For them, bathing is fun: cat breeds that love water

Cat owners are well aware of their pets' dislike for water treatments. Getting an animal that licks its fur with such zeal into the bathroom is a big problem.

A cat can sit near the water tap, watch the stream and even drink it, but when it comes to washing, most four-legged pets are categorical - fanning claws and loud dissatisfaction. By the way, this behavior is quite understandable, and we have already written an article about why cats don’t like to get wet, we recommend reading it.


However, dislike of water, as it turned out, is not characteristic of all breeds. Our article will help you find out whether your cat will bask in the bath or jump out of it as if scalded.

Dislike of water

Basically, cats don't like water. This is due to the fact that their ancestors lived in desert areas, and swimming was unusual for them. The second reason is that the wool gets wet. It becomes heavy and sticks to the skin. The cat feels extremely uncomfortable. He seems to be left without a protective shell, so he feels helpless. You've probably seen a picture where a pet, after bathing, hides in a corner and becomes quiet and unnoticeable until the fur dries.

Egyptian Mau

Mau is a unique breed of cat that easily adapts to any living conditions, be it a harsh street or a tiny apartment. Cats of this breed have extremely developed hunting instincts, so be prepared for gifts in the form of strangled small rodents.

The Egyptian Mau has a reverent attachment to water, so her favorite place is the bathroom, where she happily plays with the stream of water from the tap or tries to wash herself in the toilet.

You can read more interesting things about Egyptian Mau on the Mister Cat portal.

Do you agree that these cat breeds really love water? Or do you want to object to us? Write your opinion in the comments. What about your cat, does he like to be washed and bathed or does he run away from water and baths like he’s scalded? Share your stories, and my subscribers and I will be happy to read them!

Mandatory process

Cats constantly clean their own fur, licking themselves from the tips of their ears to their tail. For this they can be called one of the neatest animals. However, they still need bathing. It should not be frequent (no more than once every three months), but this process is necessary, since the cat may become ill or become infected with parasites. The owner must take care of his pet and, despite the cat’s dislike for water, try to teach him to bathe from childhood. Create all the conditions to make your pet comfortable and start washing. How to do this correctly, you can find out in more detail on the Internet or consult a veterinarian.

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And here are those breeds whose owners can consider themselves lucky. Their cats enjoy water treatments.

Maine Coon

This huge representative of the cat family dearly loves water treatments. In life, the Maine Coon is a calm, brave and serious handsome man, a true American. But as soon as he gets close to water, not a trace remains of his prudence, he turns into a mischievous playful cat. Therefore, be careful while taking a bath - you may not be alone in it.

On the Mister Cat portal you can read a large article about Maine Coons, their character, history, and breed standards.


Read the article about the largest Maine Coons on our Planet.

Siberian cat

You might think that a Siberian with such fluffy fur should be afraid of water. However, where have you seen Siberians afraid of something? This is exactly how fearless your pet is. He is ready not only to go hiking in the mountains with you, but will also be happy to accompany you while swimming in the lake, because he is an excellent swimmer.

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Turkish van

According to legend, a Turkish Van cat jumped off Noah's Ark in order to end up in Turkey by swimming across the ocean. But, having arrived in this country, he discovered that it was too hot for him there. The only way to cool off was to swim in the cool waters of the blue lake, which the cat did. Representatives of this breed are ready to swim anywhere and for as long as they want. Therefore, do not be alarmed if you find a cat in the toilet or the bath you prepared.

Read about the Turkish Van, one of the oldest cat breeds.


Why are most cats afraid of water?

The ability to swim is genetically inherent in the pet, therefore, if necessary, the kitten will be able to swim a short distance.

According to research and observations of felinologists, many cat breeds avoid contact with water as much as possible due to the following reasons:

  • First negative experience. If a kitten is exposed to forced bathing, which includes the use of detergents, then it will develop unpleasant associations in the future.
  • Chance of hypothermia. Between the skin and fur of the cat, the air mass will be happy, constantly heated by the body temperature and protecting the animal from hypothermia. However, the ingress of water destroys the layer and minimizes the heating effect.
  • Disappearance of overheating protection. The layer of air that disappears when wet also performs a cooling function, as it impedes the penetration of sunlight.
  • The appearance of a pungent aroma. Wet fur has a specific smell, which in the wild would be fraught with the loss of prey, which sensed the approach of a predator in advance.
  • Creating a humid environment. In wet wool, dirt and dust particles get stuck more easily, and pathogenic microorganisms multiply faster.

How to teach a cat to bathe?

A cat can be trained to behave calmly in the water, as well as to play and even swim. You need to start training from a very early age, literally from the first days when the kitten was in the house, adapted and accustomed to family members. Important points for accustoming a cat to water:

  1. The owner's patience, tenderness and affection.
  2. Water at a comfortable temperature for the cat (about 38 degrees).
  3. The optimal depth for a kitten is not reaching the chest.
  4. Non-slip mat placed on the bottom of the bathtub.
  5. Attractive toys for kittens.

