How to calm a cat so that he doesn’t yell - methods of fighting

What does a cat say to a person?

You probably love talking to your cats and cats at home. Some of them are silent and do not answer questions, but there are also those who maintain a dialogue in their own, cat language.

There are several answers to what they could mean:

  • When you come home from work or school, cats may let out a few short meows when they greet you at the front door. They say that they are glad to see you and are already in anticipation of the portion that is due to him;
  • Sometimes cats scream. The sound is similar to a prolonged “meow”. This is how the animal attracts attention. He may urgently need to go outside or the cat may be demanding to be fed;

  • And in some cases, you may become a target for reprimand. The cat may also be angry with you for some misdeed. If you hear a low, dissatisfied, slow roar, it means he is now scolding you;
  • Cats or male cats may make funny noises with their lower jaws. They do this when they see out-of-reach prey, such as fish in an aquarium;
  • The most common - rumbling and hissing with a dissatisfied expression on the face warns us that the pet is very angry and does not want anyone to approach it;

  • The sound of a low or thin meow. The cat does this when you sit at the TV or computer. With its help, the animal attracts attention to itself and says that it wants to sit on your lap.

Cats tell us a lot of things. Some of them may even have their own language. You need to monitor his behavior more often, then you will be able to understand his “speech.”

Any closed doors

This is a real fad for cats. All doors must be open! If the door is slammed, the mustachioed friend will certainly try to open it or will yell at it until it gives up and opens. Well, more precisely, a person will have to open it. After all, the cat feels like the owner of the apartment. Everything should be under his strict control. After all, someone might be playing with his toys or eating his treats in the next room. Moreover, once behind a closed door, the cat, as a rule, having examined the area, immediately asks to go back out. Well, if the pet feels that another animal lives behind a closed door - good for you! He will guard the door day and night so that the stranger cannot escape. That's how powerful they are, our furry friends!

Tempting sounds for a cat online

If you are currently at a computer to which external speakers or individual speakers are connected, use the sound portal

On its pages there is a list with various options for cat voices. Some may not attract cats, but rather scare them away. Like people, cats are individuals, each with their own preferences in food, relationships and entertainment. Sounds will also affect them differently.

You should not frighten your cats with these sounds for a long time if they are afraid of them. These animals, in a fit of fear, can do irreparable things. For example, while running away, break your favorite vase, scratch the owner, tear off the curtain, etc. Use different sounds to see his reaction.

Some cats will not make any impression on the sound, others may seem interesting. And the cat will come to your room, no matter where it is now.

My paws are my rules

It is forbidden to touch the paws! Everyone. Even the owner. The only one who can touch the paws is the cat himself. Even a light touch on the cute limbs can freak out the animal. In such a situation, even the most affectionate creature can bite or claw. So don't take risks. In the best case, they will politely hide their paw from you, but in the worst case, you can imagine. You can stroke the head, back, neck, and in rare cases, the belly. But never paws! By the way, the same applies to the tail. This is no joke!

Sounds for a cat on your phone

If you are going for a walk, take with you an Android application that will help cheer up the cats you meet along the way. It’s called “Sounds of Cats”. This is a collection of purrs and purrs from other cats.

Cats may like the sounds, and they will follow you until you turn off this track on your phone. The application offers several lists with cat voices. They are divided into categories: evil sounds, good sounds, interesting sounds, etc.

  • Choose a suitable sound from the list and entertain the cats with it. Thus, have fun yourself while looking at these stunning pets. It will be useful for those who have several cats in the house.
  • Also, these sounds will help scare away a crowd of unbridled cats. Select scary sounds from the “Bad” section in the app.
  • Choose the most emotional ones and invite your guest cats to listen to them. Sounds are clearly audible even over long distances.
  • More sounds appear in the app over time. The developers are increasing the track length in updates, as some of them are only a few seconds long.

Lunch on schedule

Well, who could come up with such nonsense? Only a man! How can you create a meal schedule? For cats, everything is much simpler: if you want to eat, then it’s time to eat. And there is nothing to invent. You have to beg for food, but they don’t give it to you. So you can sit there, begging for several hours in a row, at least for a fishtail. And everything is in vain. Because the schedule! The owner himself comes to the refrigerator every ten minutes and always walks past the bowl. Well, at least he threw a crust of bread. And as soon as you lie down in a hungry faint, the owner suddenly puts food in the bowl. But the cat doesn’t need it anymore! And why did they come up with such a mockery of the cat’s delicate belly?

