Pregnancy of a British cat: duration, signs and features

Cats of the British breed have long won the recognition of animal lovers, not only in their homeland, in England, but also in our country. Plush coats, attentive eyes, calm character are just some of the positive features of these pets. It is not surprising that a person who dreams of a pet goes to the nursery specifically for a British cat.

While the kitten is small, there is no significant difference whether it is a boy or a girl. But starting from 8-10 months, the owner of a British female has a choice: either to sterilize the pet, or not to interfere with her meetings with the cat. If the owner plans to let the cat experience the joy of motherhood, you should know how long pregnant British cats walk. This article will talk about the first signs and duration of pregnancy, the intricacies of giving birth to cats of the British breed.

When maturity comes

Of course, under no circumstances should you mix a British cat with a male cat ahead of time. Many pet lovers are well aware that this can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the animal. The first heat in British cats occurs at 5-7 months. However, at this time the animal’s body is still being formed. Experienced breeders recommend looking for a gentleman for your pet if you want to get purebred healthy offspring no earlier than at the age of 10 months. Usually, owners of British cats skip at least two first heats before mating.

The British deal with cats in much the same way. Males of this breed mature at the age of approximately 7-8 months. But cats are only allowed to have their first mating no earlier than 10 months.

How to knit correctly

How long does pregnancy last for a British breed cat with proper care? We’ll talk about this a little later. First, let's figure out how to properly pair such an animal with a cat.

Actually, the mating of British women is usually carried out on the territory of her gentleman. In any case, the male will feel more confident at home, which means that the chances of success of his enterprise will increase significantly. Of course, a cat is sent for mating only when she comes into heat. Animal owners can determine this period simply by its changed behavior.

During heat, the cat becomes more affectionate and requires increased attention. In addition, the animal periodically arches its back and moves its tail to the side. At night, the British cat can also meow loudly in front of the door or window.

Typically, British cats are mated on the second day of the cat's heat. The animal is first put in order. The cat's claws are trimmed, dewormed (14 days before mating), and drops from ticks and fleas are instilled into the ears.

On the first day, a British woman most often refuses the cat chosen for her by her owners. However, in the future, the cat in most cases agrees to intimacy. During the day, up to 15 contacts can occur between animals.


British cats are called late breeders. Their puberty can take up to 11 months: each animal has its own developmental path. On average, plush pets mature at the age of 1 year. But in some children, initial signs appear at 4-5 months.


The first heat of a British cat, according to the observations of British owners, begins at 7-9 months. During this period, inexperienced owners are lost and do not know what and how to help the animal. The cat screams, arches its back, raises its tail, and becomes restless. Experienced breeders know how long estrus lasts in cats of the British breed: it can last about 3 days to a week.

Recurrence of symptoms can be observed after 2 weeks if the animal is not taken for mating. The giving birth adult asks for attention from the male every three months. Don’t be afraid: the clinic’s specialists will explain how often British cats go into heat, or you can ask the owner of the cattery for advice.

It happens that the baby refuses to eat, loses weight, sheds intensely, and organizes concerts at night. Both the animal and family members suffer. Therefore, when planning to buy a British cat, you need to immediately decide: the pet is being taken for breeding or the owner does not intend to breed and, in the future, sell kittens.

How to determine pregnancy

After mating, the cat usually becomes much calmer. The animal stops screaming at night and arching its back. If pregnancy occurs, after three weeks, the British cat loses its appetite. The animal begins to periodically feel nauseous.

After some time, the British woman’s appetite is restored. At the same time, the cat begins to eat even more than before. During this period, the pregnant animal almost always sleeps. Starting from the 21st day, the cat's nipples increase in size. At the same time, they change color from pink to dark red. After some time, the British woman’s large belly becomes noticeable.

gestational age

How long a feline's pregnancy lasts depends on the breed and number of babies. The pregnancy of a British cat lasts 63-64 days, cubs born before 60 days are considered premature. Girls with a small weight can give birth to kittens at 60-61 days; large representatives (5-6 kg) often overstay their due date. Fold representatives walk as long as British cats do for the first time.

First weeks of pregnancy

At 3 weeks of pregnancy, the cat vomits and taste habits change. The animal eats little. During this period, the already capricious British become mischievous and offended. The previously active baby stops playing, hides from people, and looks for secluded places.

Second half of pregnancy

At the beginning of the fifth week, the cat develops an appetite. Small lumps can be felt in the abdominal cavity. At the end of the 7th week, active movement is observed. The fluffy ward is gaining weight, her gait becomes slow.

