Review of the contraceptive drug Depo-Provera for cats

Having brought a fluffy ball into your home, you need to be prepared for the fact that by the age of 8 months the cat will begin to ask to see a cat. A pet that has gone on a spree can really fray the owner’s nerves. Constant screaming, aggression, cat tagging and puddles of cats will drive anyone crazy. Therefore, the question arises about choosing a way to get rid of these “charms of life.” An alternative to sterilization is injections of the drug Depo-Provera for cats.

Initially, Depo-Provera (Latin name Depo-Provera) is an antitumor drug. It suppresses testosterone production in men and also causes anovulation in women (when the ovaries do not produce an egg). It is now popular for reducing sex drive in cats. At the moment it is considered more gentle than analogues. Used in a number of catteries of elite cat breeds.

Depo-Provera for cats began to be used recently, originally it was a drug for people

special instructions

Before prescribing Depo-Provera, the patient should be thoroughly examined.
If signs and/or symptoms of thromboembolism occur, the risk-benefit ratio should be assessed before continuing use of the drug.

If the Itsenko-Cushing symptom complex (moon face, fluid retention, decreased glucose tolerance, increased blood pressure) appears while taking the drug in high doses, the dose should be reduced if possible and the patient's condition should be carefully monitored.

Use of the drug in high doses may cause weight gain and fluid retention

Therefore, caution should be exercised when treating patients who may be adversely affected by weight gain or fluid retention.

Patients with a history of treatment for depression should be carefully monitored. During therapy with Depo-Provera, some patients complain of depression similar to premenstrual depression.

When conducting a cytological or histological examination of the endometrium or cervix, it is necessary to notify the histologist about the therapy being carried out.

The drug should be used with caution in the postpartum period due to the increased risk of heavy and prolonged uterine bleeding. It is believed that the use of Depo-Provera may increase the risk of developing osteoporosis.

It is believed that the use of Depo-Provera may increase the risk of developing osteoporosis.

You should stop using the drug if there is a sudden partial or complete loss of vision, or if you develop bulging eyes, double vision, or migraine attacks. If the examination reveals damage to the fiber vessels or swelling of the optic nerve nipple, Depo-Provera should also not be used.

If jaundice develops, you must stop using the drug.

The use of the drug may affect the results of the following laboratory tests: determination of gonadotropin levels (downward); determination of blood plasma levels of progesterone, cortisol, estrogens (towards a decrease); determination of the level of pregnanediol in urine (downward); determination of testosterone levels in blood plasma (towards a decrease); determination of the level of specific globulin that binds sex hormones (towards a decrease); performing a sugar load test (glucose tolerance test); metapyrone test; can change the results of the test for prothrombin (factor II) and blood clotting factors VII, VIII, IX, X (increasing); increases the value of liver function indicators.


There are cases when the so-called injection of a cat from a party is the only way out, but they are rare. Such cases include all sorts of contraindications to surgery. For example, a cat has a weak heart or kidneys, and therefore cannot be given anesthesia. It is impossible to carry out a sterilization operation without general anesthesia, so the only thing left is to endure the heat, or give injections, or give hormonal pills.

Sometimes this is practiced in nurseries, because... cats should not become pregnant every time they are in heat, and for some, the condition is so debilitating that breeders may resort to the last resort of injecting the drug.

But in any case, such things must be done strictly under the supervision of a veterinarian, who will select the right drug, the right dosage and the correct injection schedule.

– this is always a difficult period for both the owners and the pet itself. Therefore, the owner often resorts to various measures to eliminate unpleasant, but so often inevitable symptoms. One of the effective ways to make life easier for yourself and your pet is to give her a hormonal injection. However, how simple is it, and does your pet really need this injection? Let's try to figure it out together.

How to prepare a cat for castration

Before taking your animal to the doctor for surgery, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination. If diseases are found, they need to be treated, because... With a weakened immune system, recovery is more difficult. It is also necessary to carry out treatment against parasites and vaccination in advance.

Important: Make sure your animal is healthy before castration. About a day before surgery, the cat must be bathed using a specially prescribed shampoo.

12 hours before the procedure, you must avoid food. If the animal is nervous, it is acceptable to give it a small dose of sedative

About a day before surgery, the cat needs to be bathed using a specially prescribed shampoo. 12 hours before the procedure, you must avoid food. If the animal is nervous, it is acceptable to give it a small dose of a sedative.

A clear contraindication to surgery is urolithiasis.

Side effects of the drug

For those cat owners who want to find a “magic” remedy to prevent heat, it is important to know that such drugs may not be completely safe. In addition to the fact that you need to follow special rules when performing an injection, you should carry out treatment only after consultation with a specialist

He will warn you how Covinan can be dangerous for cats. Side effects do not occur so often, but they are quite unpleasant for both the animal and its owner:

  • Many cats have an increased appetite and begin to gain weight;
  • some owners note lethargy and lethargy of the animal after treatment;
  • the mammary glands may enlarge and even develop a tumor;
  • sometimes purulent inflammation of the uterus occurs;
  • the activity of the endocrine system may be disrupted;
  • local reactions include hair loss or lightening at the injection site.

