How to stop a cat from yelling: simple and effective methods

Variety of sounds in cats

With the help of sound signals, animals express their feelings and sensations, communicate with fellow tribesmen and exchange information. The cat's “language” includes a wide and varied audio set, each element of which has its own intonation and emotional coloring.

The domestic mouse can reproduce:

  • vibrating purring;
  • gentle meow;
  • aggressive hissing;
  • angry growl;
  • long, loud shout

The last sound impact is also described as a “howling scream” and “heart-rending scream”, and its strength and duration often reaches the limit of human patience.

Main reasons. Animal psychologists name 3 reasons for cat loudness:

  • instincts and physiological needs;
  • boredom and loneliness;
  • malaise and pain.

By carefully looking at your pet and identifying provoking factors, you can deal with the problem.

Latest Chinese warning

It is possible that you are busy and cannot devote much time to your pet. At least as much as he needs. He may choose this method (by the way, not the most outrageous one) to remind you of your responsibilities: playing together, talking, ironing the back and scratching behind the ear.

As you can see, there is no paradox or mythical cat harmfulness in the “closed door syndrome”!

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The reason for screaming is instincts and physiological needs

Living next to humans, domestic cats nevertheless have not lost touch with pristine nature and build their behavior, guided by genetically inherent aspirations. Such an internal “navigator” can completely subjugate and significantly change the usual nature.

Instinct for procreation

The most trivial reason for cat concerts is sexual desire.

Behavior of females. The “basic instinct” is so dominant and strong that zoologists call the time of female sexual activity “estrus,” which means “passion” and “fury.” Representatives of felines not only clearly demonstrate their readiness to mate, but also actively search for a male and literally seduce him. In a house where an unsterilized cat lives, days of estrus are marked by a loss of peace for the whole family, given that in the daily schedule the peak of cat activity occurs in the evening and night.

The inviting cries of the “bride” are accompanied by the following accompanying signs:

  • ignoring food;
  • frequent visits to the toilet;
  • thorough licking of the intimate area;
  • visual pose on half-bent legs with arched back and raised tail;
  • turning over on your back and rolling on the floor.

Behavior of males. Male cats scream even louder and more intensely, and metaphors in the style of “March serenades” or “demonic screams” are attributed to their concerts. In addition, uncastrated males have a habit of leaving strong-smelling marks anywhere and everywhere, and this tendency only intensifies during the period of cat weddings.

What is the danger? The call of nature is so strong that the mustachioed striped creatures, who have never left the confines of a human home, can suddenly go in search of “their soulmate,” which is fraught with misadventures in the style of:

  • falling out of a window;
  • death under the wheels of a car;
  • injuries in fights with relatives;
  • inability to find the way home.

If the gulena does return to the company, then he will most likely bring dubious “gifts” in the form of infections, parasites or unwanted offspring.

What should the owner do? Drops and tablets with hormonal drugs sold in pet stores will help to freeze the sexual activity of cats and stop the unbearable screams. However, abuse of these drugs can lead to undesirable changes in the body, in particular the development of genital tumors. Therefore, the most radical method is the complete sterilization of animals that do not represent breeding value and do not participate in breeding.

Eating behavior

The nuances of food activity are also associated with sound manifestations. There are 3 situations when cat screams are provoked by food:

  • pets quickly get used to the daily routine and demand dinner if it is delayed a little;
  • a cat spoiled by food refuses the usual food in its bowl, but persistently begs for a treat;
  • a well-fed cat does not want to leave the kitchen when food is being prepared for people or the whole family is gathered at the table.

Owner actions. To wean a cat from demanding food, you should adhere to the rules linking the hierarchical rank of the animal with eating behavior:

  • exclude the presence of the animal in the kitchen until its bowl is full and takes its usual place;
  • after 30 minutes, the remaining food must be removed and the pet must be removed from the kitchen;
  • throwing, screaming and scratching outside the door should be coldly ignored;
  • in case of refusal of food, the usual portion should not be immediately replaced with a treat - the cat probably decided to give himself a fasting day;
  • During a family meal, a pet should not be present in the kitchen, much less behave like a beggar.

This is how, in cat language, imitating relationships in a pride of lions, the status quo is restored, and the cat, as the weakest and lowest member of the community, ultimately resigns itself to the orders established by the leader. If the cat is constantly hungry, then the owner is required to review the diet and feeding standards.

Increased activity at night

Cats are nocturnal predators, so they spend almost the entire daylight hours in a sweet slumber. But as soon as dusk falls, the pet wakes up and is ready to go hunting. Seething energy makes a well-rested and well-fed cat run around the rooms, play mischief, sharpen its claws, play with toys and demand increased attention from sleeping people. Young animals are especially energetic.

The owners, naturally, are not delighted with such a cat routine and try to reason with the pet by force. However, such behavior is just a consequence of a lack of movement and muscle activity.

