How to wean a cat off Whiskas and accustom it to normal food

  • Cats

Adequate nutrition for a cat is the key to its health and beautiful appearance. Surely, all owners know that budget ready-made food from supermarkets is not the best solution for a furry friend. Why does it become necessary to wean your pussy? Some take a kitten that is already accustomed to ready-made food, others save at first, but after visiting clinics they decide to change the diet, and for many veterinarians directly advise them to think about normal food for the animal.

Disadvantages of ready-made food, why it is better to switch your cat to normal food

Before thinking about how to wean a cat off Whiskas and accustom it to normal food, owners should understand what disadvantages ready-made products from the store have:

  • The quality of most products leaves much to be desired; even more expensive premium foods are far from ideal, let alone budget products.
  • With such feeding, the pussy's stomach loses its ability to stretch, and as a result, switching to natural nutrition becomes impossible.
  • Most feeds contain stimulating additives. The cat eats and eats, but does not get enough; it is attracted only by the smell, and not by satiety.
  • Prepared foods include granules, jellies, purees and stews. The load on the teeth in such a situation is minimal, which leads to plaque, tartar and other diseases.
  • Buying good food may not be affordable, but feel free to add the cost of treatment to inexpensive goods, because problems with the kidneys, stomach, and intestines are inevitable.
  • The animal is forced to eat the same food. On the one hand, you buy different products: with turkey, chicken, trout, shrimp, etc.. In fact, their composition is the same, like the smell and taste. Just look in the pack - you won't find any differences.

It is for these reasons that you should switch your cat to a normal diet: you will protect it from problems in the future and ensure a healthy and carefree life. Of course, this is not so easy to do, and in the future you will have to carefully plan your diet, but if the costs of super premium class and holistic treatments seem prohibitive to you, switch to a natural diet.

This is interesting! Advertising for budget food is colorful and tempting, but reviews from owners turn out to be the exact opposite. No Whiskas or Kiteket can give the pussy all the useful and nutritious substances.

Need to use a scratching post

Such a scratching post performs 2 functions at once - an indispensable device for a cat and a luxurious decorative floor vase.
The most humane way to save a sofa from the encroachments of a cat is to purchase a scratching post.

Folding scratching post of unusual shape with an inclined surface

Devices are offered as:

  1. columns;
    Cat scratching post Fox – post with teaser
  2. planks with hemp wound on them;
    Corner scratching post made of planks wrapped with natural rope
  3. shelves with terry.

DIY scratching post with shelves

The scratching post can be placed where the animal spends most of its time

Don't rejoice ahead of time: buy a scratching post, but the animal will ignore it. It is better to train the cat to scratch its claws on this device. It will be easier for you to teach a kitten than an adult animal.

Universal cat folding house with hammock and scratching post

To do this, take the animal by the paw and move it along the surface of the scratching post so that the cat clings to it with its claws. With the help of such lessons, you will quickly achieve the desired result: the cat will understand what the scratching post is for.

A scratching post on a patterned rug is a harmonious design addition to the interior

DIY scratching post

tabletNail to the wall

Homemade scratching post with minimal costs

Do-it-yourself large scratching post made from a plastic pipe

How to wean a cat off food without the help of a veterinarian

Any veterinarian will tell you how important it is to wean your cat off catfish. And that this is a matter of health, not economy. If you compare whiskey or kitikat with human food, then in fact it is a cheburek from the gateway. You can eat fast food and crackers for a long time without consequences. Hardly. The same goes for cats.

The main problem with cheap food is too much grain.

They overload the intestines and produce too much feces. And at the same time a minimal amount of substances of animal origin. Most often it is bone meal from expired products that contain practically no meat. And another “magic” list of synthetic substances. Moreover, a couple of them cause a kind of drug addiction in the cat.

The first victims of cheap food are the organs of the genitourinary system. This is why it is so important to know how to wean your cat from catcalling. After all, castrated predators have a particularly difficult time due to the body’s need to remove harmful substances from cheap food. Hence the appearance of urolithiasis, narrowing of the ducts up to necrosis of the penis. In cats, the disease may develop less rapidly, but with deadly consequences.

The next victims of cheap feed are the liver and intestines. The scarcity of animal protein in the diet causes a weakening of metabolism. The liver has to work doubly hard to remove harmful substances. A weakened immune system, which is caused by an overloaded intestine, may not save you from contracting any infectious disease.

In addition to Kitikat and Whiskas, the following can claim the first places in our anti-rating:

  • Cat chow and Happy cat;
  • feed produced by hypermarkets;
  • Friskies and All cats;
  • Gheda and Dr. Clauder;
  • Terra cat and Our brand;
  • Pet time and 5 stars;
  • Kis-kis and Puffins;
  • Chicopee, ME-O and Pettine.

But you can figure out how to wean a cat off food without a veterinarian. You just need to know what food, other than whiskey and kitiket, cannot be categorically transferred to. These are names from the anti-rating and mixed nutrition. During retraining, both food and natural food should not be given. This will cause even more harm.

Our leap days.

6 years passed, and suddenly Alexandra became concerned about Emma's health. And the reason for such sudden activity was the death of several cats of friends, who somehow happened to pass almost at the same time. And in all cases, doctors associated the deterioration in animal health with the abuse of Whiskas and other dry foods.

This diagnosis seriously frightened Sasha and she decided to take Emma seriously, first of all eliminating dry food from her diet.

And since the implementation of such a step required remarkable determination, I had to be the manager of this project.

And the day came when the last piece of cat cracker disappeared from the cat's bowl.

Stages of transferring an animal to normal food

To accustom a cat to normal food, you must follow certain instructions:

  • Why does a cat need a mustache?
  • Rescue dogs
  • Hypoallergenic cats
  • Why does a cat need a tail?
  • Chinchilla
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  1. Dry food is replaced with a wet equivalent from the same manufacturer. The animal is accustomed to certain flavoring additives, so the transition will not be abrupt. At the same time, the soft version of the food contains fewer harmful components than the dry version.
  2. Natural food is introduced into the cat’s diet gradually. You can prepare mixed porridges - semolina or oatmeal plus meat/fish. Your pet will not refuse such homemade food.
  3. Fresh water must be freely available to the animal. Drinking plenty of fluids will help remove toxins from the body faster.
  4. “Cat grass” grown on the windowsill will become an additional source of vitamins.
  5. Gradually more and more natural products are added that the cat prefers. For example, if he likes boiled fish, then they give him that instead of food.
  6. The amount of food decreases every day. Not having enough, the cat will begin to eat from a nearby bowl, where healthy foods must be placed in a timely manner.

This plan of action allows the owners to gradually and without harm to the animal’s health transfer the pet from dry food to regular food, completely weaning it off Whiskas and eliminating the dependence.


That day did not foretell anything bad......

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