Medicine "Nobivak" for cats: description, instructions for use, contraindications and prices

For loving and responsible owners, any pet ailment causes a panic attack and multiple trips to the veterinarians. It is clear that most often this turns out to be a false alarm, but there are a lot of serious diseases in animals, and they tolerate them more difficult than people.

What to do to protect your pet from all sorts of dangerous, incurable and fatal diseases? Vaccination is the best, and, so far, often the only way out.

There is an opinion that if your cat does not go outside and does not come into contact with other animals, it is not necessary to vaccinate it. But alas, a person can bring some diseases that are difficult for cats to carry into an apartment on their shoes or clothes. Therefore, it is necessary to vaccinate an animal in any case, regardless of lifestyle, only the type of vaccine and the number of vaccinations will be different in each case.

Description of the CoviVac vaccine

CoviVac is an inactivated vaccine against coronavirus.
This means that it uses a “killed” virus that is not capable of reproducing. This allows you to safely “introduce” the immune system to the coronavirus and “teach” it to develop protection. The CoviVac vaccine was registered on February 19, 2022¹. It was developed at the FNTsIRIP named after. M. P. Chumakova RAS. This center also produces other inactivated vaccines - for example, against polio, rabies and tick-borne encephalitis. The same technology was used to develop CoviVac as the polio vaccine.

Cost of vaccinations for kittens

In our clinic, for a relatively low cost, you can vaccinate your pet with high-quality vaccines against the most common infections. The clinic guarantees compliance with the rules for storing and transporting vaccines.

All animal owners need to remember that the health and quality of life of their charges depends only on them. Timely vaccination significantly increases the chances that your cat will not contract a dangerous disease.

Health to you and your pets!

Does CoviVac protect against omicron?

Studies have not yet been conducted to determine whether CoviVac protects against Omicron, a new strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. There is no data on the effectiveness of the Omicron vaccine, but there is information that suggests that the level of protection will decrease as the new strain spreads. It is known to bypass immune defenses better than previous variants of the coronavirus. Because of this, the number of cases of COVID-19 among those who have already had it or have been vaccinated is increasing.

Despite this, in the Center. Chumakov positively evaluates the effectiveness of the CoviVac vaccine and its effect on omicron. It is assumed that even with the mutations of the coronavirus, antibodies formed after vaccination will provide the necessary protection. On the other hand, the effect of the vaccine even against the first “versions” of SARS-CoV-2 has not yet been confirmed by clinical studies, so it is too early to judge whether CoviVac protects against the omicron strain.

Since the beginning of the spread of the omicron strain in the center named after. Chumakov made several statements. In mid-December 2022, the center suggested that the vaccine “should be effective” and did not need to be modified. Later, the period for such a modification was estimated at six months. At the same time, the Center’s management notes that omicron is a temporary “version” of the virus, and therefore the development of a special vaccine that will protect against the new strain is not justified. Also in January 2022, it became known that vaccine developers were preparing for studies that would help evaluate its effect against the new strain.

Omicron is a new strain of coronavirus that is rapidly sweeping the world. It is supposed to be less dangerous than the delta strain. Photo: MrDm /

The effectiveness of the CoviVac vaccine in Omicron

It is not yet known whether CoviVac will help against omicron if a person is already sick. It is assumed that for the new strain the risk of becoming seriously ill may be higher than for previous “versions” of SARS-CoV-2. It is also difficult to assess the protection that CoviVac provides against the omicron strain because this vaccine is not widely distributed. In 2021, its production was suspended for production modifications. It is expected that large deliveries will begin only in 2022.

When assessing the impact of vaccination and the effectiveness of CoviVac against omicron, one must take into account that the presence of antibodies still reduces the risk of severe disease, hospitalization and death. Therefore, it is important to use all preventive measures, including vaccination and compliance with normal precautions.

Vaccine manufacturer

One of the common questions related to CoviVac is who makes the vaccine? The vaccine "CoviVac" is produced by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FNTsIRIP im. M.P. Chumakova RAS.” Center named after M.P. Chumakova has been working since 1957. This is a large research and production complex, which includes 43 divisions. Center named after M.P. Chumakova is the only manufacturer of live vaccines against polio in Russia, the official supplier of vaccines against yellow fever. The company is also the only supplier to UNICEF and WHO in Russia. This is the leading Russian pharmacological enterprise among commercial vaccine manufacturers².

The production of CoviVac began in March 2022. The drug is already used for vaccination. It is known that phases 1 and 2 of clinical trials have been conducted for it, but there are no publications on them yet, and precise data on tolerability or protective characteristics are unknown. It will be possible to judge the effectiveness and ability of the vaccine to protect against coronavirus infection only after the completion of the third phase of clinical trials. It is expected that 32 thousand people will participate in them. The research should be completed at the end of 2022.

The first and second phases of clinical trials of the CoviVac vaccine began in August 2022. They were conducted to evaluate safety, tolerability and ability to induce an immune response. 600 people aged from 18 to 60 took part in them. Until the results of the studies are published, it is impossible to judge even how safe the drug really is. Moreover, it is impossible to draw conclusions about whether the CoviVac vaccine is capable of protecting against coronavirus - this information will appear only after the publication of the results of the third phase of clinical trials. So far, even preliminary estimates of effectiveness vary greatly.