Don't put your cat in a litter box

It seems to us that in order to accustom an animal to the tray, you need to put it there. This actually pisses cats off. Why shove the poor kitten into his own toilet? He will not understand such a rude hint. Some cats may think that this is their home and lie down there quietly. But this will infuriate their owner. The animal navigates by smell. Just place it next to the toilet, then it will find its way on its own.

Games on the tablet

Modern cats are no strangers to intellectual entertainment in the form of programs on gadgets. To make sure, you can download one of the following to your Android tablet.

Cat Toy For Tablets & Phones Program

The application contains games designed exclusively for cats. If you wish, you can hunt for:

  • a mouse that is very similar to a living one;
  • black;
  • teasing laser beam.

At the same time, you are allowed to change the background and choose the soundtrack. The fun is simple, but despite this, it can captivate the cat for a long time, and give the owner a reason to be touched by the pet’s behavior.

Screen with Cat Toy For Tablets & Phones

Cat Alone Program

Its principle is the same: the animal tries to catch objects that move on the monitor. The following can act as bait:

  • insects;
  • finger;
  • strange scribbles.

The program developers are sure that the cat will certainly like the game, and to make sure this happens, they have released options where you can hunt for mice, fluffy feathers and dandelions.

Screen with Cat Alone

Crazy Cat program

This application differs from others in that it allows you to have fun together with the owner. You will need a phone connected to the tablet via Bluetooth. The person controls the activity of the characters whose images the cat will catch on the monitor. For each success, players receive points. At the end of the game, it will become clear which player has a better visual perception speed and reaction: the owner or the pet.

An activity to your liking

Happy Wings Program

Insects and funny birds fly on the tablet screen. The cat will definitely want to catch it. If successful, the entertainment goes to a new level, so your pet will never get bored.

Happy Wings screen

Game for Cats Paw Me program

Universal fun that is interesting to cats, as well as birds, domestic dogs and even iguana lizards. The meaning of the game is the same: you need to catch bows, fish and mice flashing on the screen. Background screensavers change, animation is included, so the process is captivating. Among other things, you can arrange fights like “cat versus cat” or “cat versus owner.” The disadvantage of such toys is that pets have not yet learned to turn on tablets on their own.

Screen saver Game for Cats Paw Me

Balls and balls

These can be any objects that can be safely rolled on the floor, thrown, caught, scratched or chewed, for example:

  • walnut or tennis ball;
  • a ball made of rubber or plastic, optionally with a rattle or bell inside.

Ball - cat's ball

For reference! To make it even more attractive, you can rub the toy with catnip, which is sold in pet stores. The only negative is that the potential prey will end up under the sofa or behind the closet early, which means that one night the owners may wake up to the ringing of a bell because the cat has decided to have a little fun.

How to properly punish a cat?

Why do cats play pranks?

Cats have lived side by side with humans for almost 10,000 years. But they still remain a mystery to us: we absolutely do not understand many of their habits. We tend to explain them from a human point of view and give cats our own views and motives. But this doesn’t work, and sometimes it’s harmful.

The main thing that every owner needs to understand is that cats never do anything on purpose to annoy us.

A cat can “play pranks” when it feels bad, in pain, uncomfortable, excited, or when it is influenced by instincts inherent in nature.

Often we don’t understand the reasons for “bad” behavior and draw the simplest conclusion for us: they say, she’s the one who wants to annoy me. But in the cat world there are no such motives. Every act of a cat is guided by something more practical and serious than an empty desire for revenge.

Let's take the most “terrible” offenses of cats. For example, doing your little things on the pillow. The owner thinks that the cat is taking revenge on him for something (maybe for not giving him the sausage yesterday), but in reality the cat may have ICD. Sometimes animals simply cannot control urination and marking occurs unconsciously.

What about ignoring the tray? Do you think the cat is bad? Or maybe it’s the filler that repels with its smells or hissing sounds when absorbing urine? Or in a lattice box that about 2 out of 3 cats hate? Or maybe the tray is in an uncomfortable place?

Another example is the passion of cats to drink water from the toilet. This habit is easily explained by animal psychologists. By nature, cats tend to drink water from running sources, away from where they eat. That's why your beauty prefers not a clean metal bowl in the kitchen next to dry food, but a toilet or sink.