Progressive method

The most advanced method of temporary chemical castration at the moment is the placement of an implant called Suprelorin in cats. This implant is a small cylinder inserted under the skin of the animal. The implant contains deslorelin acetate as an active ingredient. This substance is slowly, constantly, in small doses released into the cat’s blood, suppressing the secretion of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, and in males it reduces spermatogenesis and testosterone levels.

Unlike surgical castration, chemical castration is completely reversible. The introduction of an implant blocks sexual activity for a period of 0.5-1.5 years. Cessation of the action of the substances leads to a gradual restoration of sexual functions.

Administration of Suprelorin to a cat is an ideal option for owners who want to evaluate the behavior of the animal after surgery or in the case of animals used in breeding for the temporary cessation of sexual activity.

Unfortunately, this implant is a fairly new development, so there are no objective statistical data on side effects for cats.

Alternative to injections for estrus


- a peptide-based contraceptive implant containing the active substance deslorelin. It is used for temporary castration of animals with the possibility of restoring reproductive function. The implant is inserted subcutaneously, a slow release of the hormone occurs, suppressing the production of pituitary hormones and, accordingly, sex hormones. This leads first to a sharp increase in sexual activity, and then to its complete suppression. The effect is achieved 6 weeks after insertion of the implant and lasts in cats for an average of 6 to 24 months.

The implant size is only 2.3 by 12.5 mm. It is located in the needle of a syringe-pusher, with which the doctor inserts the implant into the cat’s withers. The procedure is simple and safe, it is carried out by analogy with. Of the side effects of this drug, only a local reaction of the injection site is described: swelling, inflammation, which, as a rule, go away on their own.

Although the drug is currently only licensed for dogs and ferrets, its use in cats is gaining momentum. Suprelorin has established itself as the safest method of hormonal contraception in these animals.


This contraceptive is not recommended for use in young cats that have not reached puberty, as there are not enough studies yet to confirm its safety in this category.

Sterilization as an alternative to contraceptives

If the animal is completely healthy, but there is no need to maintain reproductive function, then it is better to choose sterilization or castration. Sterilization in a cat involves tying the fallopian tubes. Castration is the removal of the uterus and ovaries or only the ovaries.

Important! After sterilization, you will need to monitor the pet’s weight and periodically visit the veterinary hospital for a genitourinary check.

The choice of method to reduce sexual activity in a cat depends entirely on the owner. Injections will help preserve reproductive function and avoid surgery under general anesthesia, but they can lead to a lot of undesirable consequences.

*Prices are as of October 2022.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Depo-Provera

Medroxyprogesterone acetate (17-alpha-hydroxy-6-alpha-methylprogesterone acetate) belongs to gestagens (progestins) and is a derivative of progesterone. The drug does not have estrogenic activity, its androgenic activity is minimal. Depo-Provera in appropriate doses inhibits the secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, which in turn prevents the maturation of follicles, causing anovulation in women of childbearing age. When appropriate doses of the drug are used in men, the function of Leydig cells is inhibited (the formation of endogenous testosterone is inhibited). The antitumor effect of Depo-Provera in therapeutic doses in hormone-dependent malignancies may be associated with its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, progestin and estrogen receptors, and steroid metabolism at the cellular level. Medroxyprogesterone acetate, like progesterone, has a pyrogenic effect. When used in very high doses, such as those used in the treatment of some types of cancer (500 mg/day and above), corticosteroid activity may occur. After intramuscular administration of medroxyprogesterone acetate, its release occurs slowly, which ensures the creation of low but constant concentrations of the drug in the blood plasma. The time to reach maximum concentration after intramuscular injection is approximately 4–20 days. However, medroxyprogesterone acetate is detected in the blood even 7–9 months after intramuscular administration. Almost 90–95% of medroxyprogesterone acetate is protein bound. The volume of distribution is 20±3 l. Medroxyprogesterone acetate crosses the blood-brain barrier and is excreted into breast milk. Currently, many metabolites of medroxyprogesterone acetate have been described. The half-life after intramuscular administration is 6 weeks. Medroxyprogesterone acetate is excreted mainly in bile and feces. Approximately 44% of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine.

Release form of the drug and its composition

Drugs designed to destroy malignant tumors, as a rule, cause serious damage to the entire body. To increase their effectiveness, they are produced in the form of suspensions, with which doctors make intramuscular injections. The drug “Depo-Provera” was no exception, the price of which allows it to be used for treatment even by indigent patients. The medicine is produced in the form of white suspensions. In turn, it is packaged in a glass bottle or syringe, which is placed in a cardboard box. This drug can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. It should also only be used in a hospital under the strict supervision of a specialist. The shelf life of the medicine is 5 years. It is recommended to store it in a cool and dry place.

The active ingredient of the drug is medroxyprogesterone acetate. Its quantity depends on the volume of the bottle. In pharmacies you can see packages with a capacity of 3.3 and 6.7 ml. Accordingly, they contain 500 mg and 1 g of active substance. The suspension also contains auxiliary components, including distilled water, polyethylene glycol 3350, sodium chloride, methylparaben and others.

