TOP 19 games in which there are cats or you can try on the skin of a cat

Cat Quest

This is a game in the RPG genre. The user will go to an amazing fantasy world. Cats here have achieved world domination, literally the whole world is in their paws. The plot begins with a terrible incident: the protagonist's sister is kidnapped by a dragon. Of course, the cat cannot just leave it like that, he wants to find his relative. Together with him, the player will travel across a huge world, meet amazing characters and complete a variety of quests.

Battles take place in real time. The main character knows how to wield a sword, but he can also cast spells. The player himself can choose the style of play - everything is based on preferences. In addition, Cat Quest requires careful selection of equipment.


If the decision to train a cat has been made, you need to be patient. It is necessary to take into account the waywardness of pets.


  1. Place the animal on a chair.
  2. Place another one nearby and place a piece of food on it.
  3. When the cat makes a jump, you need to pronounce a short and concise decree, for example “Up”.
  4. After landing, don’t forget to praise the stuntman.

When the cat learns to react quickly, you can try giving food from your hands, repeating the commands step by step. The transition to the next tricks is possible only when the animal learns to instantly carry out the order. Frequent rehearsals are needed to consolidate the material.


The “sit” command is useful for restraining a cat, for example, during medical examinations. With regular encouragement of sitting still, the pet will learn to wait for food without getting in the way. How to teach:

  1. Show the animal a piece of treat and entice him to come to you.
  2. After the cat has approached, raise your hand slightly above his head.
  3. Repeat the trick on a regular basis, remembering to say the command. It will be short and catchy - “sit down.”

We must remember that cats should not feel pressure. They are too proud to follow human orders, so the command must be pronounced calmly and confidently without raising the tone.

Bring it

Entertainment team. You can demand to move objects in your teeth by initially throwing this same toy. Cats love foil, so you can start training with a shiny piece rolled into a ball.

  1. You can play with your cat with a small and light toy.
  2. Throw her nearby.
  3. When the animal takes the toy in its teeth, say the command.
  4. Don't forget to praise the cat and reward it with a treat.
  5. When she wants to eat, she will bring the toy to her feet.

Yuri Kuklachev with his cat


This command is an indispensable skill when visiting the veterinarian. The cat needs to be seated, shown a tasty morsel and slowly lowered down. Of course, the animal’s head will fall behind it, then you need to move the food to the side. Ideally, the pet should lie down on its own. As soon as the cat lies down, you can praise him and treat him with food.

Give me your paw

Squeeze the piece of food into your fist and let your cat sniff your hand. Wait until the pet tries all attempts to get food with its paws. With your free hand, hold the paw placed on your fist and loudly pronounce the command action, then immediately throw the food. With good practice in the future, after the command “give me your paw”, the pet will raise the limb upward.

Serve, gopher or bunny

You need to let the cat sniff the food and slowly raise your hand from the nose upward. The animal will reach for the treat and stand on its hind legs, at this moment you need to say a command and give the treat. You can’t give it away until you get the desired pose.


Stroke the lying animal on the back and remove the gift from the muzzle forward. If you do not allow the cat to get up, he will begin to pull himself up on his claws towards the treat. You need to praise him, reward him with something tasty, and don’t forget the voice command “Crawl.”


You need to attract the attention of a lying cat and put a gift behind his shoulder blades, he will begin to turn his head and lean back. Push him a little on the neck or side and provoke him to roll over, removing the treat from his shoulder blades

As soon as the animal rolls over to the other side, the exercise is considered completed.


To train a cat to vocalize according to command instructions, you need to combine catching and training. It’s easier to wait until the pet starts meowing and asking for food. You need to tease him with a gift. Having heard “Meow”, you need to give the command “Voice”, praise him, give him a tasty treat, and you can play with him.


The project will appeal to fans of visual novels. The plot is tied specifically to cats. During the passage, the user learns that the protagonist’s girlfriend suddenly stopped being interested in the world around her. She seems to have some sort of depression. Of course, we cannot ignore this; without support, she will definitely not return to normal. Therefore, you will have to pay attention to the girl’s main interest – cats.

The protagonist will go for a walk through the streets of Paris. And they are full of furry inhabitants, each of which has its own distinctive features. They are given the opportunity to talk to them. The most important thing is to remember that the ending depends on the choice of lines. Just one mistake and nothing can be corrected. The game is distributed on Steam completely free of charge. True, there is no Russian language, but this is not a problem.

Play as a result of excess energy

The first theory appeared more than 100 years ago, it was proposed by the English philosopher and sociologist Herbert Spencer in 1891. According to him, higher animals can accumulate excess energy, since they quite easily obtain food for themselves.

This excess energy must then be released into the useless activities of their daily lives. This theory has always had supporters, for example, Remy Chauvin wrote: “The body can be compared to a hot horse that wants to throw out the energy that overwhelms it.”