Preliminary estimates of the effectiveness of the CoviVac vaccine

“The effectiveness is not clear.
There are no publications. According to the results of groups of volunteers, very few antibodies are produced. Thus, the effectiveness will be lower, since antibodies are an indicator of the degree of activation of the immune system, like a light bulb on a motor - whether it works or not. Foreign analogues have not been very successful in civil vaccination. Developers of similar Chinese inactivated vaccines claimed high - more than 80% - effectiveness. However, countries that have vaccinated their populations with these vaccines are faced with a harsher reality. So by June, the Seychelles, Chile, Bahrain and Mongolia had between 50 and 68 percent of the population fully vaccinated, ahead of the United States. All four countries were among the top 10 countries with the worst coronavirus outbreaks in June, all of them mainly using Sinopharm and Sinovac Biotech."

Dudnakova Tatyana Valerievna


Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, UK

“Whether the CoviVac vaccine is effective is still unknown. It has the prerequisites to be effective, because there are two Chinese-made vaccines made using similar virus inactivation technology. But until the third phase studies are conducted, we will not know whether the CoviVac vaccine is effective or not. The fact that, according to developers, it causes an immune response in 80% of patients is good, but does not yet guarantee protection. It may well turn out that they inactivated the virus in such a way that the vaccine turned out to be less effective. It’s difficult to imagine this theoretically.”

Yasny Ilya Evgenievich


head of scientific examination of the pharmaceutical investment fund "Inbio Ventures".

The CoviVac vaccine was created on the basis of a producer strain obtained from one of the patients of City Clinical Hospital No. 40 Kommunarka. A sample was selected for development that already had several mutations compared to the original virus that originated in Wuhan. Among these mutations was D614G, a change in the S protein that helps the virus particle attach to and enter cells. The D614G mutation is very common and makes the virus more infectious. A sample with this mutation was cultured in Vero cell lines, after which the AYDAR-1 strain was obtained. It became the basis of the CoviVac vaccine.

During production, the virus is grown in Vero cells. After this, it is killed: the shell is destroyed and the RNA is inactivated, and then purified. As a result, only whole-virion particles and fragments of virus proteins remain, incapable of infecting cells and reproducing.

Production of the CoviVac vaccine at the Federal Scientific Research Institute of Infectious Diseases named after. M. P. Chumakova RAS. Photo: frame from the First Channel story on YouTube

The essence of the CoviVac vaccine

In fact, the CoviVac vaccine contains a “killed” virus that is not capable of harming the body, but can “train” and educate the immune system. The advantage of this approach is that the immune system becomes familiar with the entire virus at once, and not with its individual particles. It is expected that this will help it better recognize SARS-CoV-2 and more effectively resist it³.

Cat vaccination schedule at the Averia clinic

If you brought a kitten into your home and have not yet had vaccinations in its life, when it reaches the age of two months you need to think about vaccination. This is especially true if you took the baby from the street or bought it by chance from unverified sellers.

Vaccination is no less important for an adult animal that comes home. He needs to be shown to a veterinarian so that the doctor can conduct an examination, assess his state of health and prescribe a vaccination regimen.

Based on our own experience and the experience of domestic and foreign colleagues, we recommend choosing imported vaccines, and carrying out the procedure itself in a veterinary clinic, where the conditions for storing and administering the drugs are observed.

We use drugs from trusted manufacturers from France and the Netherlands.

Vaccination scheme with Nobivak (produced in the Netherlands)

Nobivak TriCatTrio is a polyvalent vaccine intended for vaccination against:

  1. Calicivirus infection of cats.
  2. Feline viral rhinotracheitis (herpesvirus).
  3. Feline panleukopenia.

Primary vaccination is carried out at 2 months of age (8–9 weeks), repeated vaccination is carried out after 3–4 weeks (at the age of 3 months or 11–12 weeks), subsequent revaccination is carried out annually, according to the date of the last vaccination.

Contraindication for administration is pregnancy.

Nobivac Rabies is a monovalent rabies vaccine.

Vaccination is carried out once after the cat reaches the age of 3 months. Revaccination is annual, according to the date of the last vaccination. Immunity lasts for 3 years, but in the Russian Federation revaccination must be carried out every year. This vaccine can be administered to pregnant animals.

Vaccination scheme with Feligen (manufacturer – France)

Virbac (Feligen) CRP/R is a polyvalent vaccine against feline calicivirus infection, feline viral rhinotracheitis (herpesvirus), feline panleukopenia, and rabies. Primary vaccination is carried out from 3 months of age and repeated after 3-4 weeks without rabies components.

Subsequent revaccination is carried out once a year.

Vaccination schedule with Purevax RCP and Rabizin (Merial company, manufactured in France)

Purevax RCP is a polyvalent vaccine against panleukopenia, infectious rhinotracheitis and feline calicivirus infection. It causes the formation of an immune response in cats to pathogens of these diseases 14–28 days after administration, lasting up to 12 months.

Vaccination begins at 2 months of age (8 weeks) and is repeated after 21–28 days. Further revaccination is carried out once a year.

This vaccine is used in conjunction with the rabies vaccine Rabizin.

Rabizin is a vaccine for the prevention of rabies in animals. Causes the formation of an immune response to the rabies virus 14–21 days after administration, lasting up to 36 months.

Primary vaccination is carried out from 3 months of age and repeated after 12 months. In the future, vaccination is carried out every year.

