How to understand that a cat is asking for a cat, and how to calm it down?

When a cat begins to ask for a cat, the owner who has encountered this for the first time is very worried. After all, during sexual heat, the pet screams wildly and behaves inappropriately. Not every person is able to remain calm; many are looking for any ways to calm it down. Folk remedies, sedative pills and even hormonal drugs are used.

Let's find out which methods of suppressing the symptoms of estrus are safe for cats and why you should decide to sterilize.

At what age does a cat start walking?

Cats start yelling at different ages. In some animals, puberty occurs earlier, in others - later. This depends on many factors:

  • breed affiliation;
  • fatness;
  • conditions of detention;
  • pet's temperament;
  • heredity.

The first time a cat begins to ask for a cat is when mature eggs are already being produced in her ovaries. In most cases, sexual heat begins between 6 and 10 months, but there are exceptions.

In any case, mating during the first few heats is not advisable. After all, for the body to fully form and strengthen, it needs more time.

It is extremely rare for cats to start asking for a cat at the age of 5 months. Such early maturation indicates the presence of health problems. In this case, it is advisable to show the animal to a veterinarian. You will also need to consult a specialist if your first heat starts after a year.

Do all cats show noticeable signs of heat?

Not every cat during heat shows signs of it. This is especially possible if there are several cats in the house and estrus has begun in a “subordinate”, timid female. The second option is that estrus occurs hidden in a cat that the owner had previously scolded and punished for “bad” behavior. During the hunting period, such animals try to hide, are not active, even lethargic.

There are females that will never show signs of hunting if there is no male nearby. Therefore, the owners of such “hidden” individuals cannot recognize the heat until a male is nearby.

Symptoms of estrus

It's impossible not to notice when a cat asks for a date with a cat. Signs by which you can determine that your pet has gone on a spree:

  1. The cat screams and meows protractedly at the top of her voice. Some owners get scared - they think she is sick. In fact, this is a natural process. The female attracts potential suitors with a loud cry.
  2. When a cat asks for a cat, she leaves marks in the house. It is unknown whether she does this on purpose or not. The fact is that during the hunting period a special mucous secretion is released from the vulva. In nature, its smell attracts cats.
  3. The cat becomes very affectionate, gentle, constantly rubs against the owner’s legs and purrs. In rare cases, the pet behaves in the opposite way - it becomes irritable and aggressive.
  4. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent.
  5. When a cat asks for a cat, she takes a characteristic pose - arching her back and raising her butt. The tail is moved to the side. In this way, the female shows the male that she is ready for mating.
  6. It is easy to understand that a cat wants a cat by its loss of appetite. The pet rarely approaches the food bowl and eats little. Some individuals generally lose interest in food, they even refuse their favorite treat.

You should not worry about the cat’s well-being during this period - when the heat ends, everything will return to normal. The behavior will become habitual, an appetite will appear, and the pet will stop behaving inappropriately.

What not to do when a cat asks for a cat

You cannot shout at a pet that requires your attention, even if it is intrusive and irritating with its pestering. This difficult period is stressful for both the owner and the cat itself. It goes without saying that force should never be used - this can lead to adverse consequences.

Whatever method the owner chooses to calm a cat that wants a cat, it is necessary to take into account its individual physiological characteristics. You should not neglect a trip to the veterinarian - it is best to decide on the relief of estrus based on his recommendations.

Duration and frequency of sexual heat

The length of the period during which cats ask for a cat differs from individual to individual. On average, estrus lasts 7-10 days.

The period of sexual hunting can be divided into several stages. Each of them has certain characteristics:

  1. Proestrus. The cat begins to ask for a cat, but at the same time she is not yet ready for effective mating. Her estrogen levels increase. Sexual heat begins - the external genitalia increase slightly in size, and transparent discharge appears from the vulva. Behavior changes - the cat rubs against objects for a long time, requires more attention and affection. Appetite decreases. The duration of proestrus is 2-3 days.
  2. Estrus. The cat is already ready for mating. If she has a date with a cat during this period, she is more likely to get pregnant. The pet feels increasing excitement, this is eloquently evidenced by her behavior - loud inviting cries, adoption of a characteristic pose for mating. The duration of estrus is 3-4 days, in some individuals it lasts longer.
  3. Metestrus. The level of estrogen in the cat’s body decreases, and along with it, interest in representatives of the opposite sex disappears. Some females even feel irritated at the sight of a male. The cat no longer asks the cat, does not allow him to approach, drives him away with hiss.
  4. Anestrus. At this stage, the hormonal levels stabilize and the cat calms down.

