Erect Cat - Why is my cat pulling out his penis?

Cats are picky and spend a lot of time on personal hygiene. In addition to washing their feet and body, cats also lick their genitals in an attempt to remove dirt, secretions, and debris as part of their normal behavior. According to Dr. Nicholas Dodman, a behaviorist at Tufts University's Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, “Cats spend between 8 and 15 percent of their waking hours grooming themselves. This important grooming behavior can serve as a barometer of a cat's well-being."

Excessive grooming can be caused by various behavioral, parasitic or allergic diseases. On the other hand, poor grooming (less than normal) may indicate that the cat is not feeling well and may be the first obvious sign of an underlying systemic disease.

Some licking is normal, but excessive licking in the genital area may indicate a health problem. Because of the close proximity of the genitals and rectum, one problem many cat owners have is identifying exactly where their cat is licking. Licking the anal area can be caused by parasites or problems with the anal glands, while licking near the genitals can be caused by pain, bite wounds, fleas, skin infections and various other problems.

A cat constantly licks its tail

If a cat often licks under its tail, this should alert the owner.
Various reasons force males and females to lick this place. If a cat often licks its tail, then this is:

  • inflammation of the preputial sac;
  • inflammation, injury or cancer of the foreskin;
  • urethral diseases (stones, trauma, neoplasm);
  • bladder diseases (infections, tumors, stones);

If a cat constantly licks itself, then this should alert the owner

  • prostate diseases (prostatitis, tumor, abscess);
  • urinary incontinence;
  • dysfunction of the sphincter;
  • bleeding (coagulopathy) and thrombocytopenia due to rat poison poisoning.

For your information! Cats have a fatty lubricant in their skin that contains cholesterol, which in the sun is converted into vitamin D. By licking, the cat distributes this substance over the entire surface of the body.

Females often lick themselves before and after childbirth, and this is not a pathology. But there are a number of situations where excessive licking is a symptom of illness.

If a cat constantly licks its tail, then this is:

  • urinary tract infections;
  • inflammation of the uterus and vaginitis;
  • tumors of the genitourinary system;
  • injury or foreign body in the urinary tract or vagina;
  • blood clotting (coagulation) and thrombocytopenia in case of poisoning with rat poison;
  • urinary incontinence, sphincter dysfunction;
  • retained placenta or death of the kitten during childbirth.

Important! If a cat constantly licks the area near the tail, then the owner needs to pay attention to the discharge from the pet’s genitals. These symptoms will help the veterinarian make the correct diagnosis and treat your pet.

If your cat is constantly licking his tail, you need to take a closer look at other symptoms.

Allergic reactions to foods

The most common cause of itching and skin irritation in cats is food allergies. A cat can become ill from both natural food (for example, meat) and special industrial ones. Popular cheap foods (Kitecat, Whiskas, etc.) cause allergies in many people. It is advisable to choose premium hypoallergenic ones, which are sold only in pet stores.

For your information! Most often, allergies are caused by food proteins, which are found in large quantities in chicken meat, cow's milk and a number of other products.

If a veterinarian has discovered a food allergy in a cat, you need to exclude the dangerous product from the diet and prescribe the correct diet for your pet.

A cat food allergy often manifests itself as inflammation on the skin.

Presence of parasites in the body

External and internal parasites often cause cats to scratch and lick themselves. Fleas, ticks, and lice eaters are especially dangerous for furry pets. They bite the cat and drink its blood, and this leads to the development of allergies and decreased immunity. Ear mites often cause otitis media, a serious disease that can lead to serious complications.

If a cat has parasites in its fur, it will lick them frequently and feverishly. Small blood-sucking insects greatly irritate your pet's delicate skin. Parasites can be easily removed with flea treatment, but you should consult your veterinarian and check your cat for other diseases.

Flea dermatitis

Damage to the skin on the tail

Any owner knows why cats lick themselves. If your cat's tail has wounds or any other damage, it can cause itching and irritation. Having received an injury, the cat begins to lick the sore spot in order to heal it. This way the animals lick any sores. To prevent your cat from doing this, you can put an Elizabethan collar on it.

Unpleasant habit after castration

A situation often arises when a cat licks itself after castration. Every veterinarian knows what to do in this case. He must examine the pet and check for allergies, infections and inflammatory processes.

