4 cat breeds that are perfect for living in a private home

Cats are considered one of the most popular pets. These animals are distinguished by their charisma, playfulness, easy-going nature, and attractive appearance. At the same time, cats, like people, each have their own character. When choosing a pet, it is very important to carefully study all the features of the breed so as not to make a mistake. To make it easier for you to decide, the editors of the YaNashla website analyzed these amazing animals and compiled a rating of the best cat breeds for 2022.

Criterias of choice

It is difficult to understand all the varieties of “fluffy breeds” that exist today, especially if a person has not encountered these animals before. Today, about 90 varieties of these pets are recognized by different felinological clubs.

When choosing, it is recommended to pay attention to how difficult it will be to care for your pet. If you do not want to spend your free time combing hair or thinking about the menu, then it is best to give preference to undemanding cats, such as Siamese, Bombay, Egyptian Mau, Abyssinian, Oriental or Cornish Rex.

As practice shows, all long-haired animals require careful care, as they often shed. But, for example, hairless pets often freeze, so they require close attention and special scrupulous care.

If you are a passionate cat lover and want to devote a lot of time to caring for your pet, then you can take a closer look at the following breeds:

  • Persian;
  • Don Sphinx;
  • Canadian Sphynx;
  • Maine Coon;
  • ragdoll;
  • Scottish Fold.

Scottish Fold
When choosing a type of pet, you must take into account your lifestyle. An important aspect is the situation in the house and the life principles of the owner.

If a person is constantly at work and is rarely at home, then those that do not require a lot of communication and care are suitable. Such animals must necessarily have a self-sufficient character. This is the trait that distinguishes the following breeds:

  • British;
  • Egyptian Mau;
  • Maine Coon;
  • Russian blue;
  • munchkin.

Despite the fact that representatives of this species will never bother their owner, they will always welcome him home from work joyfully.

If there are small children in the house, then you should choose from kind and flexible cats. Such animals must be patient and not show aggression even if the baby is naughty. The American Curl, Neva Masquerade, Kurilian Bobtail, Manx, Norwegian Forest, and Turkish Bath are ideal for children.

For people living alone, pets with an affectionate character are ideal. They will definitely make up for the lack of communication and will gladly brighten up the evening with their purring. Such animals include:

  • Bengali;
  • laperm;
  • Thai;
  • Burmese;
  • Japanese Bobtail;
  • Devon Rex.

Devon Rex
The listed varieties of cats are distinguished by their affection for their owner and love attention. They will definitely bring exclusively positive emotions and create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house.

For people who live in a private house, a hunter cat would be an ideal option. This is the kind of pet that will help exterminate rodents. In this case, it is best to give preference to breeds such as American Shorthair, Siberian, Russian Blue, Kuril Bobtail or Turkish Van. Born hunters and rat catchers will always stand guard over your home.

If you already have pets in the house, then in order to avoid conflicts, you should choose from friendly breeds such as the Norwegian Forest, Peterbald, Thai, Japanese or American Bobtail.

When for a person a cat is not only a pet, but also a way of self-expression, it is best to have unusual breeds. In this case, the choice depends entirely on the individual preferences and capabilities of the person. If you want others to admire them when they see a cat, then take a closer look at the following breeds:

  • munchkin;
  • American Curl;
  • laperm;
  • Devon Rex;
  • Cornish Rex;
  • peterbald.

Representatives of these varieties are distinguished by their unusual appearance and at the same time absolutely wonderful character. The main disadvantage of such animals is their high cost.

Recently, cats that look like wild cats have become very popular. They are mainly preferred by those who want to bring exoticism into their everyday life. However, before deciding on such a pet, you should think carefully and weigh everything carefully. If you still want to get yourself just such a pet, then pay attention to the Bengal, Bombay, as well as Ocicat or Savannah breeds. With such animals you will definitely feel like you are in the jungle, since not only their appearance, but also their character contributes to this.

When choosing a breed, you need to decide in advance whether you need a pet to participate in exhibitions, for breeding, or just for joy and comfort in the home. In the first cases, special attention should be paid to the kitten's pedigree.

To walk or not to walk

To decide whether to let your cat out for a walk, you need to decide for yourself which relationship is preferable between you. And only then make a choice. If a cat lives in a house located on a busy street filled with moving vehicles, then for safety reasons it is not recommended to let the animal go for walks. And if the house is located outside the city or there is a large yard, then it is quite possible to send your pet for a walk.

A cat living at home becomes completely domestic. This life suits her quite well, especially if you open the window so that you can breathe fresh air, lying on the windowsill, and admire the birds.