Daytime physical inactivity.

If a cat wakes up during the day only to eat, lick itself and go to the toilet, then physical inactivity can be diagnosed.

To maintain health, obeying instinct, such a pet is forced to warm up at night, while animals that receive proper physical activity during the day are not active for long in the evenings and sleep peacefully at night.

What to do. You can re-educate a nocturnal predator by changing its daily activity schedule. To do this, you should use the appropriate techniques:

  • outdoor games with balls, feather teasers, wind-up mice and laser pointers;
  • installation of cat sports complexes, including scratching posts, hammocks, houses and playgrounds at different heights;
  • harness training and street walking on a leash;
  • practicing commands and circus tricks, in particular the ability to carry small objects in the teeth or walk on the front paws.

The border is under control

We know well that a cat is a territorial animal and will spend its entire life inspecting its possessions and updating its marks.

But please tell me, how can one understand what is going on, for example, in a closet if the door there is closed? A cat's senses are excellently developed, but not enough to see through a closed door.

And it is possible that there (that is, behind a closed door) a competitor has appeared who needs to be driven away immediately!

When you can’t stand it and open the door, your pet either doesn’t move at all, or is limited to a quick glance and a couple of deep breaths.

What was it? The cat did “visual and chemical tests” of the space and made sure everything was in order.

Ideally, all rooms should be accessible to her at any time of the day or night. But if there is a forbidden one (the same closet), then your pet should never cross its threshold. This way he won’t consider this room his territory and try to control it.

The reason for screaming is boredom and loneliness

A pet, accustomed to sleeping in bed next to its adored owner, will experience great disappointment when it finds itself outside its cozy “den.” If the owner decides to accustom the kitten to a personal bed, then this should be done very gradually, first by installing a house, hammock or basket in the bedroom. The process of luring a cat to the bed also contains several secrets, including the use of:

  • treats that guarantee long-lasting chewing pleasure (for example, chewing sticks, a piece of meat with cartilage, or a whole sea fish);
  • favorite toys;
  • catnip.

And only after time has passed, when the pet has learned to sleep alone, the bed can be taken outside the bedroom.

Loneliness. The most striking manifestation of irrepressible screams of a psychological nature is the period when a lonely pet remains locked in an apartment. This happens when the owner:

  • goes to work;
  • goes on a business trip;
  • ends up in the hospital;
  • is delayed in absence for one reason or another.

Separation is especially difficult for small kittens that need constant attention, and affectionate, affectionate animals with a strong emotional connection with the owner.

What to do. To alleviate stress, felinologists recommend purchasing effective entertainment for the mustachioed-striped cat with which he could entertain himself while his owner is away, namely:

  • bouncing balls, auto-winding mice, interactive toys;
  • chewing sticks;
  • automatic feeders that release several tidbits after a certain period of time;
  • cat play complexes;
  • indoor aquarium with live fish or its imitation.

Cases requiring contact with a veterinarian

If a cat constantly meows and itches, then he may have fleas, lice eaters, or other ectoparasites (living outside). Allergies and ear mites may also have such manifestations. It is necessary to show your pet to a doctor to determine the cause of this behavior and determine measures to help.

A hard, inflated belly speaks together with a loud meow, serious anxiety or, conversely, lethargy; increased appetite or its absence indicates a helminthic infestation.

In such cases, you should consult your veterinarian. He will prescribe an anthelmintic and tell you how long to give it.

If the kitten cries loudly and trembles at the same time, you can try to warm it or feed it. If the cause is not hunger and cold, then you need to see a doctor, as this may be damage to the spine.

Refusal to eat, diarrhea, or, conversely, cleanliness in the tray for a long time, accompanied by plaintive and constant meowing, is also a reason to seek medical help.

A caring owner always understands his pet. Cats have almost no means of expressing their complaints or wishes other than by making sound signals. It is important to understand what the pet wants to communicate and provide him with all possible assistance.

How to avoid what is predicted in omens

The most important thing in communicating with cats is good intentions and care. You should not anger the cat, mock, or neglect the animal. If he feels unnecessary, then one way or another he will leave the life of a superstitious person, but he will also take everything that is his – protection, warmth and comfort.

Signs about cats are very peculiar in nature. They promise warmth and cold, additions to the family and illness. They treat everyone who is possible, but they also honestly indicate with whom things will be difficult. For a cat to protect the house, all he needs is to eat and feel loved.

How to stop a cat from scratching furniture using improvised means?

Fill the spray bottle with water. And as soon as your pet starts tearing up the sofa or other unauthorized place, sprinkle water on it! There will be no harm to either the cat or the furniture, but the pet will begin to associate its favorite activity with unpleasant phlegm!

If you are thinking about how to stop a kitten from scratching the sofa, then this method is unlikely to work. Usually, kids accidentally damage furniture while playing. They begin to climb the curtains, try to conquer the sofa, the carpet hanging on the wall - this is normal behavior. If you pour water on your kitten every time he plays, you will simply grow a nervous creature, apathetic to everything. The same applies to scaring sounds.