But is it possible for a cat to lick itself after castration, the answer will be clear - it’s impossible, because the pet can lick the post-operative suture and cause an infection. If the owner overlooked it, and after castration the cat licked a wound under its tail, this requires urgent treatment and re-suturing. To prevent this from happening, a medical collar is put on the cat, which must be worn for 10 days after the operation. The suture should be treated with special medications prescribed by a doctor.

Important! Sterilization is a necessary procedure, but it must be carried out strictly following the rules of hygiene and antiseptics

After castration, the cat must be wearing an Elizabethan collar.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pathology

The severity of signs of the disease is indirectly affected by the age of the pet, the factor that provoked the inflammation, the form and duration of the pathological process. At the initial stages of the development of balanoposthitis, the following symptoms occur:

  • severe inflammation (redness) of the prepuce and apex of the genital organ;
  • increased attention of the cat to the genitals (frequent licking);
  • discharge of exudate from the urethral canal (may be purulent, greenish-yellow);
  • unpleasant odor from the animal;
  • swelling and swelling of the genital organ;
  • decreased sex drive or complete absence of reproductive instincts;
  • change in behavior - the pet expresses concern due to painful sensations.

In the absence of timely treatment, the intensity of symptoms increases. Bloody discharge from the urethral canal appears, the animal experiences severe weakness, activity and appetite decrease.

Upon examination, the owner notes the appearance of specific ulcers and lumps on the penis. The inguinal lymph nodes increase in size, which leads to an increase in local and general body temperature. Severe inflammation that has developed in the male genital area leads to problems with urination.

Lack of treatment for the acute form of balanoposthitis inevitably leads to a transition to a chronic course. The severity of painful sensations decreases, as does the amount of purulent exudate released. The pet constantly feels discomfort, especially when urinating. Phimosis develops, causing changes in the scar pattern; the head of the penis cannot be exposed normally during sexual arousal.

The appearance of the first signs of pathology is a reason to immediately seek help from a veterinary clinic. The specialist will conduct a general clinical examination, collect anamnesis and prescribe a number of laboratory tests. A general analysis of blood and urine is indicative, which makes it possible to determine the strength of the inflammatory process. Exudate samples are also taken for further research and identification of the type of pathogen.

Possible options

Every cat licks under its tail at least several times a week. This process should not be considered pathological, provided that the animal is regularly treated against fleas and ticks (at least once a month) and undergoes quarterly deworming. If you add accompanying symptoms such as redness in the anus, discharge or the appearance of growths, it is recommended to exclude the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the paraanal glands. It can form after eating bones, due to excess weight, soft food. Prolonged diarrhea can also be a cause. The first signs of inflammation may include fidgeting on the butt, constant licking under the tail, and redness in the anus. The problem can be solved by cleaning (at least once every three months, if there is a predisposition to inflammation). It is performed by a veterinarian in a hospital setting. After cleaning, ointments (proctosedyl) and suppositories (ichthyol or sea buckthorn) are prescribed. A change of food and increased hygiene are also indicated.
  2. Fleas. They can cause itching in different parts of the body. But most often bites occur on the base of the tail and stomach. Therefore, if a cat licks under its tail, behaves restlessly, tries to chew out fur, or tears itself with its paw until it bleeds, then flea treatment should be carried out. The fact that your pet does not leave the house is not 100% protection against parasites. The owner himself can bring them on clothes or the soles of shoes. Fleas are not dangerous to humans (they do not parasitize the skin), but in some cases they can bite. All animals are treated, regardless of the presence of symptoms. The most effective drugs are Stronghold and Frontline. They are produced in the form of drops, which are evenly applied to the withers so that the animal cannot lick the drug. It is recommended to perform this procedure at least once a month.
  3. Worms. The most common reason why a cat may lick under its tail frequently. Just like with fleas, an animal does not have to go outside to pick up parasites. He may develop them after being bitten by mosquitoes, mosquitoes, or fleas. Also at risk are pets whose diet contains raw meat and fish. Well, we cannot exclude the possibility that parasite eggs may enter the apartment on the soles of the shoes of the owner or his guests. The first signs of worms are itching in the anus, due to which the cat can ride on its butt on the floor. Licking and gnawing of fur in this area also indicate discomfort caused by parasites. Diarrhea, vomiting and increased appetite (or, conversely, complete refusal to eat) can be considered concomitant symptoms of helminthic infestation. Veterinarians recommend starting to worm animals from 3-4 weeks of age. As preparations, you can use tablets, suspensions or drops on the withers. Of the tablets, Drontal and Milbemax are considered the most effective. They can even be given in crushed form, adding to food. Some manufacturers offer meat-flavored tablets, since many pets flatly refuse to undergo deworming.
  4. Injury. This option cannot be ruled out. A pet can injure the anal area while climbing trees or after playing or fighting with other animals. Even a small scratch can cause significant discomfort. Because of this, a cat can constantly lick under its tail until it becomes bald. In such cases, it is recommended to carry out antiseptic treatment of the affected area until complete healing. And limit the animal's access to the wound using a special medical cap.
  5. Neoplasm. Unfortunately, this option should also be considered, especially if the animal is over 10 years old, it has been treated for parasites and there are no visible injuries in the anal area. The tumor can irritate the intestines, which explains the pet's restless behavior. The cat constantly licks under its tail, refuses to eat, and suffers from constipation. If necessary, the doctor performs diagnostic laparoscopy, during which cells are taken from the formation for histological examination. Depending on the type (sarcoma, lymphoma) of the tumor, treatment is selected (chemotherapy, surgical excision). Unfortunately, with tumors in the intestine, the prognosis is always cautious, even if the operation is successful and there are no metastases.