Apparently, this explanation is perfectly suitable for our domestic cats, who are well-fed, spoiled and really do not have any need to expend energy to maintain their existence.

Night in the Woods

The game will tell us about a very ordinary city. It is gray and does not stand out in any way; people here live the way they want. In general, nothing unusual. True, the inhabitants are still not entirely people. These are anthropomorphic animals. The main character of Night in the Woods is a cat named May. She left college and returned to her hometown. She is concerned not only with problems with education. She can’t understand what she wants from life, and she’s always in painful thoughts. And the user, of course, must help her.

Initially, the project may seem naive and frivolous, more aimed at children. But in fact, it is intended for an adult audience, it makes you think about serious issues. After completing it, you won’t be able to forget about Night in the Woods for a long time.

Interactive entertainment
Rotating springs with feathers, squeaking and glowing balls, mechanical mice, fluttering plastic rolling buns - all this will undoubtedly attract a cat. But only for a while.

Self-propelled toys are easy to catch, so the hunter quickly loses interest in them.

The solution is simple: such toys need to be hidden periodically for a couple of weeks. In this case, the cat will perceive the old vibrating mouse and ball as new entertainment. The main thing is that the owner himself does not forget about the hidden “gadget”.

Cattails | Become a Cat!

As the name suggests, here the player will be able to feel like he is in the skin of a cat. They will be sent to live in a cat colony. Therefore, you will have to think about how to find a common language with your neighbors. But you don't have to be friends with them. If you want to constantly conflict with other cats, then go ahead.

The life of tailed animals is filled with interesting adventures. There is an opportunity to go hunting, defend your possessions, explore scary caves and look for jewelry. If the player wants to settle down, tired of adventures, then he can start a family, build his own warm and comfortable home, and then start raising his offspring. Kittens can later become the hero’s companions in his research.

Rating of toys for cats - description of models, properties

  1. Petstages track – educational toy for kittens;
  2. Trixie “Mouse in a Trap” – an interactive toy for a kitten;
  3. Hagen Catit Design Senses – massage center;
  4. Beeztees Happy cat Chase the ball (Ipts);
  5. FroliCat Pounce – interactive teasing toy;
  6. Catit play-n-scratch – scratching post toy;
  7. Trixie knitted balls;
  8. Trixie wind-up mouse;
  9. Trixie fishing rod with ball and feathers - teaser;
  10. Karlie Flamingo laser pointer;
  11. GiGwi toy “Mouse” – electronic;
  12. Game maze Catit Design Senses Super Roller Ccircuit;
  13. GiGwi Pet Droid “Feather Wobbler” – electronic toy;
  14. Petcube video baby monitor;
  15. Treat Maze – an intellectual toy;
  16. Radio controlled mouse Aliexpress.

Petstages Track

Game track “Pyramid” for kittens and young cats. A stable pyramid with three floors is filled with small multi-colored balls. Kittens happily play with them for a long time, trying to get them. The toy is made of high quality plastic.

The pyramid is strong and stable. The bottom of the product is made of anti-slip material to prevent animals from knocking over the track while playing.

  • Plus: it occupies the animal’s attention for a long time.
  • Cons: high price.

Price: 1079 rub. More details about the product

Trixie "Trapped Mouse"

A bright toy from a German manufacturer stimulates the animal's hunting instinct. The plastic mouse inside keeps running away, annoying the cat. The product is made of high-quality environmentally friendly plastic.

It has a stable base, the cat will not be able to turn over the “mouse trap”. Diameter – 25 cm.

  • Plus: educational toy.
  • Cons: high price.

Price: 2069 rub. More details about the product

See also: Best videos for cats.

Massage center Hagen Catit Design Senses

The multifunctional play center Catit Design Senses attracts cats with sound, smell, and touch. Designed specifically for loving cats, it helps them relieve stress and tension during certain periods of their lives.

The complex includes: a massage center for intensive neck and face massage, a rubber insert for massaging teeth, a massage mat for paws and a section for catnip. Massage not only relieves tension, but also improves the condition of the animal's skin and coat.

  • Plus: has an anti-stress effect.
  • Disadvantage: not always available for free sale.

Price: 1542 rub. More details about the product

Beeztees Happy cat “Chase the ball”

An entertaining toy in the form of a plate with a ball will captivate your pet for a long time. The ball is located in the gutter and secured in such a way that the cat cannot reach it. The model is made of durable anthracite-colored plastic. The top of the plate is a scratching post.

The toy helps develop the cat's play skills and helps the animal stay in good physical shape.

  • Pro: Suitable for all ages and breeds.
  • Disadvantage: a textile scratching post can quickly become unusable.

Price: 1150 rub. More details about the product

FroliCat Pounce

An interactive teasing toy for active recreation helps keep the cat occupied when the owner is not at home. FroliCat Pounce develops the animal's reaction and ingenuity. The cat watches the plastic mouse, which moves along a single trajectory and tries to hit it with its paw.

