Calming collars for cats with pheromones: types and rules of use

Cats, like people, all have individual characteristics. This also applies to the state of the psyche, the strength of the nervous system. Some pets don't care, and for others, even simple procedures like washing or grooming, not to mention long trips or moving, can plunge them into a state of deep stress.

Many cats show aggression, while some animals remain completely calm in any situation. A cat collar with pheromones is a good way to relieve excessive anxiety in stressful situations. In this article, we not only look at the best collars, but also talk about stress in animals in general and the reasons that can cause it. We do not recommend skipping this section, since before buying a collar with pheromones for your pet, you need to understand the reason that caused this need. You might be able to handle it on your own.

Stress Factors and Signs of Anxiety in Cats

Cats, like people, experience a wide range of emotions; they can feel fear, anxiety, and restlessness. These animals prefer an orderly lifestyle, and when some events disrupt its course, it is stressful for the cat.

Such events include:

  • hygiene procedures if the cat does not like water;
  • long trips;
  • visiting a veterinarian, cat hairdresser (groomer);
  • therapeutic procedures (injections, taking tasteless drops or tablets, various medical procedures that are potentially or actually uncomfortable);
  • participation in a championship or exhibition (especially if the cat does not like large crowds of people or excessive attention);
  • changing of the living place;
  • death of the owner or family members, change of owner for any reason.

Cats may not tolerate the conditions of overexposure in which some owners leave their pets if they know that the cat does not tolerate long trips. Some of the animals are physically unable to endure travel in transport due to the impact on the vestibular apparatus, then such movements become simply torture for them.

Cats react sensitively not only to stressful situations that directly affect them, but also acutely sense, for example, a thickened atmosphere in the house where conflicts occur or alienation reigns. They also do not tolerate loud sounds well, and a series of noisy parties, for example, New Year's, can greatly damage the animal's psyche.

The arrival of small children into the house (if the owners allow them to play with the cat) can upset the emotional background of the animal.

Having other animals in the house can also cause a lot of stress. This is especially true for situations when the cat is already old, and a young and active animal appears in the house.

It is not uncommon for animals to show aggression or signs of anxiety during periods of sexual arousal. Pregnancy and childbirth can also greatly disrupt a cat's mental state.

Sometimes animals begin to show signs of anxiety and restlessness in the absence of these stressful situations. This may indicate that something is upsetting the animal, driving it into an abnormal state (for example, lack of attention or its excess).

In addition, signs of anxiety may indicate a developing physical or mental illness.

Symptoms of increased anxiety include:

  • manifestations of aggression (toward humans, other animals, and even directed at oneself);
  • constantly making various sounds;
  • marking the territory;
  • strange jumps, movements of the body, paws, tail;
  • frozen look;
  • attempts to hide deeper;
  • reluctance to communicate, especially if the cat generally likes to sit in your arms and be petted;
  • constant consumption of food to the point of vomiting.

If, of course, the cat suddenly jumped up, this is not a reason to think that she is worried. Another thing is when several symptoms appear over a period of time, you should take the animal to the veterinarian.

Instructions for use

Spray and diffuser are used externally. The drug can be used until the animal adapts to new conditions. Most often, the course of application varies from a month or more. If the cat’s behavior does not change during the first few weeks, then this remedy should be used a little longer in a particular case.

Features of using the spray

The spray should only be used when necessary. Before spraying the product, you need to make sure that the area where the drug will be applied is completely clear of urine. Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to thoroughly wash all surfaces (especially where the cat “marks”). You can spray the spray on the floor, in the area of ​​doors and jambs, as well as on interior items that the animal chews and scratches.

In order for two cats to get along and accept each other, you can pre-treat the room with a spray

It is also recommended to use the product when visiting a veterinarian. To do this, you need to spray the carrier with a spray. If you plan to add another pet, you should spray pheromones a few days before bringing it home. It is better to keep the animal in another room while using the spray.

Using a diffuser

How to use the diffuser:

  1. Unscrew the protective cap from the bottle. Do not shake the liquid.
  2. Then screw the bottle into the diffuser.
  3. Then plug the device into a power outlet. It is best to choose a place where air circulates freely. It is not recommended to place the diffuser behind a curtain or in any other hard-to-reach place.