The package contains only one bottle. The price of Depo-Provera, as a rule, will depend not only on the amount of active substance in the suspension, but also on the region and pharmacy selling the medicine. The minimum cost starts from approximately 110 rubles per bottle of 3.3 ml. Accordingly, a 6.7 ml package will cost patients approximately 220 rubles.

Check with your doctor

What questions should you discuss with your doctor if you are considering using Depo-Provera as a long-acting contraceptive?

  • Change in body weight towards increase with long-term use of the drug
  • Delay in the restoration of fertility - especially in light of the fact that there is no antidote for this remedy
  • In the long term, the development of osteoporosis is possible, especially if the medicine was used uncontrolled and from adolescence (16-17 years)
  • Duration of action of even a single dose (up to 12 weeks)
  • Informing those wishing to use this particular contraceptive that monthly menstrual bleeding is not a mandatory attribute of a woman.
  • It is possible that there will be frequent periodic acyclic mild bleeding.

Most often, women decide to use Depo-Provera for whom regular and daily use of oral contraceptives is inconvenient or even impossible due to employment or a busy business schedule. It is for this reason that they often miss the next injection - due to lack of time or forgetfulness.

But due to the residual hormonal effects of progestogens, a delay of up to 2 weeks with the next injection is not critical. And the longer the drug was used, the longer it is possible to miss the deadline (up to a month or more). So during this time, the woman will inevitably remember the next date for visiting the doctor’s office.


Drugs in this form are much easier to “feed” to a cat, since the liquid solution can be added to food and drink, whereas this is difficult to do with tablets. Today, in any veterinary clinic you can purchase many suitable drops, but most often they give preference to the following:

  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Contra sex;
  • Sex barrier.

Contra-sex and Sex-barrier products operate on approximately the same principle: they are both hormonal and lead to the suppression of the animal’s sexual instinct. The drops are oil-based and are available in standard bottles equipped with a dropper dispenser. As a result of the use of these drugs, the cat temporarily loses its sexual instinct and, accordingly, stops hunting attempts. Note that the drugs are independently eliminated from the cat’s body after 15 days.

Hormonal drops Sex Barrier lead to a noticeable decrease in sexual desire in cats. The animal's excitement subsides, and its behavior becomes “socially acceptable.”

Stop intimate

This is a milder remedy than Sex Barrier, but also hormonal. The product is used when the cat’s sexual instinct is not too clearly expressed.

Mechanism of action of Depo-Provera

The mechanism of action is an increase in the viscosity of cervical mucus, a change in the condition of the endometrium and inhibition of ovulation stimulated by lutropin. The suppression of FSH secretion is not as significant as when taking oral contraceptives; the concentration of estrogen in the blood is comparable to that in the early follicular phase of the normal menstrual cycle. Manifestations of estrogen hormone deficiency, such as atrophic changes in the vaginal mucosa or a decrease in the size of the mammary glands, do not develop, but a decrease in bone tissue density is possible.

According to some researchers, cases of pregnancy that occur at the very beginning of using the drug are accompanied by an increased incidence of fetal or newborn death, presumably associated with an increased likelihood of intrauterine development disorders

Therefore, it is most important to take precautions in the period after the first injection of the drug. To ensure reliable contraception, the first injection should be carried out in the first 5 days of the cycle (before the dominant follicle ruptures) or additional contraception should be used for two weeks after the first injection. Failure to comply with the rules for using the drug reduces the duration of the contraceptive effect

The drug is injected into the muscle, changing the injection site (L-shaped); the place cannot be massaged. Injections should not be administered to areas subject to natural rubbing during movement.

Failure to comply with the rules for using the drug reduces the duration of the contraceptive effect. The drug is injected into the muscle, changing the injection site (L-shaped); the place cannot be massaged. Injections should not be administered to areas subject to natural rubbing during movement.

Indian experiment

In 2011, Indian veterinarians made an amazing discovery. While solving the problem of limiting the number of stray animals, they discovered a “miracle” remedy that has a contraceptive effect. It turned out to be calcium chloride, previously actively used in medicine and veterinary medicine for other purposes.

This substance began to be injected into the testes of animals. The ideal dosage was 0.25 calcium chloride at a concentration of 10%. Five minutes after the administration of the substance, the animals showed minor signs of discomfort; in some, the testes swelled. But after a while all the unwanted reactions stopped.

As a result, sperm production in animals decreased, thus reducing the number of stray cats. However, the method requires further study.

When is it time to think about it

Having reached 8, and sometimes 10 months of age, a cat begins to enter adulthood; simply put, its body is ready for reproduction and nothing can be done with the laws of nature. Around this time, the cat's first heat begins and a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body. From a small and fluffy ball, your pet turns into a wildly screaming cat. To be honest, such screams will lead the calmest person to a nervous breakdown.


