“It’s indecent to do that!”) The cat sticks out its tongue: normal or pathological?


Probably everyone has at least once seen a cat stick out its tongue and been touched by this sight. The animal’s face looks very funny at this moment, causing smiles on the part of those around you.

On the Internet you can find a lot of funny photos and videos of a cat sticking out its tongue. There are even animations and emoticons depicting such animals. You can download wallpapers for your computer desktop with similar pictures for free.

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However, is all this as cute and funny as it seems at first glance? Should you laugh or should you cry when you see a cat with its tongue hanging out? The animal may need urgent medical attention.

When a cat's tongue sticks out is normal

Veterinarians will name many pathologies in which a cat sticks out its tongue. However, we are not necessarily talking about illness. Do not panic ahead of time if you notice strange behavior in your pet. There are many situations in which a cat’s tongue sticking out is normal. Among the most common are the following :

  • The animal is as relaxed as possible . As a rule, this happens during sleep. The tongue, like any muscular organ, should also rest. After all, it already has a lot of functions that tire it. During relaxation, the cat's tongue becomes slightly longer than when it is tense. So it sticks out of the mouth. This feature is unique to pets. Cats living in the wild cannot afford to relax for a second. They are tense even in their sleep, and they always keep their tongues shut.
  • Cats stick out their tongues due to the heat . The pet's heat exchange has been disrupted. It is urgent to give him something to drink and move him to a cool place if the cat is in the sun. Without doing this, you can bring the animal to heatstroke.
  • Malocclusion is another common reason for a cat sticking out its tongue . The abnormal structure of the jaw is to blame, in which it is shorter than necessary; the organ simply does not fit in the mouth. Malocclusion is common in artificially bred elite breeds. Sometimes this becomes a real shock for cat owners who dream of world fame for their pet. After all, with such a defect, an animal, even if it is of royal blood, will not be able to participate in exhibitions and other prestigious events.
  • Another reason is simple forgetfulness. The cat sometimes just gets distracted. Periodically forgets to hide his tongue even after hygiene procedures. This happens, for example, when she was washing her face and the owner called out to her. The cat turned around, but didn’t have time to hide his tongue. As a result, the cute photo is ready.

As you know, cats are very smart and quick-witted animals. Many of them are well trained, and Kuklachev’s wards are an example of this. So, some cats, having stuck out their tongue involuntarily a couple of times and noticing that the owner was delighted, can then do this on purpose in order to attract the precious attention of the owner and other people. Of course, this is a fairly rare reason for a cat sticking its tongue out at you. Only the most vain (or those experiencing acute attention deficit) or overly intelligent individuals do this.

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Why does a cat stick out the tip of its tongue: physiological reasons

The protrusion of the tip of the tongue from the mouth is explained by the following rational reasons:

  • the cat smelled something tasty;
  • the pet has discovered some kind of living creature, is about to start hunting and is concentrating;
  • the animal has played enough, is under the impression of a pleasant pastime and forgets about its tongue sticking out;
  • I was washing my face, but something distracted me;
  • fell asleep, relaxed, and let your tongue hang out;
  • It’s hot in the room, but you can’t sweat, so you just have to stick your tongue out and keep the mouth open to somehow cool down.

A borderline condition between normal and pathological is malocclusion, when the organ of taste becomes cramped. If the phenomenon is observed during the change of teeth, you should wait.

When the anomaly does not correct itself naturally, the pet must be taken to a veterinary dentist. The bite may need to be corrected surgically.

Oral problems

Unfortunately, a cat does not always stick out its tongue for harmless reasons. This may be a symptom of oral pathologies or jaw dysfunction. Among them :

  • fracture, bruise or dislocation of the jaw bone;
  • dental diseases (gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis), in which the tongue swells, the cat experiences pain and tries to alleviate its condition by sticking it out;
  • various tumors located in the oral cavity.

Ulcers, cracks and other lesions of the mucous membrane may be of a secondary nature. That is, it is a symptom of organ diseases that have nothing to do with the oral cavity. For example, acute renal failure, uremia, serious viral infection. If a cat suddenly begins to stick out its tongue, while the mucous membrane in its mouth is damaged, the situation cannot be left unattended. Veterinarian assistance is needed.

Diseases that cause the tip of the tongue to protrude in cats

You shouldn't always be touched by a pet's tongue sticking out of its mouth. We need to see if there is anything else unusual in the behavior.

