The English have interesting customs and character traits

The English are an ethnic group inhabiting England. It is an administrative part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Residents of England make up the vast majority of the UK population (about 85%). English traditions and culture have a long history. London, the capital of England, has many architectural monuments that are the cultural heritage of the nation.


English belongs to the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages, to its Anglo-Frisian subgroup. Its peculiarity is that it is international. This status was established as a result of Britain’s military and political influence on many countries of the world in the 19th century (the seizure of colonies), and the widespread spread of the English language in the USA. English is recognized as the official language not only in England, but also in some other countries:

  • USA
  • Canada
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Malta
  • Australia

In countries other than the United States, it is a second official language along with their primary language. It is also used as an official one in African countries, India, and Pakistan. The English language has a huge variety of dialects. In England and Ireland alone there are about 30 pronunciation options for English words. Residents of almost every county have their own speech characteristics. Modern American spoken language, based on English, has undergone some changes. It contains a lot of slang words and expressions. America and Canada have a large number of dialects that vary from state to state. The main dialect varieties on the North American continent are:

  1. American English
  2. African American
  3. Chicano (Latin American)
  4. Canadian.

In Asian countries where English is the second official language, residents speak a kind of transformed dialect that arose from a mixture of both languages. In India it is Hinglish (a mixture of Hindi). There are also Punjabi, Tamil, Australian, Bermudian, and New Zealand dialects.

The language of the ancestors of modern Englishmen was formed in the Middle Ages under the influence of the invasion of Germanic invaders on British lands. Germanic and English share common lexical and grammatical elements. The English writing system was based on the Latin alphabet. Modern English has 26 letters. Its grammar is recognized as one of the most complex, since there are many letters in the language that are not pronounced when read.

What has changed since the Brexit referendum

Phil Edgar-Jones, director of Sky Arts, said:

"There are various features and activities that people believe define Britishness as a nation."

But many people think that the British person is changing over time, especially thanks to the Brexit referendum and our departure from the EU.

"There is so much that is good about the UK, but the country is constantly evolving, which leads to a different meaning to the phrase 'what it means to be British'."

78 percent of Britons would describe themselves as typically British. However, the survey found that half think the set of British traits has changed over time.


The indigenous population of the British Isles, who lived in this territory in the 1st-4th centuries, were the Celts. In the 5th century, the migration of ancient Germanic tribes began there: Angles, Saxons, Jutes. They partially assimilated with the Celtic ones and laid the foundation for a new nation. Further, these tribes were subject to Scandinavian influence. In the 8th and 9th centuries, their lands were conquered by the Danes, Norwegians and other tribes. The seizure of English lands by the Normans in the 10th century also contributed to the formation of the English nation. By the 17th century, the process of creating an ethnic group was finally completed. England's colonial rule in some countries of the world also influenced the formation of new nations there (modern New Zealanders, Australians, Canadians).


The vast majority of the English population lives in small towns. English houses are different from most buildings in other European countries. They are mostly stone or brick. The roof is covered with tiles. The houses are placed in one row along the street. Moreover, their walls are adjacent to each other. Urban dwellings are built two to three stories high. English houses are very neat and well-groomed. The peculiarity of the building is that they do not have a porch. Sometimes the door opens directly to the sidewalk. The facade is decorated with various decorative details: signs, flowers, wreaths.

In rural areas the arrangement of houses is approximately the same as in the city. Village dwellings are slightly smaller than city dwellings. Their second floor is usually an attic. You could say that a village in England is a small town. The streets there are covered with asphalt, everything is very clean and beautiful. The lack of vegetable gardens is another feature of English villages. The population does not raise domestic animals or crops. Floriculture is widespread here. Near the house there are flower beds and greenhouses where flowers are grown. Vegetables and fruits are produced by farmers who have separate farms.

The British are fans of minimalism, so the interior of their homes is not very chic. Usually there is furniture necessary for life, as well as bookcases, reading tables, and cozy armchairs. A fireplace is an essential attribute of an old English home. A sofa is placed opposite it, and the mantelpieces are decorated with interior items. This environment is conducive to friendly conversations.


A description of the character of the Englishman and the peculiarities of their behavior would be incomplete without mentioning the other side of the coin. How can self-control, elevated to an unspoken law, coexist with madness in the football stands? Or national politeness with punk culture, which has gained enormous popularity in England? The paradoxical and contradictory nature of the English character has been noted by many historians and sociologists. England, materialistic and practical, gave birth to world-famous mystics, poets and philosophers. The most famous travelers and explorers were born in respectable and home-loving England. The character of the Englishman, generally restrained and understandable, can be unpredictable and violent in certain circumstances. It was the most law-abiding nation that gave the world the best detective writers. The nation, where women have traditionally been the keeper of the hearth more than in other countries, has enriched world literature with women's names. And the paradoxical nature of English humor is the stuff of legends. Not always funny, but always on the verge of a foul, he is subject to harsh criticism and at the same time has fans around the world.