Veterinarians often offer the option of sterilizing the animal, this partially solves the problem. But for various reasons, not all cat owners are ready for surgery. Contraindications for sterilization include:

  • kidney diseases,
  • heart disease,
  • Anesthesia is contraindicated for the animal.

Just as not everyone is ready to have cat dates and wait for subsequent offspring, and if the cat does not have special advantages and pedigree, then another additional headache will arise - where to put the kittens.

Why do you need to know how to give an injection?

Every owner is potentially capable of injecting their animal

. This skill has many serious advantages:

  • in a critical situation may be important to save a life;
  • saves time on visits to the veterinarian, as well as the cost of paying for injections;
  • a sick animal does not need to be transported;
  • the pet receives less stress than from a visit to the clinic, feeling the care and affection of a loved one;
  • An additional opportunity is to help other owners in a similar situation.

When prescribing medication, ask your veterinarian to teach you injection techniques, if possible, give the first injection under his supervision. But then you will have to act on your own.

Application in oncology

Depo-Provera is used:

  1. As an additional or replacement treatment for recurrent forms of cancer and for metastatic oncology of the endometrium and kidney cancer.
  2. As a palliative for hormone-dependent recurrent breast cancer in postmenopausal women.
  3. At the last stages of all forms of oncology, when there are advanced tumors of various locations.
  4. In men - with prostate carcinoma, as well as with certain forms of prostate adenoma.
  5. The dosage of the medicine is determined by the attending physician strictly individually, based on the results of general and specialized blood tests. The treatment regimen is based on indications and stage of the disease.

Treatment of endometrial cancer and kidney cancer

The initial dosage for this type of oncology can range from 500 mg to 1 gram per week. If the condition improves, if it occurs within several weeks, a maintenance dosage of 500 mg per week is prescribed.

Breast cancer treatment

The initial dose of Depo-Provera for breast cancer is up to 500 mg per day for 28 days. Then maintenance injections of 500 grams are prescribed 2 times a week. Treatment continues until effectiveness is demonstrated or is stopped due to the futility of this method.

The effects of Depo-Provera on breast cancer may appear 9-10 weeks after the start of therapy, but if during it it turns out that the course is ineffective (which is quite possible due to a number of hormonal reasons), such treatment is immediately stopped.

Side effects during treatment with increased doses of the drug mirror the picture of contraindications when using the drug as a contraceptive. That is, if the list of contraindications includes thromboembolism as a blood clotting disease, then the use of large doses can cause this disease. The same applies to depression and nervousness in the central nervous system, and nausea in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And from the reproductive system, atypical discharge from the genitals, hypertrophied sensitivity of the mammary glands and galactorrhea are possible.

If high doses in the treatment of oncology have been used for quite a long time, symptomatic Itsenko-Cushing complex may occur. This is a whole complex of clinical symptoms characteristic of increased levels of corticosteroids in the blood, which causes a disorder of the hormonal system such as hypercortisolism.

The primary form of this syndrome is associated with pathological changes in the adrenal glands. And the secondary one can progress when the hypothalamic-pituitary system in the brain is affected. At the first manifestations of such symptoms, it is necessary to intensify monitoring of the patient and, if possible, reduce, sometimes significantly, the dosage of Depo-Provera.

Studying even the most thorough instructions for such a specific and multidisciplinary drug as Depo-Provera will not give anything to a patient or simply a patient who wants to receive a reliable method of contraception, without a thorough preliminary examination by a specialized doctor.

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How does Depo-Provera work?

This drug is controversial. And many faces. Using it in its pure form can contribute to the onset of a desired and long-awaited pregnancy. But combine it with the female hormone of the estrogen class, and you will receive a highly guaranteed contraceptive, which acts in this capacity, unlike other synthetic drugs, very gently: it inhibits the natural mechanisms of ovulation of the egg, and makes the mucus excessively viscous on the approaches to it. And in this mucus, the sperm get stuck, stuck, unable to move further, having reached the cervix - this last leg of the journey before the egg.

This same thickened mucus will prevent an ectopic pregnancy from occurring. Because the egg that was moving towards the sperm will also get stuck, not allowing it to merge with them “in an embrace.”

If a woman who decides to use Depo-Provera contraception does not have a phobia for intramuscular injections, and she has no contraindications to the use of this drug by the gynecologist observing her, then just one injection in the buttock will provide up to 12 weeks of contraception. And without compromising the contraceptive effect, the injection date can be moved a week earlier or later.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action is simple: a capsulated supply of the injected agent is formed in the injection, which begins to be slowly consumed, entering the bloodstream. Constant circulation in the circulatory system is possible because up to 95% of the administered drug is tightly bound to proteins, but is released as needed and takes on a free form.

The longer this drug is used as a contraceptive, the more time it takes for the body to completely eliminate it: after several years of use, traces of Depo-Provera disappear from the blood of patients only after 9-12 months after the last injection.

This method of contraception does not have any irreversible consequences. During its use, there is a significant decrease in the volume of menstrual flow, dysmenorrhea (pain in the lower abdomen during PMS and during menstruation) decreases, and PMS itself (premenstrual syndrome, characterized by increased irritability and even depressive states) weakens or even disappears.

