Birth control for cats - 4 types of drugs that prevent pregnancy


Absolutely any animal has a natural need to reproduce, this also applies to cats. But the owner is not always happy about the pregnancy of his pet, because there is a problem with where or to whom to give them. You may be wondering what to do in this situation and whether there are birth control options for cats.

Today there are a number of contraceptives for both male and female cats. Among them are: injections, tablets, drops and much more. They will help you avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Injections as a means of contraception

Many veterinarians use a drug such as Covinan in their practice; it allows you to eliminate estrus for six months or a year. The first injection should be given by a veterinarian, and subsequent injections can be done independently . The drug must be used shortly before the onset of estrus. Doctors do not recommend using this drug if the animal is pregnant, because this drug is not used for abortion. Many people prefer contraceptive injections for cats; they begin to act quickly and for a long time. Pros and cons of this method:

  • easy to use;
  • in case of drug withdrawal, the pet will be able to easily have offspring;
  • there are a number of side effects;
  • The injection cannot be used on animals over five years of age.

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Instructions for use

Covinan is injected under the skin by inserting a needle into the center of the skin fold. Intradermal administration is unacceptable. You also need to make sure that the drug does not get into the fatty layer under the skin or scar tissue. It is better to entrust the procedure to a specialist.

Before giving the injection, you need to shake the liquid in the bottle to mix the particles evenly. The injection site must be wiped with cotton wool soaked in alcohol (70%).

According to the instructions for use, the dose of Covinan for medium-sized cats is 1 ml. It increases to 1.5 ml if the animal’s weight is above 7 kg.

Hormonal dosage options based on the cat’s weight:

  • for pets weighing less than 5 kg - from 1 to 1.5 ml;
  • for cats from 5 to 10 kg – from 1.5 to 2.5 ml.

Interesting! The dose of Covinan for animals weighing more than 10 kg is from 2.5 to 3.5 ml.

If the cat has not yet entered the estrus stage, then she is prescribed a course of injections according to the following scheme:

1 injectionduring anaestrus (sexual rest)
2nd injection3 months after the first procedure
3rd injectionafter 4 months after the previous one
subsequent injectionsevery 5 months

This scheme will allow you to achieve lasting sexual rest.

Some cat owners prefer to give the anti-walking injection once. The procedure is carried out during metaestrus (7–14 days after estrus) or during anaestrus (rest period that lasts 3–4 months).

Types of oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptive pills for cats are divided into two classes. The first include drops that contain a hormone. Such drugs provoke false pregnancy in animals. This drug can only be used after consultation with a veterinarian.

Oral contraceptives of the second class contain fewer hormones and reduce sexual desire. Such products are made in drops or tablets. The most effective are

  • gestrenol,
  • libidomin,
  • sex barrier,
  • stop intimate,
  • counter-sex.

Doctors believe that such products should not be used, because they are harmful to the animal. It has already been proven that they have a bad effect on the cat’s body. Veterinarians have observed cases where a completely healthy pet exhibited side effects. Imagine if such a drug was used on a sick pet. In such cases, they are simply categorically contraindicated.

Often, after using contraceptives, cats become ill and various types of complications arise. For example, there were cases when, after taking such drugs, pus was removed from the uterus.

But even after the operation there is no guarantee that the animal will recover completely. Therefore, absolutely every owner should take this issue seriously, and before giving any contraceptives, you should consult a veterinarian.

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Effective drugs

On the recommendation of a veterinarian, you can purchase Antisex drops for your animal.
To avoid pregnancy and childbirth in a cat, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian, who will select contraceptives that are suitable in form and composition. When carrying out treatment, it is important to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage and monitor the pet’s condition, since adverse reactions often occur. The table shows the most used anti-festival drugs in cats:

Tablets and drops"Libidomin"
"Sex barrier"


Pregnancy pills for cats come in several types: natural and unnatural.

Most often, doctors recommend natural ones, because they contain beneficial properties. But, as a rule, the effect of such drugs wears off very quickly and there is a chance that your cat will become pregnant. The advantage of such medications is that they have a positive effect on the animal’s body and certainly will not harm.

Non-natural remedies are more effective, and your cat will calm down within 24 hours after taking it. There are manufacturers who recommend constantly giving your pet birth control. But it is also known that non-natural contraceptives can negatively affect a pet’s body.


Birth control drops for cats are quite convenient and easy to use. They have exactly the same properties as injections with tablets. Just like tablets, they can be natural or chemical. As a rule, natural ones are made on the basis of various herbs and decoctions. The drops are not aimed at regulating hormones, but at simulating hormonal levels. This means that the cat does not lose desire, and she gets pleasure without sex. It is because of this that the pet becomes calmer and balanced.