No human presence is required to launch the toy. The model is made of durable plastic that can withstand the weight of any cat. The device operates at several speeds.

  • Plus: there is a timer.
  • Cons: Requires batteries to operate.

Price: 3009 rub. More details about the product


A round plate with a ball combines the functions of a gaming center and a scratching post. A cat can spend hours chasing a ball around in a circle, trying to get it. Inside the plate there is a replaceable cardboard scratching post block.

To attract the attention of the animal there is catnip filler. The animal can play with both a ball and a fluffy pompom on a spring.

  • Plus: it has a stable base.
  • Minus: the cat may break the spring.

Price: 1115 rub. More details about the product

The Sims 3 Pets

There are also cats in the Sims series of games. In order for a pet to appear in the house, you will need to call the shelter and choose a pet from the catalog, ask your neighbors for a kitten, make friends with a street animal and take it home, or the easiest way is to create it in the editor. In this case, it is possible to choose the breed and color of the cat, assign its character and behavioral characteristics.

By the way, behavior also depends on the communication between the owner and the pet. If you scold him for bad deeds, then over time he will give up unpleasant habits. The cat also needs praise: if he eats from a bowl or uses a scratching post, then a warm word from the owner will only reinforce such habits. It is very important to pay enough attention to the fluffy, communicate with him and care for him. It should be noted that in this part the player can control the cat, which increases interest in the gameplay.

Game as a solution to problems

The game can be a solution to many problems. It is very important for animals in a state of depression or stress. Properly constructed games allow you to gain the animal’s trust in a gentle way and give him the opportunity to relax.

The game helps to change the animal’s bad habits, for example, aggressive attack on the owner’s legs. If a new animal appears in the family, through the game friendly relations can be established between it and the old inhabitants of the house.

I wanna be The Cat

The game is suitable for platform gamers. It is made in bright colors and is very attractive. The player will have to constantly run, jump and go through obstacles. Be sure to collect bonuses. You won't be bored, because as you progress the levels become more and more difficult. By the way, in total there are more than 2 thousand of them.

There are three game modes: single, with friends or “Magic Tower”. The latter involves going to the top, simultaneously fighting off dangerous enemies and coping with all the difficulties.

Package game

A paper bag is best for this game. It can be purchased at any large supermarket. Open the bag and place it on the floor, and then begin to lightly tap it with your hand or stick. The pet will certainly want to climb into it. Once this happens, continue tapping the bag. This will warm up the cat's interest in the game. To make it more interesting, you can put a candy wrapper or a ball in the bag.

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Another platformer that allows you to remember the period of popularity of 16-bit games. The user is offered the role of a sorcerer cat. The project is carefully thought out; during the passage you will have to visit several worlds, divided into 63 levels. There are also fights with bosses, as well as simple enemies. You can receive bonuses and learn skills. MagiCat was appreciated even by users who prefer hardcore gameplay.

The plot is there, although it is not original. The cat goes on a dangerous journey to find an artifact. It is very important for the prosperous life of the whole world.

Customer reviews about cat toys

Rodion: “I always tried to buy the best for my pets. As soon as our cat had offspring, I began looking for educational toys for kittens. I read a bunch of reviews on the Internet and chose “Mouse in a Trap” for my kittens. It turned out that toys for animals are the same as toys for children. Kittens, like children, may fall in love with a new toy and spend all their time with it, or they may forget and not approach it again. This is what happened to me too. We played the first day and gave up.”

Svetlana: “I am often away from home for work. There are business trips for several days. My friends recommended that I buy a Petcube video baby monitor for such cases. When I found out how much this useful device costs, I wanted to refuse the purchase, but I bought it anyway. I've been using it for a year now and haven't regretted the money spent. I am always in touch with my pet, and she has become more comfortable with our separation.”

Diana: “We tried almost all the popular and advertised cat toys with our pets. What can I say. Most of them are one-time toys. Bought, played and forgotten. My cats only play with different mice all the time. They drag them around the house, throw them, catch them. The simplest toys, but the most beloved.”

The Big Journey

A bright and juicy indie platformer, delighting with excellent pictures and an unusual world. The user becomes a kitten searching for his missing friend. During the passage you will have to overcome various difficulties, meet other cats and explore mysterious caves. The picture is completed by beautiful fields and jumping on jelly cushions. There is enough entertainment.

The project is divided into several chapters, which include several levels. If you do it successfully, you can receive a reward. It is worth saying that the cat should not starve, so you will have to feed it with treats. There is nothing complicated in the gameplay, so the game is suitable for a relaxing time. Fans of beautiful graphics will definitely appreciate The Big Journey.

If cats don't play: consequences

A study of the activity of nerve cells in the parietal region of the cerebral cortex showed that their ability to respond to several stimuli (light, sound, touching the skin) increases from 6% of cells in 8–10 day old kittens to 89% in 49–50 day old kittens, that is, it coincides with development of play behavior. Consequently, play is necessary for the development of not only bodily, but also brain structures of the body.

