How do cats perceive people? Why do cats crush people with their paws?

Why cats knead their paws - the main reasons

You've probably seen a cat trample on a person with its front paws. Why do muskies massage a person’s paws, a pillow, a soft blanket or a fluffy blanket? There is no clear answer to this question. Many owners are interested in what is the reason for such touching behavior of their pets, but experts disagree and name several reasons.

The first thing you should know is that cats have well-developed tactile senses. Their springy paw pads and sensitive whiskers help them explore the world. The paws contain many receptors and glands that secrete special enzymes. In addition, when cats knead their paws, they release their claws and accompany this process with loud rumbling sounds or purring. Some purrs even snort with pleasure. This phenomenon is called a “milk step” and speaks of a special attitude towards a person or object.

Experts identify several reasons why a cat reaches out to a person and tramples him with her paws, as well as the objects around her:

  1. Stress relief. Often, cats are very worried, and even experience real shock, because of going to the veterinarian, bathing or trimming their claws. An offended or upset pet begins to trample the furniture and releases its claws. The body produces a portion of endorphins necessary to calm the nervous system, so this process cannot be interrupted; the cat may even bite.
  2. Childhood memories. Cats trample with their front paws a person or soft objects due to instincts originating from infancy. After birth, the kittens massage the mother cat's belly to improve milk flow. Animals associate the feeding period with warmth and comfort, just as it does with people. By kneading the soft blanket or belly of its beloved owner with its front paws, the cat returns to carefree times of satiety and safety.
  3. Preparing a place to sleep is one of the natural instincts of cats. In their natural environment, animals crush grass and leaves, creating a comfortable resting place. Scientists say that many animals, including humans, have this instinct. Some, for example, press the pillow under themselves or fluff it up so that it is more comfortable to sleep.
  4. Mating season. During heat, cats begin to trample on the blanket, purr like a tractor, and arch their backs. Experts recommend leaving the pet alone and not interfering with its natural instincts. This condition will go away after a few weeks or during pregnancy.
  5. Expression of feelings. Cats massage their owner's body or clothing with their paws, thereby expressing their love and affection. Scientists note the beneficial effects of such actions on a person’s psycho-emotional state.
  6. Hunting instinct. Some cats obey ancient instincts when they trample objects with their front paws. In their natural environment, whiskers explored the surface with their paws for safety purposes.
  7. Designation of territories. On the pads of a cat's paws there are glands that secrete special enzymes. Many males mark their territory in this way.

Observe your pet's behavior. This will help you identify the reason for this strange, but very touching behavior.

Interesting Facts

Few people know, but cats “communicate” by meowing only with humans. Thus, it is easy to note that felines' intelligence is more advanced than most people imagine. In addition, these animals know how to manipulate people. It’s worth taking a closer look at your fluffy little one, who has once again come up to rub against his legs; perhaps he has run out of food in his bowl, and the cat itself knows that a treat will follow the show of affection on its part. Too much care causes psychological torment to the animal. This especially affects how cats perceive children. You shouldn’t constantly cuddle the animal; it is still wilder than its other domesticated “brethren.”

Coupled with the fact that the cat was domesticated independently, this makes this category of pets simply “cohabitants” with humans. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking that this particular cat is loyal and understanding. However, all of the above does not negate the fact that fluffies are extremely affectionate and playful. It is quite possible that this is what makes them so beautiful in human eyes.

What cats don't trample on humans?

Not all cats paw at the blanket or press their owner's belly. It doesn't depend on the breed, it's just that not all purrs have this instinct. Don't worry if your pet doesn't give you a massage, this in no way means that he doesn't love you. Perhaps the kitten grew up without a mother and was bottle-fed, and therefore there was no need to stimulate milk production.

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Preparing a place to rest

Instincts can explain why many cats stomp on the bed before dozing off. The wild ancestors of these animals trampled down grass and leaves before settling down to rest. So they prepared their bedding and checked whether the rookery was comfortable for sleeping.

Pets, who do not need to prepare their own place to rest, do it instinctively. Before falling asleep, many of them trample down the blanket or bedspread.


What the owner can and cannot do

So, we have already found out that one of the reasons for paw massage is the manifestation of a special attitude towards a person. There is an opinion that cats thus share their positive energy with their beloved owner and absorb negative energy. How to behave in a situation when your pet crushes you or the blanket with its paws?

First of all, remember that you cannot shout, punish or hit your pet! The owner’s aggressive behavior can cause the cat to withdraw into itself or, worse, become embittered. Also, you should not trim your nails too short or remove them completely during heat.

If the cat releases its claws during the massage, and this causes discomfort to you, take care of their length. You can also resort to these tricks:

  1. Pat the paws on top. This will cause the cat to hide its claws.
  2. Place a blanket or pillow under your pet's paws.
  3. Stroke the cat on the head, lay it on its back or on its side to change the intensity of the effect.
  4. Distract your pet's attention with a plush toy.