The frequency of manifestations of endometriosis, that is, non-localized growths of internal cells of the uterus in places where they should not be by definition, is reduced: in places such as the bladder, rectum and even in the lungs. In this sense, endometriosis is similar in its course to an oncological disease, to metastases - but these formations are completely benign and do not pose a threat to health. Although they cause inconvenience because they are capable of bleeding inside any organs simultaneously with the onset of menstruation.

When to inject

If menstruation comes on time, without delays, then the optimal time for administering the drug is before the fifth day of the cycle. The drug begins to act immediately.

You can use it after childbirth, provided that 5-6 weeks have already passed since the birth of the child. Otherwise, the risk of spontaneous uterine bleeding increases.

If the injection is made within seven days after a miscarriage, moreover, without pathological consequences, or after an artificial termination of pregnancy, then the contraceptive effect also begins immediately, without any negative consequences.

Contraceptive injections for women

Injections with a contraceptive effect are classified as hormonal contraceptives. Hormonal contraceptives work in two ways:

  1. Suppression of ovulation. A hormonal contraceptive delivers a synthetic hormone progestogen into the bloodstream, similar to the female hormone progesterone, the so-called pregnancy hormone. The result is a false fertilization effect that suppresses ovulation.
  2. Changes in the uterine mucosa. Progestogen affects the composition of cervical mucus. It becomes more viscous, which makes it difficult for the sperm to enter the uterus. If fertilization of the egg does occur, the altered mucosa will not allow the egg to implant into the wall of the uterus. Pregnancy will not occur.

Table: comparative analysis of various types of hormonal contraceptives

Type of hormonal contraceptiveRegularity of useHow to useRefusal of contraceptionDoctor's helpapproximate cost
PillsEvery day, at the same timeOralThe possibility of becoming pregnant occurs when you stop taking it.Not requiredFrom 600 rub.
Patch1 time per weekAttaches to any part of the bodyYou can cancel the contraceptive effect any day by removing the patch.Self-stick and removeFrom 900 rub.
Ring1 time per monthInserted into the vaginaYou can cancel the contraceptive effect any day by removing the ring.Enters and removes independentlyFrom 1100 rub.
SpiralService life - up to 5 yearsInserted into the uterine cavityYou can cancel the contraceptive effect any day by removing the IUD.Can only be inserted and removed by a doctor4–8 thousand rubles
Hormonal implantsService life - up to 5 yearsInserted into the inner forearmYou can cancel the contraceptive effect any day by removing the implant.Injected subcutaneously by a doctorFrom 10 thousand rubles
InjectionOnce every 8–13 weeksPlaced in the shoulder, abdomen, buttocks or thighThe contraceptive effect ceases only after the injection expires.Done by a doctor or independentlyFrom 200 rub.

Preparations for contraceptive injections

Modern injection contraception uses several drugs. Most popular in the world:

  • Depo-Provera (Depo-Provera);
  • Sayana Press (Sayana Press);
  • Noristerat (Noristerat, or Net-En).

The duration of the injections and the price depend on the chosen drug.

Table: drugs for hormonal contraceptive injections

A drugManufacturer countryHormone dosage for 1 injectionDuration of actionFeatures of the drugPrice
Depo-ProveraUSA104 to 150 mgUp to 13 weeksMost common in the Russian Federation and the countries of the former USSR.From 200 rub. for 150 mg
Sayana PressUSA150 mgUp to 13 weeksThe newest drug is positioned as an affordable analogue of Depo-Provera for poor countries.$1 per injection
NoristeratGermany200 mg8 weeksMost common in European countries, also supplied to India and Africa.From 500 rub. per injection 200 mg

Photo gallery: preparations for hormonal contraceptive injections

How does the procedure work?

The drugs are administered intramuscularly into the buttock, abdomen or thigh, and sometimes into the shoulder. In medical institutions, only disposable syringes are used for the procedure. The likelihood of inflammation at the injection site is small. It can be completely eliminated if disinfection measures are followed. Allergic reactions to drugs are extremely rare.

You can give birth control injections to yourself if you have experience. In this case, it is more convenient to inject the product into the stomach or thigh. For home use, Depo-Provera and Sayana Press are produced in the form of disposable syringes with the required dosage. A woman just needs to remove the protective cap from the syringe and inject the solution.

If injectable contraception suits you, it makes sense to learn how to inject yourself

When used correctly, the injection is more than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. According to the Pearl Index, the number of unplanned pregnancies during a year of using contraceptive injections ranges from 0.3 to 1.4 per 100 women.

Features of an estrus injection for cats

When a pet is ready to reproduce, the process of estrus begins in her body, scientifically called estrus. Animals often begin to roll on the floor, meow pitifully or scream heart-rendingly. This period occurs approximately twice a year in mature cats. Even if you plan to breed kittens, giving birth too often is unhealthy for your cat, which means you need to somehow help her survive this period.