This contraceptive is very convenient to use, because you will agree that it is easier to drop the drug into the pet’s mouth than to stuff a pill.

When are they needed?

Hormonal medications for cats are mainly used to prevent unwanted litter. And sometimes contraceptives are prescribed for pets to stabilize hormonal levels. Indications for the use of such drugs are the following changes in the behavior of the female:

An animal needs such products if it rolls on the floor.

  • manifestation of aggression, including towards the owner;
  • constant anxiety;
  • loud meowing;
  • marking the territory and the appearance of puddles in the wrong places;
  • the appearance of clear discharge from the cat’s genitals;
  • rolling on the floor and shaking the whole body excitedly.


Of course, contraceptive injections and pills are easy to use and absolutely harmless, but they are only good to a certain extent. Many doctors believe that contraceptives negatively affect the pet's health , because, as a rule, hormonal interference cannot go unnoticed. Therefore, if you do not want your cat to give birth, then it is best to sterilize.

The advantage of this method is that you do not have to constantly buy contraceptives and this method reduces the chances of developing cancer.

In the modern world, sterilization can be carried out in three ways:

  • medicines;
  • chemistry;
  • radiation.

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Surgical sterilization or injections from walking

When choosing the type of sterilization, you should weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the method.

Veterinarians believe that the most optimal age for sterilizing cats is 6 months.

In addition, the general condition of the pet and its age are taken into account.

Preoperative preparationRequiredAbsent
AnesthesiaRequiredNot required
Postoperative careRequiredAbsent
Violation of the skin and integrity of internal organsPresentNo
Inflammatory complicationsHigh levelMedium threat
The presence of the reproductive ability of the bodyCompletely disappearsRecovering
Hormonal imbalanceAverage levelHigh level
Frequency of applicationOne timeRepeatedly
Complexity of the procedureHighLow
Applicability to animal genderBoth sexesFemale only

The option that is suitable for the pet can only be determined by the owner and the veterinarian. It is impossible to say for sure what is better or worse, since the choice is individual.

The effect of contraceptives on the cat's body

Most owners think that contraceptive injections and pills are much better than sterilization, but this is not so. And the question is often asked on the Internet when to start giving birth control to your cat. Never. If you want your pet to live a long time and not get sick, then it is better not to use such products, because they are a time bomb.

Even with short-term use of such a drug, problems can arise.

It doesn’t matter what you give your animal, drops or tablets, they help regulate hormonal levels. Thus, the drug affects not only the production of those same hormones, but also the entire body. If you still decide that you do not want your pet to produce offspring, then it is better to sterilize it, it is effective and safe for the animal’s body . And if you decide to give your cat birth control for some time after giving birth, it is better to consult your doctor.

Pros and cons of contraceptive injections

This means of chemical sterilization has both positive and negative sides.

It is worth resorting to the injection method after weighing the pros and cons.

The administration of the drug stops the development of estrus in a cat and removes all its negative manifestations


  • Does not cause complications after surgery, there is no rehabilitation period. Sterilization does not require preoperative preparation and eliminates infection and contamination of blood and sutures, including suppuration, scars and cicatrices.
  • The process is simple and can be carried out at home in the presence of a veterinarian or following the instructions received from him.
  • No risk to the animal's health during anesthesia. Most cat breeds, as well as young and older individuals, do not tolerate anesthesia well. As a result, allergic reactions and dysfunction of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems develop.
  • Self-healing of the reproductive properties of the body. Hormonal injections are a temporary measure; after a certain time, the ability to become pregnant, bear and give birth to kittens is fully restored and does not cause complications.
  • The minimum number of contraindications in comparison with surgical sterilization.
  • Complete elimination of injury, pain and rehabilitation of cats.
  • Possibility of use in the role of correction of cat behavior, in order to avoid walking.
  • The speed of action of the drug on the pet’s body.


  • The presence of dangerous side effects of the hormonal drug;
  • Violation of the pet’s hormonal levels due to non-compliance with the rules for using the drug and overdose;
  • Changes in behavioral character - increased appetite, excess weight, apathy or irritability;
  • Increasing the level of predisposition to tumors of an oncological nature;
  • The price for the procedure is higher than the surgical impact;
  • High level of development of pathologies - diabetes, obesity, cancer, pyometra, polycystic disease;
  • Deterioration of coat;
  • Hormones can provoke swelling and inflammatory processes even with a single use.

Hormonal medications are prescribed and used exclusively by a veterinarian after a complete diagnosis of the pet’s health condition.

Self-medication leads to sad consequences, including death.

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