A cat that is let out for a walk will never become completely domestic. She is forced to preserve her wild instincts when she is on the street, and may well bring them into the house. They manifest themselves in the fact that cats and kittens begin to mark their territory in the house. Moreover, this is typical even for castrated animals. In addition, there are many dangers on the street, including infectious diseases that a cat can be exposed to. For a house where children live, keeping an animal without free range is a better option.

Do not forget about preventive vaccinations, which must be done annually.

The calmest cat breeds

Often people prefer to have cats of calm breeds. But this classification does not mean at all that such a pet will lie on the sofa all day. But he will get along well with small children, all family members and pets.


Very beautiful cats with luxurious thick fur and a delicate, friendly, flexible character. Representatives of this species are selflessly devoted to their owner; for them, he is the center of the Universe. Ragdolls get along well with all family members and are sociable. This variety of cats is rightfully considered exceptional, as it ideally combines outstanding character traits and a noble appearance. Angelic eyes of piercing blue color, aristocratic appearance and unpretentiousness make these animals very popular. It’s no wonder that Ragdolls are one of the five most popular breeds in the world.

Cost of a kitten: from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles.


  • attractive appearance;
  • get along wonderfully with all family members;
  • are distinguished by friendliness and peacefulness;
  • absolutely non-aggressive;
  • neat and clean;
  • calm character.


  • vulnerability;
  • cannot stand loneliness;
  • develop slowly;
  • sensitivity.


Semi-longhaired color-point cats appeared relatively long ago. But every year their popularity only increases. Animals of this species grow to medium sizes. They are characterized by pronounced sexual dimorphism.

The appearance of these pets cannot leave anyone indifferent. Expressive oval or rounded eyes with beautifully raised outer corners add mystery to the look, and their bright, almost blue color touches the most hidden notes of the human soul. In addition to the incredible aquamarine eye color, the Burmese cat is also attracted to their luxurious hair. The fur of representatives of this breed is very soft and delicate to the touch.

The Burmese cat is considered exclusively a domestic animal. She does not have any pronounced acrobatic skills, and her innate intelligence does not allow her to survive in street conditions. The animal's fur does not require careful care. Cats are not picky about food.

Cost of a kitten: from 15 to 55 thousand rubles.


  • delicacy;
  • good manners;
  • attractive appearance;
  • devotion combined with strong attachment;
  • knowing of limits;
  • imperturbable calm;
  • unpretentiousness in food;
  • good health;
  • wisdom.


  • not suitable for outdoor use.

British Shorthair

Representatives of this species will become truly wonderful companions for people regardless of age. Representatives of the British breed grow from medium to large sizes and are distinguished by a strong physique. According to existing legend, the Cheshire cat is considered a prominent representative of the breed. According to people’s reviews, it is the “British” ones that are considered the most common and in demand today.

Despite their massive build, British cats are not without agility and grace. Animals have aristocratic manners, as well as an easy, flexible disposition. The character of representatives of this species is calm and balanced. In addition, the owners note high communication skills and incredible patience.

Animals very quickly become attached to their owner and do not miss the opportunity to spend time with him. Representatives of the breed are very patient with children and are not averse to playing with them. But, despite all the listed characteristics, the animal will never allow its own boundaries to be violated.

The British Shorthair is classified as an unpretentious animal that easily adapts to different conditions. Care comes down to basic hygiene and proper nutrition.

Cost of a kitten: from 2,500 to 30,000 rubles.


  • cleanliness;
  • friendliness;
  • ease of care;
  • attractive appearance;
  • flexible and calm character.


  • need for a balanced diet;
  • predisposition to certain diseases.

Maine Coon

Amazing, admirable Maine Coons leave no one indifferent. This native variety of American cats is distinguished by its impressive mass and large size. They are considered reliable friends and companions who quickly and easily win the love and recognition of all family members.

Maine Coons are rightfully considered the giants of the cat world. All of these animals can reach 12 kg. But despite this, cats are distinguished by their wisdom and good nature. The animals are moderately calm, but at the same time quite serious. They are unobtrusive and value their own independence very much. They learn their owner’s habits very quickly and always try to adapt to them.

Cost of a kitten: from 15,000 to 95,000 rubles.


  • balanced and flexible character;
  • sociability;
  • friendliness;
  • unusual appearance.


  • high price;
  • impressive size;
  • the need for increased nutrition.

#10 Maine Coon

Maine Coon

This is one of the smartest cats

She is also quite large and attracts attention with her exotic appearance - she has tufts on her ears, like a lynx. These animals are quite proud, but they are loyal to their owner and do not like strangers.

But it requires a lot of space. Not suitable for an apartment, but for a country house - yes.

The last three cats are considered the best for home keeping and aesthetic pleasure from the breed.