Surprisingly, the British are practically the only nation with a rich history that does not have a national costume. They gradually stopped wearing ancient clothes, replacing them with modern ones. In the Middle Ages, people wore clothes similar to those of the inhabitants of neighboring states. Some of its elements, unique to England, could not gain a foothold in the national costume. There are only military English costumes: tower guards (beefeaters) and guards infantry. The first wear long red camisoles trimmed with golden stripes. The headdress is a bowler-shaped hat with a large crown, decorated with flowers. The guards wear red breeches and stockings on their feet, and the outfit is completed with black shoes with large, beautiful buckles. In such attire, beefeaters look very charismatic. Guardsmen wear more modest clothing. They wear red jackets with golden epaulettes and black trousers of a classic cut. The only unusual element of the costume is a tall black fur hat.

Despite the lack of national clothing, in the fashion industry there is such a thing as “English suit”. It cannot be called historical; this wardrobe dates back to the period of the 19th-20th centuries. It expresses the character of the British more than any stages of history. English classic suits are made from wool fabric in discreet colors: gray, brown. They consist of narrow trousers with arrows, a vest, and a jacket. The image of an elegant English gentleman is completed with a small bowler hat and a cane.


Describing the national character of the British, many authors note extreme individualism. Every Englishman has clear personal boundaries and is not inclined to violate others. Here on the island, everyone knows the laws protecting personal honor and dignity and private property. When greeting or communicating with a stranger, an Englishman will always leave enough distance so that “no smells can reach.” But this is not a matter of disgust, but of boundaries that an Englishman knows how to respect and demands the same respect from others. Even children at school are not inclined to help underachievers unless the teacher orders them to do so. And it is not at all surprising that in English university dormitories there are much more private rooms than shared ones.


The British are considered to be homebodies. These are people who prefer to spend quiet evenings with their family. Almost the entire indigenous population lives in private houses. Housing is rented mainly by visitors. Due to the high cost of utilities, water and electricity are used extremely sparingly. The rooms are heated only a few hours a day, morning and evening. That’s why people wear warm sweaters and socks at home. An unusual fact that may shock any foreigner is that the water taps do not have mixers. In order to wash, you need to plug the sink with a stopper and fill it with water.

The British don't like to stand in queues. They go shopping for food once a week, buying food for several days in advance. It is also not customary to spend a lot of time cooking. Many people use frozen semi-finished products, which saves time. Like many European countries, England values ​​organic products made on private farms. Their cost is significantly higher than that of food processed in factories.

Another feature that distinguishes the British from other peoples is their love of pets. Residents of England love to keep dogs, cats, birds, etc. at home. Pets are cared for, spending maximum money and time on it. In England there are hairdressers, nail salons, and dog gyms. It is considered normal to purchase expensive accessories, clothing, and jewelry for a pet.


The British are thrifty. Even with good income, they save on things that Russians do not think of saving on. This is their habit and a feature of their national character.

The British are saving water. For example, they do not wash themselves under running water, but draw water into the sink. They wash dishes in the same way: they take water, soap all the dishes, and only then quickly rinse them off under running water. They also save on heating: in winter they heat little or almost none. The British sleep under warm blankets with hot water bottles, and they are happy with it.

The British buy only high-quality and reliable things that are quite expensive. This is also a way to save money - such things last a long time, and you don’t have to make purchases often. This applies to clothing, equipment, and other items.


Many holidays in England are similar to those traditionally celebrated throughout Europe. These include:

  1. New Year
  2. Christmas
  3. Walpurgis Night
  4. Valentine's Day
  5. Easter
  6. Mothers Day
  7. Halloween.

There are also their own, for example, the Chimney Sweep Festival, Boxing Day, and Pancake Day. Of course, Christmas is my favorite. The whole family gathers for the Christmas holidays, even if some of its members live on another continent. A wreath of fir branches is hung on the front door, and the inside of the house is decorated with holly flowers. Traditionally, a whole roasted goose or turkey is served on the holiday table. The day after Christmas is Boxing Day. The whole family gets together and unpacks boxes stacked under the tree or in a separate room. England celebrates such a romantic holiday as Valentine's Day. On this day, it is customary to give paper hearts with the inscription “be my Valentine.” A secret admirer may send you a gift, then you have to guess who it could be. On Halloween, pumpkins with scary faces carved on them are placed near houses. Children dressed up as wizards, witches and ghosts enter houses and ask for sweets.

The Chimney Sweep Festival is one of the most unusual holidays. It is celebrated on May 1st. Meeting a chimney sweep on the street on this day is considered a good omen. The festival begins with a festive procession. The main figure in it is a boy decorated with green branches - “Green Jack”. It symbolizes the arrival of spring. Previously, children often worked as chimney sweeps, and they only had a day off on May 1, the day of spring. That's why every year Green Jack takes part in the chimney sweep procession. On the sides there are clowns who amuse the audience, and people smeared with soot, with brushes in their hands. In the Middle Ages, the profession of a chimney sweep was very revered, since cleaning the chimney helped prevent fires. In England there are still representatives of this profession who clean pipes in ancient buildings.