Depriving an animal of the opportunity to play has far-reaching consequences. A rhesus macaque, which grew up isolated from other monkeys with a mother dummy (a fur-lined frame in which a bottle of milk was attached), did not subsequently know how to play with peers, establish normal relationships with relatives, and subsequently mate.

Difficulties during sexual behavior were also observed in dogs that grew up without communication with other dogs. Certain elements of sexual and hunting behavior are practiced in the games of cubs even before the onset of puberty, therefore the development of behavior is of an advanced nature.

An animal that does not play is a sick animal. The cause may be a physical illness, that is, some kind of illness, or a mental one - an animal in a depressed state does not play. Old animals play less than young or middle-aged animals, but their health does not cause concern.


An interesting puzzle strategy that asks the user to save mice from cats. During the passage, the unfortunate mice will have to look for a protected place where insidious enemies will not find them. To do this, you will need to place arrows on a special field, quickly responding to a threat that arises at the most unexpected moment.

The single player game features more than 100 puzzles in different worlds. Some levels take place in space. There is also multiplayer in which you can fight with other players. Whoever manages to save the most mice will win.

Indicators of love

Do you know how a cat says “I love you”? Not purring, no. And not when it rubs against your leg. She declares her love when she walks exactly in the direction of you, and her tail is set exactly vertically, the tip is curved and trembles slightly. This is the maximum manifestation of sympathy that a cat is capable of. Cherish this moment! Not all owners are shown this way, but only a select few.

Fig.1. “You are the best host in the world!”

Have you heard the expression “milk step”? The kitten quietly digs its claws into the mother cat as it sucks milk, while massaging her belly. This habit remains with the cat for the rest of its life, and when it is disposed to tactile communication with its owner, childhood memories encourage it to “claw” you too. Even if the kitten was not fed by a cat, the reflex is still there.

If your cat rubs up against your legs, it is absolutely not the same as wanting cuddles or companionship. She is just hungry and knows that if she rubs against a person like that, she will be fed. Probably, cats believe that this way they can conquer any person, and he, melting with happiness, will run for food.

Fort Meow

The product will tell you about cats that are literally addicted to attention. The main character is a little girl who constantly comes to her grandparents. The plot tells about her next visit. She went into the house, and there was no one there. The girl snuck into the attic and found her grandfather's diary. From it you can find out what happened.

Surprisingly, the house is full of cats. They tend to sit on their laps, distracting them from reading. The main character will have to build protective barricades from improvised objects so that the furry pests cannot interfere with her.

What games do cats like to play?

The games our cats play are extremely diverse, and at each age the animal’s play has its own characteristics.

Kitten games

In the first games of a kitten, the main focus is on maintaining balance and movement. These games allow him to gain experience and evaluate his own capabilities. All the kittens that climbed to the top of the tree, from where the “rescuers” removed them, remember this event for the rest of their lives.

At the same time, kittens of the same litter are constantly starting social games. They imitate attacks or make aggressive facial expressions towards their siblings or even their mother cat. While playing, the kittens gain an understanding of their place in the family hierarchy, and the mother, without hesitation, will slap the kitten a couple of times if it is too annoying.

If a kitten is deprived of these social games, he may become fearful and antisocial. This is what happens to an abandoned kitten that has lived alone for some time. The accumulated fear outweighs all game situations. He cannot calmly and sensibly assess his surroundings, all his actions are dictated by fear, and he is unable to live in a society of his own kind.

Over time, cat play becomes more and more energetic. The kitten may jump on the spot or run around the apartment without any purpose. This temporary madness sometimes worries the owners. In fact, this is nothing more than a manifestation of the excellent health, physical and mental, of your pet.

Aggressive games

Around the same time, cats, while caressing, suddenly begin to bite or scratch the owner’s hands. Why do cats play so aggressively? Why, this is an exact copy of the kitten’s previous behavior during his games with his brothers and sisters, and this is completely normal.

At first, the owner even encourages these aggressive games; they seem funny to him. However, this should not be done; as the kitten grows up, this behavior becomes dangerous if the aggressor is not curbed in a timely manner.

In such a situation, the mother cat will hit him with her paw or grab him with her teeth in order to force herself to respect him. And you will also do well if you lightly push him away with the back of your hand or even take him by the scruff of the neck and throw him aside.

Hunting games

These are games of predators that kittens start at 5-6 months. Cats that have access to the house or live freely learn to catch live prey in this way, on their own or with the help of their mother.

German professor Paul Leyhausen described three variants of hunting games in cats.

The waiting game

In the waiting game, the kitten sneaks up on the prey and freezes at a short distance from it. He remains in this position for quite a long time, from time to time carefully touching his prey with his claws.