A popular method is injection; it is fraught with several difficulties. Contrary to popular belief, this is not a one-time panacea for the unpleasant symptoms of estrus. The doctor must give injections at a certain frequency; for this purpose, a specific drug administration regimen is even developed. In addition, there are certain contraindications to the administration of hormonal drugs. Therefore, under no circumstances should you give the first injection yourself.

After a thorough examination, the veterinarian injects the cat with a special drug that changes the level of hormones in the animal’s body. The most commonly used are Covinan or Depo-Provera. Both substances contain a synthetic hormone that temporarily increases progesterone levels. The administration of the drug interferes with the ovulation process, as the hormonal background changes slightly. As a result, the pet does not suffer from the desire for intimacy with the cat, and the owners are no longer forced to listen to the animal’s endless cries.

As we have already said, the drug is administered according to a certain scheme. A prerequisite is that the injection is done during the rest period; in no case should the procedure be done if the cats are in heat. The second injection is given three months after the first injection, the third after four months, and each subsequent injection at intervals of five months. This periodicity is based on deep scientific research, so it should not be neglected.

How the cat feels after the injection

To ensure that the injection does not affect your pet’s well-being, contact a competent veterinarian. He will examine the animal and select the correct drug and dosage. Then the risk of complications after the injection will be minimized. And yet, it is there, which means the animal is in danger. Therefore, think carefully before you decide to use such methods of contraception.

Contraindications and complications

The use of Covinan can be successful for some cats, but for others it can lead to the following diseases:

  • purulent inflammation of the uterus;
  • mammary cancer;
  • diabetes.

If your cat's doctor has discovered problems with the genitourinary or endocrine system, hormonal injections are contraindicated. Do not use the drug if the cat is carrying cubs or feeding them milk. Wait until the kittens are mature and the cat goes through her lactation period.

Most veterinarians advocate that the best method of contraception for cats with minimal health risks is neutering. If you breed kittens and the reproductive function of your pet is important to you, then a hormonal injection will help you avoid unpleasant symptoms during periods when you do not plan to mate your pet.

The most important requirement for such an injection is that the pet must be healthy and in a state of sexual rest. And although there are irresponsible veterinarians who, at the client’s request, will give an injection to an animal in any condition, be responsible owners

After all, who will protect your pet if not you. If the injection will only benefit the cat, and the health risks are minimal, then all that’s left is to find a good clinic and a reliable specialist.

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Modern contraception

I would like to especially highlight the drug Depo-Provera. This is what elite catteries and breeders of purebred cats prefer to use as a contraceptive. This is a synthetic progesterone hormone that was originally developed to prevent conception in women. In addition, Provera is used in the treatment of certain oncological and gynecological diseases.

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The dosage of Provera for cats can be individual in each case. It is important to follow the recommendations given in the instructions and the advice of your veterinarian. You cannot prescribe Provera and select the dosage on your own. While taking the drug, ovulation is suppressed, so Provera can be called a long-acting contraceptive.

After administration of the drug, the cat ceases to experience desire, and its nervous system returns to normal, the same can be said about dogs.

No one can say for sure how the animal will tolerate the injection, but cats usually tolerate Provera well. Much depends on the state of her health and the presence of diseases. It is best to have a veterinarian administer the Provera depot injection for a cat. You can inject yourself, but it is advisable to have some experience in this.

The closest analogue is the drug Covinan. Which one to choose is a personal matter for the cat owner. Usually the choice is made on one of the drugs after consultation with a doctor.

Preparing for the injection

To administer medicine by puncturing and inserting through play into the selected type of tissue, you must first prepare for this manipulation. You will need a syringe and the drug itself for administration. Cotton wool and alcohol are not required for wiping; cats have an antibacterial layer on their skin, which allows them not to lubricate the injection site.

General safety rules

Injection is a medical intervention that violates the integrity of tissues. To ensure that it is as safe as possible, promotes treatment and does not cause complications, do not neglect preparation. Here's what you need to take into account to take care of the health of a cat that is about to get an injection.

Do not give injections unless prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication or incompetent recommendations can cause serious harm.

Before starting the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly. Even with clean fingers, you should not touch the syringe needle after the protective cap has been removed.

Give injections only in the place indicated by the veterinarian

For most drugs this is fundamentally important. Follow the dosage exactly.

Do not use expired medications or ampoules with worn-out markings. Always check the name of the drug before dialing. You cannot take a second dose of the drug from an opened ampoule over time.

Prepare all the items needed for the injection in advance. So that they are at hand: an ampoule or bottle of medicine, a syringe.

Usually cats feel and “mirror” the state of the owner, so most of them endure painful procedures and, feeling cared for, even express their feline gratitude for them. In such situations, it is advisable to give the injection alone. But in some cases it is better to ask a partner to help - to hold the sufferer more tightly:

  • you are not completely confident in yourself;
  • a cat with a temperament, prone to scratching and biting;
  • the animal is not yours or was recently taken into the home and is not sufficiently tamed.

In extreme cases, you can swaddle the animal in a blanket or towel, exposing only the injection site.