The animal sleeps long and often, prepares for childbirth, arranges a place for babies, and purrs loudly. The cat finds a suitable “nest” and begins to remove everything that bothers it. If a mother takes a fancy to a closet, she will throw out clothes and books from it. Or, on the contrary, it will crush rags.

What other signs can you use to find out about pregnancy?

Sometimes even a pregnant British cat can go into heat. However, the animal bearing the cubs does not pay any attention to the cats at this time. Also, pregnancy in a British woman can be determined by her changed behavior. The cat not only sleeps constantly, but also becomes very affectionate. The animal rubs itself at the feet of its owners, asks to be held, purrs loudly, etc.

Determining pregnancy in a British cat is relatively easy. However, to be absolutely sure of this, animal owners should still visit a veterinarian. After the examination, the doctor will be able to say for sure whether the cat is carrying cubs or not.

Post-lambing care

When the kittens are born, they change the diaper in the box to a clean one and give the new mother water and food, and the babies are placed on the cat’s nipples so that they begin to eat. After giving birth, a British woman can behave unpredictably. She definitely needs rest, and she must get used to motherhood. The owner observes the following changes in the pet:

  • Slightly bloated belly. This is due to the fact that the uterus has not yet contracted.
  • Discharge. They are not dangerous, if they are red-brown in color and without an unpleasant odor, then after 7-10 days everything will go away, but otherwise, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.
  • Diarrhea. The animal should be given boiled water and rice water. The disorder will pass in 3 days.
  • Constipation. It is recommended to feed your British cat warm milk and oatmeal.
  • A British woman's stool is dark or black in color. Observed when a cat has eaten the afterbirth.

The British experience childbirth very stressfully and, at first, may even refuse to feed newborns. The owner must help the cat by placing one kitten at a time on the mother’s nipple; if all else fails, then buy milk and a feeding bottle. Soon the maternal instinct will awaken, and the cat itself will take care of its charges.

Second half of pregnancy

Over time, the appetite of a cat waiting for replenishment increases more and more. After 3 weeks after mating, embryos can also be felt in the animal’s abdomen. At the end of the 6th week, the cat's uterus fills with fluid. From this time on, the embryos are practically not palpable, and therefore it is almost impossible to determine the number of kittens during this period.

At the 7th week, the kittens in the British woman’s belly are already actively moving. The cat becomes very fat, walks slowly, becomes affectionate and begins to literally follow the owners on their heels.

At this time, that is, when the pregnancy of a British cat is already coming to an end, you need, among other things, to prepare a comfortable nest for your pet. Such pets usually begin to select a place for birth on their own about 2 weeks before lambing. For example, for childbirth, a British woman may choose some drawer, closet compartment, bedside table or something similar.

Having chosen a place for itself, the cat begins to throw out everything that, in its opinion, could prevent it from raising future offspring. For example, shoes and clothes can be thrown out of a closet, and magazines and books can be thrown out of a nightstand. At this moment, the animal needs to be offered some more suitable box, house or box. Owners should show a little patience and persistence. Ultimately, the cat itself will understand that it is being offered a fairly comfortable and safe nest.

Final stage

At the beginning of the 7th week, the pregnancy of a pet of the British breed has some peculiarities. In particular, you can feel the babies’ heads well and feel their movements. The cat's large size does not allow it to walk quickly , so it moves very slowly. The behavior of the British pet is also changing, which is expressed in greater attachment to its owner, the so-called “following.”

A few days before giving birth, anxiety appears in the animal's character, and the search for a place to give birth begins. Basically, it should be a secluded and cozy corner.

Most owners of British cats take a crate or box in which they need to create a place for small kittens and their mother.

A necessary point in this period of pregnancy is radiography and ultrasound. The purpose of this procedure is to study information about the number of fetuses and their placement in the uterus. And if some kittens are in the wrong position, then this will need to be taken into account during childbirth.

False pregnancy in British women

In straight-eared and fold-eared British cats, pregnancy usually occurs after the first mating. But sometimes, unfortunately, conception does not occur in such pets. In some cases, British women may also experience a false pregnancy. In this condition, the cat has all the external signs of bearing kittens. In this case, the animal sleeps a lot, eats, its nipples swell, and it becomes affectionate. However, the embryos in the British woman’s uterus do not develop.

This condition occurs much less frequently in cats than, for example, in dogs. But still, sometimes owners of British women encounter false pregnancies.