If she moves, the kitten suddenly jumps back, as if in danger. This fear reaction is observed more often in young animals, but in some it remains for life.

Game of revival

A cat may grab small prey with its front paws, hold it and release it, then gently pick up the prey with its teeth and shake it. Her grip is weak, and her bite is far from lethal. This behavior is called "game of animation."

Game for release

After a cat seriously wounds its prey, the predator jumps vertically and falls on the prey, grabs it with its paws and throws it away. Sometimes “compassionate” owners do not understand why the prey cannot be eaten immediately. Why does a cat want to play with a caught mouse?

This is due to the fact that after an intense hunt, when the prey is caught, the animal needs a release. The game just helps the cat relax. It can be compared to a ritual dance or a parade of winners.

When the owner is imaginary prey

Animals living indoors may play with imaginary live prey. This could be another pet, owner or owner. The cat hides, watches all the movements of its partner, chases him, blocks his way, tries to grab a shoe or leg, feigns running away and hiding, as if from danger.

Usually such a game is harmless, scratching and biting are not painful, “for fun”, the cat keeps its weapon under control. However, a cat's excitement can cross certain boundaries if the partner behaves incorrectly. His excessive passivity or, conversely, inciting cries can make feigned cat rage dangerous and lead to severe bites.

Ritual games with objects

Finally, cats may play with inanimate objects as imaginary prey. It could be a ball of yarn, a cork or a paper ball that the cat chases around the apartment, deftly tossing it with its paws. These ritual games are never as exciting as games with a live partner.

This game does not last long, and the cat behaves somewhat distantly towards the object of pursuit, as if it understands the difference between the object of the game and its real desires.

The playing animal absolutely knows its place in the world around it and its current position in relation to the people and animals around it. Play for cats, as well as for their owners, is a necessary element of behavior that promotes learning, maintaining mental balance and well-being.

Catlateral Damage

Surely every person has at least once wondered why cats throw off everything that catches their eye. Fluffies really love to destroy everything around them, because they like it so much. The game allows you to feel like you are in the shoes of cats. You will have to destroy and break surrounding objects using the most dangerous weapon - cat paws. It must be said that the mess is created for a reason, but for the sake of completing tasks. You shouldn't take Catlateral Damage seriously, but it will help you kill time and relax.

What should a toy be like?

Cats are great at inventing their own entertainment - they go hunting for a piece of bread or cheese (and then hide it or lose it). A special pleasure is chasing a fly that carelessly flew into the house. Ride on the parquet floor in the owner's slippers, and take a sweet doze there.

Scented toys

To make the cat immediately interested in the gift, you can make a “fragrant toy”.

  • Two identical parts are cut out from dense fabric (felt, cotton, linen) according to patterns. Mark the beginning and end of the seam. Sew along the reverse side by hand or by machine. Turning the workpiece right side out, fill it with pieces of “crispy” polyethylene and dry “catnip” through the unsewn hole. After this, the hole is sewn up using a hand stitch. Such a cute trifle is complemented with laces, ribbons, and pompoms.
  • It’s even easier - pour the filler into a mitten or baby’s sock that is left without a pair. Tie the open edge together with a strong thread and secure.
  • A cat will also be interested in a simple “fragrant bundle” with catnip (this is the name of the herb) made of thick flax.

Teasing toys

It's not just animals who love teasing. People are also not averse to playing around with a kitten. It can be:

  • Bow on a string.
  • “Fishing rod” with pompoms or felt feathers.
  • A hanging teaser made from a cardboard paper towel tube (or something else). It is enough to make 5-7 small holes into which to fasten multi-colored feathers. Thread a string or ribbon through the pipe. Tie a knot and hang the toy on the door handle or chair armrest. The movement of air will make the feathers flutter, and the animal will be busy for some time.

Fun rattles

To know where the kitten is, a sound rattle toy will come to the rescue.

  1. The simplest option is to pour beans, peas, small pebbles, and large beads into a plastic bottle. It won't take much - just cover the bottom. Lubricate the neck with glue. This must be done carefully so that the glue does not protrude from under the lid. Close tightly. Operating time is 10 minutes, 8 of which will be spent searching for the container and filler.
  2. This rattle looks more complicated, but much more impressive, if you tie it with yarn.
  3. Wrapped in sisal or twine, it is no longer just a rattle, but a mini scratching post.
  4. By connecting 3-5 Kinder Surprise boxes containing bells with a cord, you can get another sound trinket.

Important: screw the halves tightly and seal with tape.

Interactive games for kittens and cats

Interactive “developmental aids” for cats have become popular recently, but many examples and master classes on how to make them have already appeared.

They are made from wood, plastic, cardboard. A homemade toy made from plastic plumbing pipes (4 pieces) and “elbows” (also 4 pieces) is no worse than a store-bought one in terms of durability.