When resorting to punishment, you must be sure of its necessity. What if the cat needs help rather than punishment?

Is it possible to punish a cat?

Before punishing a cat, you need to think about why you are punishing it. For a real offense? Or for natural instinct? In the case of the second, the punishments are completely meaningless. On the contrary, they will destroy all trust and love between you.

The squeak of a kitten calling for its mother, March cries at night, “burying” one’s affairs, jealousy of a new dog - all these are not bad habits or attempts to make you unhappy, but completely normal behavior patterns that you should not be angry about.

When you have a problem, it is important to understand the cause and consider whether you can resolve it peacefully. Think about why the cat behaves this way and not otherwise? What can you do to make her feel more comfortable and change her behavior? If you do not understand the motives for your cat's behavior, consult a pet psychologist. He will help you see the situation through the eyes of a cat and tell you how to act. Maybe no punishment will be required!

However, this does not mean that you need to turn a blind eye to unwanted behavior. As a good owner, you should be able to set boundaries and instill in your pet basic norms of behavior. For example, do not damage furniture and wallpaper, do not climb on the table, do not walk past the tray. Therefore, if peaceful ways to solve the problem do not help, you will have to begin punishment. But for it to work, you need to punish correctly.

How to properly punish a cat?

Cats are strong and independent animals. They walk on their own and do not tolerate violation of personal space. The path to friendship with a cat lies through respect for its person and gentle but persistent setting of boundaries.

Any manifestations of aggression: loud screams, reprimands, the use of physical force in handling a cat are unacceptable. There has not yet been a single example in history when such an approach would have been beneficial. All this only increases stress and pushes the cat to other unwanted actions. But worst of all, it instills fear in the cat, makes it nervous, and kills trust in its owner. Imagine if you couldn't feel safe in your own home? What kind of good behavior can we talk about here?

How then to punish a cat? How to convey that she is committing an unacceptable action? These three rules work:

1. Timeliness

The most important thing is that you can punish a cat only at the moment of misconduct. The cat’s brain is designed in such a way that after a couple of minutes it will no longer remember its action and will not understand why it is being punished. The lesson will not be learned, and the cat will fall into a state of shock, not understanding why its beloved owner treated it so cruelly. Remember: you can only punish a cat in the moment “here and now” when you catch it committing an offense.

If, upon returning home after work, you find a broken pot of violets, don’t even bother punishing the cat for it. She has already forgotten about that potty 200 times, and the punishment is completely pointless.

2. Consistency

Decide once and for all what behavior is acceptable for a cat and what is not. And strictly adhere to this plan: either always prohibit, or do not prohibit at all. For example, if you don’t allow your cat to climb on the table, then next time don’t be touched when you catch her stealing sour cream from your plate of dumplings.

3. Correct punishment

You can use a loud noise on your cat (such as clapping your hands or rattling) - this simple method works great. When you catch your cat doing something wrong, say her name loudly to get her attention and clap your hands (or make another loud sound, but not scream). Repeat this every time your cat breaks the rules.

You can use a spray bottle as heavy artillery - spray water on the cat at the moment of misconduct. And even in the most severe cases, it is permissible to symbolically, gently shake the cat by the scruff of the neck - this is if you are really angry. This is the maximum degree of punishment that a loving, thoughtful owner can afford.

Screaming, assault, throwing objects (including slippers), poking one's nose into a "puddle", locking oneself in a toilet, starvation diets - these are not punishments, but cruelty to animals.

Focus not on punishment, but on rewarding good behavior. Remember to praise your cat and give her treats when she behaves well. For example, if today your cat went to sharpen her claws on a new scratching post, and not on your favorite chair as usual, be sure to scratch her behind the ear and treat her with her favorite treat. After several such repetitions, the cat will understand the “action-reward” pattern and will not exchange its scratching post for any chair in the world!

Patience and work will grind everything down, and love and care are the best keys to a pet’s good behavior. We wish you good luck!

Boxes and bags

These things cause indescribable delight in cats. Animals are willing to spend a lot of time studying:

  • how the object is structured from the inside, what it smells and tastes like;
  • what it is made of and how durable it is;
  • why does it rustle and is it suitable as a house or shelter.

Having discovered that an object can be bitten and scratched, cats become so carried away that they can tear the toy to pieces.

Important! Make sure that in the heat of excitement your pet does not eat cardboard and cellophane.

The box was found - life was good!

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