Advice. Do not limit your cat’s impulses to show affection and care; on the contrary, encourage such behavior.

Naivety of people

Very often people perceive a cat as a very gentle and affectionate animal. This is wrong. If the owner wants a faithful friend, he needs to take a dog; it is much more distant from its wild ancestors than cats. No, this does not mean at all that you should not take cats into your home, especially homeless ones. You just need to immediately understand that these animals will not fully look into a person’s eyes with love. Yes, they are devoted to a specific house, since most often they consider it their territory. They are good to play with, and the purring of a kitten is the best antidepressant. But if such a “lump” goes to the neighbors or just for a walk, you shouldn’t tear your hair out, the cat just always remains free.

The benefits of communicating with a cat

Felinotherapy is a therapeutic technique that helps a person relax, normalize peace of mind and even speed up the healing process. Scientists have found that cats subtly sense their owner’s mood and help relieve stress. That is why the teaching does not recommend refusing to show signs of attention from the cat. It has been scientifically proven that a cat's purring can relieve stress and nervous tension.

Purring also helps thicken bones and help heal fractures. A similar effect is achieved thanks to the frequency of sound vibrations, which is 20-50 Hz.

The positive effects of purring and paw massage have been found in patients with cerebral palsy, schizophrenia and autism. Constant communication with cats contributes to the socialization of children. By caring for a pet, children learn to make friends.

Cat therapy

When a kitten crushes objects or a person with its paws, it also has a beneficial therapeutic effect on its owner - it gives him its energy and takes away bad mood, depression, fatigue and negativity. In alternative medicine, it is known that massage with a cat has healing powers.

In some situations, this technique is even specifically used:

  • Cats can alleviate negative symptoms for people with autism, cerebral palsy, or people with various disabilities.
  • Sometimes these pets are able to help a person get rid of chronic diseases through a strong energy field.
  • Cats can ease symptoms after inflammatory processes or reduce post-operative manifestations.
  • People who have cats in their homes are less susceptible to viral and infectious diseases.
  • Cat energy can help heal bone fractures.
  • The purring of your pet will calm you down after a hard, busy day, help you overcome stress and strengthen your nervous system.

Cats also have unique intuitive feelings - they try to be alone with their owner if they feel that he is feeling bad or is very upset. If a person has pain in some place, the cat can lie down on the painful area. It is believed that cats sense the approaching death of their owner, so when this occurs they try to be close to him.

Such incredible qualities of pets should be appreciated, responding to them with love and care for their affection towards the owner.

A little about cat physiology and the reasons for this behavior

Why does a cat lick a person: the main reasons and what it means

Cat massage attracts a lot of interest among pet owners. From a physiological point of view, there is a rational explanation why a pet tramples its beloved owner with its paws.

So, as mentioned earlier, stomping is a way of marking territory. The paws contain a large number of ducts and sweat glands that produce and secrete a special secretion. In addition, the paws of all types of cats are sensitive due to the large number of receptors and nerve endings. It is inherent in nature that animals receive a large flow of information about the world around them in this way.

The results of numerous scientific studies have also shown that during diligent pawing and trampling, the pets’ body begins to actively produce endorphin - the hormone of happiness, which allows you to relieve stress, calm down and, of course, relax.

Ancient Egyptian painting featuring cats

What should an owner who is in pain from the “milk step” do?

If a cat tramples you with its paws and at the same time actively releases its claws and scratches your skin, do not rush to drive it away or scold it. Such an attitude can destroy the established trust. Instead of punishment, it is recommended to try more harmless options.

Laying soft cloth

The easiest way is to carefully place a soft blanket or thick clothes under your pet that you don’t mind. Thanks to this cape, the massage will bring extremely pleasant sensations.

If the long and sharp claws continue to scratch even after placing fabric, try distracting the cat with a toy or gently turning it over on its side. Once in a lying position, she will calm down and go to sleep. It is also recommended to simply stroke the paws on top. This action will cause the claws to retract instinctively.

Cat manicure

Timely cat manicure not only prevents scratching and damage to furniture, but also prevents delamination of the claw covers. During the procedure, only the light part is cut off with a nail clipper, and the shortened claw must be trimmed with a file.

If you are afraid of harming your pet, seek help from a groomer or purchase silicone anti-scratch caps. They are fixed to the claws with special glue, which is included with the main kit.

Emotional factor

Cats, like all living things, can experience stress.

It happens that a pet begins to trample the sofa with such frenzy that one cannot suspect echoes of a carefree childhood in this action.

And all because the owners made a lot of noise, did not feed them on time, drove them out of their favorite place on the chair, took away their favorite toy, etc.

And the cat begins to furiously torment the sofa, thus throwing out its dissatisfaction.

After such a surge of emotions, the animal, as a rule, calms down and can even go to make peace with its owner.

Complete harmony between four-legged friend and owner

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