Step-by-step actions:

  1. From the prepared parts it is necessary to assemble a “ring” using special connectors.
  2. Drill holes along the top perimeter slightly larger than a cat's paw.
  3. Carefully sand the edges to remove any burrs.
  4. Place a couple of balls or a treat inside.

Cardboard toys

Cardboard is an accessible material, not expensive, and easy to work with. Craftsmen make houses and playgrounds for cats from it.

Building a full-fledged “residential complex” is difficult and will take a lot of time. Not everyone is ready for such a “feat”. Alternatively, a cardboard box will do.

How to make a box interesting

This is a favorite pastime not only for domestic cats, but also for serious big cats from the zoo. You just need to put the box in an accessible place. Usually the cat doesn't need anything else. But this option does not look very aesthetically pleasing, so you can make a more beautiful “house”.

  1. Labyrinth with “doors”. 3-4 boxes are glued together, “doorways” are cut out so that the animal can pass freely. A lid for the maze is not needed, so the cat can jump from one “room” to another.
  2. A shoebox is a good interactive simulator for developing the mind and intelligence. In a chaotic order, cut round holes of sufficient diameter on the lid and side edges. Secure the connection line between the box and the lid with tape. Inside - a ball, a mouse, a treat.

Stuffed Toys

It will not be difficult for needlewomen to sew or knit a soft toy for their favorite cat. It is better to use natural fur, felt, yarn. Artificial materials can cause allergies. Many animals do not like synthetics.

For a cat or cat in a soft toy, the size and presence of a tail are important. There are also ears that are convenient to tear off or carry in your teeth, holding the “mouse” by the ear.

To work you will need:

  • fur (felt);
  • filler – synthetic winterizer, holofiber, foam rubber;
  • sewing tools;
  • sewing bobbin threads; strong thread (dental thread is suitable) for sewing on decorations;
  • patterns.

Shape – “mouse”, “fish”, “bird” or any other. Magazines and books have a large selection of patterns, sewing master classes and knitting patterns.

The eyes, nose, and buttons must be sewn on as securely as possible. It is better to make them from felt or embroider. From the same materials, only the consumption will be much greater, sunbeds, houses, hammocks, and comfortable soft labyrinths are sewn.

The simplest and most accessible games

A ball of paper (foil), a walnut, a fir cone. And also - a piece of felt, a natural cork from a wine bottle, caramel in a rustling “candy wrapper” - these are ready-made cat toys. They are additionally decorated with feathers, strung on a cord, and tied to a stick by a thread. Kittens love to play with newspapers and bags. It's important not to give them plastic ones!

Shelter 2

The game tells that the world can be both beautiful and threatening at the same time. It will delight you with unusual patchwork graphics, atmospheric music and an extraordinary plot. The user will become a trot. Shortly after the events begin, she gives birth to kittens. Now all her strength is aimed not only at taking care of herself, but also about her family. Lynx cubs should not be allowed to be harmed by other animals. In addition, you will have to get them food and teach them how to live.

Game as an unmotivated action

This theory is most true, especially when it comes to kittens. Its author, the Dutch scientist F. J. Buytendijk, believes that play is a way of existence for a young animal.

A child or kitten is usually awkward, timid, even fearful. His movements are not just a clumsy copy of the movements of adults. They have an ambivalent attitude towards all objects and events of the outside world: on the one hand, they attract them, on the other, they repel them.

First of all, the game is a training for the development of the muscular, musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems. It helps to increase muscle mass, heart mass, capillary bed density, increase the vital capacity of the lungs, and the growth rate of the body.

The game introduces the young animal to its environment. A kitten playing with a ball of fur begins to understand that not all small, soft, fast-moving objects are edible, like mice.

A study of the body's energy metabolism revealed an inverse relationship between the level of metabolism at rest and gaming activity. So the game makes up for the body’s energy deficit at a young age.

The Cat! Porfirio's Adventure

The project is made in the travel genre. He talks about a simple domestic cat who suddenly found himself in unusual conditions. Previously, Parfenty preferred to relax on a soft bed, enjoy the affection of his owners and receive food on demand. And then the young housewife decided to take her pet to the village for the summer. This is where the fluffy one will encounter a new and strange life for him.

The player will have to help the cat get comfortable in the village and find contact with local cats. And there is a lot of adventure here. We will have to get out of the problems that Parfenty successfully finds on his own head.

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If your cat comes up to you and meows with her favorite toy in tow, you should respond with affection. Try petting or scratching her favorite spot.

Show off your trophy

Cats can be demonstrative, especially when it comes to their hunting prowess. Your cat may feel like she successfully hunted the toy and now wants to show off her trophy to you.

Even domestic cats have an innate prey drive that drives them to hunt any creature that dares to enter your home. If a bell toy rolls too fast, it will trigger this instinct and your cat will react accordingly. Your cat will then be proud of her achievement, even if she doesn't get to eat the toy.