Composition of the CoviVac vaccine

The CoviVac vaccine comes in the form of a suspension, a mixture of liquid and solid particles. The volume of 1 dose is 0.5 ml. When vaccinated, two doses of the drug are administered with an interval of 2 weeks. The composition of the first and second doses is the same².

1 dose of the drug contains:

  • at least 3 μg of inactivated coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 antigen;
  • 0.3-0.5 mg aluminum hydroxide;
  • up to 0.5 ml of buffer solution.

The antigen is a coronavirus grown in Vero cell lines and then inactivated. Aluminum hydroxide is used as an adjuvant, a substance that enhances the immune response by maintaining the concentration of the antigen longer at the injection site. Aluminum hydroxide is safe and does not cause harm. Phosphate buffer solution is used as the basis for preparing the suspension. The drug contains no preservatives or antibiotics.

Properties and pharmacodynamics of the veterinary drug

The effect of the vaccine after administration is aimed at forming a stable immune response to strains of rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis, and panleukopenia viruses. In this case, stable immunity in beds is formed ten days after repeated administration.

Important! Acquired specific immunity in animals against calcivirus infection and viral rhinotracheitis lasts for one year, against panleukopenia - for three years.

Nobivak does not have a therapeutic effect. Veterinary medicines are subject to exceptions for preventive immunization of animals.

Operating principle

The CoviVac vaccine is inactivated. This means that it contains a “killed”, neutralized virus, which, nevertheless, is capable of causing a reaction from the immune system. It is obtained in several stages:

  • Growing Vero cells. These are special cell lines that are used to culture the virus.
  • Coronavirus infection. The cells become infected with the AYDAR-1 strain of coronavirus.
  • Inactivation. The virus undergoes chemical treatment and dies. Once inactivated, it cannot infect cells or reproduce.
  • Cleaning. To produce the drug, the antigen is purified so that only the inactivated virus and its protein particles remain.

After injection, the antigen appears in the soft tissues. In this place, the concentration of immune cells quickly increases. They recognize the inactivated virus and begin to fight it. It is assumed that as a result of this, protective antibodies will be formed in the blood, which will be able to destroy the “live” virus in case of contact with it.

Figure 1. Live and inactivated virus. Image: kavusta/Depositphotos

To neutralize the coronavirus, beta-propiolactone is used in the production of the CoviVac vaccine. This is a chemical substance, a toxin, that partially destroys proteins and nucleic acids upon contact with them. CoviVac is not the only inactivated vaccine against coronavirus: such drugs are also being developed in other countries. Almost always, beta-propiolactone is used to inactivate the virus. This toxin destroys nucleic acid, but at the same time changes protein structures less. In the case of coronavirus vaccines, this is important because when infected, the virus first interacts with living cells through the “spike” proteins on its surface, which form a “crown.” With their help, it attaches to cells and penetrates them. To protect against infection, the immune system needs to respond quickly to the spike proteins. It is assumed that inactivation with beta-propiolactone allows one to preserve these proteins in sufficient quantities, but at the same time reliably neutralize the virus.

Is the virus actually killed in the CoviVac vaccine?

“This is truly a killed virus.
The problem is rather the opposite - proteins that are too chemically denatured. After the tragedy in the USA in the 50s, when the polio virus was not completely inactivated, they now pour in a lot of chemicals and do several tests on each batch on cell cultures and animals. So there will be no live virus there. But the covid spike complex has a labile structure, which is disrupted during chemical treatment, and some important epitopes are lost - therefore, few useful antibodies are formed, because it is the antibodies to the spike protein that are needed.” Dudnakova Tatyana Valerievna


Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, UK

Inactivation raises many questions regarding the safety and effectiveness of the CoviVac vaccine. The virus must definitely be killed, but it is important not to “spoil” it. After chemical treatment, some of the proteins important for the formation of immunity are destroyed. In the structure of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the S-proteins (spikes) are loosely connected to the viral particle, and there is a risk that they will simply collapse when inactivated by beta-propiolactone. Employees of the Center named after. M.P. Chumakova argue that these risks have been taken into account, and the virus used is, on the one hand, safe, and on the other, suitable for training the immune system.

Figure 2. Lymphocytes attack coronavirus. Photo: Sakurra / Depositphotos

What other vaccines use inactivated viruses?

There are many such vaccines - they use traditional, “classical” technology, which is well proven. Only in the Center. M.P. Chumakov produces similar vaccines against polio, tick-borne encephalitis, rabies, and yellow fever. Several different inactivated vaccines have already been developed against coronavirus: for example, Sinopharm, CoronaVac, BBIBP-CorV (China) or Covaxin (India). They are all similar to each other. The main difference between them is the choice of strains used. There are also minor differences in the virus inactivation technology.

Is a vaccine with an inactivated virus a thing of the past? Maybe you need to choose more modern options?