Finally, I would like to remind you that if a cat licks under its tail after giving birth, this may be an alarming signal for the development of pyometra, which can “burn” the animal in a few days. Therefore, in the postoperative period this symptom should not be ignored under any circumstances.

What to look for

Your cat may have the following abnormal signs:

  • Excessive licking
  • Stains on bedding, carpet or any other surface
  • Discharge from the genital area
  • Swelling of the genital organs
  • Sliding behavior (dragging your butt across the floor)
  • Abnormal urinary behavior such as straining in the litter box, frequent urination, or urinating outside the litter box.
  • Parasitic infection
  • Swelling or inflammation of the foreskin/penis or vulva
  • Systemic signs of problems such as lethargy, fever, lack of appetite, vomiting or diarrhea.

Licking as a way to calm down

Animal psychologists have long noted the ability of four-legged animals to self-soothe.

. The cat's body is covered with hair, each hair grows from a follicle, to which nerve endings approach. Stroking is pleasant for the cat, since the contact of the hand with the fur simultaneously stimulates hundreds of nerve endings.

Animals tend to lick themselves when they feel anxious. Trying to relieve discomfort, the cat makes a lot of effort and licks itself with some “frenzy.” Lick granuloma in dogs and cats is the result of constant stress. The animal is so worried that it literally licks the fur and skin from its limbs. In advanced cases, bone can be easily seen in the affected area.

When a cat obsessively licks its owner and doesn’t stop, seeing the owner’s obvious dissatisfaction, it’s worth thinking about. Pets perfectly feel their owners, their experiences and emotions. Some lovers of four-legged animals are confident that cats can detect or cure disease. As observations have shown, mustachioed animals are sensitive to stress, fatigue and lack of sleep of the owner.

It's not obvious, but a tired person's body works differently. Metabolic processes slow down, and not only toxins, but also useful substances are released with sweat. Obviously, when there is a metabolic disorder, a person’s skin secretions (palms, armpits, legs, hair) smell change. Living in the wild, such a sleep-deprived and stressed individual would be easy prey, as the scent would alert predators to.

The conclusion is quite simple: the cat’s obsessive desire to lick the owner is associated with a feeling of care. The four-legged animal supports the person with all its might and instinctively helps him survive

. In this case, weaning a cat from licking can disrupt the harmony of the relationship. Judge for yourself, you will push your pet away in response to care. If you are sure that you are healthy and want to wean your pet from obsessive kisses, proceed as follows:

Distract your pet with dynamic play - the easiest way, but it has an unexpected consequence. A cat may begin to deliberately chase for the sake of wanting to play. Perhaps the ward should give in, he clearly lacks attention.

Use catnip to attract your pet's attention to toys and the scratching post. There is a chance that the cat will gradually switch its care to those who do not resist

Don't punish or push away, do everything gently. If you don't let your cat lick you, stand up and pretend to be busy. This way you will not offend your pet.