The frequency of the onset of estrus differs between domestic and wild animals. This process is influenced by the length of daylight hours, quality of nutrition, breed and other factors.

On average, cats ask for a male cat every 3-4 weeks, provided that mating has not occurred.

How often does heat occur?

Theoretically, by their nature, cats can bear up to six litters per year, and estrus can occur much more frequently.

Cats may look for a mate every three weeks for a week. If mating does not occur, her body will continue to repeat the estrous cycle until pregnancy or sterilization. By the way, after giving birth in many animals, estrus begins after a month and a half.

During heat, cats may try to escape from the house.

The female cycle is directly related to the length of daylight hours. For cats living outdoors, the frequency of estrus increases from late spring to fall, and decreases as daylight hours decrease.

Domestic cats live year-round under artificial light and may experience almost constant hormonal activity.

How long after giving birth does estrus occur?

The frequency of sexual estrus depends on whether pregnancy has occurred. If a cat has a date with a cat, then she bears the offspring for about 2 months, and then feeds them. Then the next estrus begins 30-50 days after lambing or 10-14 days after the end of lactation. In the wild, cats go into heat on average 2-3 times a year. If there was no mating, then the next time the estrus will begin in 3-4 weeks.

In rare cases, nursing cats ask for a male cat as early as 2 weeks after lambing. If mating does not occur during this period, the next estrus will begin again after 14-21 days.

If the date with the male takes place, then a new pregnancy will not occur, since the uterus has not yet had time to recover and the process of feeding the kittens is underway. But mating during the next heat is more likely to be effective.

If the cat is not in heat

The absence of sexual heat in an animal older than 1.5 years is a reason to consult a veterinarian. A cat may not be in heat for several reasons:

  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • hormonal changes;
  • underdevelopment of the ovaries;
  • tumors, ovarian cysts;
  • structural anomalies of the reproductive organs;
  • maintenance in the absence of light.

The absence of estrus (anestria) is also associated with stress and exhaustion. For example, if the cat is not eating well, often participates in exhibitions, moves, or has conflicts with other animals in the house. Stressful situations inhibit the activity of the ovaries, so they reduce the production of estrogen, the main “love” hormone. Estrus can be “provoked” only after examination, having understood the reasons.

Behavior problems

When cats ask for a date with a cat, household members have a hard time. The constant screaming makes it impossible to sleep at night. Some people can’t stand it and lock their pets in one of the rooms. Others wet the animal’s fur with water in the evenings. This allows you to gain an hour of silence while the cat licks its fur coat. But as soon as she dries up, she starts asking for the cat again. This behavior is exhausting and forces you to try different ways.

Is it possible to calm a cat at home?

Simply petting and calming a cat that asks for a cat is unlikely to work. You will have to be patient and wait until the heat ends.

Numerous “folk” tips on how to calm a pet usually turn out to be ineffective:

  1. Pet your pet more often. Showing attention will only increase arousal.
  2. Give sedatives. They will not help because the animal is not stressed. They are driven by the instinct of reproduction. Such medications only slightly dull the desire to mate.
  3. Feed the cat with products containing pheromones like Feliway. During sexual hunting they are completely useless. Such drugs help to quickly adapt to a new place and to endure the trip more calmly, but they do not pacify natural instincts.

Calming medications for cats

Sometimes veterinarians recommend taking sedatives. Such medications help to dull arousal a little, but their main purpose is to achieve mental lability, eliminate aggression and anxiety.