“Yes, inactivated vaccines are becoming a thing of the past.
There are many disadvantages. It is dangerous to work with the pathogen itself. During inactivation, denaturation occurs, a violation of the structure of protein complexes, and there are two consequences - some important epitopes are destroyed, that is, protective antibodies are produced worse, and denatured proteins can become similar to internal complexes - autoimmune reactions are possible. The main disadvantages are long development, complex production with scaling problems (it is difficult to select the amount of chemicals, since the vaccine is always developed slightly differently for each virus), and a product with low efficiency. The Argentine Ministry of Health reported on July 1, 2022 that preliminary results from a sample of 471,682 Argentines over 60 years of age in February-June 2021 showed an efficacy against death from COVID-19 of 61.6% for the first dose of Sinopharm's BBIBP-CorV vaccine. and 84.0% for the full two-dose course of vaccination. For comparison: under the same conditions, the AstraZeneca vaccine showed an effectiveness of 79.5% and 88.8%, the Sputnik V vaccine - 74.9% and 93.3%. The future is clearly in vector and mRNA vaccines.” Dudnakova Tatyana Valerievna


Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, UK

Cost of the drug, storage time

On average in Russia, the cost of the drug ranges from 210 to 370 rubles. The difference depends on the region and the level of the pharmacy.

One package contains ten or twenty-five bottles. However, owners prefer to purchase one bottle of product at a time.

Nobivak vaccine for cats should be stored out of the reach of children. Its shelf life is 3 years. After which it is not recommended to use the product.

Novinak Rabies

Every cat should be vaccinated against rabies. The drug Novinac Rabies is a drug used for preventive purposes against this dangerous disease.

© shutterstock

The vaccine has a slight yellow-pink tint and is administered intramuscularly to the animal. The main active component of the drug is an inactivated virus, which develops a powerful protective barrier against rabies in the cat.

If the spread of the rabies virus is known in the area where you live, the cat must be vaccinated twice. The first injection is given to the animal at the age of 8 weeks, then the vaccination is repeated at 12 weeks. The procedure is then repeated every other year.


Trio is a solid dry powder with a reddish tint.

The product is effective as a prophylaxis against diseases such as:

  • viral rhinotracheitis;
  • panleukopenia;
  • calcivirus

The active component of Tricat is an identical live virus, artificially weakened. To use the vaccine correctly, you must follow its application.

The powder is dissolved in a special transparent liquid (Nobivak Diulent) and injected under the skin of the animal. Before use, it is recommended to check the contents of the bottle for sediment.

Nobivac BB

A prophylactic against a disease such as bordelaise.

The vaccine is a homogeneous porous mixture. Before use, it is mixed with a special liquid (Nobivac Diluent) and instilled into the cat’s nostrils.

© shutterstock

Nobivak Forcat

Vaccines provide protection against disease:

  • rhinotracheal virus;
  • panleukopenia;
  • calcivirosis;
  • chlamydia.

The product is presented in the form of a dry white powder. It, like some other medications, is diluted with Nobivac Diluent solution and injected under the skin using a syringe.

What is the difference between the Sputnik V vaccine and CoviVac?

Both CoviVac and Sputnik V (Gam-COVID-Vac) are used to prevent infection with the new coronavirus infection, but the effects of these vaccines are different. If CoviVac contains the inactivated SARS-CoV-2 virus, then Sputnik V is a vector vaccine. It does not contain SARS-CoV-2 particles. The active substance is adenoviral particles containing the coronavirus S-protein gene.

The Sputnik V vaccine is two-component. The first and second components contain adenoviral particles of different serotypes. The immune response when using the Sputnik V vector vaccine is caused by the S-protein gene. This protein forms the “spikes” of the coronavirus shell. The spikes are what the virus attaches to a healthy cell during infection, and therefore the immune system's response to them provides protection against coronavirus infection.

The composition of the first and second doses is the same for CoviVac and different for Sputnik V. The interval between the administration of the first and second dose is from 14 days for CoviVac and from 21 days for Sputnik V.

Vaccine analogues

On the pharmacological market of veterinary drugs, there are a number of vaccines similar in composition and action to Nobivak. Veterinarians and professional breeders recommend the use of complex vaccines that promote the formation of immunity against several dangerous infectious diseases at once.

Analogues of the Nobivak group of vaccines are:

  • Merial (Quadricate);
  • Merial (Purevax);
  • Narvak (Multifel);
  • Veterinary Animal Center (Vakderm).

It is important to remember that no vaccine provides an absolute guarantee that an animal will not become infected with an infectious disease. Vaccination is a preventive measure, but not a curative one . Therefore, in addition to routine immunization, it is necessary to protect your pet from contact with known sick and street animals in order to prevent the possibility of infection.

Which vaccine is better: Sputnik V or CoviVac?

Accurate data on the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines will be known after clinical trials are completed. So far there are only preliminary figures. They are not exact and vary depending on the source. For example, different regions record different percentages of vaccinated cases.

Only Sputnik V!

“In Russia, only Sputnik V should be chosen as the first vaccine.”
It is the only vaccine with published data and proven efficacy and safety. The effectiveness of CoviVac is unclear. There are still no published clinical studies. According to the results of volunteers published on Telegram, only half of those vaccinated with CoviVac have antibodies and the titers are low, with many cases of severe disease.” Dudnakova Tatyana Valerievna


Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, UK

Full composition

The drug Nobivak Triquet Trio for cats has a combined composition:

  • Attenuated feline rhinotracheitis virus strain G 2620;
  • Attenuated calicivirosis virus F9;
  • Attenuated panleukopenia virus MW-
  • Hydrolyzed gelatin;
  • Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate;
  • Pancreatic casein hydrolysate;
  • Sorbitol.

© shutterstock
The vaccine also comes with a sterile solvent, Nobivak Diluent, which has the following composition :

  • Sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate – 0.31 mg;
  • Potassium dihydrogen phosphate – 0.21 mg;
  • Sterile water for injection – 1 ml.