The diffuser should be used in rooms with good air ventilation

The device must be in operation 24 hours a day. The area of ​​action is 50–70 square meters. The diffuser should be used for a month. As the liquid evaporates, the bottle needs to be changed. If the cat’s behavior does not change even with long-term treatment, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of using other medications.

Effect of a collar with pheromones

Pheromones are a group of compounds produced by the endocrine glands of animals. They have a specific smell, which allows animals to communicate within the species. This is a kind of signaling system that allows animals to transmit and receive information that stimulates certain actions.

Certain types of these substances have a calming effect on cats. In particular, collar manufacturers use synthetic analogs of maternal pheromones in their products. These substances are produced in the body of the mother cat and are intended to calm the kitten.

While still blind, the baby is guided by a specific smell and uses it to find his mother. Having smelled such a smell, an adult feels a sense of protection and safety, similar to what she experienced in childhood, being under maternal protection.

Collars with pheromones are designed specifically to relax and calm a cat, relieve aggression, anxiety and restlessness. The first versions of such collars were developed to help four-legged pets cope with negative emotions caused by moving, a change of environment, or a trip to the veterinarian.

Today, such collars are also used outside of stressful situations - to correct the behavior of the animal.

Also read the article about sedatives and sleeping pills for cats.

How to use Feliway correctly

The basis for the positive effect of Feliway is its correct use. The instructions have their own characteristics in the context of different forms of release.

Feliway diffuser

A diffuser is a convenient form of creating a comfortable indoor environment for a cat. Purchasing the drug in this version is important when moving to a new living space - by feeling the pheromone, the cat will be calm and friendly and will quickly get used to the new environment. Using the diffuser is very simple:

  1. You need to remove the cap from the bottle of liquid and screw it into the electrical part of the device.
  2. The assembled diffuser just needs to be plugged into an outlet, and it will begin to evaporate the drug. The device is designed for a room of up to 50–70 square meters. m. It is necessary to choose open sockets, but those hidden behind the door, curtains, furniture, or under shelves will not work.
  3. The diffuser is left constantly on until the liquid runs out (one container is enough for a month). After this, the bottle must be replaced with a new one.
  4. The electrical part of the diffuser, subject to constant operation, must be replaced with a new one after 6 months.

To adapt to a new home, a month of using the product will be enough, but for a comfortable environment in a group of several animals, in order to prevent aggression and stress, the diffuser must be used on an ongoing basis.

Video: Feliway diffuser review

Feliway spray

How to use the spray depends on the specific behavioral problem that needs to be addressed. If there are signs, you should first consult a doctor to rule out a connection between the appearance of puddles of urine in the house and an illness in the animal. If everything is in order with your health, you can start treating the room:

  1. The animal must be removed from the room.
  2. Places where there are marks should be washed with a mild soap solution. At this stage, you should not use aggressive formulations with a pronounced odor - this can create additional stress and the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease.
  3. When the surface is dry, you need to spray it with a spray. The bottle is pre-shaken, and during processing, maintain a distance to the surface of at least 20 centimeters. Don't apply too much of the product - one pump is enough.
  4. 20 minutes after treatment, you can allow the animal to enter the room - during this time all the alcohol will have disappeared.
  5. The treatment is repeated daily for a month, without interrupting the course if the first improvements in behavior appear.
  6. If there are new objects in the room that could be a potential place for a tag, you should start treating them with a spray from the first day. The preventive course is 14 days.

It is important to understand that the spray does not remove the unpleasant odor of urine; it will have to be dealt with separately after the animal’s unwanted behavior has been eradicated. Treatment of the premises will be necessary when moving - in a new home it is worth spraying the spray on all significant places for the animal, namely:

Treatment of the premises will be necessary when moving - in a new home it is worth spraying the spray on all significant places for the animal, namely:

  • entrance to rooms;
  • protruding corners of furniture;
  • window sills

This treatment will allow the animal to quickly adapt, because you will bring it to a place where a comfortable environment has already been created.

If you have to travel in a carrier or be in a cage at an exhibition, which is also stressful for your pet, the temporary place of stay should also be treated with a spray. 20 minutes before the event, each corner of the carrier or cage is sprayed with the composition - thanks to this, the cat will be much calmer.

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Rules for using a pheromone collar

All pheromone collars have similar characteristics. The main difference is the duration of effective use. For different brands, the period of use ranges from one month to three. There are also longer-lasting models, but along with the duration of use, the price of such an accessory also increases.