Will sterilization help?

As we wrote in the first paragraph, cats mark their territory by leaving their scent and marks. As many people know, if you sterilize an animal, it loses interest in the opposite sex. But sterilization will not help overcome the instinct to mark oneself with claws!

Yes, it is necessary to sterilize pets; this will protect them from many diseases and prolong their lives. You, in turn, will not need to listen to cat concerts or think about what to do with the offspring. How to stop a cat from scratching furniture and wallpaper? There are other productive methods.

The cat chewed the wires - what to do?

If the cat does chew the wires, there is no need to shout or swear at it. Any punishment will lead to the fact that the pet will be offended and begin to harm out of spite. If a furry bully is caught chewing on cables, you can clap your hands or make some loud noises to scare the animal away.

The sooner you stop your cat from accessing the wires, the better it will be for everyone.

Then you need to check the integrity of all wires. It must be remembered that a damaged cable can cause a fire, and therefore it is better to repair it immediately. After checking, you need to remove all wires that your cat might chew from within reach to avoid further damage.

To prevent a similar situation from happening again, it is necessary to analyze the pet’s behavior. To do this, you can answer a number of questions:

How long ago did this start? Did the purr's diet change during the period when he began to show interest in cords? Is there enough time for your pet? Do his owners often play with him? Does your cat have toys to which she can turn her attention?

Weaning off wires can take quite a long time and the older the animal, the longer it will take for him to wean off the habit. Therefore, owners of inquisitive cats need to be patient and try to identify the root cause of their pet’s behavior.

Re-educating a cat will take months, so you should be patient.

If the cat shows interest not only in the wires, but also itches on toothbrushes and combs, then it needs to be shown to the veterinarian. Most likely, she simply has problems with her teeth, which is why she tries to scratch her gums. The veterinarian will be able to examine the purr, clean the teeth, and also determine whether the animal is eating a sufficiently balanced diet.

If the cat chews everything that is allowed and what is not allowed, then you need to think about going to the cat dentist

Five ways to stop your cat from scratching wallpaper

There are many ways to distract your pet's attention from the wallpaper in your living room.

Method 1: throw a party in your home.

Whatever the temperament of cats all over the Earth, they have one common property - a dislike of loud sounds. Take advantage of this! Hang a few colorful balloons where your cat sharpens her claws. While scratching the wallpaper, she may inadvertently touch one of them. The balloon will burst, the cat will be scared and will forget about its habit for a long time, or even forever.

If an animal uses your bedroom wall to sharpen its claws, it is better to remove the balls at night.

Method 2: Applaud.

If the cat has retired behind a curtain and a suspicious rustling noise is heard from there, take immediate action: clap your hands loudly. As an alternative measure, you can slap the floor with a slipper. The main thing is to try to catch your pet at the crime scene. If you’re late, it’s your own fault: a reproachful look and an expression of offended innocence awaits you, but not repentance.

In addition to your own palms, you can use a homemade “rattle”: pour a handful of buttons into a half-liter plastic bottle, screw the lid on tightly and shake. The effect is guaranteed!

Method 3: water procedures.

Always keep a spray bottle of water handy. To prevent it from looking strange, place a houseplant next to it - for example, an aglaonema, like the famous killer Leon from the movie of the same name - and spray it periodically. As soon as you notice that your pet is heading towards the wallpaper, spray it on her too. Cats really don't like this.

Method 4: aromatherapy.

Another way to keep your pussy away from freshly wallpapered wallpaper is to treat it and everything around it with some kind of aromatic product. Onions and garlic will not work: no matter what your mother-in-law says, the cat is not an evil spirit at all, and such remedies will not work on it. Many people even love this smell and will diligently lick objects treated with it. Vinegar is simply ignored. The smell of citrus fruits is much more effective (and more pleasant to human noses). Spray your wallpaper with a mixture of lemon and orange (or any other oil of your choice) scented oils, or use just lemon. The cat will go around them in a wide arc.

Method 5: Change your wallpaper.

Unfortunately, there is no wallpaper that would cause lasting disgust in cats. But there are some that are quite difficult for cat claws to cling to: liquid wallpaper. They are completely smooth, and most cats do not like such surfaces. You can take a closer look at hot stamping wallpaper. Cats don't like them either. Just carefully glue all the joints so that they do not lag behind the wall.

Sticky surfaces

How to stop a cat from scratching the sofa? Just let it stick once or twice! Attach double-sided tape to the upholstery. As soon as the animal approaches to scratch its favorite place, it will immediately stick its paw or fur on its side. Cats hate being clingy, so you won't need a lot of lessons.

Place the tape in all places where the cat sticks its claws - the window sill, corners, doors, and so on. Soon the animal will avoid dangerous places three meters away!

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