The pH value of the solvent ranges from 7.2 to 7.4.

The dry vaccine and the solvent are perfectly matched to each other, so when mixed, no sediment of any kind is formed.

Preparing for vaccination

There is no need to prepare specially for vaccination³. Any adult between the ages of 18 and 60 can get vaccinated against the coronavirus with CoviVacom. Before vaccination, you will need to undergo a general examination and interview with a therapist. It only takes a few minutes:

  • At the vaccination point, you need to fill out a form, indicating information about your health status (recent illnesses, presence of chronic diseases, information about medications that the person constantly takes, and other data).
  • The therapist will measure your temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and blood oxygen level, check your questionnaire, and ask additional questions about your well-being. It is important to answer them accurately and completely - the more detailed the description of your health condition, the less risks there will be during vaccination.
  • If there are no contraindications, the therapist will authorize vaccination. You can get vaccinated right away.

There are a few additional recommendations:

  • It is important to pay attention to your health before vaccination. You can only get vaccinated if you are in good health. If there are signs of illness or exacerbation of chronic diseases, it is better to consult a doctor or postpone vaccination.
  • One month before vaccination, you should not take immunosuppressive drugs. If a person is prescribed such therapy due to an autoimmune or any other disease, you should discuss this with your doctor before getting the vaccine.
  • According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, there is no need to take tests for antibodies or do PCR tests. Antibody tests may not be sufficiently informative, and their results should not be interpreted on your own. PCR tests before vaccination are only needed in cases where a person has symptoms of a coronavirus infection or has been in contact with people who have it in the last two weeks.

Why is vaccination with Nobivak necessary?

A vaccine is an immunobiological medicine that stimulates the production of antibodies to various infectious infections. Disease viruses are present in the injection serum in an inactive form. Once in the blood, they begin, together with the immune system, to “build” a defense against their active counterparts. Subsequently, even if your cat comes into direct contact with a sick animal, she will not be in any danger, her body is under reliable immune protection.

Nobivak saves your ward from many terrible pathologies:

  • rabies;
  • rhinotracheitis caused by a virus;
  • chlamydia;
  • panleukopenia;
  • calcivirosis;
  • bordetellosis.


Vaccination protects not only animals, but also people from diseases. Many cat infections are extremely dangerous for humans!

How is vaccination carried out?

Vaccination takes place in 2 stages with an interval of 14 days.
Photo from the website of the administration of the Tambov region "CoviVacom" people are vaccinated twice. The same drug is administered both times. It is expected that twice the dose will enhance the immune response and increase the duration of immunity. According to the instructions, 14 days should pass between vaccinations².

It is possible that in the future the first and second doses will be given 21 days apart. This will standardize the vaccination procedure: for Gam-Covid-Vac and EpiVacCorona (two other Russian vaccines against coronavirus infection), the interval between vaccinations is 3 weeks. Also, the developers of CoviVac do not rule out that for some groups vaccination may be tripled to further enhance protection.

CoviVacom is vaccinated as follows:

  • The person is examined by a therapist with a mandatory questioning, temperature measurement, and throat examination. This is necessary to make sure you are feeling normal and there are no contraindications.
  • After the examination, the doctor will tell you about the vaccination procedure and possible side effects. Next, the patient fills out and signs a voluntary informed consent (this can be done in advance to make the examination by the doctor faster).
  • The injection is given immediately after examination by a therapist. The health worker shakes the vial or ampoule with the vaccine, draws one dose into the syringe and injects it. All manipulations are carried out in front of the patient. CoviVac is injected into the shoulder from the outside, in the upper part. Only intramuscular administration is allowed. The drug must not be administered intravenously.
  • Each person who has been vaccinated is given a leaflet containing basic recommendations, information about possible adverse reactions, and restrictions.

CoviVac is supplied as a suspension (liquid with solid particles). It can be packaged in bottles (1 dose, 5 doses) or ampoules (1 dose). Each bottle or ampoule must be labeled with the name of the drug, batch number, and expiration date. Before performing an injection, a person has the right to check what exactly is being injected and make sure that CoviVac will be used for vaccination. To do this, just look at the markings on the ampoule or bottle (you can ask the healthcare worker to show it).

Documentation of vaccination

If your pet will participate in exhibitions, or you will simply take it abroad, or participate in breeding, you will need an international cat veterinary passport. It lists all vaccinations your cat has received.

Also, when traveling abroad, you may need to prepare additional documents for transportation (issued in state veterinary clinics). In the EU countries, a cat, among other things, will need to have an implanted electronic chip, that is, the fluffy will need to be chipped.

Our clinic is certified according to international standards and provides, among other things, microchipping services. This simple procedure is painless and harmless for the animal. The chip is the size of a grain of rice and is implanted under the skin in the withers area. It allows you to read information about your pet and the owner. The information is read after entering a unique code (15 characters) into the database.

Even if you and your pet do not plan to attend exhibitions or travel, the passport will help you not to miss the next visit to the veterinarian for routine vaccination of your pet.

What should you not do after vaccination?

It is not recommended to leave the hospital or vaccination site immediately after vaccination. It is better to stay near the vaccination office for at least 30 minutes. This is important in case of allergies or complications. They are very rare and the risk is minimal, but if a severe reaction occurs, the person can get medical help quickly. To provide it, as well as for anti-shock therapy, each vaccination point has a special installation.

