There are karmic sins: what can be said about people who don’t like cats

In this article I want to draw a line between such views on the attitude towards cats as: who are just cat lovers, and who are crazy cat lovers.

So read:

  1. What is ailurophilia?
  2. Who is at risk for this disease.
  3. The parasitic cause of the disease is toxoplasmosis.
  4. What does our state think about the number of cats in an apartment?
  5. Did Hemingway suffer from ailurophilia?

Ailurophilia is a word of Greek origin, which means: ailuros is a cat, and philos is love. In psychiatry, this term is applicable to those people who pathologically love cats, that is, suffer from a mental disorder.

There are also such concepts as:

  • Ailurophobia – fear of cats;
  • Ailuromania is an unhealthy interest in cats.

But that is another topic . Here we talk about people who passionately love cats.

It has been noticed that in many cases this disease affects lonely old women who are no longer needed by anyone and have no one else to care for them. In this case, cats help them cope with loneliness and fill not only their life, but also their home with their presence.

You've probably seen stories on TV more than once when neighbors complain about old ladies who have a lot of cats at home, and sometimes there are just too many!

But unfortunately, it is not only old, lonely grandmothers who have lost their minds who are at risk. This painful attachment can occur in both old and young people. Both for women and for men.

Who are these people who passionately love cats:

  • Lonely old men and women;
  • Just lonely people who have lost their loved ones;
  • Closed people;
  • People who, due to their bad character, do not get along well with others;
  • People who are sexually attracted to cats.

Is ailurophilia contagious?

American researchers in the field of parasitology from Stanford University have substantiated the fact that the parasite toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii) “zombifies” its victim and makes it inadequate.

This microorganism invades the amygdala, changing the set of conditioned reactions in the brain. In nature, this parasite causes fish to jump out of the water and grasshoppers to jump into the water.

This is where a person’s “crazy” love for cats comes from. This is why some people love cats so passionately. Do you want to know where stray cats come from? Yes, sometimes from fellow cat lovers. I highly recommend following the link and watching the video.

I will now give only two examples of this pathology. I am not a psychiatrist and I found the information on the Internet. But they shocked me.


  • xkcd. Graph of human intelligence depending on the distance between him and a cat
  • Sunny cat. Brings happiness
  • Feline representative caught watching
  • I'm a little white pussy
  • Predator . Starring Cat
  • Sharingan
  • Did you think that cat-fucking is unique to this country?
  • Yum
  • Explains something to someone...
  • Boris Burda's cat
  • Stalin's cat
  • Hitler's cat
  • Batman's cat
  • Sex
  • Cat > 10 kg
  • Cat 15 kg!
  • Because it sucks
  • Spring
  • Don't be afraid of us, earthling! We've come with peace
  • Lord
  • Just like you, schoolboy
  • They know a lot about love, unlike pathetic people
  • Kote can sit on his head
  • The cat is more than a meter long
  • Grumpy
  • Cat programmer
  • Dictator cat
  • Kote doesn't care about this gas of yours
  • The hellish cat looks into your soul

I really love cats

A young woman, 28 years old, has a family - a husband and a six-month-old son. She writes on one forum. Her confession is very long, I quote only excerpts from her revelation:

I love cats very much and I feel like my mind is going crazy. Now we have four cats at home. We bought our first Cornish Rex kitten at an exhibition in 2007, when I got married. I'm allergic to cats, but I managed to cope with it...

A year later, I picked up Motya under the hood of the car... Then Sovushka, abandoned at the dacha... Miloushka is an adult kitty from my husband’s work...

What a joy it is to buy toys for kittens, teach them to go to the toilet, to caress... I study the habits of adult cats, watch how they communicate... I am happy to go to the doctor with them regularly....

Before going to bed, I always check if all the cats are in place... Every hair and cat claw is precious to me. It’s even a pity to throw away cat hair...

At night - an obsession about stray cats and kittens that need to be sheltered...

I collect everything related to cats - souvenirs, figurines, photos... From the Internet too... I am a baptized Christian... I pray to the statuette of the goddess Bast.

I read what was going on at the poultry market... I wanted to buy a machine gun and shoot these creatures... Stopped by the thought of my son and husband...

I hate people who don't like cats... That's how I hated my friend and her mother who walked past a stray kitten...

I was told that when a child is born, everything will pass... Now I am dreaming of a fold cat, and at the beginning of the month my friends will bring a cat for foster care... If this continues, I will have a lot of cats...

We have a separate cat room at home... I can’t shelter all the cats in Moscow... What should I do? ...

My most cherished desire is to devote my life to cats... Help me, I'm going crazy...

CATOMAFIA - a site for cat lovers

If from the extra rib of lazy Adam , the Almighty, who loves to design, once created the charming Eve , then from one of her most attractive places and promising heavenly pleasures for Adam by the caring Lord , so tenderly pleasing us with the uterine rumbling, and with its velvet fur.

The stripes on the pussy, like a toffee wrapper, invite you to caress and lap up the sour cream.