A small kitten can be introduced to water in the sink

The first time you don’t need to pour water into the bath, you just need to place the kitten’s favorite toys there, you can also put a bowl of food or offer the baby a treat. After the baby gets used to it and starts playing, ten to fifteen minutes is enough to consolidate this skill. Next, the owner can move the kitten to the bathroom a couple of times a week so that the pet takes it calmly. Afterwards you can move on to getting to know the water.

In advance, pour a small amount of warm water into the bathtub or sink, to which you can add catnip. Be sure to lay a non-slip mat or large towel on the bottom of the bathtub so that the animal’s paws do not move apart and the baby does not get injured. Then you can throw small floating toys into the water, after which the kitten is released into the bathtub. The owner’s task is to play a prank on the baby, not to scare him and to maintain a positive attitude. If the kitten moves confidently around the bath, is not afraid of water and responds to toys, the process can be considered successful.

At the pet store you can purchase a special bath foam with an aroma that is pleasant to the cat.

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Top 15 things cats don't like

Cats are very sensitive animals, and therefore any irritating factor can turn your gentle and affectionate pet into an angry fury. In order for harmony to always reign in your relationship, you should know about the things that are preferable and, on the contrary, annoying for a cat. It sounds exaggerated, but when you read this list of 15 points, you'll see what we mean. If you have or have once had a cat, then you will probably agree with all points, and if you are still thinking about a new pet, you should know all these details, because they will definitely help you.

1. Disrespect for personal space

Every cat needs a safe place to live, which will be its refuge, protection and shelter. A place where the animal can be alone without disturbing other animals or humans. This could be a bed on a closet, in the corner of a room or windowsill, a cat house or a cardboard box. Respecting this need for privacy will strengthen the bond between you and your cat.

2. Noise

Sudden loud noises are definitely not pleasant for tailed pets. Cats have very sensitive hearing, so any sounds seem louder to them. Cats especially do not like loud music, whistles, bells and firecrackers. The latter especially needs to be remembered during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

3. Low temperatures

Many people mistakenly think that fur protects a cat from the cold, but this is not true because it only protects from extreme heat. For cats, like people, a temperature of about 20 degrees or higher is considered comfortable, and they cannot tolerate the cold at all.

4. Dirty tray

Many owners of mustachioed pets have encountered the problem of a cat litter box that was either too small, or with inappropriate filler, or too dirty, or temporarily inaccessible, or moved to a new location. Therefore, if you love your cat, set the toilet according to her preferences, not yours. Experience has shown that cats love large open boxes with fine sand, similar to gravel. At the same time, they are skeptical about silicone or limestone litter, the texture of which is unpleasant for their paws.

5. Water

Although some cat owners insist on bathing, in fact, tailed cats do just fine on their own and do not require additional cleaning with soap and water. Cats do not tolerate water well and try to stay away from it, and when it comes to drinking water, they usually prefer only cool and fresh water. If your cat drinks stagnant water, she may develop a urinary tract infection, so the water should be changed daily.

6. Stale food

Like water, food in bowls needs to be changed every day. Neither dry nor wet cat food can sit for days, the cat will simply refuse to eat.

7. Certain scents

Cats hate the smell of gasoline, onions and vinegar. They are also sensitive to the smell of menthol, mint and fruits such as oranges and other citrus fruits.

8. Unscheduled awakening

When your pet is fast asleep, do not disturb him! Don't caress, don't scream, and especially don't wake him up. When the cat is rested, she will come up to you to play together, ask for food or hunt around the apartment.

9. Look into the eyes

Cats perceive staring into the eyes as a technique of dominance, and therefore do not like it. However, if you want to win your cat over, try looking at her and blinking very slowly, if she also blinks slowly back, then you have been accepted into the cat family.

10. Ignoring

Most cats do not like to be ignored, so they begin to persistently demand attention. Thus, many owners notice that as soon as they sit down at the computer, start reading a newspaper or talking on the phone, the cat immediately comes up, wraps itself around their legs and demands attention.

11. Collar with bell

Cats are irritated not only by loud noises, but also by devices that reproduce them. These include a collar with a bell, which in practice can lead to serious neurosis. Therefore, remove the bell from the collar and make a ringing toy out of it, the cat will be grateful to you.

12. Traveling by car

With some exceptions, the car is the main enemy of cats. An unpleasant smell, uncontrollable movement, acceleration, braking, noise - all this causes anxiety in the animal. Therefore, if you are going on a trip, think about who to leave your pet with so as not to take it with you and create a stressful situation.

13. Rudeness

Cats love to be watched, but only in certain places. Thus, they prefer gentle and lacquered touches on the head, neck and back. But many people don’t like touching the belly, tail and paws.

14. Strangers

Cats are not friendly to strangers. They like to control the space in which they live, and strangers violate this control. Experts advise giving the cat the opportunity to get to know the new visitor, and not vice versa.

15. Change

Most cats do not like to change their home environment. New smells, sounds, things and people are especially annoying. Therefore, even moving the tray a couple of centimeters can be perceived with aggression, which will find expression in the form of a puddle in the owner’s slippers.

If you find yourself making a few of the above mistakes with your cat, don't worry. Nobody's perfect! Our pets forgive us a lot because they love us, but do not abuse this affection and do not ignore the cat's needs.

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