If additional symptoms are detected, then the cat may have the following diseases:

  1. Foreign object in the respiratory tract. The pet may sneeze and cough. Liquid leaks from the nose and eyes, breathing is intermittent, rapid, noisy.
  2. Allergic swelling of the larynx. The pet is breathing heavily, the tonsils and palate are swollen.
  3. Poisoning : the mouth is open, drooling profusely. The cat is depressed, sitting or lying, vomiting and diarrhea occurs.
  4. Heart failure: the cat breathes through its belly due to pulmonary edema developing. Additional symptoms: cyanosis of the tongue and mucous membranes, shortness of breath, refusal to eat. At the moments of exhalation, wheezing is heard, the heartbeat is rapid, coordination of movements is impaired, and paresis of the paws occurs.
  5. Kidney failure: shortness of breath occurs, the smell of urine is felt from the mouth. Additional signs are thirst, polyuria, vomiting, diarrhea. The mucous membranes acquire a yellowish tint. The cat is exhausted, does not eat well, and its fur does not look neat. In severe cases, the abdomen swells and vision weakens.
  6. Stomatitis or Gingivitis - touching the tongue to the teeth or mucous membranes of the mouth is painful, so the cat tries to remove the irritating organ away. Additional signs are halitosis (stench from the mouth), ulcers on the tongue, excessive drooling. It hurts your pet to chew.
  7. Respiratory diseases: bronchitis, rhinitis, pneumonia. The cat coughs, sniffles, the nose constantly runs, crusts form, the passages for air are blocked, which the cat does not inhale, but is forced to swallow. Conjunctivitis occurs with mucous or purulent discharge. The most common cause is a group of diseases called cat flu.
  8. Dislocations and fractures of the jaw. With one-sided damage, the muzzle is distorted. Bilateral pathology is characterized by the inability to close the mouth.
  9. Tumors in the mouth or nose, benign or malignant. A stench comes from the mouth, erosions, ulcers, and polyps are found. Meowing is hoarse, chewing food is painful.
  10. Systemic brain damage. Additional signs are strabismus, impaired coordination of movements, paralysis.

Be sure to read:

Why cats leave home to die: 5 reasons, where they go, how they behave before death

Gastrointestinal dysfunctions

Animals, like people, can feel sick. At the same time, cats sometimes stick out the tip of their tongue. Especially if the nausea is severe and there is vomiting. The cat, preparing to empty its stomach, already opens its mouth and sticks out its tongue. In addition, he may be bothered by increased salivation.

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Such situations can arise for various reasons. From elementary and easily removable - the animal got sick in transport, to serious poisoning and pathologies of the liver or gastrointestinal tract.

Why does my cat sleep with his tongue hanging out?

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Before you, dear readers, is another article from the “Cat Oddities” series. Cats often present various behavioral riddles to their owners. What to do, how to behave? Should you run for the camera, take a few pictures and quickly post them on social networks? Or urgently call the veterinarian and ask for help? Many situations are such that you can’t figure it out right away. It looks funny on the outside, but in reality you have to cry.

So, your mustachioed pet has begun to stick out its tongue more and more often. Previously, he did this strictly “on business” - when he needed to drink or wash. But now the pet has already begun to fall asleep, sticking out its tongue. Or he often sticks out the tip of his tongue for no apparent reason. Let's figure out what's going on.

By the way, over the past year or two, the English-language segment of the Internet has been enriched with a new word – “blepping”. It just means the cat briefly sticks out the tip of its tongue - for a minute or a little more. The resulting look, as young people say, is quite “cute” - just right for Instagram. You look at the cat and think - why did you stick out your tongue? And how can I politely tell you to put it back? But we must always remember that cats don’t do anything “just because.” By sticking out its rough tongue, the animal can, for example, explore the surrounding odors much better.

“Flehmen-smile” and Jacobson organ. Purrs owe their hypersensitive sense of smell to a special vomeronasal organ (also called Jacobson's organ). When a cat needs, for example, to “feel” the food offered to it, it seems to freeze with a characteristic expression, as if mocking and even smiling. Experts call this behavior the “flahmen reaction” or “flahmen smile.” The cat's lips curl slightly, the mouth is slightly open, and the tongue "tickles" the roof of the mouth. Not even a minute passes before the cat finds the exact answer to the question: edible or inedible.

In addition, everyone has probably heard about the famous sixth sense of cats. Some researchers suggest that cats owe their famous intuition to Jacobson's organ. During the “flehmen smile,” two small salivary ducts open, located on the palate behind the front incisors and communicating with Jacobson’s organ, which at this moment functions as an auxiliary olfactory organ. This does not happen automatically, not reflexively. The cat itself “consciously” passes air through Jacobson’s organ. Some scientists believe that we are dealing with something between the senses of smell and taste.

The animal relaxed. But we were just talking about a waking animal. It’s a completely different question when the pet is sleeping soundly, and there can be no talk of connecting the Jacobson’s organ. However, we would venture to assume that the cat fell asleep very soundly and simply relaxed. We humans also sometimes look quite comical during sleep - let’s be honest. The facial muscles relax, the mouth opens slightly. Your cat is fed, satisfied and happy. So he stuck out his tongue because of a calm and deep sleep.

When can you talk about problems? Alas, it’s not without problems either. Perhaps something is bothering the cat in the mouth - for example, there are food particles stuck between the teeth that cause some discomfort. You and I have the opportunity to use a toothpick or dental floss, but there is no one to help the cat. And in this case she can stick out her tongue. This, by the way, is the most innocent thing that could happen.

And so your pet’s mouth may be quite neglected, old dental problems have appeared. Periodontal disease, caries, plaque, tartar. Inflamed gums or toothache cause discomfort, so the cat instinctively opens its mouth and sticks out its tongue.

