Trontsil K for cats: description of the dosage form, therapeutic effect

The owner of the cat may not even suspect that it has become infected with worms, because helminthiasis manifests itself as mild symptoms. But at the same time, disruptions in the pet’s body are already beginning, which will soon affect its condition and appearance. At the same time, people continue to come into contact with pets, becoming infected from them. Helminths are especially dangerous for children, as they disrupt their development and provoke serious complications.

Trontsil-K will help protect animals and loved ones. The drug has a complex composition, so it acts simultaneously on several types of parasitic worms. It is easy to use, suitable for pets of different ages, and affects helminths at different stages of development.

Let's find out how to use Trontsil-K for cats in order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, as well as avoid negative reactions.


1. General description 2. Composition and action 3. Purpose 4. Dosage 5. Limitations 6. Analogues 7. Reviews

Even the cleanest domestic cats that never leave a city apartment can develop worms. Trontsil K for cats is a complex antiparasitic drug that acts on all types of intestinal parasites: roundworms and tapeworms. The anthelmintic can be used both as a prophylactic and for the treatment of giardiasis and other helminthiases

What does the analysis show, what does decoding the results mean?

  • For IgM antibodies. A positive answer means the person is infected in the acute stage. Negative - absence of Covid-19 or late stage when antibodies are no longer produced. Confirmed by PCR test.
  • For IgG antibodies. A positive answer is an infection in a late stage or an already suffered disease with the development of immunity. Negative - there was no infection or the disease was in an early stage. Confirmed by PCR test.

Only a doctor knows how to correctly decipher test results. You cannot draw conclusions on your own. Only a specialist can compare the received data and figures, on the basis of which a conclusion can be made about what result is normal. In case of doubtful tests for the presence or absence of antibodies, repeated testing is prescribed; additional PCR research is required.

Composition and action

The medicine contains two active ingredients – praziquantel and pyrantel embonate. These substances exhibit maximum activity and have a detrimental effect on intestinal parasites.

Praziquantel is an anthelmintic substance that is active against most types of flat and tape helminths at any stage of their development. Once in the gastrointestinal tract of an animal, praziquantel is quickly absorbed and distributed throughout the body. The substance reaches its maximum concentration within an hour and immediately begins its effect. The antiparasitic property of praziquantel is based on its ability to cause contraction of muscle tissue in the worm, which results in paralysis and then death of the parasite.

Pyrantel embonate has a destructive effect on nematodes - round helminths. In the cat's body, roundworms, toxascarids, hookworms, and uncinaria are most often found.

Symptoms of fungus in cats

The first signs of an ongoing fungal infection are as follows::

  • The pet becomes aggressive.
  • Constantly scratches the head or other parts of the body.
  • May frequently shake his head or roll on the floor.
  • Licks and bites its paws, tail, and hands of its owner.
  • Visible signs: spots, flaky crusts, marigolds that have changed color.

© shutterstock


The following types of intestinal parasites can live in a cat's body:

  • nematodes are roundworms that most often affect the intestines of an animal, but some species are able to migrate throughout the body and penetrate other organs and tissues, causing serious diseases;
  • Cestodes are tapeworms that parasitize the intestines of animals. They are distinguished by their large size (can reach several meters in length) and rapid reproduction. In the gastrointestinal tract of cats, they cause serious inflammatory processes and, with severe infestation, lead to exhaustion.

Most often, worms enter the cat's body through food - if the pet is fed raw meat or fish. Carriers can be street cats and even humans, who can bring parasite larvae into the house on clothes and shoes. Therefore, it is important to carry out regular preventive treatment of all animals against worms.

Symptoms of helminthiasis in cats can be pronounced or mild. The most common signs of infection are:

  • dysfunction of the digestive system - vomiting, diarrhea, which may be followed by constipation, refusal to eat or excessive appetite;
  • cough - most often when infected with roundworms; with severe infection, helminths can be observed in coughed up masses;
  • yellowing of the mucous membranes, sclera;
  • deterioration in coat quality: dullness, dishevelment, alopecia;
  • anal itching – the cat licks itself more often than usual;
  • bloating, enlarged liver.

Kittens may show signs of anemia and weakness. Serous or purulent discharge from the eyes and nose is possible. Blood clots may be seen in the stool. Without treatment, helminthiasis leads to intoxication of the body; in kittens it can cause paralysis of the hind limbs and even death.


Some symptoms of helminthic infestation are similar to signs of viral infections, so if there are any changes in the pet’s behavior or health, you should show it to a veterinarian.

By confusing the symptoms and carrying out deworming during an infectious disease in an animal, you can cause even greater harm to its health. Only clinical and laboratory tests will help determine the cause of the pet’s poor health, and if there are parasites in the body, their type. This will help the veterinarian prescribe the correct treatment. The advantage of Trontsil K is that it actively destroys all types of intestinal parasites in cats, so it can be used to treat various types of helminthiasis.

Cats can carry parasites that are also dangerous to humans. Giardiasis is characterized by prolonged diarrhea, in which the feces have a foul odor and may contain mucus. Trontsil K will help you quickly get rid of parasites - a three-day course of treatment is enough. When feeding cats raw river and lake fish, the pet can become infected with opisthorchiasis. The disease is also dangerous for humans; it affects the liver and gall bladder.