List of drugs and method of use:

  1. Cat Baiyun. A medicine based on herbs with a sedative effect - valerian roots, oregano, sweet clover, mint, motherwort, hop cones and others. As soon as the cat begins to ask for a cat, she is given 2 ml of medicine three times a day for 5-7 days.
  2. Fitex drops. A sedative with herbal components – valerian, motherwort, hop extract. The medicine normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, muffles the feeling of fear and aggression. If a cat wants a cat, or vice versa, then the pet is given 3-5 drops of the product in the morning, lunch and evening for several days.
  3. Drops for cats Stop stress. The drug is available in the form of drops and tablets. The medicine contains aminophenylbutyric acid and extracts of valerian, catnip, hops and motherwort. This remedy helps reduce agitation and correct the animal's behavior in stressful situations. Directions for use: 1 drop per 1 kg of weight twice a day.

Sedatives should not be given to a cat for a long time. They are allowed to be used for no more than 10 days. And you should not expect that these medications will completely eliminate sexual arousal. They can only slightly smooth out the symptoms of estrus.

Artificial ovulation

Sometimes the safest and most effective way to calm a cat so that she does not ask for a cat is to artificially induce ovulation. This method is suitable if the pet cannot be given for mating right now for some reason. For example, if she is in her first heat or a worthy candidate for mating has not yet been found.

In some cases, veterinarians show owners how to simulate sexual intercourse at home, which will cause ovulation. To do this, you will need a small phallic-shaped object about 4-5 mm thick and 1.5-2 cm long. A cotton swab wrapped in a fingertip or something similar will do. The cat is held by the withers. When she is in the mating position, the object is gently inserted into her vagina.

It is recommended to repeat this procedure 3-4 times within 12 hours. After this, the pet should ovulate, which will provoke a false pregnancy.

The heat will stop, the cat will calm down, stop asking for the cat and will prepare for the appearance of kittens. Some females begin to arrange a place for birth. During a false pregnancy, hormonal changes occur, so milk may be released from the mammary glands.

Attention! The artificial ovulation technique cannot be used every time the cat asks for a cat. This can cause inflammation in the uterus.

What not to do

Some actions of owners can harm the cat. For example, you cannot lock an animal in a cellar or bathroom. Being alone will have a negative impact on your mental health.

It is also undesirable to let your cat outside unattended, because it could get hit by a car, contract a virus, or become a victim of aggressive dogs. In addition, uncontrolled walking during estrus can lead to mating with an outdoor cat.

You should not punish her, yell at her, or hit her. This will not help solve the problem, because the animal is at the mercy of instincts. The pet will still continue to scream and roll on the floor.

Learning to understand a cat by its tail

The main expression of a cat's desires and moods is the tail. When a cat greets you with its tail raised up and meowing softly, it means that it is happy to see you and wants to be petted. If the cat's tail is shaking at this time, she is telling you that she misses you very much.

When a cat, waving its raised tail, looks intently into your eyes, this is a signal that it is unhappy and angry with you. Then leave her alone.

Do you see how the cat, turning away from you, hits the floor with its tail? This is how she shows her character and says that she is offended by you. In addition, she can demonstratively sit between you and the computer or between you and your guests.

When another cat encroaches on your pet’s territory or food, she growls and hisses, arching her back and raising her loose tail. This means readiness for defense or offense.

Interrupting estrus with hormonal drugs

Estrus can be prevented or interrupted with the help of hormonal medications. However, they should not be used often, as this will lead to health problems.

List of drugs to suppress sexual arousal in cats:

  • Sex Barrier;
  • EX-5;
  • EX-5T;
  • Four with a tail.

Hormonal drugs are designed to reduce the level of estrogen, which will reduce the manifestations of sexual desire. Essentially, taking such medications moves the animal from proestrus to anestrus.

Pros of taking hormonal drugs:

  • the cat does not ask the cat, its behavior does not cause inconvenience to the owner;
  • it is possible to skip 1-2 matings if the animal is used for breeding, but mating is not possible at the moment.

There are just as many disadvantages to taking hormonal medications. This needs to be understood when deciding whether to give them to your pet:

  • such medications cannot be used frequently and for a long time;
  • taking them disrupts hormonal levels, and this can lead to serious illnesses - the development of pathologies in the uterus and oncology.