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You will also be interested to look at the most beautiful horse in the world. This is a Friesian stallion. And he is simply magnificent! He has his own Facebook page and thousands of subscribers. The horse loves to pose and be on camera. Probably, this is not only the most beautiful, but also the happiest horse in the world. See his photo collection here.

You can read more interesting materials on Clutch.

The best hypoallergenic cat breeds

In the modern world, people often find themselves unable to have a pet as a result of allergies. To solve such problems, special breeds were bred that do not cause allergic reactions.


Graceful and elegant cats with an impressive appearance. They are rightly compared to the creations of a sculptor. In addition, they are distinguished by high intelligence and loving disposition. If you dream of an unusual, friendly and playful pet, then confidently get yourself an animal of this breed.

Representatives of this species quickly and easily find a common language with all family members and household inhabitants. They never harbor grudges, but they experience special affection and single out only one owner. These pets have a patient and accommodating disposition.

The Peterbald is considered a heat-loving cat that is not capable of living outside. Like other sphinxes, they simply love walks in the fresh air. But before leaving the house, it is advisable to put clothes on your pet. Animals are not picky about food and have an excellent appetite.

Cost of a kitten: from 8,000 to 100,000 rubles.


  • attractive exotic appearance;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • playfulness;
  • good-natured disposition.


  • excessive talkativeness;
  • loud voice;
  • the need for careful skin care.

Canadian Sphynx

Representatives of this species are distinguished not only by their calmness, balance and easy-going nature, but also by the fact that they have no fur on their body. Sphynxes are elite representatives of the cat family, so strict requirements are imposed on their appearance.

Canadian Sphynxes are distinguished by their friendliness and devotion to their owner. After appearing in the house, the animal quickly becomes attached to the person. Such pets do not tolerate being alone for a long time.

Representatives of this breed never allow themselves to show aggression. That is why these animals are preferred by families with small children. Parents can safely leave the animal alone with the baby. Representatives of this breed get along very well with other animals. Canadian Sphynx cats are rightfully considered to be very smart pets who can easily learn to use the litter tray, remember commands and pick up on the intonation of their owner.

Cost of a kitten: from 9,000 to 30,000 rubles.


  • lack of hair;
  • a varied palette of colors;
  • friendly disposition;
  • good health;
  • high intelligence.


  • need for clothing;
  • the need for careful care;
  • strong dependence on a person.

Russian blue

Cats of this breed initially gained popularity not in Russia, but abroad. Traveling through the Russian North, Englishwoman Karen Cox took a couple of kittens to Europe, where they soon gave birth to offspring. Cats were loved for their double, seemingly plush fur and original color.

The Russian Blue excels in hunting. In addition, cats are not afraid of water and can swim well. In the old days they were kept on sea trading ships and were very much valued.

For a private home, the Russian Blue cat is an excellent option. She is aristocratic, delicate and will certainly get along with the entire large family of the owner. And the spaciousness of the house is an excellent condition for the furry pet to play with children.

The most sociable cats

There has long been an opinion that representatives of the cat family prefer to walk “by themselves” and do not need human company. But despite this, there are cat breeds that are distinguished by excessive sociability and affection for humans. It is these animals that we will talk about below.

Cornish Rex

Seeing a representative of this species for the first time, it is simply impossible not to admire the animal. Attention is immediately attracted by its unusual appearance, wavy, soft fur and piercing eyes. In addition, the animals also have a cheerful, flexible character. The pet will never refuse to play and spend time with its owner.

Representatives of this species require attention from people and love it when people give them time. Pets are not shy about expressing their love, and I do it with full dedication. The arsenal of animals of this breed has many sounds and intonations, which they happily demonstrate. Because of their excessive curiosity, cats will not leave any corner of the house unattended.

Cost of a kitten: from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles.


  • unusual appearance;
  • kindness and cheerful character;
  • easy care;
  • ease of education;
  • hypoallergenic.


  • do not tolerate loneliness well;
  • high price.


Persian cats are considered one of the most popular and ancient varieties. Animals attract attention due not only to their exotic appearance, but also to their excessive sociability. Persian cats are loving and are completely unsuited to life on the street. Animals get along well with all family members and are distinguished by intelligence and restraint. They are very easy to train. But, despite many advantages, when giving preference to this breed, you should be prepared for the fact that keeping such a pet requires special attention. This is especially true for wool, which requires careful care.

Cost of a kitten: from 5,000 to 50,000 rubles.


  • sociability;
  • attractive appearance;
  • flexible character.


  • requires careful eye and coat care.