If your cat licks your hands, use a fur glove. Once the pet gets used to licking the glove, it will not need to be worn.

If you suspect that your four-legged dog is nervous or worried, hug him and hug him tightly (calculating your strength). External compression of muscles reduces tone and calms (not only animals).

The behavior of cats, when they purr, rub against their legs, climb onto their laps, or even sleep in their owners’ beds, is considered to be familiar and normal. Often, the manifestation of love and affection looks too intrusive - animals begin to actively lick the hands, face, ears and other parts of the human body

Such excessive tenderness can be determined not only by the pet’s desire to attract attention, but also by other motives

The first emotion a newborn kitten receives is maternal affection. Being blind and deaf, he feels a connection with his mother through tactile touches and then carries these feelings throughout his life. The cat, in turn, licks the kittens' bellies, pursuing other goals - it stimulates digestion and at the same time calms the babies, helping them relax and fall asleep. When a kitten is separated from its mother very early, it instinctively reaches out to a person, transferring its desire for love and care into adulthood.

Animals become especially vulnerable during puberty. If a cat is not sterilized on time and does not give birth, she may develop a so-called false pregnancy. If there is a close attachment to the owner, she has no choice but to “practice” her maternal instincts on a person. Hormonal imbalances often occur in non-castrated cats, which also begin to behave overly affectionately.

Important: in order not to provoke hormonal imbalance and subsequent health problems in your pets, it is advisable to carry out the procedure of sterilization or castration before the age of one year.


In cats and kittens, puberty occurs at the age of 6-8 months. It is at this time that they are ready to give birth. However, the age at which male cats are able to produce offspring may vary depending on the conditions of detention, breed, and nutrition. It is worth noting that puberty occurs earlier than the animal’s body is fully formed, so the first heat does not at all indicate readiness to give birth. Therefore, the best time for a cat to give birth is no earlier than 8-9 months.

Cats are polycyclic, characterized by sexual seasons and reflex ovulation. The sexual cycle is the changes that a cat's body goes through from ovulation to ovulation. Females are ready to mate only during estrus, males - at almost any period. If a cat is mated to several males, then the litter may contain kittens from different genetic fathers. At the age of approximately 10 years, animals stop hunting sexually (the manifestation of sexual reflexes).

When fertilized, the cat becomes pregnant and lasts about 60 days. Then childbirth takes place, during which 3 to 6 kittens appear. They are born without teeth, blind and deaf. The weight of a newborn kitten is no more than 70 grams. Childbirth lasts up to 5 hours, at the very beginning the cat begins to behave restlessly and makes a nest. When a kitten is born, the cat begins to lick it, bites through the membrane, removes it, and bites off the umbilical cord.

Stress management

The cat carefully licks itself not only to clean and comb its fur. The animal's tongue has hard papillae that massage the skin and stimulate the production of endorphins - the hormones of happiness. In addition, on the surface of the animal’s fur there is a substance similar to B vitamins, which normalize mental balance and calm. If a cat is not allowed to lick itself, it will get sick and die.

In the same way, a pet takes care of its owner. The cat is very sensitive to the emotional state of a person. Scientists believe that during stress, biochemical processes in the body change, and substances released to the surface of the skin also change. A cat can “smell” when its owner is sad, afraid or angry. The only available way to calm him down is licking, massage, sound vibrations - rumbling.

The cat not only treats some diseases, as bioenergetics claims, but also monitors the mental balance of its owner, curing stress, depression, and bad mood.

Why does a cat lick the floor and walls?

If a cat licks walls, concrete surfaces, wallpaper, or eats chalk with pleasure, the reason should be sought in functional system failures in the body, which are provoked by the deterioration of the furry pet’s health. As a rule, this behavior of cats is provoked by a deficiency of macro-microelements in the animal’s body.


If a cat begins to lick the floor, the wall is littered with marks from the cat’s teeth; one of the possible reasons is hypocalcemia. Characterized by a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The disease develops due to a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3.

When a cat wants to lick walls, some of the reasons for this condition include:

  1. hypovitaminosis;
  2. endocrine pathologies;
  3. metabolic disorder;
  4. gastrointestinal diseases;
  5. helminthic infestations;
  6. unbalanced diet;
  7. liver problems.