Problems do not appear immediately after taking hormonal drugs. Most often they occur at the age of 3-4 years. If a cat develops endometritis or other diseases of the reproductive system, it will have to resort to castration.

How to make your cat sexually active again

If the cat is a valuable specimen purchased for breeding, it is necessary to find out the reason for the lack of sexual desire. Experts recommend starting the examination with tests and ultrasound. An ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity may reveal polycystic disease, endometritis, and pyometra.

Endometritis is treated with cephalosporin antibiotics. If a fungus is detected in the tests, treatment is supplemented with Fluconazole, Levorin. To remove purulent contents from the uterus, Sinestrol and Oxytocin are prescribed. In a hospital setting, the uterus is washed with disinfectant compounds.

Polycystic disease requires surgical intervention, since conservative treatment does not give the desired results. Removing the uterus and ovaries allows you to save the life of the cat, but deprives her of the opportunity to become a mother.

With pyometra, there is a threat to life, so urgent hospitalization of the animal is necessary. The best treatment option is removal of the uterus and ovaries. To preserve reproductive function, they resort to drug treatment. If the therapy is successful, it is recommended to urgently mate the cat. After the birth of the offspring, the uterus is removed.

If there are diseases of other organs and systems, they are treated comprehensively. Gamavit, Ribotan, Ovariovit are used to stimulate the immune system. Vitamin and mineral formulations containing vitamins A, E and C will be a useful supplement.

Estrus can be induced by using hormonal drugs. They are prescribed only after examination of the animal and the absence of diseases of the reproductive organs.

Hormonal effects are resorted to only if other methods have failed. It should be remembered that the ovaries are very sensitive to the effects of hormones, so it is better not to use such drugs without a veterinarian’s prescription.

If the examination shows that the cat is completely healthy, some tips will help restore the natural desire to procreate:

  1. Review the animal's diet and make it balanced.
  2. Place the cat with a male. Sometimes the presence of the “groom” excites the female.
  3. Cats, like women, are able to choose their mates. If mating does not occur with one cat, it is possible that it will work with a more experienced one.
  4. If your cat lives in constant stress, it is necessary to provide her with peace. The absence of exhibitions, trips, and a cozy homely atmosphere contribute to the desire to mate.
  5. The pet should be provided with comfortable conditions. The room should be warm, dry, and light enough.

It should be noted that each cat’s body is individual. Some want to mate monthly, while others only need to mate once every six months. Different breeds grow and mature differently. Representatives of large breeds mature later than small ones. Therefore, the absence of heat at one year of age is not yet a reason to panic.

>Why did the cat stop asking for the cat?


To get rid of your pet’s meticulous screams forever, it is recommended to carry out a sterilization procedure. This method is suitable only for those who do not want to breed cats.

Veterinarians now recommend neutering rather than a simple tubal ligation. This is an abdominal operation to remove the uterus and ovaries. It is done under general anesthesia.

The appropriate age for surgery is when cats start begging for the first time. That is, approximately 6-7 months. It is advisable to have the operation done before the first heat.

Pros and cons of castration:

The lifespan of a cat increases by 1.5-2 yearsSince the operation is performed under general anesthesia, there is a possibility of complications.
The cat does not yell, behaves calmly, does not cause inconvenience to the owner
There is no need to look for partners for mating and think about where to put the kittens
The pet's risk of developing mammary gland cancer, ovarian and uterine pathologies is reduced

The case for castration also holds true for males. In addition to the fact that cats start screaming when they ask for a cat, they leave marks in the apartment with a pungent musky odor. Rather than endure this, it is better to have surgery and forget about sleepless nights. Today this is the most effective way to solve the problem.

What should the owner do?