After vaccination it is not recommended:

  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • drink alcohol;
  • visit swimming pools, saunas;
  • engage in heavy physical work or sports (it is better to limit physical activity);
  • wet the injection site.

These restrictions are observed for 2-3 days. If you have chronic diseases or other health conditions, you should discuss vaccination with your doctor. Perhaps he will give additional recommendations.

After vaccination with CoviVac, you do not need to self-isolate. The drug does not contain a live virus, and after the injection a person does not become its carrier, it is not contagious, and is not dangerous to other people.

When vaccinated with any of the vaccines used, there remains a risk of contracting coronavirus infection. This doesn't mean that vaccines don't work. If infected, the disease will progress more easily. However, even those people who are fully vaccinated need to take precautions: use masks and gloves, wash their hands more often or treat them with an antiseptic, try to avoid crowded places. This helps limit the spread of infection and further reduces the risk of getting sick.

For every bacteria - its own Nobivak

So, Nobivak is a whole group of drugs, combined into a general category - an antiviral vaccine.

There are four types of vaccines with strains:

  1. Forect is a white powder that requires dilution with a special liquid. The animal is vaccinated subcutaneously. The vaccine protects against diseases such as calicivirus, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and chlamydia.
  2. BB is a white homogeneous substance prepared for dilution with a solution before administration. It is instilled into the pet's nose, a single dose of 0.3 ml. IV is a reliable prevention against bordetellosis. Only healthy animals with normal temperature are vaccinated. After the procedure, the pussy may react: sneeze, cough, or runny nose. The symptoms go away on their own within a couple of hours.
  3. Rabies is a slightly yellow or pinkish powder. It is dissolved in a solution before vaccination, injected subcutaneously or into the muscle. A very important vaccine that prevents infection with an extremely dangerous disease - rabies.
  4. Triquet Trio is a pink, red-tinged powder that contains live but weak strains of calicivirosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and viral rhinotracheitis viruses. The vaccine is placed under the skin and pre-diluted with an injection solution.


Nobivak is given to an animal only according to the indications of a veterinarian. At the time of vaccination, the pet must be healthy. If there are chronic diseases, they should not be in the acute stage.

The solution used to dilute the Nobivak product is a special emulsion Nobivak Diluent. To prepare the working substance, the powder is thoroughly shaken in liquid until smooth.


The use of the CoviVac vaccine is approved for the prevention of infection with a new coronavirus infection in people aged 18 to 60 years. CoviVac can be used both for the first vaccination against coronavirus and for revaccination, including if the first vaccination was given with a different drug. In this case, CoviVac is used as a booster, an amplifier of the first vaccine. The opposite situation is also possible, in which the CoviVac vaccination was first carried out, and then revaccination was performed with another drug⁷.

When should the vaccine not be used?

You should refuse to purchase and use the Nobivak Triquet Trio vaccine in such cases:

  • Expired or expiring shelf life;
  • Violation of the rules for transportation and storage of the vaccine and/or solvent;
  • Changes in the physicochemical parameters of drugs, such as cloudiness of the solvent, discrepancy in the color of the dry component, the appearance of flakes or other sediments at the bottom after mixing, changes in the consistency of both components before mixing.
  • The visible presence of foreign impurities, even in small quantities.
  • Violation of the tightness of the bottles.
  • Absence or partial damage to the integrity of packaging, labels on jars, expiration dates.
  • 30 minutes after mixing.

You can dispose of the mixed vaccine at home after boiling for 20 minutes for disinfection.

Contraindications to vaccination

The following contraindications have been established for the CoviVac vaccine²:

  • a severe reaction that developed after the first dose of the drug (severe redness and swelling at the injection site, temperature 40°C or higher, fever, severe malaise);
  • a complication associated with any vaccination (not necessarily against Covid), including convulsions, fever, shock, collapse, which developed in the first two days after vaccination;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • a previous allergic reaction to the components included in the drug CoviVac or any other vaccine, including reactions associated with the development of angioedema or shock, the appearance of symptomatic exudative erythema multiforme (formation of spots, erosions, rashes on the skin);
  • hypersensitivity to any components included in the vaccine;
  • age-related restrictions (under 18 and over 60 years);
  • malignant neoplasms.

There are also a number of temporary contraindications, in the presence of which vaccination should be postponed:

  • any acute diseases;
  • worsened chronic diseases;
  • feverish condition.

If a person has suffered any acute illness, vaccination can be done only after complete recovery, and it is better to wait at least 2-4 weeks. The exact period depends on the state of health, on what exactly the person was sick with. For acute respiratory viral infections, colds, and intestinal infections, it is allowed to get vaccinated when the temperature subsides and the main symptoms of the disease disappear. If any chronic disease worsens, you first need to achieve remission and only then vaccinate. It is better to plan it together with your doctor.

Is it possible to inject CoviVac immediately after an illness? And as a revaccination after Sputnik V?