If a cat licks the floor, concrete, walls, tiles, another common cause is anemia, which develops in animals against the background of iron deficiency. In this condition, the mucous membranes turn pale, the cat looks depressed, lethargic, and the digestive processes in the body are disrupted.

Note that anemia can be a symptom of viral and bacterial infections and diseases of various etiologies. Therefore, if you notice uncharacteristic behavior of your cat or symptoms indicating deterioration in health, take your pet to the veterinary clinic for an examination.


Lack of impressions

Animal psychologists have noticed that “indoor” cats are more prone to licking people. Obviously, they do this due to a lack of impressions. Those animals that can go outside realize their instincts, thirst for knowledge and entertainment outside the home. They leave marks on houses and trees, chase birds and sort things out with yard cats. When they come home, they want to eat and sleep.

Those animals whose world is limited by four walls seek impressions in this limited space, turning their attention to the “group member” - the person. When he comes from the street, he brings a lot of interesting and unusual things, including new smells.

While licking its owner, the domestic cat seems to be reading a fascinating newspaper with news.

But cats walking on the street have another peculiarity - when they come back from a walk, they strive to rub against the owner’s legs. Scientists believe that in this way they apply a homely scent to their fur so that other pets do not perceive it as a stranger.

Urogenital pathologies

There are the following diseases of the genitourinary organs, in which the cat intensively licks under the tail:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • endometritis and pyometra


Cystitis Inflammation of the bladder due to hypothermia, unbalanced nutrition, infection of the genitals and urinary tract.
In addition to licking, it manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • urine first turns yellow, then becomes brown and foul-smelling;
  • emptying of the bladder becomes more frequent, little fluid is released;
  • the cat meows pitifully;
  • leaves puddles everywhere.

Treatment consists of drinking plenty of fluids, fasting, rest and comfort. The veterinarian prescribes antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, and painkillers. In acute cases, the drug Stop-cystitis is prescribed. If the disease has reached a chronic stage, the herbal medicine Cat Erwin is used to relieve complications.

Prevention consists of proper nutrition, regular vaccinations, deworming, prevention of drafts and hypothermia

Urolithiasis disease

The disease is manifested by precipitation of urinary salts and injury to the urethra and ureters. The main reason is an unbalanced diet. Neutered men suffer most often. Pets that are overweight and do not exercise much are predisposed to the disease.

Clinical symptoms resemble cystitis, however, vomiting, refusal to feed, and convulsions are added. When the lumen of the urethra is blocked by stones, anuria develops, in which urine is not excreted. Acute attacks are relieved in a clinical setting. Conservative treatment and prevention include diet therapy. Veterinary feed is used.

Endometritis and pyometra

Inflammation of the uterine mucosa occurs as a result of pathological lambing or false pregnancy. A special role in the development of the disease is played by the uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives to disrupt estrus and unwanted pregnancy.

If conservative treatment is untimely or unsuccessful, the cervix closes and pyometra develops, a life-threatening condition. The optimal treatment is castration.

Be sure to read:

What to do if your cat has bald spots on its fur?

Why are cats attracted to specific smells?

Attentive owners of furry pets may have noticed that cats show special interest in smells that are unusual, in human opinion. For example, cats love the smell of dirty clothes, unwashed socks or sweaty armpits. Thus, some kittens and adult pets like to sleep on unwashed linen, put their muzzles in shoes or enjoy “poking” into the armpits, while preferring more male ones. What causes this behavior, why do cats lick their armpits?


First of all, don’t be scared and think that your pet has gone crazy. The thing is that representatives of the cat family have a much better developed sense of smell than humans. Cats can detect odors and aromas that are not sensitive to our noses and at the same time feel them much more strongly.

Through new scents, cats navigate in space and adapt to environmental conditions.

Smells can attract or, conversely, repel cats. For example, cats simply adore human sweat. Animals like the smell of their owner's clothes and shoes. It is worth noting that such “scents” attract more adult cats than kittens. Babies show less interest in strong aromas and use their owner's clothes or socks as new toys.

Expression of love and affection

There are so-called “pacifying” pheromones. Their number increases after the birth of kittens and begins to decrease after the cat stops feeding the babies.