In fact, the act of hunting can be enjoyable for cats, even if the prey is not a living creature. This most often happens with new toys, since the cat may not perceive them as just another object to play with. It's a new intruder and she's just won him over. You should praise your cat and pat her on the head when she drops her trophy at your feet.

Presenting a damaged toy

In some cases, your cat may bring you a toy that has been damaged or is no longer fun to play with. For example, she might give you a stuffed mouse that has been punctured or has lost much of its stuffing. Likewise, your pet may drop a catnip toy at your feet when he runs out of tempting grass.

In this case, you should respond by repairing or replacing the toy. If it is catnip, you should top it up with the appropriate amount.

The Chronicles of Nyanya

This RPG may seem strange and even crazy. At first it looks simple and uncomplicated, but in fact it forces you to solve adult issues. During the passage you will have to face difficult problems, destroy stereotypes and defend your views.

In total, the game takes approximately 20 hours. It features elaborate combat with aggressive furniture, interesting dialogue and jokes, and plenty of Easter eggs.

The cat carries toys with him and meows at night

As night falls, you may find that your cat is even more willing to pester you with her toys and meow. It is difficult to understand: “Why does my cat carry toys and meow?” It's even more difficult if you're going to bed in the evening.

In fact, a cat can wake you up at any time of the day with a toy and its incessant meowing. This happens because cats are more active at night. As a result of your cat having more energy and alertness, she will be eager to:

  • show off your trophy
  • teach you to hunt
  • Wear the toy to such an extent that it requires replacement or repair.

According to the book People and Nature, domestic cats love to hunt at night and take advantage of any opportunity to do so. However, if a cat is indoors at night, it may satisfy its hunting urges by imagining that its favorite toy is prey. Thus, despite the more inconvenient times, the reasons for this behavior remain the same.

Why do cats bring me toys while I sleep?

Sometimes it seems like your cat is waiting until you're asleep before offering you her toy. This usually happens because:

  • The cat sees that you are not busy, and therefore it is easier for her to demand your attention.
  • your cat's peak hunting hours coincide with your sleeping hours
  • your cat gets lonely when you sleep and wants to show her affection.

If you've already been woken up, it's easy to give in. Congratulating your cat on a successful hunt by petting her or filling a toy with catnip may seem like a good idea. However, this practice will encourage the cat to do it again. Therefore, it is best to ignore the cat until the morning.

Super Phantom Cat

A retro-style platformer that deserves the attention of fans of the genre. They offer to play as a super cat who must save his sister. During the passage you will have to overcome a lot of difficulties.

Super Phantom Cat consists of 5 chapters, each of which is divided into several interesting levels. You will definitely have to rack your brains over them, because they are not as simple as they seem. You will constantly have to master a new location and get used to different mechanics, as well as look for hiding places.

Physiological differences

Before deciding who is better to adopt - a cat or a female cat - you should know how individuals of different sexes differ physically. This may be the deciding factor for many:

  • Males emit a stronger odor. They clean their fur less thoroughly than cats. However, if you carefully care for your pet, the specific aroma will be almost invisible.
  • Cats that are allowed outside may disappear for days or even weeks. When they return home, they usually don't look their best.
  • Males are capable of creating a real mess in the house: tearing upholstery, tearing off wallpaper, turning over the contents of cabinets. They mark the territory, which leaves a persistent unpleasant odor.
  • During estrus, females also do not behave very well. They scream, make puddles in various places, and are obsessive. They also roll around on the floor and leave clumps of fur everywhere in the house.
  • Cats are often susceptible to diseases of the genitourinary system.

It is not at all necessary to tolerate the peculiarities of sexual reflexes if you do not plan to send your pet to exhibitions and then earn income by selling purebred kittens. There are two options for solving the problem: surgical (castration, sterilization) or taking medications (tablets or drops). Sterilized animals have a more balanced character, they are docile and calm.


A great option for players who want to try something new and crazy. There is a very strange visual sequence here, sometimes it even hurts the eyes. At the same time, the levels differ in complexity. Cats are everywhere here.

The product came out extraordinary and bright thanks to its acidic tones and crazy gameplay. The picture is complemented by mind-blowing music. The impression will remain vivid and indelible, and the game will not be forgotten for a very long time.

How to distinguish cat play behavior from aggression

Despite the “light level”, game battles in the world of mustaches and stripes can be quite loud and look impressive, including masterly attack and self-defense techniques. The “opponents” are entwined in embraces, falling and tumbling, but there is no outright hostility or severe injuries.

Active young animals of the same age who grew up together can imitate a fight so violently that they cause serious anxiety among the owners. However, all this is just a nature-conditioned honing of hunting and protective skills. As soon as passions subside, cats will again become peaceful and respectable neighbors.