An interesting holiday is Pancake Day. It is considered an analogue of Maslenitsa, but is celebrated a little differently. It is celebrated 47 days before Easter, so it falls on a different date every year. The British bake thin pancakes, which are served with lemon juice or corn syrup. On this day they organize pancake races. Participants must run a certain distance with a frying pan on which the pancake lies, turning it over at least twice. The race turns into a fun show that attracts a lot of spectators.

Description of the breed

The British are a recognizable breed with a distinctive appearance. Breeders today breed cats of various colors, but the most recognizable is the blue coat color.


The head of a British cat is large and round in shape. The muzzle is wide-cheeked, with prominent cheeks. The nose is in a straight vertical line with the chin, in profile it does not protrude much forward, the transition from the forehead to the nose is smooth, but clearly visible.

The ears are located quite low, have a round shape and are small in size.

The eyes are set wide apart, round in shape, large and expressive. The color of the iris is predominantly blue, but some British people may have lavender or emerald eyes.

The body is squat, broad shoulders and a developed chest. The limbs are quite short, but proportional. The paws are short, round in shape, muscular and powerful.

The tail is round, with a rounded tip, uniform along its entire length, somewhat wider at the base. The coat is short, thick, very pleasant to the touch (often these cats are called plush).

British cats are a large breed, the weight of an individual can reach 8-9 kg, on average they weigh 5-7 kg.


British cats can have different colors:

  • Solid (coat of one color is uniform, without inclusions of other shades) - the most common is gray-blue, also solid color can be black, chocolate;

  • Smoky (pigmentation is observed only at the tips of the hairs, the undercoat is very light, and the tips of the hairs are black, this is a contrasting color, in which the limbs and paws, head and back are dark, and the sides, ears and collar part of the neck are lighter, there are various colors from smoky black to silver);

  • Tortoiseshell (represents an even distribution of black and reddish wool or blue and cream fur over the body);

  • Tabby (involves the presence of stripes, a marble pattern, various shapes of spots, they must be clearly defined, well separated from the main color);

  • Bicolor (bicolor) – the main coat color (tortoiseshell or solid) is combined with white;

  • Colored (the whole body is covered with white fur, the tail, paws, ears are pigmented, and the colored areas on the face resemble a mask).


British cats are somewhat similar to the English themselves (in the classical sense): they are very reserved and unobtrusive. These are very independent animals that do not require constant attention. They are great at finding things to do on their own.

Their behavior is filled with a sense of self-worth and importance. They are melancholic, although they watch with interest what is happening in the house. However, they always maintain an independent and slightly detached appearance.

Representatives of this breed do not really like to sit on laps and hands and do not require affection or tactile relationships. This does not mean that they ignore the person or are not attached to him.

When separated from its owner, a Briton can get very bored. However, they do not need manifestations of love in the form of cuddling and kissing.

The British are patient, but do not tolerate change of scenery or large numbers of people and noise around them. They treat children well, but prefer to keep their distance. They will not intentionally harm the child; rather, they will try to hide from view. They treat strangers very coolly and with distrust. As a rule, one main friend is chosen from family members, although others are also treated well.

Like representatives of other large breeds, the British are highly intelligent, very intelligent and quick-witted.


The coldness and stiffness of the British are legendary. These people are very reserved and never show unnecessary emotions, especially when communicating with unfamiliar people. They avoid harsh statements in conversation, limiting themselves to the phrases “possibly”, “maybe”. It is customary to show maximum respect to the interlocutor. Many may think that the British behave pompously, but this is just a tribute to etiquette.

In closer circles, people of English nationality are sociable and friendly. They have a good sense of humor. Politeness is a natural trait of the British. They let each other through when entering a room, and do not talk loudly on the street. To visit a friend or acquaintance, you must receive an invitation. People in England like to discuss the weather or growing flowers with their interlocutors. Floriculture is a popular activity that is a source of pride for many rural residents.

England has many original traditions, the roots of which go deep into the past. The culture of this people is very original and diverse.

Features of behavior and character of British women

When characterizing British cats, you need to understand that everything depends on their behavior. If you want to raise an animal, then you need to do this only up to a year, after which you won’t be able to change anything. Some owners complain about disobedience, not realizing that this is a consequence of poor upbringing . The British are proud enough that they will never ask a person for help. These are not the breeds that will cuddle or purr plaintively, trying to attract attention. These representatives will try to act independently.

While still babies, British kittens easily learn to use the litter box. The aristocratic breed does not allow them to shit wherever they have to. If you look at how a cat sleeps, you can involuntarily smile: on its back, in a ball, with its hind legs outstretched, on its side. The places to sleep are no less fun. Sometimes fluffy hides in places where you wouldn’t even think of looking for him - in a laundry basket or among soft toys. The habits of the British dog are often unpredictable, but this is dictated by the breed and some inherent instincts.

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