The causes of this condition in cats are most often hormonal imbalance and stress. Also, false pregnancy is relatively common in animals that are hereditarily predisposed to this or are overweight.

It will be quite difficult for a less experienced cat owner to distinguish a false pregnancy from a real one. That is why, when the first signs of pregnancy occur, it is advisable to show the British cat to the veterinarian.

How long does a British cat's pregnancy last?

Animals of this breed do not carry their cubs for too long. Pregnancy in British cats usually lasts 9 weeks. During this time, a pet can bear 5-6 cubs.

After mating, eggs in a cat are formed during the first 23-30 hours. On average, there are usually about 6 of them. This is why cats, including British ones, usually give birth to many kittens.

An unusual feature of the body: what owners should know about

As already mentioned, during pregnancy, British cats may, among other things, go into heat. At this moment the animal does not ask for a cat. However, mating in this case can still occur. In such a situation, a British woman may develop additional embryos with existing embryos.

In this case, the cat will subsequently give birth to all cubs at the same time. However, some of them, for obvious reasons, will be born prematurely, and their chances of survival will be reduced to zero. Therefore, experienced breeders strongly advise against keeping a pregnant British woman in the same room with a cat.

Pregnant cat diet

While carrying cubs, a British woman's body requires a large amount of nutrients. Therefore, at this time, the cat’s diet should be sufficiently high in calories. Also, during this period, veterinarians advise offering food to the animal as varied as possible. In addition, the menu of a pregnant British cat should be designed in such a way that she receives all the vitamins and minerals she and the embryos need.

Those British women who are kept on commercial feed should choose a product designed specifically for pregnant animals. Also, some experienced cat owners advise including pads designed for small kittens in their pet’s menu. This food contains many components useful for embryos.

Those cats that were raised on natural food must include in their diet such products as:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • carrot;
  • milk (especially useful at the end of pregnancy);
  • boiled cartilage (contains a lot of vitamin D);
  • vitamins A and B.

During pregnancy, British breed cats, as already mentioned, eat more than usual. However, experienced veterinarians still do not recommend overfeeding an animal. This can lead to obesity and difficult childbirth. During the first time after mating, the amount of food fed to the animal is usually increased to 10%. Then this figure is gradually increased to 40-50%.

We deliver babies at home

As soon as the expectant mother’s water breaks, she needs to be moved to a pre-equipped bed, which should be covered with a clean cloth. It will be useful to calm the cat, because anxiety can lead to her screaming, biting and trying to run away from the birthing area. You need to pet her and talk to her (the calm voice of the owner best calms any pet).

When the cat begins to push, you need to place your palm under her hind legs so that she can rest. The best stimulation of labor, stroking the tummy and nipples. It is also worth allowing the newborn babies to suckle from their mother in the intervals between kittens coming out.

The interval between the release of kittens ranges from 15 minutes to several hours. Several babies may be born one after another, but the next ones may be born only after 4 hours or even more.

It is better when babies go forward with their heads. In the opposite situation, the baby's body may come out, but the head may remain inside the cat. In this case, you cannot pull the baby: you need to continue stroking the belly from top to bottom, stimulating her to push and pushing the kitten towards the light.

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A newborn kitten is in a dark blue bubble, which should be cleaned in the area of ​​the kitten's face so that it does not suffocate. Then the kitten can be placed next to the mother's head so that she can lick it. If the mother does not show any attention to the newborn, then you need to immediately clear the baby’s airways: for this you need to bring a compressed syringe to the baby’s nostril and then release it. Do the same with the other nostril.

When the baby comes out, you should use your fingers to drive the blood from the umbilical cord to the cat’s belly, and then cut it off with scissors at a distance of a few cm from the belly. Disinfect the cut umbilical cord with peroxide, and wipe the kitten with prepared dry wipes or a cloth.

If after this the baby actively moves and squeaks, then everything went well. If the kitten shows no signs of life, the resuscitation process must begin. You need to take the kitten in your hands and, holding its head between your index and thumb, shake it 2-3 times. Then you will need to rub the chest, blow into the nose and repeat everything in a circle for at least 5 minutes until the kitten shows signs of life. If he squeaks, he needs to be placed with his mother so that she can lick him. If the cat does nothing, then you should massage the baby’s anus with a cotton pad or a damp bandage, which will cause urination and defecation. If after 5 minutes of resuscitation the kitten still does not show signs of life, it means that it will no longer be possible to save it.