Study of the drug

The main rule is that you should never prescribe for your cat yourself. “But it helped our cat”, “An excellent product”, “Even a child was injected” - all these are not arguments, since in each specific case there may be serious nuances, ranging from the tolerability of the drug by your cat and ending with the individual dose. Only two drugs can be safely injected before consulting a doctor: saline solution and 10% glucose solution. This may be necessary if the cat is dehydrated and malnourished. For one injection to a medium-sized cat, 10 ml is enough; an overdose of these drugs is not dangerous.

If your doctor makes an appointment, stick to it exactly. Do not mix medications in the same syringe unless directed by your veterinarian. Before injection, make sure that the medicine is not expired, check the name again. If it was stored in the refrigerator, take it out in advance or warm it a little in your hand.

Choosing a syringe and injection site

There is no doubt that syringes and needles can only be used once. Human syringes from any pharmacy are suitable for cat injections. It is better to prefer the thinnest possible needles and not a tight piston. If you are going to draw the drug through a rubber stopper, you will need an additional needle, because when the rubber is punctured, it becomes dull. There are syringes sold with two needles in a set, or take it from another package.

If you need to inject no more than 1 cc (1 ml), it is better to take an insulin syringe with a short and very sharp needle; for a larger volume, you will need a regular 2-5 cc syringe; for glucose or saline, a 10 cc syringe. If it is possible to switch a smaller needle to a larger syringe, it is worth doing so.

Where to inject

If a subcutaneous injection is prescribed, the easiest way is to give an injection at the withers. This place is the least sensitive in cats: the mother cat carries the kitten, holding it in her teeth, and adult cats also grab each other there during a fight. In addition to the withers, subcutaneous injections can be given:

  • between the shoulder blades;
  • into the knee crease.

Intramuscular manipulations are performed in the thigh (in the back surface), it is also possible to do this in the shoulder (in the front leg on the side). The meatiest part is selected.

The most important thing is that the skin at the injection site is healthy and not damaged.

It is important to follow the instructions

Instructions for using Provera depot for cats are included in each product. It should be carefully studied before use. Medroxyprogesterone is the active ingredient in Provera, and thanks to it, the cat’s ovulation is suppressed.

© shutterstock

For a standard-sized cat, 1 ml of Provera will be enough, which is exactly how much is contained in one dose. For large breed cats whose weight is more than 5 kg, the dose should be increased from 1.5 to 2 times. But it is always better to check this information with your veterinarian. To avoid negative consequences.

Before use, the bottle of medicine must be shaken well. It is the bottle that will protect so that all the drops remain in it. It is advisable to treat the place where the injection will be made with alcohol.


Part 1

Preparing for Depot Injection

  1. 1

    Visit your doctor to get a prescription for Depo-Provera.

    To receive a prescription for an injection, you must undergo a complete gynecological examination in advance.

    Your doctor will discuss different birth control options. You may need to purchase the Depot injection from a pharmacy yourself; your doctor should give you the first few injections.

  2. 2

    Buy a pregnancy test.

    Most doctors will require a test if more than 14 weeks have passed since the first injection. It is not recommended to use Depo injections if you want to become pregnant by next year, as the process of conception may be problematic in the period from 10 months to one year.

  3. 3

    Review your medical history.

    In addition to the injection being difficult for people with allergies, this form of birth control is also not recommended if the person suffers from blood clots, swollen veins, cancer, blood pressure problems, asthma, migraines, epilepsy, diabetes, bone disease, eating disorders or depression.

  4. 4

    Arrange for a Depo injection during the first five days of your period.

    This is a necessity when receiving your first injection. If you have just given birth, you must wait 6 weeks after your baby is born before getting the injection.

  5. 5

    Ask to be given permission to administer the injection yourself at home.

    After a long course of injections, to save time and money, your doctor may allow you to administer the injections yourself at home.

Part 2

Injection Injection

  1. 1

    Get your dose of Depo-Provera.

    To use as a contraceptive, you will need 150 mg every three months. You will likely need more than 1000 mg each week if used as a cancer treatment.

  2. 2

    Remove the 1 ml disposable syringe from the container.

    The liquid appears white and cloudy.

  3. 3

    Wash your hands.

  4. 4

    Decide whether you will inject the injection intramuscularly in the shoulder or buttock.

    An injection into the buttock is considered less painful and easier to give than an injection into the shoulder. If you inject yourself, use a mirror.

    • Find the upper right or left muscle if you are planning to inject into the buttock. If you divide the muscle into four sectors, you will have to insert it into the upper outer sector to avoid hitting the nerve. This is the fattest or most muscular area below the thigh, so feeling this fleshy area with your hand will ensure that you have located the right spot.
    • Find the injection site on your upper arm. Find the edge of the shoulder where it slopes down smoothly. Use two fingers to select the injection point—one to two inches (2.5 to 5 cm) below the bony area of ​​the shoulder. The area should be a little meaty and a little towards the back of your hand rather than the front.

  5. 5

    Disinfect the indicated areas with a swab soaked in alcohol.

    Wait a few seconds for the area to dry.

  6. 6

    Apply gentle pressure to the syringe to release any air bubbles.