Shows of tenderness towards relatives. Mutual sympathy between the mustachioed and striped ones is indicated by spending time together, accompanied by:

  • licking each other;
  • blissful purring;
  • touching noses and ends of faces;
  • mutual rubbing of sides and cheeks;
  • restful sleep or dozing in close proximity to one another;
  • fearlessly turning over on your back with demonstration of the stomach as the most vulnerable part of the body;
  • delicate hugs;
  • conflict-free absorption of food.

Sometimes cats hide their emotions in the presence of a person, showing affection and tenderness only when hidden from prying eyes.

Cat Burglar: A Tail of Purrsuit

An interesting platformer telling about the adventures of the cat Kat. She must defeat the dogs at all levels and collect all the valuables that come her way. The heroine is very brave and dexterous, so she will cope with the task without any problems. If you're tired of the usual representatives of the genre, then try Cat Burglar: A Tail of Purrsuit. You will stay here for a long time!

The game developers say that 20% of the profits from the product will be donated to an organization that protects and rescues animals.

Spikelet, game with a brush

In any pet store, even the smallest one, there is always one more thing you can’t live without – a long stick with a bunch of feathers at the end. But you can easily replace it with whatever comes to hand. It is desirable that it be a natural material: a branch with leaves or a strong spikelet about 30-40 centimeters long (this is enough so that the cat does not accidentally scratch you while playing).

Such a toy is disposable, and often after the “hunt” you have to clean it up a little. But your pet will like this option, because it has a natural smell (and his nose is much more sensitive to synthetics and dyes than ours) and can be enthusiastically gutted into small pieces!

Lightly tickle your pet's nose with the tip of a spikelet, draw it in a winding path along the floor, lift it high up, make the cat jump excitedly or roll over on its back - in general, experiment. The more variety the better.


An unusual platformer, the hero of which is a knitted man named Yarny. Outwardly, he strongly resembles a kitten. The main feature of the gameplay is to use the threads that make up the hero to solve puzzles and overcome difficulties. By the way, Yarny is a reference to a favorite pastime for cats. After all, almost all fluffies love to play with yarn and skeins of thread. The graphics in Unravel are very nice, so it's definitely worth a try.

Purchased or homemade toy

Cats like “handmade” toys no less than “branded” ones. But you can buy them, it’s just a matter of time. In any case, there is no need to buy everything, it is expensive, and the tastes of the owner and the pet do not always coincide.

3 rules for choosing a toy

  1. First you need to take a closer look at the kitten, understand its preferences - does it like to hunt, climb curtains and carpets, or hide in secluded corners?
  2. It is better to purchase toys from well-known companies made from environmentally friendly materials, without small parts that can easily come off (“the mouse’s tail will be torn off in any case”). It's not worth buying cheap ones because of questionable quality.
  3. The main entertainment for cats is a scratching post, which you need to purchase first.

Why does my cat yelp and bring me toys?

Some owners may notice that their cats yelp and bring them toys. A yelp is a special type of cry that is different from a regular meow. Many describe this sound as drawn-out and melodic. Cats usually yap when they are trying to get their owner's attention. This also applies when they:

  • hungry
  • looking for affection
  • are in pain

If your cat is yapping while holding a toy in her mouth, she is likely demanding your attention rather than just asking for it. Ignoring your cat will result in her yapping more in the future. Additionally, your cat may be very impatient with how quickly her catnip toy is refilled, or she may complain that her toy is not edible.

Nyan Cat: Lost In Space

Another colorful psychedelic cat game on our list, based on the popular meme of a kitten with the body of a cookie flying through the sky to funny music on a rainbow. In general, it’s still nonsense, but for some reason it’s addictive. The essence of the gameplay of Nyan Cat: Lost In Space is to fly through bright locations and collect goodies, for which points are awarded. There are several game modes and many achievements that can be unlocked without much difficulty or strain.

A Street Cat's Tale

“Tales of a Street Cat” is a magnificent pixel simulator about a homeless kitten who freely travels the streets and meets new friends and various unusual characters. At the same time, the player must take care that the kitten manages to survive until the moment when it becomes an adult, seasoned cat and will be able to take care of itself. For example, help him find food - after all, the baby’s growing body constantly requires nutrients. It's funny that with all this, the game has a non-linear structure - by helping certain characters, or receiving help from them, the kitten and the player will create their own fascinating story about street adventures.

Blacksad: Under the Skin

A game about a humanoid cat detective, based on the Blacksad comic book series. It has a detective-noir character, inviting you to immerse yourself in an unusual setting and a fascinating crime plot. The main character lives in the very heart of criminal New York, all of whose inhabitants are other beastmen. Due to his occupation, he constantly communicates with all sorts of scoundrels and takes on dangerous tasks, so one day the daughter of the owner of a prestigious boxing gym, whose father died and the main champion of the gym disappeared without a trace, comes to him for help. John Blacksad immediately takes up the investigation and soon realizes that this is not an ordinary kidnapping and murder, but something more sinister and sophisticated, reminiscent of a full-scale conspiracy.

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