It’s not for nothing that the foreign writer Charles Perrault wrote(?) the wonderful fairy tale “Puss in Boots” , after his playful pet cat, due to his natural mischief and meanness, mercilessly pooped in his master’s boots, prompting an angry storyteller to write a legendary story.

A new eco-friendly invention by our felinologists is the “Insoles with Eyes” , capable of self-cleaning and self-drying on a heating radiator.

Therefore, you will probably like the popular website for lovers of cats eaten raw, not plucked, called among real connoisseurs of whiskered and tabby cats - , where you will have the opportunity to freely communicate with your fellow hobbyists.

“Master, were you the one who castrated us? We're back to return the favor!”

On the main page of the site , you can read useful articles about cats:

“Choice of a kitten” , which tells how to steal for free an animal that has already been previously fed and cared for by its previous owners.

Cat "Baton" shows off his original hairstyle.


You will learn how to properly treat cats for overeating, laziness and arrogance.

We rolled up the cat for the winter, how cute is that!

"Character and habits."

Cats can scare you to the point of hiccups, or even scratch you to the point of yawning, so don’t try to force a litter box on your cat—let him mark your property!

“And who is the boss in the house?”

Cats in creativity:

"Stories about cats." The American writer Stephen King suffered a lot from sinister cats, devoting quite a lot of his terrifying books to them.

Stephen practices with cats how to bury them alive in a pet cemetery for inspiration for a book.

"Poems about cats."

The cat was picked up from a local dump,

Washed, fed, laid on a bed,

We woke up in the morning - there was a louse on the crown of the head,

It wasn’t a cat, but a garbage dump homeless person!

"Jokes about cats."

The grandmother bought a bag of potatoes at the market, came home, dumped the bag on the floor, and there was a mangy cat. “Humanitarian aid from America - Colorado Stars and Stripes cat,” said the impudent animal and, showing documents: whiskers, paws, and tail, applied sanctions to the grandmother.

What is better to cook: pies with potatoes, or with kittens?

Other headings:

"About cats." You will learn how cunning cats were able to conquer humanity, forcing them to feed, water, and pet themselves. How many cat breeds are there in the world, what are their differences, methods of taming and training.

The cat weans the husband from bad habits, because he has a loving wife!


Here, all interested cat lovers can share their short stories about the difficult life of their shaggy pets.

Playboy magazine from America , and this is what came out of the box!

"Slide show".

Photos of our favorites will be shown here in automatic image changing mode.

Selfie for memory.


Here, site subscribers can publish family photos hopelessly ruined by vile cats.

“Did you order pussy?”

"All sorts of things."

The section also contains a set of different stories, more reminiscent of literary stories about the adventures of domestic and street animals.

"Cat Crafts"

You will be taught how to properly stuff stuffed cats and make a lot of fun toys out of their carcasses.

Characters from the fairy tale "Cat's House".


You will get acquainted with a variety of board and computer games where cats will be involved.


Many subscribers of this site can post on it their favorite videos with their playful cats.


Here you can tell your subscribers about the loss, theft, or escape of your pet, prudently hoping for someone else's help in the search.

“The owner always dreamed of a cat’s fur coat!”


This section will allow you to communicate online with your fellow cat lovers.

“I love you, I wait, I hope!”

In general, this site offers everyone who wants to finally find like-minded people with whom they can share the joy, grief, and happiness received from their furry but wayward pets, where everyone will find everything to their liking.

Thank you for your attention!

When there are a lot of cats at home, you don’t need a husband

Another example. This story happened in Israel.

You won't believe it, 550 cats found shelter in the house of one married couple! And it was all the fault of his wife, a passionate cat lover.

My husband filed for divorce because his life was unbearable. The house was simply overrun with cats. “As soon as I sit down to eat at the table, cats immediately appear and steal the food!” . … It’s impossible to go to the toilet… the bed is always occupied…

No reconciliation could be found. The woman chose to leave her husband.

Room healer

The domestic cat has a special mission - to convey the energetic and emotional situation of all family members. In a prosperous family, a cat pleases with healthy activity. In a house where relations between the residents are not going well, quarrels and scandals constantly flare up, and the cats become aggressive and want to do mischief. It happens that a cat in such a house is constantly sick.

In the event of a sudden change in the behavior of a four-legged fluffy, home owners should analyze the atmosphere in the family. Cats will react especially painfully to quarrels between owners. It is interesting that these animals are able to analyze the situation and support the injured party, or rather the one who is right. This can be understood by the animal’s affectionate behavior. This is how the animal encourages its owners in its own way.

Anticipating your partner's needs

Our pets cannot tell us about their desires, no matter how much we ask them. Animal lovers make better partners because they learn to read between the lines and provide what's right for the ones they love. As one researcher said: “Neither babies nor animals have words to express their desires, and therefore those who care for them must anticipate and satisfy these needs.”

Best parents

Raising animals is a lot like raising children. Even as adults, cats can understand enough basic words, gestures and body language to know almost as much as a toddler.

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Pets test their patience and show emotions from time to time, just like children and teenagers. If your partner can treat a pet with kindness and compassion, you can rest assured that he will also be a good parent.

Cat lovers know how to give tenderness and comfort. They know how to make their partners always feel comfortable and cozy.

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