After each baby comes out, the placenta should come out. If after 12 hours the placenta has not come out, you should contact a veterinarian. It is normal for a cat to eat the placenta - after giving birth, she needs the nutrients that are in the placenta. You should not let her eat more than two afterbirths - this can lead to diarrhea.

You must remember to keep newborn kittens away from the cat’s paws, otherwise she may accidentally injure them. It is best to place them next to the new mother’s head on a warm heating pad so that they are always within the mother’s line of sight.

Prematurity and postterm pregnancy

We have found out how long pregnancy in British cats should last under favorable circumstances and proper care. Animals of this breed carry cubs for 9 weeks. But sometimes the due date for such pets can shift due to various reasons. Young cats, for example, often give birth prematurely. Animal owners should not see this as some kind of deviation. In this case, early birth is explained primarily by the fact that the cat’s body is still adjusting to its role as a mother.

Sometimes British women can also carry kittens to term. In any case, veterinarians believe that the optimal delivery time for cats of this breed is 63-66 weeks. If pregnancy is very prolonged, your pet should definitely be shown to a veterinarian. At the clinic, the animal will be provided with all the help it needs.

Prenatal period

First, you should think about the place where the expectant mother and her newborn babies will live. Most often, pregnant women look for it on their own; absolutely any corner in the apartment/house becomes it. But it is much better if the owners arrange it well in advance: prepare a box, soft fabrics, and possibly a cardboard lid.

There is one condition: the bulk box that will be used as a cat house must have a removable lid. It will give the owners the opportunity to observe the process, even if the pregnant woman wants to give birth alone. From time to time you will need to lift the lid to make sure everything is going correctly. Make a passage in the box itself so that the pet can exit without obstacles.

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Cover the bottom of the constructed cat house with a warm soft cloth and cover the top with a disposable diaper.

True, it is still unknown whether the British cat will like the good conditions for childbirth chosen by the owner and the place; perhaps she will find another, more suitable for herself and her children.

How to avoid miscarriage

The answer to the question of how long pregnancy lasts in a British cat is therefore clear. The cubs develop in the belly of such a furry mother for 9 weeks. But sometimes pregnancy in British women not only drags on or ends a little earlier, but is also terminated in the early stages.

This problem is quite common in young British breed cats. Sometimes owners of mature pets also encounter this problem. The causes of miscarriage in British breed cats can be different. But most often it is some kind of severe stress, illness or rough mechanical impact.

In any case, owners of a pregnant British cat, of course, definitely need to know how to properly handle her so as not to cause a miscarriage. For example, you need to take such a pet in your arms as carefully as possible, trying not to put pressure on the stomach. Of course, you should not push an animal carrying kittens from a bed, armchair, chairs, etc., or greatly frighten it or force it to move very actively.

Three trimesters

Like women, pregnancy in cats is also divided into three trimesters, each of which undergoes its own important changes. Folds change during this period, so special care is important for them. We are talking not only about the nutrition of pregnant women, but also many other things that deserve attention.

So, the trimester is divided as follows:

  • 1-3 weeks (first);
  • 3-6 weeks (second);
  • 6-9 weeks (third).

First trimester

In the first week, the cat’s behavior shows practically no signs of itself. A healthy animal is active and cheerful. From the second week, it may begin to sleep more and refuse to play. Obvious signs appear only in the third week. If you touch the nipples, you will notice that they are slightly rounded and change their color to bright pink. This is especially noticeable in young individuals who are faced with an interesting situation for the first time. Experienced breeders note that older cats often do not have this symptom. In addition, the purr can suffer from toxicosis, which lasts only a couple of days.

Second trimester

This trimester is the brightest of all. This is associated with obvious symptoms and changes in the cat’s behavior. The kittens in the mother’s belly can already be clearly felt, although their exact number is problematic to determine. Scottish and British cats become especially round at this stage, and the uterus is almost completely filled with fluid.

Third trimester

The seventh week is characterized by obvious changes, which is associated with the opportunity to feel the future babies. In addition, unborn pets are already beginning to move. Considering that the cat is becoming obese, it is difficult for her to walk, so she tries not to get up from her place once again. Cold and wayward animals become more affectionate and gentle. Many begin to poke at the owner and ask to be held.

Just before giving birth, a pregnant British cat walks incorrectly, its belly sags and its back seems to arch, which indicates an upcoming important event. In addition, you can pay attention to the animal’s anxiety. The purr can search for a place for hours, and then “nest” in it. Often preference is given to cabinets and beds.

If you don’t want your pet to give birth anywhere, it is advisable to put the cat in a box a week before giving birth and arrange it, showing the animal its place.

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