It is by the presence of such pheromones that zoopsychologists explain the attachment that a person feels for a cat. By thoroughly licking its owner and then rubbing its muzzle against him, the cat removes “foreign” odors and introduces its own. This is what happens when a furry family member wants to mark their human.

Licking is akin to hugs and kisses, a special sign of love. By exchanging smells with a person, cats “include” him in their group or “pack” on equal terms.

General information

Let's make a small digression right away. Keep in mind that after a normal castration, nothing should bleed.

In a healthy cat that does not have any pathologies of the blood coagulation system, the primary healing of the postoperative wound begins immediately. Moreover, the scope of surgical intervention during castration is extremely small. In fact, only the skin of the scrotal sac (scrotum) is cut, where there are simply no large blood vessels. The capillaries in this area are instantly blocked by blood clots. Even during the operation itself, very little blood is released. Please note that during the first hour and a half after the procedure, a small amount of bloody fluid (ichor) is allowed to be released, but not pure blood!

But! In cases where your cat is cryptorchid, infertility was carried out through abdominal surgery (the testes in such situations are located in the abdominal cavity), everything is somewhat different.

When a stitch bleeds after castration, there is nothing “supernatural” about this phenomenon. The release of a small amount of it does not threaten the animal with anything serious. This is only true in situations where the bleeding is really minor and continues for a maximum of three days from the moment of surgery.

In addition, it should not be accompanied by redness and swelling of the surgical area, as well as an increase in local body temperature. All these signs indicate the development of an inflammatory process, potentially dangerous to the life and health of the cat.

In any case, you will need to contact your veterinarian immediately. The sooner you do this, the better. Otherwise, he may well die from internal bleeding.

Straight cat - Care

Cats are very clean animals that groom themselves very frequently throughout the day. They are very mobile and can reach all parts of their body.

It is completely normal for all cats (neutered or not) to groom their genitals. To do this, cats take out the penis and lick it just to clean it.

Therapeutic measures

Constant licking of fur is not a separate disease, but a symptom of a certain pathology, so treatment is selected individually, depending on the diagnosis:

  1. If the cause of the symptom is diseases such as allergic reactions to food or hygiene products, local spectrum drugs are prescribed - ointments and creams that eliminate unpleasant symptoms, itching and burning. To prevent allergies from occurring again, you need to determine what exactly was the allergen, otherwise the discomfort will return again. In case of a severe allergic reaction, antihistamines are prescribed for internal use.
  2. Infections and inflammations on the skin of infectious origin require a course of antibiotics.
  3. If a fungus has been identified, antifungal medications are prescribed.

Also watch the video why cats lick themselves so often:

Video “Cats also love to swim”

Do you think cats don't like to bathe? They love it so much! This video is proof of our words. Moreover, timely and proper bathing will help your pet not only be clean, but also protect it from itching and fleas.

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Cat, kitten licks eggs after castration

If a kitten or cat licks its eggs after castration, but the animal’s condition is stable, there are no uncharacteristic symptoms - this is normal. After surgery, some time is required for tissue restoration, so the cat will lick the postoperative suture. Animal saliva has antibacterial properties and contains the enzyme lysozyme, so regeneration processes occur faster.

If castration is carried out in adulthood, the period of adaptation and hormonal changes in the body occurs more slowly and will take longer than in a kitten.

In case of deterioration of the condition, excessive discharge, suppuration of the suture, wound, fever, swelling of the groin area, immediately contact your veterinarian!

What you need to know about castration

Castration is a simple and quick operation that takes no more than 20-30 minutes. But as after any surgical intervention, in order for the postoperative recovery period to pass without complications, the cat needs careful, delicate care and care.

Important! Any operation is a strong stress for the animal’s body, which can affect the condition and behavior of the pet.

If the operation went well, after about 30-40 minutes you will be able to take your pet home. Take care of a carrier, a basket, at the bottom of which place a disposable sterile diaper, clean flannel, or any other waterproof fabric. It is better to transport your cat not in public transport, as this can cause additional stress, but in a taxi or personal car.