Once upon a time there was a black cat

Black cats have always seemed like mystical creatures to people. Many myths, superstitions and legends have been created about them. In fact, these are very graceful, affectionate and playful animals that are not particularly different from cats of any other color.

A house cat is necessary not only to catch mice and rid the owners of their invasion. Possessing the strongest energy, it is able to influence people’s health, improve well-being, relieve pain, stress, normalize blood pressure, etc. And the black cat is especially distinguished by this. In a house where such an animal lives, the energy supply is much better. It is believed that a black cat brings prosperity and good luck to its owners.

How to make a cat house with your own hands - brief step-by-step instructions

You can always try to show your own creative ideas and make a house for your pet with your own hands. Of course, the choice of material affects the tools used. To work with plywood you need a jigsaw, a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, but when building a house from cardboard you will need PVA wood glue, a good utility knife and a furniture stapler.

Before starting work, it is imperative to outline a clear step-by-step plan in order to end up with not just a box, but a cozy cat home.

Cardboard house from a box

The easiest way to assemble a cat house from a box is by yourself. The average size fits into the parameters 40×60×40 cm. The height of the home should allow the pet to sit there at full height. The first assembly method: take a finished box and, using a furniture stapler, cover it first with a soft lining, and then cover it with any fabric on top. However, the sizes are not always suitable. In this case, cut the box into components and assemble it using PVA glue. The joints can be additionally glued using strips of fabric. The hole for the manhole is cut with a regular cutter.

The second method involves a large amount of corrugated cardboard.

Corrugated cardboard house

According to the drawing made, all the details are cut out. The stability and strength of the product is ensured by a large number of elements glued together.

Cat tent

You can assemble a tent from available materials, such as a large T-shirt with a round neck and a couple of metal hangers. The work plan is simple:

  1. The cardboard bottom is covered with tape for strength.
  2. In each corner of the cardboard, make holes with an awl, 3 cm from the edge.
  3. Unbend the hangers and use pliers to bite off the uneven edges.
  4. The hangers need to be placed crosswise, connecting their tips with the holes in the cardboard bottom.
  5. The edges of the hangers are folded and secured with tape.
  6. The T-shirt is pulled over the structure so that the neck is in the place of the future hole.
  7. The fabric is stretched and pinned under the bottom.

Homemade house

Soft bed

The base of the soft bed is made of hard plywood. While the cat is lying down, take measurements of the length and width, leaving plenty of free space. Now you can make markings on the plywood. After this, the future sunbed is cut out using a jigsaw. All that remains is to put a layer of foam rubber on it, which is covered with any thick fabric on top. The fabric is secured under the lounger using a furniture stapler. It’s good if you can attach straps or metal hooks to the sunbed so that you can install the structure on the radiator during the heating season.

Outdoor plywood house

Before you make an outdoor plywood house for your cat, you will need a set of tools and a number of sheets of plywood. Sample work plan:

  1. A model of the future house is being developed, taking into account the dimensions of the animal and the location of the house.
  2. Paper markings are transferred to plywood.
  3. All parts are cut out with a jigsaw.
  4. Before assembly begins, if desired, the interior sides of the future home are trimmed with foam rubber and thick fabric.
  5. Assembly of structural parts is done using a screwdriver and small self-tapping screws.
  6. The roof of a cat's house must be removable to allow sanitary treatment of the home.

DIY play complex for cats

This is perhaps the most difficult design to make with your own hands. In addition to tools and material, prepare some patience. The future complex needs to be displayed on paper in finished form. After the appearance is thought out, you need to count the number of shelves, supports and other elements. All dimensions must be reflected on paper, taking into account the dimensions of an adult cat and the location of the complex. If there are several pets, then the design can include a house for two or more cats.

Approximate drawing of the gaming complex

Markings are made on the plywood, all parts are cut out according to the drawing and assembled onto supports. The supports themselves are made from PVC pipes, wrapped with twisted twine. The main task: to do everything efficiently and safely for the pet.

The more parts, the more difficult it is to assemble the entire structure. Here is an example of a video with step-by-step instructions for making a cat house with your own hands:

Here's another interesting option:

Where can I buy a house for cats and at what price?

Today you can purchase a ready-made house in a pet store or through online suppliers who present a wide variety of models. Prices vary depending on the quality of construction, number of parts, material and size.

Houses for cats can be bought inexpensively: small cardboard structures cost from 200 rubles. Plywood houses cost from 700 rubles. The more interesting elements, the more expensive a pet’s home will cost. Sun loungers can be purchased at a price of 400 rubles.

The gaming complex will be the most expensive. The minimum price is 2200 rubles.

Taking care of your pet is the main task of the owner. It’s still worth deciding on the choice of a future comfortable place for your beloved cat.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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