Overheating and heatstroke. Also evaluate current weather conditions. Perhaps the pet opened its mouth slightly in extreme heat. Cats don't sweat the way we humans do. They cool the body through their paw pads and also by licking - evaporation reduces the risk of overheating. If the cat is very hot, then it opens its mouth and sticks out its tongue - much like dogs do.

The tongue is swollen. Something similar happens when a cat eats something toxic, or when she is bitten on the tongue by an insect. A cat is physically unable to “remove” a swollen tongue into its mouth – this should be kept in mind. Examine the tongue itself, as well as, if possible, the mouth - it is possible that the pet has breathing problems.

Cats of brachycephalic breeds. “Peaches” and other brachycephalic breeds, due to their anatomy, can stick out their tongues. Everything is explained simply: the tongue is sometimes cramped in its place. In most cases, the animal is fine, but you should still keep an eye on it. If your pet is experiencing noticeable difficulty breathing, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Now you, dear friends, can imagine what “blepping” is in a cat’s understanding of the issue. Your comments, as always, are welcome. And funny photos with pets sticking out their tongues are doubly welcome!

Material used: Why Does My Cat Always Fall Asleep With His Tongue Out? Author: Vanessa Salvia. Source: cuteness.com Photo: unsplash.com

Respiratory problems

If you ask your veterinarian why cats stick out their tongues, he will answer that this may be due to dysfunction of the respiratory system. Everything is explained very simply. When something interferes with the air supply, the animal tries to breathe deeply and often. To do this, it opens its mouth wide and shows its tongue. Respiratory diseases in cats are the same as in humans. Among them :

  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia

A sick animal definitely needs help. After all, it cannot sleep or eat normally. The most important thing is that there is a lack of oxygen, which has an extremely negative effect on the general condition of the body.

IMPORTANT: if the kitten always walks with his tongue sticking out

The most common case of a “safe” protruding tongue tip is in tired kittens. Having played enough, kids often fall asleep with the edge of their tongue sticking out. In this case, there is no need to worry, especially if there is no excessive salivation as an accompanying factor.

..., if no symptoms are detected, take the baby to the veterinarian. Perhaps your cat has an incorrect bite, and then it is very important to monitor the cat’s drinking, because you cannot allow the tissues of the tip of the tongue to dry out.

An adult cat can sometimes “freeze” when washing itself. Distracted by something more interesting than hygiene, an adult cat may forget to remove its tongue. This usually doesn’t last long; the cat will either continue to wash itself or go to look at the reason that distracted its attention.

Also, an adult cat in the heat or after active games and activities can fall asleep like a kitten with the tip of its tongue slightly sticking out. This is how the animal cools the blood through external cooling of the tongue and saturates it with oxygen spent on activity. Therefore, if a cat sleeps with its tongue hanging out and does not drool or foam, there is no need to worry.

The cat also sticks out its tongue a little in a relaxed, peaceful state. Not all individuals do this, but those cats that like to lounge on their laps or a particularly comfortable ottoman often do not control the tongue muscle from pleasure and extreme relaxation. And of course, the relaxed organ falls out of the mouth a little.

Nervous system and brain

Another reason that an animal shows its tongue is dysfunction of the nervous system. They can be a temporary phenomenon when they become the result of a severe shock the cat has experienced. For example, after moving to a new house, spending a long time alone, giving birth, etc.

However, there are more serious factors. These include pinched nerve endings or disruption of brain function due to injury or pathological processes. Such conditions may be accompanied by convulsions, twitching of limbs, and squint. All this is a reason to urgently contact a specialist.

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Diseases that may cause a cat to stick out its tongue

  1. Serious damage to the jaw
  2. Insufficiency of the cardiovascular system
  3. Disruption of natural processes occurring in the brain
  4. Mental disorder, nervous overstrain, severe fear
  5. Brain injury
  6. Increased body temperature
  7. Muscle atrophy
  8. Dental problems
  9. Breathing problems
  10. Disorders of the salivary glands
  11. Recovery from anesthesia. The cat will be able to completely close its mouth only a day after it.
  12. Sores or ulcers in the mouth.
  13. Stomach-related diseases: vomiting, diarrhea. The cause may be poisoning.

Heart problems

One of the most alarming reasons for a cat sticking out its tongue is heart failure. The animal's breathing is rapid, as if it is hot. The cat looks weak, lethargic, and constantly lies down. Breathes with his mouth open, refuses food.

The muscles of an exhausted animal in this state relax. However, language is no exception. You should be as attentive as possible to your cat if these symptoms are present. There is a risk of heart attack. Especially if the pet is no longer young.

Structural features

First, let's look at the biological side of the issue. Cats differ from each other in body structure just like people. For example, some people have small ears, while others have large or protruding ears.

It's the same with cats. A tongue that is too long or wide is not the norm, but it is difficult to attribute this to pathology, because there is nothing dangerous to health here.

Moreover, this feature is quite common in furry cats and cannot be corrected even with surgery. A protruding long or wide tongue does not cause discomfort in the animal and does not interfere with living a full life.

Problems arise if the cat was purchased for breeding purposes. There is no guarantee that such a feature is not inherited.

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