“You can’t inject anything immediately after an illness; at least a month should pass, and preferably 6-8 weeks.
In those who have recovered from the disease, as well as after vaccination with Sputnik V, CoviVac works better. Inactivated vaccines weakly activate the T-cell immune response, but if it already exists after an illness or a vector vaccine, then CoviVac will work quite well as a booster.” Dudnakova Tatyana Valerievna


Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, UK

In some conditions, vaccination with CoviVac is carried out with caution. This means that before it, consultation and observation of the attending physician is required, and afterward it is important to especially carefully monitor your well-being. People who have the following diseases should definitely consult their doctor before vaccination:

  • previous strokes, epilepsy and other diseases of the central nervous system;
  • renal, liver failure, other chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system (including coronary heart disease, myocarditis, endocarditis);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • leukemia, thrombocytosis, severe anemia and other diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma, COPD and others;
  • malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption of nutrients) and some other diseases of the digestive organs;
  • allergies, autoimmune diseases, any other disorders of the immune system.

The attending physician will assess the benefit-risk ratio of vaccination in a particular case and make recommendations.


If a person is unsure whether he or she has any diseases or conditions that would make vaccination with CoviVac dangerous, he or she can ask any questions about this to the GP during the pre-vaccination examination. The purpose of this inspection is to eliminate any possible risks. If the doctor decides that additional consultation is needed, he will refer the patient to a specialized specialist.

Vaccination with CoviVac may be delayed if a person was treated for certain diseases or took certain medications:

  • Immunotherapy for cancer, including those directed against T cells or B lymphocytes, including therapy with blinatumomab, rutuximab, obinutuzumab, antithymocyte immunoglobulin, alemtuzumab and other antineoplastic agents. Vaccination is possible four weeks after completion of the course of therapy.
  • Consolidation or induction chemotherapy, as well as the period after a course of chemotherapy when the patient continues to have granulocytopenia (low levels of granulocytes in the peripheral blood).
  • A bone marrow or hemocytoblast transplant, as well as implant rejection or non-engraftment - you must wait at least 3 months before vaccination (sometimes the period increases to six months).

General rules for vaccinating pets

The vaccination rules for both dogs and cats are the same:

  • The animal must be healthy at the time of vaccination.
  • 10 days before vaccination, it is necessary to carry out treatment against skin parasites - ticks, fleas, lice, as well as deworming.
  • Although your pet will be examined by a veterinarian before vaccination and will make sure he is in excellent health, it is advisable to monitor the animal, its appetite, general condition for 3 days before vaccination, and also measure its temperature at the same time.

Normally, in healthy dogs it is 37-39C, in puppies – no higher than 39.5C, in kittens – from 38.5 to 39.5C, and in adult cats and cats – 38-39.5C.

Remember! If your pet is allergic, notify your veterinarian. It is possible that the animal will be given diphenhydramine before vaccination.

Side effects of the CoviVac vaccine

Side effects may appear within three days after vaccination with CoviVac. The following reactions are possible:

  • local - the injection site hurts, there may be slight swelling and redness;
  • headache;
  • temperature increase.

Typically, all vaccination-related illnesses go away within two to three days. Until clinical studies of the drug CoviVac are completed, the following possible adverse reactions cannot be ruled out:

  • severe allergic reaction;
  • syncope (fainting);
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • exacerbation or addition of acute infections.

The likelihood of such adverse reactions is very low. The already accumulated experience with the use of the CoviVac vaccine and the use of inactivated vaccines, in principle, indicates good safety indicators of the drug.

In case of intolerance to the components of the CoviVac vaccine, severe allergies and in some other cases, a severe adverse reaction may develop almost immediately after vaccination. Therefore, it is important that a person remains at the vaccination site for at least half an hour after the injection - if they feel unwell, they will be able to help. In the next 2-3 days after vaccination, you need to carefully monitor your well-being, especially if you have chronic diseases or other health conditions. Mild discomfort, headache or fever is a normal reaction to the vaccine, and these symptoms usually go away quickly. If they bother you too much, you can take an antipyretic and pain reliever (for example, paracetamol or another drug recommended by your doctor). If more serious symptoms occur (such as a very high fever or skin rash), you should see a doctor.

How cats tolerate Nobivak

Imported vaccine Nobivak, well tolerated by pets. Feedback from owners is mostly positive, as the quality of the vaccine is high. There are few side effects, which allows the drug to be used for immunization of animals for life.

In order for vaccination to be as successful as possible, it is important to follow several rules:

  • compliance with immunization schedules and schedules;
  • use only high-quality, proven vaccines;
  • If possible, do not vaccinate females during the period of gestation and lactation;
  • do not immunize cats after surgery and during the rehabilitation period;
  • do not perform surgical interventions (planned) until 3 weeks after immunization;

How do cats tolerate Nobivac? For 24 hours after administration of the drug dose, the animal may be lethargic, depressed and want to constantly sleep. There may be slight swelling in the area where the vaccine was administered. If suspicious signs of a clinical picture appear - vomiting, dehydration, convulsions, you must contact a veterinarian immediately.

Latest Vaccine News

The CoviVac vaccine has been undergoing the third phase of clinical trials since June 2, 2022. Their results will show whether the vaccine protects against the disease and how reliable that protection is. Testing is expected to be completed at the end of December 2022.

At the end of August 2022, it became known that the vaccine would be improved to provide protection against the fast-spreading delta strain. Head of the center named after. M.P. Chumakova Aidar Ishmukhametov stated that a new strain has already been isolated, and preparatory work is underway to create a new version of the vaccine⁸.