General rules for using calming pheromone collars:

  • protect the product from moisture; it should be removed while washing the cat;
  • The animal should be comfortable, so the collar should not be tightened tightly (all quality products have adjustable lengths); a finger should fit freely between the neck and collar.

Before using the collar, you must carefully study the instructions.

general description

Feliway is available in two types: Classic and Friends. In both cases, it is a colorless liquid, but contains various pheromones and differs in purpose. Feliway Classic contains the facial pheromone of cats F3. When smelling it, the animal feels in its environment. Thanks to this, she does not show signs of anxiety and stress.

Feliway Friends is based on the synthetic pheromone F4, which is released by mother cats after giving birth. It helps establish bonds between her and the kittens. It acts in a similar way on adult pets. For humans, the liquid has no odor. The composition does not contain dangerous or toxic components that can have a negative effect on people or animals.

Feliway is available in several different versions:

  • Set of diffuser and bottle with liquid. Reusable diffuser. Bottle capacity 48 ml.
  • Bottle with liquid. The replacement bottle, like the container included, contains 48 ml of product.
  • Spray. Pheromone in the form of a spray is packaged in 60 ml cans. (Friends is not available in this form).

Note! Feliway is not a medicinal product. If signs of stress do not go away when using a behavior corrector, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Mr. Cat recommends: calming products with pheromones

Manufacturers of pet products offer not only collars with pheromones, but also other means of similar action. They are available in the form of a spray and diffuser (fumigator).

Sprays are recommended for use in rooms where the cat marks corners and shows signs of anxiety. Before doing this, the marked areas must be washed thoroughly. Before using a pheromone spray, the cat must be removed from the treated area. The spray needs to be shaken several times, and then sprayed with short presses of the button on furniture, walls, corners where the animal leaves marks. Care must be taken with beds, toys and other things that the cat may come into close contact with. The product should be sprayed at a distance of about 20 cm.

Do not spray the product directly on the cat. Since the spray contains alcohol, it should not be sprayed near open fires or electrical heating appliances.

The manufacturer warns: the effect of using a spray with pheromones may not occur immediately.

A fumigator with pheromones acts similarly to anti-mosquitoes. The substance in it heats up and evaporates, due to which the smell of pheromones spreads in the room. For the diffuser to start working, it is inserted into an electrical outlet. Depending on the brand, the area of ​​influence of the fumigator is from 50 to 80 square meters.

Terms of use

Sprays and fumigators that calm nervous excitement often cause an allergic reaction. With collars, such cases have been registered when the cat suffers from intolerance to one of the types of impregnation. Experts advise wearing the item at home and on walks.

Important! The product cannot be worn if there are open wounds or scratches on the neck. First, they are cured until they are completely healed, then the attribute is put on.

Things to consider:

  • the collar cannot be wetted, since the catalyst powder does not withstand moisture;
  • do not tighten too tightly, because a finger should be placed between the ammunition and the neck;
  • Use with caution when free-ranging, as the cat may catch the strap on some protrusion and the buckle will not open.

Although the fasteners are designed so that they unfasten in critical situations, irreparable things can happen on a walk without the owner’s inspection.

Advantages and disadvantages of calming collars

Collars with pheromones, produced by various companies, each have their own advantages and disadvantages. General advantages of such accessories:

  • have a long-term effect;
  • relieves anxiety well;
  • begin to act immediately after dressing;
  • They have a convenient clasp and the length can be adjusted.

Unlike pills and injections, which can cause negative reactions, the collar is safer. In addition, sedatives for internal use are not always convenient to use, for example, while traveling. The range of action of fumigators is limited. The collar works constantly.

The disadvantages of such collars include the rather high prices of the products and the risk of individual intolerance.

In addition, collars of this type must be removed during water procedures; they are not recommended for use if the animal has lesions on the skin.

A pheromone collar can emit a rather strong, sometimes irritating odor.


Anton, 30 years old, Saratov:

“Moving to a new apartment was a real challenge for a pet. In his new place he behaved restlessly, constantly scratching the doors and wallpaper. On the recommendation of friends, I purchased a Feliway diffuser. A few days after turning it on, the cat’s behavior improved and he began to calm down.”

Maria, 35 years old, Rostov:

“We often visit various exhibitions with 2 cats. To make sure they behave calmly at events, I take Feliway spray with me and treat the area around the animals with the solution. After this treatment, the cats calmed down.”