How does the medication work?

The main components affect the enzyme activity of the parasite. In this case, cell membranes are affected, as a result of which vital processes in the helminth’s body are disrupted. In addition, the medication helps paralyze the muscles of the parasite, as a result it becomes unable to move through the gastrointestinal tract and is evacuated from the intestines naturally along with feces.

Nematodes are small roundworms that, under the influence of Troncil-K, leave the cat’s body in a paralyzed state.

The drug does not have a negative effect on the pet’s health, including does not reduce immunity or increase sensitivity to sunlight. Taking tablets in recommended doses does not contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions, as well as unwanted symptoms from the central nervous system.

This medicine, unlike many similar in action, does not produce a toxic effect and does not affect the functioning of the liver.


An additional property of Troncil K is its analgesic effect. That is why veterinarians prefer this drug in the treatment of helminthiases: prolonged diarrhea, intestinal damage by parasites is accompanied by pain. Taking the drug will alleviate the pet’s condition during illness.

The required dose of the drug must be determined based on the body weight of the animal. It is especially important not to exceed the dosage prescribed by the veterinarian for the treatment of small kittens, weakened and emaciated animals. Kittens can be given medicine starting at 3 weeks of age to prevent and get rid of worms and their larvae.

You can calculate the dosage as follows:

  • kittens and cats weighing no more than 1 kg – ¼ tablet;
  • 1-2 kg – half a tablet;
  • 2-3 kg – ¾ tablets;
  • 3-4 kg – a whole tablet;
  • 4-5 kg ​​– 1 tablet and another ¼ part.

You can give the medicine orally, directly into the mouth, it is only important that the pet swallows it. To do this, you should put the tablet on the root of the tongue, close the cat's mouth, preventing it from spitting it out, and lightly stroke the throat, causing a swallowing reflex.

You can crush the tablet, mix it with a small amount of water and inject it into your pet using a syringe without a needle. If the animal is not picky about food, the tablet can be ground into powder and added to wet food. In any case, you need to make sure that the cat has swallowed all the medicine.

For the prevention of helminthiases, Trontsil K is used every 3 months in the same dose as during treatment.



Irina, owner of a bull terrier.

“I usually carry out deworming before mating or vaccination. I like that the product is inexpensive and the composition suits us. The active components are well selected and destroy all possible parasites at once. My dog ​​tolerates it well. The next day he runs around joyful and happy.”

Nadezhda, owner of a miniature poodle.

“I have long been faced with the problem of parasites in my dog. On the advice of a veterinarian, I purchased Trontsil. Now I've been using it exclusively for several years.

I don’t resort to any tricks, I just take the dose we need and put it on my pet’s tongue. She swallows it quickly. I'm already used to it. After this he always gets a treat. We took tests several times to check how effective the product was. It has never let us down, I’m satisfied.”

Ivan, owner of a golden retriever.

“The vet once prescribed us pills. Since then I have been buying them constantly. I take the whole package at once, there are 20 pieces in it. Since I carry out prevention constantly, it goes away quickly.

You have to grind the medicine and mix it with food. Otherwise it won't work. There are no side effects. I always make sure that he eats everything, otherwise the dog smells the medicine and spits out the food.”


Galina, veterinarian with 21 years of experience.

“I have more than once encountered the fact that when using suspensions and pastes against helminths, dogs experience vomiting, diarrhea, etc. These are side effects from an overdose.

In order for everything to go well, I recommend the drug Trontsil to my clients. It is easy to dose and animals accept it well. No one has yet come and complained that the dog was not feeling well. If side effects occur, they disappear after a couple of hours.”

Valery, veterinarian with 10 years of experience.

“Troncil is a complex drug in the fight against helminths. I prescribe it for dogs that are infected with Giardia or schistosomiasis. Recovery comes in three days. Trontsil is well suited for the prevention of helminthiasis in dogs.”


The medicine has no contraindications; the only prohibition may be hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. When used correctly and the dosage is observed, Troncil K does not cause complications or negative side effects.


In case of severe infection, the veterinarian may prescribe laxatives - this will protect the pet’s body from intoxication, which can be caused by toxins that are released during the mass death of helminths.


Troncil K is sold in veterinary pharmacies; the cost of a package (2 blisters of 10 tablets each) is about 300 rubles. If necessary, the veterinarian can replace the drug with other anthelmintics.

Effective for cats:

  1. Milprazone,
  2. Milbemax,
  3. Drontal,
  4. Cestal Kat and others.


When replacing the drug, you should take into account the restrictions and dosages specified in the instructions.

What does antibody testing do?

There are two types of blood tests for COVID-19:

  • Qualitative. Express testing only detects the presence of antibodies in the blood.
  • Quantitative. Laboratory diagnostics ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) also determines the content (titer) of antibodies in the blood plasma.

Quantitative analysis is more informative; based on the concentration and ratio of immunoglobulins, it allows one to determine the stage of the disease - whether it is just developing or declining.

Additionally, it is recommended to undergo PCR testing to determine the virus itself. The study detects Covid-19 DNA in human biological material (oropharyngeal swabs) from the first day of infection.

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