lactation in cats.


    Madder should not be used to treat pregnant cats and kittens. This medicine can be given to an adult female 1 month after birth.

    Contraindications for the use of madder for urolithiasis are the following diseases and pathological conditions:

    • lactose intolerance or deficiency in the body;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • acute or chronic renal failure;
    • glomerulonephritis;
    • advanced stage of ICD;
    • the presence of kidney stones.

    If there are contraindications, the veterinarian selects another method of treating the pathology.

    All information posted on the site is provided in accordance with the User Agreement and is not a direct instruction to action. We strongly recommend that before using any product, you must obtain a face-to-face consultation at an accredited veterinary clinic.

    Is catheterization required for your pet during therapy?

    Your veterinarian may prescribe a comprehensive treatment for your cat , including the use of a catheter. It should be used carefully, since catheterization is an extremely painful process .
    It should also be taken into account that the male urethra is smaller and longer in diameter than the female urethra, so catheterization will be even more uncomfortable for them. When a catheter is inserted, the urethra is injured and swells , as a result of which it becomes even narrower.

    If the cat was treated in this way, you should not count on quick results from using madder. Catheterization must be treated with extreme caution and remember that an inexperienced veterinarian can pierce the animal's urethra with a catheter, thereby worsening an already difficult situation.

    When to expect treatment results

    If you adhere to the correct dosage and give the medicine to your cat regularly, then after 5-6 days you will be able to see an improvement in its condition .
    Taking the drug should continue until complete recovery - approximately, the period will be about a month . Longer treatment is often required.

    Many cat owners note that thanks to moraine, the disease can be dealt with 100% , and relapses are not observed.

    The main thing is that the dosage of the drug is not violated . To avoid harm to your pet, treatment should be started only after consultation with a veterinarian.

    Attention! You should not look in the pharmacy for a special madder-based drug intended for the treatment of cats. You can buy regular tablets that are used by people; they are perfect for animals.

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