At the end of September, the production of raw materials for the vaccine was suspended by the center named after. M. P. Chumakova. This was due to the modernization of the production complex. Later, the center's management reported that the modernization was successful and production of the CoviVac vaccine was resumed. Modernization made it possible to increase production capacity by 2-2.5 times. If from the beginning of the year until the modernization, 1.5 million doses were released into circulation, then after the launch of the new equipment, they planned to release an additional 2.5 million doses² by the end of the year.

On October 8, 2022, the Russian Ministry of Health authorized clinical trials of the vaccine on people over 60 years of age. The study is expected to be conducted until August 1, 2022 among 250 volunteers⁹.

"Tricket Trio"

Nobivac Tricat Trio gives excellent results in preventing the most common infections that affect cats.

  1. Calicivirus is characterized by acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, oral cavity, and conjunctiva. Tiny whiskers under 12 months of age are most susceptible.
  2. Viral rhinotracheitis is an acute disease of the eyes and respiratory system, causing mortality in up to 20% of infected animals.
  3. Panleukopenia (feline distemper) is dangerous because it sharply reduces the content of leukocytes in the blood and affects the gastrointestinal tract of cats. The mortality rate from this infection is frighteningly high - more than 90%.

Read. Varilrix vaccine against chickenpox

The immunobiological agent "Nobivak Triket Trio" includes strain G 2620A, F9, MW-1 - inactivated viruses of rhinotracheitis, calicivirosis, panleukopenia, respectively.

The Tricat Trio form is a porous mass obtained by lyophilization and a solvent for injection.

The dry light pink pharmaceutical drug “Nobivak Triket Trio” is packaged in evacuated glass bottles - 0.5 cm³; transparent colorless solution - into 1.0 ml bottles. When diluting Tricat Trio there should be no flakes or sediment.

The immunobiological vaccine "Nobivak Triket" is administered subcutaneously. In rare cases, mild side effects are possible - swelling of the injection site, a slight rise in body temperature. However, such symptoms do not cause any consequences in kittens.

The immune response to infection with rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia is formed after re-vaccination after 10 days. The presence of antibodies to calicivirus and rhinotracheitis persists for a year, and to panleukopenia - for 3 years.


  1. Registration certificate and Instructions for medical use of the medicinal product CoviVac (inactivated whole virion concentrated purified coronavirus vaccine) dated 02/19/2021.
  2. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Instructions for the medical use of the medicinal product CoviVac (inactivated whole virion coronavirus vaccine, concentrated purified).
  3. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Temporary guidelines “Procedure for vaccination of the adult population against COVID-19”, July 2, 2022.
  4. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Instructions for the medical use of the medicinal product “CoviVac” (inactivated whole virion coronavirus vaccine, concentrated purified).
  5. “Sputnik V”, “EpiVacCorona”, “CoviVac”, “Sputnik Light”. What is known about Russian vaccines. TASS, 2022.
  6. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Temporary guidelines “Procedure for vaccination of the adult population against COVID-19”, July 2, 2022.
  7. Expert: the use of different drugs during vaccination and revaccination against COVID-19 is possible. Interfax, 2022.
  8. The CoviVac vaccine will be modified to accommodate new strains of coronavirus. RIA Novosti, 2022.
  9. The Russian Ministry of Health has authorized testing of CoviVac on the elderly. Interfax, 2022.

How does vaccination work?

To be vaccinated safely, you should know:

  • On the day of vaccination, the cat must be healthy. If there are any symptoms indicating the opposite (fever, lack of appetite, lethargy), the procedure should be postponed.
  • Before using the drug, you should check the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date of the vaccine. You should also pay attention to the appearance of the liquid for the presence of sediment in the form of flakes. Before use, it is recommended to shake the solution so that the liquid acquires a uniform consistency.
  • The Nobivak vaccination for cats is given to kittens that have reached 8 weeks of age. It is strictly forbidden to carry out the procedure before.
  • After vaccination, it is important to monitor the animal’s health. If there are any deviations, you should contact your veterinarian.
  • Instructions for using the drug Nobivak for cats allows you to vaccinate a cat in a state of pregnancy.
  • If there are several cats in one room, they must be vaccinated at the same time.
  • Vaccination is carried out using exclusively disinfected equipment. And it is also mandatory to clean the injection site with alcohol before using it.

The person administering the vaccine must:

  • wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure;
  • use medical gloves;
  • The plastic container and syringe must be disposed of.

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Instructions for use

  1. More than a week before vaccination, animals are dewormed.
  2. Before vaccinating, you need to have your cats examined by a veterinarian.
  3. Only healthy animals are vaccinated. Fever, lethargy, vomiting and other symptoms of poor physical condition of cats are the reason for the vaccination to be withdrawn.
  4. You should refrain from vaccinating cats if they have hypersensitivity to the vaccine ingredients.
  5. Simultaneous administration of Tricat Trio and Rabies is acceptable, but they should not be combined in the same syringe.
  6. It is not recommended to vaccinate cats during pregnancy and lactation.
  7. Vaccine injections are prohibited for animals under 8 weeks of age.
  8. After the injection, pets should be provided with medical supervision for 3 days.

When working with the vaccine, personal preventative measures are as follows:

  • the person conducting the vaccination must wear special clothing;
  • it is necessary to have personal protective equipment;
  • In case of accidental contact of the drug with the skin or mucous membranes, the corresponding area of ​​the body is washed with running water.
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