It all depends on whether he intends to have offspring from his cat or categorically does not want this. In the latter case, the best option would be to sterilize the animal. It will also be an excellent method for preventing screams, agitation and reducing the female’s appetite. Today this procedure is carried out in all veterinary clinics. Veterinarians use safe drugs for sterilization. The stitches usually do not need to be processed and removed, which is convenient for the owners. The only “minus” and difficulty will be the period during which the animal recovers from anesthesia. At this time, the owner must be close to his pet and monitor its movement, which in the first hours will be chaotic and uncoordinated. Literally 3-5 days after the deprivation of reproductive organs, the pet will begin to run, the appetite will be restored, and the behavior will be the same as before sterilization. But there won’t be any problems with the animal’s constant yelling. Some owners decide to sterilize their cat after the birth of the first litter. By the way, sterilized females live longer. They are calmer, and, importantly, these cats have a reduced risk of developing cancer.

There is a category of owners who are categorically against sterilization of their pets. In such cases, we can recommend sedatives during the period when the pet asks for the cat. Among them, for example, are the following:

  1. Cat Baiyun. The product is sold in the form of pills and solution. It facilitates the condition of animals during estrus. The drug can also be used for stress.
  2. Cat mint. You can buy it in the form of a spray or in sachets. This product is not for internal use. You just need to spray the spray on the place where your pet spends the most time, or put sachets there. The herb has calming properties. Most often, the product is used during exhibitions. It helps during estrus.
  3. Fitex drops. The veterinary drug is also used to calm pets of both sexes during times of stress and during heat. The components of the drug are purely natural substances. Therefore, it is completely safe to use.
  4. Stop stress. Available in drops and pills. A veterinary drug during the heat period should be given when the cat screams loudly. After all, it is characterized by a strong calming effect. The drug is not addictive.

Options for calming your cat at home

There are not many effective ways to calm your pet. Experts recommend paying attention to the tips below, which will greatly alleviate the condition of the pet and the owner.

Koshkin or

Drops for cats

Since very often the cat’s desire develops into aggression, and the animal begins to behave inappropriately with household members or other pets in the house, you can try to start with the use of sedatives in the form of drops. There are a huge number of manufacturers and brands; you can find an effective one based on any budget. However, it is worth remembering the dosage indicated on the drug. Since many people sell a “dummy”, you need to look for the composition – FSH and LH. These substances are a corpus luteum hormone that suppresses the action of hormones. Among the known options are:

  • Sex Barrier "Skif";
  • Ovostop;
  • Ex-5 – for dogs and cats.

In addition, you need to indicate contraindications. You cannot simply add drops to food and wait for the effect if you are not sure that the animal does not suffer from:

  • diabetes mellitus - according to statistics, more than 40% of pets already have this problem by the age of 4;
  • the cat has not yet reached sexual maturity - that is, the drug is given by mistake, and it has signs of a completely different disease;
  • hormonal balance was disrupted after unsuccessful childbirth;
  • the cat is already pregnant;
  • first heat.

By the way, giving such hormonal drugs is very dangerous if the cat is in her first heat. Ultimately, this can disrupt the cycle and disrupt the pet's psyche.

Important! Veterinarians recommend simply waiting out this period, watching her diet, and not allowing sexual contact if she is under 12 months old.

Folk remedies

As practice has shown, among folk remedies there are still effective methods of combating screaming at night and constant “molestation” of household members. To make this period easier:

  • chamomile;
  • thyme.

Decoctions of these remedies have not yet caused allergies. You can even make it from pharmaceutical powder, which is available in every city and region. If a cat begs for a cat, what should you do?

  • wet the pet with warm water - while the cat gets itself in order, household members will be able to forget about screaming for several hours;
  • locking in the back room is effective at night, you must first give a herbal decoction.

You cannot create a stressful atmosphere; there will be less screaming; on the contrary, the cat will be even more excited. It is easy to poison with little-known drugs and tinctures. You can try to keep her busy with games.

And others

Herbal sedatives are no less effective. They will not cause any harm to the pet, experts point out:

  • Kot Bayun is a worthy remedy that is given even to dogs. The dosage is measured by weight, it is advisable to start giving at the beginning of estrus, as they have an accumulation effect;
  • Stop stress – available in tablets and drops;
  • Stop intimacy - if the owners do not intend to get kittens in the future, then this product is ideal for forgetting about screaming at night.

Important! If we are talking about the first heat, then it is advisable to show your pet to a veterinarian. Only he will be able to give a correct assessment of the condition and detect deviations in a timely manner.

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