    Then press the handle of the syringe until a small amount of liquid approaches the needle so that there is no air left in the syringe.

  7. 7

    Pull the skin tightly over the area where you want to inject.

    Insert the needle directly into the skin at a 90-degree angle. Insert the needle only halfway.

  8. 8

    Pull the syringe handle all the way until you have injected all the liquid.

    Pull the needle out quickly.

  9. 9

    Cover the injection site with a sterile cotton swab for 30 seconds.

    Apply light pressure to the injection site. If the injection area bleeds, use a bandage, although this is rare.

Part 3

Storage of Depo-Provera


Pay attention to the expiration date on syringes containing Depo-Provera. If the dose has expired, return the dose to your pharmacy.


Do not store Depo-Provera doses in the bathroom or near the sink.

Humidity may reduce the effectiveness of the dose.


Store Depo-Provera doses in a cool place, below 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius).

What does the price depend on?

The price of injections varies greatly and depends on many factors:

  1. Animal health.
  2. Cost of administered drugs.
  3. Cost of consumables.
  4. Qualification of veterinarians in the clinic.
  5. Type of injection.

If the animal is healthy, then it only needs annual vaccinations as injections. Typically, the cost of such an injection includes consumables (insulin syringe, cotton wool, antiseptic, rubber gloves) and the vaccine. However, clinics charge from 400 to 1600 rubles for such vaccination. If the animal is sick, it may require more complex injections.

An important factor influencing the price of injections is the qualifications of the veterinarian. After all, the higher the experience, the better the education of the doctor, the higher the prices for all his services, including a regular injection.


Birth control has disadvantages

Depo-Provera is no different, and it's important to know both the pros and cons before making your decision

Planning is important and you must remember that you plan to take injections every 12 weeks. If it has been more than 13 weeks since your last shot (or 14 weeks since your last Depo-subQ 104), be sure to use a back-up birth control method because you are at risk of becoming pregnant. The instructions for Depo-Provera contain a warning about possible bone loss: “Women who use Depo-Provera may lose significant bone mineral density.”

This measure measures how much calcium is stored in the bones. Depot use can cause calcium loss over time, but calcium begins to return once this method is stopped. Because of this warning, Depo-Provera is generally not recommended for teenage girls. Due to the possibility of bone density loss, it is also recommended not to use Depo Provera or Depo-subQ Provera 104 for more than two years. Many women stop using Depo-Provera within the first year of use due to spotting/irregular bleeding and/or continuous bleeding. This side effect is especially common during the first 3 months of using Depo. Unfortunately, there is no way to know in advance whether you will experience these bleeding problems. In a small number of cases, women experienced skin reactions in the area where the injection was given. There may also be a dimple or lump around the injection. Pfizer, the maker of Depo-Provera, recommends that you stop taking Depo injections a year before you want to become pregnant. It takes an average of nine to ten months (and sometimes a year or longer) to restore fertility and begin ovulation after the last shot. Some studies have shown weight gain with Depo-Provera. The manufacturer claims that women gain an average of 3kg in the first year and will gain 3.6kg by the end of the second year. Some women report mild pain associated with the Depo injection. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop the side effects that may occur from using Depo-Provera. There is a chance that these side effects may continue until your depot injection wears off after 12 to 14 weeks.

Fewer common side effects

During the first year of Depo, you may notice several changes as your body adjusts. Additionally, some of the less common side effects include changes in sex drive and appetite, as well as hair loss and/or increase in facial or body hair. In a few women, it may cause depression, nervousness, dizziness, nausea or headaches. You may also experience a rash or patchy darkening of the skin or chest pain.

Additional Considerations

  • If you are using another hormonal method, you may want to switch to Depo-Provera. You must get your first Depo shot within seven days of the last day of your current method.
  • If you are switching from combined birth control pills, arrange for your first Depo shot within seven days of taking your last active pill.
  • If you switch from the Ortho Evra patch, schedule a Depo-Provera injection for seven days after removing the patch.
  • If you switch from NuvaRing, schedule your first Depo shot within seven days after you remove the ring.

Popular contraceptive drugs

This drug can cause serious side effects in your pet.

On the modern veterinary market there are many medications designed to prevent pets from wandering around and not wanting a cat. But only the doctor decides which drug is suitable in an individual case, because knowing only the name, but not understanding the intricacies of use, will not be able to protect the animal from side effects. Chemical sterilization of cats is often carried out using the following means:

"Kovinan." Contains synthetic progesterone, which suppresses ovulation. The product must not be used during estrus; the first injection is given at rest. It has many side effects, including serious hormonal imbalances, purulent inflammation of the uterus, and depression. Depo-Provera. The main active ingredient is medroxyprogesterone. The substance suppresses ovulation, so conception does not occur. The drug is very strong and is prescribed only by the decision of a veterinarian. According to the official instructions, it is used in the treatment of female pathologies, but some breeders prefer this method of sterilization

But it is important to understand that some cats experience complications after the first injection. If you want to restore the fertility of females, you will need to wait a year or more.

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