Vadim, veterinarian, Moscow:

“Pheromones are not dangerous to animals. But in some cases they do not work on cats. When prescribing Feliway, I recommend that owners monitor the behavior and condition of their pets to prevent deterioration in health.”

Instructions for using the diffuser

The Feliway diffuser is used in the room where the cat marks or sharpens its claws. The diffuser is mains powered. The coverage area of ​​the device is 50-70 meters. One bottle is designed for 1 month of continuous use.

How to use the diffuser:

  1. Remove the cap from the bottle.
  2. Install into diffuser.
  3. Plug the appliance into an outlet that is easily accessible.
  4. After 4 weeks of use, replace the bottle.

The device must work continuously. As a result of heating, the substance evaporates and circulates in the air. Do not plug the diffuser into an outlet behind curtains, furniture, or doors. This will impair circulation.

When the cat's condition returns to normal, the owner may notice that the pet has again begun to rub its muzzle on objects. This means you can stop using Feliway or move the diffuser to another room. Usually cats stop marking gradually, so the drug is used for a month, in some cases more.


Purpose of the disinfectant "Javelon": intended for disinfection of indoor surfaces, hard furniture, sanitary equipment, rubber mats, dishes, toys, patient care items, medical products, including single-use items, linen, cleaning equipment for infections bacterial (including tuberculosis), viral and fungal (candidiasis, dermatophytosis) etiology in health care facilities, infectious foci, communal facilities, public catering establishments; for final disinfection in children's institutions, for general cleaning, as well as for disinfection of the population at home (in accordance with the household label). Microbiology of the disinfectant "Javelion": has a bactericidal (including tuberculocidal), virucidal (including against pathogens of hepatitis and HIV infection) and fungicidal effect. Toxicity of the disinfectant "Javelon": according to the degree of impact on the body upon administration and the stomach, it belongs to the 3rd class of moderately hazardous substances and to the 4th class of slightly hazardous substances - when applied to the skin according to GOST 12.1.007-76; when inhaled in saturating concentrations (vapors), it is a low-hazard compound and does not have a sensitizing effect. Solutions of the product in working concentrations (0.015-0.0.6%) with single applications do not have a local irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes and cause dryness and peeling of the skin only with repeated applications. Solutions of the product in working concentrations of 0.1% and above cause irritation to the upper respiratory tract and eyes.

Instructions for use of the spray

When visiting a doctor, traveling on a train or car, or communicating with strangers, the most suitable option is a spray. The product needs to be treated with the carrier (about 10-15 minutes before use) or sprayed on the seats in the car if you need to take the animal, for example, to the veterinarian.

The behavior corrector Feliway in the form of an aerosol is also suitable for weaning off territory marking. The main thing is not to confuse marks with uncleanliness, the reasons for which are different.

Before spraying, thoroughly wash all marked areas and dry. To do this, it is better to use special products that decompose urine and feces, and do not simply mask the odor. You should not wash marks with products containing ammonia - cats may start marking even more. Also, do not use chemicals with a strong aroma (deodorants, bleach, washing powder). Such odors provoke further development of stress and reduce the effectiveness of Feliway.

In the house, doors are processed at approximately a height of 20 cm from the floor, window sills, and all protruding corners of furniture. After spraying, you can let the cat into the room after a quarter of an hour. The product does not leave marks on either fabric or wallpaper.

The drug is also intended to relieve stress. Helps you adapt to a new environment. Recommended when moving, new pets in the house or a stranger. If a person needs to establish contact with a pet, the spray is applied to the wrist, the alcohol component is allowed to evaporate, and the hands are brought to the animal. Outgoing pheromones will let the cat know that the person can be trusted.

Instructions for use

Feliway itself is an absolutely transparent liquid, odorless and colorless. The product has no narcotic properties, it is not toxic and does not have any effect on people’s well-being. This is not a cure.

Feliway is produced in the form:

  • Diffuser. The bottle contains 48 ml of the drug, and a fumigator is included.
  • Spray. The canister contains 60 ml of the drug.

But each form has its own method of application.

Diffuser Feliway

The fumigator with a bottle containing the drug screwed into it is inserted into the socket. Just it should not be in a closed or hard-to-reach place.