How to check your cat yourself

It is impossible to diagnose cryptorchidism in a small kitten. The only thing you can do is look at his father and check if he has both testicles. At about six months of age, the cat's testes should have descended into the scrotum. If this does not happen in your pet (you can check it visually or by palpation), contact your veterinarian. The difficulty of diagnosing cryptorchidism depends on its type - inguinal is easy to identify, abdominal in some cases is difficult to detect even on ultrasound.

Did you know? Unscrupulous breeders often hide such defects, and the owners do not think to check the “completeness”, so in most cases cryptorchidism is discovered during a visit to the veterinarian.

How to enhance sensations5

The most daring couples in bed do not limit themselves to cunnilingus, but use all the methods and accessories available to them to enhance sensations. What can be used to make your intimate life even brighter and richer - below is a list of ideas.

  • Anal plug is an additional stimulant that can be used in oral sex and as an addition to classic sex.
  • Balls for vaginal stimulation are an opportunity for a girl to simultaneously experience two types of orgasms - clitoral and vaginal.
  • Dildos and vibrators - everything that can be used is worth using.

If you don’t have any of the listed toys at hand, you can use your ingenuity and gentle male hands to make the girl’s pleasure brighter and longer.

What to do if your cat constantly licks his genitals

If your pet constantly and frequently licks the testes throughout the day, you need to find out the root causes of this behavior. In any case, we recommend that you contact a veterinary center or clinic, where a veterinarian will examine the cat and make a diagnosis.


If a cat licks the seam after castration, to avoid injury and inflammation, put a protective collar on your pet. In case of severe pain, painkillers and analgesics will be prescribed.

In case of inflammatory processes that occur in acute or chronic form in a kitten or cat, treatment is carried out with complex systemic broad-spectrum antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, which are intended for general and local treatment.

Additionally, your pet may be prescribed immunomodulatory drugs, vitamin complexes, hormone therapy, enzymes, and homeopathic remedies.

If the reason lies in improper feeding, the veterinarian will prescribe a therapeutic diet and food. If the kitten or cat is kept on ready-made food, purchase premium, “extra” class products from well-known brands.

Help, treatment

First of all, review your pet's diet. If your cat is kept on a natural diet, supplement the diet with complex vitamin and mineral supplements.

When feeding with ready-made food, give preference to “premium” and “extra” class products. Choose food taking into account the age and breed characteristics of your pet.

If a cat licks the floors due to nervousness, sedatives and anxiolytics prescribed by a veterinarian will help. Protect your cat from stress, pay more attention to the cat.

If you suspect infection with viruses or bacteria, take your cat to a veterinary clinic for examination. Remember, many diseases are easiest to treat in the initial stages of their development.

Both health-related and behavioral problems can lead to this behavior.

Lifestyle Changes for Cats with FLUTD

Once your veterinarian has diagnosed your cat with FLUTD, they will provide you with a treatment plan that is tailored to the individual cat. This is part of why you shouldn't treat your cat on your own. You may lose certain details and even make the problem worse. If the problem is related to obstructions or stones, your veterinarian may even recommend surgery.

However, there are some things you can do to help your cat's FLUTD recovery . Some causes of lower urinary tract infections, especially idiopathic cystitis, are sometimes caused by stress. If this is the case, treatment may not include antibiotics, as this may help develop resistance. Environmental and lifestyle factors may need to be changed.

Why do kittens and cats constantly lick their genitals?

If you notice that a cat or kitten often licks its testes, you need to think about it and find out the possible reasons for this behavior. Undoubtedly, males lick their genitals for hygiene, for example, after visiting the litter box or performing natural needs.

But if cats lick eggs frequently and intensely, among the possible reasons that are worth paying attention to are:

  1. chronic cystitis, urethritis;
  2. inflammation in the genitourinary tract;
  3. pathologies, kidney diseases;
  4. violation of the feeding regime, combination of natural food with dry, canned food;
  5. ICD, presence of kidney stones;
  6. neoplasms in the organs of the excretory tract;
  7. inflammation of the paraanal glands.

In males, excessive licking of the perineum can be caused by inflammation of the prepuce. Preputial lubrication is located in the folds of the skin. Covers the penis. In healthy males, a small amount of whitish-yellow smegma accumulates around the preputial opening, which is normal. With inflammation, bloody substances and pus can be seen in the secretion.

A cat constantly wants to lick eggs in case of acute cystitis, other pathologies in the organs of the urinary system, as well as after castration.

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