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When the diffuser heats up, the substance will begin to evaporate from it and spread throughout the room in the form of steam. The bottle lasts for about a month, and one diffuser can cover an area of ​​50-70 m2.

The fumigator included in the kit can only be used for Feliway pheromone. You cannot use a bottle of product without a diffuser. It is recommended to place it in the room where the cat marks most often.

The shelf life of the pheromone is 4 years, and it should be stored at room temperature in a dark and dry place, out of reach of children, away from food.

How to choose the right place to turn on the Feliway diffuser

The diffuser should be turned on in the room where the pet(s) spend most of their time, or where they scratch walls and furniture and urinate on objects. If the house is large or consists of several floors, and cats mark more than one room, then you should purchase diffusers, having previously calculated the area subject to damage (one, as mentioned above, is capable of treating 50-70 m2).

It is recommended to plug the diffuser into sockets in visible places, and not under the table, behind cabinets, doors and in other hard-to-reach places.

Is the Feliway diffuser safe?

Since the Feliway diffuser is made of plastic material that is not subject to combustion and meets all necessary international standards, it is considered safe. Only with constant use should you not forget to change it every six months.

Spray Feliway

Before spraying the room, it is recommended to remove the pet from it. Next, thoroughly wash the marked areas with a detergent without a strong odor (persistent and unpleasant odors will reduce the effect of the aerosol).

Heating and electrical appliances should be turned off before spraying. This is necessary to ensure that the alcohol in the spray does not ignite. The can must be at room temperature.

Before spraying, the can must be shaken several times, and during treatment, make short presses on the button, aiming the can at a 10-centimeter distance from door frames, furniture corners and other places (objects) marked by the animal and at a 20-centimeter height from the floor (to the treated areas reached the cat's face). This treatment with Feliway must be carried out daily for 30 days. After spraying, the cat can be allowed into the room only after 15 minutes.

As you know, cats primarily mark new furniture and recently renovated walls, so you should pay special attention to them. The room should be treated with the spray until the pet begins to rub its muzzle against objects in it.

Is it possible to treat a cat with Feliway spray?

No, under no circumstances should Feliway be applied to the fur and skin of a cat, because this product is intended only for treating premises and objects in it.

How quickly does Feliway work? How long will the effect last?

How quickly the drug works depends on the problem that arises. Some cats' behavior improves within a week, while others take longer to retrain. But one way or another, you should not evaluate the result before a month has passed.

The effect of Feliway spray lasts 4-5 hours, and then the room will need to be re-treated.

Collar with Feliway for cats

It allows you to use the product wherever the cat is. The main advantage of the collar is that pheromone vapors accompany the pet wherever he runs, having a calming effect on his nervous system and relieving him of stress.

The collar is effective and safe for cat health, suitable for animals of any breed and age. It will bring especially tangible benefits when an animal needs to be transported from one place to another, as well as during travel. On average, pheromones are released from the surface of the collar for a month.

How it works

A peculiarity of the life of cats is that they secrete pheromones - special substances that help them feel comfortable in their familiar surroundings. Like people, animals are subject to stress. Cats are especially vulnerable and experience discomfort at the slightest change and also stop producing F3 facial pheromones. The arrival of guests, a trip to the veterinarian, moving, and even rearranging furniture can cause a decrease in the production of pheromones. Stress can appear in a variety of ways, from marking your territory with urine to scratching furniture, textiles and other things. In addition, the pet in such a situation feels uncomfortable, it can hide in secluded corners, show aggression towards its owners (for example, scratching), and eat poorly.

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Regardless of what caused the behavioral disturbances, Feliway Classic helps the animal cope with a stressful situation. When a pet senses a pheromone (even a synthetic one), it becomes calm. He stops doing dirty tricks, marking territory and scratching. Thanks to the action of the product, behavior is restored, appetite is normalized, and peace and quiet comes in the house.

The synthetic pheromone gives a “signal” to the pet that there is no reason to worry, so the emotional state returns to normal, and the cat quickly and easily adapts to new conditions. Both animals and people feel comfortable. Using Feliway is an easy way to create a pleasant atmosphere in the house for your cat, even under stressful conditions.

The components of Feliway Friends act like natural pheromones. The cat secretes substances that create a favorable and friendly atmosphere. They help the animals get along with each other. As a result of the action of the synthetic substance, aggression between animals of any age is reduced. There is peace and quiet in the house.

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